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Henderson Gold Leaf from Henderson, North Carolina • Page 3

Henderson, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

There is more catarrh in this section 0f anMMV and noft'tiTfl CUrt fOT SHINdLES, LATHS. DOORS, Rheumatism waj so bad that James Ir- NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE Hev. B. IV. Hester, a pons and od'y man who was beloved and EUi 4gave Time and Health.

Doctors bill3 find druggists prescriptions are heavy drains on the pocket, not to mention days, weeks, and months Of enforced idleness in case of In many instances all this loss may be saved by the timely use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine, taken in smaller doses1 than would be required of any other blood-pur fier, produces the most positive Tesults; therefore it is economy to 1 Use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Moreover! Toy taking this medicine ia season, you prevent- the Inroads of disease, keep the blood pure, and the system uniformly strong and vigorous. Remember Prevention Is better than cure. But how, It may be asked.

Is one to know that he need this medicine? By various Indications among them by that tired feeling, by loss of appetite, lack of energy, dull head, ache and confusion of memory, pains In the limbs, back, and sides, pimple and eruptions on. the face and body, weakness of the eyes, restlessness by night, drowsiness by day, and frequent depression ot spirits. These, though not diseases ia themselves, are symptoms and warnings, which, If not attended to, may result iu diseases of the most serious nature. Begin at once to use the country than all other diseases put togother. and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pronouueed it a local dLse se, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment.

pronouncxl it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disense. and, therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall' Catarrh Cure, manufactured- by F. J.

Cheney Sc. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doss from io drops to a tea-spoonful. It acts directlv upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure.

Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Chexet Toledo, O. tW Sold by druggists, IX.

Extend to everybody a kind salutation. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75o. to free yourself of every symptom of these distressing complaints, if you think so call ot our store and gent a bottle-f Shiloh.s Vitalizer, every bottle has a written guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by W.

W. Parker, druggist. MEN KNOW THAT TO SECURE PAT-ronage people mut first know where they are and what they are doing, i It is uot enough for a professional man to thoroughly prepare himself for the practice of his profession, and then shut him-j self up in a back room and not acquaint the public with the fact. Neither will a large and well assorted stock of goods, bought never so reasonably and offered at bargains unheard of, avail the mer-! chant anything if he keeps the secret, to niuisen. xie must mate the marz-er public tell the story to anxious buyers and Ayer's Sarsaparilla.

Ayef Sarsaparilla gives entire satisfaction to my customers. My wife used two bottles of it, which did her more good than any other medicine. Her sallow face has become fresh and rosy. I feel assured that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has completely restored her health. Our family physician recommends Ayer's remedies." Sam'l Stephenson, Pool, W.

Va. "For years I was afflicted with dyspepsia, having very little appetite and being distressed by nearly everything I ate. A druggist recommended a trial of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which I am now taking my fourth bottle. The medicine helped me at once, and has continued to help me. I can recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a great remedy In, this distressing complaint." Charles O.

Maxter, Farmington, Me. The Best Blood-Purifier "To all sufferers from liver complaint, I would strongly recommend Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted with liver, complaint for nearly two years, until advised to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It gave me immediate relief." James French, Atchison, Kansas. Save your time by takioa- thus make himself heard and seen andfr Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared bj DR.

J. AYER Lowell, Mass. Sold by ail Druggists. Price 91. Six bottles, 95.

Worth $5 a' bottle. JUDICIOUS AOVF.K I i Jj: SATES a new buness; many an old business; riltSKKVES msay-a lar business; F.ViVES many a dull business; ktSGUS.S many a business; mar.y a failing business: SECURfcS access in any business. ro aivertis- judiciously," use the columns i he HENBES30N GOLD LEAF. It is the ncviHpaper published ia Vance county in ac the live and growing towns of North Cai olina, and circulates extendi vely among an intelligent and prosperous people whose trade is welTworth seeking and having. I RATES OF ADVERTISING.

I ini I 1 In In, Iti. 1 1 w'k n': 1 14 on: r' i r. i 'j of 4 (mi- a 1 1 "(i; i 1 (til on 1 r. no' 4 r.iti ou i (kki i i 11 Oil JO Oil! r.n.l."oo.2."oi 1 -j (hi no id ll'l (K) 700O t. 0 ij 4 l(MMil KOO'l '-''Ml 1 looi! i.wioi I rmixii-ii' v-r! I t'i'- pil lieI i moiilii i im-liT.

mu't Ik- vnni-c. Vl'l f. -r tlir i-ioii is -iill r'-'i nt vt-r' ini l-n ly jmlil lslit--l J'or it longer vrtiHl i in- a iviii- ui' nts. i upp uisi .112 loi iiriit'-r iiii-l'T w-ii ii n-j. i in flr--t iriM-rt ion.

ii ml 1 i-i-nt i'-r I m- incrti'iii ifiverti-emi-litv in ikImi hi is! HlijI Hot K. c'ii mi I riiKt KUiwmo'is ii'" r-i-il-n ts. will for lex! etrijit wli'-n iry cxne.l ertiiin limit of lar-e. In wiileli we ri-Ki-rve tlm i iirtit to Aliiiirnwn'lirin-. All nneli lilinlnes must I'MIl Full IN AliVANt K.

