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The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California • 3

Sacramento, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS MISCELLANEOUS the daily bee Who Takbthk The Board of Education has recently constructed a fine brick school house on a good lot corner of Tenth and streets but for waht of proper surroundings the establishment looks Tef7 bare Now who and how many have public spirit enough to contribute trees or money to make a good shade about the lot There are also other biesk school houses about tbe city particularly those at Sixteenth tod and Second and streets Officers Elect At the semi-annual election of the Sacramento Turn Verein laatnight the following officers were elected for the ensuing term Lot-hammer President Ad Heilbron Vico President H- Krebs Secretary A Evert Financial Secretary Hueff Treasurer A Kinkel Cashier Kappel First Turn Leader A Everhard Second Turn Leader-P Lehman Janitor Rueff Weil and Bellmer as Trustees The newspaper mail to be forwarded by tbe steamship to sail from San Francisco on Saturday next will close in this city at half-past one to-morrow afternoon Proposals Crocker Sc Co advertise for proposals for constructing for the Central Pacific Railroad Company a bridge and trestiing over tbe American river Clinker Boat With the first freshet in tbe American a fine clinker built boat with much apparatus on board came boomiog down that stream and was picked up by Cob Moulder who holds her for the owner Both branches of the Legislature adjourned to-day in time for the members to be present at tbe railroad ceremonies FURNITURE WARER00M8 FIRST CLASS FURNITURE WA RER00MS OF GRIMES Sc FELTON SUCCESSORS TO CLARK Ac CO Nos 49' and 51 Fourth street Sl C3 DIRECT IMPORTERS Manufacturers and Upholsterers WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FURNITURE AND BEDDING ELEGANT PARLOR FURNITURE OF ROSEWOOD WAXOANTED DLACK WALNUT In every MAHOGANY particular IN BROCATELLK xamufactured PLUSH nnder our REPS and own supervision HAIR SEATING AT PRICES Ranging from $60 to $500 I ALSO THOSE ELEGANT CHAMBER SUITS IN ROSEWOOD siavrocmn BLACK WALNUT expressly MAHOGANY toourordrr at kicks CHESTNUT ranging from OAK and 840 to $400 GRAINED The trade will always pind an unlimited stock of first class Good of the latest styles to select from at San Francisco price Purchasers will please recollect that our Wareroom ere the largest end contain the only complete stock In the city They caU particular attention to their celebrated Spring Beds Cenchee Lannges etc which they have manufactured with various Improvements for the last eight years to the complete satisfaction of their numerous customers AII kinds of work made to order and repairing done by the best workmen in the State Hair Mattreaaes made over and renovated by the Picker which cleans the hair perfectly GRIMES Ac FELTON Next to the St George Hotel Sacramento dl6 lm MCDONALD SPENCER DRUG IMPORTING HOUSE OF MCDONALD CO SACRAMENTO WJR INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR large and carefully selected stock of superior DHUGS AND MEDICINES CHEMICALS OK ALL KINDS SOHO AND FLUID EXTRACTS TRUSSES AND SHOULDER BRACES CAMPHENE BURNING FLUID ECLECTIC PREPARATIONS LARD AND SPERM OILS ALCOHOL IN TIN FANCY GOODS GLASS WARE RETORTS AND CRUCIBLES KEROSENE AND COAL OILS SODA WATER MATERIAL MATERIALS ABDOMINAL TRUSSES PATENT MEDICINES HERBS PAINTS AND OILS Together with a complete assortment of all art clea ii the Drug line We do not intend to be under Id any house in California Orders apectfully solicited and goods forwarded to all parts of the Pacific Coast and country MCDONALD Sc CO TRUSSES SUPPORTERS GUM STOCKING ABODMINAL Supporters boulder aces Suspensory Bandages Silk Elastic Bandages for Ladies A very large assortment of article in ibis line For sale by McDonald co STOCK FRESn HOPS IRISH MOSS BUR- gundy Pitch Keg Corkv in this line ot the beat quality For sale upon reasonable terms bales Hops just received by express MCDONALD A CO Crucibles retorts acids and a general assortment of articles in that line ECLECTIC 'MEDICINES ARE CONSTANTLY BECEIV- ing by express anppliea from the manufactories SUGAR COATED PILLS OE NEARLY ALL THE CONCEN trated medicines put up in Bottles For sale by MCDONALD Sc CO Sanaamento PERFUMERY WE ARE CONSTANTLY BKCEIV- ing articles to this line direct from foreign and American manufactories For aale by MCDONALD Sc CO PAINTS