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Shepherdstown Register from Shepherdstown, West Virginia • 3

Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

of I he PRESIDENT. The War Declared at an End. fl( iteration thp rfulhority of the Political Equality of AH 'Stuffs Dt dared. Waj-luns. April 2.

The President jii'l il ilie following proelatna(ton Uy Ptcsident of ilie United Stales of Amefica: 9 a rn lama i i li by proclamation of the end 19th of April, 1801, the President of the United Slates, in ol the vested in him by the constitution and laws, declared tint ilie 1 of the United wete opposed and the execu- 1 lion thereo! i in the States of South lienrgia, Alaha na, 1 da. issi-Mppi, Louisiana and Texas by con binations powerlu! to be surprespmI by ihe ordinary course of judicial pro-: cet or by powers vested in the marshals by the law and Whereas by er proclamation, made i the 16th ol August in lite same year, in pursuance of an act of Corgress ap jr vedJuly 13. 1861. the inhabitants of Slate? ol Smith Carolina, North Caro'ina, Tennessee. Al-j ibrna, ina, Texas, Arkansas, Mis? i ppi and liorida, except the tnhabi ijin? i I tha' pai ol the St.tte of Virginia west ol the Al'egany mountains, and such other parts of Ural State, and the Stales beiore named might maintain a lov 1 adhesion to the Union and ilie constitution, i I i he fiotn io time occupied and contn lied by the forces of the Umicd S.ates engaged in the of the insurgents, re in a state ol insurrection against the United Stales, and ereas ty another proclamation of the ti at of July, lfl()2, Usueil in of act ol Congress roved June 7 h.

in the same year. insurrection lured to ht soil exi-tiujj in the Slates wnli the exception of certain specified counties in the State of Virginia; ai.d Ureas bv another proclamation, made on 2d day of Ai ril, 1803, in of ll.e of Congress of July 18ih, 1801, the named in 'he proclamation I A ugusi eighteen hurdred sixty-one. were revoktd and inhabitants ot the a'ej ol Georgia, Souih Caiolinr. Carolina. Tenueasee.

AlLouisiana, T.xas, Mtslioridj and irginia, except the forty-eighi counties designated as West i ii i (lilfaiu.Kfy est, 1'orl and Heaufort, in South Carolina, weie declared lo be I in a fate ol insurrection the United Matt th r- House of Repre sen'a'ives, on i he day of July. 18iil, adopted a res luiion in the axu e- l' "fiesolveil. By the House of Repre- sentaiives ol ihe States, that the present deplorable civil li been forced upon the country by the of the Southern row in revolt against constitutional government, Hid in around the capital, and that tn this national emergency, Congress, bmisliing all feelings mere pateioM or resentment, will recollect only 19 duty to hole country. 1 wai 14 waged on our part in any fifililt ol oppression. nor for any purpose ol or subjugation, purpose ol or interfering with the or rptiiblitfied of ihese Sutes, but to mainuin and delcrd ihe tupremar of ihe constitution a1 lo preset ve the Union, with all dignity, equality and right- of the several States unimpaired.

And that as soon as those objects are ac complished. ihe war ought cease. And whereas the Senate of the United State, on the 25th day of July. adopted a resolution in ihe woid- follow- 1 ing. to wit liesol That the present deplorable eivil war has been forced upon the rutintry by the disuniunists of the Southern feiates, now in revolt against tie 1 tutional government now uuder arms around the capiiol.

That in this national emergency. Congress, b.nislung all, feelings of mere passion or resentment, will recollect only its duty lo the whole: country. That this war is not prosecuted on our in any epiril of oppression, ni any purpose of conquest or subjugation, nor purpose of ovei thiowing or interfering with the rights or establish- instt'utions of these Stales, but to defend anJ maintain the supremacy ol the constitution and all laws made in pursu- tnce thereof, and lo preserve the Union with all the dignity, equity and rights ol the several States unimpaired, 'J hat as I as these objects are the war to cease. Ami whereas these resolutions, though not joint or concurrent in form, ate sub-! stantially identical, and as such may I regaided as having expressed the sense of Congress upon the subject lo which they antl jj Whereas by the proclamation of tlie'( day of June last, the intm tn the State of Tennessee was declared to have been suppressed, the authority of the United States therein to be undispu tvd. and such United States officers ashad been du'y coromi-sioned to in the undisputed exercise of their official func- tions; md i VV lie re there now exists no organized armed misguieded citizens or others to the authority of the in the Slates Georgia.

