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The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California • 2

Sacramento, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 KEAI ESTATE AXD INSURANCE TO-IJ At 'S ADO ENTS AivnoNs GOODS Advi'HRntiriR In thl- coiuuin will be inecjted d- column UK DAILY BEE rt juauru tViit ivtsiNt) (handoy excepted) XT iAnrS MfflATfHT A CO elrtUC lnbiisber end Proprietor TEBkTS: EEK (by Carrier) 13) Cent t- e'v oopic 1 Mi nth by mail (in advance) Hi i Months One Year 05c 13 eo 3 60 8 00 'sflSee-fer Third and streets TEE 8IM0NT0N ALTA LIREL SUIT Simolituu of New York managing agent for the Associated uud one of the owners of the Han Franeisuo Bulletin and Han Francibeo Call sued the Alta for libeling him laying his damages at 50000 The ease was iu the Third District Court before Judge McKee who yesterday made a decision deuyingthe motion of defendant to strike out that portion of the eompluint alleging that the failure of the Bank of California was caused by the acts of its own officers and not by the acts of the plaintiff The Judge held thut the libelous publication wus directed at plaintiff both in personal and business relations therefore it was proper that he should be allowed to prove its falsity by fixing the responsibility for the fuil-ire of the hank This is an important ruling and will bring into the Court and lay before the public a history of the entire management of that bank This same plea was made by Pickering and Fitch when they sued the Alta for libel but anothe District Judge ruled it out mul refused to let them prove the faJs Now that difficulty is overcome the officers of tho Bank of California can be placed upon the stand and Kimonton we hear confident that he can prove all that his papers charged! CLOSING UP THE CASE Eowuii says to Plymouth Church a fair oiiiiiuottee and I will go with my proofs before it and let Beecher come with his and I will prove him guilty as charged or step down and But Plymouth would not accept the challenge as she says it is not Beecher but Bowen thut she is ufter! Then Bowen asked ten days to prepare his documents and that the committee refused so Bowen says ell I'll prove it now if you insist upon But Plymouth met again and the committee was instructed to give him the ten days asked for Then the Friday night meeting came lust night and Beecher himself made full reference to the matter saying that if charges are true that he Beecher should have been torn from the pulpit long ago and if they nre not true (and he declared them to be false one and all) then Bowen should be hastily precipitated from that congregation He arraigned Bowen as a slanderer and liar and on taking his scat the whole church clapped hands stamped feet and hallooed joyfully in honor of tho great pastor and unparalleled preacher There can he no doubt that Beecher carries his congregation with him and that he and Plymouth must stand or fall together The cuso has gone too fur now to permit of their separation Victory for one is victory for both nnd the defeat of Beecher must engulf Plymouth in a mass of ruins If the temple falls all must bo crushed but Beecher if he sinks will go down like tho good ship Cumberland iu Hampton with guns booming flags flying and shouts of defiance from all on deck fl FELDHEihl REAL ESTATE ASD GENERAL AUCTIONEER 93 street fVtnrrn Titirl hii1 foiirtli BOOKS! BOOKS! HIM Vr KOI I) AT AUCTION! SATURDAY instant a choice collection of See hand Rooks coiupridUij olid Medical Legal Scieniific Mis' cellaneous Authors BUST BE SOLO WITHOUT RESERVE Now Open for Inspection A COMPLETE SET OF ENCYCLOPEDIA onmence at 7 TI FELDIIE1M Auctionrr SALK DAYS Tuesdays and Fridays At 10 Jj o'clo a 1 Outdoor Sales attended to and Advances made on Consignments ILHIm SIMMONS (Harv) SURCEON mi iiajifmo OlUce hmirifc to 111 a 2 to 4 7 to 8 fVlm'Jp TELLURIUM! TELLURIUM! JTIIIK I Fill lirAU itmii 7 IKON MtNINO COMPANY rniiUinliiv tho hove valuable tut pnri hnsed nml sold by f4tr A Mt KINNON (i'i st PVrANY CHICAGO SALOON SIXTH AM II SI'S V' DLLANV i il'-lni REMOVAL a itAiii MAcin ii lomn ly of the Dun-kft Rath lleuse has moved to the Orhaus llnir Jircnsing Saloon and Rarber Shop In re he will be glad to sec all his friends and iil pav tin nt all attention ns formerly RKMA('1IKK J-'Jw Orleans Hotel Vd st hi and WAIT MtTHM'AltV A lI AI IU iuiiI Mo iein fioutha-t Cmtnrof lv and Second streets fJllu2p DR V0ELLER HI ftn TO THIS Ityfruu a hmg journey to (icrmany le