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The Topeka Tribune from Topeka, Kansas • Page 1

Topeka, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

kCV AV AV rrffV wIlli PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY CUMMINGS SHEPHERD, AT TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. VOLUME 4.S TOPEKA, SATTTRIA.Y, APEIL 28, I860, jSTTJMBER 43 V1 R. had his pistol in his hand. Dec. went toward Ritchey was guilty of a feloneous lqll.j But one feeling was expressed, and that 0593 S)ta CIjc Cflptliit Cribmtc.

CALHOUN HOUSE. ng, amounting to murder in the first degree. Then the Justice of the Peace, oseph C. Miller, the bosom friend of the prisoner, who had been housed with J. CUMMIXGS, S.

B. SHEPHERD, Publishers and Proprietors. the prisoner and his counsel from the the streets that Arms was a U. S. Mar-time of his arrest until the commence-' shal and a Democrat at that, that he ment of the examination, rose, and in a very pathetic and sanctimonious manner remarked upon the responsibility of his I position, and "that John Ritchey is, in ence to this diabolical view of 'the sub-my opinion, guilty of a homicide, but is ject if it was not for the fact that the it- as if to take him.

R. told him to keep his hands off, or he would rhoot him. Dec. then put hi? hand on his pistol in his breast pocket, cocked it, and said that his life was sweet, and if he go.t him first, he would have to be the quickest. They then stopped, and dep.

started to go off. Dec. then came back and said to "by God you have to go." He came toward him and R. back ed to tha south door of the east room. Both had their revolvers out.

R. said, '-Stand back, or I God I'll shoot you." Dec, came at R. and 'bang went the gun. I suppose it was Ritchey that hot, as I saw the fire go out the end of his pistol. Dec.

then fell. I stood in the door by the side of R. I saw the dec. fall. I did not hear any more shots.

The dec. never moved. Iheardhim groan. He-lay with his head up against the south wall. I did not see him move.

He did not speak after he was shot. The pistol now ly ng on the floor by the side of dec, is the pistol hq had in his hand during the altercation before referred to. I know that is the identical putol. After R. went out.

he said; "There, now, it" is done. What shall I do? Shall I stand my ground 7 I said, "Yes." Fin Hill sworn The pistol now lying on the floor beside the deceased I think is mv pistol. He asked me if I had a pistol I told him I had, and told him to go up to my room and ask Mr. Hawkins to let him have it. When last had the pistol there were four balls in it.

There are now four in it I know the dec, his name was Leonard Arms. He told me he was DeDutv Marshal, lie was known as deputy U. S. Marshal. He told me to dav that he wanted to see John Ritchey, and -serve Eome papers on him.

I believe he is gener- allv known in this community as dept. U. S. Mar- shal. I have before taken up the pistol sinca the death of dec.

I did not notice in reference to the loads in it. The hammer rested on the nuc'-le between the two pivots. Dr. Chas. King sworn 1 have examined the body of the deceased.

He evidently came to his death from a wound in his neck in the region of Jhe asophalus it is a gun shot wound. Iamasuegeon; have not the sligh test doubt of the wound causing his death. Louis Switzer re-called I did not hear any papers read or shown there were none else in the room but the women. Mr. H.

D. Rice sworn Jfear sundown I was at the fence in front of John Ritchey's house, in conversation with him, wh en a carria ge drove up with tws men, who were introduced to me as Mr. Anna and Mr, Day idson, by Mr. Ritchey. The deceased took llr R.

out one side, and talked awhile, and then Mr, Ritchey called me to come to him. to take notice that Mr. Arms was here claiming to be dept. S. Marshall, to arrest him (llitchey) on an old a fair of '56, but did not claim to have any papers and did not produce any, to which the deceased as sented.

