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Shepherdstown Register from Shepherdstown, West Virginia • 2

Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TERM 55 PER VKAR-? IN ADVANCE. SYveyiher AsUvsvn est ftATl'KOAY .11. 18CU. All the members of ihe Bible Society are requested to meet at Dr. Andrews' office on Monday evening next, at 7 The Sunday School of the M.

E. I Church will hold a 1'ic Nic at Morgan's Spruig to dav. constquence of the Court House now undergoing repairs by way of adding new County the Circuit 1 Court Hill convene in the African Church on Tuesday next. Mr. John Snyder of this place pent to our offii-e three potatoes of the Karly Goodrich variety, which are the largest we have ever seen.

We are glad to see that some of out citizens have been "mending their ways" during the past week. Even (he Mayor uf our town, Mr. Harrison, has set a good example, and we hope many others will profit thereby. Mr. Grant has still en hand a number of excellent paving brick.

The Secretary of War has ordered the sale of the Government properly at Harper's Ferry. This order is in obedience to an Act of Congiess passed at its last session, which directs hat officer, upon the conditions and with the reservations named in the Act, to sell at public auction, all the property owned by the United States in Harper's Ferry and vicinity. The time of sale is left at the discretion of the Secrt tary. At the late session of Berkeley Circuit Court, the Grand Jury rendered no less than sixteen indictments against the notorious Tom Nokes, for misdemeanor. "Lay on McPufT!" lie no dojbt deserves them all.

According to appointment Rev. Dr. Andrew a delivered an address on Temperance in the Lutheran liuich in thin plare. on Tuesday evening Uat, which was attended by the Orders of Friends of Temperance and Good I mi.Jars in full regalia, and a large number uf The address was full of sound reasoning and good advice, and was well received. the intention of the Order i of Friends of Temperance to keep up there addresses monthly during the winter.

California rejects the tifteenth Amendment. Dr. Charles Magill of )lichmond, received iho following telegram a Mr. Gatewood, dated Stockton, Cal. Sep.

1 has rc- pudiated the Fifteenth Amendment, Glo- ry to God Railroad Mketino At a meet. of the citizens of this place ond on Saturday last, the following delegates were appointed to attend the railmad convention which meets at hailestown to-day A. R. Bottler, Judge Joseph A. Chat, line.

C. T. Butler. Judge Thomas Van Swearingen. Dr.

John David Billmver, James Shepherd, J. P. A. Entler, G. M.

Belizhoover, D. b. Renich, Randall. G. I).

McGhnev T. L'cklider. F. Harrison, hdward Shafer. John 11.

Turner, 1. Thomas, I. W. II. M.

Billings, h- S. Snyder, Lorenzo E'chison, Col. W. A. Morgan, Dr R.

Magruder, J. l)? Staler. Factor ir Hickard Welehans have juet received from Porter's Factory, and have in store, a large lot of l.indaeya, Flannels, Yarns, which they invite the public to call and examine. The goods are of an excellent quality and will be sold al reasonable prices. We would suggest to our farmers the propi iety of sowing turnips.

in the garden, in the field, verywhere. This is necessary the present pcason because of the scarcity of food for man or beaal. Turnips may be sown tor a week or two to come, and with a reasonable prospect of a crop winter va- rielica as Ute as Octobcr first. SllEPIlERDSTOWN AND UaLLTOWW Tt There is an old adage that who will not help themselves ought no! to be helped." We regret to Pre our people tnanilesung so little tan- hie interest in taking the small amount of stock required by the charter for the construction of this much needed road, The mud season is coming when the labor to hor-ca and rack and tear of wagon? and vehicles will be a considerable tax and great annoyance. There is also a misapprehension upon the part of those living along the road, as jo the tunning of the road.

The charter provides that the new toad fhall be eonfined pnneipally tu the bed of the old road. We hope our peoplo will throw oil their indifference and come tq the work with an energy and will, and say this road shall be built at once. All the stock on the Kxblctown road has been taken, and their charter required double the mount. Aie there not twenty men able to take two shares each, and ten one share each? We beJievo thtre arc. The new code provides that any person who hns arrived at the age of discretion.

and shall profantlv curse or swear, nli all be fined by a Justice one dollar for Bach offence. This is a good law, and we call upon "the powers thst be, to enforce it. Will they do it? We call attention to our new advertisements in this issue. C. K.