for the purpose of getting acquaint with tin lalcst improvemeiitM ami progress of tle medical profession I send greeting to nil inv fttrmer friends and arquatittmces eumbln ing ith this the notice that 1 have resunud tlie un ilicnl practice in this place Ullbo Masonic Hall corner Sixth und streets up-stairs Sacramento io-liu If VOKLI EU Dicsoluticn of Partnership mif tnfore eti'-iing hitwien tin uuderngm'd ihh this day been di-solved by niutnal com Hnt lttlH party ill sign the natne of tlie firm in liquidation JILIFS HIRFT will bust' c-i oil bis own account at the Old Stand 41 st Sacramento Situ Frnm isco lehrunry 1 lK7d J1FNRY A Ft JLiilFK STIU'T JULIUS STRUTZ A TO FOX A ST It II 1 niirtr utul I'l-niir In INE FRENCH BRANDIES WINEa iioruuoN WHISKIES ANTI At I KINDS OF Ilql'OUS V' Agent LrHhawhan Distilbrv Rnnrlvnco Kentucky Fcrd Wbiskica Carte do Yenoge Champagne II street Niierimieiitu fh-lm RECEIVED FIIEAFII MIIPfr- soeitis fy Ol AllTKE SOEITIS E-' IOO IlnsKcts TltH Carte d'or de Venoge Co CJIIA311AOIVK Quarts and Pinta JlTll'sritl'T i)Aw Huccenpot to FOX A rujETiz (OisrjLt JULIUS WETZLAR or Aiir PI DI IF A VI ('OKI! hlONHt ir tbeHtateof Newt ii ESTATE AuEN'T Dtl Negotiator of ot! fl-liu HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY II It I A sakii: Fapitnl 8300003 JULirs M'ETZLAU A WETZLAB Manage Society By I'tvlor of the FiwntiT- Oommlttre all Premtmrisof the IloME ML'TDal Insoraao Go are to be invented fn Bacramonto Fourth at root hot and li Kelt to Capital Saving Back June 10th 1871 fl-ltn JULIUS WETZLAB Mjnavrr SliEETSERAALSIP REAL ESTATE 4 INSURANCE AGTS OFFICE-47 FOURTH STi btwf between aud corner ot Alley FJf Kentlng louees buyfcg and nelling Real state made a specialty WE IiEPRE BENT THE IMPERIAL and QUEEN INS CC3 OF ENGLAND SIS 000 000 Uol aETNA INSURANCE CO OF HABTFOBD A-t 80 OSS 071 40 CALL AND SEE OUK HOUSES TO LET fl-ltn COLEMAN Real Estate Salesroom Ao 89 Rtreft AC-KXT TOR THE LIVERPOOL JJk au nd Lendon and Globe Insurance Co aud for the Now York Life Insurance Co Also Agent fur the FIllKMAN'R FUND Insur ane Co Real Kstate bought and sold on com-niisaioD f91m STOCKS ebw mvLum co tTOUK LXf ll VNfE and IIONET BROKERS STRUT FKIVATK TltANGE ON TXIlltD liny anil (toll on omrnlsalon Mini Guo M'ator luourance and all kirda Stuck BundH etc through tlie San UraDcovcu Stock and Exchange Buard ASSESSMENTS PAID DIVIDENDS COLLECTED Ithout Charge fJ Im'p EDW CADWALADEIt A CO JOS AGARD STOCK BROKER OFFICE 4 I STIttET cT( iiH hoi fai ami mii k7 Oommisiiion and carried on Margin Agent Hartford Fire luuranee Co J2)-lntSp A TOf ll i(i: mi I MONEY UHOKKlt S3 street Buys and aelts Minin Stuck on Cnniiiiipatuu tlironli the San Franciacu stuck and Kxcliange Board Assessments I'aid It I I 1 ends jFi-lm fo I I I 0 A M'KINNON Mi'siCAL iNsnti 'ti ims STEINWAY 1 I A A IIKVNAX J71? SOLE AGENT I atroit iK tween fitli and 7tU Opponlia Ihe Court Hoiihe PIANOS TO LET PiauoB Bold on inHtnllmentK Mm CHICKERISG8 SONS' PIANOFjORTES! IAKfti ftf'K tF IhcBe Cclcliralcd I nstril-mcntH may lie seen A TIIF DEPOT IN THIS CITY 1 HAMMER'S 2SO street between Sill Oth They having been Rolectcd in person at th factory by Mr Hammer The attention nf the public In solicited for the NEW PATENT UPUIGHT CUICKEIUNG a bcautiiul inMtrumcht "hat Vou l)n I ovi Nil) The world renowned HANS VON BELOW Bayof thin instrument: "It i not only the flneet in America Imt tlie Dnext in tlie wind world Who coutd help playing well on such an I'lnitos In rent COiHBINATION TABLET PIN CASE and MIRROR (C0MLINED) I 23 Eesertial for the pocket of every Lady Gi nt'e-mau Boy and Girl A libernl Itlseonit to the Trade DALE CO general agents 30-tin 8ACUAMENTO KAERTH i-ii kei fouuii AND FIFTH HAS INSTORE THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS SHOESsgi IN THIS CITY IN THIS CITY AT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION HYMAN JR AND ATtTI A JEWELER street between nth ml fth baa always on hand a rhoirn variety Jne WATtllEH DIAMONDS JfcwkhkTML! Lit WAKE CLOCKS Spectacle to suit 1) ages and Ucecriptlum Oper pwket ColupBKe etc WAtcliea and Climnooietcra cap-fuliy repairtd and warranted fg-lm CARRIAGE PAINT EEIIOVED SHOP 1VIIIIAJI la KOIT'F tiM-vt rcmmcl hi niDgi PaintX'tiiA Hlmp fnim I bird utrert ht-iwm I mid To 7iii'iii hlh near 8th imap NOTICE TO PAINTERS FlttIM)S4IS Mill 7 Ruceived until Fchrmiry I-th at the orhee of th City Hallway rumpany btri tween vth anil loth for pointing Loot Pork Building Th Executive Committee ri-aeiv-ing tlie right