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Shepherdstown Register from Shepherdstown, West Virginia • 2

Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE REGISTER. TERMS ffcR YEAR? $2,50 IN ADVANCE, est Ya: A lT 1)A QCT. 24. ISC8. The Mount Wesley 1 M.

K. Church, rjenr Scrabble, will be dedicated, on Sabbath at 1 1 oclock. A. M. The E.

I). Owens, Mariiisfburit, will officiate. The pub- I lie are invited lo attend. Prof. VV.

H. Morrow, of the male Academy at this place, delivered a lecture on Monday evening lost, in Moul- I der's Hall, by request of the Friends of Temperance, on DUeaees of Soci- ety," which was highly intereaiing and 1 wu will proro beneficial to all who heaid it. liAKoK Stock. We dropped into t'ie Hoot and Shoo Siore of Mr. Joseph Helping, the evening, and upon animation we found that he had just fin- 1 ished openjug one of the largest and most complete Siocks of and of every brought to this town fo; pomj jcngih i time.

Mr. F. informed us 'hat took considerable pains in making his present selection in the eastern mar- ket, in order to offer to the public fcone hot very best Stock that could be pro- cured, and at such 38 cannoi tail to all those who should purchase him. His assortment, ol shoes for the ladies is also complete and very fine, him a call. Or? Monday afternoon the citi- i sens of our usually quiet town were all agog in witnessing a light-rope performance by a Mr.

Tillei, upon a sus- 1 pended about 40 feet above terra firma reaching across the street from the house tops cf the dwellings of AJessrs. Adams ai. Kightstme. Mr. 'Fillet performed many difficult ar.d hazardous feats io the amusement ol a large crowd of our citi- zeiu'.

euael Ciowi's Hand, consisting ol ije and two drums, enlivened the au- dicnce during Fon the Ladies. Mrs. Ksta Mowers hns just received a splendid and fashionable assortment of Bonnets, Hats, anJ Millinery goods generally, from tiie eastern markets. All the and old ones loo, wishing to look handsome should give Mrs. B.

a call, and make purchases. She has everything fioni a night-cap down to a Grecian bendft "Governor" Borernan's appeal for military aiJ in West Virginia having been successful, on Monday last Lt. Koss.wtth a detachment of twenty men belonging to ie company stationed here look the train lor Sliepht rdsto wn, W. where ihey will amain until the 5il? of iNovemter. lios it til be setr.

that this Mill- pistnct te quiet and orderly that it i can l-c denuded qt soldiers, go lo preserve peace in a Sttte wholly on- i dor the control and government of the Boreman. hilst the introduction ol the military into tiie old county of Jefferson must be regatJvd as an attempt to and intimidate, no part of the fault can be lodged against the soldiers who obey the commands of their superiors. The people of Jefferson will find 1. 1. Koss to be an agreeable gentleman? i one who we bel eve has no disposition to deprive them of a single political right.

Winchester Times. detachment of soldiers above referred to, arrived here op afiernoon last, under command of Lieut. Koss and took up quarters the Court House, t'runi what we can learn, Lieut. apd his men, by their gentlemanly deportmeiil and dignified bearing, hsvo made a f.ivorable impression upon the minds of our citizens, and no doubt have come to Hie conclusion that their presence in nur midst upon the election day, was unnecessary. Gbkat Discovery.

We call attention to a valuable oil called Kanaline Oil which is certainly superior, in every particular, to any yet hays tested its merits and find it superior to all others, lit oil can be made by any peiso.i, which is a very simple procees, lor or 30 cente per gallon. It will not ipiode, and causes no smoke or grease, which are very valuable requisites, and the brilliancy of light is superior to all others. Shipley, of inchester, is now in or midst, introducing it and will sill family rights at We the recipient of a large Ca.i of Oysters, last week, sent us by Mr. James Welsluger, Oyster Packer, South Liberty street, Baltimore. They vine the largest and most delicious we have tasted for some time.

I'hey arrived in the "nich ol time" keeping hall" as brst we could. However, our jour being on hand, and n. aving forgotten how to manage the cook- in" arrangements, learned when a "boqld boy," l.e jired up and a vary short had an elegant oyster supper in leau.ness. It is needless to state that 1 1 hands did ample justice to Mr. W's Li'aivcs.

Alter finishing our repast, three cheers amj a big tiger were voted to Jlr. W. Long may he wave Roanoke College, ssys the Tinas. meeting the expectation of its friends in its prosperity. There are already nearly two hundred students in attendance, and others have informed the Faculty qf their intuition to be present during the fpssjon.

At no time in the previous history of the it been io a more prosperous condition. We are glad to hear this, ss Or. little, the worthy President of the is not only one of the most accomplished Christian genile.nen, but one o( tie uiusi industrious and cor.scicntiMii? instructors youth in a.l the are under obligations to our friend Mr. Edwin C. Kngle, for a very lanje and highly flavored Pumpkin.

