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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 20

Logansport, Indiana
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PHAHOS 29, 1898. BB1IJ. T. JOHN DABNZB. JLouthaln Barnes.

IDITOR8 AND PBOFRIETOR8. TERMS OF 8CTB8CBIPTION Dally per week, 10 per mont 40 cents: per year itrlctly In advance) J4.60. Tho 'Weekly Pharos and the Saturday Pharos, the two forminir the Serai-Weekly $1.26 a year, strictly In advance. Entered at the Loganeport. as class mall matter, as provided by law.

SENATOR FAIRBANKS voted with the Roldites. He la the tool of corporations, and it was their influence that made him senator. He has a better character than Hanna, b'Jt he represents the same influences ID American politics. THB state of Indiana will have to give the convicts in the prison north employment or place them In madhouses. condition of the con- Tictn at Michigan City is pitiable.

"Why could they not be employed in road making? This would bring no Money return to the it 3 would be better than supporting the prisoners In Idleness. our constitution was framed no one thought of questioning the right of either metal to DO made into money, and when its framers gave to congress the power "to coin money," everybody understood that it was the power to coin gold and silver, and when they prohibited the status from making anything but gold and silver legal tender, they prohibited them from making anything, as explained at the time; but "money" legal tender. No jurist of eminence and no constitutional lawyer of standing, can be quoted as holding any other view to 1873 than that gold and constituted the constitutional of value, and could not be disturbed without an amendment to the oorisvltutlbn. FJIKE coinage was'not adopted, yet class of men In the whole wide world have been more prosperous than the farmers of the United States in the past year. Their exportation of treadstufis alone during the year 1897 was more than double that of 1896, and was greater than that of 1895 and 1894 put Admitting this to be true and con- that Cass county farmers oc- the most productive lands that round, any where, yet we venture to say that after paying taxes and the cost of producing his crops, the most successful farmer in Cass has not received a return of 3 per cent on the money Invested In farming.

How, if under the most favorable natural conditions our fur-. can not make over three per what can they expect whan conditions are unfavorable? Vnder the single gold standard the value of farm products and the value farm lands must fall. What would have been the condition of the American farmer last year, had tbe of Europe and Asia been as bountiful as ours? England with her gold would have bought our farmer's wheat at 40 cents or less per bushel. The free coinage of silver will unquestionably increase the price of farm products and farm with the restoration of silver to its rights the volume of redemption money will be doubied.and there will be competition In money as there is competition in commodities. Carlisle expressed a momentous truth when he said that the success of the to destroy one-half of the metallic money of the world would be equivalent to destroying one-half the movable property of the world, A.

Decisive Victory. The vote to re-affirm the Stanley Matthews resolution, which was taken yesterday in the United States senate, will come as a surprise to the gold conspirators. The resolution virtually declares that all government obligations are payable in either gold or silver at the option of the government. Oo the final vote re-affirming the Matthews resolution, there were 47 yeas to 32 nays, a majority of 15. The following Republicans, who McKlnley, voted for the resolution: Carter, Chandler, Clark, Prltchard, Shoup, Warren and Wol- eott.

But one Democrat, Caffrey, of Louisiana, vottd against the resolution. On the amendment offered by Senator Lodge, declaring all government obligations payable in gold, 'the vote was decisively against the amendment, such Republicans 10 Quay, Thurston and' Perkins voting against It, while 'Allison and Burrows rtote. The amendment received but 24 votes while 53 were recorded against it. It may be inferred from tie record mado in the senate-yesterday that the cause of free coinage is growing In strength, and that the scfcemes or the gold con- to bind this country to the tingle fold standard can not succeed. Banker Gage's plan of Issuing gold bonds to retire the greenbacks can command the vote of more tlian ane-thlrd oit the Vnited States TOM CLERK TflKES OflTH, ID Town Clerk, Samuel Fuller, who is also leading Justice ot the Peace, of Sand Beach, well-known as a man os integrity, mates the following sworn statement under hla official seal asi Notary Public: Samuel A.

Fuller, do hereby certify under my official seal, that for a long time I was all run down and nerves unstrung, so much so It was almost impossible for me to write and keep up mr office business; my 0 troubles being heart disease, catarrh in the head and throat and resulting disease of the lungs; I had a very bad cough and wns nearly deaf fiom the effects of catarrh. procurred a bottle of Dr. Greene's Nervurn blood and merve remedy and found before I had used one-half bottle, that It was the medii- clne for my case. I purchased two more bottles, and after taking them 1 felt like a new better than I have for the last five years. "I would cheerfully Dr.

