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The Daily Commonwealth from Topeka, Kansas • Page 6

Topeka, Kansas
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polel You never swallowed xt after to Lis best girl) People may sneer and Had Little Structures That Are Easily THE LITTLE FOLKS. Co Steady. "3 got my wealth by Baving I always workol raj way And I never cared a shaving Jfor "luck" in trade or play. laugh at my special lice of wcrk, but it brings in the dollars just the same. Best Girl (reproachfully) I hope.

all!" If a bombshell had burst in the room the consternation could not have been more complete. Tha father, now cured, suspected some trick, but did not exactly know what, but seeing the doctor and his assistant convulsed with lanta while eating; the other- indulges in them between meal times. To the lattar habit is applied in this country the title of "nipping," while in the East it is spoken of as "pegging." And this is the most pernicious of all forms of drinking, from the fact that stimulants taken without at the same time partaking of food, though only imbibed in small quantities at a time, have most A Highly Seasoned Pot-Pourri, Dished Up Especially for the Tender Sex. Charley, you don't include me. I never and Quickly Destroyed The Japanese get their share of adventures by flood, says a Yokohama letter to the St.

Louis Globe-Demo crat, although their disasters in the rainiest season are small things compared to the recent flood in China, where the Yellow Biver burst its banks, think of laughing at your work. 2'eu York Sun. laughter, he angrily requested their immediate withdrawal from hi3 house, FAIR WOMEN-AND THEIR WAYS. Matixee Dasisul Isn't she sweet, and they tell me that she has just got a divorce from her second husband, deleterious effects on the internal organs. A man who habitually indulges in a glass of sherry in the forenoon, a brandy and soda in the af ternoofl and.

a glass of whisky and water in the course 80 iliV fe53 Ail I MWJ I Humor, and that she caa marry tho leadin man. and they, nothing loath, were only too glad to escape into the open air. The story soon leaked out, and while the doctor was highly praised for hi3 treatment, so much so that he was ever after called Dr. Tadpole, poor Mr. Brown had a hard time of it.

He soon Bit cf Nonsense, a Little Soma Solid Chunks cf Information. Useful Her Escort No doubt, for I hear that he is just getting a divorce from Ins third wife. San Francisco TosL oi me evening does iar more injury to his constitution than one who partakes of a large quantity of alcoholic stimulants at meal times. It Is UiO Cause, Uy Soul! being got so disgusted with nici drowned 100,000 people, and re: lered uninhabitable the valley where people lived. The big figures in Japanese records of disaster are in connection with fires.

In this season of cold winds the sky is illuminated every week with the glow of a great conflagration either here or in Tokio, and if the Japanese were not used to it such continued afflictions might be taken as visitation of Providence. The flimsy little wooden houses, with their straw mats, are kindling for a fire, and when a lamp explodes, a brazier upsets, or a spark flies, the whole named "Old Polliwig" that he left the Youxg Ladt I heard somebody kiss in the dark hall last night. Maid "Dear, dear," said a kind-hearted matron on meeting a fr'end whom she You got kissed, too. "Yes, but that's country, and returned permanently to town, where no one ever knew of the bad time he had had when he swallowed the tadpole. Good Housekeeping, Sick Children.

When little ones are suffering pain we find the application of hot fiatirons -irr nvmorl i-n rA ia rtf ffnrvn flan-nol had not seen for a leng time, "dear, dear, and you're not yet married Jane, and tho young man to whom I am engaged to be married. There is no harm in that." "I'm clad to hear it. Ho was for even thft lnv-ilates to their feet, Wlth Jour Iooks iol and the sixts thev complain of will "No, Tm single yet," replied Jane with the young man you heard kbsing me in often relieve them as quickly as they a pleasant laugh. the hall last night." Young lady faints. are found to be sweating, "And how comes it that vou are still Texas Siflhigs.

"Papa," said a beautiful girl, as the single?" "Well, replied Jane with a twinkle The Way She Did It. At a residence up on Juneau avenue the front door happened to ba open the other day, and a littla dried-up book agent, with fringe on the bottom of his pants, was wafted in by the fresh lake breeze. The madam was just on the point of going out at the time and ran on to tho little nuisance in the hall. Before she could get a chance to say a word he opened on her in this style "I have here, madam, a little work which is taking im mens sly among the more old gentleman came in very late, "did you notice the dead body of a young in her eye, "I expect, like Topsy, I was house is in flames in an instant. Without anything of a breeze to favor it the flames leap from house to house, and soon a whole quarter is blazing.

