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The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina • Page 5

Charlotte, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

r. i 4 A'-A CHARLOTTE NEWS, NOVEMBER 2, 1900, 5 FARRIES-M'KOY to Our Customers dtfbe Bsautif ul. that Bind Charlotte and Wilmington; The Faxrior-McKloy nuptials which We taRW this method of calling for settlement of took place night lief ore' last are told. lllili iD all of desire balance due us, as awc mpt payment pro of by The Wilmington Star as follows: "One of the most heautiful and fashionable wedding.5 ever witnessed in Wilmington was celebrated at 6 o'clock yesterday evening in St. Js.mes' Episcopal" eh arch, when "Miss Mary Lillington McKoy, one" of Wilmington's most populir and accomplished young ladies, licame the lovely bride ofMr.

Ernest Nicholas 'Farrior, of Charlotte. It. was a most pronounc Offers two thousand piirs men's ie ivy Jeans pc2t3, $1.00, at a pair: Thesa pants cost the manufjc-iircra mcro than 75c. to mate them, but slightly staintd, so boush-: them at ji-st Wea'so have tig stock Jeans -pan ta ct but tte cheapest pants that ever hit lotte are those we offer-: at 4Sc. -All grades in finer pants, cheaper than, you can buy the cloth at other stores 'A past due notes and accounts.

In no case will we carry over any balances. Our reason for this is because of a change we are making in Our firm by haying Mr; Black bod ress s. Bought in direct from manufacturers, stripped from the. men's profits, Briniantines, all Crapons, silk warp B. D.

Springs join our present membership. We hope our friends will respond to our request promptly. The Satines, full yard wide P.erea;e3 at only 5c. a yard. dress gooda on- 7 5c.

Gaslimsres -at 5c, ladiev' ars" -styles, LLankets, 40c. 'a -pair; opmforta, print goods only 5c; ladles' at 12 Jird. wide Perca'e3 at 4c. yard; coed -yard-wido like Others new firm can and will be glad to extend favors, but ask you 8c. for, cur prico'Ec.

yard. Towels cnly 2 l-2c. like othera csi be the old firm will hot because their business must Child rens Shoes only 9c. Pair. A The largest, best and cheapest' line of clothing, shoes, dreas srood-s.

woiin up hatSi ladies' and men's underwear, -lalllmery, etc, we ever, CO- McNINCH ed social event and was witnessed by hundreds of friends of the popular young couple. "The church wch tastily decorated and there was net a soaeo in it that was not occupied." Mr. Ei. II. Munson began to play Lohengrin's wedding march.

The first of the bridal party to enter the church were -he ribbon children, little Miss Doro hy Naih A'and Masters Harry "holding large yellow ribbons. Tn -a at regular intervals passed dovr. the centre aisle the ushers and bridesmaids in pairs as follows: Mr. Edwin lersou IlcKoy, brother of the briA; and Mr. Walter Farrior, of Chariot! r.

brother of the groom; Mr. Thos. V. Divis and Mr. W.

Dick; Mr. J. J. Blair and Mr. A.

Cieves Symmes, of Cincinnati; Dr. Charles P. Bolles and Mr. Plato Durham, of Durham; Miss Tallulah DeRps-set and Miss Elizabeth Parrott, of Dayton, Miss Fannie Green and Miss Lillian Slocomb, of Fayetteville; Miss Lina Wiggins and Mis? Jane Meares; Miss Mary Nash and Luey Woot-ten. The bridesmaids were a living dream of beauty.

They wore exquisite gowns of rose colored silk, trimmed with insertions cf white silk, mechlin lace en traine and yellow chiffon girdles cf black velvet. The hair ornaments were black butterflies. They carrier bouquets of large yellow chrysanthemums. Following the bridesmaids came Miss Sadie Haines, ofv Winston, the maid of honor. She wa lovely in a gown of yellow pene de stne en train, with trimmings of white lsce and black velvet.

