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The Kansas City Sun from Kansas City, Missouri • Page 1

Kansas City, Missouri
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mm Advertise Your Business and Get Results. Advertise Your Business and Get Results. VOLUME XI, NUMBER 42. Entered as second-class matter, August i 1908, at the postofflce at Kansas City, under the act of March 3, 1879. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, SATURDAY, JULY 1920.

Nelson C. Editor and Owner willa Qlenn Peebles General Manager PRICE, 5c. PERRY GIVES FREE BARBECUE TO 1,000 OLD PEOPLE AND CHILDREN mm i i i i i i MMWswwwMi i iiisjwmwwmimsswmsim REPUBLICANS CAN WIN MISSOURI IF THEY GET TOGETHER AND STOP FIGHTING Prominent Men Tour South Their Purpose to Make An Exhaustive Study of Negro Business and Educational Development An Interesting Trip From Every Angle CHAPTER 8. We left Chattanooga via the N. C.

St. L. railroad at 1:35 of the morn-Ing of April 18 and arrived in Nashville, termed "the Athens of the South," at 7 o'clock in the morning. We were met by a splendid committee composed of the representative citizens headed by Dr. Henry Allen Boyd of the great Nashville Baptist Publishing Board, and in automobiles owned by Messrs.

Preston Taylor, W. J. Hale. H. A.

Boyd, W. H. McGavock, C. V. Roman, J.

C. Napier, I. T. Bryant, J. H.

Hale and A. H. Johnson were escorted to the commodious Y. M. C.

and from there to the various places we had been assigned to stop. It being Sunday, the members of our party availed them; selves of the privilege of attending services at various churches the city, Drs. Hurse and Calloway officiated at some of the, most prominent Baptist churches during the day, while at St. John's A. M.

E. Church Lawyer Calloway, Dr. H. M. Smith, Mr.

H. L. Kinsler, Mr. S. R.

Hopkins, Dr. H. Williams and Editor Crews were introduced and called on for brief remarks. This being Judge Calloway's native home, and Church of which his deceased father was a class leader for thirty years, he was given a great ovation when presented and responded by- delivering a very happy and elegant address, after which he introduced the editor who spoke of some of the achievements of African Methodism in its century of existence. In the afternoon, in company with Dr.

Smith and Dr. Hale (who owns one of the finest private hospitals in this country) and Mrs. Hale, we visited the Davidson County Tubercular Sanitarium and County Asylum and found them very interesting places scrupulously neat and comparatively no discrimination shown between white and colored patients. In the evening we attended the sacred concert at the Spruce Street Baptist Church, where we heard a splendid musical program and a very interesting lecture by the distinguished Dr. S.

N. Vass. On Monday morning immediately after breakfast the most strenuous program we had yet undertaken began and was as follows: 8:50, Meharry Medical College, Hubbard Hospital and Walden University; 9:50, Mt. Ararat, Greenwood Park, Greenwood Cemetery and the Masonic Home; A. 31.

E. Sunday School Union; 10:30, Millie Hale Hospital; 10:45, Cedar Street business houses, Y. M. C. Negro banks, 4th avenue business houses; 11:30, National Baptist Publishing Board; 12:00, East Nashville Fire Department; 12:15, National Baptist Theological Seminary; 1:00, Roger Williams University; 1:30, Pearl High School; 2:00, Fisk University; 3:00, A.

I. State Normal. At' historic Meharry we were greeted by more than five' hundred students who made the auditorium ring when Dr. Perry of our party who was introduced by Dean Hubbard as one I of the distinguished gra'duates of the institution. In a few well chosen words, Dr, Perry thanked the student body for its cordial reception, spoke of the wonderful achievement of the Institution and at the conclusion of hs brief address, presented the school $100.00 for Its Endowment Fund, which again brought a tumult of cheer.

Nelson C. Qrews was then introduced, and in a brief patriotic address roused the student body to a high, pitch of enthusiasm. Lawyer Callaway was also given an ovation when he was introduced as Nashville boy who has succeeded in liberating Dr. Bundy from prison. Our visit to Mt.