He has many of the same sort for sale. Persons wishing fopit Pumpkins should call upon him. West Va. Election. Thf election in thip Stale look place on Thursday.

We give a of the result in thi? county accurately as be obtained up to the time of going to press. Everything pissed off exceedingly quiet. The Radical State ticket in this county will average aboul majority, including the Judicial and Congressional B. F. Harrison, conservative, has a majority of 23 for the Legislature.

J. E. Erwin, conservative, has a majority of about G5, for County Assessor. J. J.

Miller, radical, is elected by a majority over Wilson of about 4, for the Legislature. There were about 330 votes polled in the county? the Republican strength in the county is about 175. There were about 100 rejected votes csst in sealed envelopes, among which are some discharged Union soldier totes, whieh will be acted upon, by the County Hoard of Supervisors, and if counted, will elect the whole conservative ticket by a considerable majority. With the ejerptjop of Harrison and Erwin, the entire Radical county ticket is elected. The Free that the Stack Yard of Wm.

H. Henry Moore, near Charlestown, was burned on Wedresdav morning-about 700 bushels of Wheat destroyed. This piece ol incendiarism is sa.d to be a negrp man. Layman, sop ol Mr. William Layman, Shenandoah county, was accidentally on Saturday week.

He was engaged ip moving a one mill, upon a uogQO when the lever, or beam, accidentally fell upon him, catching head between the beam and the axletree, brea ina his neck and killing him instantly. A number of street lamps wfre lighted in the "city" of Harrisonburg for ihe first time on Tues lay r.igbt last. Anions the names of officers of the Young Men's Christian Association, recently organized at Washington College, we notice as Assistant Rec. Sec Ashby. ol Front Royal.

and P. binder, of Jefferson, as Corresponding Secretary. The page Courier says pure Coal has been djscovcred in tSat in digging a well about twenty-nine feet below Ihe surface, covered by a which is also inflammable. Messrs. Green Wise, real estate agents, report the sale of a farm of acres in Loudon county, 4 miles above Drains villtf, for to John Sious.a o( abhington, I).

C. Uell'tf Worm Confections, tho most safe and certain remedy lor expelling Worms. Do not force your child to choke down some vile compound. Ttiev will eat Bell's Worm Corrections for candy, fnce 25 For -ale by Druggists and all prpmingnt Stoiekeepers. IJell's Infant Soothing Cordial is a very pleasant and sale temedy for the i various tils to which Inlaius and children are subject.

For children Teething Hi? indispensable. Price 25 cents. tor by al1 prominent Storekeepers. The Leesburg corresponder.t of tlie Alexandria (Juztlte says that Mr. II.

D. Gambnll, late of Maryland, is wotking a baryies mine on the land of Mrs. AHred Rvon, near Edward's Ferry. Some tons of it will be sent to Alexandria by railroad in a few days, but it is supposed the bulk of it will be sent by Howard's Ferry and the Canal, as it is not more than a mile from the lift-lock at that -oint. The mine is said to bp an extensive one and the quality line.

Cattle -Six hundred stock cattle, purchased jn Nonb Carolina, by Wni. II. lingers, of Loudoun, passed liif ough our streets on Thursday. They will be bought and grazed by the farmers of Fauquier and Loudoun counties. tl'urrenton The Conference of ihe Methodist Episcopal Church South, will met in Charlottesville, on 18th of NovemberIt is said that rats mny be eSfectually driven from $ny buijdjng by sprinkling their place of resort with yellow ocjjrpMessrs.

Dayid F. Samucj Fletcher, formerly of Rockingham county and Lieut. Marshal of Fauquief county, brutally murdered by a oftcer at Martimourg, on the 30th ult. These men moved to Missouri after "peace" was declared, end were formerly member? of the 7th a. Kegt.

of the C. S. A. Hon. Horatio Seymour announces that he will take thp stump in person, and opened the campaign at Buffalo on Thursday.

The New York Tjtpes publishes a table of the official returns from Indiana, showing a republican n)aj. 0f 726. which is a democraijc gain of 13,470 since last year. Fighting it out on Tiut Lisk. romantic pair, not more than a thousand miles from Pittsburgh, were blessed wnh a number of daughters.

The eldest was called Caroline, the second the 3d the fourth when lo! the filtli Riaiie its appearance, an no name could be found wjth the desired termination. At length maipma, who had been reading of ihe fashions at Saratoga, pounced upon a 11 in very popular there, and foribwiih the baby was baptized CrinOLINC! We have fed, says un exchange, boiled barley to horses, and know of pothing that wijl (alien a horse so rapidly. It should he boiled till it opens, about an hour. William chief superintendent of the Panama railroad, who was assassinated at Aspinwall on the 24th was the gpneral superioteudant to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad when foverpor Swann was the presjdeulnt the company. Jle had many friends jn Baltimore, and his sad death causes profound regret.