The elut rK 1,1 fc I very urnull ami we eanmit. all -r-i to ciKe risky. wait the persons to Obituary -nollei-. rt-solutlons of rospeet win be for tin- mie of one cnt ti.i it.eeasii must aeeompMiiy tne iiianusi i ipt In crisi when- fi ieml nmj pairoiis of- Hie pap'-r iire ni, cii.aiu'' wm le for 1 lie hrt ten lines -altoiii 75 wnnls-or niti'-It-s not e.K-ftsI i uk Iflftl i 11 lenijl h. TA 1 OF TOWN local laconics ficked up here and THEREBY OUR EAGLE-EYED REPORTERS.

ITctnlorsim No. 2120, F. A. -31. Meets liist ami thud Tuesday nitrhts in each.iiionoli ai in.

Keavis Hall. ljead what all our ytdvertisers have to say. It will pay yuti. They are offer- ing goons cheap. Henderson has certainly been wet enough for the past few days to satisfy the most confirmed old toper.

Let's all hustle for Henderson and individual prosperity this year a we l'ave never done, before. What say von Advertise your liusineT-s if you would succeed. Nothing succeeds like sue- cess, and nothing brings that success -ike adutiih. There has been an unsual amount of the beautiul snow'' this winter. Observant persons fell us this looks encouraging lor a good crop year.'ii mi-ii adyertise. Who laiijjh We'll prove the statement's I ilit Hcholil the lengthy epitaph I'lMin their t'Miili-tone white. Atl'Httti Constitution. If every business man of Henderson will start in with the ri-htdeterinination and work to the end of giving the town big boom this year, our progress dur-! iii'' will be "marked. Will the farmers plant as milch to- bacco and cotton this year as they have been doing, or will they go in lor home supplies more? That is the question, and a very important one it is; too.

Mr. D. Y. Cooper's line Jersey cow gave birth to twins a few days ago. something unusual' among the bovine I fami y.

Holh the l'Ktle -callies," a male and -female, are living and heart. We have quite a number of prominent business men of Henderson on our list." whom we nronose to ac I L. T. HOWARD. 'H 0 WARD TAYLOR-, (Successors to E.

F. Wyatt t- Son.) Manufacturers- of and Dealers in HARNESS, SADDLES ZE3jB3snDEisoTsr. O. (Lassiter's Old Stand, Corner Main and Montgomery Streets.) meet all eompetitson and give our patrons the very lies! bargains obtainable. We carry also a full line of Rubber Goods, Oil, Varnish, Ca'storn for bujigy axles, ITAU kinds of repairing promptly and well done at reasonable rates.

Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a oontiiuinnce nf tlie same liberal pai Iras-age. Come to see us. We promise our best efforts to please you. catarrh, dyptheria, canker month and headache, in Shilob's Catarrh Remedy. A nasarinjeetor free with each bottl.

La it if you desire health and tweet breath Price Wc. by W. W. Parker, dru- fiat. Sermon on Temperance.

Rev. T. J. Ogburu preached a special sermon on temperance at the Methodist Protestant church at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, taking for his subject The: Vance County Ox," his remarks being based on the 29th Terse of the 21st chapter of Exodus But if the ox were wont to push with his horn iu time past, and it hath been testified'to his owner, and he hath not kept him iu but that he hath killed a man or a woman the ox shall be stoned, and his 'owner shall be put to death. The house was full, many persons no doubt being attracted through curiosity, knowing 'the positive manner of the man and his hatredof the liquor traffic, expecting him to say many very rough thiugs in his sermon.

But in this they were disappointed. Mr. Ogburn said he had no quarrel with the liquor sellers, but it was the fellows who legalize the making and the selling of; the death-dealing, home-wrecking, soul-destroying stuff, that he was after. He spoke at considerable length and while he shelled the woods and poured hot Shot into the camp of many of his hearers, he said nothing to give offense save in the sense that the truth hurts some times." He read from the writings of distinguished men on the subject of intem perance and the evils of the liquor traffic, quoting from such sources as Dr. Peck, Bishop! Fobter, Col.

Robert G. iDgersoll, aud others. The li Indictment of King Alcohol," pronounced by the last named gentleman in a famous speech made in Chicago some years ago, was one of the most elcL quent and at the same time vivid pictures of the terrible and blasting effects of the liqour curse we have yet. seen or heard, notwithstanding the source from which it came. And to these Mr.

Ogburn added his own testimony and denunciation, showing, if further evidence were needed, his hatred of the whole business of making, selling and drinking liquor. He spoke about the continuance of the traffic in Henderson, which he termed the "Vance County Ox," and gave his unreserved opinion of church members wh5, by their acts, he said, had been the cause of his being turned loose in Henderson to push with his horn again as he had done in time past. Mr. Ogburn said that in his zeal, viewing this terrible thing as he did, he had made I mistakes and possibly may have injured a cause he was trying to help, but he would rather take a wrong stand on the right side than a right stand on the wrong one. A Remarkable Case.

Mr. Walter Wheeler, of the Washington Mills, Lawrence, for two years afflicted with virocose veins, accompanied by a troublesome eruption, was completely cared after taking only eight bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Notice. I have for sale one good iron safe which J. am offering at half cost, and also a lot-of Btore-furniture aiid 'fixtures.