Tbomap, President of the Agricultural Association of Frederick county, will accept our thanks for a complimentary ticket, to attend the Agricultural Fair, to be held at Frederick City on the 12th of October and continuing four The success of last year's Fair warrants the opinion that the approaching one will not only equal but excel it, and we are assurred thai the prospect of a good display in every Department is very ing. The Fair will be held on tho new ground of the Society, which is beautifully situated in the Eastern suburbs of the city, 1 on the Baltimore Turnpike, near the Hail Road. The ground is improved by large Exhibition Ilalls, extensive Stabling, I (open and enclosed Stalls,) and a tine track for Trials of Speed. Water is cupplied by the City Water Works, and Forage may be purchased on the ground or in the City. Liberal arrangements will be made by the Baltimore and Ohio liail Road lor the transportation of Passengers, Stock, Ma- chinery, The Society has appropriated a very liberal sum to bo awarded as premiums for Trials of Speed, which will doubtless attract a number of the best horses.

Com- petition is open to all. A comet, which astronomers say is the most wonderful the world has ever known, can be seen in the northern pait of the heavens, with the naked eye, any clear night between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock, and from that time till the morning star rises. An exchange says that "astronomers assure us that this comet will approach nearer the earth than any comet ever did before, and that either the earth or the comet will have to change its course, or a collision is inevitable. This comct id said to be many thousand times larger than theeaith. It is a solid mass of fire that would reach around the earth more than a hundred times, and a collision with our planet is not an event to be very ardently desired.

On Thursday aftcrnooa 1 last the door of our sanctum was darkened by our old and esteemed friend Mr. J. Q. A. Metcalf.

of Palmyra, Missouri, a native of this place, His portly appearance, genial smiles, and general bearing, led us to believe that he was basking in a "land of milk and honey." lie informed us that he had been "swinging round the circlc" for some weeki past, attending to the interests of the large Flour Mill Manufactory of llanjey, Mgtpalf Anderson, of Palmyra, in hich he is a partner. His route was from Palmyra to Chicaga, and Boston, by way of Niagara Falls, through Canada, thence from I5octon to York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, i and will return home via Chicago. He ships Flour to these prominent points, as well as many other points along the above route, and was looking after the business of the firm. Mr. M.

is a live business man, and we arc always glad to hear a report from him and moro especially as he was one of Shepherdstown's good boys. Long may he wave. Editorial Brcfitips Miss Maggie W. Johnson has been removed from the Post Office at Charlestown, and John Taj lor appointed in her place. It is announced that John S.

Carlile, of this State is in favor of removing the political "restrictions" upon the people. Gen. Gordon, so well known and beloved by the "Stonewall" brigade, ard his lady, dined at the Amerjc-in hotel, Staunton, on Thursday last, en route for the Va. Springs. The Winchester Journal published by C.

M. Crane, radical, has puspended operations, and N. I). Meade has purchased the mateiial and intends running a news, paper to be called the Sentinel, and conservative in politics. A merchant in Mt.

Jackson, Shenandoah county, found a young alligator packed in hogshead ol sugar. So says the Shenandoah Ueralil, John Ilarmcr Gilron, 3 prominent member of the Richmond Bar, died on Wednesday of last week, after a lingering illness. Would it not be pormissablo and ap propriate and poetical for any lady, born on the 3 1 1 of August, to entitle herself a "Last ltose ol Summer The presont Emperor of the French was born on the 20th of April, 1808, he is nearly ten years older than his great uncle, ho died after a stormy career at the agP of fifty-two. His faiher, Louis Bonaparte, died at sixty-eight his uncle Joseph Bonaparte, died at seventy-six. Messrs.

A. T. Stewart of New York, say they have never done as large a at this time of the year before. They attribute this fact to their having advertised more this season than erer before. They are undoubtedly right.

The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company have at length, seems, taken piept. towards the erection at Cumberland, of a rolling mil). A new Orleans paper says ll)3ta young widow in that city, who writes well, is "training herself for an editor." 1 A disappointed old bachelor says it makes little difference whether a man commits suicide or matrimony. In one he loses his life, and in the othei his influence. Fanny Fern says: "If one-half of the girls knew the previous lives of the men they marry, the list of old maids would be wondeifully increased." Whereupon the Boston Tost asks: "If the men knew, what their future lives were to be, wotild'nt it increase the list of old maids still further Bishop McGill of Richmond will ad1 minister the Sacrament of Confirmation at St.