Her bouquet was of white chrysanthemums. Then entered the bride, Waning on the arm of her father. Major Thomas Hall McKoy. Miss McKoy was a lovely bride and wore ar elegant dress of ivory white A satin "Duchess en train royale, trimmed wiSJr point'laee. Her veil was of looped with a very handsome gold arrow which has draped wedding veils for generations in the Lillington family.

Her ornaments were diamond pins, NEW YORK POrs HIGHER 1 Let Us The Local Cotton and Produce IVlaikets Future Fluctuations. The price, of New Yoik spoi-3 is ad bright Don gola, button or lace shoes. Overalls, the. 50c, kind, we are selling for 5c. Pants cloth at Jearg paats clotli 7c.

i Al Kinds lot Hi ng in To- Day. fine Suits, 'boy's Suits, fall styles, 49c. All the better grades hi men's suits $1.50 suit choa par thani you can buy Men'i 'good 'work pants, 25c; 'mon's and ladies' hose 2 l-2c. a pair; full seamless North Carolina made no33-fcr mon ard ladies, only 5c. a piir; towels at 2 l-2c.

Eval line of umbrellas, the cheapest in town. Th3 50c. umbrella for 39c; the 75c; umbrella' for ail efeel i --J1 A The best and cheapest line of pants in the town, price-3 to iit' Men's wool pants, worth. $1.50, for 93e. Men's coarse, shoos for G9c.

pair. Full line of notions, and each one cf the folio wins usernl articlss fur: only ONE Papor.rins, 1 thread, i hocks; eyes, handkerchief, 2 thimbles, 2 boxes tlueir.g, 2-i sheets Soo- note' paper, key chain and 13 slate pencils, 1 spool embroidery cotton, 2 memorandum books, Sue cemb, 12 safety safety pins, ard plenty cf cther3 it vanced to-day 'b price being 9 3rl6 how Yt for 1 and 1 $20 p. i .4 1 .1 and Hat Trimmings, Aro among our specials for this week. We havo received by ox.pre.-s some of the latest ere- ationa in womens headwear. Wo would iihe for you to.

seo these becauao-wo feel' that yow will appreciate our efforts in Eeeuriiig such up-to-date creations at such extremely low prices. Remember that we guarantee ail of our, vork. NO. 220 NORTH TRYON ST. Next dcor to Ivey Sz Co.

i i -i -V? "What we can. do in. the ivray; a', a stylish" Business Suit MADE The lcoar'c notation for good mid-iling i3 9.35. The following are to-cay's Quotations: CHARLCTTE COTTON. Corrected daily for The News by lecth-Reid Jobbing and Commission Jompany.

Charlotte, 2. cod Middling .9,35 trict Middling 9.3( a to 8V2 itaine- IY2 to 8 Steady. -NEW YORK COTTON. Cotton Middlinrr. MEASURE by YOUR TO smart tailoi price at eift of the ercom.

She carried a lovely shower bouquet of bride's "ThA bridesmaids and ushers format We guarantee a fit. Have you purchased; fall- We'make New York- Nov. 2, 19Q(K; r. two double columns in the chancel, the Clof Dianiei Spartanburg. CHEAPEST STORE3 IN THE CAROLINAS.

i High; 9 bridesmaids standing on ine nnsiue Thfi srronm with his best man and 4 anuary i i brother. Mr. W. Elbert Farrior, bi nary 9 03 Launaesin. LOW.

8 93 0 9c 8 93 0 00 8 99 8 97-93 97-93 8 99-9c 8 98-9c 8 99-9c Charlotte, entered from the south side 9 Davidson Sc Van Echop, Wilkinson Building-. 4 of the church and met the bride at the 0.00 9 05 chancel steps. In due time the Rev D. Robert Strange, friend of both par larch vpril day une i uly i-- August -etember 0 ties and pastor of the bride, jtood at thp foot of the altar, and promptly thr 9 04 8 97 87-38 -S 05 8 9S 8 95-97 8 97 8 92 91-93 0 00 0 00 8 30-40 hride and bridegroom-elect appeared The Mankots we laundeid are returned eof and fluffy like new goods. Blanket and Department possesses the ee-cret of doing this work by the new method and a aocxoc it eurely is, for but few know it.

