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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 8

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Monday, April 23, 1894. 8 DAILY WOULD, VANCOUVER, TJ. CAXADA. WIRED FROM 'FRISCO. SPECIAL following property Prices 10 DAYS ONLY New5pring Goods MOTHEES Just Received to day, Friday, March 16th One Case of Boys' Youths1 Suits CANADIAN TWEEDS Halifax Tweeds and Serges In sizes from 22 to 32, in 2 and 3 piece Suits; from the Best Manufacturers; which will be sold at bed rock Prices to ensure rapid sale.

Call early and get suited. 2 CASES OP ENGLISH FEDORA HATS, in Men's and Boys' Sizes, CHEAP FOR CASH The Largest Stock of TRUNKS AND VALISES in the City to Select from, at prices that can't be beat. At ROBT. CLARK'S, 224 Carrall St. Smoke Phllo Co'a.

Leaders. THE SHAMROCKS COMING. Winnipeg Free Press: A. E. Suckling, of Vancouver, the father of lacrosse on the Pacific coast, returned west yesterday.

Mr. Suckling is a former member of the Garry Lacrosse Club, of this city, and resided here about 11 years ago. He is now on his return from Montreal, where he made arrangements for the Shamrock lacrosse team to visit the Pacific coast during July. The coast clubs have promised the visitors the total gate receipts, and when it is considered that one team last summer netted $1, 428 at the gate and no game last year went less than there Is good security promised for the expenses of the trip. The Shamrocks state that they will stop off at Winnipeg and endeavor to pick up $300 to help them on their journey.

Lacrosse at the coast, Mr. Suckling remarked, is as popular as ever. Three first class teams in three separate cities serves to keep up unflagging Interest in the national game, and they believe that the coming visit will introduce the Shamrocks to hard tussle, but a royal welcome. Mr. Suckling conies of a lacrosse family; tits brother for the last four years has occupied the position of president of the Toronto club.

We are offering the at Greatly Reduced $2200 for a 7 roomed house on Homer Street. JQQnn a good house on Sixth Ave Mount Pleasant, on two lots. $3000 for 2 semi detached housf on Seymour Street, 8 rooms in each. $3500 for a large 2 storey houe on the corner cf Hamilton and Robson Streets, 8 2 lots. FOR $4500 with 7 roon a fine residence Barclay Street, $6000 for a handsome 10 roomed, 24 storey residence on Georgia Street.

innn fr a 11 roomed resi CpOUUU dence on Burrard Street. A LL houses have modern im provementa, and are in first class repair. Easy terms of payment can be arranged. TMt RAND BROS. 100 Cordova Street VANCOUVER Honey Talks A Pew Hundred Dollars will buy more right now than for five years past STREET.

Cow to IV. simlnsli'r ive. 1 A k'hI Im" tn s'inw to'i hi ue luirt 1 )t on Ht avenue, wem 4 t) tsuninstvr avenue. A en iv terms. SO 40 il Ui 'd iiml lot on Howe atreef.

te.v:4iu ioi iir'i" ear up tj 1 I.r.TS SOU till ti'sethpf, to ex iiuuvr I i t' i(f Higrit on tram cur ne "1TM an: an off I 1 "ew 9 rn nned house in Wst i lht be ht iu in eery ay. 1 i nurket i.anlM In 1 trM; rj.inuni land th a mi' be nrofiulK un er 'itlti' '1'i with very iulr ittti ir el. .9 ft irutu Westmhttf' Uoml A rure hnrvHin. (in: it 'i ri'ii bal dice lu mi pur; li 'pj LX: HANGK a r.ori's. only a few minutes' walk oil fm, Jmt the liiuil sultHbie for Fruit or Hun iiaueti for eity property, rilo EX' HANdE JO arrt'S, close to Westminster road ami train, tn fur city property.

This Is unencumbered good title. Would exchange 'JO acres If picfetable. Do.N'f lose your rem. buy a home with It. Easy monthly payment, the Sd3ie a runt, pay for a have a long list of properties for EXCIfAXUK, "arms for sale and to rent.

Mouses for sale in all the desirable locations. Call and see our list. No trouble to show property. JF YOU have a House, Store or Flat to Rent, for ale or Exchange, list with B.Johnston NKOLTOENCK ON AN OFFICER'S PART THE RUSH'S MISSION. San Francisco, April 23.