Peter's Church, Harper's Ferry, on Sunday, September 19. The prettiest fashion we hare had for many a day is the universally popular and universally becoming fashion of wearing white, and it will be carried into the fall and winter as far as practicable. White cloth cloaks and white plush sacks will enliven our promenades, while white jackets and basques will give a July aspect to the frostiest day in January. Mrs. Margaret Peters, wife of Professor Wm.fl, Peters, of the University of Virginia, died Sunday ai the residence of her father.

Hon. James VV. Sheffy, in Marion, Soythe county. She was a lady of great amiability and rare intellectual power. REGISTRATION CASES.

The Supreme Coifrt of this State Quashes the Proceedings oj the Circuit Courts. Three cases of removal from office Irom Greenbrier county end one from Randolph county, came up before the Supreme Court al its recent session for review. The plaintiffs were men who had been elected to county offices. and haJ qualified and entered upon their respective duties, but was subsequently fetricken from the Registration list, and ordered to appear before the Circuit Court and show cause why their offices should not be declared vacant. The motion to Fquash the pro- oeedings was refused and they were re- moved from office.

The Supreme Court the judg- ment of the Circuit Court, and Judge Brown in delivering the opinion of the Court says "A person legally el cted to the office of Sheriff under the constitution laws of this Slate, and having duly qualifieJ and entered on the duties of his office has a vested right in the office, with the privi- leges and immunities of value, of which he cannot be deprived but for cauee, and that by due process ol law. The Court erred in refusing to quash the rule on the motion of the Sheriff; and also erred in i admitting the Clerk's ceiiiticate ol the liet of names which he certified to have been ordered by the Hoard ol Ufgiftration to be stricken from the list of registered vo- ters. Only the record or a copy thereof properly certified to be a was ad- missableas evidence. Hut the most material and important error in the case was in depriving an ofli- cer of his office because of the fact alleg- cd, to-wit: that his name had by order of the board of registration been stricken from the list of registered voters of the county, even if the fact had been legally made to appear. The Constitution pre- i scribes who are entitled to vote and it al- so provides that any person so entitled to vote shall be eligible to office.

The dtfendent possessed all the qualifications required by the Constitution and laws to vote and hold office at the time he was eIccted and qualified as sheriff of Randolph county. He had therefore a vested right in his office of which he could not be deprived but for cause by due process of law (Art. 2, sec Const.) And whether the board of registration struck his name off the registry list of voters or not, was wholly immaterial to the right of the party and the to be determined in the case. It was never in contemplation of the Convention that framed the Constitution nor of the people when they adopted it, that a'l the officers of the State, executive, judicial and ministerial were to be dependent on tho discretion or caprice, as it is claimed, of an irresponsible Hoard of Registration in relation to an incidental matter. The Wheeling Intelligencer (Radical) in commenting on the above says "This decision announces a very important principle, viz that eligibility to office does not depend on tho mere incident of registration.

"A citizen entitled to vote" m3y be an officer under the Constitution; and the Court hold that to mean that if he has the several qualifications laid down it cannot bo material whether his name is borne on the registry list or not, that being a mere ministerial regulation that cannot affact the fundamental i right. These decisions by our highest court are conclusive on tho circuits, so that there will bo no more attempts to decapitate officers or adjudge persons ineligible on the ground only of their not being borne on the The principles enunciated and the error? thus corrected furnish an assurance of this which will be recognized by both parties throughout tho Slate. It assurance too that our Republican judiciary are prepared to do ample and exact justice whether such action be favorable to politic il Iriends or opponents. Where a judge of a lower court undertakes to convert himself into a machine for the execution of party or personal ends, wo 8' that the higher Court adminiMers a prompt and signal reproof. It is the misfortune of every party to be afllicted with some men whom any party would be better without, and who for mercenary ends do things in tho name of the party or under color of its sanction which that party ought not and dare not defend.

The Republican party of this State has not altogether escaped such misfortune. Hut we aro bound as a matter of duty and as a matter of self-defence to disown every rascal tries to cover his venality with the shield of our party and to disclaim and correct as speedily as possible whatever souses such persons may be guilty of. No oirense can attach to us as a party which we do our best to prevent or remedy. But the moment we peck lo cover up or apologize tor or connive at wrong doing, we become responsible and blamable. When Judge Nathaniel Harrison of the Greenbrier Circuit (who seems to be a sort of intensified Cardozo) undertook to violate vested rights and disregard the fundamental law in order to give effect to some mercenary or malicious purpose, we find our Republican judiciary administering a vigorous reprimand and announcing principles that will afford protection against similar attempts in future.