Greene's Nerrarablood and nerve" remedy to anyone afflicted as I was. I consider Dr. Greene's Nervura the very best medicine now in use for a genuine nerve and blood builder, and that this medicine is all aad more than It is recommended to be. "I feel it my duty to write this for publication, so that any person suffering as I did will see what Dr Greene's Nervura has done fnr me, hoping this may be the means of helping some other poor sufferer. S.43TOEL A.

FULLER, SEAL (Township Clerk, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public." We should certainly advise people who are nerve weakened and debit. tated, run down in health, weak, nervous and tired to follow Mr. Fuller's advice and use Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. If yon feel without your usual strength, energy and ambition, have headaches, do not eat or sleep well, wake tired mornings with no.

energy to take hold of your work; if you have rheumatism, dyspepsia, indigestion, liver or kidney trouble, any weakness of the nerves or poor blood and low vitality, take immediately Dr. Greene's Nervura, acknowledged by physicians and the people to be the most wonderful remedy in the world to cure disease. If you once give it a trial, you will, know why everybody recommends it, because you will experience at once its marvelous beneficial effect. What gives the people everywhere such perfect confidence In it, also, is the fact that it is the prescription of the most successful physician of the present day, Dr. Greene, 148 State street, Chicago, whp can be consulted In all cases absolutely free of charge, either by writing, or calling senators.

The monetary commission plan would fare no better in the senate. Primary Conventions. Elsewhere will be found a call for tha holding of Democratic primary conventions in tha respective wards and townships of Cass county to choose members or the Democratic lounty central committee and to select delegates to the state, congressional, joint senatorial and joint representative conventions, These meetings have been called for Saturday, February 12th, and will be held at the places named ID She call, at 2 o'clock in the afturnoon in the townships, and at 7:30 in ibhe evening in the wards of the city. Members of the Democratic committee will see that arrangements are made for these meetings and call them to order promptly at the hour named in the call. It is suggested by the committee that the proceedings of th'e primary conventions be conducted in the fol-! lowing order: of precinct committeemen.

of delegates to state convention. of delegates to congressional contention. of delegates to joint-senatorial convention of Cass and Palaski counties. of delegates to joint-representative convention of Cass, Miami and Wabash counties. Delegates to the respective conventions will be apprised of the time and place of holding such conventions.

The committoemen: selected at these meetings will meet at the court house on Saturday February 19bb, to organise. Hunting For Ancestors. It it not a good sign, this scouring the earth by Americans to see if they are not descended from somebody who was somebody a hundred or a thousand years ago. There the attempted organization of the so called order of Kunnymede, composed of the descendants of the Magna Charta barons. There are this, that and the other organization whoso members set much store by because they had ancestors historic for noble and useful qualities.

Tho esrploitation of our forefathers is a tacit confession that we are nothing in and of ourselves, therefore we fall back on our ancestors; The number cif such; societies indicates that there is not now blue blood enpugh in Americans to make them try tojbe noble on thoir own account The ancestors from whom they are so proud to'be descended -were powerful people, with tremendous: convictions of right and wrong. They out these convictions, struck 'iviieb. mailed hand: at opposing obstacles and conquered. They were every one the heretics, the rebels, the radicals and come outers of their generation. If they wtire alive today, nine Wit of every ten of them would be ostracized and.

sneered at by the reu pec- pie who now' "fall down -worship their dust. Let present day Americans stand upon their own feet. There are in all of them latent those seeds of strength and brave character that made their ancestors' what they Let the descendants'" try to evolve something oat of themselves, genius or goodness or moral arid intellectual force. -Let them do and'be something of themselves and leave their. various ancestors to the rest so well, earned.

Not'to our ancestors, but tb'J ourselves let us turn for distinction. Canadian Loyalty. Canada is a queer lot. She professes the most burning loyalty to the British empire. Many of her newspapers rage when any treasonable, base person suggests the possibility of an independent Canadian nation or of the annexation of the Dominion to the United States.

All the same, however, Canada lets up on her loyalty when her little pocket is touched. She puts up the bars of a stiff tariff law against her own mother, charging on goods imported from England in some cases a higher than even on American goods. is one instance of how she loves flermother. Again, English money helped build the Canadian Pacific railway, largely as a military enterprise. English money subsidizes the merchant ships that ply between Victoria and Asiatic ports.

This, too, is the result of military policy. What Canada does in return for this protection is shown in a sentence- from the speech at Bristol of Sir Michael Hicks Beach, chancellor of the British exchequer. He said, "It is not creditable to Canada nr fair to English taxpayers that such a colony should contribute practically nothing to the naval defenses of the empire." Thus it appears that Canada gets the benefit of all England's naval prestige, and it does not cost her a cent. Canny Canada! Canada is a chronic kicker on the matter of seals in Bering sea. She keeps England in hot water over this question.