J. H. Cum miiiKS, of Tariima, the well known mechanical engineer who constructed the electric and cable railroads of this ity, a pasenger un the wrecked sleamer Los Anseles. Mr. Cuniniing attributed the disaster to gross negligence on the part of some officer of the ship.

He is loud in condemnation of the risks taken In running so close to shore. After the vessel struck he said the conduct of the officers and crew deserved the highest praise. They were cool and collected and displayed considerable nerve and bravery in the performance of their duty in rescuing the passengers. The revenue cutter Richard Rush is having new boilers put in. It is expected that she will be ready to sail for liering Sea by the middle of May.

Capt. C. N. Hooper, who went east last year to take charge of the cutter Chase at New Linlford, will command the ltush again this season. The cutters Hear, Capt.

Healy and Oorwin, Capt. Mungor. sailed yesterday for llerlng sea. The destination of the one is said to he Sandpoint and the other Dutch harbor. ilit 'J tw ill TYI'IIOID IS INCREASING CHARITABLE BEQUESTS.

Toronto, April 23. Typhoid fever cases are 'increasing in this city. Dr. Heard, the city medical health olticer, ascribes it to the condition of the water. While the water was cold bacteria could not develop to any great extent, but now that the water is growing warmer the evil effects of the wretched quality of the water are now being felt.

The late Mrs. Alice Hilton has left an estate of The Children's hospital receives 11,000 and the diocese of Algoma $1,000. In the event of there being no grandchildren on the death of her last child, the residue of the estate will be devsed to various charities. SAD DROWNING ACCIDENT. Vernon, April 23.

(Special.) A sad drowning accident occurred last Friday night about three miles from Kelowna, on Okanagan lake. Two young men named Walker and li. W'elby went out fishing in a small boat, carrying a large sail. The wind rising suddenly upset the boat, which was then In the middle of the lake. Walker clung to It.

and was saved by Indians, but W'elby endeavored to swim to the shore and sank about 20 yards from it. He must have been taken with cramps or have been exhausted. Residents of Kelowna heard the shouts, hastily procured boats and went to their assistance, but arrived too late to save W'elby. Where his body was found the water was only 10 feet deep. Deceased was 21 years of age, and only arrived from Toller ton, Nottingham, a month ago.

His father, the Hev. Mr. W'elby, of Nottingham, was Informed by cable of the sad fate of his son. A P.ROW'N STUDY. A meeting was held in Union Hall, New Westminster, on Saturday evening by the supporters of J.

Brown, M. 1. when that gentleman In foi med the meeting that he had been notified by the I'ostmaster General to choose between resignation of his appointment as 1'ostmaster at New Westminster and adhering to political work. He had der id to abandon politics and was present, he said, to discuss the situation. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr.

Brown for his services, and a committee of live wus elected to recompense him in a tangible form for the same. After nominating J. B. Kennedy, of the Brunette Saw Mills, to run as an Opposition candidate at the coming general election, the meeting dispersed. MASONIC CHURCH PARADE.

Yesterday evening a Masonic service was held in St. Paul's ohurc.i. members of Cascade Lode, No. 12, Acacia Lodge and Hormon Lodge, No. 7, A.

P. and A. attending in a body, without ic(, but In white gloves and Ihe Masons assembled at il.oO in the Masonic Temple and marched to the church, where a large congregation had gathered. The service throughout was an impressive one. Hev.

E. P. Flewelllng, himself a Mason, conducting it and preaching. His sermon was, of course, to the occasion, and was an e'ogu'mt effort, Instructive, well thougnt out and bearing upon Free Masonry generally from its Institution in times almost beyond count. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT.

Dr. Ernest Hall, of Victoria, will meet his patients on Thursday, May 3, at 8 to 9 o'clock p.m., and on Friday, May 4, at 9 to 11 a.m., in his otlice H. McDowell's drug store, Cordova street. GONE BEFORE. The funeral occurred on Sunday afternoon of Ella Antisell, the 2 year and months old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. F. J. P. Gibson.

There was a large attendance of sympathizing friends. The pall hearers were J. U. L. Abbott, Hamilton Abbott.

L. G. McPhillips, Q. and Harry Newton. The cortege proceeded from Dr.

Le fevre's residence to the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, and from there to the cemetery. The floral offerings were beautiful and the little coffin was enshrouded in them. ST. GEORGE'S DAY. This is St George's Day, and iu accordance with the usual custom of marking the epoch, roses, when obtainable, were worn by many to mark the occasion.