This is one gratifying assurance that whatever irregularities or abuses exist in the execution of law. there is no occasion to seek their corrcction outside of the Republican party. As we have said, it is our misfortune that a few men here and there have got into places which is but too much reason to fear they use more for personal advantage or to gratify unworthy motives, than from a duo regard for their official obligations. The duty of our party respecting all such cases, once they are authenticated, is plain. We must not be responsible for any abuses which it is possible to correct." Qiter Whim.

There na lady st the hite Sulphur Sprints of whom it is aaid thai in the dave of girlhood she resolved to wed ihe hundredth man who courted her, and to reject the ninety-and nine who preceded and, it is said. Ihe vow was religiously kept, aud that she actually married the hundredth wooer Col. Charles Marshall, of Baltimore, whowasAct'g Ass't Adj't General on the staff of Gen. II. Lee, sent the following reply to the Gettysburg Committee beg leave most respectfully to decline the invitation to attend the proposed meeting.

Editorial Brevities. The fa nous Dr. Cummings has written a letter lo the I'opp asking to know, if he (Dr. C)atiends the Ecumenical Council, if he will be alluwe to explain his views, The editor of the Fredericksburg Herald says it it? that each of the proprietors of the White Sulphur Springs will realize $30,000 as his chare of the profits this season. John Neal, ol Portland, who was present at Lord Byron's funeral, and was intimate with his friends, is said to have in his possession facts that corroborate Stovve's statements.

If so, they will probably soon be published. Senator Cole, of California, ftlio has lately been in San Domingo, has returned strongly in favor of annexation of the Island to the United States, and will urge the matter upon Congress at the approaching session. A man engaged in Buffalo, a few days 8go, in loading a vessel with wheat, fell asleep in the and was covered over and suffocated bv his fellow laborers who were shovelling in the wheat, before they knew he was there. He was taken out stone dead. Some of the English papers are cornplaining that England is not sufficiently defended, and that an increase of her naval power is demanded in view of possible events.

Some of our papers are complaining thai the and pori9 of the Ui iled States are not properly defended, and that additional and stronger fortifications are needed. 1 The first of a series of fall elections took place in California on Wednesday of last week. wo judges of the Supreme Court, members ol the Legislature and county officers were chosen. Last year General Grant carried the State by 514. In the present Legislature the Radicals have a majority of six in the Senate, and the Democrats a majority of twenty in the House democratic majority on joint ballot fourteen.

General Canity has issued 3n order al1 tering the lime for the payment of the six months' interest on the Virginia State debt to the 30th of September. G. G. Curtis-', a Bedford carpet bagger is going to contest Hon. K.

Kidgway'e seat in Congress on the ground that the latter cannot take the "iron clad." A Cincinnati belle, heir to is so annoyed with interested suitors that she retired to another city and assumsd on humble position in a respectable privave family, determined to win a husi band, if at all, upon her own merit. In 1809. says the Charlestown News, i the twelve cotton States will show moro true prosperity than any other section of the world. It goes on to estimate the crop of cotton lor the present year, which it fixes at 3,000,000 hales. The tvernge value of all the crops will account to per head of the population.

James Kennedy, a railroad of Wheeling, West Virginia, about sixty years old, hac been myeterioubly missing since the 14ih of August. A lady in Iowa county, Iowa, advertisj es herself as an attor.ieyees at law." We suppose we shall soon have the farmeress petitioning the for a daughter as an officeress in the army. The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, of New Jersey, has refused lo pay the widow of the late llev. Henry A. Wiae, jr.

of Baltimore, his life policy, on the ground that the policy was obtained through false representation of health. A suit for the recovery of the same has been brought in the Circuit court Baltimore. Pluribas unutn. the motto of the United States, is now translated "many in one," in order to make it conform to the Northern idea of the government, and lo Mr. Lincoln's opinion that "the United S'ates are analogous to the Slate with counties." The old and true meaning given it by our fathers, "the aggregation of manv independent sovereignties into 1 one," abandoned.

Tlie Winchester Times "A very rumor is current in Winchester, touching the prospective removal to our midst of Rev. Dr. Whittle, Assistant Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Virginia. Arrangements looking to the securement of this object are in progress, with every prospect of euccessful accom plishment. Kev.

bishop McGill, Bishop of the Diocese of Richmond, will attend the Ecumenical Council at Rome in October, lie will, with other prelates, sail from Baltimore on the Steamer Leipsic on 22d insl. The Grand Jury of Berkeley county, the present term, brought in about 1 GO indictments. Court of Appeal? of W. Va have de- cided the following cases: McDonald vs. McDonald, from Berkeley county, reversing the decree of the Court below and remanding the cause for further proceedings therein.

