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The Evening Review from East Liverpool, Ohio • Page 6

East Liverpool, Ohio
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SIX THE EVENING REVIEW, EAST LIVERPOOU, OHfa WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28, 1905 KUROPAIKIN Piles in jcm that Vr. A. OiuM iPTjt it and narn for ot binr. or protrtidiog cura You nm It jf not gf't your labortr, Mirhignn f'ify, nij-t; hff a deak ThoKtrajn hrrjught on an of Tbcy I ana 4 LIi d.

LINEVITCH IN BAO POSITION 5 Tliat tbc'f f. a all 'ieakrt. or I Da. A W. CHAr Enfiato, N.Y 9r.

A. W. Omiment. i Report at St. Petersburg That 70,000 Russians Are Cut Off by Nogi.

PATTISON IN RHEUMATISM COMMON IN SUMMER OUIIS joe Clermont County Candidate for The time to gfet tsf Rbetimatism it in Summer while the blood is cndeavor- Democratic Nomination Looks Like Winner. WELTY RUNNING CLOSE SECOND ing to purge itself of all poisons and im purities, and the skin is active, with all the pores and glands open and able, id this way, to assist in the elimination. Military Experts Believe He Has tle Chance to Gain Victory Over Hig Cunning Condi- tione in Caar'a Empire Alarming. I'l ght "U'fl 7 'i (b-iu ral 1 1 had Petersburg, sprt-ad that jropaikm kiiied. This ruiiiur wa? some: mes ih a 7 Ki Hussian; had ts'ogi'g army an i 1 Kun; been lakeii of ru- niors e.

tiie 'laff or pr s. The memhers of aff -ay ihar no n'po of -i- iai poriaiic- have been The rni'itary Xpert unyth ng but a Iwtpefiil of»*- vilrh's Hit-Kil on do no' he can be nrroiindetl, bm apparently the no not con bllity a vk orv. retirennnt Jlarb.n and of Vladivostok to rrguniril as forrgoiie when Field According hr la" St from the front, wh'ch ia hours 'ican 1 on h.i- Mayor Johnson of Cleveland Displays Anxiety Principally About Platform. Ohio Democratic State Convention Meets at Columbus. Columbus, 1366 Mt.

Vernon, Are. years ag I had a severe attack of iDttammmtprjr Rheumatism, and the 2. They changed medicine every week and nothing they Piescnbed seemed to help me. Finally Chief Engineer of Panama Canal Tenders Resignation to President. It l.ijin«' 1 VriKT'iin l'ovoTtiiiifrit, IH VS th .1 po to I bu I fi ni Alt hough other ran on hl use of 8, 8.8.

My knee and elbow Jointa were swollen tembly, and at one time Rtr hands were so awollen and painful that I could not close them when opened. I waa getting discouraged, you may bo sure, I began 8. B. 8., but as I saw It waa helping me I continued it, and today I am a sound, well man and have never bad a return of the dlseaao. R.

H. CHAFMAN. SOME DIFFERENCE OF OPINION Whiskey and Beer Habit PERMANENTLY CURED BY ORRINE, The inactivity of the Liver, Kidneys and Riwcls causesthe refuse maUer to remain in the system, which, in contact cl.l III Till- ('hilH iO inrr of Ari an enod b't h.t\" iiji.ari III f.i»- d- fr 1 ,1 H. if. 1 IHM i fl.

I ail p.iiHii I- ini-rfMHiipi ill nilnisff-r to iHMid forrlgn aff.ilrs nck nioienMnt, find province hag a but iti f.ffii.M cuna douh'fii' Juno 2' the tin fr of ai! the dbi.i:. Inroa h. J-hn M. of the acids bcxTy, liMinf roiifiiv aas Ml the ica ling ran forms uric acid to lie alisorbed bv the 1. fur Ih iiuni ns iuu hlocxl ami to the different crijur wln the utaj of muscles, producing the pains, mk- and other distressing syrap- ifFitVIA ea 4 uiii of coTnmit'of on I I iutix over fju'- iouh horn- ni' and imuiic.pai owrHTship I of public utillt rail! r.h' Huge Task.

It was a huge task, to cure of such a bad rane of kidney after forciog bark the right aa that of Collier, of and Center, traiirtferred hin wiughr agtlnst the the Kus slans to give ground tie also. Movement Merely a Feint. The iiiliitary critica that the frontal inoveinenf is tm rely a for the of one or both Husstan wlngH, without which nothing In the shajK' of a victory Is possible. The impression is that Oyama, profiting by past, experiences, is more carefully preparing his turning operations, but by the token the Hiisalan ataff I.lnevlich has ample precautions to keep In touch with flanking movement sand that it is not posiible to take him by surpri-e. Occasional heavy downpours of rain continue at the ffout.