His asgtsgin. James jj. Baldwin, was one of the engifceerj of the Manama railroad, and after commuting thp horrid deed attempted to commit suicide, but tailed in the attempt although very low at Ust Rev. Henry Bishop of the Lutheran Church of filled the Lutheran pulpit of this place, on Sunday morning and evening last. His discourses were eloquent and argumentative, and were well received by ths large congregations present.

The Democratic Views of Montgomery tflair, Ac. The excitement of a few days relative to the suggested change of Democratic presidential candidates seems to have subsided, especially in ashingtJn, where il wai greatest. A change is now generally discountenanced by prominent politicians every where. 'i Washington Star of Monday afternoon last says Hon. Montgomery Blair, who is in town, expresses himself wjih no little iu regard to various statements made in connection w.tli the proposed democratic change of In conversation today lie dented having written a letter to the fc'ew ork World, berating tiiat piper for its recent article advising the changing candidates.

Hh denounces the whole moreaieni, however, for a change of candidates as treason tJ ibe democratic party, ano charges that it was nude in the interest ol Chase. Johnson and Hancock, whom he accuses of being opposed to the ticket since its formation. thinks one of the prime movers of the i change is Secretary Seward, who influences the President in opposition the interests of Seymour aud Blair. The ei- Postmaster General is rather severe ou Secretary Sewaid, and says no matier whether Seymour or Grant should win, the Secretary is politically dead, and he (Sgwird) therefoie desires change of the democratic ticket, in hopes that he will still have a chance, as he thinks he would under either Johnson, Chase or llanrock. Mr.

Blair has no doubt that the Chief Justice would accept the nomination at any time, but thinks there is no show for him, although he has contributed large amounts of money to persons who pretended to be his friends, and aj sured him that he would receive the nomination. lie (Blair) declares that no member of the democratic executive committee entertains any idea of having a meeting in Philadelphia on 'he 'JJil, 08 slated this morning, to consider the subject of a change ol candidates, an all representative men of the democratic party are opposed to any change, and tho whole thing is agitsted by a few disappointed and soru politicians. Speech of General Blair at St. Louis. Sr.

Louis, October 16. At least 5,000 persons participated in the serenade to General Blair, who, alter slating that ho was neither discouraged nor dismayed by the results of the recent elections, referred at length to the issues in Missouri, lie spoke as follows Fellow-citizens I am the candidate ol the Democratic party for a very distinguished position, and 1 expect to be the candidate of the party so long as they desire it, so long as it can avail to help the great cause which we all have at Bui, my ft Mow-citizens, it will be no sacrifice to me, or, rather, it ttill bo a work of pleasure to me to surrender that position whenever by so dying 1 can one vote to strengthen the democracy jr) ibis State, or in other plates. cheering I am not a candidate for ihe purpose of embarrassing, frustrating, or defeating the principles which have my cordial support. When 1 cease to be of use in one capacity, 1 am ready to serve in another, and 1 call upon you, my fellow citizens, to night to make every sacrifice for the great cause we bare all espoused. As I now call upon you.

not to hesitate to make any sacrifice demanded to gain for us a victory, so am 1 ready to go anywhere and do anything to take upon myself any burden, to lay down any power, which may have been conferred upon me heretofore. "And this, my lellow citizens, brings me lo allude to that rumor which 10 in our midst to has been said tliat both the candidates for the Presidency and the ice presidency have signified their willingness to decline in behalf of some other candidates. All that I have to say is that both candidates have always been, from the moment they were nominated lo this moment, and will always be, ready lo lay dpwp their candidacy when ii will no longer be of service to the democratic party of the country, and if it should be thought now if it should be believed-7-that by so doing we could add to the strength of the Democratic party and give it better chance qf victory you will Hod that you were not mistaken either in your candidaie for the Pfesitjency or Vice Presidency. They will juftify the great honor you have conferred on them by showing they are not unworthy, and not insensible of the honor. do not want a change that is for you to "1 shall be with you again before this election is over I do not iniend lo retire from the field.

1 mean to bear my share in Ibis battle whether in the ranks or as an officer, depends upon the wishes of the democratic party and I do not desire, my that you should express yourselves upon that subject now 1 desire that it should be considered by you calmly, dispassionately, out regard to the feelings of any roan, because (he feelings of apy man, beaause the feejings qf individuals are nothing in the scale as cqppared with the auccess and restoration pf the Government of our country." A Singular Our attention has been directed to the following singular incident of the late whiph is as remarkably strange as it is said fo be true. A correspondent of a Southern paper wiites: "There was a man of company Twenty-seventh North Carolina troops, named George P. Piner, who went into the fight with 3 small testament in hie breast pocket. A ball struck the book and penetrated as far as the fifth chapter of Matthew, 21st and 22d verses. It merely blackened thai (lanced off and I left the man uninjured.