Can save money if needing anything in this line. Andrew P. Newcomb, Trustee jan20 of John W. Purefoy. OUR HOLIDaV NUMBER.

Some things Said About It by Our Friends. The Henderson (N. Gol- Leaf and Chenoa (111.) Gazette issued superb holiday editions of their papers'. They are among the most enterprising jour nals in the land. Orange (Va) Observer.

Thad R. Manning's Christmas num ber of the Gold Leaf caps the climax. It is ahead of everything in the South so No newspaper has ever before attempted anything like it. It is too voluminous for us to undertake to de scribe it. Congratulations to you friend Manning.

North Wilkesboro News. The holiday number of the Gold Lkaf, published at Henderson, N. is quite startling. It contains sixteen pages and almost as many colors. Green, red, blue and pink stripes are lavishly used making the issue striking and unique.

The editor, Thad R. Man ning, has cause to be proud of his hoi iday number. Caicago (Illinois) Sat urday Blade. The Henderson Gold Leaf has en tered its 11th year; The Gold Leaf is one of our brightest exchanges and it increases in every way as it grows in years. Success to Bro.

Manning, whose faithful attention to it has made the Gold Leaf what it is. Plymouth Beacon. We regard the Henderson, N. Gold Leaf as one of the best Southern local weeklies that have yet fallen under our notice. It is a live, energetic paper, prints all the local news and never loses an opportunity for saying a good word for Henderson and its people.

And our good epinion of it is shared by all who are acquainted with it. Berkley (Va) Graphic. To preserve a youthful appearance as long as possible, it is indispensable that the hair should retain its natural color and fullness. There 1s no preparation so effective as Aver's Hair Vigor. It prevent baldness ami keeps the scalp clean, cool and healthy.

How to fret Thin. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or (superfluous fat) is the Leverette" Obesity Pills, which gradually reduce the weight and measurement. No injury or inconvenience Leaves no wrinkles acts by absorption. This cure is founded upon the most scientific principles, and has been used by one of the most eminent Physicians of Europe in his private practice 44 for fire with the most gratifying results. Mr.

Henry Perkins, 29 Union Park, Boston, writes: From the cse of the Leverette" Obesity Pills my weight haa been reduced ten ponnds in three weeks and my general health is very much improved. The principles of your treatment are fully indorsed by my family physician In proof of my gratitude I herewith give tou permission to use my name if yon desire to do bo." Price 12.00 per package, or three packages for (5.00 By registered mail. All orders supplied direct from our office. The Leverette Specific Co, 339 Washing- I wu o-, amatol), a vin, of Savannah. ould hardly walk from pain in his shoulder and Joints of his legs.

P.P. P. (l'iickly: Ash, Poke Eoot and Potassium) was r'sOrt'-'d to and Irvin Is well and happy. For sale by W. Parker, druggist, Marriage in StovaU.

From the Oxford iy we lake following On the 13th at the residence of the bride's father, "Capt. A. II. Gregory, Charles Jackson and Miss Bethie Gregory were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. W.

W. Walker officiating. Tho ieremony Was preformed in the niorniug jut beftiire mid-day. Immediately thereafter- the happpy couple took the Norther it bound noon train, for an extended dridal tour, first visit-iug Washington City, where they will probably spend tie remainder of the week. The bride is a Joung lady of many and varied accomplishments, and has a host of friends in this and the -adjoining counties.

The groom is a successful youug merchant of Warrehtou. Both the young people are well known aud have many friends in Henderson. Several years ago Mr, Jack-sou lived heie witjh Mr. W. W.

Reavis, and when the big'fire that swept away a good portion of the business houses ou Main street, occurred, he otUy escaped by jumpiugj out of the second story of the building iu wliich he slept. The bride is a niece of Capt. E. G. Brodie and Mrs.

Paul Clary, and a sister of Mr. Louis Gregory, of Henderson, aud has spent much of her time visiting in our town wharc she is quite popular. 4. Our dear littledaughter was terribly sick, Her bowels were bloated an hard as a brick, We feared she would die Till we happened to try Piercew's Pelleti they cured her remarkably qufek. Never be without Pierce's Pellets iu the house.

They are gentle and effective in action and give immediate relief in cases of indigestion, billiousnens and constipation. They do their work thoroughly und leave no bad effects. Smallest, cheapest, easifst to take, Oae a dose. Best Liver Pill mador License Granted. The County Commissioners mat in extra session Saturday, in compliance witli the order of Judge Connor made iu the mandamus proceedings argued before him in Raleigh on Tuesday; of last week, to pass upon the question of granting license to sell liquor.

Chairman Dunn who was absent on account of sickness at the regular meeting, the first Monday, was present, but Commissioner Fleming -was still unable to attend. I Counsel for tho saloon men moved for a continuance uutil Mr. Fleming could be present, upon the ground that at least two of the sitting members, judging by their former acts, holding the views they were prejudiced against the case. Mr; T. T.

Hicks, who appeared as counsel on the other side, objected, and some sharp spatting followed between that gentleman and Messrs. Pittman Shaw and Mr. A. C. ZoIlicofTer, attorney for the Board.