The mobilizations which begin to day will affect chiefly the cities un touched by the earlbT mobilizations. At Kleff It is announced the mobiliza tlon will Include of all from 1 to 1 04 8 IVtershurg. June wave of d'Horder mg over ttiixslri has appear'd at ed by bi.xul.hed and has There were between and the sr two of voFej-, Were llred by No rejiort 0 the of the casual ties has received, the oftlcla! statement with initial eiicounfiT. deciiiring -thar two persona kil'ed. Workmen Erect a Barricade.

luirnber of were m.iile on nien. A press dispitfch siys fOtl armed workmen barricaded a and repulsed the attack of llelnforceiiients were sent, hut the stilt of their attack on the strikers is not known. is little news from Poland, but copies of Lodz giving an acctjuiit of the demonstrations are eagerly read. telegram to offi Ola! agency gives the number of killed and those who died of their wdiind.s on Fri ila as Ifll. It others were killed Saturday and Sunday and that the eonipiefe of victims cannot be stated di flnitely.

other ae- counLs give a total estimate of dead at Ixidz. Pekin, June 211 correspondent of the Associated Press here Is in but Electric Fitters did it. He kldro ys were so far gone, I could not sit on a chair without a cushion; and suffered from dreadful baekaehe, headache, and depression, In Electric Hitters, however, I fiuind a cure, and hy tl was restored to perfect health. I recommend this great tonic medicine to all with weak kidneys, jlver or Pfomat Guaranteed by Will Heed, Charles T. firkins, I).

Holloway and Andersen, druggists. Price 50c. KAISER MAKES REPLY. Concilia Answer 'to French Not of tory Nature. Paris, June reply to the French note on the subject of was presented during a confer- eiice be, ween Prince Hadulin.

the German ambas.sador. and niier Houvler at the foreign office While must friend.y in form and entirely iai'king a peremptory Gertnany's tiie the iMiHt' uij that the auenlion mil ue by a o. puwi-rs without any agreement in adv.tnci limiting of such Thi.s uerompaniod by the preHeutattou of cral iHjint of view in such an aiiiicabb spirit as to disarm the suspicion en Gerriiatiy's ul terior motives. Hadolin remained the of the note for a lengthy conversation, in whleh de hire for an amicable of the diffii uiiy vva.s further»*d. It is thought that Premier Houvler will be to terminate trovcrsy either by accepting the con or submitting cfumtcr pro INtsals.

However, he Informed Princt Hitdoln that no would be taki'ti until the German note had lieen submltti'd to the counci! of mfnisters at next meeting, which will place Friday, so that final de- rcrnains In abeyance itn- the council shiiuld be called in special session. It is the genera! ex- IMH'tat'on that an agreement will be learhed on the ha.sis of a Ciuiiereuce. Homeseekers' Excursions. the Missouri Pacific railway to formed on goml authority that China points In Missouri. Arkansas desires to be represented In the Russo- lana, Texas, Old and New Ari- Japanese peace conference.

Kansas, Colorado and Utah, at IcHINFUP RV tt I rates. Tickets sold on first WfllNtbt VtRY BITTER. and third 8 of each month. iFor Information address Jno. "-I'- --C sf.

In Celestial Kingdom. Pekin, June question of Chinese exclusion from the T'nited fitatcs continues chiefly to the attention of the Chiucso. The extent and depth of the feeling manifeste.l astonishes foreigners anil Is regarded as an evidence of the growth of a nu- tiona! seutiment of public spirit which five years ago would have liecn Inconceivable. Among many instances cited evidence of this it is said that a K'hinese comprador has refused a I'tcratlve apiHilniment with an Amcri can company. Advert iscnu'nta of American goods continue to he by the native newsjiapcra ami letters ami tolegrams from all parts of as well as from abroad, are being received, urging the central gov crnnient to take a firm stand.

The chief obstacle Is of exclusion of CfHilics from Hawaii and the li i.s urged that there is no reasonable obicction to Bessemer Pittsburg. Pa, 120eod Mori- itiau hour.s wa-; devo'eil 10 a ra! li liu p'ar form Commi wliicli -n adjourm-tl tj'r'ork this leaving! the of piatfirm to aj comm; coiMi of of Tom 1. of Harlan ('in cinnati, A. of Putnam iun n. Finley of of KIchlan'l and Char, E.