Dec. then saiJ, "JUr Kitchev, you can have tliia business all fixed up." Mr Ritchey then said, "if there are anv papers they are tueir nanus, and tuev must do as they thin -proper them Mr Ritchey then told him that he "should npt'be ajrrestd and then came into the house: deceased iollowed him in at the west door of the house. I did not see deceased again until I saw him upon the floor deud, iu the east room. Romance tn Real Life. The Cattaraugus Freeman, published at Ellicottville, gives an interesting chap ter from the experience of a couple who commenced the journey of life together in this city.

Mr. Wm. E. Harrison, of Ellicottvile, and Miss Maria r. bmnh of Buffalo, who were married al the Genessee House, in this city, two years aaro.

ine marriage was ceiepraieu in the month of April. The bride was ung, admirable, handsome and accom plished the bridegroom a widower, but till in the prime and vigor or manhood, the fortunate possessor of a prosperous business, and the lucky owner of enough of this world's goods to enable him to live in circumstances of comparative ease and comfott. For a brief period all went well, and the marriage seemed like ly to prove a highly advantageous and nappy affair for both parties. But "a change came o'er the spirit of their and thejr cup of happiness was rudely aasnea to tne eartn. in me mouth of June succeeding their mar riage, Mrs.

Harrison made a visit to some friends at the West, and listened to their officious intermedling and ill-considered advice, was prevailed upon, much against the natural promptings of her heart, to desert her husband, whom, but eight short weeks before, she had solemnly vowed to love, honor, and obey Feeling that he had been deeply, griev ously wronged, and naturally anxious to be freed from an entangling alliance that has been productive of such bitter fruits, Mr. Harrison sought and obtained a bill of divorce from his wife in the State of Ohio. But the affair as not destined to terminate in that abrupt and unhappy manner. The erring and sadly misguided woman convinced of the perhdity of her friends, at length awoke to a perfect conciousness of the greaj wrong she had inflicted upon her late husband. A correspondence was opened between them; she fully and freely acknowledged her fault, and nsked for and obtained his forgiveness.

The smouldering flame of their old affection was rekindled, mutual vows of love were exchanged anew, and on Saturday night last she again became the wife' of Mr. Harrison. The Freeman expresses the earnest hope in which all true lovers join, that they may fully tone for the errors of the past by the increased-anection witn which each shall regard the other for the future. Buf. N.

Y. Com. Ado. "Well, Jane, this is a queer wor.ld,' paid Joe to his wife; "a set or women philoiophers has lust sprung "in deed," said Janvj, what dV fhey hold "The' strangest thing In nature," said he, "their tongues Private entertainment at the above House can be had. It is situated near the Ferry, in Calhoun.

Travelers accommodated with meals, lodging and good stabling for horses. March 31, '60. n40-6m Robert Walker. TOPEKA HOUSE, J. ITI.

STAFFORD, Proprietor. Mr. S. would inform his friends and the public generally, that his House has been receutly enlarged, with many improvements and alterations in the establishment, which enables him to assure all who makes this House their home while tarrying in the Capitol city, that it shall be second to none for comfort and pleasure. I8yl PLANTERS' HOTEL.

SMITH, COBB fycO, PROPRIETORS. Corner Main Shawnee Streets, Leavenworth, Kan ALLEX'S HOTEL. S. S. ALLEN, Proprietor, Corner Fourth and Silvanie Streets, St.

JOSEPH, MO, taken from the Boats FREEIS CHASE HOUSE, Enoch Chase, Proprietor, near the comer of Kansas avenue and Sixth street, ia now open for the reception of Guests. Traveled nd Boarders can always depend upon having good beds and board. Topeka, March, 24, 1859. nrnncr L. W.

UORXE, BBICK-MAKER. Topeka, now prepared to furb ish Hi upon stiort nonce. Older lor api-uig minding solicited early. v2n 4-tt'o DR. L.

