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French Broad Hustler from Hendersonville, North Carolina • Page 1

Hendersonville, North Carolina
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taw THOUSAND Annual Heeting of the Woman's Ex-Governor Glenn Coming. WELLUA1T GIVES UP GUDGER FLAYS C0ITGRESSLIA1T GRANT XJ win itx imiii i Union, ATTELIPT 00 CROSS FOHD WHAT THEY SAY OF TnZIJ-v SELVES. ri June; 28th, 1906, the Ex-GoyernOr'R. b7 Glenn TiU" on Thursday, board steamer Trent. Oct.

a ton uouiw: uc, 18. Honi JrMl The' fifth annual meeting of the candidate for Vdn Woman's UnionV-'Asheville Pres- which only the heroic efforts ox pnartment Prevented from the i issues of. the present cam nWiv; nshed by Congressman Blackburn by Cpngre assuming the proportions of a con-1 gress, addressed the of bytery, convened; at the-Presby paign theirr crafty lowered themselves and his friends i. gave this warn- flagration witn a loss 01 nve ximes er oaiuraay ana nis terian church this morning at 10 Vreat brought not les sthan fif- hearers were delighted at the clean n- into tne iiieDoat jwhich swung be- neaxn xney men cast the life- opn hundrea peopie lue.uepoL i wacAwve.wy wnicn ne i 1 5 about 2 oWck, this morning, presented the questions under dis delegate present, and the meeting Vote 1 wAlr oinr firp in th bis- Amonff other thin Mr Gh terest.Rey. B.

Grinnan open. opat on: and were, anoat on the The airship, -relieved of, the weight of the shot up highinto the air and was -rapidly 5 Crawford tfan't Come. JFTon; W. T. Crawford wiil speak in' Brevard; Saturday next: Mr.J, Crawford has- been announced forVHendersonville' on night, bui it is impossible forhint to be uhere at that time.

Mr. Crawford wil lbe in Hender nf Hendersonville said that he was very sorry indeed Wfte convention with prayer and Bntlerism store buildings and one to hear that Mr. Grant was justi-1 Mrs. Grinnan delivered the ad- uwwn away. xne tarnsier 01 tne Wellmari party from the lifeboat private residence furnished food fymg his action in reference to dressof welcome Following is fwthe fire entailing i of bj, tBiltmore and BWrriej post- the pogram in'foday md to tne iTent was.

'effected with sonville at some late date: much At 4 :30 m. today the steamer Third-termism- lars only a small part of which is Gudger; had obtained the "removal covered by insurance. 1 of Mrs; Morris from the.postoffice Trent sighted the airship Amert 1 RespbnseA-Mrilc C. IT. Gibbon; 'r Reading Biriaony Cingin gat There, an old time Chris Graft and Ring- and wireles scommunication Th fire was discovered bv red I at Menaersonville some six years in tiiP huildine occupied as a I ago.

"I am surprised and aston- Pie and Pie Jobbers- tian Harmony, JBinging at Udney- was immediately established, Ir vill on the fifth Sunday in Octo the; operator on the airship. restaurant by Mary Weheler. I lshed- ne said, Jo hear thatl alarm was immediatelyigiven, I Grant not only is justifying his ac Tyrants and 11 Pirates, Boodlers Doodlers- Apomtment of ber. inf ormed the operator and the fire department was soonltion, but, boasts of fact that uu- me ireni mati rne airsnin Hot Air and Swell Heads- 2:00 It ...1 in. nil unfv a A 7 j-- g-" 1 Aiuciiua uicw wiaueu.

to ausux- mv. -1 a i I i- 1 1 -m-. Round Faces and Red IToses a lie uewsveui rumor yesieraay, 1 aon tne oaiioon. ireless com. Consecration ServiceT-Mrs.

E. B. Foreman; on the scene. A eoutnern ireigm lurneu ivrs. xveea out oi tne traiE had just pulled into the vsta- Biltmore post office.

a He said tioa and helped to arouse -the town that all these charges made by Mr. for if ever its siren whistle split Grant were without any truth or of a being killed at Xaurel I munication was kept up from this The Trust of OHce -The Honopoly of Grit Address on1 Home. Missions Park was 'without' any foundation time on between the airship and in whatever. J.f -J' the sf earner; r. bers iv: hi i 9 o'clock this morning.

inadeV charge against Mrs, 'Echoes 'from Mbntreaf snfer ire under "Chief of Morris either directly or indirectly, fStSJA nVlftfk this moniinflr. never made charge aeainst Mrs. I icnoes, from MOntreat fire OOHPHJITa inrsryOLUIIB. Ward Under Heaw Bondir tTiVIT7 -T: The Police Maxwell, showed excellent inatrraftnt in ehtinfc the blazel I her removaL and Coznznissiczer Chipman Gives Out Life Liens on All' PubUe Of- otmngto ao-witn I TFrrvKn a iri fact did not Facts Ccncerninrr the Henort of I Charles Ward, one of the men i ,711 tbpir unceasin? efforts con-1 know, that she had-actually-been ,7:30 M. His Department for implicated the shooting.