Betfh of l.awrence, the state commit- rue' Kinnev Marleita, -w. iio iias I diir- the rwo 1 but without taking any looking to- for the coming campaign an adjournnient wa.s at once taken nitri! July 11 The permamn? or patilzaflon to reixirt in favor of Jmlge WiK.ani;- Coiiim- hu.s for chairman, J. DiPiiic of Sandu.iky for and Joe of Clove- for anf at arm.x. uD ipportcr of Joun C. for the In.r«* are really only two conte.Afs, that for rnor and for judge, so that one may ill cb'ar up all the work.

The candidale for ilcutcnant may I of now iu the there ia a Ing that Frank who has come out as a for g.iv* would be willing to take noriiina- t.on for attorney generai, although Thoma.s of Portsmouth is an c.Hiditiaii for place. For judge rr five ur- being I. Jmlge Hii'hard of ('ohIiocIoii, II. T. Mathers of Sidney, Gruber of John Winn of and Frank Marriott of are as willing to take the mtmina had xuggesfeil ier for biii big tlon lies rmjre naturally on bcncii.

Platform laik and at the present Hmc is.mie.s likely to take the chief piace in the tion.s to I or two national antl-truRt andanti- robutes, may he mentioned, but the state issue.s will receive most attention. Mayor Tom John.son of Cleveland is to be chiefly iniercsfi'd in the and may cause a change of bring about lusi'rtion of nmnicipal rshjp and planks which had not been prt'vlotihly upon. toms of Rheumatism. The wauikring pains of the disease remind the sufferer that the poison is stilf in the blood and he should lose no time in getting it out. S.

S. neutralizes the acid and makes the rich and pure. It tones up every organ and cures the disease permanently. S. a a contains no harmful miner als to ably affect the system, hut PURELY VEGETABLE, whilecuringthe disease builds up every part of the fxxly by its fine tonic effect.

on Rheumatism and any medical without THE SWIFT SPECIFIC Atlanta, Ga. Official Announcement Is Expected. Taft and SHonts Don't Feel Free to Disclose Cause of to Be Taken Soon. June 2 Wa lace, chief of canal and of r-omn: has reslgnej Ixvih po-' accept a MO.uO»» office with a York a-iked the of hia rtiplied that ho wa- a posl'ion in the r-f rr. his to ABSOLUTELY SAFE, SURE AND'HARMLESS, a of the nirvoos creating a morlA fi'f a Cootinucd indnlgcBic in beer or wine eata aaatth Pnmg and oreana, thn.

the d.geatioa roiaing the b-aiih. No heal the iuP.aiiHtd ORRiNL permar.ently tiie craving- li-juor by acting directly on affected restoring the and organs to lioprovm the appetite and the health, tan be given if desircd, Cure Effected or Money Refunded. teirn kn-m what he thfnfci of ORRfNE; he wilt Indorxe statements as truthful in every respect. If OKKIN'L fads to cure we will reiucj you every permy paid for it ascbeerlully as we took it. No Sanitarium Treatment or Publlcltyl No Absence from home or of time! Mothers, wtvex and sisters, you cannot cure those who arc afflicted with this rnntt of all by your fervent prayers, or eves red with tears, nor by vour that they may stop drinking.

It can be done only with OURINE. You Lv the you use it If you desire to cure without the knowledge of patient desires to be cured of his own free will buy No. if. Fun directions found in each package. Price ft box.

All Correspondenco Confidential. Drunkenness and how to Cure the ORRI.NE WASHINGTON. D-C. PRESIDENT AT CAMBRIDGE. Chief Low Rate Excursions to Portland, Ore.

Account Lewis and Clark ExposI tion, will bo In effect via Wisconsin 'entral Railway. If jmu intend to go to this year the ticket agent to make your ticket read via WiKooi.sIn Central between Chicago ami St. Paul. Pullman sleepers, reclining chair cars and a CnrVo meals make the journey comfortable and pleasant. Further inforinatlon cheerfully given by ad.lressing Ira F.

Schwcgel, T. 407 Traction Cincinnati, O. .29 OBJECTIONS FILED. £0 AI.L. DI OF CilTIMATK ati UK Royal Arcanum Executive Committee Hears Complaints.

