The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida • 9
- Publication:
- The Miami Heraldi
- Location:
- Miami, Florida
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 9
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Sat Aug 12 1972 THE MIAMI HERALD 9-A 41( luk I It I i 1 1 McCartney Will Continue Tour After Admitting Importing Pot Julie Will Skip Teaching in Fall To Aid Campaign ie It ill) 1 juana all too seriously but have treated us correctly and decently" station has not changed anything" said McCartney "The Swedish police regard marl ties in 1970 and formed the Wings last winter His wife is the daughter of New York lawyer Lee Eastman Seiwell also is an American They were arrested back- can rrested back- Visit the land of Jules! (4 tt exotic atives! IfiLitch a rice cutter inaction! Take a fate ulo borpaii bOrgai I i 1 i FiErEltds' 1 4 10411s1E) 0 laki Ltirt11Ktd) immeetmA 10qe PAUL LINDA WE'LL SAVE YOU MONEY! 1t '4-'411' 1' -4-i-Z 4' 4 ip de WE'LL SAVE l'' i YOU MONEY :0 o'Duirec: t4kl ED 1 ---t 3': i 1 Immillio -----------zs--- i 1 PAUL LINDA 1 I 1111111ll PAUL McCartney his wife Linda and his drummer post ed $2100 bond Friday after admitting they had imported marijuana during a Scandinavian tour police in Goteberg Sweden said Police said the McCartneys and drummer Danny Seiwell would be fined an amount not exceeding the bond they had posted They also could be ex pelled from the country but there was no indication whether this would be done "We will go ahead with our tour as planned" said McCartney Police 'questioned the three Thursday night after intercepting five ounces of marijuana that had been mailed from Britain to the former Beatle's new pop group the Wings McCartney quit the Bea juana that had been mailed from Britain to the former Beetle's new pop group the Swings McCartney quit the Bea- "Vik: -r 7- ic' li It''' I 1: I tr 4t) Direct to you from our modern 30000 sq ft factory where you can see your kitchen cabinets made to order! to you from modern 30000 sq ft factory where you can see your kitchen cabinets mode to order! 710114A I I i stage Thursday night at the end of a concert After posting the bond the McCartneys and Seiwell said: "This is only good publicity for us" "This visit at the police After posting the bond the McCartneys and Seiwell said: "This is only good publicity torus" "This visit at the police JULIE Eisenhower says she will forgo her teaching career this fall to take part 1 in a mass registration drive iimong young voters The 24-year-old Mrs Eisenhower President Nixon's younger daughter said she believes her father will de1 feat Sen George McGovern 11 in the November election and lure thousands of supporters from the ranks of the na- tion's 18-to-24-year-olds Mrs Eisenhower told an impromptu news conference in West Branch Iowa that polls indicate the President has a large following among young independent and uncommitted voters "Our job will be to register these people" she added Mrs Eisenhower held the news conference while touring the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site which was being dedicated as part of the National Park System She talked to the press in the blacksmith shop originally an ce let mt in- ter he r- la- ch la Ily he WE HANDLE THE ENTIRE JOB SUCH AS PLUMBING ELECTRIC CEILING AND FLOOR FINISHES AND ANY REQUIRED MODIFICATIONS OF YOUR FACILITIES WITH OUR OWN HIGH GRADE CRAFTSMAN SEE YOUR NEW KITCHEN AT JORDAN MARSH 163rd ST APFZIdAZROR AT OUR FACTORY SHOWROOM "LI At nesotA neut! LILL IKIL tiLiN arlid raw la rellati 10 LJ P11 OMili I i1 REQUIRED MODiFICATIONS OF YOUR FACILITIES WITH OUR OWN HIGH GRADE CRAFTSMAN SEE YOUR NEW KITCHEN AT JORDAN MARSH 163rd ST 3rd FLOOR APPLIANCES OR AT OUR FACTORY SHOWROOM Julie Eisenhower register people operated by Hoover's father Jesse Thursday marked the 98th anniversary of Herbert Hoover's birth During the dedication ceremonies she read a