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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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Bent so the tree will grow. The early lessons of childhood leave a impression. the home is the'true sphere of woman, she cannot begin too young to acquire the art of taking care of it. One of the most helpful lessons she can learn is that SANTA is not only the most efficient means of keeping things clean, but tlie most economical as'well. Whether used for washing clothes or cleaning house it proves its worth beyond question.

It's never too late for a woman to learn the Santa Claus lesson. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, CHICAGO.

LEAllEfiS. This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Blackwell's Genuine BULL DURHAM You will find one coupon Inaldo each 2 ounce bag and two coupons Imide 4 ounce bag, Buy bag, rwl tbe coupon uad cue bow to cot your of la presents. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSEL 1'nrdoned by the Treildent. Washington, Aug.

C. The president JTliarsday granted a pardon to John ifcyons, scnteneed in Arizona to tarns and a half years' impri80ni4ient for rob- btap a post office. The president also pardoned, on account of declining Kealtb, John Day Bryant, convicted iu of larceny, and has ytt one irionth to serve of a years' Sentence. In this case the pardon is grouted solely ou account of the declin: -iiigr health of the convict. CHARLES H.

MATCHETT. LI Visits tlio Portsmouth Dock, 'London, iVnp-. Li Hung Cluing', ihe Chinuse statesman, who wasre- by the queen at Osborne house, IiTe of AVig-ht, made an fospection ot the Portsmouth clock y.ircl 'Thursday morning and rcturn'cd london in the afternoon. Futnl Fiill of Fiqnn, 0., Aug-. 0, The scaffold on a buJiding- erected nt Covington, six miles u'est pave way Wcdnesdiiy niorning-'while several men were at work upon it.

'Emanuel 'Pox, 'of Marysville, fell CO feet, breaking his reck, and wns dond picked up. i(i)ddox. of Marysville, sustained friictiire of tlie skull nnd cannot BDver. Candidate for the t'recl- donoy of tho United States. Charles 31.

Mntchetl, the socialist- labor candidate for the presidency of the United States, is carpenter, who lives in Brooklyn. He -works for union wages with nnd level, just like any other carpenter, nnd is one of the most unassuming men in the big town of which he-is a citizen. He is not new in the political fiekl. He wns once a candidate for the mayoralty of Brooklyn, nnd four yenrs ago he asked the people to vote for him ns vice president on the labor ticket. Later he was nominated by the socialists for governor of -N ew York.

Mr. Matehettis nn eloquent speaker, but he will not appeal- on the stump for bis 1 in this campaign, lie snys that he has no money to spend in this way. He. must earn his own living and will continue his daily work at the bench and trust to the patriotism of the people for their votes. The social- LADIES Know the 5 47 Certain Remedy for diseases of the Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs is Dr.J.H, MCLEAN'S LIVER AND KIDNEY BALM It Cures Female Troubles AIDfuggliti, Prloi, $1,00 Per Bottle DO.

J. H. McLUN MIOICINC Co. LOUIS, MO. Thirty Years Experience 1 have tlie fl and Nerve Tonic omeartlvAir all weukenctl conditions regard' £1 Medicine sent for One Dollar 'ATllofrtiion.

M.D.. Bltlle Wisconsin Republicans Nominate Soofield for Governor. Pingree Unanimously Chosen Candidate for Governor by Michigan 'Milwaukee, Aug. delegates visitors to the republican state convention were on hand early Thursday morning 1 nnd -greiit exposition hall was pretty well crowded when Chairman Griffin nt 10:35 o'clock called the convention to order. No time wns lost in and the seSonding speeches for candidates was taken up where it wns left off when the convention night.

The first seconding 1 speech was made by Theodore -the Fourth district, for Tjnl'ollcttc, and he was followed liy Judge Heed, of Appleton, with glowing eulogy on Baensch. Henry Snnford, of Calumet county, r.lso seconded the nomination ot Bai'iiseh and Sro'field wns seconded C. B. Boiirclninn. oC Oshkosh.

Speech. Chairman Cirillin then left (he plat Why doesn't know that hortid nightmare when the feet refuse to move, and you dragr along; by main force, witb sonic sort of terror chasing after you 7 It is something the same way with the mare of "biliousness." It forni, stepped the spectators nnd brought Senator Thurslon, of Ji brnskn, lo the clmi-r by ills Jte- to calls for fijieeoh, the senator s.polu> briefly very 'avoided to tlie 'contest, cm linnd. this address. VT. L.

Han- seu, of Jtondovi. seconded I he noniinn- tion of Bradford. Ex-Lieut, Gov. Fificld. of Ashland, made a speech 1'cv Seofioltl.