to rcjint ony or all hid THAYER HailwavJ HACKS! HACKS! Tli Finest Turnout! In the lly JW IISON FIHIFIII TO or TH XTRAORDI BARGAINS! PREPARATORY TO STOCK TAKING XVIC TO THE AltAKMIXtt HCAUCITY OF MONEY after the Holi-daya and the Jnelemeaey of the Season wa bava come to tho conclusion that there must tie some Uraiail Inducement OJfrrftd to bring Ladies out purchasing Dry Goods Therefore Quotaiions on a few of tho LEADING ARTICLES in the different departments will Guffico to show the public what we propose doing during the coming Two Weeks: 25 pairs Mission Reduced from $1B to $7 50 30 pair Fxtra Regular price Reduced to $9 50 1 bale of Gray Blankets at $2 25 per pair A point Gray Blankets Reduced from $5 to $2 60 Extra Heavy Re-duued from $6 60 to $4 50 pieces All-wool White Flannel at 20 cents per yard Gilbert's 4-4 White Regular price 50 Reduced to 37 6 cents Bullervale Flannel Reduced from 75 to 00 cents Murvsville XXX Extra Heavy Red Twill Reduced from 75to02c 1 bale All-Linen 10 cents per yard Double-width Heavy Re-ducul to 25 cents Fine Heavy Irish Reduced to 37 cents per yard Table Linen Napkins and Towels at wholesale prices All American Prints Reduced to 8c Best quality of C'auton Reduced from 37 to 25 ceuts Brown and White Cantou Flannel very 12 Hi rents Bradford Poplins Corded Plain Reduced to 20 ceuts Empress Cloths nil new' shades-Reduced from 50 to 37 cents All Dress Goods Reduced In proportion Pim Bros' duced to $2 lleul Irish Re- Hosiery Gloves Ilandker hieis Corsets La-dt0H and Children's Underwear Reduced to One-third their actual value iu order to close out our Entire Stock of Winter Goods II1 Htrct't' SACRAMENTO 6 Do HOOTS AMI SHOES WJ IMPORTER BOOTS SHOES! LEADER IN STYLE! UNEQUALED IN QUALITY ASTONISHINGLY LOW -PRICES! 41 i i f09 Ladies French Kid Button Gaiters $5 00apr French Balmorals 4 00 Kid -Foxed Button Gaiters 3 00 Kid-Fox Balmorals 2 00 Calf 1 75 Children's Calf 1 25 Mor 1 25 Shoes 4 and 6 Bits Hand-sewed Boots 7 00 French Calf Cable Screwed 5 00 Kip Boots Tap-sole 3 00 And all other Goods at Astonishingly Lew Prices WJ 1S8 I JT Mti-eet Near corner 7th Sacramento at the rate of five cents pf line for fiv linen or oyer for one time -om-half fabowc rates for each su1rqiieut linw ti'u Ko notice taken for lew than 23 cents Payment positively in advance 0R SALE Em it kaii- a mi io(M) pair of Black Mares gentle aud good trav-t iers weigh pjou ea good arnage or Hearse Animals: RYAN f5-tf Fourth aud I streets rixo TAII OilH-A It ilti II AM -M For sale a well-established Men hant Tai loring bunnees in Sacramento City Gallon or address 1 RAINOIt 2S0 st ftblw Hoist am i ot foii aie situated ou btre-t between Rith and 14th Lot 4U bv JfiO Terms mcKb ruTe Apply at 1441 street between and lfth fJ-lw HOP A MAX HAAINO five to $ix huudred dollars emu buy a halt interest in au old established Hop Yaid of nine acres for this season crop Inquire at the Orucery Store of GK1BBLE A CU corner Front and 1 stg f7-2w fi1 DLE HORSK five years old is sound in every and capable of undergoing long trljis Will Le wild on reasonable terms Apply at Rfr office f7-tf llOlt HA 4 44000 Alb tTiiike nkat new j-' AIK NAIF OK TO IIKNT LOTS with Furniture Choice Fruits and Flowers inavery desirable location Apply on premises to JACKSON f7-lm 2-ifi Rtreet Hark rikixess oppor TL A Millinery Dry floods md Fancy Goods Htor doiug a good business in the best mining town in the State will Ik sold cheap if applied for in thirty days For particulars apply to STKVLNS at A Stewart A Co's corner nth and streets Sacramento tf 1 A li -THK STOC OF GKOCEPILS Provisiona Fixtures aud gMl will of the Rig Tree Groeiry Store cor Kighth and streets If not sold within two wtt liK the same will closed out at cost Jj7tf WHITE HAZLETON SAIK- TWO llAbAIKIht 'tables (marly new) called The Devil Among the Apply to Union Concert Saloon rH street in the evening jlO-tf PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE MTVMMI'EB A I JO II rii ii EL PRINTING OFFICE of the late Herald Publishing Conipany is offered for sale at a btiij'uui sides the fonts of news type (new) and compute Job Printing Office there is offered a neat-working Hoe press (small sie) three Gordon presses good Paper Cutbr shafting belting etc Also the usual number of stone ataudtf etc to be found in a fir-d class printing office Address the Bek Office lor information flu-tf FOR SALE ONE EIMAVf UNE 1111 I liilviT-iiluti'A M'li-clcr Million s-'WiiiK MuHiioc nut Also novrr1 other