message from her father praising Hoover as a "strong compassionate man dedicated to hard work" Mujib OK After Surgery PRIME Minister Mujibur Rahman of Bangladesh is making a "highly satisfactory" recovery from surgery for the removal of his appendix and a gallstone the London Clinic said Friday I t---ii 1-1041 ls Kt 0701 1: ---4 The clinic said that Mujib 51 walked from his hospital room to confer with aides Bangladesh sources said the Bengali leader will go to Switzerland later this month to convalesce FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Phone MAHI94546O6 DROWARD 921-9222 til Ar 41141011111APIbP1111146 ----77-7 ar elsleeessifPtpnedv 550t icksitiforimullontutliirtiowgoom Iowan et limbo Ws Ihoisholost Wen a higill 501610011 I- I "19 TRADITIONAL by SCHWEIGER Atailmommosombaus 1 Julie Eisenhower 1 1 regi ster people il 16 Jules tel i operated by Hoover's father i la Jesse Thursday marked the 98th i MU llb OK After Sur0- FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ery I I 1 111117 1 I anniversary of Herbert Hoo- PRIME Minister Mujibur The clinic said that Mujib nt- 9219222 41 ver's birth During the dedi- Rahman of Bangladesh is 51 walked from his hospital rtiOne MIAMI 945-2606 BROWARD I Ivitt's- cation ceremonies she read a making a "highly satisfacto- room to confer with aides iovolottoresp message from her father ry" recovery from surgery Bangladesh sources said the "ileac 4 4 1 praising Hoover as a "strong for the removal of his appen- Bengali leader will go -04 Ai a-- 47 641 I' -4 compassionate man dedicat- dix and a gallstone the Lon Switzerland later this month I i50 tilCANSISOUlgiALUNIALOFfitti SROMOON ti ed to hard work" don Clinic said Friday to convalesce 1 obsidian 14 loodoso Orbas Ilsoloposit Sopa 0 Mk Woolf Lt 1 1 i 'Lk Ali 1e i Ay TL myRoN ROBERTS 2-DAY SPOTLIGHT i it ojc --t' i TOO-- 1 i I RDA SATURDAY 4 1 1 c) 407 10 4 Us' PAL i It LILA Pim ti f6M 612 2 AMt6 SUNDAY 3 SUNDAY -4 la LA 101 -IN i ow 2 All PM I '1 'Ilakhrriltul3 1 ANEWEMINIEMby 1 mil I 1 I I I WIP: Jet 1 -A1 4----A171e 1 1 0i tit G) 111 111r1 '114 til 1 --1' 11 I 1 41110 ft 11 Tta04 "it 1" illgamir1" 0 A 4 to 41041r11410 '4f' IA 1 '74nWLW elighl I I c---- 1 I i :0 ter 41' 11 000Nlv 1 rilraikrool500AP- ff 9414filiqic '''t mem tt i ill ii ri 01701 olhowirt st i 1 i i 1 PI 1 Ft iii -9 1 t'A 015 vim- a lb a 0 i 1 I 1- 4'13 A 0 471 EICI 04 I 1- 1 I ttl: Mr (111 4 II 1:1 1 4" 02 fli 11 IP 4 1 11ASO11 a 1 1 I L--L 4 rIfyi by-1 2 II tlith I 1 1r I 11 I 61 l'Afrt I 1 4t i ir i wimpf) -0 1 I I 0 1 11 i 1 '1-' 'It I 7-1A-771 ttA iiii it TRADITIONAL 1 IT1 jrk 10 li 4 pa- I 9 A 1 by SCHWEIGER i rli 0 8- f(3771 itql0-11 i 11 V- 111-0' 1 '---t------ ---r---- ---------3-0- 4- '''1 'i''' 1 it '''3'' 4111 1 ov11 'ce014 tc- r1' 1 i A '4 4z'''i' A sv 1 Jlb ti-0 i 1 fil A4A Herbert Hoover former president Well Froehlke Is a Civilian SECRETARY of the Army Robert Froehlke made a casual appearance at Fort MacArthur near San Pedro Calif to award an artillery battery for its marksmanship but he turned out to be Ithe center of attention all because of his colorful plaid pants Froehlke dressed in the plaid pants and tee-shirt presented the Army Air Defense Commander's Trophy to Capt Keith Wiley for the perfect score fired by Wilt ley's battery at Fort Bliss Tex this year Froehlke's dress contrasted with Willey's neatly pressed military uniform But said one observer "After all the secretary is a civilian" 0 0A lit my a ort ro ry 'iP be all How Superb design deeply comNOWfortable in magnificent traditional styling Suite includes 90" sofa with reversible cush- 9 ions or two skirted hi-back chairs with tufted backs your choice Superb design deeply com Limn fortable in magnificent trodi- NOW 6 4 PC MEDITERRANEAN BEDROOM SUITE Magnificent dark oak bedroom set is the greatest Spanish suite we have ever offered The 72" two-door triple dresser with ball-beoring drawers is accented by twin mirrors