Aarat, Greenwood Park, Greenwood Cemetery and the Masonlq Home the management of all of which Rev. Preston Taylor is closely identified and who, by tho way has one of the most beautiful Country homes wo have ever seen, was very interesting and brought many exclamations of praise and astonishment from our party. At the famous 31, E. Sunday School Union which has been brought to such a high state of 'efficiency through the tireless ef forts of Ira T. Bryant, was a point of much interest to the majority of our delegation who are affiliated in some way with the A.

M. E. church. Prof. Bryant has done a wonderful work here, fairly earned the unanimous en dorsement he received at the hands of the General Conference recently held in St Louis.

Our next stop was the Millie Halo Hospital owned, controlled and man aged by Dr. J. H. Hale and his splen did wife who is Superintendent and a registered nurse. The doctors of our party pronounced it the most complete, private surgical hospital owned by the race and many were the compliments showered upon Dr.

Hale, and his amiable wife upon their splendid contribution to race de velopment. Our next hour was put in visiting the Y. M. C. Negro banks, business men and business bouses along Cedar street and Fourth Avenue and while Nashville has not made the remarkable development along these lines that some of the other cities visited have, yet she, has no reason to feel ashamed of the, etr forts that have been put forth.

Our next stop was at the great Nashville Baptist Publishing House, which has a national reputation and which has unquestionably the largest and best equipped printing and publishing plant owned by the race In the world. The Boyds, father and son, are to be complimented for the wonderful work they have done for the race and their Church in the building up of this wonderful Institution. May their shadows never grow less. After thorough inspection of this plant and an opportunity to meet its nearly three hundred employes among whom were some, of the most beautiful women we have met in the Southland, were carried on a hurried trip to the, headquarters of the Colored Fire Department in East Nashville, then back to the National Baptist Theological Seminary, past Roger Williams University presided over by the distinguished Inman E. Page for many years President of Lincoln Institute of this state, then to the Pearl High School and then to the State Normal where after the student body had assembled in the beautiful Chapel we heard one of the most forceful, courageous and remarkable addresses that we'd heard on our entire trip; every word remains with us yet from the lips of Governor Roberts who was responded to by Editor Crews in what the members o.t the party say was the greatest speech ho delivered on the entire tour.

The response brought lears to the eyes of not only the Governor but many who sat on the platform and in the audience in a magnificent plea for mercy for a condemned Negro whom the Governor said was upon his mind night and day as well as a plea for the Governor to adhere to his announced decision without prejudice or favor of all the people 4of Tennessee, both black and white. Here a most elaborate dinner was served interspersed with orchestral selections and chorus singing. And it was nearly five o'clock when a start was made for our last point on our itinerary, famous Fiske University, where we arrived in time to witness the most cultured, refined and really handsome student body that we've ever seen march quietly and quickly into tho massive dining hall to the strains ot an excellent orchestra where, after all were seated the President introduced Principal Lee and Hon. C. H.

Calloway for brief addresses. Here we met Rev. Dr. S. W.

Crosthwait, a brother of our own Prof. D. N. Crostblalt for many years a member of the faculty of the Lincoln High School this City. Rev.

Crosthwait presented us with a portrait of tho original bible glyen to President Abraham Lincoln by the Colored pepjle ot July 4, 18G4 as a token of appreciation of the Colored people for his part in their oinaricipation. This beautlul volume Is at Fiske University. We await with eagerness the coming of the Rev. Dr. Crosthwait to this city where he will deliver a lecture on this remarkable incident.

While at Fiske University wo were favored with two Selec tions by the student body that could not be surpassed by any conservatory In America, after which we returned to the City fully satisfied that Nashville and her people deserve the splendid reputation they have among our race and with new vision and new ideas as to the things we must do In the West if wo are to keep pace with the onward march of racial progress. At 8:30 p. m. we left over the Louisville Nashville for our next stop, the progressive city of Louisville, Ky of which we will speak in our next Chapter. FREE BARBECUE DINNER.

Henry Perry, the well known barbecue man, who has a heart as big as Kansas Cly is making extensive preparation to serve a free barbecue to 1000 old men, women and children Satuday, July 3d at 5:30 p. m. on the vacant ground just back of his establishment at 19th. and Vine street. All old people of both Kansas Cities are welcome.

Tables will be spread on the lawn and all who come will be served to their hearts content. This spread will cost Mr. Perry at least $500.00 but as he has neither wife nor children and as he says "God has been so good to me," he doesn't mind it. Remember the hours 5 to 8 p. m.