m-ciiii'cH of various uoikos will old at bar-pains for cash or ou liberal installment terms Apply to MASSEY TAI HEMIEIMEK Canpet Dealers and Agents for the sale of the drover A llaker bewinif Muehitiea No 1 4 street Hae'to jH-tf TO LET IMitMsiirn kooks to iet ix a private iauiily at 317 I street near kth 1'10-tf EAST PARK KEVF-THEKI IIIHKiil I Hnloon ut East Dark ill be on reasonable terms to a responsible paitjb Lbtf rev" iet -the nei'oxi stoiiy bL of building soothfast eornor of fth ant stre ts coutaninK live largo rooms aiol bathroom Impiiro of I (HIKE A I4 LNSUN It-tf 11 IttHHIS Tt No rfi street near Third Mrs 00(4 has iiit chiKR fnrnislnd nsinis for Gentlemen or Families by the day week or month at reasonable rates MBS OGG IM-Ini Br iprietresp WANTS Vi AGKRSof the Centennial Tea Patty a I VAX theiaiiy max- Pit ture representing a of the Republican (Vnirt of tin Revolutionary Kra Any one posse sing a Picture will confer a great favor bv Imiiiing it to tlie Committee on Rein a who Will be responsible fori a keeping aud return in good order fll-tf AVnR RY A TIIOK4MCil business man who can invest three t) fi vt thm-und dollars an Interest ill an estrib-lihhed businePH Apply ut tills office fRJ-tf fAXltD-A MTIATIOX KY A Jhir-tender of eight years' experience this i thee Lett LOST CIS Till KSIAY ither In the Theater or at Oyster fir between thnue two places a Clil'S TKR DIAMOND Hoveti stones Tim finder will be liberally rewarded on leaving Hie same ut this office flLJt CENTIME NOTICES TIIE CURREN CY QUESTION oluiMtou ill lelir an address upon the unitizing of mind greenback issues direct from th UK itfkeinmeiit upon the basis of intt 011-vrlibe bonds -Hint up tin repeal of the National Bank issues -on SATURDAY KVLN-ING Feb pjth at 7 in Pioneer Hall Ladies nnd gentlemen and all interested are cordially invited 1'rce admittance til 2t AlleiilioiiFx- empts! A sperial meeting of IheKxempt Fire-men's Association ot Sacramento will be held MONDAY KVKNJNO Feb 14 H7ti at at Firemen's Hall Matters of great importance will be brought before the meeting Lveiy member is notified and requested to be present Dated Hucnimento February 11 1X70 DANIKL BltOVN President Giuyvk I JoiiNHfiN Secretary fll-td wVTIm uiMierltfTH most re spectfully requests all delinquent sul'scnbers tuviird Ihe NLW CHKISTIVN RROTMLRS' COliLtiF semi in their subscriptions us soon ns possible ns the building will he completed the of tliis week ami he will mt le able otherwise to pay the ttiiu uiit the coutraet culls tor HCANLAV Pustor of r't Rose Chur California Iron Mining and Smelting Company Annual of llio y7Sr California Iron Mining and Smelting Company will he held at the office of the Secretary I Avery I atr et between t'th arid Tth on SATURDAY tin l'dh day of February ut 7 i OllicerM will be elected aud other business transm ted GUUKNK CURTIS Preuident XL Avaiiv Sc retary Ll-ttl HENRIETTE FG0ETZ Alton SF I'EITUSIIIICO Russia the most Celebrated Fortune Teller in the world Celebrated by tho projdiecy made tho Fmpress of Russia in 1 stiff (''rreet information ab ut the past and future will be given aud slii dism tln guar-fWiteed Office-Ninth street between 0 md West second house from fbliu ro ftxm) ixyixtii) XYall street often leads to Fortune page Rook expi'ilniug everything and ii rop of Wall street Review sent Fix' JNi) HICK LING CO Bankers and Brokers 72 Broadway rjiy GUITAR LESSONS PIIOUSSOII 1 i l)OKUib9 tlie grrnti at Guitar Flayer in the world and late nf Europe and New York City haa arrived and will give Ionkoumou the Guitar and Bavjo For pnitii nUrH apply at the comer of Fourth and LhtreetR ff-lw AUCTION SALE Mininxs a Tl'JNELKS will Boll on Alt- WEDNESDAY Wednesday February ldtli at o'clock AM AT STORE OF 111 KHMER ESQ Kixtli ft ii (I Keteiitli The entire balance of nt a now on hand consisting of and Underwear Ladies' and Hosiery Fiitiry hildren Jet and 4 rral Jntelry ollators NhrhliitMion Cases The entire stixk must be Bold to close the biiKim bk positive Terms gold coin blMMUN'SACU Auctioneers AUCTION SALE REAL ESTATE! hlMXIOXH A CO AICTIOX- LE KRS will il SATURDAY 4th I ofl at 11 oVloek a by order of Kirk Administrator the K-u tale of ACliuiksoii deceuM'd tlie fob 1 iwmg dcHcnbid i roperty being llu Tnt Tracts of Liunl Rdng known an Pi) and lying 'Uth ot the City Kacramento ItNotice td otte Properly will be given previous to hale hile ooeilive TVnmi gold coin frj-lt hIMjIUNhi: CO Am rg dj sm" iiliiiOl'i TOJ DAXIS REAL ESTATE and A-iietionoei'K