She is-loyal to Great Britain for what she can out of her. Fitz-Hugh Lee has conducted the affairs of his difficult and trying office as consul general to Cnba in a way that calls for only approval and admiration. He has proved himself to possess wisdom, good temper aud courage, the three splendid qualities necessary to succeed anywhere. The courage a.U knew him to have before he went to Cuba. The statesmanlike tact aud good temper have shone conspicuously when occasion demanded.

One result of his appointment to the Cuban place and his continuance in office under the MoKinley administration is tbat the southern people are intensely interested in cause. They are a unit in favor of Cuban independence and -are devoutly hoping it may soon be brought about Hrs. Margaret NeeS recently paris jgreen-on her husband Vgravia and died. That was a poor way to keep a husband's grave green. Our esteemed American fellow citizens do not appear to bci tumbling over one to secure in CONTRACT IS SIfiNED (Concluded from first page.) next annual interstate convention snaii convene in the city of Pittsburg; on the third Tuesday in January.

1S99." The signatures to the foregroing- are: For the operators Illinois, J. H. Garaghty. E. T.

Indiana Walter S.Bogle: Indiana (block), C. B. Nibluk; Pittsourg (thin vein district), J. C. Dysart, F.

M. Osborne. For the J. M. Hunter, W.

D. Ryan; Indiana (bituminous), W. G. Knight, J. Indiana (block), J.

K. Evans;" Ohio. W. Farms. T.

L. Lewis; Pittsburg (thin vein). Patrick Dolan. E. McKay; West Virginia, Heary Stephenson.

Also by the members of the national executive board of the U. M. of John Dll- cher, John Fahy. Henry Stephenson, Edward McKay, J. H.

Kennedy, W. D. Ryan; M. D. Ratchford, president of the United Mine Workers of America; John Mitcheill, vice president.

United Mine Workers of America; W.C. Pearce, eeceretary-treasurer. United Mine Workers of America. PROSCRIPTION CASE IX EXGI.AXD. Carpenters Put on the Blacklist by a British Union of Musters.

New York. Jan. testimony and other proceedings in the case recently tried in Chicago where a railroad man recovered heavy damages against a railroad, corporation for alleged blacklisting growing- out of the Debs strike will figure, incidentally at least, as a kind of for counsel In a somewhat similar case to be tried at Manchester next month, a local firm of lawyers having received request to secure and forward all obtainable data in relation to the Chicago case. In the English proceedings ten carpenters who were blacklisted in August by the Federation of Master Builders as the outcome of a strike have brought suits for damages aggregating- 190,000, their claim being that the blacklist has prevented thi'm obtaining work at their trade not merely in their own vicinity, but throughout the country. Next to the Federation of Employing Engineers, the Federation of Master Builders is the strongest federation of employing capital in England, and the suit will be a notable one.

four Hoard or Adjustment. Indianapolis, Jan. a result of the present conference between the board of adjustment of the Big Four roads and their employes, the trainmen say that the passenger meu on the Peoria and Eastern division will be granted a rearrangement of runs which will amount to an increase in pay. The men claimed that the agreement of 18S3 was not'lived up to as to overtime and switching at Cincinnati. They say this will also be amicably adjusted.

FEATURES IN TRADE. Bradstreet's- Points Out yulte Number to Encourage Merchants. New York, Jan. says: 'Favorable conditions in the trade situation continue to far outweigh those of an 'opposite character. Stormy weather throughout a large section uf the country this week checked the movement of merchandise in the consumption, but a.

perceptible increase In the demand for seasonable goods is reported as already resulting. The last week of the month closes with increased activity in many HUPS, a mini her price heavily increased bank clearings as eoinpuied wiili OIIP year ago at nearly all the another considerable droi.p iri the number uf failures reported, large cereals, particularly wheat.corn BUM Hour, and perceptible (xmlidenee in all branches of trade as rvuHiiJs Hie look for spring Another favorable leaiurp of the wci Is the slight, but distinct imiir in the cotton KuOds fiimniun. in speculative activity i-'i: iron is reflecting the Unprecedented COMMON SENSE CUKE. Pyramid Pile Cure Cares Files Permanently by Curing the Cause. Remarkable Remedj Which is Bringing: Comfort to Thousands of Sufferers.

Probably half the people who see this article scffer from piles. It is one of. the commonest disease and the most obstinate. People have It for yeara and just because it is not immedlttely; fatal they neglect It. Carelessness causes no end of suflerlng.