Saturday. HENRY PERRY. Better known as the "Barbecue King" who will give a free barbecue with soda pop, lemonade and to al the old Colored people and Children, Saturday, July 3, at his place, 19th and Vine strees. NEGRO MINISTER AMONG 10 TAKEN ON GAMING CHARGE The Rev. J.

M. Booker, a negro minister residing at 1329 Vine street was "among those present' 'at a tailor shop at 8277 East Fifteenth street yesterday when a police raiding squad entered. Ten men, including the minister, were loaded into a patrol wagon and taken to the Nineteenth street station where they were charged with gambling. At the station, a policeman asked Booker to explain his presence at the tailor shop. "Ah was just offerln' spiritual advice to man friends," he said.

The Kansas City Journal, The above article is. very unjust to one of Kansas City1 leading. Colored ministers. The Sun does not believe nor will it believe that Rev. Booker was in any way connected with the gambling being indulged in at this establishment.

This is another demonstration 'of the white press taking advantage of every opportunity offered it to hold -up for criticism members of our race. At the trial Tuesday morning it was proven Dr. Booker had torn his coat and stopped at tho first tailor shop he came to enroute home (which happened to be this place) to COMING? YES, HE'S COMING! On Wednesday Evening, July 7, 1920 to-second BAPTIST CHURCH' Tenth and Charlotte Streets HON. WM. MONROE TROTTER Delegate of thp Equal Rights League "Paris Peace Conference" "How He Got There" Exciting! Soul-Stirring! The Choir will furnish Music Everybody Invited Admission 25c.


E. SHAW pastor of St. James A. E. Zion Church, 1805 Woodland Avenue, who has just paid the long standing second mortgage on St, James Church.

During the seventeen months of Dr. Shaw's pastorate many members have been added to the Church and nearly five thousand dollars has been raised. A. TWO GREAT BLUNDERS THAT MADE FOR NEGRO EMANCIPATION AND NATIONAL UNITY. By J.

Dallas Bowser. When old John Brown in that memorable night of October 10, 1859, hurled his Javalin against the Gibraltar of the slave power at Harper's Ferry with design to rend it asunder and make henceforth an unobstructed passage for the slaves of the Old Dominion to the haven ot human liberty, he committed a blunder that was farcical, almost laughable, but for its serious purpose and glorious af-termatji. For only an unreasoning fanatic would have attacked the South, entrenched as it was behind a bulwark of tradition, the prestige of aristocratic caste, and the odious fugitive slave laws, with only a score of men, poorly equipped as to arms, and inexperienced as to military ttrainlng. The why! and wherefore of Uiis ridiculous blunder was John Brown's expectation that the slaves of, Virginia would rally by hundreds and thousands to his little band of seventeen whites and five Negroes from the North, and fight their way through to freedom with pikes! Discarding the employment of fire arms, choosing not to take human life unless absolutely necessary. Ot course the slaves failed to rally; less than a hundred coming to his assistance.

case they had ten thousand of them, unarmed except with pikes they could have made no effectual resistance against the disciplined forces of the Virginia militia. Yet though Brown's crusade failed in its immediate purpose, its conse- quences were far reaching. His was have it repaired and while talking to the tailor the place -was raided. The fact that all the other men arrested were white and strangers to Dr. Booker should have convinced the officers he was innocent but one ot them gruffly said drawing his gun, "Our orders are to bring everybody" and he was taken but was immediately discharged when Judge Fleming heard his story.

a pulpit that proclaimed a warning and a prophecy. It's text was "Negro Emancipation." It was the second shot heard round the world. And as the earthquake at Lisbon rocked the waves of ocean on the shores of Cuba three thousand miles away, so the thunderings from John Brown's' pulpit at Harper's Ferry, shook this continent and hence was the occasion' of a second egregious blunder that made for righteousness and human i freedom. II. THE SOUTH.

Virginia was filled with panic and rage. In scarcely a twelve months1 the south had begun to secede. Assured of success in disunion it fled to arms, blindly blundering under the mistaken belief that pattriotic loyalty to a united country was so weak in the free states that an exodus of Northern democrats, a million strong, would rush to join the armies of the South. But as no slaves answered the call of John Brown so no Northern disloyalists answered the call ot the south and she carried on her hopeless campaigns for four long years alone. John Brown was promptly crucified for his blunder, but God lifted a million hearts to his gibbet, as the Roman cross lifted a million of hearts to it in that divine sacrifice of two thousand years ago.