McDonald vs. Campbell, from Berkeley county, reversing the decree of the Court below, dissolved the injunction and dismissed the bill. Attorney Hoar has published an opinion stating that the Test oath" will not be required of the members elect to the Virginia Lepi-laturp. Major Bridgeford, of the ion, (late so called is to have enlisted a company for Cuba, who are now at Fort Gaines, Ga. A Sunday school teacher was giving a lefson on Kuih.

She wauled to bring out the kindness of Boaz in commanding the reapers to drop lager handfuls of wheat. children." she said, "Boaz did another very nice thing for Ruth can you tell me what it was "Married her said or.e of the boys. The Alexandria Gazette "Reliable accounts from King George coarty represent that ilie proceedings of the last term of the county court of that couniy exceeded any of a judicial character that ever before occurred in Virginia, and were so that most of the gentlemen of the courty who were present left the courthouse in disgust. The court, it wii be remembered, is composed of Genera! Canby's appointees. The Grand Ball given in honor of the press of the country at the White Sulphur Springs last week, is rrpreseoteil as having been a "big thing." About 700 persons were present, and everything passed off handsomely.

According to the London Times the harvest in England is within thirteen per. cent of the average, and with the eontinuI ance of the good weather may still im1 prove. All tbe crnpa except wheat are 1 luxuriant. Terrible Mining Disaster. The Plymouth, Mine on fire i Ovtr Tiro Hundred Pertoni Shut Up Probable I.qs* of Life by Suffocation Great Excitement be.

Scranton, Sept. G. There 's great excitement here in consequence of the burning of the coal bre ker at Avond ale. The mine is in Plymouth, about twenty miles 9ouih ol this city. There are '201 men and boys in tbo mine, and the shaft, which is the onlv means of escape, is choked by forty feet of burning coal and rubbish.

Ventilation is totally stopped, and there are great fears that some, if not all, will be suffocated. ADDITIONAL Plymouth, September A fire broke out ibis morning in a flue in the bottom of the Steuben shaft, owned by the Delaware, Lackawana and Western llailroad Company, in this, snd in a short lime the whole breaker and out buildings were in fl.tmes, and the hoisting apparatus, the only avenue of escape for the miners, destroyed. All efforts to stay lie were in and the whole siiucture fell. partly filling up the shall. Over two hundred men are in the t-haft, and have no communication out and no chance for air, the only way lor getting sir in the shaft was through the main opening, 1 now filled with binning timbers and 1 1 is feared the whole number have been suflorated by smoke, or have i ished for want of air.

The lire departmenu of Scranton, Wilkesbarre and Kingston ere on hand ai playing streams down the shaft. It will probably take until to-moriow morning before the condition of the men can be ascertained, or any tidings received from them. The scene at the shaft i9 heartrending. The families of miners are congregated there in great numbers. from all parts of the country arc there at work, and merchants, and the whole population of the town have turned out to assist.

"I'll loss by the fire will amount lo about $100,000, partly covered by insurance. All the physicians in the vicinity have been summoned to aitend. The affair has cast a gloom over the whole community, and busines- is almost entirely m-pended The miners only resumed work today, after a suspension of about three Among those in the mine is Hughes, the superintendent. RBOPRNINO TIIK SHAFT. Sen an ion.

September 10 P. The latest information received here from the Avondale mine slates that the shaft was cleared and two men went dou'n and penetrated sixty or seventy yards to a closed gangway door, which eoutd not force open. They found three dead mules outside of the door, and sulphuious flames were pouring through the door. No signs of life were discovered. It is feared all are dead.

DFAD 'DIES RECOVERED. Plymouth, Sept. G. A it? the rubbish at the bottom of the shaft had been cleared away two men descended in a bucket and sent word up to send down a pick and fhovel to clear doors with. I lie bucket was brought tip, and two men went down with tools.

Ah they started the men at the bottom requested them to hurry. and on their reaching the bottom both ere found dead. A FATAL THEORY. Some of the men who went down the eliaft last nig! reported that the fire in the furnace was all out. I lie presumption waa that when the lire broke out the miners had kept their senses, and having dragged the (ire, had fled to the upper chambers, closing the doors behind them.