KELLOGG, DENTIST, Office in Fry's Building opposite Solomon's Store, LAWKENCE, KANSAS. HMy A. F. WHITIVG, Cabinet Ware maker, will attend to the man ufacture, repairing of cabinet ware, and to carpenter work in general. He will asp build pa tanf frr nrpiihinT- and other heavy ar ti-loj.

in nnv tiart of the country, and warrant them as good as the best, or no pay. Residence, tns cnnier or an uureau siretft uuu tutu ir l. 1 avenue, Topeka. JOJIX JACKS9X. Wholesale and Retail Furniture Dealer, All of Furniture Sofas.

Bureaus, Bed steads. Dininz tables, Chairs, Rockf, ic. Ready made Coffins, of various sizes, always on hand. Store-room, one door north of Moore Hill's Land office, Kansas Topeka, Kansas. Jl-ly The Dollar Dealer, for 18G0.

For twenty years the "Cleveland Plain Dealer" has been owned and controlled, Published and Edited bv the same individual. It has never missed a publication day nor scratched a cratic ticket. It has fought its way tingle handed asrainst all opposition until it has a National -vr Circulation anu a national reiuiaiiuu. tium Maine to California the Plain Dealer is known and read, and it never was in so good a condition pecuniarily, or in better pluck, politically, to fisrht the battles of Democracy than now. For the coming year it will be particularly devoted to Ponular Sovereignty It has asamst high authority, uareu 10 aavo- cate the right of "the people of a territory as well as a state, to regulate their domestic insti tutions in their own way," and it will continue to do so against said high authority, "the world, the flesh and the devil." Against all Lecompton Constitutions, slave codes and re-opening of the Slave Trade, this Paper is devotedly dedicated from this time, henceforth and forever Besides the current News of the Day, the Plain Dealer will contain in each number a TALE, and correspondence from the best of contributors.

The Local Department will be presided over by that original ana laughter proyoKing genius "Artemus Ward, whose letters, jokes oddi ties and quiuities are alone worth the price of the paper. Subscription. Sinsrle Subscriber, per year, $1 30: Siusle Sub-ct iber, six months $1 00 elbs of ten per year, $10 00 all over ten copies to one Post office, fcl 00 to each eetter up of a club one copy extra. Pn.t are reauested to act as agrents. Douslas Democrats are expected to use their influence in extending the circulation of the Dealer.

Address, J. W. Grat, Cleveland, 0 NoticV. Territory of Kansas, Second Judicial District, Shawnee county. Louisa Hughes, Pl'ff, In the District court, vs.

2nd Judicial of Owen Hughes, De'ft, Kansas Ty, sitting in and Anvil term. A. D. I860, for fciawuee county It appealing to the satisfaction of the Clerk, by the affidavit of the plaintiff, in thjs suit, that the said jOwen Hiighes, defendant, is a non-resident of the Territory of Kansas, and cannot be served with a summons in the ordinary way. Therefore it is ordered by the clerk, in vacation, that the said Owen Hughes, defendant, be notifi ed by publication in the "Topeka liibune," a weekly newspaper published in Shawnee county, nngns Territory, for six consecutive weeks of the pendency and object of this suit.

The ob ject being to procure a dissolution of the marriage contract, heretofore existing between iaid parties, contracted in the county of Lewis, state of New-York. And said defendant, is hereby notified and required to plead, answer or demur to fiioTilnii.tiff's Petition heretofore filed in this cause, on or before the 9th day of June, A. iscn lit. heinir 10 rliivs nfter the date of the last publication of this Qth'ei wise said cause will be tried, at tne uctoDer term or taiu cuun, A. D.

18t0', and determined according to the allegations in said Plaintiff's petition set forth, tha nmiif there nresented. Witness my hand and seal of said court T. S. t. office in Tooeka.

this 12th day of April, A. D. IStiO. L. McARTHUR.

Clerk By E. B. Smith, D. C. Jno.

Martin, P'ff At'y, Attachment lSotlce. In Justice Court, before Charles F. Hotchkiss, J. Wabaunsee Township, Wabaunsee K.T Bartholiinew bharrai, versus Wm. C.

