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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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We Don't nderst Why other-shoe dealers don't do like ve do and sell Shoes Cheap all the Time. And Lot break out in a fresh spot every once in- "whiie a offer a few baits to get you into their stores and then try to pan otf a Jot of old ttuff on you and call rthem Don't MonKey With the Buzz Saw! COME TO THE Sample Shoe Store here 'honest go d-i are sold at legs than half price v.une. 0 ba-'tn vre don't need em We sell plenty without ecn Below are a few of our prices kirn ite veek aad every other "we eiv tan genuine Russia calf and nroo." Guttr- or your money back. spring heel put. tip oes or Oxfords, tan.

or black. Wortb $1 but we asked more than 48c. a wo lave evcr asked for our line $0 patent leather None reserved, Ladies' kid lined fine Oxfords slippers. That are good value for $3, we never naked any more for them. Afllofant's fancy moccasins or I IJIJshoeB that others want 35o for.

The same price ull the time. TJ 0 we over askod for $1.50 I uliLadifts' Oxford slippers; 3 point slippers or any other kind of $1.00 slippers. None reserved. Tiiat's The Way We Always Sell Shoes. OUR Money's Worth or Tour Everything Guaranteed as Represented.

MORE ELECTBIC BAILWATS Marlon ie leading out with an electric road to the village of Independence, a diats-nce of through the hamleta of Weaver and Hsck'eman, "If the promoters of the road were enthusiastic before making the survey they are more BO, if pos- lible, now than ever before," sayi the Chronicle of that city. All along the line every one expressed himself as favor of the road, and only wished that it were built ana in opera- tlon. As a farming country they ihlnk this region superior to any part. of Grant county, and the many com- 'ortable homes along the proposed road show that the farmers are do. and would patronize the road." Electric railways are also projected Kosclusko county.

The right of way of a line to rnn from Milford, hrough Syracuse to Conkling Hill, ias been secured and the work is to pushed forward once. BO an to ave the cars running by August. THE O. K. C.

CONVENTION. Several hundred delegates to the biennial convention of the Order of Railway Conductors, which begins its session at Atlanta today, are already in that city. It is expected that the total attendance will be batween 1,500 and 2,000. Grand Chief Con- ducto.r E. Clark, Assistant Grand Chief Conductor C.

H. Wllkins and Grand Secretary and Treasurer W. P. Daniels are at Atlanta. The opening exercises will oocur Tuesday night at the Grand Opera House, when the visitors will bs welcomed to the State by Governor Atklnaon and to the city by Mayor King.

The convention will be ID session until the 22d business meetings being held every day. that the company will otherwise take care of him. Chaa. Goddard who for many year has fired on the Pan Handle, had been promoted to engineer. Today the Pan Handle will resume the coke and stone runs which for some time have been lying idle owing to the itnke at the Illinois Stee works.

Elijah Puroell, freight brakeman on the Richmond division of the Pan Handle, has been promoted to extra conductor and in. his new capacity made his flrat trip to this city yesterday. Engine 512 which on Monday blew out the crown sheet, has been taken to the shops and yesterday attracted many curious visitors. Kimner and Long, tha injured men, were reported much better jtesterday. J.

Davidson and H. H. trustees with Conrad Baker, deceased, of the property of (he Grand Riplds Indiana railroad company for the holders of tne first mortcage bonds, yesterday asked Judge Baker of the United States court to appoint a re. oelfer and for a foreclosure of the mortgage. The bonds amount to OOC.OOO, and it is alleged that interest in tho sum of $600.000 is past duo and unpaid, and that tho company is in.

solvent. Similar proceedings wei brought in Michigan yesterday. 'A CHILD PAINFULLY BURN 7 ED Spring Suitings, Spring Overcoatings, Spring Trouserings. Novelties all in waiting for you to come and select them. If you are hard to please our goods and prices will win you.

PIERCE, THE TAILOR. Opposite John Gray's Dry Goods Store. Report or the Condition -OK THE- First National Bank I.og.insporc, at J.ORnnsporc, In the State or Imilmiii, ut tho close ot business. May 7th, 1895. KKHOl'liCKS.

ioiwsaml discounts 00 Mcunxl and unsecured 7.741M U.S. Bonds tu secure circulation GO.OOO 00 securities, etc 1.741 77 iy.000 00 Due Irom National Hanks (not reserve Agents) 21 Due from approved reserve agents OH 'Checksum! otherciwh WW (i!) ot other National IDmks 20,000 00 paper currency, nickels ami cents SV1 Jl ILAWITJL MO.VKI HKSKKVK is HANK, Specie 7o LeKaMnuder notes a.lOO 75 Redemption fund with U. Treasurer (6 percent.of circulation) 2,25000 Total S3 TylAlllLlTIKtt. Mpltnl stock imtd in $250,000 BO fund 00 "Vndlvl'Jod prollts. less expenses nnd taxes puld 7-1 Biink notes outstanding 27.800 0(1 Indlvldunl deposits subject to 2M.V10 S3 certificates ot deposit 3i 00-1 S5 Stflto ot Indiana.