It gave to the country Lincoln's Proclamation of Emancipation. The South paid dearly for its blunder, not only in the loss of its slaves and millions of treasure, but it gave to the future an undivided country, one flag and one common destiny, won by the glistening bayonets ot a million yankee soldiers which the dragon teeth it has sown had come forth at their coun- try's call. WANTED AT ONCE. The Sun desires to secure the services of thre compentent, in- telligent ladles as solicitors. You can earn $25.00 a week easily.

Come in and talk it over) with the Business Mgr. WE WANT YOU AT ONCE, Office 1803 E. 18th Street. ATTENTION. The Grand Lodge T.

P. O. E. of W. meets in this city, August 22nd, to 27th, and the reputation of the Negroes of Kansas City is at stake.

"We beg of you to sacrifice and co-operate with us for it will require every home occupied by Negroes in Kansas City to accomodate the visitors that will be here on those dates. Kindly call Housing'Committee Headquarters, 1315 East 18th Street. Telephone, Bell Grand 2898 and inform the Secretary as to how many you will be able to accomodate. A member of the Committee will call upon you andv give you further information concerning same. HOUSING COMMITTEE.

Felix II. Payne, Chairman. Old-Time Revival Hear ye ye! Oh yes, Oh yes, be It known to the East, West, North and South, there will be art old time Southern revival such as our mothers and fathers used to enjoy away back in Old Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas and Virgin-la. The St. Stephens' Baptist Church will hoist its tent for the third time at Twelfth and Michigan for the sole purpose of saving the unsaved, since there are so many of our own people that do not attend any church and are absolutely on their way to hell! The Master said "Go ye out into the hedges and highways and compel them to come!" If you believe in real religion and sound conversions, good preaching, good singing of the old plantation melody and good praying, sound and pure gospel, come to this meeting.

Bring someone with you; someone that is out of Christ, someone wno puts their time in at the "movies," someone who plays pol icy, some fallen girl or boy, and have them saved by grace. Everybody is cordially invited. We have secured the service of Rev. N. Nichols of Little Rock, for the first ten days and the Rev.

Dr. Green, the world's wonder, of Kansas City, Kansas and his good people will assist In this great battle for the Lord Jesus Christ. The R. B. Porter Jubilee Singers ot Little Rock will be present every evening.

Don't fall to hear them if you want your hearts filled with good singing. We have already enrolled more than one REV. J. W. HURSE, D.

I hundred known as the Prayer Band, wlm will conduct the Praise Service every evening beginning at 7:30 o'clock sharp. There will be a seating capacity for three thousand peo ple but don't wait for the shade of the evening. If you want seats, come on to the tent, though the sun be shining, for the days are long and nights are short. This will possibly be the last summer outing of the St. Stephen's Baptist Church, so don'J miss it.

Come and help us to save the souls of lost men and women and let them join whatever church they wish to join, just so their souls are saved. Help us to make Kansas City a better place to live in, in the name of Him Who suffered and died for us all. COME and let us do some REAL Kingdom building. This great battle will begin the first Sunday in July. Praise Meeting at 10:30 a.

11, preaching; at 2:30 o'clock Sunday School; at 4 o'clock. Old Fashioned Southern Praise Meeting; at 6:30 o'clock, B. Y. P. at 8 o'clock, preaching.

This meeting will run until the Lord says stop. Tho Deacon Board, The Mother's Board, The Prayer Band, The Trustee Board and The Usher Board are all lined up on one accord for Christ and humanity. REV. J. W.

HURSE, Pastor, CLARA BROWN, Church Clerk. Crawford-Wood Wedding. The marriage of Miss Ethelyn Crawford, daughter of Mr. John Crawford, and Mr. Doris Woods was solesnlzed Wednesday evening June 23, at o'clock at the home of tthe bride's faher.

Rev. A. H. Higgs, pastor of the Centennial M. E.

Church, officiated. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was gowned in hand embroidered georgette over white satin and carried a bouquet ot bride's roses and phlox tied with Tull. She wore a necklace and ear screws with Cameo Pendant, tho gifts of the groom. Miss Margarett Sallee, who was, bride's maid, was gowned in pink georgette and wore a corsage bouquet of pink Killarney Roses. Mr.