P. Butman The said Wm. C. P. Eutman will take notice that on the twenty-third day of February, A.

lgr.n eit Tntioa of the Pence issued an order of attachment in the above action for the aum of forty-two dollars and costs of suit, ana tnai ine cause is set for triaHm the iourteentn uuy ui nj It I ll 1 1 ilnit ttt ClOCK, A. M. Ul emu Babthommew Shakrai By E. J. Lines.

Wabaunsee, Wabaunsee Kansas. Notice. Vorttaa 1 trio-ant. nnd ntfiorft whom it may COH tiarohv notified that the Snrinff Term, A D. 1860, of the District Court, sitting in and for the County of Shawnee, Hon.

Ruth Elmore pre-orl until the 30th day of April. was the utter abhorrence of the act and the actor. Very spon, however, matters began to change, and it wab whispered about ought to be killed, and that John Ritchey did but God service in killing him. ue would not even now make refer- next morning the State Record appeared wth a false, libelous and partizan ex planation of the transaction. They saw in it, and justly too, another chapter in the irrepressible conflict a second edi tion of Harper's Ferry and consequent ly went to work to lash their partizans into the support of the man who would strike at the government of the U.

whether at Harper's Ferry, or by murdering a U. S. Marshal in Kansas. Hence there can be nothing more hypocritical than the lachrymose manner in which our cotemporary regrets that this matter is assuming a partizan aspect. We vill say to the Record that it has assumed a partizan aspect.

Partizan, however, ir. this respect That the Rec ord and its friends are striving to shield a red-handed murderer from the con dign punishment of his crimes, while every intelligent, right-thinking and high-minded man in the community desires only that Ritchey, like any other man, should have but a fair trial, by an honest jury of his countrymen. If this je partizanship, the Record is welcome to make the most cf it. The meanest thing growing out of the above transaction is the base slander uttered by the Record, that Amis wa intoxicated when he went to make the arrest. We are prepared to pronounce that statement an unmitigated falsehood, and the man who would be guilty of so low a resort, for he purpose of shielding a murderer, is, if not more guuty, cer tainly inore despicable than the mur derer himself, In the opinion qf the State- Record however, there is one good to grow out of this, and that is, tha it will concen trate and harmonize the otherwise dis organized forces of their party in Tope ka.

They have now got a matter which is a common bond of sympathy, around which they can all rally. We have only to say to the Record Miller, Lane, Brockway, and others in this matter, that the end is not They need not think that by going thro' the farce of an examination before Mil ler, and sending the murderer loose up on community, that the thing stops there It will not. And if justice should fai to overtake the murderer in this world we have still the consolation of knowinsr that in the world to come there is ajudg ment a judgment and a hell. LATER. 8ince the above was iu type we have received the State Record, Extra, pro fessinar to jrive a review of th3 whole case, and from which we make the fol lowing extract Party spirit is running high on this matter.

Individuals in our community have not hesitated to charge upon Mr Ritchey the commission of an awfu crime, notwithstanding the unparalltd concurence of the entire testimony on his full and complete exculpation. Let those who persist in this infamous accu sation look well to their own footing. If by the above we are informed that John Ritchey and his associates wil shoot down all who dare to express an honest conviction, and call things by their right names, then we say to them they must shoot down every righl-mind ed inan in community, and make a community of murderers, who, from unity in (qf blood, will haye sym pathy with ihe slayer of Leonard Arms, Fron the Topeka Record, April 21st C0R0XEB8 INQUEST. Miss Garrison sworn: Was in the room when deceased came in. Mrs Ritchey.

and myself were in the room. Mr. and dec. came into the room together. Dec said he was eoina: to take him.

R. saidhe would not go. Dec. said if he would not go this eve- would go some other time: said he would go to Leavenworth for troops, and -would mak him go iid to "you won't go R. said he would not.