Each time a burned district is rebuilt the streets are widened, and this measure has prevented many worse conflagra- tions following. Widening the streets has been ruinous to picturesqueness, and the broad thoroughfares lined with low houses of unpainted wood make A2DCMINAU born so." Boston Courier. man in tho yard "Why, no; what's tho matter?" "I refused young Mr. I never drank, boy Nor lived too high, boys. And that's why, boys, I'm a hearty old man to-day.

Kapid Ned, who Bowed wild oats (As moat yotwi? foUows can), 2ow trampa, a boErgor, on the street Where once he drovo a span. Ha, ha, xny boys, ho, ho lg fortune waate when foola make haste You'd better go it slow. imJTarm JownuiL A New U0 for Clotlies-Plna. Girls, what do you think these are good for?" asked Nannie Brown of her two little Brown sisters. She held tip -one of the clothes-pins they were picking up from the grass, where Norah lad left them after taking in the wash.

"What do we think they are good iJor? "Why, to fasten the clothes to to the line, of course," answered the other two little Browns in a breath; everybody knows that." "But there's another use for them," mid Nannie; "Norah told me last night. She says if we put them on our noses so" and she put one astride her xicss as she spoke "they will make our noses of the mcst beautiful shape, not all puggy and turned up as they are now, you know. Wouldn't it be splendid to try it Now the three little Browns had noses that were most decidedly turned ap, and many were the times they had each sighed in secret over the fact. was their chance to bhape their jrxoses "illigantly," as Norah told them. That night tnree clothes-pins were Trussing from the basket.

The three little girls, after being tucked in by rmamma for the night, each slyly drew one from under her pillow and put it on her nose. It took them some time --to go to sleep in snch a queer fix, but did at last. "When mamma came lo take a last look at them before going bed she found them fast asleep, each with little red nose pinched by ft clothes-pin. Although astonished at jlie sight, she laughed until the tears jran down her cheeks. As she took off the pins and put them Tbock in the she said: "What -Tron't these children do next?" Mrs.

JJX. If. Sanford, in Our Little Ones. The Man ttith the Hare Eye. "There," said the beautiful Amelia We often make 'poultices for pain in the side or dysentery pains.

"To a teacupf al of corn meal or bran add a half-teaspoonful of mustard and a3 much lard as a small hen's egg, make it with hot water into a smooth mush, spread a3 thick as a We prepare a bag the size needed, one side thick muslin, the other very thin, or even doubled fly netting, put the mush in, sew, shut the end, and then spread with a broad-bladed knife have a strip of flannel (to pin around a baby or young child) to which we baste the corners of our poultice to insure keeping smooth and close to the skin. Sometimes we add a small handful of Wintergreen, casting a diamond ring at the feet of Ethelbert Flitterbat, "take uit suuxua nonotonons ad uninteresting to the Paperwate to-night, and from the hopo-less, dospairing look upon his face when he staggered from the house I fear he may have killed himself." "WTelI, I'm glad you refused," sail the old man, spitefully, "he has just beaten me five straight games of billiards." San If you value HTCAfiTII and desire a Corset that combines ease, comfort, dura bility and Is at the same time perfect in shape and close fittinpr. ask your merchant for DR. SCHILLNC'S HEALTH PRESERVING CORSET. FltflFIElf REFUNDED If rot entirely LUitJl viL satisfactor'.

For sale by deal schilling'corset CO. DETROIT, M1CII. a.H 263 Pianklin Chicago wmcu no lanuiy can wen uu wiuiuub. eye. tne lewel vou gave me.

1 snail marrv It is entitled, 'How to Live Forever; or, The Best Way to Bid Your Home of Disease-Breeding It is com Mr. Smithereen, who owns the horrid dog from which you ran yesterday, leav Japanese houses are toys in size and toys in construction, resting on corner posts set on large rocks, that they may plete in one volume, and sells at the re- Francisco Tost. give ana sway witn eartuqualses, ana i-uva uu im euituuuuties. turn ing me without protection from that dreadful beast. You are a coward, Mr.

