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Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas • Page 3

Corsicana, Texas
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THE CORSICANA DAILY SUN, CORSICANA, TEXAS MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1916 PAGE THREE COLDWELL LAWN MOWERS h-ive been contin- iously on the markets of the world for the forty years, and are used in a majority of the large city parks of New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other cities. the reason we sell them; we know their qualities and look after the mowers we sell. The prices are from $4.75 up. Our stock of Grass Catchers, Lawn Rakes, Rubber Hose etc is com- )lete. Your lawn is now ready for a mower, us your orders, our delivery is at your service.

FRANK P. WOOD HARDWARE CO The Quality Store. About every day, in this city, 'some- goods at unheard-of prices. That hlng in a store. Perhaps happens in even the most a decision on the part of the merchant to close out a certain line of conservative stores.

always find in the The Key to Your Home Separated from home by county or on Broadway or Tongside a at your hand is the key to your home. WESTERN UNION keys start your Day Letters and Night Letters on their way. Your message reaches home before the mail train gets up steam. Low rates for many words. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.

You Can Find the DAILY SUN at our News Stand at any time, Day or Night This local paper gives all the news of the city together with important news from all over the world and when in need of a copy of this paper we will be glad to have you call. Price 5 cents a copy. THE ONION NEWS CO. Southern Traction Co. Depot H.

C. WADSWORTH. MANAGER This institution offers you a business training at a moderate Central Texas Commercial College. Levermann THE UNIVERSAL CAR Over a million Ford cars in use today is youf Desi guarantee of satisfactory service. Serving pleasure to everybody, the Ford car is a car.

The same high quality, with lower prices. Costs least to operate and maintain. Ford service everywhere. The Touring Car is Runabout Coupelet Town Car Sedan $779.10. f.

o. b. Corsicana. Oa display and sale at 5th Avenue and 10th Street Boyton Calkins FORD AGENTS Strong and Clear Presentation of Condition of Road Questions. Call Farm, April 7, 1916.

Daily Sun and Semi-Weekly Light: While discussing tlie great benefits to be derived from the building, opening and improving of roads and rendering them passible every day in the year, and the cost of same, it might not be out of place to examine the other side of the proposition, or Roads Taxes." N'o one who has lived in Texas for any length of time will deny the proposition that since our lands have been fgnced and consequently our highways limited to narrow that Texas, and especilly the great portion, has the worst roads in the South; of course, I mean where they have not as yet been drained, dumped and im proved. If it were possible to arrive at the actual cost of the wear and tear of wagons, buggies, cars and vehicles of all kinds, and harness, not to speak of the great injury done to stock, it would stagger imagination. There is not a farmer or owner of any kind of vehicle hut who has paid out a great deal of monay in the way of repairs caused by bad roads in this country. In this you are not considering many other factors, such as the rapidity with which vehicles wear out and new ones have to be bought outright, nor the great inconvenience in getting from place to place, not only in the rainy seasons, but in dry as well, for even in summer time many of our roads become almost impassable on account of wasliouts and bad bridges, culverts, etc. Any road, like a fence, is good in propor tion to its bad places.

We all admit that our present system is a complete failure. Men will not work for is needs no proof and will admit of none. How many road overseers Itave ever done their full duty? Or how many hands have done the same? The county road gangs do what they can. hut to keep up the roads as they should be kei)t would require fifty times the force that we have and after all, on account of the character of our soil and the topography of our county, that system is a downright fail-' tire. The big $4,000 road engine own ed by the county has been standing on the side of the road near Frost for several months and besides they get it anywhere if it i.s cloudy or strikes an ordinary bridge.

So that we are up against the proposl tion and it must be solved as a matter of absolute and prime necessity and as a matter of self-defense. Flllis, Tarrant, Collin, Hill, Harris and Bexar counties have solved the problem and we are forced to do the same. I am reliably informed that you cap scarcely find a man in either of these progressive counties who for any sum of money, would go back to old conditions. No county has, or can. or ever will progress without passable highw'ays.

The great sounded the keynote back in 1805 when he recom mended that Congress build with fed eral funds, the great Cumberland highw'ays. The ('aezars, before the birth of our Savior, built splendid public highways throughout the Ital ian empire and a part of the great still stands as a silent and dumb monument to the public spirit of the dark ages. The great Napoleon built splendid highways throughout vineclad France and whenever a city or country was conquer ed by him, he at once went diligently to work laying out and building high ways and good roads throughout the conqtiered domains. Long before our Savior came the. ancients in the dark ages built splendid roads and highways throughout the holy land, iio to the north and middle west and you will find evidences of the thrift and public enter prise of those great people.

Our people now, by special enactment of our legislature, have the power and opportunity to better our condition. Will they do it? We will E. O. CALL. STECHER TO HOUSTON.

