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The Winfield Daily Free Press from Winfield, Kansas • Page 7

Winfield, Kansas
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1 won at our county fair gives the nmir i 'ounS" Iady Quite distinction. H5m Mrs. Racheal Campbell of Kansas 01 1 1 8S III li grandma, Holtby and Mrs. Nellie RESULTS BATS SHOWN THAT THIS IS THE BEST WAT TO SELL, TIMES FOR S5 CENTS. TRADE OR EXCHANGE.

For cleaning knives and forks, washing dishes, pots and pans add a tablespoonf ul of Gold Dust to a panful of hot water. Gold Dust does not mar nor scratch. You will direc- Cold DuatbrigHtanahoiuawivaa'livaa, A it brightens York and knivaa. JTA Cold Dutt Twin every package of Gold MAKERS Active Cleaner tions printed 'J Dust. Tiwm lmmP tvJ Wur paek; for rvaryufhara (First rublished In the Evening Free PieES, Sept.

16 1915.) Ia the Prcballe Court of Cowlo Coun ty, Kansas' In the Mattrf of the Estate of San- ford JJreofk'', Deceased. Notice Creditor iltf Final Settlement. and all other persons in- ft EEtS i .11 1 on The aid estate are hereby no-' 3 terested in have filed my final re- I tified that I drroate court and siau i pt rt in the apply to wild Court, at the Probate Court It t.Hf in Court House at Wln- field. uid oiunty. at the '-'October i Term thereolf, the IJth day of October ,1 1915, for a full and fin- al of said estate, and for an eroer tingling ana aajuaiong who re the heir of said deceased.

P. KINO, Admin istrator of Said Estate. 4 wks. First Ppubllished in the Evening BE A BOOSTER Use nothing but good made In Winfleld, ach Kemp's For sale flnd endorsed' by al) "of WlDfleld's grocer) stores. Ask for KEMP'S next time.

John Kemp Factory; OtS Loomls Btreet Nl 'it Has fl charm of its own rs'de and a pleasing -personality. That is why work done by the Best Steam laundry has ee many admirers. The simple reason Is that we "know how" to do the work properly, and further more we do it We take the trouble to do it right Lets of people know how to do fl thing, but they haven't pride enough to do it properly We are not that kind. i i 7 THE BfSl STEAM GEO. DUELER, Prop.

Telephone 14. 21 W. Oth Ave. J.D.FUNK Real Estate Office phone 152. Res.

phone 1081. Office 906 Millington St. 80 acres close to town to trade for city property, all can be cultivated, suitable for alfalfa, price $75 per acre. Also a forty and 160 acre farms to trade for town property. A Buick 'automobile, 1914 'model, self starter, tire pump, electric lights, in first class condition and three lots on corner of Fifth and College avenue to trade lof- a residence of equal value.

Price $2,500.00. A nearly new all modern nine room house located on East Ninth avenue, 75 feet of ground, fer A six room house all modern, with Darn, Kigntn avenue, a nice home for $2,400.00. A new seven-room house, with sleeping porch, all modern, six blocks from Ninth and Main street, v. ill consider half what have you? Price, $3,000.00 J. D.

Funk Brooms! Free Pnss, Sept. 23. 1916. In the Diftrlet'Cotrt of Cowley County, Kanfsas, D. D.

Uohi nson, Fiaintirr, JVS. Ward A. Wood arc, and his un- known executors, adminis-and as- trators, trust lees, devisees signs, Defendants. To Ward A. Woodard.

if living, and if dea unknown heirs, executors." ndff trusxres, assigns: devissces and Markum. Mrs. Beulah Muret left Tuesday for the Pacific Coast. She will vbit her mother and other relatives as well as the two expositions. She has been In delicate health the past summer and her frirnis hope the trip will prove great'y beneficial to her.

There will be a county delegate meeting of the Orange sof Cowley county at Hackney hall the first Satin day In October at 2:00 p. m. to elect delegates to the state Orange. Mr. and Mrs.

L. E. Myers and son, Richard, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Mr. and Mm. W.

H. Holtby and daughter, Beulah, of Mangura, Oklahoma, made a brief visit in an auto Friday morning, at the homes of Grandma Holtby, H. Markum and C. R. Holtby.

were i nattendance at the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Z. B. Myer.