-i -in diculously low sum of one dollar, of six Tf I AJLCAlA Jiu iia uxxu. iiiuc aiuuit; ujr ixxu Flitterbat. If Mr. Smithereen had not uu nut nuutuc uin oit, icwrcu i 1.1, 1 Gossip for the Ladies. A Kentucky woman ha3 patented a i 1,1 way ui Bteiuiuiu" urs is to tear uowu xi a uima suuers iroux coia leet, ecu she could kindly saved me." sobbed the girl, hys the lady as soon as gather the houses in advance of the flames, terically, "I should not have been res quidholder for gum-chewers.

two basins of water, one cold the other very warm, and put its feet first into the cold and then the hot, every minute changing them, and soon it can cued. Please go, Mr. Flitterbat, and The average yearly pay of women forever." school-teachers ia Iowa is but $212.43. "Amelia," moaned that wretched and it is done as easily as a child knocks over a house of blocks or cards. A rope is fastened to one of the upright corner posts, the crowd gives one pull, and there is a crash and a cloud of dust as the shell of mud and tiles fall upon the flimsy dwelling.

A thatched roof or a shingle roof drops quite as easily. The A proposal has been made to the young man, "near me. Know tnat my 1 I iOI ngnt eye was once a rabbit s. it was Finnic Parliament for changing the age of a woman's legal maioriiv from 23 herself. "I am well versed in the best modes of ridding one's house of vermin, and tho book would really be of no use to me." "Yes?" replied he of the mammoth gall.

"Well, really now, I should very much like to have you give me an outline of your method of getting rid of vermin, if you have time to explain." "Oh, no trouble at all, sir, it can be accomplished in a moment." And, turning, she called, "Bridget oh, Bridget." "Yis, mum, here Oi am," replied the to 21. keep them in the hot water with comfort then rub them briskly with a soft towel a little liniment or alcohol will be good. Children should ba taught to tell of aches and pains or slight sore throats, that one can apply simple remedies in time, and advise them as to diet. We often, say to our boys, "Perhaps you had better not eat any supper, or only a little bread and milk," and they find with my right eye that I saw. Smithereens cur approaching us.

I knew he was a great rabbit dog, Amelia, and so I ran. I am tho victim of science, but One of the largest ship-owners in the town of Ellsworth, has been Mrs. I am no coward." Mary A. Jordan, at whoso death the other day the flags on the shipping were placed at half-mast. "How romantic!" exclaimed that (CHWING ordinary house or shop in the towns seldom exceeds twelve foot in frontage, and if there is a second story it is quite as much in miniature, and the roof not more than fifteen feet from the ground.

It sounds frightful to hear of five hundred or a thousand houses being burned in a night, but with these lilliputatian dwellings and their microscopic landscape gardens back of them, the area need not be more than that of two or four small city blocks. The Tale of a Tadpole. domestic, appearing upon the scene, in the shape of a six-foot crockery hust- Maggie Wells, aged 11, arrived at Chicago Pittsburgh the other day from England A Voice of Too Bright Color. unaccompanied. She had made the journey safely through means of a tag Wny is it tnat some women never learn to talk musically? Some of them do not seem to realize what a charm ler.

"Bridget, show this gentleman how we rid the house of vermin." "Thot Oi will, de tafe o' the worruld," replied the girl, and, catching the poor fellow in seven different places at one and the same time, she boosted him down the steps, where he landed all in aheap. Peck's Sun. tied round her waist with the address upon it of her uncle, John Tay, of that Early Ilomestead Claimants in Kansas and Nebraska. city, with whom she came to vis it. there is in a low, soft voice, and a good Mrs.

Oscar Wilde is said to wear many who do realize it make no attempt the same "best" dress through the to improve their own discordant tones. At the opera, in the church, on the season. Ii not the same dress it is made on the same plan, being a white An Author's Superstition. Howard Seely, the Texas writer, who it a good prescription. Salt-water gargles in the first stage of sore throat, with a little turpentine or liniment on the outside, may save serious sickness.

I have told before of fat pork for ear ache, but it will bear repeating. Cut a good piece to stop up the opening, with a pointed bit to go inside, and it will relieve ordinary ear ache very soon. Always keep a child warm and keep out any breaking out; give remedies to bring out whatever eruption is suspected. We have had trouble with "coughs that lemon juice and sugar seemed to relieve better than anything else. For slight burns on baby's fingers a bit of court plaster will give speedy relief we always use it.