Wrestling Star Will Give Exhibition With His Brother, April 21. The Houston Athletic chib plans aii unusually attractive offering for the auditorium on the night of April 21 when the best of the modern mat stars and challenger of Frank Gotch for the heavyweight title, Joe Stecher ot Kansas, ill stage an exhibition match for minutes with his brother An ton oil the night of April 21. phenominal rise in the. mat game has been a two-season sen sation and has spread his fame far East. He is recognized as the real wrestling marvel since retirement and most mat critics believe that he can defeat Gotch if the veter an decides to come back and risk his title.

Stecher has never been In this section before, In addition to the 30-minute exhi bition with Anton, almost as well known in the middleweight division as Joe in the heavy, in which all of the famous Stecher holds will be shown, the title challenger agrees to meet and throw' all comers. Chrrence Eklund will probably go on with him The exhibition will take place at 8 o'clock on the night of April Hoiistn Post. SiO Worth of Rides for $8 CasH Coupon Tickets Good for Purchaser and Wife, Limit ONE YEAR ASK ANY AGENT Accurate prescriptions, prompt de livery will be found here. Beaton Bagby. Are You Bothered with Constipation? You will have' grateful relief from the first dose of Po-Do-Lax.

It is a compound laxative for it not only empties the bowels but stimulates the bile and other secretions. It at tacks constipation at its source and you get permanent relief. Po-Do-Lax will give you regular stool and only occasionally will you need it. An excellent liver medicine. 50c at drug gists.

PERSONALS Cheap and big can Baking Powders do not save you and far sour n-ilk and soda. VOLLEY BALL TOMORROW. Giants Will Meet Tigers at Y. M. C.

A. At 6:15. Tomorrow evening at 6:15 on the Y. M. C.

A. curt a series of volley ball games will be played when Tar Giants, tail-enders, meet Albrit ton's Tigers who are third In line of the present series. This promises to be a good, fast series and all fans are invited to he on hand. Get the habit; read the Daily Sun OLD PHONE 905 JOHN REMONTE MAKES GENTLEMEN'S SUITS TO ORDER FROM $18.00 UP CLEANING and PRESSING done at reasonable prices. LADIES TAILORING A SPECIALTY Garments made in any style you want 319 N.

Beaton Street The best brands of can goods and dried fruits are here for the asking. Call and get our prices. J. S. ANDERSON Successor to Anderson A Brooks.

Insomnia. Indigestion nearly always disturbs the Bleep more or less, and la often the cause of insomnia. Eat a light supper with I'ttle If any meat, and no milk; also take one of Chamber Tablets Immediately after sup per, and see If you do not rest much better. Obtainable everywhere. we HANDLE MEATS OF excellence THAT folks declare ARE ost ikim ENSE Establish Diplomatic Mission.

By Associated Press. Bucharest, Rumania, April to the importance of commercial relations between Sweden and Rumania at this time, when large ship merits of Rumanian merchandise are reaching the outer world through Sweden, it has been agreed between the two countries that a Swedish diplomatic mission will be astablished at Bucharest and a Rumanian mission at Stockholm. THE EXCELLENT QUALITY of our meats first attracted the attention of the public to this market. The fair treatment accorded our patrons and the fact that we kept our delivery promises has made this shop the Mecca for wise shoppers. PRINE SUTLER S03 E.

7th Ave. Phone 337 NATIONAL MA7DA Auto Badly Smashed. Saturday evening the automo bile of Carl Bennett of Powell, ran into the curbing on West Second ave nue just in front of the county jail, and both right wheels were broken into fragments. There were four par ties In the car, but none of them thrown out or hurt in any way. THIS LIGHT IS GOOD FOR BOYS Boys and girh need the best light you can give them.

Their eyes are growing like the rest of their bodies. Do not put eyes under strain by bad lighting. THE BCST Davidson Electric Go. Rev. G.

W. Sanders returned from Dawson this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J.

E. Curington of Rural Shade went homo today after a visit to J. R. Curington and family Mid Caston spent the day In Ker ens. O.

S. Hyndman was in Est Texas today. Sterling Wood went to Athens this morning. E. P.

Breithaupt went to Powell this morning. Mrs. ,1. M. Stell went to Malakoff today.

Mrs. Frank Matthews went to Ker ens this morning. Dr. Hill, T. W.

Kelley and J. Stan ter of Daweon were here today Joe Knott and wife of Frost spent the day here. G. C. Raniago of Frost was here today.

I J. Sitton spent Sunday in the Grove. K. E. and J.

H. Melton came in from Barry today. Sam Slay and J. Tullos spent Sunday at JYost. Mrs.

Celia McAfee returned from a visit to Frost this morning. Mrs. J. J. Stone of Frost was here today.

Clias. Searcey and Roy Mor.gau of Frost were here today. W. R. Bishop of Athens spent yesterday with Mrs.