VARNISHES OILS Brushes feather dusters Zinc White Fire Pioof Paint Linseed Oil Boiled and Raw For sale by RU MCDONALD CO COAL AND KEROSENE OILS Burning fluid neats-foot Oil Lard Oil and Campbene Knowing the difficulty in procuring a good article ao necessary for brilliant light we have taen extra pains to import themol the beat qual ty and can supply customers with a superior article 1L MCDONALD Sc CO j2-lm OPPOSITION SHOE STORE FGL fgi 97 street between 4th and 5th Near the Center ef 4th SACRAMENTO McMORRY BROS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS SHOES AND GAITERS VrE HAVE JUST RECEIVED BY Fhip and Steamer lately arrived a very large addition to our Stock and are now better prepared than ever to sell our Good CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I We wish it particularly understood that Ye are Retailing Oar Goods at the WHOLESALE PRICES! Our Stock being Large 1 adapted to the want of the approaching season all ot tbe Beat Material Latest and Moat Approved Style: and Rubbers Lang Legged French Calf Walk-lag Roots Miles Ac and A Hosts very beautiful Patterns splendid stock of and Roots cheap best fine French Calf sewed halfwelt Roots fine French Calf doable sole and water-proof Roots fl ao newed Prop Sole and Square Edge Walking Roots Scotch Ties Gaiters Congress Gaiters and Balmorals lootees new styles Walking Shoes of every description Ties Raskins Slippers etc etc etc pap Wo import our own Goods which enables ns to sell at Greatly Reduced Prioes Remember the Opposition Shoe Store 07 street near 4th McMORRY BROS j5-lm PERFUMERY WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED fresh supply of FRENCH ENGLISg and GERMAN Colognes Pomades Gosmetlques Handkerchief Extracts Antique Oil eto eto fp Quality Guaranteed WAIT Ac CHILDS Apothecaries d26-lm Southeast corner sud Second streets January 8 Senate Met at 11 a a Lieutenant Governor Chellia in the Chair Prayer by Rev Jeaae Peck On calling the roll all were present except Senators Bogart Crane and Porter of Santa Cruz The Jonrnaia of the preceding day were read and adopted An invitation from the Central Co to participate in breaking ground of tbe Railroad was read The Chair announced the following committees Swamp Lands Senators Harvey Shanon Powers Parka Cham eriain and Biik-r Public Lands Holden Porter Baker Doll Military Pacheco Abell Booth Cuningham Birdseye Shurleif The Chair made the followiug appointments Porters Bartholomew of Trinity county and Scott of '1 ehama Post-Office Clerk Weeks Paper Folder Bernard Steinman Pages Grove Hunt and Jamea CrandelL Senate adjourned to celebrate the commencement of the Pacific Railroad Assembly Met at 1 1 Speaker in the chair Player by Rev Mr Phelps Roll called and journal of yesterday read Tbe Speaker announced tbe following committees Standing Rules of the Messrs Banka Ames Barstow Sanderson and Warwick Special Committee on Claims of Temporary Officers Messrs Rule Smith of Sierra and Sears Joint Committee on Printing Messrs Redfield Owen and Rule An invitation waa received to attend the breaking ground of the Pacific Railroad A resolution was adopted authorizing the Sergeant at-Arms to appoint a e'erk at a per diem of $6 Resolution authorizing the State Printer to print the various reports waa referred to the Committee on Printing A resolution directing tbe Sergeant-at-Arms to pro cure committee rooms amended so aa to allow the committees to procure their own rooms waa adopted aa amended A message from the Senate waa received announcing the passage in that body of a concurrent resolution for the holding of a joint convention of tbe two Houses of the Legislature in the Assembly Chamber on Wednesday tbe 14th instant at 12 o'clock for the purpose of electing a United States Senator came in the order when Mr Yule of Placer moved to lay it on the table and it waa carried ayes 47 noea 27 Adjourned Well Received The press has received the message with favor The Bulletin says It seems to be a carefully prepared The Alta says "It is a very comprehensive and well written And the Union thinks 11 In its tone style and recommendations it is more than an average State paper It ia superior to any annual message delivered in California for several More Ackowledgments Father Bellowa fails not to acknowledge promptly every remittance made from California to the Sanitary Fnnd Hia latest to tbe San Francisco Committee waa dated at New York on the 5th Inst and reads: Tour draft of December 