The verses reed. 'Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, thou shall not kill, and whoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment, and whoever rs angry with his brother without cause shall be in danger of the The man said, I Yankee ball was like the devjl it had to turn its coorce when tpfft by scriptural opposition. If'ilsftingttn Jourtlttl. The Milton (N. 0 Chronicle pays the following tribute to Virginia: A fit rest.

ing place for the Confederate dead. '1 here she stands! tic semptr lyrannis still glittering on tier battered shield! Her garments are dusty w.ih the smoke of battle; her bosom still bleeding from ibe ravages of war. Gyved, guarded! i hedged in with bayonets! yet fret. And she to defile the mantle under which htf Washington and Lee and aon bien nurtored. Let oor dead rest there.

Move not a bone from that sacred soil. PftESBYTKttY OF THE POTOMAC. A meeting of this body? comprising the Old School Presbyterian Churches of this held at Mansssas Junction last week, wheu Kev. Dr. S.

I. Uaird wai elected Moderator. A favorable report was received in regerd to the erection of the New Metropolitan, upon Capital Hill, under the pastoral care of i Kev. John Chester. At th? of 1 fter.

G. M. McCampbell. the PrcabyteJ ry consented to sever the pastoral con; nection between himself and 'he Pirst Church of Alexandria. The lo ing were sdopted Resolutions returning a 1 negative answer to the overture 01 the General Assembly in reference to on; resolutions of respect to the meroery of the late Rev.

P. I). Gurley, D. resolutions recommending the ti.ovement of Rev. II.

P. Dechert lo organize an academy at Fall's Church, lo churches of 1 Presbytery, and a resolution recommending Kev. Or. sgent of the American and Virginia Uible Societies, to the co-operation ot the ministers and churches of the Presbytery. Hashing' ton Star.

Advick to Youno lilsN. A writer, (says the Enquirer and Examiner,) i feives the following sensible advipe to young men. Let the business of every one alone, and attend to your own. Don't buy what you don't uant. Use every hour to advantage, and study lo make a leisure hour usefsl.

Think twice before you spend a dollar; remember you will har? another to for over your books regularly, and if you find an error trace it out. Should a stroke of misfortune come upon you in your busi- I ness, retreneli, work harder, but never fly 1 the truck Confront difficulties with un- flinching perseverance, and they will fly at last; then you will be honored; but I shrink, and you will be despised. I Or In a country where the natural desire of i the people to reach the highest point in A It it very dilEcult for succesa to be obtained without mo.t arduous labor. I'ublic opinion la I extremely exacting, and not always just; but oftsn unjuit and uuel criticism has produced the most beneficial the greatest improve. raenia have been made under continued discouragements, and in many successful efforts, Jefeat seemed certain lo ail except those concerned.

In no one branch of tfi baa there been more trials and and in no single instrument is thero sq pany parts to perfect, in order to make the wbotp 6 success, as the 1'iano Forte; if) is is always attended with great expense, requiring large capital, and patient jtorccverance. J. H. Grovesteeu, 55 Mercer atrcet, York, now Urovesteen, Fuller 4" commenced manufacturing Pianos ihirty-eiqht years ago, and ia one of the oldest in the country. Tt.ey aim to mijke the best instrument, and sell it ai the sma.lest profit.

pianos cannot be excelled. Their aingin? quality ia pure, full, and easily retailed iftropghout the most lengthy passages, tor power they are unparalleled, and are for their great brilliancy, exquisite touch, and elegance of style aud finish. General Sherman has issued a fipjij order calling attention to the bravery and gallantry of rtain officers and men of his command in recent fights with the Indians. tie makes special mention of Colonel Forsyth's command of fortyseven scouts, who fought and repulsed six hundred Indians in several charges, killing seventy five and maintaining their position for eight days, during which the party lived on horse flesh. A number of privates are mentioned by name 4s having shown unusual bravery on different occasions.

iltarriagcs. On the 22d by the I). H. Hittle, Mr- Jacob V. 1).

Poisal, of Berk county, Jo Miss Mary E. Kirnes, of tins place, In Winchester on Tuesday morning last, in the M. J). Church, South, by Rev. W.

tfaird, Mr. Hay, ofShepi herdstown, and Miss XeMp Funk, of 1 the former place. On the inManl, by Rer, W. Feelemyer, Mr. John Entler to Hester A.

all of this county. At Harper'? Ferry, Sunday last, by Rev. Father Kain, Robert Halpin to Miss Mary A. Higgins, ail of this county. On the ljjth instant, by Rev.