Supposing this to be true, the rescuers proceeded on the simple plan of forcing fresh air into the mine by means of a fan working by an engine, both machines having been taken trom Scranton. I'orty-six men Ind been enrolled volunteers lo descend the shaft. I hey lowered lamps which burned freely. Nearly an hour later four men descended, but quickly returned, reporting that they had encountered "black or damp," as the miners call the deadly carbonic gas, which forced them to retire. Thus it went or until yesterday, when a party of men, penetrating two hundred leet and openirg the door, discovered that the fire was still burning in the furnace.

all hope gone. Plymouth, 9 I hose understanding 'he situation, upon hearing this fact, saw in a moment that oil hope at end, and all that could be dime was lo drag the lost miners from their fiery tomb and them Christian burial. A change of operations was instantly decided on. It was determined to extingu-ih the fire. Means are now arranged to that end, ar.d the day was occupied in deluging the mine with water.

FI.OoDINQ THE MINE Things at this tune, 2 05 A. art at a Standstill, cxcrpt as regards the water going in upon the furnace, and the rising of "bluB da i. No one has be? down since the hst reported, and although an effort is making to gel another gang to go and those who have no? yet been down are ready those in authority are afraid lo run the risk, unless some one who has been down along. BODIES RECOVERED. J.ator thi? afternoon two bodies were brought up by jl gang that went down since the last telegram.

The excitement very great. 1 he bodies arc in a bad condition and n.A recognizable. At 2.53 A. M. the air as getting better in the mine.

The two bodies are badly bloated they were found in a stable. One is that of a young man probably eighteen years of and other middle aged. Blood in clots is about their mouths, and are Urriblc objectto look upon. IKE MIKE OPENED. rpn.ADEt.rHu, Sept.

8 A special lo the Kvenmg Telegraph says: "The Avoniale mine as opened this morning and all the miners were foutie dead." A private disp-itch says 103 bodies hare been brought up. Mr. Karegv's barn, near lieainstown, Frederick county, was set on firg last week by accident, tn me use of a heat threshing machine. A few bushels only had been threshed, when a occurred, and flames hcr-t out at the point where the horse-power is connected uuh the thresher, caused by undue friction on a bevel piece ol the machinery. I he macl ine was set near the barn door for convenience, but the result was the building as at once er.vsjoped jn Camee, and it, with content4, soon destroy rd.

The barn was valued at $2,000, whilst its contents, and the unthreshed I destroyed, amounted to some 1,250 bushels of wheat, 40 tons of hay, a lot of barley, two wheat rs, two wheat drills, and a number of other agricultural The whole cannot be, it is under $6,000, upon which there was no insurance. For the Register. Memories of Emancipation Day in Slicplierdslown. The srnilt of heaven are upon "Order of Indostry if 1101, then "why does the sun shaiie so brightly on us. When 1 ay shane, 1 mean, tracing word as a linguist, lo its tymological purtty, that the eupepsy of die decomposed dvdrophobia wherewith 1 1 degenerating euphemistical conglome ration of philosophical demonstrations, unite in a categorical insufficiency, luxuriating in the pi 3s tic hand of nature," thus marking the unilateral solecism, by a split in the year, that it might he claimed as one's own diserithrallroent for the beuetii of whom i' may concern," giving perfect freedom in the equatic regions of the and rendering the political cconcmy of our perceptibilities the sheen a paleoniogtaphical understanding, the mariner's compass in the hands of i le 'litis enabling I i to fusticate the quinoctial storm, at the nifii'ian ol our glory, and the lorsenic glow oi t'ie worm that never dies Ins threshold I Mr.

Mditor, that this definition of the word shune, will be cK-ar to the understanding of your readers, as it Ins been discovered by an untiring research among the ruins of deceased languages. But agaiuly, the extraordinarily wherewith as gathered the superfluities of the unctionous tl munding in silvery (German silvery tones) fr the Court House wall, gave light Iroui and cast btnzrnous clouds from the most dilapidatr de qucstriatiismes that John Kijbinson'e couhl fulminate on the of the lit ir (air) of at man who could not rise up ami "shake the durt fiom I. is shots as a testimony against "the individual who did not stand "under his own tine and fig tree," thus indulging in hydraulic pressure with ihe organic sjstem of "the Vandering Jew while the Red Man wstidirs o'er the i plains, "seeking whom he may devour," or "wasting In? sweetness on the desert I here the hi scratches. Once tnorely as 1 said before previous to what 1 now stale, 1 would add that the chemical peraphanalu which stretches from the north star and makes a closeline I'atagonh, and wherever the rem from his daily toil, save the nitroglycerine Achilles t'? the phosphorescent Atlas, and us, the responsibilities id into the gorgeous difTieultits of Pluto, to the fund i downfall of the Woman Kmpirc. What hey look at the tienee Where were the philli-tinrs They could not stand the jaw bono.