South 1 Nt r'h Caiolina, 1 en- rpssce, Louisiana. Mississippi Florida, and the laws can Le Ki.stnined and enforcrd tlieri in by the i proper civil authority. State or Federal; i and the people of the said Slates are well I and loyally disposed, and have conformed, or ill confirm, in their legist rion, lo the coml i 1 1 ol affairs growing out of the amendment 1 1. con-iru 1011 of (lie United States prohibiting within and jurisdiction of the United and Whereas, in view of the before rpcited is lite manifest determinatioti ol the American people that no State of its own will has tlit right or power to go out of or eeperate itself from, or te asperated from, the American Union, and that, therefore, ach State orght remain arid constitute a 11 integral part ol the I tiited Slates; and Wheieas the people of the bpfore mentioned Stales have, in tl manner aforesaid, given evidence that they acquiesce 111 the soveieign important ation of national unity and Whereas as it is believed lobe a fundamental principle government that people who revolted and who been ovetcome and subdued, most be dealt wi ll so as to induce thein voluntarily to become ft ends, or else ihey must be In Id by absolute military power, or devastated as 10 prevent them from ever ajjain donit; harm enemies, which last named policy is to I uuianity and freedom: and Whereas the constitution of the Uni'ed Slates provide? for constitutional communities only as ates, and not as dependencies, provinces or and Whereas such constituted States must necessarily be, and by the constitution and laws ol the I lined Slates aie, madt and aie placed upon a line footing is to political rights, immunities, dignity Miil power wiih ihe several Stales with hich they arc united; and hereas the observance of political I equality as a principle of right and justice well csleulaltd to encour-ige the people of the af? re said Stalts to bo fend become more and mote constant mii! persevering, in their ne wed allegiance; and cr eaw standing armies, mi'itary occupation, martial law, military tribunals, ilit? suspension of the privilege of the rn hubtux co' pus in times of peace, t-udanger the public libeity, aie incouipat ible with individual rights ol the rilizeti, contiary to the genius and spirit of our free and exhaustive of thp national resources, stid ought not, therefore 1 to he sariciiotied or allowed except in cakes of actual necessity for repelling invasion or sujipteMion ol ineuireciion or re, be I lion; and hereas the policy of the government of the United States, Irom the beginning 'of the insurrection 10 its overthrow ami final suppression, has been in conformity with the principles herein set firth ai enunciated; Now Iheief. re.

Andrew Johnson, Pr? sident ol ihe United Stales, do hcie bv proclaim and deciare lhai the insurrection Inch heretofore in the Stales of Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, 1 enneosee, Alabama, Louisiana, Aikansas, Mississippi and riorida is at an end, and is hencelortli to be vo regarded. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal ol the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, on tl second day of April, in the year of our Lord 1606, and of die Independence ol the United Stales of America the ninetieth. Andrew Joiinson. By 1 he President W.

11. Ssward, Secretary of State. Radical Outrage. Blinded to justice bv insensate party zeal (he by a vole of to 20 have deprived Commodore Stockton ol Mew Jersey of his neat it) the U. S.

Senate. This action the probability pasMntf the civil rights bill over the Presidents veto. Some writer remarks thai, a year ago, not to support ihe President was a lest of and those ho opposed him weie calied Copperheads. Now that 16 all changed. Those who support the President are regarded and standing by tht Radical majority is looked upon as the test of "loyalty." A letter from Aiken, South Carolina, announces the death of the ex-rebel Gen.

Elliott who ao defended Fort Sumter 8gainst the Federal forces. At the explosion ol the mine in front of Petersburg, Va he had an arm shattered; and when the war closed, he took up his abode in a fisherman's hut in Port Koyal harbor where he supported his family bv fishing, until winter slopped it. lie had just entered a situation on a railroad, when he was cut off, in the 3Glh year of his; age. The whole number of men in the U. S.

army troni April, 1561, to April, 1865, was I wo milium six hundred thousand (2,600,000,) the State of New York alone furnishing lour bundled and sixty-four, thousand one hundred and fifty-six 156.) The entire number of men in the Confederate army from the tiist to the last of the ar amounted only to eight hundred thousand (800,000 At ihe close of the war the United States had an, army of one million ol men. At a dancing match in Cf.icago, recent ly buxom Dutch girl danced nine hours consecutively, when her partner acknowl- veiled himself fairly beaten and very lired. The damsel then took six glasses lager and quietly went to breakfast. Colonel I). S.