County of Cuss, ss: William w. ftoss. cuMhlttr ot tho above named bank, swear that tlio abovo stiitenipnt iJitruato the best of my knowlcdce- iiml belief. W. W.

UOSS, Cashier. Subscribe! and sworn to before mo- tills 1-Uh May 1KB. C. TAHKK. Notary 1'ubllc A.

J. MURDOOK, 1 HK.NXIS UKL. J-Wrectors. W. T.

WILSON. A Itutl.lo Scarred Votorim. Nearly every one in Medina Co Ohio, knowa Stephen Rolpb, of River Styx, the one legged veteran, who lost hia leg at Wincheeter, March 23. 1S62. la ull probability tho exposure nnd privations ot army service, the effects of which are felt aa they prow older by nearly all old soldiers, were tbo cause of the serious nervous pros- traiion and sleeplessness of which Comrade Rolph complained.

He says: hereabouts know me pretty well, but you can tell others that I was down for about six months with nervous prosrtation and sleeplessness for which I tried various doctors and medicines, but Dr. Wheeler's Sfarvo Vlltillxor has done mo more good than all tho doctoring I bad done. The first bottle gave me such relief thst 1 have used several and fool almost restored to my formerfrood benitb." Dr. Wheoler'B Nerve Vitalizer can be relied upon by one who are suffering from nervoua troubles, sleop- leBsness, etc. It alt tired out and run down, you need a.

reliable nerve and system tonic and health restorer as thla remedy is, Sold In Logansport by Ben Fisher, druggist, and by all dealers cvarywhera. EAST BOUND SHIPMENTS. bound shipments from Chicago last week were 43,931 tons, against 53.286 tons for the previous week, and 54,875 tons for the corresponding week of last year. The roads. carried tonnage as follows: Michigan Central, Wabash, Lake Shore, Fort Wayne, Handle, Baltimore Ohio, Grand Trunk, 5019; Nickel Plate, 4.232; Erie, Big Four, 1,769.

Shipments were made of the following- articles in tons: Flour 1.769; grain and mill stuffs, provisions, lard, 11,492: dressed beef, butter, hides lumber, miscellaneous, 1,206. Lake shipments were 75,418 tons, A Baby a Cap of Hot Coffee KH I'erttan. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. William Burtie of No.

2121 Broadway was fearfully scalded on the n6ck yesterday while plajing about a table. The child overturned a cup containing hot coffee, aid the boiling liquid was spilled upon the little one's face and neck, ecaldiog 1 tender flesh and ciusing terrible suffering, which was only lessened after eevera hours. Dr. Bradfiold finally quletei the child's pitiful cries, and the bab was yesterday evening said to be much better. IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE GARDEN.

Itjwill pay you to be particular as to whose seeds yon buy. We are now in the market with a full line of Landreth's seeds for the leasou of 1895, and I wish to say to the trardeners and others using hat while Landreth's seeds may be a little higher price then some hey are always fresh, clean and true to name, and as we handle no other eeds except those grown by Lapdreth Sous of Philadelphia our CIM- omers may rely on getting nothing but the very best. I believe that the ost of the seeds is nothing compared to the crop, and when a person he trouble to put out a garden, he should use nothing but the very best, We handled tandreth's seeds for four years and have never heard a single omplaint; in fact, our customers unhesitatingly pronounce them perfect in ever particular, and as au evidence of this fact, we have almost the entire trade of all the gardeners around Logatisport as well as many from a distance. Our trade has increased on ttiis particular line of goods more than tenfold since we have been in the business? We also have a full line of garden tools and fiold seeds Remember that the flrui of Landreth Sons has been U5 years in the. occupation of seed growing.

George Harrison 617,623 Broadway. William lu "The Loic Par with run New FAST FUE1GHT SERVICE. The Wabash, in conjunction several roads, began Sunday to fastest freight train between fork and Chicago of any lines in tho country, making the distance in hours, or forty-eight hours lower than any DOW running. The New York Central delivers the train over to the Michigan Central at Buffalo and it in turn transfers it to theWabaah at Detroit, when It brought to Peru and connects with the regular main line No. 91, the faet freight line that has been running BO regularly for years.

The run from Detroit to Peru is accomplished in a time only two hours longer than passenger schedules. At the opera, house oo Friday nigb we are to have a genuine play. The hero is Mr. William Mor-is. He is now a star and comes here as the Reuben Warner in DeMUle's great play.