Cuts should be simply tied up tightly to hold the edges together, and covered with court plasters when done bleeding. Young mothers want to put on something to cure, but they err and retard the healing, as any physician will tell them. A sick child is much more comfortable on a large rocking ehair or its bed clinging silk, embroidered down tho street, ladies, otherwise really charming, rasp the ears of everybody near them by talking in a loud, coarse voice Ur John Brown came home one even-3ng lately, and being very thirsty, apourey out for himself a tankard of prater in a glass which he thought was empty. Imagine his surprise and consternation when his son Tommy, aged 23, came running in, just as his draught as finished, shrieked "Why, papa! you've swallowed my tadpole WTia-a-tI" shouted the alarmed father. "Yon young idiot 1 run for the doc-Sorl" But the only medical man who could Xd got hold of at the moment was a Frenchman, visiting in the neighborhood.

On the case being incoherently explained to him by the now thorough-1j frightened family, he said "You most make heem svim." "But my husband can't swim," poor Mrs. Brown, in tears. "No, it is not ze man zat shall swim, at is ze leetle frog who shall swim, you taow, qu'ilfaut que lepoisson nage, front in gold, and adorned around the that drives sensitive, refined peoplo to ck with a high standing ruff a la Queen Bess. the verge of distraction. A dear little maid, who has a horror of bright colors A Montreal lady ordered a cloak i from a tailor and refused to pay for it on the ground of misfit.

The tailor has and loud talking, said to her 'mother's guest a few days ago "I don't love for you to talk you talk red." Was not the little one correct in her queer comparison A soft, low voice reminds one To begin with, the habitation of the homesteader is either a dugout or a house built of squares of sod taken from the prairie Nebraska or Kansas brik as they are facetiously termed. The dugout consists of a hole dug in the side of a canyon or any sort of depression on the prairie which will serve as a wind-break. This hole is roofed across, about on a level with the prairie, with inch boards, and these are covered with sod. A foot or so of stove-pipe protruding from the roof is the sole indication of a human habitation. One room generally serves all the purposes of the homesteader and his family.

If he prospers for a season he adds to the front of hi3 abode by erecting walls of Eod on the sides and putting in a new front, the old one serving as a partition between the two rooms. This is considered a commodious dwelling. After riding over the quarter section looking for an owner, espying such an abode and guiding your team carefully down a break-neck descent to the front door, would it surprise you, upon entering this hole in the ground, to find, for instance, a very brought suit to recover the prico of the cloak, and claims that it did fit until the lady put on an immense bustle. The court will have to decide the regulation size of a bustle. it is of the lilies of the valley, of clear, blue skies, velvety grass, anything tnat is has been attracting attention for several years past by his clever sketches and stories of frontier life, and whose recent novel, "A Nymph of the West," has been receiving favorable comment, has some curious superstitions about literary composition and is unique in his methods of work.

The most unique feature of hi3 study is a human skull and femora surmounting a book-case. The thigh bones are those of a man, but the skull is a woman's, said to have formerly appertained to a Mexican senorita of great beauty. There i some mystery about this relic, for the author is reticent about talking of it. The braid cavity is lined with, black velvet, and the top of the skull opens with a hinge; for this ghastly box is a receptacle for pens and the names of his heroines inscribed upon bits of ivory. It i3 his custom when the name of a heroine has been selected and her character and physical attractions are in process of development, to put this title in the head of the skull and let it remain there until the story is finished.

The eyes of the skull are provided with fair, and sweet, and fine. But the other Judge Thukmas's daughter, who kind of voice It brings to mind the lives ah Richmond Hill, Long Island, rumbling of a wagon over cobblestones, it. Youv built her own houso and had it made to suit her own ideas. The entire lower walking in one's bare feet over a field dealer of stubble, scarlet poppies in a sick than in any person's lap, and can be attended to much more easily. Quiet tones of encouragement and steady hands go far with any sick person, and a child is especially sensitive to outside influences.