It transpired that Mr. Hicks had been employed to fight the case, and for a short while it looked like there was going to be a pretty lively time of it before the end was reached. Iu justice to Commissioners Purefoy and Rogers we slate here that Mr. Hicks had not been employed by them, as might have been understood by his remarks at the' -but by private citizens. In the absence of Mr.

ZoIlicofTer at the previous meeting Mr. Hicks had been esked to advise the Board, but his appearance at this meeting was at the instance of outside persons. Finally the Commissioners retired to a private room for consultation and when they reappeared, Mr. Zollicoffer made a brief talk explaining the position of Mr. Purefoy, saying that while he did not mean to sacrifice any principal in the matter, and as an individual he still held his own views concerning this question, the Judge having ruled that his interpretation of the law was not the correct one, he did not propose to go back on the action of the Boarcf at its previous meeting and yvould stand by the agreement then made, of which the following is the record It is agreed by the Commissioners with Pittman Shaw, attorneys for J.

J. Loughlin, W. W. Reavis, S. S.

Whitten, E. X. Jackson, J. W. Ponton, D.

C. Loughlin and J. B. Powell, that mandamus proceedings be insti tuted iu only one of the applications of the persous above named for retail liquor license and that the decision of the case shall be regarded as in all. It was also agreed between counsel and the Commissioners that no further evidence would be introduced as to these parties, though this was' not made a matter of record.

Trrepplicants having at the first meeting presented evidence as to their moral character, which however, was not regarded under the action of the Commissioners, holding the views they did at the time, motion was made to grant license, which was done. Mr. Hicks offered to introduce further testimony and thought if good cause might be 6hown why one or all of the peutious should not be granted, he oughLo be heard, but the Chairman ruled against him, saying the Board had come to an understanding and that the matter had been settlad by the agreement already made. A prominent railroad superintendent living in Savannah, one suffering for years i iroru Malaria ana general debility, says, on having recovered bislhealth by tlie use of P. P.

thinks that be will live forever, if he can always get P. P. ly Ash, rote rtoot and lnis arty name win be given on application. ia oy jrarser, aruggist. Lost.

From the Henderson Hotel, about 5th January, 1892, a red brindled cow, with white spot on forhead, no horns. Any one knofng where she is will please com-mnnicatelwith WM. BOWTJEX. Henderson, X. Jan.

19, 1892. Windows and Sash Weights. I have i sold for eight vears the above articles, (and will still make it to the interest of Builders to buy from me. Doors and Windows of the best North Carolina 1'ine as wood. well as the cheap lute fine JOHN B.

WATKINS, CI Henderson, N. July 30 Mortgage Sale. By virtue of the powe eonfered on the undersigned in jfcei tain deed In trust executed by Robert S. Vaugum and wife on the 19th day of December, 1890, dulv corded on page 390, ia Trust Book 1, to seiaiie nine inerein. mentioned, ana, ue-fault having been made in the payment of said nofep, 1 will, at the request of the bolder ot said nott.

sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Henderson, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH, 1892, a interest in one certain tract or parcel of land in said Vance county, near the village of Brooks-ton, adjoining the lands of Thomas Stain-back, Wj II. Harris an others, containing 200 acres. II. T. WATKINS.

Trustee. Jan. 20th 1892. Notice. Under! and by virtue of the power of sale confierreM upon me in a trust deed.

executed! on the day or April, 1889, by I. R. Fuller and wife and P. E. Rowland and! wife, and registered in trust deed book lv page 224, in the office of the Register of Deeds ot Vance county, default having beenjinade in payment of the debt secured thereby, I shall sell for cash, by public auction, to the highest bidder, at the courti house door in Vance county.

N.C, on the 22! DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1892, the real estate described and conveyed in said trust deed, to-wit the tract of 189 acres, more or less whereon said Ruffln-Fuiler now resides, adjoining the lands oFJasper 11 Parham, J. Cheatham, L. A.Wiggins, G. W. Wright and others.

i T. T. HICKS, Trustee. Henderson N. Jan.

21st 1892. Mortgage Sale. virtfte of the power conferred on the undersrgoed in a certain Deed in Trust. executed by D. T.

Cottrell and wife, on the 2nd dm of January, 1889, and registered in Bortk 11, page 187; in Vance coanty RegistryJ to secure a certain note therein mentioned, and default having beeu made in the payment of said note, I will, at the request of the holder of said note, sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the court house door in Henderson, on MONDAY, 15TH DAY OF FEB-RUARYj 1892, one certain tract of land situate in said Vance county. township, adjoining the; lands of Thomas Hicks, D. W. Knott and others, containing 32 acres. I H.

T. WATKINS, Trustee. Jan. 15 1892. Trust Sale.

By virtae of a Deed of Trust.duly executed by R. T. Wilson, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance county, ia book 10, page 549, I will sell by public auction, for cash, at the court house door in Henderson, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 35TH, 1892, the land therein conveyed, One-third interest in seventy-five acres of land near Williams-borough, Vance county, adjoining the lands of W. 11. Green, Thos.

W. Hicks and W. R. Newman. This January 14, 1892.

THOS. M. PITTMAN, Trustee. Pittman Shaw, Attorneys. Notice.