of fined it to the area burned. Ad-j removed irom tne ofhee that' no I Entertainment by Children from ioininff are several new I one had: ever talked with him or I Mountain Orjhanagef conducted (RaleiBning Night Ijynch of the WPr 0UC5" The folio wins, Bummarv of the Green River Manufacturing Com- Hon Scheme structures and many old irame wnten mm a word reierence ro oy ivits. -a. n. a empie.

buildings. Some of these 'caught I her removal, and that he had lev- I Home life in the; Orphanage, pvral times from the showers of I er made any: statement to the post- Kev. A. H. Temple portion of the annual ''report by pany, was tried yesterday after-; Andt whil Marion Butler was the Bureau- of Labor, and Print- noon, before Magistrate J.

C. Moir managing Motley' Morehead cam ing. dealing with farms and farm ani placed under a bond of pajgn for chairman the Repub- labor, will be read' with interest 500. appear at the next term of gtate, 'executive' committee bv all criminal court. t'0 Grover DavisJ.

also connected summer the Greensboro News, sparks which fell upon their roofs I office department in reference to In other Dedication Services. but wnicn were exunguisneu. ue- i jcx vase jlu. any uuwuvr. any material damage was words he did not have anything to fore done.

The dedication services of the The buildings destroyed were new Methodist church at East ties indicate wholesome advance tlle T0W nnder a bond of republican, said him: in farming. ''Particular attention to appear. at the same time. people want to know if The hearing was have been I the holders of the fraudulent State ao wnatever with tne matter or changing postmasters at Hender-sonville, and that as he understood it was a mutual change'Jbetween them and that she iwas i retained. Flat Rock were held last Sunday An eight room residence, the preparation of soil, and the study before R.

M. Oates, property of Mr. J. M. Jjanmng, given these subjects cannot but wa rausierreu ixor- jin nis enort to get control oi iNortn and everything passed off very if Rev.

W. A. Newell, of Trypn had charge of the service, and valued at about $2,500 with $400 I ah is now the first assistant post-insurance. This building was the' I master at Hendersonville that all result -in much row ine witnesses were Drainage of heavy and swamp I. numerous, ana tne grand jury Who made Mr.

Butler a man last to burn, and, it is said, had statements coimectine him with i mm m-mm mwmm m-mm cb riiiiii aa a and measures for the pre- roX, weu qi sjmeansT Whence: comes the the water pressure been heavier this matter were eroundless and rSZZrZ" vention of -erosion are also under- cnencK represent-1 boodle for; the expensive campaign the house might have been.saved. fale ahd-used to deceive the pub- Mr. Lannmg had removed most of Uc J'Jl taken. iThe advantages of these 5 iir. u.

uen, wno is aetermin- he has Deen waging so assiduous- have been shown by the work al- break up the spirit of rowdy: ly since anuary last Are these ready accomplished, And it'isrto sm which js becoming maesttin irresponsible bondholders; behind be hoped that the. niovementib- the nghborhood 4thiM lg-mffl, Mm Are they expecting; legisla-i ward, theseends wil lbe muclLfor- a.nd who is also inclined'to the be- tioit favorable to rtheir; c6ntention Captain lost an -nn- Gudger said that he bad merely ylV .8, a lasting throngh the-entire Week: u.urr siaxea rnaxxne pnpuQ niianisj-v conducted ikbv warded the results already atW1 iat wne pepiegatn m-a i the vent oi Mr Sutler's astute whidh there was no insurance; Rev. Wj A. Newell of Trvon and tained. fu6iu vp icarapaign results in a nepuBucan Pete Barrow lost two frame uiu uiu liuu uan jr au appiuna- tion and that in doing so he was stating great number of The.

North Carolina geologieal I f11? buildings, with no insurance. economic survey, is coxui assertions, in survey Noah Wheeler's restaurant assisted by Rev.1 Mr. Smat Every one is invited td: attend these services which will commence each night at fiften minutes to eight. stated on the congressmen buting valuable instruction in the building, occupied by Mary wm5; I greaf" speech at Laurinburg on Ward and -Bavis. Mr: Rector way of proven methods along wheeler, in which the fire was urged the trial magistrate to these lines.

With constantly in discovered. floor of "the house of representatives and that' the secretary of the treasury had written 'him land others to the effect that while he had an appropriation to pay duce the bonds. 1 This was done in LXi.CiC creasing values it behooves the These buildings were occupied 1 Speaking! Hon. Solomon Gallert will ad land owners of the state to see to the case of Davis, from $150 to tive speaker JNortn uarohna, $75, but the" original bond in I had this to say by a barber shop, a pool room and it that no gullies and washouts a restaurant. asrents to insuect sites for nublic Ward's case was aUowed to stand.