The mother who cannot control herself seldom is fit to attend upon her sick folks, and if she govern3 them in health she will reap her reward when they obey her in sickness. Household. floor, except the kitchen, is one immense room, which is divided into room, royal purple on Bridget. Yes, the maid was right. She talks red.

it. Kansas City Times. smaller ones by large screens. These screens may be rolled aside or used for partition purposes at the wish of the owner. The house stands high, and Pet Mice in Bustle into fashion When bustles first came commands a fine view of tho village of in Minneapolis, a certain society lady Jamaica and the surrounding country.

modern organ with an imposing cathedral back towering high in one corner of the room? But this is no cause for astonishment very frequently organs and ornate designs in furniture are to be found in the dugouts. Or, if the lady of the house should invite you to who is apt to carry thing3 a little to ward extremes in tho matter of dress, WAGES IN 1SOO. The condition of the wage-class of that BO you fill him wiz ze vater to his teeth, jten ze leetle frog he vill svim up to ze xnout of Monsieur, and ven he see ze light he vill shomp out, so." And they gava him bucket after Iracket of water till he became horribly uck, but no tadpole "shomped out." By this time poor Brown was suffer-ong agonies. The tadpole, or the large quantity of water, one or other, was causing him great pain, added to which the himself was in a state of mortal and indefinable terror. Just then the family jjxhysician made his appearance and tried to allay their fears, but all to no purpose something practical must be done.

Thinking a little stimulant uuld do his patient good after the drenching he had had, he said: "Now, I should recommend you, if yon want the tadpole to jump, to give turn a gocd' dose of brandy, that will make him frisky, and perhaps he will then, under the influence of liquor, make his sudden appearance, and relieve you all." The plan was tried on a most whole-ale scale, but instead of making the tadpole frisky, it only made Mr. Brown somewhat tipsy, in which state he be-cima what the Scotch call "greetin' In a maudlin way he bade his "weeping wife an affecting farewell, and insisted oa being put to bed to die. The doctor, howover, seeing that the poor man, as well as his family, was had one made to order. She insisted that it should be a large one, and it was. silver fonts to contain ink the laft red and the right black.

When in the throes of composition this skull is used, and his fiction may, therefore, be said to emanate from the left eye, and consequently from the right hemisphere, of the skull of the Mexican senorita. day may be well examined it is full of instruction for social agitators. In the It was so gigantic, in fact, that it was relegated to the attic. But in the The Shoe Was Laced Wrongf. "No, I'm not betting to-day," said a turfman in a down-town pool-room recently to a friend who had a sure thing on the New Orleans races.

"Busted?" was the laconic reply. "No but I laced one of my shoes up wrong thi3 morning. It's a bad sign. I'll let 'em alone to-day." "Are you superstitious "I frankly confess I am, and I think you'll find nine out of ten sporting men are," he replied, as he lit a cigar; "and what is more, I don't believe there is a human being who is not superstitious. Some are more so than others, but take -reat cities unskilled workmen were remain for the meeting of the literary club there in the evening, would you stare at that? Not at all.

Literary clubs, which the members ride all the way from five to twenty miles to attend, and where they discuss with great earnestness everything from the latest political problem to the most abstruse hired by the day, bought their own food course of time it came to pass that bus and found their own lodgings. But in tles were worn larger and larger, and Established January 1874. having need of a new one, the lady bethought herself of the airy network that the country, on the farms, or wherever a hand was employed on some public work, they were fed and lodged by the employer and given a few dollars a JOHN D. KNOX she had once discarded. Down it came from the attic, and proved "just her size." But the bustle wa3 inhabited.

A month. On the Pennsylvania canals the diggers ate the coarsest diet, were gamblers and horsemen as a class and you will find each has his own peculiar cunningly-constructed nest reposed in quilp. Now, this morning I laced- my I a housed in the rudest sheds, and paid $0 point in metaphysics, are quite the regular thing with our homesteaders, But to behold this life so full of para- dozes in tho height of its incongruous-ness you should be a spectator in the dugout when a Neighborhood dance is i in full blast. The earthen walls have been skillfully tapestried for the occa-I sion with calico, and when the fun be-i gins the clay floor speedily responds i rt -flirt cnDrin rr rf Tna wi onv Irl in rr A Wonderful Tree. Ther3 have been, and still other trees wonderful for size besides those of California.