I. Herbert Knepper, one of the telegraph operators at Hackney station on the A. T. S. F.

railroad, returned Monday from his thirty days vacation. He visited relatives in Columbus and: Zanesville, Ohio, Chi cago and other points. His trans portation did not cost him anything. He reports having had a glorious time. At the golden wedding anniversary of Mr.

Mrs. Z. B. Myers Friday the following' relatives par ticlpated: Roy and Mrs. Myer, and Gordon, of Valley- City, N.

Prof. Walter E. Myer and wife, of the State Norma) College. Emporia. Kansas; Miss; Olive" Ferguson and children, Blanch, Floyd, Luther and Mildrel, of Ponca Oklahoma; John H.

Myer and wife and children, Maurice, Wilbur, Rodney, and Doris, 61 Ponca City, Oklaho ma; Mrs. G. E. (Bessie) and husband, of Ft. Kansa3; Mrs.

John Carter (Naomi). and husband, of Kellore, Idaho; Mrs. W. H. Holtby (Jennie) and husband and daughter, Beulah, of Mangum, Oklahoma; L.

fe Myer and wife, and con, Richard, of Minneapolis, Min nesota; Myer, Anna B. Myers; still at- hdmej Dr. and Mrs. Miller, (brother Mrs. Myer).

Kokomo, Jacob Miller, (brother of Mrs. Myer), Finley, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. N. (nephew of Mrs.

Myer), Finley, Indiana; Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mid-kiff, (nephew of Mr3. Myer), Arkansas City, Kansas. Forty people participated in the scrumptuous.

dinner provided. Grape juice ana lemonaae were ine iiquia refreshments. Cigars for the men and candie fosr the women and children. Toasts were responded to after the dinner hour and all the older ones had a chance to relate some of life's experiences. Mrs.

Jennie Holtby, an elocutionist, gave' several1 readings in response to encores. Among her selections, "The sorrow and disappointments of an inventors wife," (actual experiences); "the trials and tribulations of the ladies aid," and "How I got my dollar for tbe mission circle." Mr. and Mrs. Z. B.

Myer were married at Shelbyville, Indiana, September 24, 1865. have resided forty-three on the old homestead, which they pre-empted as a claim. They raised a family of twelve children, 'two daughters having died after reaching womanhood of diiptheria. All the living chill-dren were present and all the grandchildren, except two, Marven and Donald Stidsberry. Mr.

Z. B. Myer is How to Build a Convenient Corn Crib A corn- crib should always be constructed so that it can be filled and emptied with the least For level ground, a good type is double cribs with an elevated drivewa'v through the center of Uz building and elevated at each end. This enables the loads to be driven through the cribs and dumped or scooped out of the wagons without any high pitching. A good crib pays for itself in a few years by keeping the corn in such condition that it will bring you better prices.

We would like to talk to you about your corn crib. Come in. 1 i You nr.d ea of you, are hereby JLDtB Peoples Psrlcet Good 1 kings lo Eat MAKE UP YOUR PICNIC AND OPT ING LUNCHES HERE- Veal Loaf- Pickles. 1 Bread rrtr'r Relish 'i Lvnch Goods. FFresh Oysters Celery, Hme-Made Chill.

Freak and ert4 i Freeh; ground -bones and cracklings for ywrr chickens. Andrew Wilson Plwne 1272 -n AH New and T- f. OW Houses Need Expert it Hoiisewiring The Kind That Quay Does QUAY'S ELECTRIC SHOP none 287. 90S HaiM. jOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9 J.

M. FULLER. Architect and Builder. Rooms 14 and 15, over Cowley County Bant. Phone 553.

Residence phone 857. 0 ODoooooooaooooooo fhe Harem Skirt on our stoves would be the most getting up out of a warm bedt Ranges, Heating, Cooking, tor A East Ninth a Sloppy nouneri tr.nt ou have sued In above nam court, and that you WANTED WANTED Fanners to come to the Free Pres for letter hads, envelopes or any kind of printing. Name your farm and use printed stationery. WANTED The people to know the South End Grocery leads In low prices and will sell sugar, flour, and meat and all goods the lowest. Phone 673.