Yt sired a co Libera) a'luri made on consignments eiliiu: Hpedal uUeution paid to sales at fi-lm RATIIEOHE RANGES AM I HE IIEST Ah-MItlTJItM' A OF WOOD AND COAL PALLOR STOVES MOTT jn II tut AA 1 Ktnct n-3-lm JAMES McGUIIlE AMF I Klitt lltox JtoorH Khutti rs Rtulirgs Orntnws Housework and Hlaelvsinltliing iu general Nc 14H street between Pth and tith hand Doors forsale fl'J-lm BYERS FRITZ UNDERTAKERS li Mrcot (In Odd Fellows' Tern are pn pined to a(bnl to tirders 1 Minerals fnmi city or ci-untry Cases Caskets Hlifonds etc fiiistfiiith on hnml fl'2-lm SALOON OPENING ML B) VBlIt'N 71 Alii bet ween lid and 4th Will be opened TU-VOUKOW NlttllT Mini the proprietor invites Id- triends und thu public t( call upon this occasion A I II! Iniila xt ill hi Serteil I Administrator's Sale tate of Real Es- is civin in pursuance of ti order of toe Probate Court of the County of Heramento Stale of Calttornia made on tin 17th day of May lH7o in the mutter of the ratateof A Hinkum deceased the undersigned Kduiinis trnt or of said estate will sell at publie nil tioli to the bhltb lor ea-h ill i pan el nnd subject to continuation by said Probate Court on 8ATL HDW the Ith day of March ImTiI nt 10 o'clock Mat the an tlon roniuM of Hi inn ions Co Kmn th between nud street In the city nt Sacramento nil the dit title nud lot re and estate of the Haiti iiitestiite at the time of his death nnd all the right title and interest that the said Inis by operation of law or otherwise acquired other than or in addition to of tin said IiiIi h-tiite at the time of his death In ami all that lot piece or parcel of land situate lying nud being in tin sidd enmity of Hat nnm nto nud described uh follows to-wit: Known an loti IHty-niie and sixty ofthe trru 1 ol laud Ijing nit li of tin city of Summit nto eounty ami State nloivsnul und known rH the Ten A' Ah" l)e hnndn i shuns of the capital stock of the Potosi Mill ami Mining Company 'terms and condition of sale cat-h ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid to the nm tloneer on tin day of snb balance on confirmation of snle bv said Probate Court Deed at expense of pun baser Sacramento Feb 11 1h7i R1KK Adminishator of the estate of A Kiukson deceiiM-d ITJ-lauilw vimii: i that iu HOT AIR BATHS 83 STREET UPSTIIRS jfiOlItM OI RS! Uv suiting fnm rnh fogs and damp weuther aie enuslrg Kidney troubles I Lame Rack Jumbago ID emunliMii and Nen-ralgl i nnd to nvold or to be speedily Cured of the above troubles resort uh sensible men nud women to the Kb eini-U agaielie llnlli IXiiDliHluiiriit nnd take a Russiun Tmkib tr Hot Air Rath in connection with the AiljiiHtiilde loriro nnd we will insure relief Medicated Rnlhsof every description carefully and skillfully administered Physii intis of any school can rely ou having Ratlin given ns dim ted Wenlsopre-pure the leclro ID It or Sup rter for ill i cmnle Weakness price hll diiections Xv nbo (rmt all sis Still Joints nnd Rigid Muscles bv ihe Moil ipnllik4 ot bxririM Maehiuo-to which we e-ll the pHrth ular attention of nil physician to omo see ami in vt stignte Any ot the nhoo tieutment inliuiiustered from a to nnd Irom 7 to Hours for Ladies from to 4 i xt Will cost von nothing to come see and eomnlt itmm 4 No HS street (Second hlgu the Adinstu-hie Magnet MONEY! KOKEY! OK IILN TH Mil KPILNDID liroiiku kiltirc I ramc Wax Flowsr MuteriuN etc at about HALF PRICK Cnmw soon or splendid bargains KARTELL t'17-lmlp J'itth slreetnenr a i i os IR took the only Gobi ModilC TtJj ii nWi VI- Muthurhek Pianc Organs HcciguMihii ami heap i iunoB at Lowest Prices Pianos to rent Call on JOHN CJOiKlt otner of Slain nml I streets ED SMITH AO Kill 111 WITH WITIS FA It- Co toicr-hhur to HTLINMAN AN ATTMAN ARCADE CIGAR STORE Importer and aler in llnvana ami DomesMc Urn nud Tobacco pt lor the eelehrated st Mat ins Phiying Cards 1 1 I Seeontl twe ami i d- joining ells Fargo A Co Vutlioe Sacraim uto n-iii BULBS BULBS i tlnr IT'MVIItiXL mills HY Anvils 11 vari-tlc AtllY TFM1-S DLU3 ETC OF IIikIm STONC fil-lm a and 10 Btrivt at 200 Loads of BRICKBATS fob in Juiiulr of JAMES O'NEIL Lid ntret't or (lie Yart 11th nml Ulh ami itnaU The first Edition ol the lire is issued each afternoon in time to be placed on board the East-bound Overland train at 3 o'clock also on the Oregon train at 3 dO The Second Edition Is placed on the train for Vallejo Napa Woodland and handing and on the Sacramento Valley Railroad for Folsom Shingle Springs etc Passengers by the above rontea will find the Bet for sale