Under and "by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me in a mortgage executed on the 1st; day of December, 1888, by James R. Reavis and Pattie Reavis, his wife, and registered in mortgage book 11, page 131, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance county, default having been made in payment of the debt secured thereby, I shall sell for cash, by public auction, to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Vance countv. N. on THE 15TU DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1892, the real estate described and conveyed in said mortgage, to-wit: 258 feet front and running back from the county road to the R. G.

R. just beyond and nearly opposite Geo. Orenshaw's, and adjoining Abram Reavis on the north and Mark Stamper on the south. T. T.

HICKS, Attorney for E. G. Brodie, mortgagee. Henderson, N. Jan.

8, 1892. jLSTotioe. Having qualified as executors of the estate of John Earning, deceased, before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Vanee county, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to us duly authenticated on or before the 13th day of January, 1893, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recoy-ery. persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment. This 13th day of January, 1892.

DELILAH M. FLEMING, CHARLES G. PATTERSON. Executors of John Fleming, dec d. A.

C. Zollicoffer, Attorney. ISTotioze. Having qualified as exeeutnr of the estate of Mary E. Basket, dee'd, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to me duly authenticated, on or before the 6th day of January, 1893, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery.

Persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment. This 6th January, 1892. A. C. Executor of Mary E.

Basket, dee'd. ANNOUNCEMENT. You will find the Largest and Best stock of PURE WHISKIES, BRANDIES, WINES, For Family and General use, at WHITTEN'S I have made special preparation for the Holiday season, and have a large stock of THE VERY REST GOODS For The LOWEST Money, A few of my LEADERS are Original Old Cabinet Whiskey, The Best Goods on the market; PURE North Carolina Corn Wiistey, Of which I make a specialty and handle no other kird. Also carry a complete stock of GINS, ALES, BEER, Ac. Bottler of GINGER ALE, SA KSA-P A RILL A AND STRAWBERRY.


BUY A SET. (Meierate Stales Han Bitta. 1 have for sale the GENUINE ON-FEDERATE STATES NAVY BUTTONS, as follows: viz: oat size, (for sleeve buttons), 75 eents. a piece vest size 50 eents each. Address E.L.

MANNING, P. O. Box vm, Norfoik, V. osier med bv a wide circle of acquaint- at his Jiums rreeJ- -ii T1 Ohv. He was tin; father of Mrs.

K. L. of Henderson, and as knowu to many of our citizens. The- weather ha been anything but oixl the last two week, but there ia comfort in the thought that at this of lb- year but little outdoor work i and if we have bad weather now it is not likely that such will be the case later ou when farming operation I'hoind commence in good earnest. Mr.

Harry Loughlin. brother of Mr. I). ('. Louihiiii.

of Henderson, is here i-1 1 to hi lrother. An in telH-L'fiit '-Xpert typographic artist, lie f'-r soaie i i lieen connected with sniriV of the ieaiUnii; papers of Chicago, and i off for a vest and visit among friends and relatives in this State aud Virginia. (ii-n. I. Howell the weii ki'owii advertising agents of New York ity.

have is-uel a jiamphiet ton-t liniii-c ii-t of the leading towns in tie Soiitliorn Mates and the best news- jiapers in each, lor the beneut ot au- yeriixr Our mi Among, the sixteen North Carolina papers 3uen- tioned. is the (ioLD Leaf. apt John C. Heid, for many years atent of the Kaleigh Gaston Hairoad ('omiianv at Kittrell, died at his home .1. rTl .1 1 I.

a. in mm iiace nisi nursuay, ageu aooiiL r- jj citizen am a it trusted and iaiiniui employe 01 ine (-omnanv. Capt. Heid was the father TT Mr. M.

Wester, late ot lieu dersoii aud now of Ellterton, Ga. As individuals and as a community ol citizens we must push ahead. The pride of every citizen of Henderson should be so aroused in this year of grace that he will do more for the town than ever before work for ii "talk for it push it as you would your business. Continued effort. will have a wonderful effect, if we will only keep it up.

v.nronic grumblers uever buuu a town neither do people who ruu off to every other town to buy what they want. The place to buy your goods is where you make your living. What does the merchant thiuk when you run out ot your own town to buy his stock? Why. that your place is no good." And he takes peculiar pleasure tell in his customers about it. Stick to Home, -Sweet Home." A town is always judged by its newspapers.

The first thing a person at a distance who desires information about a place, does, is to write for a sample copy of the local paper. As an exchange say you can generally tell a live town by the amount of ad- vertising its business meu do. Atown that does not advertise does not grow, Had you ever noticed Dr. Frank Harris has found his clog. for which he has been hunting and several days.

He had taken Motion to pay a visit to his old home it Youngsvjlle and was there' quite unconcerned about the discomfiture of his anxious owner. As alost resort Dr. Harris on yesterday brought an advertisement to tlie Gold Leaf and it had no sooner been nut in tvne than 1)ou 4.anie iu an(l himself up. js instinct of that dog. Tlie (iolA) IV lias had some readers ou its listjrfvhose names are not there now, but they must blame themselves and not us.