Free delivery. 102-8t- WANTED Men or women to work in the city. $50.00 per guaranteed, also two to travel, SIS per week and expenses. Mrs. M.

C. Teeters, general delivery city, 102-3t FOR SALE. FOR SALE 480 acres, 130 In bottom and timber, 360 ton silo, EO acres in alfalfa, 200 acres In net wire fence. Watered by living sprligs. Two and fl half miles from Wilmot George W.

Savage, Winfleld, Kana. tf. FOR SALE All kinds of-grain, bay and teed. Oats 45 cents per fcafflr 60 cents pei bran 90 cents per sack, chops, $L65 per sask, orairie hay, 25 cents a bale, alfalfa Say .35 cents per bale. We deliver (our times daily.

Hoovn "A Sooth Main. Phone 755. 100-lf FOR SALE 6 nws to farrow soon, one boar, 20. spring pigs, one milk cqw, a McCormlck binder, run one' season; 1 Pliorie 1507-2. 103-St FOR SALE Cheap, good set of double driving harness.

Call at 711 East Sixth AYenue. 102-3t FOR SALE One cow, also one good work horse. E. C. Jones, 1216 Broadway, phone 404.

102-3t FOR SLE One span of three year old mules, broke; two sucking colts and one good brood mare. Inquire of H. A. Stiner or phone 1515. 103-3t XOTICE.

OXY-ACETELENR WELDING Am prepared to weld cast iron. aluminum, brass, copper and do braz ing, and repair Jobs that the average blacksmith don't care to do. Consul tation free. Greenwalt, 616 Main street, phone 743. liOST LOST Ladies plush coat, be tween Vic.or Point senooi nouse ann Burden, on Friday, the last day f'o Burden fair.

Aiy information gladly le-eived. Adt'ress or phone Mrs. Annie Lake, Wintield, Kan. R. 6.

103-3t 'on tti-A'T FQR RENT Apartments and rooms for light housekeeping. 303 East Tenth. Phone 1315. 101-3t. now seventy-five years old and his estimable wife aikty-nine.

Both are enjoying good health. Mr. Baugh and wife, photographers of Winfleld, were present and took several group pictures of the happy crowd. Among the valuable presents were two elegant leather upholstered rockers given by the children. Golden dinner set, by Indiana relatives, golden cream ladle and sugar shell, hy Forest Myer, nephew of Mrs.

My er, Knirt UKianoma; cim nnKS roi; Mrs. Myer and brooch for Mrs. Myer by Charles Midkiff, nephew of Mrs. Myer, Arkansas City, Kansas. The grandchildren supplied the flowers and decorations.

-A- "HZ" FORt TIRED SORE, ACmNG FEET Ah I what relief. No more tired foet; no more burning feet, swollen, bad smelling, sweaty feet. No more pain in corns callouses or bunions. No matter what ails your feet or what under the sun you've tried without getting, relief, just use "TIZ." "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet; "TIZ" is mag-ical; "TIZ" is "TIZ" will on re your foot troubles so you'll never limp or draw up your face in pain. Your shoes won't seem tight and your feet will never, never hurt or get sore, swollen or tired.

Get a 25 cent box at any drug 'or lepartment store, and get relief flip petition cf the therein on or before must answer plaintiff filffl November, 1915, or iiJR trn nay petition 4 Judgment will be taken as true rendered apaln'-t you, iZs title to the fol-d ral estate, t-wit: sfleuns i'a Ct9, twenty (20) (21). in Blork Fif-Robinson's Addition to yA twenty-nrf (DO. "UN-four ifho oily of Rural Happenings 4. (I VICTOR POINT, Wayne Cranston was absent from school a day or two on account oi Mr. and Mis.

Reuben Miller and Miss Faye Myers of Heyorth, 111., took dinner Sunday at Mr. Ed Mof-fets. 'Mrs. Moffet and daughter Lens spent Wednesday with Mrs, Mary Mopet. Announcement: There will be a cocial for the members and friends of the Christian Endeavor next Sat night.