One of the most famous (probably still in existence), and a century ago spoken of as "some thousand years old," is the chestnut on Mt. Etna, known from time immemorial as the "tree of a hundred horses," because once, while Queen Joanna of Aragon was on a journey from Spain to Naples, she landed at Sicily to visit the volcano, and, being overtaken by a storm, a hundred cavaliers on horseback who were with her found shelter within the trunk of this tree. So runs the tradition. At any rate, it is of such prodigious size that the cavity in the shoo upwrong. If Ihad left it that way month from Mav to xovember.

and $5 I I i h. ii I I I ill ii i ii ii rt inri i unit iiiirn imiiiv i it wonld havfi been a luckv dav for me. lamiiy Ol mice poKeu out xneir pmK ISVESTHEI1T BARKERS AND I INT AG ENTS, GGO Itonsa3 Avenue, iioan money on good Real Eetete seem if y. Tope lea City erd adjoining lot, improved and tmiinpri red Ftinn and Paftore Lands for leon good terms, paid on time certiiicates of depott. but I did not.

I unlaced it, and I'll bet noses to resent the rude disturbance you two to one if I bought a pool on a The lady, remarkable to relate, had not norse he would break his neck beiore traditional feminine fear of mice. I he came under the string. a month from November to May. Hod-carriers and mortar-mixers, diggers, and choppers, who from 1703 to 1S00 labored on the public buildings and cut the streets and avenues of Washington city, received $70 a year, or, if they wished, $60 for all the work they could perform She bravely wore the bustle, mice and all. As the days passed on her strange feet, and there arises a cloud of dust that would stifle an Indian.

But, bless you they don't mind a bit of dust. A polished floor and the most perfect system of ventilation attainable could pets became very tame. She had "That's quite interesting. Would you mind giving me some of your experiences What do you consider a lucky omen?" "Ynn wft-nt to lenow what I consider a The Topeka Cematery. small aperture made in her dress over the top of her bustle, covered with a from March 1 to Dec.

20. The hours mm TV T7AT7F" Prenldent. lucky omen, eh? That's just as the 1 ivin von i on t. nlaif anil it. in Tipt rliif GEO.

W. CKNE, Secretary and 1 XM 1 I of work were invariably from sunrise to sunset. Wages at Albany and New York were 3 shillings, or, as money then D. O. C11AHK, Superintends t.

iuea BiriK3 me- use" light to terrorize her friends by calling horses. Surmose I was standing at the J. their retreat as she forth tho mice from add nothing to their enjoyment. The homesteaders are very honest. You can leave a house unlocked at all times and your stores are perfectly safe with the exception of what liquor you may have on hand for medicinal purposes.

In other words, the homesteader will steal whisky every time- corner of Broadwav and Wall street. went, 40 cents a day; at Lancaster, $8 center is so large that a public road was made through it "wide enough for two coaches to drive abroast and the easy-going peasants built a hut inside for their convenience while gathering nuts there, and from tha other trees near by." It has once been measured, and found to ba over 200 feet in girth. Originally it was believed to have been one solid trunk, but, after the wear and xx- Woman. sits entertaining her visitors to $10 a month; elsewhere in Pennsyl vania workmen were content with $7 in Buffering agonies of mind about the un-jfortunata little polliwig, determined lo take active measures, and bring matters to a satisfactory crisis by a little scheme of his own. He ordered Mr.

i33rown, who was now in bed, to be partially undressed, promising to return Sn an hour with his assistant, when he lioped to be able to relieve hj per-ananently. In the succeeding half hour the pa-lient suffered all sort. of pains, real and imaginary, and was more than ever convinced of the activity of his unwel- come tenant. The doctor, however, meanwhile, had offered half a dozen small boys a handsome price for the first tadpole they Trould bring him, and the fact being noisod abroad his house soon resembled Pharaoh's palace during one of the plagues of Egypt. It was filled with Irogs and froglings of all sizes and gea, causing great consternation to "the medical household.

But long ere this the doctor and his assistant had finally started off to cure Toilets for the Bed. As a clas3 they are neighborly, kind to Spanish women, who are naturally I J- -t If 1 1 summer and $5 in winter. At Baltimore men were glad to be liired at 18 pence a day. None, by the month, asked more than $3. At Fredericksburg the price change of centuries, the heart of it i "ss, ana eceeuingiy nuspi- Adjoining City on Eighth Avenu Ess Telephone No.

60. ----M-------a---i City Office: 263 Kansas Avenu. Telephone No. 01. Open ersry day from ranrlsa to wnnmet.