"The Lost Paradise" one of tbe most successful attractions over produced. He is an actor whom all admire. He is brave, siccere, cour teous and glorious in. love. As super.

intendent of the iron mill owned by a rich man whose dauphter has squandered much of his earnings in luxury, he syrnpavbizea with tho men when they strike because wages are reduced. Ha is in love with tho and, in a striking scene, he persuades the proud beauty to visit the homes of the working men and bear their story. She is astonished and goes to her father In their behalf. Amid profound excitement, the father relents, the mill opena again and prosperity returns. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Summer AT Suitings Market St.

the DAILY JOURNAL. MORNING, MAY 15. cent tea cup and low ghoes Sievsnson Kllnalck. Get your white linens, etc tho Trade Palace. With every pound of 50 week we give a china saucer Foley.

We have shoes as fine as anybody at prloos less than half. Nothing reserved Boston Sample Shoe Co. When so many people are taking and deriving benefit from Hood's Sar- taparilla, why don't you try it It is highly recommended. Insurance All kinds ofio- iuranco written; life. cyclone.

accident, plate glass, steam users and (unifying bonds. S. 01. Cloaeon, Pearl stroot. Mrs.

M. F. Arnold, of Indianapolis, took five bottles of Lemon Laxative and is perm? nently cured of Headache, Backache and Constipation. She ad- ladies to try a fifty osnt bottle. Movemeiit Airainwt Sunday Ball JMaylng.

Orer at Lafayette the ministers of tho Firat Baptist church and the First Presbyterian church filed affidavits against Manager McFarland and Pitcher Bradley of the Lafayette ball team, charging them with ball playing- on Sunday. The cases will be tried Thursday. Knights of the Hiccibees. The State Commander writes us from Lincoln, as follows "Af. ter trying other medicine for what seemed to be a obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr.

King's New Discovery, and at the end of two deys the cough, entirely leftttiem. We will not be without it hereafter, as our experience proves that it cures where all other remedies fail." Signed F. W. Stevens, State Com. Why not give ihls great medicine a trial, as it Is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at B.

F. Kaesling's drug Store. Regular elza 50c and $1. TRAINWRECKERS SENTENCED William Sourvrlne, one of the Uvo men indicled at Terra Haute for murder for causing the death of engineer Moehrman and fireman Flack by wracking the Big Four train at Fontanot during the strike, last July, was sentenced to ten years In the peniten tlary Monday on a plea ef guilty. George Roberts, another of the wreck ers, who gave the State valuable assistance In ferreting out tha coneplr- ators, and who was given a verdict by a.jury of life Imprisonment on a plea of gulty, but on whom sentence had not been passed, was sentenced by the judge for eight years.

The other three men will be tried in June. ThiM! We oner One Hundred Dollars Reward foranr case ot Catarrh that cannot Da cured by Hali'd Catarrh Cure. F. CHENEY ft Toledo, 0, undersigned, have known K. J.

Cheney for the hwt 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions aad financially able to carry our any obligation made by their Hrm. WESTi- Wholesale Drusqlsts. Toledo. 0 Mar ToT WALBIKO, KINNAK i MARVIN, Wholesale Drus Mr. Fred Miller of Irving, Illinois, gist.

Toledo, o. writes that he bad a severe kidney Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting I V1 rectly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot trouble for many years, with severe Hi uipiiihy ftr County OflicerM. Too following remarks have lot out by deputy State auditor Hart with reference to tha condition of ihe county treasurers of the State. Those officers should bo grateful for it. they are," he says, "serving the counties, and every cant they receive is mileage for coming down hero make oettlemanis.

They are each lompolled to give large bonds and are table for all errors of their employes. They give thair Ume 10 the duties and et receive nothing. With the incom- ng of the new law they will not be in ny batter shape, for It provides that tiey shall not receive a salary larger aan the fees they collect, and this mount will be mere pittance. I hink Governor Matthew's should take tops in tho matter and call an extra session of the legislature. Something must ba done for the relief of these You Kidney Troable? Have You Throat Trouble? Have You Rheumatism? Have You Bladder or Urina) Trouble? TRY "SAN-JAK." Sold by BEX FlHfclEtt.

aiasonfc A'otlco. Loganaport Council R. M. meets tonight. Degrees will ba conferred on several candidates aa well as business interesting to the members.

R. B. WHITSETT, I. M. McKeen'i iteam work A TRAIN.

Seventy-five cars loaded with wheat were recently run over the Northern Central division of the Pennsylvania in one solid train. This IB said to have been the longest train consisting entirely of loaded cars that ever was run in t.his country, but as the grades on that road are slight and the locomotive a very large one the train was moved alocg with with comparative ease. FOR. THE LOSS OF AN ABM. Frank Pixley who last November lost an arm while employed as brakeman oo the Pan Handle, was yesterday given a check for $1,700 by the company, he preferring to accept this rather than bring suit against tha company.