Carelessness about so simple a thing as piles has often caused death. Hemorrhages occurs during -surgical treatment, often causing death, Piles are simple in the beginning and easily cured. They can be cured even in the worst stages, without pair or loss of blood, quickly, surely and completely. There is only one remedy that will do Pile Cure. It allays the inflammation Immediately; heals the irritated surface and with continued treatment reduces the swelling and pats the memDianes into good, sound healthy condition.

The care is thorough and permanent. Here is a voluntary and unsolicited testimonial we have lately received: Mrs. M. C. 601 Mississippi street, says: Have been a snSerer from the and annoyance of Piles for fifteen years, the Pyramid Pile Care and Pyramid Pills gave me immediate relief and in a short time a complete cure." Druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure or will get it for yoo.ll you aak them to.

It is but £0 cents per package and is put up only by the Pyramid Drug Co. Marshall, Mich. The "Domestic" Office. Now is the time to provide yourself with a good Sewing Machine at a very low price. My stock includes all the leading makes.

My terms are easy, and there is no excuse for being out of a good sewing machine the bouse. The old stand 529 Broadway, near 6th R. WHITSETT Annual Ga.s Rates A RTIFICIAL and Natural Gas Bills are, now due and payable ait the company's office. Natural Gas Consumers desiring to avail themselves of the Annual Rate, commencing January can do so by calling at the office and arranging for same. All bills must be paid on or before the 10th of each month.

Logansport and Talley Gas Co. ther in prices in recoraec. Prices of roost staple products are higher on the week; ncticeable instances are those of wheat, which is past the dollar mark again at many of the western markets. Business failures -for the week are the smallest-reported in the fourth week of January for five years past, numbering' only 288. TOP NOTCH MARK FOR WHEAT.

It Goes Up to $1.10 for Chicago Hoard of Trade. Chicago, Jan. 29, January wheat selling- at $1.10 and. Slay up to was the remarkable record in the local trade yesterday. This is the top mark for wheat.

September went up to $1.05. and traders'were-astounded when the December price was shoved up to $1.09. Now these figures look small, and further advances are certain. It is predicted by well-posted! men that tKe May figure will be far above even the present high quotations. Mr.

French, representing Leiter on 'change, only smiled at the question when asked about selling of May wheat. "There is no need," said he. "or Working against our own interests by selling wheat for May'. The world will need the wheat and will make the price 1 firm. Illinois Town looses 50,000 by Fire.

Mount Sterling. Jan. best business Mock, in the city is a mass of ruins. Fire originated in the rear of Lewinson's grocery store. The block was eonvposed of the Bloomfleld hotel, a chree-story structure, and' six other business houses recently completed.

The loss is $50,000. Clay Piper and John Nichols were so severely hurt by a falling wall that Nichols will die. National Firemen's Association. Chicago, Jan. meeting of the National Firemfn's association was concluded yesterday with the election ot the following officers: President, F.

A. Wood, Cedar secretary, E. W. Barkman. Decatur.

Ills. One vice president chosen from each state represented. DOWN. A New Game Which Requires Strength and Knack. Putting the arra down is a new fad in which strong men and noted pugilists are taking an active interest.

The elbows of the two opponents are placed firmly on a table, with tho forearm in a perpendicular position. The two hands are clasped, and the man whose hand is pressed to the table is beaten. It requires a strong wrist, firm muscles and- not a little knack to become proficient. John J. Qninn holds the championship in the new game, and John Sullivan is very fond of it.

The two have often met in friendly bouts, and honors have been even. Sullivan, his wonderful muscular development, and when he wins simply overpowers liis opponent by sheer strength. The arm has to bend over or bones would break. Qoiari, on the other band, has made study of, the science and, knows how to make everyvlit- tle its share: He even hia and bdct in to his effort, and only jiants can withstand bis steady pusi- Hints In at- ad- Have the goods to adrertise. Tell your story plainly ii tlw newspaper that the peojjle and language they will easily understand, and "among" prserve the following roints: Profitable advertising resalts good goods being offered Gi-ive your rival's advertising tention, but give your riral vertising.

Advertising prestige hard to win, but not hard It is easiest sustained. The all should be so plain that it will understood by a reader of little- understanding. Your adyertiemg; should be complete in secure the best results, DAILY and WEEKLY PHAF.OS, -with its large circulation in both city and county. Searching for Clues There any ntunber found by the detectives ii A CONFLICT OF EVIDENCE This another from the pen of Rod- riguea Ottolengai, who WMto- "An Artist in ceded to be the ctrongwt toctive that in years. "ACocUHctof BH- deuce" win add to tbBMprta- tion of Mr.

OttoWngni ml mil opportmnitytoTremdJt: It's folly to iaffcr from tbat bor- of night, Itching Doaa's Olatauut com quickly and permanently. At drug itore,.

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