10th for $20 000 jnat received If it be more blessed to give than receive who so blessed as you Everett President of the Relief Society of Massachusetts also acknowledges by telegraph tbe receipt of $500 being the net proceeds of the festival of the Bunker Hill Association held In San Francisco on the 22d of December Mr Everett says Noble New A thousand thanks Doings in Dixie Jeff Davis made a speech at Knoxville East Tennessee December 10th He thought the toryism of East Tennessee exaggerated Governor Brown of Georgia acting under authority of the Legislature of that State baa seized from $300000 to $400000 worth of goods in Augusta for the use of the soldiers to be paid for of course at reasonable rates It baa eanaed great excitement For the Sanitary Fund The colored people of San Francisco at a meeting held on the Sth-lnst to consider the propriety of celebrating the Freedom Proclamation resolved to open a subscription for all colored persons or San Francisco city and county who shall subscribe one dollar or more for the relief of the sick and wounded of the army and navy of the United States Franklin Stearns a rich man of Virginia who was placed in Castle Goodwin Richmond with Botts and other Union men haa purchased the fine farm of Hon Jeremiah Morton in Culpepper county Virginia and presented It to John Botts Stearns always was a political supporter of Botts Suicide Mr Jas McCall of Upper Placerville who has been ill with erysipelas for some time committed suicide Tuesday morning says the Pla-eerville News by eutting hia throat with a razor Thanks to the agent Crawford next to the Post Office for a eopy of the first number of the California Wine and Wool Register It Is neat and filled with valuable matter and atatiatics The next Legislature of Wisconsin will contain thirteen editors and ex-editors Aa the late Gilbert Grant was wont to say of the late Republican It will be rotten with The Sanitary Fond at San Francisco received $1471 60 on Tuesday $285 CO being from Benieia $110 from Santa Crnz and the balance from San Francisco Col Thos Benton Jr- nephew of the late Senator Benton la Colonel of an Iowa regiment 1000 strong which lately arrived In St- Lonia from Council Bluffs The bakers of St Louis were on a December 15th They had a meeting that night and three hundred were present They want more wages SMOKE THE BEST OF HAVANA CIGARS DURING THE HOLIDAYS MUCH COMPLAINT Has been made lately by Gentlemen not being able to get a FINE IMPORTED HAVANA CIGAR in this city FRANKLIN WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER 1 14 A atreet bet 4th and 5ih NEXT DOOR TO DRUG STORE Bega to inform hia friends and the public at large that he received by the last steamer the following brands of IMPORTED HAVANA CIGARS I G0BERNAD0R STANLY GENERAL HALLECK GENERAL PRIM 8 AN JOAQUIN HENRY CLAY MATILDE FIGAROS GENERAL McCLELLAN TOBACCO DE GALLA FLOR DE SOLAR FIGARO REINA RIO HUNDO INTIMIDAD CALITIGO Alee the Bet Bread CHEWING TOBACCO SNUFF CARDS MEERSCHAUM FIFES ETC Constantly on hand ALSO THE Best Domestic Cigars 4 for 25 Cents jy City and country order solicited and promptly attended to FRANKLIN local NEWS pACtric The inauguration of the Pacific Railroad took place to-day and the weather was moat nropitious for the eeremoniea North of the shed cp-In the foot of street the atand for the apeakera waa placed while the Union braas band took position on the balcony of the American Exchange At half past twelve after music by the band Crocker called the large aasemblage to order and introdnced to them the Chaplain of the occasion After an appropriate and impressive prayer by Rev Mr Benton Governor Stanford proceeded shovel in hand to deposit the girt as per programme Two carta containing girt each drawn by four horses drove up The irat one was decorated with American flags On the Meond wagon waa a large banner on which waa depict-cgtbe continent of North America In the center waa the representation of a locomotive and tender above arms extending one from the Atlantic and the Tiller from the Pacific Ocean joined in friendly grasp anger the mo'to May the bond be As oiernor Stanford proceeded to deposit the dirt the bind played "Hail and the crowd cheered jnost lustily After the Governor had finished Hon Mr Crane of Alameda proceeded to deliver an address At the conclusion ot Mr Crane's remarks the band nlsved the Spangled JH Warwick was then introduced who made very happy and cflective address Air by the