Wc have been indulgent long enough but becoming covinced that they have neither made to pay wjiat jicy owe nor intend to do so. they cease to read this paper unless they do so at the expense of some one else. Look at the figures on the lable of your and if in arrears, consider yourself respectfully invited to renew. We of course expect every intelligent pursue that course in business that to him seems best, but we believe qertising. many more would advertise than they now do.

1 he Gold 5AF oilers advantages which should not be overlooked. If those extensive advertisers whose announcements are constantly to be found iu our columns did not know it paid them to spend large sums of money this way. do you thiuk they' would continue to do so? Many of our people complain of dull times. There is but little trade and business is much lighter than they like to see. This is usual at this season of the year.

There is always a let down in trade immediately after the holidays. Hut it is no worse with us- than with others. Henderson is not the only place in the couutry where business is quiet it is the general condition of things almost everywhere, aud it would be no easy matter to find a place where it is as good as in Henderson. Let us take courage from this fact and cease complaining and wait and yvork more. Rheumatism Cured.

roTsoAMF.i:'s Kf.d Stai Store, Lake City, Fla. F. P. P. anufacturing Co.

tiei.ta Having suffered with rheumatism for some time, and tried a great many remedies, but could find no relief until 1 used your great and beneficial P. P. P. 1 recommend it to suffering humanity. YoillS, J.

POTSDAMKR. The Bank of Henderson. A slighL-change is made in the advertisement of the Hauk of Henderson, this week. The names of the officers of the Hank are iuserted, as follows President, Wm. II.

S. Burgwyn Vice President. J. P. Taylor; Cashier Assistant Cashier, J.

Al Bur- gwyu Teller. T. M. Hawkins Collecting Clerk, Walter M. Henderson Directors, James II.

Lassiter, W. S. Parker, Oweu Davis. Melville Dorsey, Henry Perry. This enterprise, established as a private Hank in 1882, has been merged into a State Bank, it will be remembered, under a charter granted by the Legislature in 1801, with au authorized capital of 150,000.

It is a safe and sound institutiou, and iu its new aud broadeT field gives promise of even greater prosperity aud usefulness has characterized its past career. Oh, What a Cough. Will vou heed the warnlne? The signal perhaps" of the sure approach of that more terrible disease consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of savinc 50 eents, to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Miiloh's Cure will cure your cough.

It never fails. This explains why more than a million bottles were sold the past year. It relieves croup aud whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest, use SliUoh's po.

rous Plasters. Sold by W. W. Parker, druggist. Only "For several vears.

in th Snrlnir nmihi used to be troubled with a drowsy, tired feeling and a dull pain in the small ot my back, so bad, at times, as to prevent my being able to walk, the least sudden motion causing me severe distress. Occasionally, a rash covered my body, the skin apparently becoming thickened, accompanied by Intense itching. Frequently, bolls would break out on various parts of the body. By the advice of friends and my family physician, I began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla and continued it till the poison In my system was completely eradicated." English, Montgomery City, Mo. Every spring for the last nine years I have been in tlie habit ot taking Ayer's Sar-saparUla, and I can truly say.

that I neVer used any medicine that did me so much I am convinced ihat It is in the market, and can confidently reeonv mend it to all in need of a reliable, effective, and economical alterative medicine." J. A. Shepard, Proprietor of Shepard's Paragon Varnish, 2-w Tearl st, New York city. Save your money by taking A. F.

TAYLOR With a larger stoCKr HaraessrSafldles, Bridles, Collars, Collar Pads, Lap Robes and Dustnrs, Horse Blankets, Curry. Coiis anil Brnslics, niid in fact everything in ths harness line thnn we have over kept before, we are bat than ivir tm For llent. Two Dwellings, six rooms each, situated on Cliavas-io avenue. Good lots attached to each. Fnouireat BANK OF HENDERSON.

December 1891. Notice of Tissolution. The firm of W. JL Amerson it has this day dissolved, by the purchase of the interest of the said- 11. Ainerson in -the concern by W.

II. wilt. -continue the business at the same place. 1 All per.sO'is indebted to tint firm of W. H.

AnrersoH iV: will with W. H. Amerson, at once, who alone is authorized to receipt for all moneys paid, and by whom all necouits due by the firm will he. paid. All outstanding debts must he settled immmediately in order that the books of the old concern may be Mraightened up.

Thank'ul for pa given ma heretofore I irsneclfully solicit a continuance of tho W. H. AMERSON, Dec. 28, Henderson, N.

C. PintstosPlanini Mill. Tlie public should not lose sight of the fact that 1 am still doing business at the same place, (rinkstun Shearin's old stand), where I am prepared to do all kinds of work in mv line, sueli as SCQLL WORK. on short notice aud 1n the best possible manner. I also keep a supply of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, which will be sold at lowest prices, dressed or undressed.

CEILING and FLOORING a specialty. fWTl aiso do CONTRACTING ad BUILDING at reasonable prices. Terms CASH: K. R. Pinkston, ep 24 1 1 KNDKRSON, N.

C. Notice. Having qualified as ExeeuWr of the estate of UolM-rt J. lieacom, deceased, twfore the Clerk of the Superior Court of- Vance county, ttils is notyy nllersons holding -claims against tlie ia id estate, to present them to rue dulv authenticated, on or before the r.TIi' DAY OK DECEMBER, 1S'J2, or notice will le pleaded ia of tlieir rerovi-ry. Perwns indebted to said estate make Immediate payment.