Robert Crawford, brother of the bride attended Mr. Wood as best man. Mrs. Robert Crawford was matron of honor and wore gray flowered georgette. Before the entrance of the bridal party Mrs.

Nellie Hendricks sang, "I Love You Truly" and "At Dawning." Miss Arzetha Franklin played the wedding march. Mrs. Edna Tutt, Mrs. Nannie Burke and Mrs. Rosa C.

Gipson were attendants. Mrs. R. V. Adklns had charge of the presents.

Mrs. Tutt, who was gowned in pink georgette. embroidered in beads, served as the bride's and maid's atetndanl. A reception was served after the ceremony in the dining room. A souvenir heart was given each guest.

Mrs. Robert Crawford was assisted by Mrs. George Conner, Misses Florence Frye. Alice Ricketts, Edna Tutt, Nannie Burke and Arzetha Franklin. The colors were white, pink and green.

The bride threw her boquet and it was caught by Miss Catherine Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Wood will be at home at 2106 Woodland. Many useful and valuable presents were given.

Presents Silver water pitcher, Cen tennial Choir; oak rocker, Steward Board Centennial Church; linen table I runner. Mr and Mrs. O. V. Watts and I mother: bath towel, Mrs.

Harmon I (white) Japanese breakfast cloth. M. B. Neal; night shirt and silk hose, Mrs. H.

Neal; set silver knives and forks, wedding cake, two pieces I handkerchief linen, hand embroidered lingerie, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gary (white) two linen handkerchiefs and towel, -irs.

Amanda Eligar; bath towel Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts; lluen table runner, Mr.

and Mrs. Lige Hendricks; twelve hand painted plates, Mrs. Rosa Johnson, Miss Margaret Sallee; six hand painted bread and butter plates, Mr. and Mrs. Vire, Miss Mae Vire and Mr.

George Walker; tea set, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Washington; cut glass bowl, Mr. and Mrs.

R. V. Adkins and baby, Helen, set Ice tea spoons, Whtb-ray family; berry spoon, Rev. and Mrs. N.

L. Lee; cut glass water set, Miss Arzetha Franklin; cut glass jam set, Mr. and Mrs. George Cannon; olive fork, jam spoon, Mr. and Mrs.

S. C. Gipson and Miss Leila; canned fruit, Mrs. George Coner; pair linen towels, Mr. M.

McLance; bath set, Mrs. Lou-venia Washington and Miss Catherine Washington; cut glass ice tea mugs, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.

Horace Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr.

and Mrs. Sol Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Soney, Wilson; cut glass tea glasses, Mrs. Bessie Bibbs and daughter; ntckle plated pel cola tor, Miss Florence Frye; twelve pieces aluminum set, Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Crawford; food grinder, Mr. and Mrs. Tutt, Mr. and Mrs. Burk; pair Japanese candle sticks, Mr, and Mrs.

Sherfleld Douglass frying pan, Mrs. Vina Owens and Company; initial bath towel, Mrs. Wm. Graham; pair linen towels, Mr. and Mrs.

J. O. Morrison; linen pillow cases, Mr. and Mrs. C.

H. Warrick; cut glass creamer, sugar and.napple, Mrs. Moain; set of mixing bowls, Mr. Martin Franklin, Miss Ruth Green; salad forks, Mr. and Mrs.

Chas. Palmer; white satin finish bedspread. Mr. and Mrs. Dale, Mr.

and Mrs. Tol-son; embroidered pillow cases, Mrs. Leon Joseph; hand painted dining room picture, Mr. and Mrs, Blackstone, Miss Mildred Fortson, Mrs. R.

Davis; linen breakfast set, Mrs. Ethel Shores, Miss Elnora: Maxey, Mrs. A. Mlxon; cherry seeder and food press, Mr. Ar thur Woods (white); linen lunch cloth, double shamrock edging, Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Freeland. Mr. Chas. H.

Adklns, set ot gold band cup and saucers, Mrs. Ella Barber, hen and twelve little chicks. YES INDEED. It the Chicago Giants had stopped at Jeff's Lunch, they would have played better baseball. Try JefFa 1900 Vino street..

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