by the newsb-ys on the trains Its newB is from 15 to 30 hours later than that of any other paper published the lame day either In San Francisco or Sacra niento Dispatches from the East and Europe are received np to half-past 2 o'clock Yours came too lute for this issue hut in time for the next Anotheb phase of the economic tide is seen iu the Resolution to disallow mileage to any man who does not pay fare by stage rail or steamer! Start the Inquisition! The Assembly seems determined not to let the Democratic party become responsible for certain measures aimed nt the press which have gone through the Senate It kills them as fast ns they come A New Y'oiik dispatch states that there is but little doubt that Bowen will lio excommunicated from Plymouth There is not any doubt of it There is one too many in that Church nnd Uowen will have to leave Hevebdy Johnson attended at the residence of the Governor of Maryland on Thursday to be present at a State dinner and while walking in tho garden about dark he fell over an embankment fractured his skull nud died His age was 80 years 1 Hoarding The Call of to-day says gold until enough is -in tho vaults to justify a commencement to redeem greenbacks in gold is such an absurdity that thoso who advocate it may well be churged with a design to bring ridicule upon the idea of The woman found drowned in ft well at tho nursery on Harrison and Twentieth streets San Franeisei has been identified as Adelia Boyle wife of Henry Boyle a second-hand furniture deuler on Market street Mr Boyle states that his wife had been iu un unsound state of mind for some days and had undoubtedly committed suicide Tub Democratic members of Congress are in session on tho currency question Tho opinion is said to prevail among them that resumption iH impossible in 1871) and therefore the Act requiring it should he repealed TVo do not suppose that they will havo the sense to declare thut greenbacks shall be made a legal tender for customs! Some of the members of the House are afflicted by twinges of conscience and have resolved to repent nnd seek salvation by moving to scind tho vole by which tho Chaplain was expelled If his praj ers are likely to have any the least good effect on that House the people of California can well afford to pay him five dollars a day for his intercession in its behalf Thebe was a fine debate in the State Senate yesterday on the location ol a certain portion of the Southern railroad but it ended iu smoke nnd the whole subject was indefinitely postponed The resolutions under debate could not have effected anything if they had passed for the changes of route niudo had already been authorized hence the Senate after much legal palaver came to the conclusion to have nothing more to lo with it Thebe is considerable talk among many prominent stock brokers anil business men of Portland Oregon about organizing a Stock Board to operate iu stocks of Idaho and Eastern Oregon It is believed the movement will result in the organzation of a Board which will tend to largely increase the value of stocks of those sections and ns many capitalists there arc holding large interests in the mines of Eastern Oregon the movement is likely to be well sustained by the publico Consolidated Vibginia paid 10 a share yesterday as dividend for tho month The company first commenced paying divid'-nds in May 1871 of 3 per share In March 1873 the dividends were increased to 10 per share and this is the twelfth consecutive dividend of that Amount that has been paid Up to this date it has huid in dividends 150 per share or a total of $10200000 As the dividends represent 50 per cent of the yield the product of the mine for the past twenty-two months bus been upwards of $30-000000 With 100000 the Funded Debt Commissioners Lave purchased $300-000 of our city bouds with their interest coupons Thus they not only stop interest on this amount but take it and purchase therewith other bonds nnd other coupons so that iu a few years more this Commission if permitted to continue will have for ono-sdith of our city debt purchased one-half thereof and tinder their system thut half will purchase the other half and wipe it all out at a cost to the people of not over twenty cents on the dollar Of course those who understand the subject will not consent to tin abolition of this Commission Merllnt Notices I ly1 nnt more tluill live lilies In- oited for 3- cents for ore time Five cents for (soli line over live payment rutnely in ru'va'ne