Hounshell publishes in ilie Lewisburg Timet a series of letters from prominent gentlemen corroborating the charges he mads against Judge Harrison, of Wem Virginia, and which ihe Legislature out there rdfused to '1 he expense to the Canadian authorities growing out of the Fenian excitement computed at not less than twenty ihousand dollars a day. Connecticut election. Hartford, April 3. Returns from Hie entire State that Hawlev, republican, for Governor, has about 500 The republicans hate a joriiy in both blanches of the Legislature, ho Mr. Foster, the present acting Vice-President of the United States, or! some otSer republican, ill be chosen Ui.iifd Senator.

The democrats have gained several State Senators and over thirty members of the Mr. P. T. Barnum, the celebiated sh is among the republicans tlec eJ to the House. The Democratic gain on the popular vote in the State since last year is over 10,000.

On Wednesday a hogshead of North Carolina tobacco, weighing 9(H) was at Petersburg, at 6-90 per cwt, A white man in Richmond was fined lor striking a negro, as the swore to the fact. The negro afterwards said that he lied for revenge and hit perjury. Shields is making speechjesin Missouri in support of President Johnson. At San Franriico, on the 30th of I Maich, Ex Governor John McDougali lilied of apoplc-xy. Juarez, wife of the President of the Mexican Repub'ic, is at Washington, the Uf ol Senor Uotuero.

Ed in Max well, of Clarksburg, has I heen appointed Atti rney General to the State of eel Virginia. A New Yoik gentleman has taken the veil; but an a $5,000 bridal veil with a young lady fioin Worcester in it. According to 1 1: Cork Examiner upwards of four thousand persons left Ireland ring the first week of the present i.onth, going to the United States by wav of Queetistow n. It mated that iwo-tlnrds of the number were of the middle and farming class. Professor R.

McCulioch, who was captured off the coast of Florida after General's t-urrender, and who has been confined in Richmond under military arrest since July last, has been re lea eil or. parole. There is now under consideration by the House Committee on Fuseign Kela! lions, a proposition to guarrautee the ment of filiy of the Mexican loan. It is litiplly possible that the coinjmiitee wiii report favorably on so bold a proposition to defraud ihe Government ol lilty millions of dollars but no one ran II in these days what tomn will do, ho are Hi'ject lu i tain influences at ashing ion. A ri-cent fire occurred at Danville, which det-iroyed properly to the amount ot $1 30,000.

Among the bu Idtngs destroyed were a woollen factory and a mill. Ii is fa id that Gen. J. C. Breckinridge, riiic rl) Vice President of the U.

is now at Toronto, Canada, in good health, I ut of exile and anxious lo return to his home and friends. In the hope of accomplishing 1 1 i end, ex-Gov. Price, of New Jersey, a waim personal friend and a colleague of the General's in the Congress of the United States previous to tinlate war, has proceeded, (or will shortly do so.) to Washington, and have an in- 1 lerview with the President. Prolific. We bare the pnriiculare of an incident 1 ii a ocruned in itiis city on Saturday afternoon lust, lit a we think challenges competition, One of our city physicians was called upon to deliver a lady of a child.

Thereupon prayers it fie offered up for the child, which were interrupted by the doctor announcing that another must be brought to light, but of which fact the mother was totally ignorant until the rudy-faced boy made his appearance, when she upbraided the doctor severely 'for not acquainting her concerning the second edition. IN this time the house was well filled with ladies, and were again offered for the second little fellow, when the physician was agsin compelled to interrupt their devotions by the startling announcement that a third child must be born; and this time he communicated the fact to the mother, who received the news with great complacency. The third was born, and he was the finest of the hole flock. Thev are all boys, and all are doing well. We are unable to see what West Virginia wants of an immigration uociety.

Wheeling Intelligencer. SCHOOL BOOKS. I HAVE just received a large supply of School Books, suitable lor all which i'l be sold at low March 31 JVm. A. Chapline.

FOR SALE OR RENT WHAT COMFORTABLE BRICKl HOUSE now occupied by Mrs. V. M. Butler. Possesion given immediately.

Apply to JOHN E. SCHLEY. March 31, I860. 3t OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. THERE ill be an Annual Meeting of the Overseers of the Poor of Jefferson County, at the County Farm, on MONDAY, the 16th of April next.