To night the St. Ocoree's Society will hold its annual dinner In the club rooms, while the popular St. George's Society will celebrate witht'a dramatic and musical entertainment in St. James' Hall, presenting the rarcijtf Betsy Baker and Brother Bill and KENNEDY'S WHISKY. On Sunday boat an I stock in trade of Kennedy, the lrderer, now doing a life term, were delivered at 1 listings.

It was thought that some of the whisky in the stock might have ben stolen but no proved ownership so that It was t'irned over to E. Magee who has a bill of sale of It. The greater part stuff that Kennedy himself out of i.lgh wines and according to his own description of it two glasses would be sufficient to nake a man murder his best girl. PERSONALS. C.

D. Rand and Farrell were pa sengers for Victoria on Sunday afternoon. B. Odium left on the Cutch this afternoon on a business trip to Nanaimo, Comox and other Island points. Robert Kerr, of the C.

P. Winnipeg, is at Hotel Vancouver. J. T. Wilkinson, "The World man on the wing," Is back from the Midwinter Hubert F.

Paige, the well known stock breeder of Matsqul, is in the city. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. BLOUSES Blouses An Enormous Stock at Remarkably Low Prices We take pleasure iu aunouucdng the arrival of three cases of New Blouses. The collection Is the largest and most elcgaut ever exhibited by us, and lucludes every desirable novelty lu material and style, aud are maiked at EXCEPTIONALLY LOW TRICKS.

Ladies' White Blouses Ladies' Colored Blouses Ladies' Shirt Waists, standing collars Ladies' Shirt Waists, turn over collars Ladies' Shirt Fronts, with standing and turn over collars Boys' Blouses in white and colors Children's Blouses Children's Dresses and Pinafores AtDrysdale's 150 Cordova Street CPECIAL OFFER To End ol May Only Home Cook Book 7j Chase's Receipt Book 7i Dr. Chevasse's Advice to a Wife aud a Mother (combined) 2 00 Physical Life of a Woman 1 23 Transmission of Life. 1 2." At Thomson 108 Cordova Street BOOKSTORE Seeds Headquarters as usual lor D. M. FERRY CELEBRATED SEEDS HARROW The Leading Druggist 1, U.

JIUIUXU It, Cordova St. fit. Pleasant Hotel Bghton HASTINGS, K.C. MRS. M.

K. AVIIYTH, Proprietress SUMMER HOTEL Healthy Bright Comfortable The only resort wlthlu easy reach of Vancouver where Individuals or pleasure parties can secure first class entertainment. DINNER PARTIES SPECIALLY CATERED TO Perfect accommodation for dancing parties. The best of wines, ales, liquors aud cigars. Choice table wines a specialty.

1M3 J. L. DAVIS. Manager. The Owl Drug Store 76 Cordova Cor.

Abbott WE NEVER SLEEP. A registered chemist always en duty, night aud day, to fill your immediate wants. PRICES REASONABLE. Orders by mall solicited, (live us a trial and save money by dealing at The Owl. J.

F. JAECK, Family Chemist 'Phone 116 P. O. Box 3R8 H. C.

Clarke J. Dutt Stuart CLARKE STUART Successors to S. T. TILLEY SON Booksellers Stationers Printers News Agents 11 CORDOVA STREET VANCOUVER, B.C. Glassware Just arrived a complete line of Columbia Glassware.

This is the prettiest thing we have ever been able to show. We have it in Berry Sets Fruit Bowls Water Sets Cake Stands Table Sets Goblets Covered Footed Bowls Orange Bowls Our stock of Glassware was never so complete. Jas. A. Skinner Co.

514 Hastings St. THE MERCHANT TAILORS more rent emi'lov mor skilled lu ttmn Mtiv niiiiuiou tur.iiri business the city, and yet people will scud orders awav, and bv so they send away live day work null every suit. These same people w.ll howl and rage at the Chinese doing the same. "Oh. humanity!" first cast the beam out of vour own eye, etc.

Von may then be particularly qualified and in duty liound, intended and destined to write, to say, to state, to remark, to observe, to iterate, uud reiterate, and re reiterate your profound conviction that the Chinese are doing wrong. Campbell Dougherty, the New Vork tailors, turn out good fitting, well made, artistically cut garments at prx'es as low a.s any first class eastern house. A trial wi.l convince; best of c. ty references. Su.ts $1U and upwards.