James C. Stewart, James Dunn and Martha J. Stewart, both of this county. In Middleway, Tuesday last, by the same, Joseph M. Jledrick and Miss Mary K.

Murphy eldest daughter of peo. Murphy, At the residence of (he bride's brother. I)r. C. M.

Stewart, on the 30th by Elder W. C. Dawson, Mr. ff'm. F.

Clowilsley, of Corrolton to Miss Emma Stewart, formerly of Martinsburg, now of Lexington Mo. On the 20th by the Rev. W. T. Lower, Mr.

Alexaudria N. Coi)rafl to Miss Jennie Jfatson, both of Martinsburg. Oo the same day by the Mr. Benjamin Clemmons to Miss Maty D. Clendening, bqth of Berkeley.

pn the same day by the game, Mr J. D- Motter to Miss V. Catletl 1 both of Martinsburg. Dcotljs. In Harper's Ferry, 26ih Martha youngest daughter of Jos.

11. arid Prudence R. Renner, aged 1 year, 0 months and 4 days. I 0" the 2 1 0 1 instant, in Geo. Kennedy youngest son of 1 John VV.

Kennedy, aged 1 year, I month arid I day. On Sunday looming las', Mrs. Jinn E. (lighter of the late James Jones of Cliaijestpwn, in the 47th year of age. ()n the 20th of September last, at his residence near Middleway, in this county.

Capt. Hell, in the 80th year of 1 his age. i On Monday the at the residence of Mr. John Chambedin, near Mid; dleway, Mr. John Sharjp, aged 80 years 1 and 0 months.

In Charlestown, on the 14th Joseph Henry, youngest son of J. H. and 1 Virginia Easterday 2 years 2 months and 17 days. C)n Friday the 16 in Charlestown. H'illium Henru, infant son of irhat-J aud try V.

eged 18 mpntbt and 3 days. At the Taylor Hotel, Winchtitef on I the 10th inst Mrs. Maggie Quinn, wife i of T. Quion, and daughter of Mr. Thomas Dorsey, of Trpy, York, in the 35tfi year of her age.

In this place, oo Monday Mary Arthur, wife of Mr. Arthur, aged about 24 years. THE best Segara and Tobacco, at J. S. Meming.

1 To the Ladies! HAVE just receded a large slock of Ladies and Children's Shoes, Morocco Polished Kul Buttoned Gaiters, and I Shoes, sui'able for the season. Orders received for all kinds of Shoes and aiters. Terms Cash. oci24 J- FLEMING. Hosiery, Notions, LADIES, and Children's Cotiou and Wool Hose; Stationery, Soap, Pencils, Paper Spool Coilun, at J.

S. Fleming's ocl 24 Cash Slore. CAUTION THE undersigned having sustained much loss by persons tresspassing upon llieir farms in Terrapin Neck, County, West and lying opposiie Mercerville, Washington by forewarn all persons from hunting, tearing down fencing. riding or driving, or tresspassing upon the said lands, in anv way, as we will enforce the law to its fullest extent against arty such hereafter offending. W.


Oct. 24, 1868. 3w HARDWARE and Building Tools, Aic. We would call the attention of those in nam of Mechanic's Toole, Building and other Hardware, and Cutlery of kinds, to our largo stock just received, and which wjjl bs sold as low as can Le obtained elsewhere. Our Stock of Agri cultural Implements and Machinery is full, embracing all the latest and most approved kinds.

Hanson Duke, Oct 24 Charlestown. To Farmers and Laboring Men YOUR attention is called to my large Stock of Calf, Kip, and Coarse Boots, selected with great care. Oct 24 Joseph Fleming. Commissioner's Notice. October Term, 1868.

Leonard Sadler's Administrator, Plaintiff, vs. F. W. Drew and wife, Defendants. This cause came on to be heard this 17th day of October, 1868, upon the papers previously read in the cause and the report of Master Commissioner Fay man, returned to the Court the 1 1th day or August, 1SC8, and the exceptions filed thereto, and was argued by counsci, whereupon it appearing to the Court that the commusioner did not give the four successive weeks notice by publication required by law.

It is ordered that the 1st exception be sustained and that this cause be recommitted to Master Commissioner Fayman, and that after due notice he proceed to take the account as ordered by former decree of the Court. A true copy Teste, W. A. CHAPLINE, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, Shepherdsiown, Oct.

21st, 1868. 3 To all whom it may concern. I will proceed to execute the sbove decree on the day of November, 1868, if fair, if not, the neyt fair day thereafter (Sundays excepted.) at my office, ai which time and place you are required to attend. Given under my hapd on the day and year first above written. JAMES U- FAYMAN, Commissioner.