Africa's pride is still waisttug it'? fragrance. Wf it it thus 1 he kingdom near ai hand. The year of jubitt has come, and, the sweltering of the germinating erudition, where ith it iihtion," down to the mercurial hydrometer, then by avoiding the irrecone il dde concurtlia white Orviljp vtood on I Grampian hills, excruciating, and in the second tlegrt before tlie 0 ft and Hugo (aside in french) said. Stop Or by heavens you belter have had. Conclusively last, Let the "Dnlcr of Industry." gather the imroaculve imperceptibilities of the cogmt phenomenon thereby raising a presump'ion id favor of the gaseous atones, culminating the ephrnx rai antiquities of mediaeval intervention, consuming the granaries of Ilindoostan and empi) mg the bnrning wa tern of the Nile into the cooling ronlligrxtion of of-of-and t' colored troop? fought nobly, I lien "why should H.e spirit ol mortal he proud." Dell's Worm Confection.

In these zingea we have confided tlie activity of our most powerful V. run fuges, co nicely manipulated, aecoiding to the latest improvementi in Pharmacy, as to render them a tery paint ble n-medy, at the same time cot the pies of a large dose of the o.d ume YYtmifnges. Price 25 cent-'. For sale by Druggists and ail prominent Storekeepers. Sally a colored i I in Hairiaoi burg.

gave birth a few to a male chilli without The infant is a hale, hear y. vigorous child, anil geems to be perfect in all except arms. In the place where ore of the ought to be, on the there a solitary firger. General S-vretary of War, in President Gram's died in mi on Monday I at. it! (ivlicts.

Maiket, Corrected hy S. Ptiulhlon. FLO 17 go oo (Wed) 25 a jo CORN, 75 ho OA I 05 a a 35 BUT I KK, ar, a 25 EGOS. 15 BACON, 2(1 a 25 ''A HI), 20 25 POTATOES, 60 a 75 II U.TIMOUK MAUKKT. markfi steady but not active dav; 18.000 bushels of wi irh 2000 hu-liela r-d sold tl 55; 5u0o Lushs at 1 53; 1500 bu.hs at 1 45? I 48; 2000 fair at I 35a I 10; 1000 buaKela good Indiana red at .9 food white 1 I CO.

con A. Waa firm, unrler ited rect ts show an upward Undenry sales of bin whi'e and yellow at 1 20af 1 22. a 58 GO cer.ta. iilacriagcs. On the 1st instant, at Straanujg, Va by Rev.

A. C. Air. Arthur II. of Chsrlestown, to J.

Leach formerly of Fauquirr I Virginia. On Isi instant, at Ilarpfr's by the Dr. W. ji. Dution.

Mr. I. a ban of Lafayette, Indiana, to Miss Mary Konnre, daughter of Mr. Koonce of Ferry. the 7th in M'thodist Church 8 Cnionvilie.

by Her. W. G. Coe, Mr. James Ftanigan to Mary Ellen Caton, both of this county.

0eotl)s. 1 On tlie instant, Mrs Juliet Jl. i ol Chailestown, in the 74th year of her age. The Fifteenth Amendment. It ic requires Slates out of the 37 to ntify ihis omendmer.i before it can become pnrt ol the -onstitntior Nindeen Stales line alieady ratified it.

Mine more are therefore necessary 10 render ttio ratification complete. By the requirements of gres-s Mississippi, Texas and Virginia mus-t ratify the amendment before their reconstruction can be complcicd. three Slates, added to the nineteen which have already ratified it, would make ly-lwo Slates, leaving six yet required la render the action complete. And llie from which these six mint bo oh. tained are Alabama.

California, Delaware, Georgia, low Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota. Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Vermont. lor sale at the Green GroA eery at per bushel. sep II Knott PemHeton. l.N Pieserving CjIis at $1,35 per iJoz A en.

sep II A ij- Pendleton. MAGIC Powder, lor cleanirgnlasu, and niU'er ware, sells lor 2b cents, and can hr had lor 10 cents Hi sep 1 1 Hillings' nriifj Store. Mot ice who nave notes at n.y on j( li 18ih day ol ISti'J. hereby notified they heroine due otr the 18th and that I have bit the same at i) Jcllcrscn Savings liai.k, lor collection. IIKXRV II AT.