band Red White and B'ue Hon A Banks of San Franclnco next took I then another air by the band "Hail to the ttKll-whrDHoa Walter Van Dyke of Humboldt Jjokthe stand and occupied it as we go to press EuPEavisoas Yistebday In addition to the "aa-phsitum the Supervisors at their sesaiou yes ter' gay transacted this business They retained Mr Stevenson as Justice of the Peace in Natoma township Action relative to the case of the late Auditor was deferred The report of the Viewers of the new road wss read and adopted A committee composed of Messrs Hail Graves and Williams was appointed to report as to the damage done property on said road Adjourned till ten this morning gupssvisoss To-dat Board met stlOj the President in the chair and all the members present except Mr Drew Minutes of yesterday were read and approved Report of road overseer in District No 3 wss read and adopted On motion the Finance Committee were granted further time to consider the claim of the Sheriff of Mariposa connty amounting to $64 Mr Hall moved that action on the proposed new road to Sutterville be postponed till the next meeting of the Board A motion was made that the road be declared public highway on condition that the petitioners psy for the dsmsges seeming These motions were withdrawn and it was sgreed that Mr Hidden be allowed $1125 for trees Mr Dickerson $125 for damages done his property by the new road Mr Flint $50 damages Motion was made to declare the road a public highway This was tound to be illegal until ten days bad expired St the law required so the motion was withdrawn and the matter laid over Communication from the County Superintendent of Schools asking appropriation for the purchase of a map of school was read tad referred to Committee on Schools On motion the report relative to the ex-Auditor introduced on Tuesday was taken from the table and adopted Report of the Finance Committee was read and adopted Report of the Physician of the City and County Hospital was received and ordered on file Adjourned till 2 o'clock on Saturday 10th instant Hospital Repost To-day Dr Phelan submitted to the Supervisors his report for December It is shown that there were in the hospital December 1st 66 patients admitted during the month 44 whole number treated 112 of whom 29 were discharged as cured 2 left voluntarily and 7 died leaving 74 in the hospital on the 1st of January 1 he causes of death were mem-ingilis pericarditis dropsy pneumonia consumption and peritinitis Two who died were moribund when admitted In addition a number of out-door patients and the sick at the prisons have been prescribed for Toe expenses of the hospital for the month were groceries $288 43 bread (ix weeks) $L36 32 milk $106 meat $S6 88 wood $80 paints $18 glazing $5 undertaker $70 cook and laundress $60 two nurses (80 pbys'ciana salary etc $250 total $1204 63 Balance on hand for contingent expenses of hospital at dnte ot last report October 6 1862 $9 26 received during the quarter to date $24 60 total $33 86 which baa been expended for the benefit of the hospital Metsopolitan Tueatkx Another crowded and fashionable bouse greeted the young tragedian Taylor last night This excellent actor it growing rapidly in popular tavor Possessed of noble figure graceful action and much plastic power he moves the sympathies of his audience and arouses them to enthn-8 Usm He is rapidly becoming the favorite as the thronged dress circle adorned with feminine loveliness might testily After all the ladies are the best critics for they have a nice sense of the chaste correct SDd beautiful This evening Mr Taylor appears for the firot time in this city as Phidias in the play of the Marble Heart Mr Pope playing Volage the fashionable editor Tbe talent in the cast of eharacters of this popular sud interesting play must command a crowded Fitzpatsick Case Wo resume our report of the investigation made by the Supervisors into the charges preferred against Fitzpatrick Heather did not consider the charges exorbitant Wetziar testified that he paid for aphaltunr roofing in cash four and five do lara Mitchell and Cox testified to the good manner in which Fitzpatrick had done the work Committee Tose and reported progress whereupon further consideration of the matter was put off till 19th of January Sacramento Mdbdeb Cases Before the Supreme Court yesterday the case of Williams eonvicted of tbe murder of Blanchard came up On motion Of counsel for the prisoner duplicate writs of