Oct. 24, 1868. Prs fee $7- 4 Commissioner's Notice. October Terra, 1868. Richardson, vs.

Scoljey'v Admimstra? lor, and Bruce's Adminisirator, vs. Scolley's Administrator, This day James D. Fayman, a Comi mifsionrr of ibis Court relumed and filed i a report o( debia proved before him and audited in these causes pursuant lo a de1 cret herein of the October Term, 1860, of the late Circuit Court of Jefferson county, and Andrew Hunter and N. S. White, Special Commissioners of sale having returned a duplicate report of the sale made by them of two parcels of jsmj under a dpcree in these caases of February Term, 1800, of the Circuit Court of Jefferson county, to which repoita there are no exceptions, and these causes coming on to be heard together upon the papers formerly read in the first abjve named cause, the reports of J.

D. Fay man, and of Hunter and While, were argued by counsel, on consideration whereof on the motion of the pliinnffs by their Attorneys. The Court confirms ihe report of the special commissioner's sale of Hunter VVhite, and hereby decreca and ordera that ihcy proceed io collect ihe of Solomon A. Hates for Ihe unpaid purchase money for ihe laqd sold and conveyed to him under decree in these causes, and make report theieof to the next of this Court, and Master Commissioner Fayman is directed to rsport also to the i next term for further proceedings herein, i A true cony Teste, W. CHAPL1NE, Clerk.

Commissioner's Office, I Shepherdstnwn, Oct. 1868. 5 To all whom it may coucern. I will proceed to execute the above decree the 23rd day of November, 1868, if fair, i if nol, the next fair day thereafter (Sun: days excepted.) at my office, at which time and place you are required to attend. Given under my hand on the day and 1 year first above written.

JAMES D. FAYMAN, Co-nmjseiQoer. Oct. 24, 1868. Prs fee $10.

4w Commissioner's Notice. October Term, 1868. John W. Roberta and wife, complainants, vs. Lswii fry, Win.

G. Hardesty, Var.ce Bell, and 4 ohn A. Thompson (hp aurvi. ving securities of the end Fry in his official bond with the said John A. Thompson, ex cutor of Joseph Smith deceased, and Trueman W.

sheriff, administrator of Paul deceased, Warner A. Thompson, trator de bonis nor), with the will annexed of said Thomas West, and his aoretiea in hia oflaeial boad, Andrew C. TimberUke. Vance Bel), David Fry, and John A. Tompaop aorvivore, and John A.

Thompson Executor of Joseph Smith, and i Truerrihn Potterfield, Adminirtrator of Paul Smith, dee'd. Upon consideration wherrqfit ft ad judged, ordered and decreed, that a Master Commissioner of the court, James I). settle and (late the executorial account of Lewis Fry as executor of the eitate of Thomas West, deceased, and that the said commissioner do settle, and state the account of Warner A. Thompson the administrator de bonis non, with ihe will annexed of the estate of Thomas West deceased, and ascertain and report what amount of the assetts ol said estite hive passed into the htnda ol the said Fry, and the said Warner A. Thompson in their official relations to said estate, and have not by them acj counted for, and paid to the complainants, and to show to what extent the sureties of ihe said Lewis Fry ami the said arnei A.

Thompson, in their respective are responsible for such defaults, as well in respect to the assetts of the estate generally, and in taking said accounts the said commissioner is authorized to give notice of the -time and place of proceeding with the same, in one of the newspapers published in -the county of Jefferson, by advertisement once a week (or four successive weeks, such notice to be lent to personal service of notice upon the respective parties, and the said Commissioner is directed to lake as a basis ol said account the already settled account of said 1 Fry. Executor, and Thompson, Administrator, unless some error can be shewn, as said accounts were settled by sioner Stone. A True Copy? 1 este. W. A.

CHAPLIN Cleik. Commissioner' Office, Shopherdctown, Oct. 21, 1868. To all it n.ay concern. I will proceed to execute the above decree on the 27th day ol Morerober, 1809.

if if not. the next fair da? thereafter (Sundays excepted.) at my office. which time and place you are required to attend, linen under my hand on the aiid year first above wiitien. JAMES P. Fa MA X.

Com missioner. Oct. 24, 18tl8. Pis fee $14. Commissioner's Notice.

October Term, 1808. Mary A Gray, Si. Martha J. Gray, This cause came on to be heard this lGth da of October. 1868, upon the pa- pers previously read in the cause and the report of John A.