Congressman Minor, nf Sturgeon- Kny, seconder! the noTiiination On the call of the district, George P. of Ashland, came forward and socoudec! tiie nomination of Lal'ollette. A grraf. demonstration by the LiiFoIU'tlp peoplr followed this speech, which lusted fully ten minutes and the Srpflcld. took a.

tiirn at applause, was, however, not so prolonged as that for Clnson, of- Oconro, also seconded and K. 0. Mills closed the seconding speeches, for LnFollette. The Bllllotn. The roll cnll of counties was.

then ordered for the first First hallot: LaFolk-tte, ScofloM, Baenseh, S3; Elliott, 1SV4; Brndforfl, 31: Estnhrook. C. Socoritl bo.llot: LaPnllcltc, 25S: Soofield, MS4: Bnnnsch, Elliott. 31: Bradford, 20: Esiabrook. C.

Third ballot: LnFollettc. Scofield, Buensch, OOV4: Elliott, II; Bracllord, Estnbrook, 3. Necessary to choice. 341. Scofield 1.4 Nominated.

Fourth ballot: Scotleld, 94 El11ou. Bradford, Kstixbrook, 3, Fifth Scotldd, 323K-: LjiFollotte, 238; Baer.sch, JOSVJ; Elliott, Bradford, JSstiibrook, 3. No choice. Scofleld nominated on sixth bnllot. Motion made to rtnominate old ticket by.

acclamation. Tho 1 The platform presented to the convention was as follows: "The republicans oC Wisconsin, convention assembled, announce their cordial and hearty endorsement of the platform of principles, adopted by, the late national convention of St. JLouIa. anfl, pledge a loyal, united and vigorous support of. the principles and policies therein announced and denned.

We believe that in the restoration to power In national affairs of the party that stands for a. sound and (table currency, honest money with which to, pay the wages of labor, buy products of. the farm and factory, and carry. on tho business of this great country, and for a falr'and equitable protective tariff, that will protect all the people and every section of the country, give employment to American labor, preserve to American producers the tlrst chance In our great homo market, and at the same time give us enough revenue to pay the necessary expensed of carrying on the government, lies the only hope of return to our former prosperity. "Wo recognize In William McKtnley and Garrett Hobart, our nominees for president anil vice president, the highest character and candidates in whose wisdom, integrity and patriotism all the people can safely put their trust and confidence: seems to paralyze your weigh you down like lead and drnu you back with an unshakcable clutch.

You can't get away from the misery that pursues you. You feel dull and languid and low-spirited your appetite is your stomach is out of ofder, your sleep is disturbed, you arc irritable and- "cranky." no real lively enjoyment of life. What you need is Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery to tone up your liver and help it in working the imparities out of your blood. The live! has a lawe shnre of this purifyinir work to do and sometimes it grets over-loaded so the impurities back up on to the other orcans of the body the kidneys or skin or lungs, and take root, then it's a harder matter ti clear them out.

Wherever they settle they are all blood diseases just the "Discovery," will cure any blood disease that'wan ever named, scrofula, eczema; catarrh, ulcers, swellings, severe coughs and even consumption. But the: cure is-a harder job when the trouble has gone as far as that. The right way is to these impurities before they take root, while they arc still floating in the blood and ovcr-load- Ine the liver. Drive them out early. You can do it surely every time, with the "Golden Medical Dr.

Piorce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is the greatest family doctor book ever ujur.ft published. It explains human physiology and the laws of lire and health in plain yet scientific It a tremendous sale; coiiies at each bound in cloth. The present free edition is the same in all respects except that it is in strong raanilla paper covers. A copy will be absolutely given away to anyone who sends 21 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailins? World's Dispensary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N.

Y. was ordered for the nomination for governor. First ballot: pinfrree, 333; Bliss, O'Donnell, S3; Wheeler, 17; Conant. 22. Second ballot: PlnKroe, 3CS; Bliss.

213; O'Donnell, 78: Altken, 49; Wheeler, 34; Conant, 17, Necessary to choice, 417. The third ballot was taken amid much excitement. There were many chanpes, and when the ballot was finally announced Plngrpc lacked only 12 votes of a nomination. Tlie official ballot was; 403: Bliss, SOS; O'Donnell, S3; Altken, 37; Wheeler, 14: Conant, 6. Plnfrrec will probably bo nominated on the fourth ballot.