AN. September II. ill CABINET MAKING. rrilK undersigned has again commenced the 1 CABINET MAKING 1 USINKSSat I residence in ami his old friends to loin a call, lie is pn paied to fnrni-di loonier all kinds ol iirniturc such as Chamber, fining, 1'arlor, Hall, Otlire aiid Kitchen Sells, in ever) Mile and variety to suit the of I'M l)KK TA I Nt? in all its COFFINS finished in the latent stjlc. i i attend Fl'XKKALS in town or country i short notice.

Fl'KN ITUItK of ull kinds repaired in tl best style of workmanship, (iive me a nil. JOHN II. SCIUllTKItT September 11, I8G9. tf TO Tin: FARMER, S. haie made uiYaiigtuic ils by nhich can I'uruish with all kuuN ot KICULTl KAI.

IMl'lJiMKNTS at Haltimoio prices, freight uilded. Those in i.ei il of sticli articles ill save rroney iy giving u- a cail before purchasing he re have ron siantly on hand Sevinour New York Combined Reaper and Mower, ilicktuld ilotlinan's I)rill, now in use, wittioi millout Attachment; Sii I iir I'utting IluX es, 1'utent Water Drawer-. I'atent Corn Sin I lers, and all other Machinery um by Also all U. nds id FKUTIl.l/.KRS at Kalinin pi ices. 1 1 prices paid for all kinds ol Grain a Couulrv I'roduce.

VSUiN (J a (JIT TINGS. I'epi't, September II, lh'69. It SALK OF LAM) 1'llH TAXKS. rpnrc undersigned, Si of tlx- com IV of will, on ilm S'ptnnlnr Tain of Circuit Court uj Stii'l nt the front tloor of thereof. I.ANDS TIIF.UK.IN DKI.INQI'KN I Il.u Non-Payment of for the 1807 ami 1809 which hud-, Taxes, Interest and Dam -geii due on i Tract.

specified in .1 lui thereof, polled at the froiil door of fa'd CoutlI lou-e, to wh ch list attention directed. Said fald will tie eontinoed froiw day to until comph ted. between hours ol 10 A. M. and M.

W. POTTKKHKI.D. SI.eiitT of J' IT "outov. Sept. 1 1 18G'J.

West Virginia At Ilules held at the Ch tk's office of the Circuit Couit of JeflVrson county. on Monday of September, IHOtt. Ilcnry Wu'tlind. l'laintlf. VF.

Weiaenfi'ld Company, and William line, Defendants. Trespass 011 lite case. The object of th.s suit is to reenter Mia. ol damage the ssi defendant-. bv reason of eir a of attachment in their suit against I'redelirk spelborn.

on il.e el-llii'g and merchandize of the plaii.tiff, and Weeping the in the custody 'be sheriff for a period of ight months. And it api earing up'-n aflida? ii hi this soil that the said defendants. risenficld At are of il Stale, they hereby required to apj ear wnhin one month afier of tl i- order, I- protect their inl, rrmf. in thi- hi further a copy of thi- be I ubli't once week hr four wet In in newspaper in county the I runt door she th. f.

on Ibe fiisl Monday sltn the dal? of tins order. Teste, A. CHAPLIN Win earinp' q. Sept. I I.

18r.ll. West Virginia At Kulfs held the fk Hi 1 the Circuit Cowl of Ji'flnson county. tfie first Monday 1 September, IU'd). Merry Wmtlmd. I'lain'ilf, 11.

t. Reinhardt llro hsr fc Willi Ilightaiine. Deb ndanta. The object of thia soil i to the sum ol $5,500 damages against said def. reason of their letyii'g a tuit of attachment in Frederick Mcp' ihorn.

on ihe ing and of ihe plimiifT, aikeeping ihe satinf in the ol 1 sf.erifT lor a period of eight months. And it appearing upoi affidavit the Brothers are not residents of this Sia'e. they required 10 appear w.thin one month after due publicauon cf this order. protcct their interests in matter. I further ordere.l that a copy of this order be pobliabed once a werk.

for four cessise weeks, in some newspaper in astd rounty and po-ied at the front don, of the Coori-hoosfl theieof. on the firai Monday after ibe date of thia oricr eate, VV. A. CUAI'LINE. Clerk.

Van Swearingen, p. q. Sept. 11. 1863.

I'rs fee 4w iTOHNINO Star Bnters. for sale at Hillings' Drug Store..

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