Miller the special commissioner, appointed by a former decree of the Court to make sale ol the 3'J acres referred to in the bill, and in this cause and there being no exceptions to the said teport, the same is approved and confirmed, whereupon it appearing from said report that after deducting the expenses of sale, there will remain in the hsnda of the said special commission- 1 er, the sum of of the first or cash payment, now subject to distribution, it is adjudged, ordered and deereed that the said special commissioner, as from the funds in his hands pay the costs of this suit up to the present term of ibis court, and this cause is referred to Master Com missioner, James I), l'ayman, wiih instructions to ascertain and report the pio- portion in which the sum in hand, and the payment yet remaining to be psid are distributable amongst the widow ane heirs of James W. Gray, deceased, together with all other matters deemed pertinent by himself, or which any of the parties may require to have slated, and return his report to the next term of this C'ouit. A true copy IVste. W. A.

CHAP LINE, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, Sliepiierdslown, Oci, 21st, I8G8. To all whom it may concern. I will proceed to execute the above decree on the 30th day of November, 1808, if fair, if flip nut fair day thereafter (Sun- days at my offiro, at which time and place you are required to attend. Given under my liapd on the day and year firat above written, A U.

F4YMAN. Commissioner. Oct. 24, 1808. Prs fee 4w Commissioner's Notice.

OcioLoi Term, 1 80S David Smith et al, VI. John Elliott Administrator of Maiy Ann Smith el al. cauae came on thi? day lo be heard, upon the bill exhibits aeparale a wer of m. I-ee Button, and ol John Elliott and Mary Estta Burton, infant, by Joseph Traonel! guardian ad lnum, tq answers process served decree ni ti. and bill taken for confessed at rules against the other defendants and other depositions and was argued by counsel on consideration, wljpreol it js adjudged, ordpted, and dprreed, that this cauae be referred to James D.

Fay man, a Master Commissioner of Court, who upon to (be parties! ascertain and report who are the legal heirs of the decedent Mary Ann Smith, and in what right deceased's proportion of interest they are entitled, the age of the infant Marry Burton and of any other in- fant defendant, or parties in interest, that he report description of tbe realty of which the decedent died seized, and its vslue annual, value. character and condition, and whether the interest of the infant defendant! will be promoted by a sale of such realty, and whether the in teres of any person contingently interested in the same as heirs, the infants if she or they sbopJJ die io minority, and any other matters by the commissioner r'eemed pertinent or required by any of 1 the parties. A true eopy? Teste, W. A. CHAPL1NE, Clerk.

Office. Shepherrtitown, Oct. 21st 1868. To all whom it may concern. I will proceed to execute the above deciee on the 26th of November, 1868, if fair, if not, the next fair day thereafter (Sundays excepted.) at my office, at wliieh time and place you are required to attend.

1 Given under iny hand on th? liay and yesre brat above written. JAMES D. FAYMAN, Commissioner. Oct. 24, 1668.

Pis fee 4w ClOKN Hampers, for ssle by Ramon tf Duke. Oct 24 Chailestown. COAL Hods, Shotele and Tongs. Pi'? and Sioves of all kinds just receded end for sale, by Hanson fy Duke. Oct Charleatown.

HO 110 FOR THE NEW STORE I Duffields Where Goods are sold as Cheap they can be purchased at any Houae ouuide the City A The falling leaves reminds of the approach of Winter, aud that it is high time to lay our summer ware aside, aud provide for the chilling blasts must couie with the approaching season. To meet the the has made arrangement. have just rej turned from the City with a GJ5.VER.1L ASSORTMENT OF GOODS cmbraci tog every thing usually found a uunty Store. And we are determined to tell Numbeishare i found cheap side No. and the cry it still they come.

The demand for goods however does not as is generally the rase incraaie the price but the more goods Sold, u.e cheaper wo sell. We therefore cordially it.v the Citizens ofDuffield's and vicinity to give a call and see that wtat we say is correct. I haukful for past We solicit hope to receive a of Public eclfully. SNYDER, l.INK Outfield's, Oct 24 EAT'S Fool Oil; Liusctd OU, boiled and II raw; Machine Oil, refined and crude; Fish Oil; Copal Varnish; Brown Varnnb; White V.trnish; Blsck Varnish; Varnish; Walnut Stain, for at i cct 24 H. M.

BILLINGS' Drug Store. i New i auricui.turai. implements. Merchants or ne any of the i above for their Fa i or niter trade or ure, should address K- ii. AhLC.V 0..

1'. O. Box 376, New York. Richardson's New Method FOR THE I A Is 1 nexce led I and I he Standard Book ot Instruction, employee 'be Best 'Ira? chem, the Schools, th Conservatories, and ait indiMdua i obtain a Ihorough and 1'iactical ki ledge pf Piano plav? ing. Thirty jiies are sold yea'lv, and it no riaggeroltOM that Quarter of a Million fVbolsr-.

i oitiphshed piaui." is by umug this liooH It adapted alike to the awl to the to iIm lor so the amateur, for general praciire. Sent (, 75. OLIVER UlTtlON L'tsarlss H. Dilson Ne? c.a. Agents Wanted, Male or Female, roa TIIK LIFE OF GEN.