Filigree Nominated on Fourth littlloc. The results of the fourth ballot were: Filigree. 449; Bliss, 200; O'Donnell, 70; AitkeSij Conant, 2. I'ingrec-'s Domination was then made unanimous. A great demonstration followed the tm- 'nouiicementuf.

the nomination of Mayor Pingree, which was led by. his adherents. After the convention had calmed CHARLES H. MATCHETT. istic.

candidate does not believe that tho silver nnd gold trade of tariff, have any bearing oni'thc prosperl- 1 ty of the country or the reserve. The kernel of the present trouble, he lies in the labor system, which is infamously unjust, nnd which must bo thoroup-hly reformed before mankind will be happy. Mr. Matehett has a popil war served in the union navy during the war.and is member of. the Grand 'Army of the' Republic.

running mate, Is nn nldcrmnn of Pnterson, N. a well-, inown labor organizer nnd the proprle- of a socinlistic paper. Insurance In Enfland. Out of 100 lives insured in England- vo are women. "We express our unqualified disapproval of the utterances of the late Chicago convention upon matters of national policy.

We denounce them as dangerous In their the destruction of all business security and prosperity and subversive of tho fundamental principles ot good government. "We commend most heartily the able, economical and business-like conduct of public affairs by our present state administration. "The republican party believes In perfect liberty of conscience, non-sectarianism In public separation of church and state, In free common schools and the utmost Independence of Individual thought, upetfch and action within tlie law. "We favor tho restriction ot undesirable Immigration, as opposed to tho Interests of our laboring people, and approve the enactment of measures to prevent fraudulent naturalisation. "Wo'cordially Invite tho voters of Wisconsin, without regard-to past political-affiliation, to the support of the principles herein nnnounced." F1NGKEE NOMINATED.

Will Bo the Republican Candidate for In Michigan. Grand Knpids, Aug. C. the continued heat and humidity, hall wns ngb'in packed with delegates and' spectators when Chairman rapped the republican convention to order at o'clock Thursday morning lor ohd day's session. The St.

Cralr delegation question was first taken up and the convention by a viva voce vote sustained its'action--; Wednesday night in oat ing each contest ing each dclegAte half (lienton Ilanchett, of Sag-inaw, a'Blj'M adherent, appealed Irym the the choir on the qucsilon, but the convention, by. an overwhelming vote, laid the the table. This emphasized Mayor Pingree's victory of Wednesday night, and hie adherents received i he. result of th? vote with much down a motion to adjourn until four o'clock was put nnd declared carried and the convention adjourned.

The Resolutions. Following- are tlie resolutions adopt- 'ed by the convention: "We declare.our continued allegiance to the republican party, as heretofore stands for the upholding of law and order, tho encouragement-and-protection of. tho commerce of our country, Its industries, its labor, 'Us farms and Its firesides, the of its the -maintenance of Its credit, and the defense of Its honor union); Hit; nations of tho world. "We accept and Indorse the platform of tho national republican convention of 1S96, at Louis, and we call upon all loyal clt- iEens of the republic to unite In its support. "Wo denounce' the ao-callcd democratic national platform recently adopted at Chicago for its Insults to our courts and our judges, for Its pandering to disorder and mob violence, its sympathy with an- its proposal to repudiate public and private debts, and for Its Intention to substitute silver monometallism In place of the wise and liberal policy and practice of the republican party, which has been and is the use of gold, silver and paper as tho currency of tho "We congratulate tho party upon the eminently wlso and satisfactory selection of standard bearci-s In the present national campaign.

We zealously emphasize our fealty to' that American statesmen, William McKlnlcy, who best embodies those patriotic and progressive expressions of economic protection, reciprocity honest money, and our equally unreserved confidence In the ability and fitness of tho candidate for president, Garrett A. "With this statement of our political creed, and recalling to your remembrance the able, faithful and economical manner In which the republican party has, through Its executives In tho past, administered, tho domestic affairs of this state, we frankly Invite Inspection of Its record, challenging criticism of Its control of public business. We Indorse tho administration of our honored executive, Gov. John T. Rich, whoso fearless and vigorous fidelity Is heartily We favor the strictest economy.

In all state departments, pledge our earnest In carrying out the will of this convention as Shall bo expressed In its choice of candidates for tho'Various state offices, and our cause to tho voters, confident of victory in November." A BASHFUl LOVER. When Alotber Took Hand AITnlrWm Settled Right OO. It was a two-roomed log cabin, and of ter supper Mrs. Cootjs nnd 1 sa.t down in the front room nnd left her daughter Sue, a girl about 18 years old, to clear away and tidy up. She had just finished when a young man slipped into the kitcSicn.