certiorari were granted the tame being made returnable on the 2d of March next In the case of Symonds convicted of the murder of Russell leave waa granted appellant to file brief la ten days and respondent to have ten days wherein to reply appellant allowed to withdraw transcript for examination Cbossings 1 The crossings at and 7th and 8th and 6th are very bad and deserving the attention of the residents of that locality The city School Directors have made a plank walk from the north side of along Tenth street to tbe sontb side of reaching to tae new public school there Something like this should be done for the High School PaOBATE Court To dax Estate of Peter Connelly deceased ordered that the Public return of the sale of real estate and the petition for confirmation of tbe same be set for hearing on the 19th instant Estate of Peter Lubey deceased same petition as above and matter set for tbe 19th instant Argument At two this afternoon will commence the argument in the case of Carkhuff charged with the murder of Carkhuff Messrs Upton and Heacnck for the people Hereford and Williams for tbe prisoner Display Ail over the city today tbe flag of the Republic is displayed in honor of the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans end the Pscifio Railroad celebration which took place at noon Planking of their shed at the foot of street the Steam Navigation Company are extending their platform for the accommodation of freight To Practice Street and Tilden have been admitted to practice as attorneys and counsellors at law before the Supreme Court Adjourned At the conclusion of yesterday's business the 8upreme Court adjourned nntil the second of next March The Since yesterday the Sacramento river has fallen about one foot All This and on Thursday cf each week Hain aim's Fashion Restaurant Second street will be kept open till one hour past midnight Now is the time to fill your library and center-tables with valuable books and secure a nice pres snt with every book Iree by calling at Messrs Feiker 46 street Exchange St George Block At the above named saloon can always be found the tat of wines liquors and cigars Hot lunch aet daily The billiard room is in charge of Mr A Jamison will be found complete Holiday Presents of Watches and Jewelry can bo bought at cost of Wachhorst aneceasor to Wachhorst and Denver No 61 street If yon want to aave twenty per cent call upon him aad buy his goods as he Is determined to sell them at cost in order to make some new business arrangements If you do not want to buy go and examine hit stock only to compare bis prices with those of others your friends will then buy If you do not Never before bas there been a time In Sacramento whan such elegant goods could be bought so cheap Call everybody I Dr Smaug's Private Medical Office see fourth column on second page EXCLUSIVELY TO THE DAILY BEE City Slip Case Fire Matters About I a fishing the Aid for British Preparing for St A Moore Still Lives Saw Francisco Jan Another inj auction has been issued In the city slip esse John Hanna was elected foreman Pennsylvania Engine Company The Call and Herald are both oat In bitter articles because the Alta in breach of confidence as asserted published the message in advance The English Consul publishes the following appeal at the suggestion of several persona who sympathise warmly with the English operatives in their present distressed condition have opened a subscription in their behalf amongst the British residents and shall be glad to receive donations from those charitably The Irish organizations are making preparations for a St day celebration A lanatic in the Inebriate Asylnm leaped from the third story window yesterday but Is yet alive Moore who shot himself last week on Natoma atreet Is still living and in spite of the fact that the ball after grazing his heart lodged in his lang where It still remains Is steadily Improving and has a fair prospect of 8 final recovery Heavy Importations are arriving from New York but we notice that among the largest consignees you will always find the firm of Heuston Hasting Sc Co os It is a fact they have become the largest importers of ready made clothing and furnishing goods in tbe country MARRIAGES In San Francisco Jan 6th Evan Watts to Ann Prichard In San Francisco Jan 3d Christoph Hartmann to Elizabeth Hildebrandt both formerly of Hanover Germany At Grass Valley Jan 1st Wm Walters to Mary Ann Shea At Omega Nevada connty Jan 1st Peter Stull