GRANT. Henry C. D' tiling, uuder sanction and authority Gen. Urmit himself. I ha most intently inlerestint Biography ever published in America.

533 complete in ono vol. Price 2 75. An eitra copy will be given fiee of charge lo any who will Copies snd remit for the Agents report ing astonishing snlen ol this Work. One sgeut reports 70 subscribers iu two -'eys, another 33 subscribers on? day; and many others from 10 to 25 per day. J'hose desirous ol a pleasant and lucrative business ivillspplv immediately and secure a choice ol ter'itory.

1 ho largest commissions given. For lo or address 8. 8CRANI0N it Hartford, Ct. Book Agents Wanteds To solicit orders lor Dr. ilhain Smith's Dictionary of the liibte.

The only edition published in America, condensed by lJr. SmUh's nwn hand. In ono large octovo illustrated with over sterland wood engravings. A book hot i- needed in every family. Over 30,000 sold within 3 months.

Agents aud subscribers thai you gel the genuine edition by Dr. Smith. The Springfield Republican leading secular uf iNew Kuglrnd) "ibis edition published by Messrs. Burr Co. is the genuine thing The the li'itding religious journal of England.

wishes to get, in the cheapen I torni, the Dictionary of the Bible, should buy Agenta are meeting vu'h uuj arallellcd We employ no an' utfev extra inducements to Canvassers. Agents will see the advantage of dealing ijirectly the Publishers. For descrip'ne i irrulars. full pariictlars and oddresi ti I'ubli'bers, J. B.

BURR it Hari ord, ('una. Agents Wanted for THE GRAY JACKETS, And how they Lived, Fought and died for Dine, with Incidents and rskeicti of I. Me tu tbs 'i'he Spiciest and sr Bock Published- fend for Ciri ular and our terms, with a full description of the work. Address JtJ.NKM BROS. A Philadelphia, I Atlanta, or St.

Louis, Warned, Every family lo have the aplrndid Imperial Engraving of Hon. Horatio jl. Hmall of XryaioiH A Ulai'i rich A lao the "National Hand Book of Facte anil Figuiea," for rery voter; puce $1 "Tho I. oat Cauae," the only democratic Hiatory of tl.n War; price Hamplea on receipt of price. Agenu named.

E. B. TREAT A. t'o. Publiahera, 654 Broadway, Mew York WAVER LV NOVELS, Edition.

Prico $6, or 25 per volume. 13 Volucnea now ri-ady. A aample valurue acnt to aoy addreaa, by mail, on reteij I of 25 centa. Peraona rcrniiting for the aet in advance, will receive gratia a id portrait of Mir Wallur Mcott, tunable for framing. APPLE TON Publiahera, Noa.

90, 92 and 94 and alrtel, New ork Agents Wanted For pr. Jcftae T. Pock'a ona volume tory of tba Great it include! tl.e i laat war, and aella well in the Houth. alcnce, BUOUGHTON A WYMAtf, I a IV? Vork. ff'anted for the Official History of the War, Ita Cauaee, Character, fondue and Reeulta.

lijr Hon. Alexander H. I a ready tale, combined with an make it the beat aubacripton boo)f eyer One agent in Eaaton repoita 72 in three days. Another in BoaUm, 103 aubaenbera in four daya. for and aee our terma, apd a fjiJI ilpacfipltocj of work.

Adj NATIONAL Pmlai delpbia; A ilanta, Cincinptm, or flt. Look, Mo. 1 OHO wan all parte of tbe IUUU to oQf immeoae of near; ly 1 000 different Bctoka, Btblea and Photograph family wauta aoinelhi.ig from it. Catalaguea frr? on application, and bpoki tent poat-paid lo any on re I caipl of price. Canvaa-mg book' containing ihe liat with prkes, together wrb blank abena and printed beadinga (uj enrolling a namea, eent re? any one on of cei.ta.

Aoybudy can aell I it4' ot booka almuat any where. For 10 and other infoi mation addreo E- P'J ER A Publiabere. CI 4 617 etreot, Philadelphia, Pa. fountain Pent. 60 wri'ten with one pen of ink.

No plottipg Onedoaen aborted aamplea aent for i 25 cenu. make a day. Addreaa I GOODPPEED Park Row, N. Vo.k. A year and eipeneea to Aganta to I introduce the (sewing Mai chine.

Mitch alike on holh aides. Handles 0n 2 trial. Extra inducerotnta to ejpo. neoced age. u.

For further particulara (be Wilaor Sowing Machine Cleveland, i Boston, or Ht. Loya, Mo. A Pay For All, Stencil Tool, eamploa free A.J. I FULLAM, Vt..

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