Equally iiberui terms for ants Lest Found For Sale To Iet etc etc Fiilhcr ifln will I f- cull upon the 'iruaburor aud have the name deemed wyl'nrf Holding thew Soeirty a THE LAST MEETING 4 if flic roMail form Mr Chem'yV Hinging Class he nt the Lecture-room of the Sixth btr Methoiliht Church on MONDAY evening next Feb 1 Ith coinnH UcinK nt 7 o'clock All houh who would like to join a cIhhh lor ait tin term either fur beginners tr advanced aingiTH are invited to be present fl l-lt ol It ii 1 it Mating (j will lie held MoNlMY FVFNINu' at 8 oVloek nt the Pavilion Kv member requested to be preseit un buhiiits of import' auce will be tnuiHaetcd by order A fl Commander Jollier Mathew TAIt So 1 The regular publie temporaii Ineetuioi the alnne Society ill be held TO-MoltJtOSV (Mundav) KVKNINO Fed pith 7 oVloek Prof if (loin of Woodland will deliver the addresn Mrs WO Fib (by ijuesl) will recite The Kin ItiU by the following Indio and nentleme Mrs A Lott Mrs Martin Mian Farrell Mr liooticy Recitation Mcshw McCloy and lames Colley Seleetiona on (initar by Prof burivo Minn I1 WPliuiHon will preside at the piano 'I he public are cordially invited Scuta tree A UYliNP President TnovtAR CowtY Set retmy M2-lt METROFCLUAN THEATER Conl MISS KATIE MAYIISW 1 1 A Ii 'I emit SA'-JUMrMo IVhnuty 7 luTfi MInw Uiillt)biylton: Munir in to expreHK in a aula iMnil wa our appreciation of jour lilenta as an indrenH uud in Home Blight give you for you lnborainour half we bg Ictvi to nder you a Complimentary IbnHit bal iu it to you Judgment to designate the tune lot calculate to carry out tho hP ti In rein expr Hed UeHpectfully your Wm Irwin ll Tuttle Philip A Uuficb Henry KiU'erhm McCij I'thy Montgomery It emeus It Mcdiirvey Jlurtlett Thou Dunlap Hi ri lb Kennedy McCarthy Piggt Jr li lUctt Jonathan ('lark I Hunmela Huvf rkrup Plx (eo A Yountf Crutcher IldlTiH Jlnymom) Roberta yulHUy Chni'iimn WlltklUM A Cl" rke Ti Craw ford (I Cornwell MH lloi till lb burn loMepli (I'Nt ill et'Uii! ITfiitb Cline Or eu Mora Ju Porte I SherbuiD William JiiIIuh tlar A Wetlnr Marline llpuiHii Co Join'H Ouy Cole A Fret man John Sheehan Thenuiw Clunie A Johnson Anm lIcriilrlcLs Tinniu Spencer McCune Tipton llndsey I Farley A Nett Mfltfulre IP rtling Wa- llrotlciU Ihiet-e I IhiuOou Perry 1 11 A Carter Jb Oelwlcka Coa iugtnn A Patterson darken Time Pirney Urlswohl John Webber McCarthy Colby Cnyhit Cyrna Jones IV Fermi Clark IUIIIIIIITH Pemlegast Jt Hopkins Ui Rcverhlge A Selkirk Hush Max Mure use lb Perkins Heals Miller Hammer lx Klkus II Snow (ieo () Aliihh (J Tubbs Ktl Martin 0 Denson It Helminth (I Carpenter Thomas Heck Paul Khirlcv 11 Turner Thomaa Flint illiam Mini" Jumidi Heaell Snlliwtii 1 Hlackwell Fred Pambourn Colley land's Cai'Kon Rarber A lb Patterson Robert Ft mil Rtn'Kli'8 JR I Rnnllev Thoa Swan Wilcox lb A Ostron Robert Howe 0 (iltbn CIiiih Neill Mt Reims Archer Joint Rout lh neilht It harpM Rrown Wm Pierson Charles (Uhleu A oi hitigton J) (J Hilborn Trahior I nlmVMI Hobliie tb Horan (1 I ren nil Matt Johnson Jelly I ew is Nitthun Co (iilmsii Rros ti Co ove lx Johnson John Cooper Drury Mi lone MKTiiorointN Thk tku February 11 117(1 To Messrs Irwin Jchiuon Heck lloaeh Kdgcrlon Clnnio and olhers- (ien-tlemen: Your favor is before me In reply permit me to thsnk you sincerely for the gen-rous sentiments iitaim therein and asaure on it hull be my utmost endeavor to merit of your regard 1 will with your approval designate THCKHDAY February 17 as the date most Cfnvetnent tor the l'ub til 1mm ut of your tlattering compltinent and II! endeavor to ss behin you such att euter-taiiiment as will not fall to imet your approbation Thanking you again lor your friendship and AHBiHlithcc I remain respeetfulle KATIK MAYIIRW VANilh-imV IX A IMU4J Store one having some xpeiience re ft rred Address box 1 10-tf ti i ttFi Third and Komth hreproof stxrc with fixtures complete if Apply to WP COIKMAN Benefit Lecture Dill ii: ti hi: Air i itnm i for 1L-1 'IqcHluy Kvralni PY KEV TH0S GUARD Will bo delivered AT lilNDSUlY 4 ICC Klevcnth stret bet II and I On Monday Evening Feb 11th flt'BJECT: THE 2 A It I 2 OF FLOltUMK" AilmlB8in rn cent Ti krt Lucd fc Int TuciUy will bo good frr till ociobbiu 1 12-21 GILMER I STICK OF THE lEA E-Oflle I'lltli etroot botwiou I sad All 1m nl mmqtly ottirnlcd to fl-liu THE RESOLUTION TO ADJOURN The Senate concurrent resolution to adjourn the session on March 13th was no doubt passed hastily but whatever the object the fact of its passage has left the Senate at