Bettor blanket lauiidoring than ours never was (lono-r can't be. Single 15c; double 25c. 4 before him. In an admirably conductor curpmnnv Dr. Ktranee made the We wish ta call your attention to some of the new goods which we have just received.

twain one. "To the strains of Mendelssohn'? wedding march, the party retired from the church. 0 "An elegant reception was given at X'tcber N'ovemte'r 9 02. 8 92 8 92-93 December 9 Gl 8 94 8 85-98 Quiet. CHARLOTTE PRODUCE MARKET.

Corrected by F. H. White Co. Charlotte, Nov. 2.

1900. Eggs, ISc dozen; 'Chickens, hens- 21 28 cents; small, 15 to 25 cents; fruit, smons, 3.25 to bananas, $1.25 $1.75 per bunch; vegetables, pota-oes. $2.00 to $2.25 per barrel; onions, cd -Time! A- the residence of the bride's parents I CHARLOTTE 4 No. 102 Orange street, immediately ai ter the wedding." STEAM L'A UN DRY' "The bride and trooni left on the 1 Hi o'clock train for a trip North. They LARGEST, BEST.

'219 fcxuth Tryon street Both Phones 47. 4 will reach Charlotte, their future nome in a fortnight's time. 2.40; to. cabbage, per hun 0 It: THE WEATHER. red; apples, to per Darrei; lof idk -orangis, -paai'ut'-Vir-inia extra, iy2 to 54 cents perpound; )utter, 18to 22 cents per pound.

Wa-hinstcn. Nov. 2. Forecast: Vir You are if you have a comfortable night robe. If you- have not, you will never bo ready for a good, sound sleep until you are inside of one of those sleep-producers we have.

Poir padore, side and baG.K, LO, u-' Ladies Belts in black and colors 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50c. Ladies Pocket Books and Card Cases 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and SOcup to $4 each. We also carry a large line of rJeWelry iri: Brooches, Beauty Pins, Collar and Cuff Buitons Bracelets, Hat and RiJQRldXiria useful articles which are in demand every day the year; When in need, of anything in th Dry Goods and NotiGn lines always cail at oiTiia fnir. cooler ito-night, Saturday nnrl Light fresh west to north Chinese Officials Sentenced. Paris, Nov.

2 A dispatch from Pe Your Pantry Filled winds. North Carolina, fair tonight o-nft Sflinrrfav. Tireceded by ram on the vin underrate of October 31, says Intfirnaticnal Commission ha? coast to-night. Cooler to-night in. the onvi'pted the 'Chinese 'Grand wr-1- nnl central nortions.r Tai tar governor of Pao 'ling ana s5! i Chinese colonel, cf being acceEiSories TRpbes me mnruer ui tiiu Ymerican mission-ies and that, they have been sentenced to deathA The Zxecution will occur shortly.

69 ncrth winds. Frost probable to-night, in mountain districts. Forecasts for the 36 hours ending; at 8 p. m. Saturday: For Charlotte and vicinity-Generai-ly fair weather tonight and Saturday.

Cooler tonight. For North Carolina, from Washington, D. November 3rd Fair' tonight and Saturday, preceded by 'fain on coast tonight. Cooler tonight, in west and central portions. Frost -'probable tonight in mountain Notes Threatening weather prevail" mnrniner.

over the eastern half made from all kinds of materials, "suitable for making-them mmei TODAY' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Joi -J'uny itrouble when using Alad- diff'Oii: Gents' furnishings and clothings Tapp, Lons Opera house Monday Town Saturday mcay our barg.v.n a and in ait comfortable shapes. 0 Prices a3 lew a3 50c, and as 6 11 net, ca.Il or 'pioua my efewt aatf your wanta can ha quickly mXls fled. I haf6.ia tock reartlilBj goei A .7 tt table aa ca Bnpply 70 1 M. F.