to Mary Kendall At Omega Jan 1st A Carler to Mary Cochran At Timber Cove Sonoma county Skinner to Sarah A Mallory At Greenport (L I) Dec 10th Edward Lloyd Jones of Stockton California to Mary Lord HIKTUS In this city Jan 7th the wife of Nobel of a daughter In San Francisco Jan 3d the wife of Edward Meiae of a son At Graes Valley Jan 2d the wife of Brogan of a son At Grass Valley Jan 4th the wife of James Conway -of a son DEATHS In San Francisco Jan 3d Charlotte A daughter of Moses Gibson aged 2 years and 3 months In San Francisco Jan 6th Lillian Gertrude daughter of Frank Smith aged 4 years 11 months and 6 days In San Francisco Jan 4th Frank daughter of Chat Sutton In San Francisco Jan 7th Richard Gough aged 13 months and 20 days On Shady Creek Nevada county Jan 1st George Emmons aged about 30 years At Columbia Dee 28th Mrs Mary A Jarvis aged 30 years At Columbia Dec 30th Fran Silva sged 25 years At Columbia Dec 31st YVm Daegener aged 4 years 10 months and 25 days Hawing Purchased the well known Drag House corner of end Sixth streets late Whitmore formerly Bowman Sc we will continue the Drug business in all its branchea We shall keep the largest assortment of goods and tell at the lowest prices and by prompt attention to business hope to secure the former patronage of the House and that of the public generally Sacramento January 6 1863 JUSTIN GATES Sc BROS Wholesale Druggists and Importers of Paints and Olla 1 4-1 in Notice Is hereby given that an Asses MENTOF TEN DOLLARS PER SHARE on the capital stock of the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA is due and payable at tbe office of tbe Company in the city of Sacramento on the let day of February 1863 AU shareholders are requested to make payment on or before that time or such assessments wiil be promptly collected in the manner prescribed by law LELAND STANFORD President Jakes Bailee- Secretary Sacramento December 26 1862 d27 a NEW STYLES OF HATS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ARE NOW READY AT HATTER 89 ST HIS STOCK COMPRISES THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF and HATS AND CAPS IN THE STATE EP Hals and Caps made to order cheaper than can be got elsewhere Country Orders promptly attended to If QUINN Hatter d22 lm street BOOKS BOOKS SUITABLE FOR THE LIBRARY OR CENTER TABLE AT THE GIFT BOOK STORE Na 46 atreet bet 2d and 3d OUR STOCK CONSISTING OF History Biography Voyage and Travels Romance Mechanic Poetry Cookery Juvenile etc together with fine assortment of Family Bibles Prayer Book Albums of 11 description Annuals etc which we intend to sell the lowest price and give with EACH BOOK a GIFT varying in value From 50 Cents to $100 OUR PRESENTS COMPRISE Gold and Silver Watches Ladie Feta of Cameo Enamel Lava Corai Ribbon and Moaaie Gold and Silver Pencil and Pina Rings Porte Monuaies Knives Purses etc Gent1 Fob Chain -Studs Sleeve Buttons Bracelet and Lock-fto Armlet Neck Chains etc Large and small Cross together with a large assortment of present too numerous to mention Call and examine our mode of doing business ana lesrn for yourselves A gift accompanies tbo tale of each book worth from 50 cents to $100 FELKER BEAN Sc CO Proprietors To A meeting will be held In the African Methodist Church on Fourth street at 7 o'clock this evening for the purpose set forth in the advertisement Passengers There arrived in California by sea daring the year 1862 28937 persons and in tbe same period the departures amounted to 11481 gain 17456 Murder A band of Medoe Indians killed on tbe 25th nit a little daughter of a Mr Johnson In Butte Creek Valley Siskiyou county The coinage at tbe San Francisco Branch Mint daring the year 1862 amounted In value to $17986-785 The exports from San Francisco of California produce other than mineral In 1862 were worth ten and a half million dollars Read tbe advertisement in another column of the re-opening of the International Hotel by Mrs Ruff This well known Hotel is in the business part of the city and should be well patronized Notice Call on Quinn batter and get one of his best silk hats made to order Price $7 second quality $6 Dr Priyate Medical Office see foui tb column on second page 1863 1863 1863 1863 a CIO TO LAEIOTT 37 street near corner of Second AND PURCHASE ONE OF HI8 DRESS HATS If you want something to make yon appear Genteel If yon want a CAP go to If yon want a set of FUR 3 go to If yon want an UMBRELLA go to If yon want a HAT or CAP for a CHILE go to LAMOTT'S