We will give $ii to the firm whu can prove that they do a larger merchant tailoring business in British Colnmli.u than we do. Campbell Dougherty, corner Cordova and Cam hie streets. Vancouver, anil Granite arch stole Curtis' block, New Westmln setr. THEY LET IT OFF. To give reality to a tableau there was a cannon at the Imperial Opera House on Saturday night.

It was an old cannon, that since time immemorial stood sentinel In front of Hastings mill office After the entertainment was over some of the artillery boys thought they would have practice with it. They loaded it up with powder, and one of the boldest gunners touched It off boom, crash, rattle, rattle, rattle It sounded like an exaggeration of that episode in a theatre when the "vilyun" gets thrown out, when the bass drum is hanged, and a man behind the scenes hustles a box of glass till it rattles again and again. The result of the explosion was the breaking of a number of windows in the building, the extinguishing of the gas, and for the present it is hardly, safe to mention the word cannon to a No. 5 company man of the B. C.

B. G. A. J25.W REWARD To any person giving information that will lead to the conviction of any person circulating the report that the Raymond Sewing Machine Co." is in financial dillicuities. W.

A. CLARK. Sole as't. for li. CO Cordova St.

THE BATTERY SMOKER. On Saturday evening No. 5 Battery, B. C. H.

G. gave its second smoking concert in the Imperial Opera House, and although only a fair sized audience was present to enjoy the varied programme and other things, the affair was undoubtedly a success. Among the audience were 30 visitors from New Westminster, members of No. 4 Battery, seven of whom composed the team which took part in the tug of war. The audience made up tn appreciation what it lacked in numbers, and.

the encores awarded were numerous, hearty and frequent. Much interest was manifested in the three heats in the tug of war match, all of which proved to be draws. As chairman, Major Townley fully sustained his reputation. THE ORIENT FERRY. The Empress of Japan sailed this afternoon for Hongkong via Yakoha ma and way ports.

She had 2" saloon passengers. 150 Chinese and 800 tons of cargo. The Empress of China, which sidled for this port on Saturday, has a large saloon passenger list. HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Incorporated 1670 IT'S TIME To decide what you are going to have for a summer dress, and perhaps you won't object to our making a suggestion In the first place it's important to know where you can get the BEST SELECTION AND THE BEST VALUE Suppose we tell you. Well, there's a big building on the corner of Granville and Georgia Streets, and over the front entrance you read, Hutlsi n's Bay Stores." That's the place the Eldorado for purchasers.

There you will find an array of NOVELTIES in SUHHER G00D5 more choice, more beautiful, more varied, than cculd have been produced by Aladdin and his wonderful lamp. Challicsat 40c. and 45c; French Cambrics, 25c; Crum's Prints, in Indigo Uhie and light colors, 15c. For Ladies' Blouses, Aprons, and Children's Pinafores, sec our Oxford Shirtings at 25c. Tetley's Tea and all other nice Groceries at THE HUDSON'S BAY STORES Granville Street MONDAY, APRIL 23.

LOCAL GOSSIP. W. Maxwell Smith 136 Cordova St. Dr. Carroll has removed his office and residence to the corner of Howe and Ilubson streets.

John W'atkins, manufacturers' agent, Cordova street, laid on the editor's table to day a beautiful St. George Day rose, for which he has our best thanks. Underwear for boys at D. J. McLean Your business cares will vanish if you smoke one of Kurtz's Own Cigars.

Cedar wood the finest summer fuel, large load, delivered, $1.50. H. H. Spicer. New and handsome designs In oilcloth and linoleums at prices that will astonish you at Sehl Co'a.

Art lesstons only 23 cents per hour at Miss Blackburn's studio over Bailey Cordova street. First of the Season srmiKetl SALMON. COO and STl ROHON. At the Central Fish Mar ket, Cordova street. Ladies hang cutting and curling 25 cents.

Hair goods, hair dressing, at Miss D. Salinger, opposite V. Tramways omce. General hardware, stoves, fishing and shooting tackles, and warranted cuttlng tonls. Fair prices, but strictly cash.

Market Hardware Store, opposite Market hall. Cares and troubles are banished from your mind when you smoke real good cigars. Kurtz's Own and Kurtz's Pioneers are real good cigars. Hall's Hair Renewer cures dandruff and scalp affections; also all cases of baldness where the glands which feed tfhe roots of the hair are not closed up. SHEDS AVU TREES at Fewster's.