Hunt the social and 'ome. Mj.Max Potha family visited his sister Mrs. Weibe anl family Sunday afternoon. Wjeibe has Vrcn quite ill tne past few days. A family gathering was enjoyed at the Dr.

fl. home In honor pf Ezra Rising and wife who, left the following day for tbel home near Spermore, Ok la. Tlios present were Mr. Phillip Look and wife and son Ray, Mr, Charley Rti ing and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Dal Owen, Mr. anl Mrs. WSey Akers, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Rising.

Mr. George Lauppe and family fpent Sunday at Mr. F. W. Aliens.

Mr. and Mrs. Bynuin were, Win-field visitors Friday. A fety ventured out to the schoo' house, for Kr.deavcr Meettne di.y night but no meeting was held.

and Mrs. Robert Sopple wer Yii nfield visitors Friday. Mrs. Ivy Alkison and child) en If Saturday for their home near dare, Okla. Mrs.

Teresa Allen and baby Dn'is fc-pent Friday with Mrs. Reuben Miller. A number from this neighborhood attended the Burden Fair Thursday. Mr. Perry MilleY has in Winf'eM Friday.

Mrs. W. F. Mjller spent Tuesday with her son Reuben and family. Mrs.

A. J. Moffet and daujfhtei Lena at Dr. R. A.

Tuesday. Mrs. Reuben Miller visited Mrs. Nettie Miller Wednesday afternoctv Ms. Miles spent Thursday Mr.

Arthur Knowles on flrousp Creek. Airs. Lela Akers vir-ited frlks Thursday. Airs. F.

Miller spent with 1 or daughter, Moffet. Mr. Elmer Cranston, and Mr. Leonard Pike assisted Mr. Oldridi.

haying the last week. All farm operations are at a standstill and have been for niore than a week. Too much rain for plowing, haying or threshing. We are passing through the enui- I uu.Mcti jjcuuu. rvi uajpa we win nave nave more settled weather hereafter.

At any rate, here's hoping that we will. George W. Vickery and M. H. Markum took advantage of the rainy weather and attended the Topeka State Fair.

enjoyed the sights very much. Never before bad thev seen as big and fine an exhibition of stock, horses, cattle, hogs 1 and sheep, and poultry. Several states were represented in this display. Farm tractors and farm machinery of every kind, including automobiles, were also an attractive The fields were too soft for tractor plow- ing demonstrations. Notwithstand ing unfavorable weather and muddy grounds! the fair was a success in point of attendance.

Our county fair was not a drop In the bucket compared with the Topeka fair. In the stock exhibits the ladies carried off the blue ribbons in the display of calves. The true Kansas spirit was manifested in the persistency of the multitudes of people Evading the rrnd to see the sights. Mr. and Mrs.

C. R. Holtby and daughter, Louise, attended the, Hutchinson state fair. Miss Louise carried off some blue ribbons on ber display I of handpainted chjna ware. This in addition to the twenty- nfield, County, xduding you rnd eacli ill right, title and in- IKans is, i I )nf voit tA Kodak iorpst therein.

JOSEPH O'jIARKv 3tT For Plaintiff. Mr. and Mrs.Z C. A. Cann of New Jersey are in v'iyinfleld the guests of Air.

and Mrs. C. Hines. Nine IH wer Readv Regardless cf sf the circumstancrj: no matter wha jt the conditions Wif von need a light you'll get it instantly lwith an FLASHl LIGHT The EtereaiAly never A i feenuine Mazda lam and a Tungsten that's guaranteed t. give the maximum servio are your iflaahl'ght I Price that is consist.

that'a ytf Come and let us pro ieit. Stur! kr Bros. rmaer IP If ill mm mm- II Si Goes well with this delightful fall weather. Get one and take a picture of mother, huby, baby or The very best at 'GARVER BROTHERS' The Old Corner Book Store. Corner Main and Mntfe STOVE WEATHER Didn't you feel like one of comfortable thing this 'morning on We gas, coal have plenty of them.

or wood. Don't wait until tomorrow. Come today. O. A.

Phone 1005 115 J'S Eu-t CcmleyJLurr.ter Co. riicne 54. Xd v. -M. W.


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