HE HAS ON HAND The Finest and Most Modern Style Of Goods to found in the State and sells them 25 PER CENT LESS than any house in Sacramento 37 STREET CORNER SECOND j5 lm GOODWIN CO (Branoh of Goodwin Co 628 Washington Street San Franolsoo) IMPORTERS No 87 street bet 3d and 4th 8 A A erri jfc FURNITURE AND BEDDING WHOLESALE AND RETAIL RICH AND COMMON FURNITURE CHEAP No 87 st bet 3d and 4th Saoramento No 628 Washington atreet San Franolsoo Corner of and First streets Marysville j2-lm fiOOPWIN A CO CAPITOL CHOP HOUSE AND LADIES RESTAURANT STREET BET SECOND AND THIRD Building MB A MRS II BATTENBERRY Proprietor BOARD BY THE WEEK Oysters Game Chops Steaks etc FRENCH AND AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY CONSIST! 10 OF Ohooolate Drops Ohooolata Cream Ohooolate Oaramsls Rose Almonds Vanilla Almonds Burnt Almonds Cordial Candle Cream Candles Gam Drops Bonbons Oornaoopls Eto eto eto HOLIDAY FEASTS Extra Mince Flee Extra Pumpkin Pisa Jellle Charlotte Rasas Ice Cream (m pyramid) Cream Oakaa Ooooanut Cakes Maooaroona Ratafias Lady Finger Currant Jelly Oakes Raspberry do Stawberry do Eto eto oto JUST RECEIVED -AT KR0NTHAL CORNER THIRD AND STS by THE LAST STEAMER -STl ANEWLOT OF THE VI -IAlatest STYLES-lI OF ALL AND WINTER CLOTHING I d201m rr DENTAL GOODS trrrrf Lt? Denial Importing Hsum- MCDONALD CO Druggists INf ITE THE ATTENTION OF THE Dental Profession to onr large aasortment of Dental Goods the following comprising a part only 20C0 plai and Pivot Teeth 4000 Gum Teeth 80 H) Teeth for Vulcanite Work Gum and Plain 300 book White's gold foil Abbv Sc Gold Foil Watts' Crystal FoU and Sponge Gold Tin Foil and Piatlna Plate Gold Plate and Solder Dental Chairs Head Rests DENTAL Forceps of all kinds Files Ivory Handled Pluggers and Scalers Steel and Wire Handled Pluggers and Scalers Excavators Burrs Drills Screws Punches Hooks Broshes Lathes Grindstones Polish Powders Carnndum Wheels Mouth Mirrors all patterns CASES best containing a large number of Instruments Mouth Mirrors etc Case made of Mahogany brats bound with drawers etc all complete price according to size and style from $76 to $175 each ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS Consisting of Upper and Lower Maxiliariet carved exhibiting nerve on one side and Artery and Vein on tbe other Head with carved Jaw exposing Fangs of Teeth 32 in number Vulcanizers Vulcanite Teeth Rubber and everything for doing Vulcanite Work in tbe latest and most approved styles together with nearly everything used by Dentists all ot which we shall tell at very low prices and respectfully solicit Dentists to caU and examine and price onr goods Goods packed with care and forwarded by express or otherwise to all parts of the Pacific coast ii McDonald Ac co j21m Wholesale Druggists Sacramento SACRAMENTO CLASSICAL SCHOOL 7 mHE NEXT TERM WILL OPEN JL OH FRIDAY JANUARY 2 1883 On lOtk tree I between I and gy For Circulars stating Terms etc or for admission apply to the Principal d30-lm PARIS STREET RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT! FARE REDUCED I CARH WILL LKAVR Front and streets for AGRICULTURAL I PARK every half hour frem 9J A a to 4j j-e Saturday and Sunday every half hour Will leave the PARK every hour from 10 A a to 5 a Saturday and 8unday every half hour' RATE3 OF FARE raoa kighth stoxkt to the fabk One Hundred Fores 00 Thirteen Tickets 1 00 Single Tickets cente raoa second stbskt to thk faxk One Hundred 00 Twelve Tickets 1 00 fbom second street to the state house One Hundred Fares 00 Twenty Tickets----- 08 d-24-tf HENRY M- STOW REMOVED GAME HONEY POULTRY UTTER CHEESE EGGS ETC CULVER BURNHAM atreet between Third mmd Fanrtk (Two doors West of their old pl) Have on hand and are receiving fresh every day ofi the shove articles which they sell at the LOWEST MARKET PRICER I wj 2TK KRPI AJVD GOLD Tnst Dealer ibt6 the litlDIUM It will be bought the CAlIfORN I A GOLD PER FACTORY Ka 748 wlahinffton street three door below Dupont itreet wnsmpgw aierm rtf th Gold PvBM The atttentlon of the Ladies ia called to hit superior stock of Fruit Found and Sponge Cakes Richly Fretted and Ilandaem ly Dree rated ORNAMENTINGDONE TO ORDER Jf STREET BET SECOND AND THIRD Building lot CHRISTMAS CAKES ORNAMENTED AND PLAIN OF ALL SIZES and UNSURPASSED in QUALITY Likewise SMALL CAKES of aU kinds and in great abundance at The Old Sacramento Cracker Cake and Bread Bakery NO 154 STREET d22-lm MORGAN.

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