All persons having business with the Board, will do well to attend to notice. FKANCIS YATES, President of the Board. March 31, 1866. 3t tf71R(ilMA Money taken in exchange for goods, at its maiket value Feb 17 P. H.

Strode' s. A VALUABLE TM.iif OF LAHB PRIVATE SALE! offer for sals our FARM in 1 3 2 A (about 40 Acres of which in lying on ihe Srraoble roed, miles Nmjti of adj inins the lands of William Rush an R.j urner. persons wishing to purchase will make application to t'e un 'ersigned, hen the terms will made known. F. E.

HAM I'UA MCK. Shepherdsiown. Mnrch 17. 160G. if BELL'S ALTERATIVE, OK CONDITION POWDERS For Horses, Cattle and Swine.

25 a paper, a ot. mHE imaiense sale of these Powders during J. the short period they have been betoie the public, is insufficient guarantee ot' their great pop ularity ax.d the dtcijed bmtfils derived trcin their me. Tbey ar confidently rocommcnded not only us a preventive, but as a comple cure for ail diseases iucidntto the Horse, Cow or Loss of petite, Ydluw II uter, Distemper, (Jl untiers, By their use the Horses appetite is improved, a I derangements of the digestive organs corrected, sollming the skin, and giving io the coat a slt-ek and shining appearance, and may be with perhct safety at all times, as (contains ro ingredients which can injure a whether tick or weh. For fattening Tattle they are invaluable; aim possessing peculiar in increasing the 1 quantity ct milk in cows, thereby giving them an importance and vuluo which stijuld place them within the hands all interested.

All Diseases which ihe Hup is subject, as roughs uicers in the lungs and liver, arid a general purifier ot the blood, we guarantee iheir ellicifC), it on fairly tried. BELL'S WORM SYBUP, The most Innocent, Pleasant and Efficient Remedy in A trimly lJ erf ret in itself. Ao Castor Oil to be taken. IN this Preparation we have included such remedies only, that have Leen tnul lor yea's and are known to possess powerful anthelmintic virtues, combined with miiu aperients, pleasant aiomatica and sugar. A.

thelinimics ol theniM'iwp i-ai not pertorin their peculiar i or have the desired etlcct, unle the bowel' kept moderately open. To produce this, gentle purgatives are and such only ought to be that cannot mtcrtere fhe anthelminlic emphned. The advantages Me cLim lur this Syrup, arc lit. Its power ot impelling and Destroy ri" Worm sj 2d IP- mild and aperient effect upon the now els 3d. It- pleasant taste and odor ate advantages possessed or claimed but by very few tui luges.

I 4ili. Its harmless influence upon the system. consequently no injuMous elf is will resuh I its use should the jatitnt have in Worms, but an upparent di-euse, a'ising jsomcoiher unknown cause, which is frequently the ca e. I he constituents of (his syrup and its cfficts ere known to all our who are now using it in iheir practice to a large extent. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE.

The Greatest Liniment in Use I BELL'S White Oil, 'rPHE blandest, Most Penet rating, i and Most Economical Liniment in use A Powerful olcaginus compound lor the speedy cure of Strains, Sprains, Wounc's, Numbness oj the Limbs, frosted Feet and ILiiids, Spavin, Saddle halU, Pol'Evil, King Bur bruiser, of all kinds, and in fact! every liscase for which an Eml rotation in applicable in man or beast. 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. i Thi? preparation which is origma' with will bo found to be one of the nicest ard at the tame time one of the most relia'. le applications extant. having been emploj'ed very extensively since i introduction, and beling satisfied of 1(9 remedial properties, we recommend it with the ut- most cotfidence, kn wing that no one wiil be disappointed in its use 0 -j- So in Sneplwrdstown by R.

C. Burkhari andfP. H. Strode, and by and Storekeepers generally. rfsk for Bell's Preparations Prepared bv W.

BELL, Apothecary, (UraduMe of Philadelphia C'olkge ut cy,) Washington street. Hagertlown, Md. March 1866? ly "DjNTAL JVOIlCEri DR. WITHEROW tiaii IShepherdslown regularly hereafter on the 20tli of each ol the following months, and remain two weeks: February, April, June, August, October, December. March 3, ly PUFF VUST received at the Jrug Store a full assortment of Logan's prime Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, also.

his best Cigars, which will be sold at moderate prices. Drc 23. Cartes de Visite. flALIi while you have, at li neil's ami It a our picture made. llaif dozen 1' er pee made in fifteen minutes.