Witness and Mrs. Ritchey left tUa rnnm and K. oflmo tn tno rtonr. Witness heard pi.tols and think3 R. shot dec.

pes not think deceased fired at all. Thinks that there was but one pistol shot. Thinks this took place about rundown. Heard dec and R. talking in the yard Did not hear what they said, bt they talked as if they were both angry.

Louis Switier sworn Saw dec. and R. in the yard there was nothing unusual in their conversation. Saw them next in the west room. Deceased said he was going to take him.

R. said he would not be taken aliv, "I grot some boot in that bargain," as. the loafer said when kicked out of doors. A teacher of penmanship, in twelve lessons, taught a lawyer to read his own writinsr. Altitude- Jo, Cose defines the ex- act height of a young lady's ambition to, be two little feet.

"So. far so good," as the boy said when he had finished the firt pot of his mother's jam. "I am going to draw this beau into a knot," as the ludy said when standing at the hymenial alter. Never stand in te rain-barrel all night. It checks perspiration, and spoils rainwater for washing purposes.

The story of a man, who had a nose so large that he could'nt blow it without using gunpowder, is said to be a hoax. The man who has been married twice to ladies both named Catherine, advised his friends against taking dupli Kates. It is a bad sign to see a man with his hat off at midnight, explaining the principles of true Republicanism to a lamp- post. Wrhat is the difference between an, auction and sea-sickness? One is the sale of effects the p.ther the effects a sail. A cotemporary asks if we can throw any light upon kissing.

We don't want to the thing is done just as well in the dark. There is a man at Totnes who walks so slow that they say he wears a pair of spurs to keep his shadow from treading on his heels. The WTheel of Fortune belonged originally to an omnibus, for it is engaged continually 'Spiking up" and "putting down" people. Good wives, like filberts, will remain good for a long time. It all depends upon the care you take of them, and how you husband them.

A Patlander, who had been fined several weeks in succession for getting drunk, coolly proposed to the Judge that he should take him by the year at a re; duced rate. "My dear," said a husband after a matrimonial flare-up, t'you will never be permitted to enter heaven." W'hy not "Because you'll be wanted be: low as a tormenter." A householder in a Western village, in filling up his census schedule under the column "Where born," decribed one of his children as "born in the parlor' and the other "up stairs." One hundred men could not carry the amount of the national debt of England, counted out in ten pound Bank of Eng; land notes, notwithstanding the lightness of the paper they are printed on. A person having occasion notjf hi3 doctor to visit his wjfe, said to him aslie was stepping into' the chaise "Now, doctor, you will drive to kill, won't you Yes, certainly," replied the doctor. "Well, Pat, which is the way to Bur: linsrton an' how did you know mv name was Pat?" S'l ruessed if'1 "Thin, if yer so' good at guessin', ye'd better guess the way to "There's more in that fellow's head, Sam, than you imagine," said Dick of a sleepy looking fellow standing by. "That may be," replied the piheF graver ly, "for I always suspected he bad 'em.

Wrhat is fashion A beautiful enve lope for mortality, presenting a beautiful and polished exterior, the appearance of which gives no certain indication of the real value of what is contained i therein. The question, "WThy printers did not succeed as well as brewers was thus answered: "Because printers work for the head, and brewers for the stomach and where twenty men have stomachs, but one nas a head." The Lancet, on the subject of humai foodV says that large quantities of sausages are made of horse-flesh. A friend of ours says he believes it, as he invariably has the nightmare when he has paten them for supper. Twenty thousand Swedes and Nor.we- gians are reported to be getting in readiness to embark for the IJnited States early in the cojng summer! They will bring much wealth with them, and what is better, they will bring confirmed habits of morality, industry and economy. A lover once wrote to a lady who re- jected him, saying that he intended to retire to "some secluded spot, and breathe away his life in sighs." To which the lady replied, by inquiring whether they were to be medium or large size.