Eis headgear was a 'coonskln cap, tlie bottoms of his trousers were tucked into his boot legs, and lie; wns as awkward and ungainly as n. cow on ice. "Howdy, Joe," saluted the girl; as her entered. he replied, as he sat down on the edge of a chair, and fum- hlcd with -his cap. "That's her beau," whispered Mrs, Coots to me, over her knitting, "Joe's pert 'nuff, but powerful shy.

Bin coting Sue fur a y'ar now, buthain'tdone nxed her to marry him." The girl took a seat on the far side the room, and for ten minutes not a word was spoken between them. Then she filially queried: "How's b'ars, Joe?" "Hain't seen a b'ar in three months," he replied, was another painful interval, and then Sue asked: 't'Goons is plenty." he replied, as he avoided her glance. "That's the way it goes," whispered the mother. "They jist sot and sot and pot, and talk'bout b'ars nnd 'coons and Rich, and I do dcclor' I'm gittin' oil npsot!" Five minutes later, just as the. young man seemed on the point of leaving.

Sue kindly inquired: "Killed qny 'possums lately, Joe?" ftuc," he replied as he stared at his boots. "I can't abide that no mo'," muttered the mother, as Khe laid aside he-r work nnd arose. "What are. you going to do?" I asked. "Git 'cm bog-ether or skccr him 1 She walked out into the kitchen rmd stood before the young and storn- ly tlcma.nclpd: Sliillinan, did yo dun cum over yc-re to borrow nn ax?" be stuttered.

"Did yo' come cote Sue?" mum." "Sue. do yo' wanl to be coted?" "Keckon. I do," answered "Then yo' rJl jist listen to me. Joe, yo' git. over on t'other Sue, you snuggle up to him.

I'se gwinc to blow out tlie candle and leave yo' in the dusk, nnd me'n tlie stranger gwine to sot on the lur side of t'other room and. talk loud. I'se got mighty tired of this 'round, and yo all has either got lo fix or unfix things this very night." An hour later, when Joe went home, Sue called her mother out and held whispered conversation with her, and when Mrs. Coots returned to me she smiled grimly and explained: "They all are gwine to be married next LTDIA E. PIJfKHAX'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND t- Benefits Three Generations.

CaricuL OUR I-ADV "I have used. Lydia £. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound in my family ten years with of results. "Before taking it I had falling of the womb; such bearing-down pains, backache, and kidney trouble. I had had eight children, and was approaching the change of life.

I took tie Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills; was cured of all my troubles, and passed through the change all right, and now am fifty-four years old and well. daughter had catarrh of the bladder, and it cured her. I send you my picture with iny grandson, whose mother was cured by your remedies. I will recommend your Compound lo every body." ilBS.

L. KELLY, Patchogue, L.I. named to Uoath. Austin, Aug. ten miles from the city a negro man named John Hughes and his wife went from home, leaving two little girls to take care of tlie house.

Tlicj- attempted to start a fire with coal' oil. The can exploded. The house wns destroyed and both burned to death. Rcuplted by Kentucky Oovcruor. Louisville, Brad- Icy has respited Anthony Alcorn for 30 clays.

Alcoru is the negro youth who lo liaye been hanged at Sanford Thursday for the murder of his father. THE MARKETS. Grain, Provisions, Etc. 'OhlcjiKO, AUR. unchanged.

ranged as follows: $3.40 straights, clears. 2.00: seconds, 51.90iiJ2.00: low grades, 2.00. straights, JiMfiiS.M; bakers', low grades, fl.00@1.75; Red Dog, Eye, 2.20. and lower. September, December, No.

2, No. 1 Yellow, September, December, -and 2 cash, 1794ffil8V4c; September, POZZONF5 COMPLEXION POWDER hiiR oflec tboBtarmnr-i for forty years ucd Is wo Ideal oomplciion ck'nnly, Jualtliful liarmlcai. A invisible protection to the vrviwxnMPOZZOXraamar- nt SrcvUrii COLD 1'L'FF 11O.V la. ftvta free of AT DRUGGISTS FANCY STORES. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC TAKE THE May, Samples easier.

No. i Laid Up. Berlin, Aug. who is at. Wilhclmshoe, is suffering from ari nttaek of catarrh of tlie throht.

His indisposition is such that he Una been compelled to abandon his proposed trip to Wesel, TCulirortrind Essen. The empress will.continue her journey to those will be accompanied by 1'rince Henry of Prussia, who will net as the deputy of his brother, the emperor. Rational liunk Aug. C. The comptroller of the currency is informed of the failure of the American national of-New Orleans, Ln.

It had capital of $164,000, and according to the last reports to the comptroller owed dc- 'positors had boriowed No. 8 White, No. 2, Htfc: No. ,2 White, Was dull arid quiet at former pi-Ices. No.