This THOMAS N. BEACOM. Executor of Hubert J. Ba dee'd. Notice.

Having qn-liStid-ns administrators of the estate John M. Barnes, deceased, lief the Clerk Superior Ourt of Vance county, nil i-ei ioas indebted to said estate must tie i nce, and persons holding claims said estate are notified to prt-seHt th'-ni to nS duly authenticated, ou yth day of December. 1892, or this1 notice will, be pleaded in bar of. their recovery; I'ersoiis indebted to. the state can wti'le lire same with Oeorge A.

Barnes, liiiiidervin. N.C, is author-iled to receipt for the same. This Dec. 9, ism, I.CBOBBITT, J. R.

BARNES, A nfrs of J. Barnes, dee'd A. C. ZolUcolTer; Attorney. Toteo Tenants Wanted.

The fane the new Tobaceo Belt- iu the count-" t-urrounding Kinstou. N. want tf iant who are familiar with raising and will make favorable terms with reliable' parties. Tobacco is the coning erop of this section. Most favorable results have already been litained.

Those wishing to loeate in this hew tobacco section wU I do well to correspond with THE EASTERN CAROLINA REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Kinston, N.C. tar Peisous riting will please, state circumstances and how they desire to be decs 21 quaint our readers more fully. Our 'f merchants realized the vast in-artist may catch you in his kodak next, i crease in trade to be derived from ad- felt. 1 his may be done in varions ways, but the best, most direct and effective method of advertising is through the medium of a live, readable and widely circulated newspaper. The success of the most liberal and pprsistent advertisers in every branch of businees abundantly shows this.

LEMON KLIXIR. A Pleasant Lemon Drink. For Biliousness. Constipation and Malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache, take Lemon Elixir.

-For Sleeplessness, Nervousness and Heartfailure, take Lemon Elixir. For Fever, Chills and Debility, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels.

Prepared only by Dr. LI. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. 50c. and $1 bottles at druggists.

Lemon Hot Drops Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, and all throat and lung diseases. An elegant and reliable preparation. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H.

Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. For the La In response to numerous inquiries, the undersigned takes pleasure in informing the ladies of Henderson and surrounding country who may wish to do shopping in Baltimore, (where they will have the advantage of the greatest variety from which to select, and the very low prices at which the goods can be purchased in this market), that she will continue to fill orders in dry goods, notions, furniture, carpets, as heretofore, and will attend to all business promptly. Send money and describe as near as possible what you want, or better still, send sample to order by. An extansive acquaintance with the retail trade of Baltimore and experience in put chasing' for others qualifies me I think to satisfactorily attend to all business entrusted to me. Orders solicited.

No commisions chaiged. ttiT'Express charges paid on all packages amounting to 5 00 and upwards. MRS. M. C.

DUNLOP, 1120 Carrollton Avenue. Baltimore, Md. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs Splints, Sweeney, Ring-bone, all Swollen Throats, Coughs etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.

Sold by Melville Dorsey, druggist, apr23 Whn Baby was sick, wa gTe her Caatori. When she was Child, the cried for Caatoria. When she became Mis, she clung- to Castoria. When fth had Childraa, the them Castori. A Good Investment.

Bv investing in the OLD DOMINION BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION $400 you will receive in a short term of years 1,000 500 you will receive 6 per cent per annum, payable semiannually, and in a short I term of years 1,000 10 admission fee and G.00 a month for about 83 mos. 1,000 J. Taylor Ellyson, Norman V. Randolph, Vice Carlton McCar thy, Secy and R. Ran.

Wellfordyj Attorney. For further particulars ap ply to A. B. DA INC KRFI ELL, General State Agent. Undertaking.

With many thanks for the universal expression of sympathy and regret at the death of the late J. M. Barnes, it has been arranged to continue the business under the old firm name of J. M. Barnes Son.

Mr. Geo. A. Bames, the junior partner, will be manager and will be assisted by a competent corps. A new and elegaut Hearse will at once be ordered, while the one now used will bir retained.

A full and complete stock of metallic and wooden coffins of all sizes will be kept. Coffins shipped by rail on short notice, and burials superintended anywhere in this section at reasonable prices. Respectfully, J. M. Bahxes Sox, Henderson, N.

C. RKETJ HE.1DERSOS TOBACCO 7IARKET. Corrected weekly by D. Y. Cooper, Pro-; prietor of Coofkr's Warehouse.

BnroERsoiT. N. January, 21, 1893. Fillers Common dark or green Common to medium Medium to good Good to fine Smokers Common Common to medium Medium to good Good to fine Cutters Common to medium Medium to good Good to fine Wrappers Common Common to medium Medium, to good Good to'flnw 30 (4 50, 5f 81 9 12: 4 5 10 13 i 13 617: 17 23 25 ($35 10 12 15 18 Trustees7 Sale. Under and by virtue of a Deed of Trust executed by R.