the mercy of the Assembly so far ns the length of the session is concerned The Senate desired to have the resolution returned hut tho request has been denied and the Assembly has the resolution laid away nnd can if it so please end the session on tho 13th ultimo! It is not wise to resolve now upon a day of adjournment for the Legislature cannot judge now when it will he ready to take its departure No general legislation has yet been accomplished and tbero is much of it looked for and expected Tho Assembly should ho iser than the Senate and let the resolution lie oq its table till St Patrick's Day and as much longer as it nmv see fit ANOTHER AMENDMENT Assemblyman Young of San Francisco has prepared this amendment to the Constitution which provides that no money raised for common school purposes iu this State shall he divided or used for teaching religion in a denominational senso of sectional or partisan subjects That there Hindi be no books in tlio common schools containing any partisan or sectional subjects or religious tenets No minister or teachers of religion shall he allowed to teach or hold official positions in the public schools Thu Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Governor and State Su perintendent shall constitute) ft Board of Censors to prescribe books for the public schools and shall be a tribunal of last resort TRANSLATINO INTO SPANISH Wo nre told that there were four bids before tho Legislative Committee for translating the laws and certain publi documents into Spanish thus: Fabian Kuiilmrdt 10 cents per hundred words Trisius 11) cents Thus Eldiidgi 13 cents Jose Godoy Hi cents and that the contract was awarded to Godoy although Tlios Fldridge has been State translator off and ou for sixteen years anil the competency of Knnhardt was vouched for by State Treasurer INIu dillio Still it may be that Gooiloy was deemed most competent for only upon that ground can the act ho justified The Committee of tho Social Demo-erntic Woikingmen of New York sent to make a tour of the Western Stati to examine into tho condition of labor there reported February fid saying that the same stagnation of labor prevailed in the Western States that prevailed in New York everywhere employers hud le (bleed their laborers' wages to the lowest possible limit while (hey sold their wares at high prices The workingmen were then urged to effect a reform by electing representatives from their own class John Swinton said that in Philadelphia there were about (0000 people out of employment The immense tracts of coal of that State which of right belonged to the people had been seized by about 20 persons who called it their own while hunger iu rags went about a parody on Demrocraey" Knoxvilih Tennessee lies free whisky on election (lavs nud men mid boys of all ages mid all shades of color crowd tho sidewalk and go yelling through the streets Tho candidates pay for tho whisky in order to secure election It would lie proper to dIohc all places for tho sale of liquor on election (lays us we do in California and thus secure pence safety mul hut Knoxville is the home or near the home of Bourbon IIk Upper Sacramento In Iloml At i yesterday being too late for the issue of that day a Colusa dispatch came to the Bek conveying this iutelflgqjre Tho flood hi Piimaton and vicinity continues The water has fallen only few inches mid remains at stand The water is running over the lev-csoti both sides of tho liver for six miles above and below Princeton The tides me full on both sides of the liver mid the loss of sheep in estimated at $5000(1 One inch mid thirty-five hundredths of lain fell here last night and a big rise from Stony Creek to lied Bluff will wako umtteis worse So much of the flood Dinuing over banks above Colusa prevents jju overflow here Tho levees are intact below Colusa and will stand The water is from one foot to four feet high in Princeton and all business is suspended The steamer Vuruua has been plying ubout Princeton for three duys to suv lives and property It is feared some lives are lost in the tules as they filled so suddenly mid to such an ularin-jug depth i f'2-lui HE GREAT RATHBONE RANGE! FOR SALE BY 33 B' MOTT Htj lid iTBL Ml reet Sir A DLLs Would notify hie friend and the rubllc tlat he ha agoiu entund Into the Hock lueluorr aud will 1 prompt to fill all or I Leave order at PACIFIC STABLES gocmd atruct between and n-lUi WILSON JiU-lin KMnnfNfi rRnnrvnr.

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