Bates for watadag lot mad knova oaisjQ Every citLtsn should mal selection of a go4 burial lot vails in health. If a selection is as furred until bortheawiU oomm at I tim of other hoary expenses and very freqtiatl at a tima when a satiaf antory saUctlon oaanat made. table. dramatic, and who use their hands so much in talking, will, I am told, absolutely sleep over night with their hands has decayed and been carried away for fuel, and it has the appearance of five But it must not be supposed that all homesteaders live in dugouts or sleep of labor was rom $5 to $7. In Virginia SO held up to the bedposts by pullies, trhitfl men emoloved bv the vear were they may be pale and delicate looking, given 16 currency; slaves, when hired, I'd take out my watch and time myself, and count the number of horse3 that turned into Wall street in five minutes.

I would sometimes go on the odd numbers and sometimes on the even. Like this If I made up my mind on even horses and an even number went by during the five minutes, then I would be lucky, and vice versa." "You gamble on cards, do you?" "Oh, yes; I make my living as a sporting man." "Do your superstitions affect you in playing cards?" "Yes, indeed. If I am going to play cards for money, I always hunt up a beggar and give him some money for luck. I have walked sometimes two miles to find a beggar. I know a gambler that goes to an Italian on Greene street, who has three little canaries Beally, I think this is the most idiotic trees united, with the outer bark of one.

The chestnut has great vitality, and lives to an almost incredible age. Even irv England, where it i3 not native, there used to be an enormous one, the origin of which tradition placed in King Egbert's time. were clothed and their masters paid 1 I ever heard. Just imagine any six or seven in a room; such experiences attach to the first year or two of frontier life more than to any later period. Many sightly, commodious, and comfortable 6od houses have been built.

The wall3 are usually two feet in thickness, the roof shingled, doors and windows set into the walls, and the house plastered inside, sometimes out thing one a month. A pound cf Virginia money was in Federal money $3.33. The av that one cared for: coming and finding one strung up in erage rato of wages the land over was, Yon can stop that scratching and fretting by lifting Heabory Hyronaphthol Soap for tetter, Eczema, ringworm, ground itch, poisa oak, or other skia or ecalp disease that is worry ic Tt.ii nif ht and day. When therefore, $G3 a year, with food and per in this fashion. I had always thought that Spanish women were heir patient.

The doctor carried a WILL YOU hans lodcrmcr. Out of thi3 small sum liealthy polliwig in a small his pocket, the assistant a electric battery, in a valise. the workman must, with his wife's help, bottle, in powerful Turning maintain his family. McMasters His TJVTTJ IVIV onc cured by this oapther iS AV Unit UU will be no return of the troobla. If yon wish to prerent OP T'catehing" disiees uUrf riUliiU daring the months.

tory. that tell fortunes by pulling an envel iyiElLECTUAI, INFLUENCE OF THE Oil of vitriol is no oil, neither are oil of turpentine and kerosene. Copperas is an iron compound, and contains no copper. Salts of lemon is the extremely poisonous oxalic acid. Carbolic acid is not an acid, but a phenol.

Cobalt contains none of that metal, but arsenic Soda water has no trace of soda, nor does sulphuric ether con-contain any sulphur. Sugar of lead has no sugar, cream of tartar has nothing of cream, nor milk of lime any milk. Oxveren means the acid maker. every one out oi tne room, the conspirators quietly hid the battery under the bed, after adjusting it io its utmost power. Tho new polliiwg was then cry carefully placed on the pillow near the despairing man's head, one side, altogether making a very neat and desirable residence.

These structures, too, are free from the annoyances of dugouts, in which are found all manner of insects and rodents. Occasionally a rattlesnake will burrow through the earthen sides and coil himself snugly in the bedclothes where you will find him on a cold morning. Such intruders are rare, but there are some people who strenuously object to even rare Ticifa Ak-f 4Tia tinr. cnnli i fill ati. tenner among your laxaxxj wt; yonr domestic animal,) born Beabnry'g Sulphur Candles) freely in your cellars kitchens, outbotuee, chicken coops, bird cage, stables, boa; FOR COMFORT ope out of a pack.