Jan 6 TUV KM LE ROOKS Toy with other Notions suitable for presents DarntlC A TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weess by a very simple remedy, having suffered for si years with severe lung affection, and thai die. disease, Consu mption is anxious to make know to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a of the prescription used (free of charge) with the dirt ctions for preparing and using ti sane, which they ill find a si re eras for Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, Cocciis., and all Throat and Lung Affections. I lie only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the adlictcd, and spread information which he conceives to be and he hopes every sutf-rtr will try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription free by return mail will please address Rev. EDtVJRD.t I VILSOX, Williamsburg, Kings New December 30, 1665.

ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. GENTLEMAN wl.o suffered for years from Nervous Debility, 1'remature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all ho need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do by addressing JOll.V (JUDEX, No. 13 Chambers New York. December 30, i860.

ly STRANGE, EUT TRUE. PVERY young lady and gentleman in the 1J United iStates can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail free of charge by addressing the ui deisigned. Those having lcarS of being humbugged wiil oblige by not noticing this card. All others please address their obedient servant, THUS. F.

b31 Broad ay, New December 30, lbtij. 1 G. M. BELTZ1I0UVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, SHEPHERDS TOWN, Jtffcrson Count ij If est J'irgiuia. Patent Rights secured, and prompt attention to all business in this ami juwiing counties Office in Mr.

James Shej herd's building. March 24, 1 NOTICE. ITMIE undi Atluiiiiiitrjlor ol JL Cieorge deceased, by noiilies all persons indebted to Eftjte lo cotne forward and nuke immediate menl, and those hat ing claims Uaid Estate ill please present (hem properly authenticated for 1 1 1 in til. VVILU AM EIS, Administrator. March 2 1860.

3t SPECIAL LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goois offered for AT REDUCED PRICES! riS order to room for Spring tiatle JL the underpinned oilers lor Dry jlioods acd Notions at reduced prices. 1 lire above will be solJ without regard to cost, for casli. Curne qunk il you want bargains. D. S.

UENTCII. March 24. 1860. if IP li () A FUK HI DING COUNTY JAIL. PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the oi until 12 o'clock, On the 13th of April, next, for building a COUNTY A 1 1 8pe can he had by ajipl) io II.

C. Fuller, Clerk of the IJuard oi Supervisor. DAVID B1LLMYER, JACOB J. MlLLKtt, H. C.

ENTLEK, Committee. Marrli 24, 1806. 3t NEW TAILOR SHOP. SMALLWOOD SA1IM A 1 located in Shepherdstoir Xa will be pleased to Malt on lite ot the place and the surrounding count) in our iin? ol busmen. Our either cu or made ill compare in lashion or fit io any in the ciues.

We guar ranlee to give satisfaction hi every rtf pect. Peisuns a Fashionabir Carment and an tr, give us a call. Laiest Fashions tonatanoy kept on hand.1 Hope to receive a JiDtral shaie oi ublic patronage. Vy Shop one door eaM of JO TO ALL WHOM IT CONCERN IIE Hooks ot the linn of 8 1 RODE! 1 IM hi are in in) f- collection. All pcr-i'in knowing indebted to the wili ca'l and settle ai once, it is to further indulgence.

P. II. STRODE. March 21, I860. tf JUST RECEIVED! FINE assortment C.licoe*.

Spring Xa St) lea, Oinghafijs. Mu-Iins, Bleach'd and which will low, bv li. STRODE. March 10. 18C6.

if 71 ROCEKIES, a fresh cupply ofSugrr. Coffee, Mol at sea, Cheese Call and enquire ai P. H. Strode'i. i HAGEKSTOWxY FOUNDRY.

THE undersigned solicit (he of the oil of Jefferson and iiuinf counties of Virginia, to our Empire Cook Stove, also a variety o( other Sw-ves, HOOM COOK, w.nd Of coal; GLOBE GG; EGG CltAMBEttf and TEX PLATE STOI'ES. 1R0X RA Il.IXG, of i latest atyU, MILL WORK and VAVl'ISGS li'ade to nriier. All commands will receive prompt iVleniion. Address McDOWELL ACUTE Hagemow Md. Or C.