A graceful choirback full or queen-size headboard and armoire chest complete this sturdy oak set '388 Just beyond the horizon off I-95 lies a land of primitive charm Where the speeding traveller turning east on 125thStreet enters a world preserved fossil-like-in an earlier price age Where the natives live in low rent bliss 4Where automobiles park practically at will with no parking 'meters spoiling the cement vistas And the concrete paths run straight and true Here is heard a language strange to the ear of the traveller accustomed to the harsh tones "$150 for a $150 suit" Here instead the dulcet syllables "$150 suits for $11029" are heard And the visitor understands and rejoices Ar sNrktlk Just beyond the horizon off I-95 lies a land of primitive charm Where the speeding traveller turning east on 125th Street enters a 111U LI IV LAJI II ut putt to I ut I II LH 11 LI Here is heard a language strange to the ear of the traveller accustomed to the harsh tones "S150 for a $150 suit" Here instead the dulcet syllables "$150 suits for $11029" are heard And the visitor I understands and rejoices :4 Lg 12 OFT A tremendous display of chairs that are either discontinued soiled or overstocked Reduced to a low low safe price DECORATOR LOUNGE CHAIRS VALUES TO S69 FROM '38 MYRON ROBERTS OFFERS 1- A 4: '11 A 14 '')11 I i 7 -er I Sleek "Penthouse" collection of tables brighten up your room tuStrous walnut grain finish with slimline door Black accented base Avoilable in square gon and cocktail MODERN WALNUT TABLES NOW '38 -0- (4: 4----- --4--1 DECORATOR t4 LOUNGE CHAIRS MYRON ROBERT'S OFFERS YO At L'Y fp'ItIL- i 14-1 N1 13 roil: ulPo 12 OFF 111 VALUES TO S69 tAJ I 1) rlir7461-- IL 4 cl ::11 vo IC VI' :) ri A tremendous display of chairs that are either discontinued soiled or coy- MODERN WALNUT TABLES 11 a a il erstocked Reduced to a low low ci I to eb ei tables thhtoeunse u' i 1 your I Lew( roono sate price 1 id EN ill NOW 11 tuorous walnut grain finish with $38 11 4 7 ei slimline door Black accented base Available in square FROM gon end cocktail 1 lot e----N rt rtNeinz-70 f-i PA-11-tz7sAsget Sir Winston Kin' i Wed in London SIR Winston Churchill's granddaughter Arabella Churchill has married Scot tish schoolmaster James 4AVatr He has found the IP A Land of Jules Jules the Price Cutter He finds Jules' racks heavy with the fruit of the land's most famous tailors The bounty of his choice is heady to one accustomed to seeing the same' old tired pin stripes and glen plaids back in his own land And he plucks suits and slacks: and sport jackets off the burgeoning racks like a starving man at prices that still his hunger Expensive suits at Julesland prices zdk i He has found the A ts' Land of Jules cid! Jules the Price Cutter He finds Jules' fraamckosuhsetaavilyorwsitThhtehebotruunittyofotfhheislacnhdoisic most z- ti heady to one accustomed to seeing the same old tired pin stripes and glen plaids back in i h'is own land And he plucks suits and slacks: and sport jackets off the burgeoning racks like a starving man at prices that still I -I 0 '4 -I 11) ROOMY ETAGERE 717 tit If Arav ROOMY lekit 11 ETAGERE Jo sir Churchill's widow Baroness Spencer-Churchill was among the guests at the Unik tarian church ceremony in London The bride is 22 her husband is 23 1 177071 1114 LA: A -0 -A rr'r -or gr "1'7 04411 4 :1 '-4 xf 0:7 S4 42 (0 1 urchin was at the Uni- Deremony in 22 her hus- A dramatic design of chrome and glass with walnut finished base A delightful addition for any home odneylighohtmfeuI addition for A dramatic design of chrome and glass with walnut finished base A S165 suits for S12132' S180 suits for $13235 S215 suits for $15808 $235 suits for S17295 t' 8088 $115 suits for 8457 $135 suits for 9927 $150 suits for $11029 Myron Roberti will re you oub et difference licidcru-Sanyodieitisid item if yeti ton purchase it for hiss ot eny furniturelStorel Deportment Store Or Warehouse in Wide