All kinds: Apple, quince, cherry, gooseberry, fillwrts, cob, direct from Kng land. A terrific hall storm and up the country yesterday could not cause more talk and excitement than is caused by reports of goods purchased at russell mcdonald co. PRIZE FIGHTING. AIDERS AND ABETTORS TO BE UROVGHT TO BOOK. A prize fight Thos.

Hicks, of Vancouver, and J. Reid, of Winnipeg, was booked for Saturday night at the Junction Inn or pny other place if necessity caused a change of base. Gov. Moresby got wind of the affair and the fight was postponed from hour to hour until 2:30 on Sunday nwnlnjj. It has then thought that the authorities were asleep and a large party issembled at the rendezvous to witness the scrap.

The police were on hand and wide awake and surrounded the building. Scuffling going on led the officers to the conclusion that the fight had started and they made a break for the inside. They were just a few momenta too soon. The scuffling was caused by the clearing of the ring preparatory to commencing business, and the scrappers had just commenced to dress When the police entered there was hurried diving for windows and other aporturer and many left their hats behind Several were caught and Identified and informations were laid against them this morning. The tights, colors, of the puss and the ring rope were impounded.

That st ipped the fight for the time being, but came oft Just the same on Sunday afternocn In a shack on Trounce alley. Eight rattling rounds were fought in which the Vancouver it. an had de cidedly the best of It. The Winnipeg man not only failed to knock Hicks out In the prescribed time, but did not hold his own. Hicks did some very ctever work during the contest, clearly out pointing Reed The fight was for a purse of $1W.

It was sjmewhat disturbed and the voice of the referee drowned by the Salvation Arniy.i who were holding their usual Sunday afternoon street service a short distance away, and the spectators wanted tc know where the police were If such a racket on the could not be stopped. A World reporter was not visible at the fight. The staff has too wholesome a iespect for the law, leaving all other views of the question aside. Section 95 of the Criminal Code reids as follows: Everyone is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $500 and r.ot less than 150, or for imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, with or without hard labor, or to both, who Is present at a prize fight as an aid, second, surgeon, umpire, backer, assistant, or reporter, or who advises, encourages or promotes such a fight. When th5 police learn that the fight actually did taka place further Informations will no doubt be laid.

H. M. S. PINAFORE. The next attraction at the Vancouver Opera House is on Wednesday evening, and a strong one it is, being no other than a visit from the Westminster Operatic society, which will present H.

M. S. Pinafore. This talented company has already given Pinafore twice in the Royal City, on both occasions meeting with large audiences. Speaking of one of the performances, the evening paper of that city said: I'inafore, or the Lass That Loved a Sailor, presented at Herring's Opera House last evening by a com puny of Westminster amateurs, surpassed all expectations.

It far excelled in general merit any non professional effort of the kind heretofore attempted, and in many ways equalled the best professional productions seen on the stage here. POLICE COURT. At this morning's session of the civic justice mill Jack Fabish, charged with a breach of the Market by law, was dismissed. Dan Jacob, an Indian, pleaded guilty to having an Intoxicant in his possession and was remanded till to morrow for sentence. Alex.

McLean, who has only been In town about a week, was not in a position to appear. He had been drinking heavily and had got his boots full of snakes. He took his boots off but the snakes stayed with him. he took off everything but his shirt fcnd went for a spin on Westminster avenue, and he was running about in that airy costume when arrested. The charge against Thos.

Gregson of misrepresentation In connection with a land deal was dismissed. I of 1 he choicest iiH'A'fd lots in wnt Krid, pwh tkixl.t Klfifiint vcw of MitfPhli Buy. The li ih tor 1. or singly at fMHi a imrmiu. 4) LOTH.

lliirnly itreft. for CI use to li. vie si re hi A tate of mut bell. 1 for 8 rooniPfJ house, Hi hanis 1 Uf)U frfe to Hoi sou Only fiSO canh pav iuent buU te uiunlluy. lie scumble and save rent.

"VE have 4 on Burrard street, "on Hriiby street, on Howe Btreet, on Mount Vlnmnut wa Uru for i buy era with Ir )Ui 0 to liO cash, wauling a home II OI'tfK, room, Went Mud. to exchange for va'. aut Joti or ace properly and a tittle money. for 4 Here, fronting on Westminster V'T)U Road, rlose to (tltidsf ne Inn and train line. The rheape i ace pn pe rty surrounding cltv a 1) iriaiu.