These are the Questions of th dress the people at the following A brisk breeze- was blowing all I rmildintrs there had are permitted on their properties, Officer Lynch who is the Mis- ReDublican oreran. Thev are not and the incentive for reclama- times and places: of swamp lands cannot fail to be hospital, Asheville, resting my questions they are not my 'as- Greens Creek, voting place, during the fire. Clouds of sparks been no money -appropriated to flew heavenward and alighted on purchase the sites or build the buildings even as far away as postoffices and that nothing could Main street. Mr. S.

Johnston 's bft don until an annronriation Tuesday, Oct. 18, 7 :30 p. m. seen-when comparison of values of drained and undrained lands rrCJ san3UB thm i liVht 4t lS Obeyed he will now re- editorial control which had is made. Locally, there is slight Sylva, Monday, October 24.

at 7 :30 p. m. Canton, Tuesday, October 25, at handsome residence had a very I wqH mnp hv anm a RnoYP.ftliT? con- COVer. wifin tbfifift nnpsti'nTis wpta flulrArl narrow escape from destruction. I o-ca ATi Orant's -nrpspiTtt.

difference in wages; and, it fol Morgan," the bad man from You are familiar with that form of I The flames to the skies in lows, slight difference in cost of 7 p. m. production of farm products. Polk, who fired the almost fatal rhetorical question which is the shot, is still (highest form of assertion, "Is the term of office would not expire until the fourth day of -March, next, and that -he still had an op great billowing clouds, and marvel of it is that the men: were Wednesday, Octo ber 26; at 7:30 p. m.

Following will be found the Lord's hand waxed short is the able to stand so near, the inferno conclusions, as shown lay the Flat Rock, Thursday, October portunity to obtain this appropri- Tom. Settle Says It Means Idquor. most, emphatic -way of asserting 27, at 7 :30 p. m. fi gures 4 given in the answer to anon during xms coming winter of heat as to make the effective fight they did.

Had the fire once Questions sent out- from this Green River, Cotton Mills, Fri I inal ms "ana Js not snortened; and Raleigh, Oct. -while the Greensboro News w.s that the present congress was fice. To those who have so con gotten beyond their control; the day, October 28, at 7 :30 p. m. Thos Settle declared in a perhaps not familiar with this loss would have been not less than I t.nwi Kot "Tt flrnnt wnnlrJ Tia Let everybody corne Ladies can campaign speech that he want' scripture when it asked its qucs- ntty thousand I nhlA tn nhtain an arTroTriation to especially invited! 5 OWEN GUDGER, i Chm.

Dem. Con. Com: siderably given us this information we to acknowledge our indebtedness. The tables show- an increase in the value of land in ninety-three ea it understood tnat wnatever tion about Butler, its question is else the "local self government? 1 the most enrohatic assertion ht. Adjoining the scene of the fire rcarry into effect his authorization plank republican 'platform the bondholders were behind Bui-means, it means opposition to Ier.

If we can not believft Rennb- are a number of great old, trees, bill. It was generally conceded utilized by chickens as sleeping that the next house of representa-apartments. When the blaze was fives would be largely democratic TAXES. counties, and nov change in nve. at its height th hundreds of snec- I an that the measure has the double i TYii oKuco "xvj.c i iicans wnen mey ten on.

oae ca .1 other, when can We believe thex, 'ninety-five counties; tained in tators watching it were amazed to I advantage of Mr. Grant 's efforts say tnat it means ai ltnat was i and if we make assertions agaiezt these fonhsh rthickens.I dnrinc the winter, and it he fails The tax payers of Henderson oounty are requested to meet me my deputy, at the following claimed for it by the democrats their Partv. based on their tesfi deilberatelv flv lTirt fliA vow I Viati Tiia A-fFnra nt. the next, session tames and places for the purpose Msntre of the great furnace. Of of congress.

three report that it is not maintain. Three counties report a tendencyi to have larger farms ninety-five smaller. Ninety-three counties report labor scarce five, Ninety-five counties report negro labor unreliable their previous platform in 1904, mdny about one -another, whe is to which, he said included the right blame, we or they 1 of the people to control their own if this is not a clincher we se local affairs. very much Jn the mesa-' Mr. bettle spoke in representa- A tWo or, mg of that term.