It understood that ha will be given light employment and directly upon the blood and mucous snriaces ot the system. Price Too per bottle. Sold by nil druggists. Testimonials tree. CoJireu-Bowmun.

Charles Cohren and Miss Pearl Bowman, both of Banker Hill, were married Saturday at the home of the bride. The young people are known bora. The Rev. E. C.

Neat performed tha ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Cohren will live at Bunker Hill. Bucklen-H Arnica Salve.

The beat salve In the world for cuts bruises, sores, uloere, salt rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, Chilblains, corns, and all skin erup. tlons, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price per bor. For sale by a.

Keesling. Injured In a Fall. George Woodling. tho contractor was shaken up and badly brui-ed in a fall yesterday morning while at work on Hoffman's new house on Twentieth and North streets. He was "for a time rendered unconscious.

The drop was one of eighteen feet. Lojimnppart Win. Stevens Bed wards, the weU known contractors of this city have been awarded the contract for putting in the water works plant at the proposed State soldiers 1 home at Lafayette. Attention! It it desired that there be a full attendance at the drill hall tonight for prize drill, also to take action pn an Invitation that hu been received. J.

D. ALJJSOS, pains in hij back and alao that his bladder was aft'ected, He tried many so-called kidney cures but without any good result. About a year ago be began use o( Electric Bittors and.found relief at, oace. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost Instant relief. One trial will prove our statement.

Price only 50c for large bottle, at B. F. Keesling's drug store. Important If you have dull and heavy pain across forehead and about the eyee; if the nostrils are frequently stopped up and followed by a disagreeable dis. charge; if soreness In the nose and bleeding from the nostrils is often experienced; if you are very sensitive to cold In the head accompanied with headache; then you may ba sure you have catarrh; and should (immedU ately) resort to Ely's Cream Balm for a cure.

The remedy will give Instant relief. and CHICAGO, March 7, liS9t. Dtt BOTH-VAN, CniCAGO. Mv DKAK attention wim first called to SAN-JA-KJostye-arln'tlH) case of Ciintaln Broslus. si Terre Haute, who was attacked In this City with acute nephritic and cyntltls (m- Hnmnifiilon ol tne bJoddM and kidneys) After prescribing tue usual remedies San- Jak was smgs'MKed, and was so marked ttfi nrst do.te, and a complete euro followed so tlmt 1 ones commor.oed fin Invostlgntlon of us merits and havo slneo prescribed it In almost everr known form ol kidney bladder, urethrnl.

vaglual nnd calarrbal troublfw followed in ouch by the Happiest results. A case ol entiresls(lnvoluntarr flow of urine) in myown family was mucb improrod a few doses, radically cured In Jess tliHti a weolc From pmctlral experience In a. number ot bad canes of leucorrliocil I am free to suy mat 1 have found no remndj that Is to SAN'-JAJT And while Dave never before iflven a profes slonal Indorsement to a proprlelary remedy, I uncesltatlnclr and ultliout reserve that i consider SAN-JAK a veritable boon to humanity after applvini; it to the surest profaislonal am say with confidence, It Is better than it is recommended to be. 1 shall continne to proscribe It In all casftt of genlto-nrlnaryorcutarrhal iroubles. In preference to al I other known remedies.

yKiiTK TOXIC. cm be relied npon Tho delicious taste ot medicine Is ulso in its favor. In prfiscriblne It for children. I am at present using SA.N-.TAK as an alterative in skin diseases, and in stveri cases Of chronic eczema have yielded so ro-'idtly to Iti in- shall contlnuo to use it in 'similar cases, fwlinK confident that It wul all the Indications in such Yours sincerely, (Signed) (jjto, W. SXTDKR, SL D.

Chicago, UL Sold BEN FISHER DRUGGIST Improved Train Herv en the Commencing May 1, 1895, she Wabash Railroad will place In oervice a through reclining chair car (seats free) between St. Louis and Dea Moines, on trains 7 and 8. In addition to above, elegant new sleeping cara will be placed in service between Kacsaa City and Des Moines, on same trains. Gen'l Pass. Tkt Agt Don't mlM it, the Bee great draw goodi of 15 and 20 oent wuh for 6Jo.

The lale itaru today. Acres Black Soil Land. In Cass County can be purchased cheap for cash. 900 acres are improved; two frame bouses, two large barns, and wind mill. Enquire at once.

CORDON COCKBuk RBflL ESTATE flGENTS, The JHaiter In CompromlHed. The Pan Handle railway company has paid 1,750 to Frank Pixley, who had an arm taken oS while making a coupling In the yards at Marion. There were no lawyers in on tbe compromise. Pixley was, a brakeman when Ihe accident occurred. Cottace fop Hale.

Eleven room cottage, 100 feet front; will five a bargain. See diagram at the Journal office. W. B. BCKFOED, IndiaaapolU..

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