The. man has nci since been heard from. Two or three years ago, in one of the French criminal trpaunals, a wretch convicted of having assassinated his ovn father and motherwhen asktd if ho had anything to say sentence of death should be pronounced upon him, piteously exclaimed, "I hope the Court will have mercy on a poor orphan editors. TOPEKA, KANSAS, SATURDAY MORNIXO, APRIL 28, 1860. From the Tribune Extra, of April 23d.

A Murderer at Large JOHN RITCHEY DISCHARGED. United States Deputy Marshal, aed Arms was shot dead by John Ritchey, in this place, on Friday evening, the 20di of April, at or about the hour of six, while in the act of arresting him by virtue of warrants d'dy issued from the United States Court and directing the said officer to arrest the said Ritchey. Immediately after the deed was done, Mr. Ritchey left his house and proceeded to the house of Joseph C. Miller, a Justice of the Peace in Topeka and a bosom friend of his, and gave himself up.

The County Prosecuting Attorney, Justus Brockway, was notified of the oc currence, and Ritchey remained in the house of the Justice of the Peace until 2 o'clock, P. M. the next day, it being Saturday, the 21st, when he was brought out for examination, having in the mean time been housed with the Justice of the Peace, Prosecuting Attorney and witnesses for the prosecution. At two o'clock the Prps. Att'y announced himself in readiness to proceed with the examination, which was done only by the swearing of those yyhnesses whom the Pros.

Att'y coulJ not well avoid subpoenaing. No proof was made of the de ceased being an officer no proof pro duced nor witnesses sut pecnatd to prove that he had upon his body when found warrants for the arrest of Ritchey. In short, the Territory, through the Pros. Att'y out an attempt on the part of the deceased to arrest John Ritcht yand that while engaged in that attempt was killtd by him. Nothing of his being an officer, and nothing of his being clothed with legal authority to make the arrest was urged or claimed by Mr.

Brockway, the Pros. Att'y, and no at tempt or exertion whatever was made by this gentleman to procure the testi mony necessary to establish tlese two facts. When the testimony for the people closed, Mr. Hawkins, an attorney rep resenting the friends of the deceased, rose and under Sec. 37.

page 190 of the Laws of 1859, ssked for a continuance of the examination until Monday morn ing, and alledging that he expected to then be able to prove that the deceased was a United States Deputy Marshal that he had in his possession and upon his body when found dead two warrants for the arrest of John Ritchey, the prisoner at the bar. This the Pros. Att'y refused to second or argue to the Court; and, gave no reason for neglecting up to that hour to.tnake any attempt to pro cure this all-important testimony; yet, upon a full argument by Mr. Hawkins for the Territory, Dow Lane for the defence, the Court over-ruled the mo tion acd the Pros. Att'y declared the evidence closed, upon which the Court ad journed a short time for supper.

After supper, S. N. Wood, in behalf of the friends of the deceased, renewed the motion of Mr. Hawkins, and sus tained his motion in a long, able and eloquent argument, which sent a thril of conscious guilt, written jn blood, over the faces of the prisoner and the officers who were conducting this mockery of an examination but the court, upon ful argument, -overruled the motion. Mr.

Brockway then opened the argument in behalf of the people, making all the strong points in favor of the pris oner and none against him. He was followed by Judge Dorv, for the prison er, who thought proper to compliment Mr. Brockway for his moderation and kindness to the prisoner. He was fol lowed by Gen. Lane, for the prisoner who, in his argument, reviewed much the political history of Kansas, eulogiz ed John Ritchey, applauded him and congratulated Topeka for the killing Leonard Arms, and making a fulj-fledg ed political harangue of the Abolition stripe, closed the argument for the de fence.

He was followed by Mr. Haw kins, for the Territory, who showed, in the clearest manner, that even with the meager testimony be'fore the court, John ISSUED EVERT Saturday Morning, AT TOPEKA KAJYSJIS. in the Ritchey Block, second Btory over Young's Wholesale Store. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Single Subscriber, one year, $2,00. Club of ten, one year, i $15,00.