Governor Ay- Jurse, they suffered severely rOm As to the survey of the rench of settling their taxes for the year eir experience, although they Broad river, he opposed the spend- 1910, which are now due and in arenot alive, to tell the story. ing'of money. for that purpose as my hands for collection, nre department, composed I useless but would tavor a bill to. I Bowman's l5iult; Hugging store, the followine men. wer on the I havp.

t.h channel of the river low- Monday, October 17th. $8.76, an increase of 32 cents per his erowd fiUed the hall, the lob- cock was making reply to optn month over last year. Seventeen I bi ffalleriea. f.h'p latter beiu letters from Motlev Morehead and Found within a few minutes after I ered and the narrow places in the Green River Tuesday, o. -j i ure was rtiscnvpyp nnrl tn wilpirorl in- nrdpr to dram I Uctober devoted to negroes.

report financial condition of working people good, fifty-dght a vote of thanks is due for the wet i lands of Hendersonville Iredell Mtares in which they tcrok exception to a statement of the Governor charging that helfltra i Democratic Township Ticket Nom- fair, twentyone poor, onJad, and one does not answer question. Ninety-one counties report im isat juave, reeman store, Thursday, October 7 Fruitland, Friday, October, 21. i Fletcher, Cunningham 's store, Saturday, October mated. Kfrtment is comPse(i of the'fol-' urgent deniand is drainage, the wing men Hilliard Maxwell, A. benefit is drainage." Let us spend of fraudulent bends" were furnish- provement six: no improvement, xne democratic executive com mg moneys ior tn repuDiican oyivester Maxwell, k.

our money lor drainage ana not JJUlfv. i4.4. I 4- Mills River, Davenport store. and one does not answer tne ques- mittee of Hendersonville township I namnflifni. Now thev doubtless Clayton, Det Reece.

Mr Gudger "further charged I Tuesday, October 25th. 4 tion. I met at thp court house. Saturday jru The report "that sixty- at Wouoc, nominated the fc i. luiuur irageaies oi i tnat Ajrruiii uau j.

viuiaicu ma uwnaii, ucuiicauojr, vstuuer iueflre was tbo I ijw nria rtot ha I COimtieS nrOQUCe COtVOll ai. vwmchin fllrot 1 $33.37 per bale pounds -A For constable, Otis Powers. governor said inJhCaught between two heavy had pledged himself to protect the Blue Ridge, Case's store, Thurs-Z and burned to a crisp be- lumber' interests of this district; day, October thirty-one do not. report; eignty-1 Magistrates: A. T- Kim- "But' there is one othr.

point uurrmea eyes of SDecta-1 but to the contrary nad votea i oaiuaa, moms store, naay, one counties produce wheat, at. a Sey -of Horse Shoe Charles A. made by in 'his open DP 1- -r. i ,1 001, i cost, of of Hendersoville J. R.

I letter. He insists that these bonds t'a to save, its ternnea I wooa puip on tneMree usi, auu. i yewuw j'y bushel; seventeen -counties do not Ednev. of Ednevvilfe. and'S.

V. I their pay- am produce', I Kuykendall, of Flat ment is authorized by a vote of the counties produce corn at a cost of 5 Squire D. Dermid presided I people. May I remind him that V-L til I VV UU 1 1 L'U (111 Tfk I I III I II Tl I 111 1 I r. ttttv-two cents vper- nusuei.

aati thA meeting I this provision was put into tne till iii nnTTi tvi -1 i fii rw a i 1 i cbnstituion by Democrats that one county do es not report corn, knrr confusion of the'scene 1 irfi this district: tHatv he Promise Ninety-five counties produco oats at thirty-five, cents per bushel; Killed4 Girl as; She Begged for the people of North Carolina owe -Mercy. this safeguard of their interests to Anniston. Oct. the party which he is now light were harrowed by the I automobiles at the expense of the -a i Tieonie ior i eneaKer uannon ana Asheville were supporting him and yet hot one single solitary: Demor; cratlin the city of Asheville is supporting Mr. rr 'He pleads for sympathy, and yet refused protect the widow and the decrepit confederate soldier," he said.

'I' Jfavor "a post-office building at Hendersonville and Waynesville, "and if elected will do everything in my power to 'obtain the. -r'-r vice President Sherman; and that IlVfUtrT uoay invited to come. he voted for a chauffeur to operate I rm r. three counties do not report oats. Fifty-three counties produce tobacco at $7.40 per 100 2 pounds; forty-five counties do.

not report tobacco Thirty-three, counties report increase in towages county a decrease, and sixty-four, counties of these automobiles at a cost are espec- each ed with "having shot death his ing He is compelled in his own sweetheart, Willie Graham, a pret- defense, to Democratic ty-cotton mill operative, while she legislation! And may I remind was on her knees pleading for him also that submission of mercy, Leo Gilbert- was placed on this question to the people with trial in the Anniston city court 'v' today. (Continued on Page 5.) tinted and brine their books of annuallv rr will be served: on Grant, was also boasting in his speeches that the business men of.

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