K1RBY, 1 A 1: A' A lays J. R. Uc-y 4 The Beginning of our the cotton belt and generally: kr $2,50 Middle Atlantic ana rsew ungiauu QtQtn- within the twenty-four hours We now offer at a cut price Piedmont Furniture Co. ending at 8 a. m.

today, rain fell in thf A hi A Middle and South Atlantic and Gulf States, amounts of moment being flt. Macon, ard 2.38 at Montgomery Cur furnishing goods line is complete; have anything you may want. A Notice! OOIliJllIl SIXTH A.ND TRTOJI, Ala. The weather is cooler in the Ohio valley and lower lake region, and was a big success, Monday was a' record' day ev.ecy one cntnn-tic over the- big valv load "ia their appreciation cf the gen- YorRe Bros, and Rogers. warmer in the New Kngiana braies the cotton belt, the temperature" about the same as on yesterday morning; frost formed in West and Northwest Texas.

Light northerly winds are blowing over North Carolina. CHARLES DAVIS, Official in Charge, CLEMSON AftAIN. VICTORIOUS, ial to The News. we place on sale an additional aotctf Carpet, allm.rkedj at Famously sale "will continno in full filing, and you'll find can't afford to ignore the offere in mow-saving a a A New Furniture; To Our Oustomers: The undersigned, members of the Butchers Xhiion of Charlotte, desire to Inform out customers that owing to the fact that the Bell Telephone Company has given notice of increase in rates to take effect November let, next, we will discontinue the Bell Telephone after that date, and will thereafter use only the Queen City Columbia, S. Nov.

1. The largest' 0 0 0 0 I Sole agents for Knox Hats. A A. SECOND FIX)0R. .,..1.

riar W'Ti't'iin ''vi'wj4 tew Mail orders receive prompt to 0 we are canv VVU tilt! liciliv 7" crowd in the history of the Stats fait of South Carolina witnessed the game yesterday between Clemscn and the S. C. College. The game resulted in a victory for Clemson to the tune of 51 o. For Clemsoi- Lewis played the gme, together with Hunter, Kin-ler and Pearmian.

Their longs runs were the features of the game; For Carolina, Yancey's picking and tackling and captain Bell's line-bucking were The cadets are justly jubilant over their victory. i show you for the improvGment afid' beautifying, of your phonies. Ve, have iinst. parsed islo 'stock ie: handsome inn IlklVllUVIII Telephone. mtTTT'TrnKTRTT'R.

PARLOR' bull, 4 i BOOK CASES, i DINING SUITES, FANCY TABLES, BEDROOM SUITES, ROCKERS, I COUCHES. Remember: we ha.vo the stock- cf Furniture, A We. Not Only Furnish tne best turnouts to -be lTa in. the State but we can furnish! yoii vWith the best Harness and horse-goods to be ffrund anywhere. We keep on hand at all times a big assortment of ices are' as low rs consisteat' Y.1th legitixe meicnanaiiinj.


B. riAJuL, D.PRATT, McINTIRE CO. J. S. DOBINSCN, Ai scticn- invited A The Kind You Have Always Bought these goods and assure our; customers pour cw Babies in Town This that our prices are exceedingly A low A ur i -2 'i-A-1 1 Bears the Signature of 0 "0 i Dry Goods, Carpet and Furniture llace.

when the quality of the goods are ''tctft. considered. In some homes we have furnished JA li 111:41 kV Crtn -ihe Milk for to .5 differ 3nt babies. WadSWOltlVS iOnS, when one, grows out of the way another comes a crying for Up-to-Date Liverymen. moore-s baby milkv HHAIITIS, HOSTELLER SLOAN C.


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