MoDOWfcLL, tu September 1805. tf L. DOW HESS, Duflleld's Post Cflke, Virginia, Agent for the sale of all kinds of Agricultural Implements, viz 'J hreshing Machines, neat Fans, heat and Seed Drills, Reapers, ai.d Mowers, Corn ai Cob Crushers, Foddi Crusl.eis, Corn Shelters, Cider Mills, 1'umpa of all Linda, Plows, llortie Kakes, Washing Machines and ringers, Sausage Stuticrs, Af'ple Parers, Post llole Augurs, Castings ot even description, American Fire Insurance Co, OF LT1MOHE, OFFICE, 0. 6 SOl'TIl STREET jCHAKTEltKD CAPITAL, Kflects Insurance in Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Libraries, ssels hi pelt and their Cargoes, and uil other Insurable I'ropertj, against or Damage by tue, (at reasonable rales) in the I ity and Country. liojkr.u of DinnioHS iluam Peviios, ill am J.

Kieman, illiam WeUh, Ernest Knahe, jlliam H. Abrahams, 1). Mason, Uovermr Jjcob I i Wiluiu Uuebh VVebb, Charles gle, (j? orge Mackenzie, Hubert ick ley, Simi' K. tinllit-art. 'eorge berry, JtScjth J.

1'urner, John John llrnlT, J. Maitison, John K. John Smith, D. Auiou lireeu, Carson, (ieorge H. Uvrd.

AS. 1'iesident. VICTOR CM Secret L. DOW HCSS, Agent, Do Hi Id'- Vt. IT" I nrn spent for the mle ol 'I Stones Monuments, lie eul ol li.Siewait vV Co Frederick citv, Orders solicited, L.

D. 11, January 27, 1866. bin EXTEliA'JL REVE.XIE COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. updcrngned ji i for I Jt the Counties o( Jtlft-rt-on am) Beikele) in the 2nd Collection District of Went Virginia, hereby i a notice to he Tax-Payers of Jefferson County, that the 1 axt-8 and lOxcioe Uuues fur 1 ol Septcmbei, October and November now Ten per cent, il charged on the amount oi taxes i parties interested and who fail to rome forward and pay the Taxes arretted against them, on or before the 3 1 si mst.f Office at ihe liooms, 1 liertJsiovw), WeM a. 1J.

C. ENTf.EK, uiy Collector, 2nd 0 1 1 West Viiginis. Internal Kevenu? Stamps for salt by C. E. January 27, 18C0.

tf State oi est Virginia, Jefferson County, to-wit To liutt, Thumua Kuaaell, Henry Kt-lljr. I fjVraamuch William J. Avif (ivrn nu uce lo me, Thomas a Juatice of the aaid County, lhai lie did on the I we my eighth day of November, 1805, in ihe aaid County, lak? up an ri? i ray Horse, color Vorrcl, marked follows: Kight hind wl.itr, vttih ho letters I. C. branded on W-e lilt hind hip.

Vow are hereby eomniaudid, well truly view and appraise the aawl and i und? )onr n(i? ilie ol ihe raid ilorse, toge.ln-r with a panicular deacription ol the kind, inaika, brand statue, color and thereof, and make return, Itgether with this warrant to dm Clerk of the Circuit Court of the aanl County, your certificate of valuation anil i deacription. (Jiven under my hand ilna fourth day of March. 1 860. THOMAS W. GREEN.

Jefferson County, To the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County E. ZaiJock Bull. Henry lla ami If Tltoinae Jr three ol the tai-i (Joiltl) du In by cerlily virtue ol warrant to ua direrled b) Thomas VV Ji of have on our oaiha, id and ai praised a taken up Wy Woi. J. A via, aa an and a i act tie value ol ti said al bixiy HuJlatf.

the aaid llorae marked as loll iwa Kitfht hind foot white, wit1) the i. C. branded on lie leli hind hip and color aoiiel, age supposed to bt eara. DOCK BUTT. I i ELLA It, THOMAS Jf.

A Hue rop) Teste. IV. A. HAFLLNE, Cleik. March 21.

1 6 Go. 3t SETTLE UP. ALL perauna indebted in ilie either by note or book are notified Income forward an rfiile up. I.ougi lime canuol be jftveo. I).

S. KEMC'll. Marrh 31. 1866. lVjEW Stvle of Half juai receind and 11 fur i ale by Baker tf llill..

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