CO. P.O. Ifox 170 We "Meat" Everybody fit our store. hiu1 It Is generally an entirely satiffac meat in if. Tlicu We Tender Tender to our cusiutner, th freshest, fattest ami jui'lrv he had.

Our milium sold as mutU'U, not as spring Iamb. The Lamb Costs More will be on the market and we will ehartie accordingly, haine with btef ehoii rum are sold as such. No misrepresentations. They Lose Custom never Rtln It. We limply guarantee our beef, veal, mutton, lamb and pork to be just as we say they are, and with the price we ask.

Yet the people keep coroiuK tons. Our statement must be true. If this is the way von to do business, call at 36 and lis Cordova 8t the establishment of W. A. HclNTOSH CO.

Telenhonefirt THE VALUE OF YOUR EYESIGHT Should Induce you (when In need of glasses) to entrust It only to competent hands. We guarantee a fit, aud furnish spectacles pR superior to any you have bteu able to net heretofore lu Vancouver. F. W. NOLTE CO.

Only Opticians of B. C. 417 Hastings St. 37 Fort Victoria SPECIAL rtji K( CASH, and Bmall monthly pay tptJ'JVj ments will buy a residence In the est Knd. Splendid chance to secure a home.

A CLIENT, wishing to secure Borne residential property In the West End of the City, will trmle a lot on Hastings Sireet, near the new Court House, for the same. IOT 44x132. on Westminster for sale, or will trade for suitable farm property. Apply to REAL ESTATE Insurance Agent 307 Cordova Street R. MARRION Sanitary Engineer, Pluhber Gas and Steam Fitter All work guaranteed.

Estimates free. Plans prepared for sanitary plumbing at moderate charges. Office and shop Gas Works, Reefer 8t, 1665 6c 15 CORDOVA ST. Millinery nillinery In all the Latest Styles and to Suit All Tastes, at SUMMERS ORRELL'S Granville St. Go West, Young Man" Horace Greeley Present Translation Seek West End 66x132 Lots For view, size cheapness, good surroundings and eay termit, the hest In the City.

CRISIS PRICES ieiir corner Bute and Alhernl. 1 Grand view; unusually good bar gaiu. One third cash Sand 'l at 8 per cent. (J 0ear corner Hender and JarvlH. vlMtlU Very fine view.

This buy and one above the cheapest lots In Hub. Ho. One fourth cash (1, 12 and is at 7 per cent, Near corner Jervts and Alhernl Ol Nice view. One third cash 6 and 12 at 8 per cent. 42 "I ft Corner, choicest on Robson street.

OltlUU Will suit the most particular person get the tlrst chance at this. One tuurth cat 6, 12 and IK, at 7 per cent. Of Near corner Broughton and IFaro 'Vt'v'' Keal nice view. Young man, take f2 of your savlrgs and buy this. Your girl will look on you with favor then.

Balance, 6, 12, 18, at 7 per cent SI 000 Near corner Jervls and llaro. Now. th's is a choice one: uood residence, rear, front and both sides. Buy this and one aho 'e, aud you secure a sate, money making deal. One fonrlh cash 6, 1', 18, a.

7 per cent. I'avi near Nicola. What a grand I tiew of English Ray. The lucky person who huys this will be congratulated this summer. Kasy terms.

1 rt HO Two lot" faring Knglhh Bay, close I )UU to the summer cottaiies Hizm, XwlxV'l, Wood chance to build cottaes and rent for summer One hall cash 6 and 12, at 8 p. c. MOKK lots, close prleps, easy terms. Nptendid buys iu West Knd houses, very easy terms. Kqulty in new 7 room bouse, Wowe, near my the, for West Knd lot.

Cau't advertise all, hut see DAVID F. DOUGLAS The Real Estate Broker CAM BIK STREET Telephone 1M p.o. Box 3.58 M. J. 1IENHY Nurseryman and Florist 604 Westminster Eoad Vancouver, B.C.

(ll'T FLOWERS, Beddlng out Plants. Fruit and Ornamental Trees In stock. Agricultural Implements, Bee Hives and 8upplies. Garden! aud cemetery plots laid out. sMii NOT RESPONSIBLE NOTICE Is hereby given that the Ca.otafn, owners or agents will not be responsible for any debt contracted by the ere of the British ship Alusdale CAPT, 0.VKN8..

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