2 cosh, September. delivery, 31c. Barley sale and steady, but new at the same time rules dull. fair but off 26c. color, fair weight, £Sc; choice to fancy, PORK-Market tlvo and prices Irregular at J6.50ffiO.60 for cash; for September; for October, and fl.mwiflM'tor January.

MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Qnmttui Perfection' vet attained In Bert EqalpoKflt, Artlitle Elildcat innuing tfie trighnt degree of COriFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. OUR Tfnpt MB WEEK Btrwtert 'THE SOO," MAftQUETTE, AND DULUTH. tOW RATES to PletunMiiw MuklMC Return. Including rtotto ud Bcrtht. Cleveland, Iron fisrfnm (Mratt, Between Detroit and Cleveland Connecting at Cleveland with Barltest Tralu for all point! South and Southwell and Detroit for ell points North and JundsrTriit Innt, July, Augnt SoUmkw tUf.

EVERY- BETWEEN Cleveland, Put-in-Bay Send for niuitntted Addrea A. A. 8CHANTZ. r. OITROIT.

ttlOH. Tfte Detralt and Stem MY. So. Manhood Restored. moderato and prices steady at for cash; JS.37V433.50 for September; or October; J3.70® 8.85 -for January.

Is ruling quiet. SEB (he Woudvittll Koinu) written itinrMm- to euro ail Nerv- ICb ro ,3 I'Hanll'ood, itM, applause. Delegates Hum took the lloor to trc- ond the nomination of the different Result of the fThe seconding speeches occupied nearly an hour, and at 10:45 rail Flentf There, A' hypochoudrloc, who was'staying with Father Bjealy, at Braynin the hope of obtaining'relief from chronic dyspepsia, one day waUdng along the. beach with host. "I have derived from drinking a tumbler of water fresh from the said the invalid, solemnly; "do you think Imight tike a second?" "Well," said Father: Henly, with equal ocriousneM, "I don't a second would be Francisco Argonaut.

with quotations at lOiffHVic for creameries and for dairies. LIVE Fair demand. Chickens, SviffiSc: Ducks. SVj per pound; Gecuc; per dozen, JS.OOa-e.OO. Steady'.

on the basis of 1 1.23 for New York, AUJJ. 6. Quiet, unchanged. No. 2 red declined moderately active, steady.

September, 6 15-16c; C54c; December, 66 15-ICc. No. 2 quiet anil lower; September, October, No. 2 quiet and steady; state, 27 western. September, 22Kc.

Quiet. Extra mnsa, $6.0007.00. New niesi, M.75CS.OO; old mess. Qulot and firm; steam-rendered, quiet. Western dairy, ftjfjlc; do.

creamery, UiyS'lte; lie. flrm; skims, 2 i and steady. Western, IV3 Sl.ock. Chicago, AUK. 6.

ICAT.TLE— Market strong. Fair to best bcevos, J3.23i34.65; siockers and feeders, U.eoiffS.TO; mixed cows and bulls. Jl.40^.00; J2.40@3.00:.,. higher: Light. $3.31 (J3 rough 'packing, mixed and butchers 1 13.2061.80; heavy packing nni, shipping, S3.10CS.KI; pigs.

ttn Ornerntlre OrffJie, -vjim-i by vrttvyramt, joDitf ul or txoonntvo of co. opium, or eilmulnnu. yliirli nltliinncly loud to 1 01 Ttnicnt to-ill to carry tn tlio pftcVi-t., forts. Viih ovcrj- written to ei-re ru Bioney.

ffcncbymalieonny tra plain cnvnloBo. rIIICIIICAILCO, KwUOBnfnb. IMIMrton 6u. 3. F.

-illng. LOCANSPORT. 1NO A GOOD INVESTMENT. TlPETlKE CERTIFICATES. 6100., $500., Tbe Interest is guaranteed for 5 years.

They net tho purchaser Spcrct. per annum. The Interest is from earnings. Tho COB pens arc payable icmi-annnslly. They arc slmilui to Collatentl Trust Bonds.

The principal Is rapidly enhancing; lu They are sBfe parllculftrs address: OSBOBM: STHTEBI, Uanbattau Building, Chlcnjo, HU.x CHICAGO MUSICAL COLLEGE Central MailciHall, Chloigo. Or. Pru. Sttt-Teor Acknovilrdatd-Vw eollc Uooreollcd facUtUei for a thot-ouith oquno ID MUSIC and DRAMATIC ART. Coaplru UuUf Applications for wllfbc to AiuntsilptB, BrcilHsn Balm cures colds, old croup, bronchitir and pleurisjr.


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