TERMS OF ADVERTISING Cards, of five lines, or less, one $5,00 Cards of ten lines or less, one year, 10,00 One square, one insertion, 1,50 Each subsequent insertion, 0,50 One square, three months, 5,00 One square, six months, 7 00 Quarter of a column, one year, Hair column, one year, 40,00 Whole column, one year, 90,00 A en lines constitute a square. Payment will be required in advance, in cases where Advertisements are sent from a dis tance. mtmxs (Barbs. CHARLES KIXG, M. D.

llomeopathist. Office, over Topeka Drue ciore. j.eeiueuce, cor. in ana xiarrison st s. DEMIXG IHILLIG IX, fll.

Tender their Professional service to the citi lens of Topeka and surrounding country. on Sixth avenue, one door east of xi the Post umce. 52n DR. S. E.

Physician and Surgeon Topeka, Kansas. 1IIARTIX, Office, Topeka A. J. RITCHEY, ill, D. ill attend promptly to all calls in the Obstetric practice.

Office in Ritchey Block, second noor over Hamilton store, Topeka, A. J. FRAXCIS, Attorney at Law. Will practice in all the courts of this Territory. Collections made and promptly remitted.

Osawkee, Jefferson Kansas. E. R. SMITH, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Blank Deeds and Mortgages of the most approved forms always on hand.

Taxes paid for non-residents. Collections enforced and remittances made promptly. Office Room No. 1 Ritchey Block, Topeka, Kansas. II.

C. HAWKIXS, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Land Agent, Topeka, Kansas. Will attend to business pertaining to his profession in the sever nl courts of Kansas. Office directly over Jake Smith's Hardware store. NATHAN P.

CASE, A tto rney and Counsellor at Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Notary Public, Auburn, Shawnee county, Kansas, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care in the Second Ju-icial District. T. II. CURRY, Clerk of the United States District Court, 2nd Judicial District, and Attorney at Law, Le-compton, Kansas. 25, JCHX G.

OTIS, Attorney at Law, and Notary Public. Office, No. 187, Kansas Avenue, (Opposite the Kitcney islock) lopeka, Kansas. LOREXZO DOW, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office, in the Ritchey Block, up stairs, 2d door to the right, Topeka, Kansas.


ROLL! DAY THORXTOX. Lawyers and Land Agents, will attend faithfully and promptly to all business in the line of Aheir profession. Office, No. 86, Kansas avenue, Topeka. HOWARD CITTS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Notary Pub lie.

and Land Aarent. Topeka, Kansas. 1 Besides attending to the practice of Law in the Courts. Mr. C.

will net as agent for buying and fellins property of all kinds, in and out of the ity, and for receiving and remitting money. Any business entrusted to mm win oe anenueu iu with care and promptness. rlle refers to the Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, Washington, D. the Hon.

Edward E. Bourne, Kennebeck, Hon. John M. Goodwin, and David Falcs, Eiddefoid, Thomas Cutts. Kansas City, and Faculty of Harvard cchool, Cambridge, Jiass.

D. H. HORXE, Real Estate Aarent and money collector, To ieka, Kansas. Will buy, sell and locate Land-yarrants, examine titles, make investments and pay taxes iir non-residents, loan money for Capitalists at' highest rates on first class real estate and attend to the business of a general Agency. He had also lots and other city for sale at low rates, besides farm claims in me country, vmce at me oiuue.

ux 11. vum FRY W. GILES. "K.tarv PnVilie. of deeds fcr all tha States and Territories, and Recorder of Deeds for the city of Topeka.

JACOB SAFFORD, Attorney at Law, Notary Public, TOPEKA, SHAWNKE XVM. P. DOCTIIITT, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, will practice in the several Courts of Kansas, and giv prompt in ail nertaininir to the legal profession. Office in Miller's building, opposita the Chase House, Topeka, Kansas. ziniy J.