He always follows the advice of the bird, and I have actually seen him shed tears over some of the slips he got, not from grief, but from vexation, if they went against his grain. I have had gamblers tell me that thev had acquired the habit of coquettes, but they don't begin to compare with the French women in this re-1 spect. The French woman makes a toilet for the bed as naturally a3 she does for the day time, and that is where she is very wise. The horrors cf hair in papers and the face smeared all over with some toilet mess, is a condition so dreadful that it should be reserved for the dressing room in the day time with locked doors. A woman in curl papers is an abomination in the tight of heaven and earth.

If I rere a man I should consider curl papers cause for a divorce; and as for crimping pins, they are a step pens, etc itwoiaieiy noi-o HTJTk YAV geroffire. Thes candle are-Alii Vl ft bandy and always ready for immediate nm. tSgf-Kemember Beneons Plaa tar for aches and DUl ergetic enough to get out of the old t78 their luck in different ways, house and into a now oxm IWo-a RrvMid- I claim it's not a habit it natn nature but hydrogen is the essential element of all acids, and many acids contain no oxygen. German silver contains no silver, and black lead no lead. Mosaic gold is simply a sulphide of tin.

NOSE. Aprosexie is the name Dr. Guye, of Amsterdam, chooses for inattentive-ness, and he quite singularly finds that the nose is a cause of it. A dull boy became quick to learn after certain tumors had been taken from the nose and a who had been troubled with vertigo and buzzing in the eara, for twelve years, found mental labor easy after a like operation. In a third case a medical student was similarly relieved.

Dr. Guye supposes that these troubles affect the brain by preventing the cerebral lymph from circulating freely. Arkansaw Traveler. ing many months in an abode so uncomfortably near to nature's heart. Frank H.

Spearman, in Harper's Magazine. j. a. Mclaughlin, VinfjBrr and Dealer ta -BREECH LOADERS- Don't Wait Till Good Men Are Bead. born in a man, and it never comes out.

WTiv, I know dozens of people who laugh at superstition who "will have a regular case of the dumps if they don't see the new moon over the right shoulder for the first time. They think if they see it o'er the right shoulder and make a wish they will get their wish." New York paper. further in the career cf vice, although Sidney Lanier is to have a monu Imttery was arranged under his chin mnd, at a signal from the doctor, the other, with the full power of the battery, was suddenly applied to his stomach. With a horrid yell the poor -wretch suddenly sprang up in bed, and the doctor and assistant both ehouted: "Hurrah! he is out at last 1" Tho unsuspecting family, hearing the yell, rushed in to see the startled Mr. Brown sitting up in bed, the poor little tadpole lying beside him.

He was toon made aware of the change in the state of "affairs, and warmly thanked the doctor, as did all the family." "He gave me an awful spasm as he got through, but thank Heaven it is aaow all over." Just at that moment, however, the ever unfortunate Tommy came rushing into the room with a glass in his hand, jBayias, "Why, "papa! here is my tad- ment costing 15,000, raised by three Southern cities. If 15,000 had been Stimulants Between Jleals. Although all persons who indulge in alcoholic stimulants will within the margin of actual drunkenness speak of themselves as moderate drinkers, there are, says the Popular Science Monthly, raised for Sidney Lanier a dozen years ago he would be writing poems now. Philadelphia Press. their use is usually short when anything masculine is about, as they have a horrid fashion of getting into his eyes.

Bab, in the New York Star. The Tounff lady and Her Beau. "A kiss I'm told," said pretty Sasio Brown, "Is eomnicri an 1 a proper noun." De. Meuteb mentions a casO in Ezeeca Iioadlug IasplemeTits and Jre fflBe3 vary Description. Fiahbsg Tfcckia, and Sporting Goods.

H0.2G4 KAfiftAS AVEflUn which rats became tuberculous from I vexeeate old age; and I love net the man who can look without emotion upon the sunset of life, when the dusk of evening, begins to gather over the watery eve, and the shadows of twilight grow broader and deeper upon the understanding. Longfellow, xoavx vuieil uijvu mo no resemblance to each other, except stage appears to have been unknown to in the one solitary circumstance that the ancients, and Charles IL is said to thev never at any time take sufficient to have first encouraged such a thin? i i rri. That's lover you vEl Cud eating the cast-off poultices of an in firmary. It ij noun not easily declined." i tcc-t iutujtiiv.c i.xxcxxiat:xy cs. xxxtj uue cisiiis England, in LUZ.

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