within-30 do yron erts en re you au Magnus drii tsetme oi yDoetipatorntmpounr purchase hos teoerelf Wa selll lonclIfit hilt- 30 do ItlowsovoirlotispeortNemstriedrtroepsospewvverskestrft SATURDAY 10 AM TO 6 PM SUNDAY NOON TO 8 PM 411 MODERN SLEEPERS by BASSETT Magnificent new styles and NOW fabrics Handsome sofa by day opens into a fullsize $288 bed at night 1 1 ii- Magnificent I l't new styles and NOW 1:4 W----- 4-----4100NE LOT OR Ulf HAN AFTION ROBERTS fabrics Handsome sofa by 288 clay opens into a fullsize IF-'''''' I Now ke 441 4 tc 4- bed at night SATURDAY 10 AM TO 6 PM SUNDAY NOON TO 8 PM 44'eq II 1 tk'41 It :07 11111 71:11 'A 1 111 )111111111111111 -7 re' IN -I i it t4 1 fly 11 AitT 4S41- -tr 4: vi l'atzmis 1 4:5 i A Silt 4 a lc 2 Rir Ler01 4j10 e- "I' 1 441kk I i 1 1- A lip A Sizes: Regulars 35 to 52 shorts 34 to 46 extra shorts 37 to 44 longs 37 to 52 extra longs 42 to 50 portlys 39 to 52 short portlys 38 to 50 The extra sizes cost Jules a little extra so Jules charges a little extra The visitor is glad to pay cash in American dollars for he knows Jules cannot live by defrayed bread and he knows too that: credit adds plenty to the cost of his suits He presses money upon Jules for his alterations also realizing this is the only way Jules can pay for his skilled native needlework And no matter what his figure when he enters the land of Jules short broad thin or tall he returns home a better man It is fitting that he do so Men from as far away as Honduras Panama Venezuela and Mexico have renewed their passports and flown the big birds to the Land of Jules For the fame of this man has spread the length'and breadth of the hemisphere if not the world Hong Kong tailors have been known to commit Han-Karl at the sound of his prices An American needs no passpbrt Just cash i Pfe-1 CONTEMPORARY: by SCHWEIGER Featuring Herculon the Miracle Fabric Glom Orin your home with this magnificent loose cushioned sofa or matching borrel choirs in gold plaid print Your choke solo or two chairs I ve 4: 111 -7-r1 1 1 '7! 1 1 111 --0 3 i -1 1--- -4 7 I i 9 I I tall itiP r1 I- 411'5 11 1 31i NI at 1 1 717---7- li ri iil ilk 1 1 rt I 1 ty 7 --ftrzysit r-- 1 10101 il i it Ow 14k4s11 4 4 CONTEMPORARY: I LI ''1' 0 1 1 by SCHWEIGER 1 'IT'l t-'''''' -)t II 0 i 1 I -R I I Featuring Herculon the Miracle Fabric Glam II 4 1--- I 1 11 I 1 Orn i your hoe with this magnificent loose z4 cushioned sofa or matching borrel choirs in gold plaid print Your choke solo or two choirs II 0 -16 ARABELLA BARTON Nancy Reacran Isn't Eligible GOV Ronald Reagan's wife Nancy has disclaimed authorship of an application for welfare aid that had been received by the Fresno County Welfare Department in Fresno Calif Existence of the application became known when Mrs Reagan received a letter from the county saying she wasn't eligible for food stamps or assistance under the Aid to Families With Dependent Children program The governor's office said that Mrs Reagan's secretary had sent Fresno County Welfare Director Reed Clegg a note saying the application ooviousiy had been filed as a 541C DINETTE by BRODY Now sl8C A beautiful new grouping from Brody Finished in Bisque Rosewood Set includes oval table with 12" leaf and 4 vinyl swivel choirs finished in Ambrose Gold with Pineapple pedestal bases Lim quantity available 01U Jules myR A 0 ROBERT -Rtil 0 HARGES "scrims: t- -rt rt 01 pariER -IMM In ROOMS some' s49- -103 sHowitock 0010 OH) OPENNS ES Men's terribly expenbixe clothing at cot prices 606 NE 125th Street at NE 6th Avenue V2 miles east of1-95 Phone 759-4512 Open Sundays Open Thursday Friday nights Sot 930 to 6-00: Sun 11:00 to 5:30: Thurs Fi 9:30 Mon Tues Vied 9:30 tk) A All 4vs cash Merations extra at cost flue 2 4 ott See Our iceitalp Fabulous Central Offer in Sunday Aug 1171 Page 2 iig 1410 OWE PPM! NOLOW0011 sour DADE 6655434 ORIN 9454421 WIMPS IIL2222.
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