F. COTJIXGS, Attorney at Law, Notary Public and General Xjuxia Agent, umce in xiuiu.c vmo. rpoPEKA LODGE A. F. A Sli.fons.

IioMm its reir- ci mniunii atious 011 the Wednesday lif. ureceUiiiit the full 'A moon. A II nip Mitnons ore fraternaliy invited 'to ustifiable in the eyes of God aid man. therefore discharge the prisoner." Wre entertain no ill will towards Mr. Ritchey, the Prosecuting Attorney, or I the Justice, but we well know, and can prove, that John Ritchey has repeatedly threatened to do just the thing that he has done, that the U.

S. Dept. Marshal was notified by warrants returned, "rer sisted," by his predecessor, that John llitchey had repeatedly resisted officers the discharge of an official duty, and now, when tha' resistance has culminat ed in murder, when the court and Pros ecuting Attorney have suppressed the nost important of all testimony in the examination, and the one winked at, and he other discharged the murderer, we call upon the people, moderately but boldly and sternly, to take this matter in land See to it that John Ritphey is re-arrested, and never again received in society in any other capacity than that of a murderer, until he shall be tried and honorably acquitted by a jury of his countrymen. This is due to Topeka, due to the friends of the murdered man, due to the people at large, and due to John Ritchey, the slayer of a U. S.

Dep uty Marshal. We give the foregoing statement of the facts as connected with the farcical examination of the Murderer Rjiehey, before Miller, the acting Justice of the Peace. We also publjsh. the testimony copied from the "Stat Record," taken before the Coroner's inquest, but a few moments after the murder was committed, and befope the witnesses had been tampered with by the murderer or his friends, to show to the public the exact truth with regard to this homicide. Al the testimony given before the Justice of the Peace jvas corroborative of the testimony before the inquest, and still stronger to prove that Ritchey in the killing of Leonard Arms was guilty of a deliberate murder.

To recapitulate. There are certain undeniable facts connected with this homicide. It is a fact jhat Leonard Arms, a United States Marshal, was murdered in cold blood while in the discharge of his official duty, and that John Ritchey was his murderer. It is a fact that the murderer committed himself to the kindly watchcare and hospi tality of his bosom friend, Justice Mil ler. It is a fact that the Pros.

Att'y Brockway was a particular friend of the murderer, and was in pqnsultation with him much of ijje forenoon preceding his examination, and in his closing remarks to the Justice made a speech looking more to the discharge than to the committal of the prisoner. It is a fact that the examination jyas conducted in a most indecent haste, in eighteen or twenty hours after the homicide was committed, before a warm friend of the murderer, and that Miller twice refused a motion for the continuance of the trial flaring that time might be had to take the case out of Brockway's hands and give it to U. S. Att'y, or until the U. S.

Marshal or some other competent officer should be upon the ground. All these things are facts; and, yet it is a fact that Justice Miller either intimidated by the presence of a large delegation of those known as belonging to the so called "Ritchey Clique," and the wild and crazy harrangue of the slayer of Jenkins before him, or out of sympathy for the murderer and approval of the act, set Ritchey free upon com- munity to redden his hands Still deeper -1 ii i in lllc licit 1 1 uiouu ut oiuei. nu a- aminauon ue lnis ceases to oeiarcicai, it becomes tragic and, it i very ques- tionable to out minds whether the actors i- ii are not justly indictable yith a com- plicity to set the" laws at naught and al- low Its victim to escape. We have offered the above, as facts tvt Ill-I-Tf-Ill II II mv I I I I If I vv comments. When the report reached town that Ritchey had killed Arras, was a universal feeling of horror and a con- demnation pervading the Community.

All writs and process made returnable on th.9th dav of April will be returnable at that time: 3 Ii. McARTHUR, Clerk, By B.B. Smith,.

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