W. F. Ixrve. I). K.

McCamnion siient the day at Kerens. ('has. Dillingham of the Grove was here today. W. D.

Siiiltli, Bruner and Hill were here today from Frost. J. R. Tlionipsoii was here today from Hillsboro. J.

E. Whiti'selle went to Dallas today. Rev. G. L.

liolliugsworth returned to Frost this morning. B. A. Crofford spent tlie day at Frost. C.

I. of Teague was here to day. P. I). Williams of Barry was liere yesterday.

Guy Allen and Fan Shir ley were in Dallas yesterlay. S. Karned of was here to day. Geo. H.

Harroll of Rice was here today. W. A. Stockard of Alma was here tilay. R.

Bonner of Knnis spent Sun (lay here. P. M. Rainsour of Tyler was here today. Rex of Kerens was here yesterday.

R. E. Nelson of Tyler was hero to day. Hazel Atkisson was here yes terday from Hillsboro. Mrs.

T. Puryear haa gone to Houston to visit her daughter, Mrs H. J. BuforiL J. Vaniell, L.

W. Vamell, A. M. Varnell and H. ().

Varnell of Barry were hero today. Tom Sands of Chatfleld and Joe Sands of Corsicana went to Galveston today. J. B. Bush of Mildred was here to day.

P. Halbert of Rice was here to day. L. K. Speed and M.

Thtimmel were here today from Drane. Capt. E. E. Dunn Is on the sick list.

Mrs. Tom McMullen and daughter, Miss Bessie, have returned to Chat field, after visiting Mrs. Allyn Douglas. (Jordon Johnson of Dallas spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. E.

Johnson. the Unthinking Consider Photography But as a Handmaid of THE ART of the photographer joins the science of the laboratory with sentiment in the heart, ppi- ducing that which makes universal picture with a meaning. Photography preserves for us the youth of our children. It jogs a fading memory of days gone by and brings vividly before us loveti faces out of the past. It holds for us imperishably the friendly greetings of those who have Kone ahead, acts as a standard bearer for Dan Cupid, and assuages the pain of absence.

The smile of the child, the shy confession of a girl beloved, the eyes of a husband or the heart of a wife live, unmarred by time, only through the magic of lens and plate. In this, the age of commerce, gold will purchase most that the heart holds dear; but not everything. It is a thought worth YOUR FRIENDS CAN BUY ANYTHING YOU CAN GIVE THEM PHOTOGRAPH. STUDIO N. Beatoa St The eemr TRADERS IN TSING-TAU.

Seventy Thousand Pieces of Copper Cash Seized. Peking, April 10, (Corresiiondeiice of The Associated the occupation of Tsing.tau by the neso, traders from have flocked into Sliantung in large numbers and begun trading operations in centers wliere they have no treaty riglits. Many of these traders are collecting old copper cash, tlie Chinese, coins which have a hole in the center and are carried on strings, and are melting the coins down and selling the copjier at a hl.g profiL Traffic In tlie Chinese copper eash is going on in many parts of Cliina, regardless of tlie central government's regulations forbidding the exportation of rash. Seventy thousand pieces of copper (ash were recently seized by Ctiinese officials on a train Changcliun in Central Manchuria. Tliis mom'y was concealed in trunks cliecked by lapa- The cash is shipped to Shanghai or to Japanese ports where it Is melted down and brings a liigli price because of the scarcity of copper.

In Peking and the more important commercial centers on the railways in China, cash is used only by the Chinese. The rate of exchange varies greatly in different places. Ordinari ly ten cash are worth one copper cent. The cent Is a coin without a hole in it, and the ratio of the cent values to tlie Mexican dollar Is at about ono hundred and tlilrty- 11 ve to one. Consequently one Mexican dollar will one thousand three hundred and fifty copper cash in the larger centers.

The rate generally is even better for the cop per dealers in tlie remote sections. China is a money fa mine. The of silver is extremely high. Gold is seldom seen, and the onslaughts the coiiper dealers are making on tlie suiiply of copper cash conuiticate tlu- situation still further. Ths Quinine Thit Dons Not Affect The Heed Bfcnuse ot Us tonic snd laiativc effect.

LAXA- TIVK, PROMO OIUNINIC is liclterthsii orUiiiury Ouiiiine and does not cause nervousness nor rinifiiiK in head Remember the full name and look lor the of H. OKOVK. 25c. Maple Nut cream at on Fifth avenue. Why All the Hurry? Ever since the public first tasted the New Post Toasties, the factories have been heavily ta.xed to supply the demand.

These new flakes are in flavour ami form. A distinguishing feature is the tiny bubbles on each golden-brown Hake, produced by a new, patented process of manufacture. New Post Toasties are not in the package; they mush down when milk or cream is added like ordinary Hakes; and a delicious new t'-ue Havour of prime, white Indian out for the first time. A wholly satisfying New Post Toasties Sold by Grocers now..

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