Graham Wortham and Carrie Wortham his wife, on tlie 4th day of December, 1889, aud duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance county, in Book 14, page 004, to secure a certain sum of money therein, mentioned, and default haviag been made in the payment thereof, 1 will sell, by public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court -House door, in Henderson Vanee county, N. C. on FRIDAY. JANUARY', 22ND, 1892, the rpal estate conveyed iu said Trust Deed, to wit one tract of land situate in Vance county, formerly owned by the late Solon Southerland, and adjoining the of Gill, Dickens and others, containing 64 acres, more or less. W.W.ROWLAND This December21.1.l.

Trustee. Mortgage Sale of Land. By virtue of the power conferred on the undersigned in a certain deed in trust executed by J. T. Mills and Mrs.

L. A. M. Mills, on the 19th of January, 1887, and duly recorded in Book 52, page 490, In Warren county Registry, secure a cer? tain note therein mentioned and the said J. T.

Mills and the said Mrs. L. A.M. Mills having made default the payment of said note, 1 will, at the request of the holder of said note, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at public outcry, at the Court House door, in Warrenton, N. on FRIDAY, JANUARY, 22 ND 1892.

one certain lot of land in Sandy Creek township, said Warren county, adjoining the lands of Peter Allen, Rev-. Rose and others, containing 297 acres, more or less. H. T. WATKINS, December 22nd, 1891.

Trustee. Administrator's Sale Of Valuable Real Estate. By virtue of the power conferred on me by a Judgment of the Superior Court of anee county, North Carolina, for the purposes therein named (see record in the office of the Clerk of said Court, dated .11 -d, December, 1891) I will, on the 1ST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY, 1892. sell by public auction, at the court house door in Henderson, Vance county, N. for one-third cash, and.

the. balance in two equal instalments with interest at eight per cent, "per annum, payable annually, the title being retained as security for the unpaid balance, the following parcels of real estate le-longing to the estate of tlie lute Mrs. M. Freeborn: The horaastead tract, including mansion necessary outbuildings, orchard and vineyard, 191 acres, more or les. Oood grain and tobacco land.

2nd. Tlie Essex Davis rental, acres, more or less. All sales nre subject to the. confirmation or rejection of the above Court. W.

B. CR INK LEY. Adm'rof the estate of Mrs. M. Kieelmrn.

Vance county, N. 31st Dec, 1TO1. Tobacco Seetl. The NEWEST BEST Varieties For all claeH and typ-n furnished at lowest prices. Planters raie Tobacco fortheMonev it bring, but onlv the FLNE VARIETIES produw FIRST-CLASS Tobacco, that pay.

Start the BEST for your lacitlity and thus realize he LARGEST RETURNS possible from the crop. Catalogue sent Fkkk on application. l. laglan i seed cox, dec 24 Hyco, Va. EVERY one in need of information on the subect of advertising will do weU to obtain a copy of Book for Advertisers." 368 pages, price one dollar.

Mailed, postage paid, on receipt of price. Contains a careful compilation from the American Newspaper Directory of all the best papers a.pd class Journals gives the circulation rating of exery one, arid a good deal of tnformatiou about rates and other matters pertaining to the business of advertising. Address ROWELL'S ADVERTISING BUREAU, 10 Spruce New York. ep241e Columbia may be the gem of th but an advertisemet in the (oli Leak will prove a pilot to.wards success in any business. Try tlie experiment and see it you do not appreciate its benefits Mr.

Morgan Hood has taken a position with Messrs Daniel ic hardware dealers, where, he will be pleased "to see and serve his friends in future. He has been with this firm before and is at" home" in a hardware store. Den liarnes having resigned his position on the police force Ed Dean was elected to fill the same. Mr. liarnes will associate himself witji his brother George in the undertaking and furniture business.

T. T. Hicks, trustee, advertises to sell at public auction, on the '2'2nl day of a tract of land containing 1 Sl acres, more or less, situate in Vance county, being tlie same on which liiifVin Fuller uow" resides. Mr. Win.

liowden, of the Henderson Hotel, advertises i'or a red brindled cow, with no horns, that strayed off abeAit the "th of January. Any person knowing tlie of such animal will communicate with the owner. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Ilessie Ileveley Taylor, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Erasmus Taylor, of Henderson, to Mr. Alexander Hoyd Cayce.

at tlm Church of Holy Innocent. Jan. '20th, at 1 1 o'clock a.m. II. T.

Watkins. trustee, will sell at public auction, on. the 20th day of February, a interest in out, certain tract of laud in Vance county, near jirooKston. adjoining lands oi Thomas Staiuback, W. IL Harris and others.

The country roads are in a dreadful con.lition at present. The question of better roads is oue that should stir the people up. They- are a disgrace to civilization and a positive hindrance Let us have a change that will, give us better roads. A will be seen by advertisement. II.

T. Watkins, trustee, will sell at public auction, on the 15th day of February. a certaiu tract of laud situate, iu Vauce couuty. Williamsboro township, adjoining the lands of Thomas llicks," W. Kuott and others, containing 32'j acres.

of news are alwaj's welcomed by us and while our friends are sometimes back word about giving us the particulars in regard to items and personals, thinking we might take it that they were trying to parade their names in the newspapers, such is- not the case. Information of this character is always appreciated, whether about yourseLf-or your neighbor..

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