Boston, Jtx-The commiti.e of the council. Ib.yal Arcamim. m--t hore acoor.llng cuHtom. foiiowlng nnmial meet- tug. U.

cimsiider matter.s acted ufx.n at the of the supreme council Jersey. Abner I'. Hopkins and Mortimer A lederynel. of appeared the as a to the new- rate s.vsiem, They informed that the execuf ve committee had no i)ower to change scale, but their objcctiuu was pro- it before ihe coim.niu-o ad journ today. a pro- of 111 Royal which met night, passed a resohnion the am ion of the supremo raising and called ujxm State Grand Huage to tne proie.sf an 1 3 to have the new scale as- rescinded.

Congressman Under Arrest. Nashville, June gressmau John W. Gaines of this eity and E. W. Thompsnn.

clerk in (he office of a local steam laundry, In a personal as result of which both were placed under arrest. The trouble in the laundry offlre over a ing tp Mr. Gaines, At the police sra- tlOB each was on his own recognizance. Boy Confesses Murder. Sterling.

Koser, 18 years o'd, hag that following a quarrel he to death Jacob Weaver, age 65, at Savannah. Executive Revisits of Hit College Days. rambri'lgc, Ma. June 28 Ing wltli his form -r coiusc in r-Icbrating the Iw iity-flfth auuivcr of the of their from Harvard, re- to alma not as magistrate of the nation. Imt a privsHj citizen, and a loyal Harvard alumnus.

the ancient uni- Vfrsity of Harvard would have been ad pay him all the h.onor It was the q.m^t that he be a a of the class of 'su rather iiH the preside.nt the 8 4 students, alumni ami the ritizi'tis of Cambridge giving him a hearty greeting as he drove ILrough the streets of the university city. The day was a busy one. Ariivng tn Boston at a quarfer before 7 a. m. was to the re.sidcnce of the R.ght William Lawrence.

he f.s bejng cnt rtaincd. The bithop i.s Harvard Alumni association. Breakfast at and among those in ad to the president Private Secretary Ixieb. were the son Kcrmif, who eame from Groton school; Pn'iident Charles W. fCliot of Harvard university.

Judge Francis Lowell of the Fnited States circuit court, and the Rev. Samuel ('rothiers, pastor of the First Fnitarian church of Cambridge. During the forenoon President vi.slted the of the Alpha Delta Phi society, the Harvard stadium, and the Ghestnut res! lienee of George C. Lee. the father of the first wife.

The president w-as then driven to the Oakley county club in Watertown whiTC the class of held an mal reunion and wa.s served. A photograph of the class was taaen and also a photograph of the members of the class who to the same student dining club as did the president. Of the 166 members of the class of 80 120 have regi.stered at class headquarters, nearly every state in the union. Returning from the Oakky fountry club, the president was driven to the rooms tif the Porce.ain club, an organization of Harvard student.s. where he stayed about half an hour, He then returned Bishop homo, where put on evening clothes and' waa driven to the fiotei Somer.set in Bosum for the banquet of the clas.s SO.

It was-late in liie when the returned to have the of ORRLNE, the liquor cure, and have ft to an of merit ami that ORIIINE PA.NV, of D. squarely It.s cnstonurs and will fund nauiey if is not Many cures havi; to my and I consider that 1 nu'sf fortunate in for a liquor Every time I sell a Imx GRUIX'E I that I am doing maiilind gofxi, for I that GRRINF a cure in every where it is faithfully according to dl Charles T. East Ohio. STRONGEST IN THE WORLD tain.F ivGiNKLa jonx f.« e.

Wa h.ngton, June The an nouncement of the resignation John F. Wallace as chief engineer of ti Paaama canal coniniis.sktn was not in view of r. some time ago to be to come to this country to discuss af- fa r.s with Secretary Taft. of the commission did not hesitate say that his resignation would embarrass the commis.slon in its work and might necossitato the of the meeting of the full commission in September. President Shonts of Ihe commission told his colleagues at their meeting that he knew nothing the intt ntion.s of Wallace and that he was eoiHpitoiy In the dark on the subjeer.

The posalhUity of Mr. Wal lace has been discusseii jn the commis.sio.n for v- era! day-i, but Taft is stated to have been really the only person who had an inkling of Mr. That the held strong views on the subject wa.s known to of his friends and It is there may be some interesting developments before the official resignation is announced by the government. It Is under.stcsafl that Mr. W.allaee.

when he last conferred with the offi cials before leaving for the Isthmus, expressed hlm.self as grat at the consideration shown him and his entire satisfaction with the plan the administration of the canal. The statement is by a friend of Seeretary Taft that it is believed the resignation of Mr. Wal lace will cause him to his trip to the SURPLUS 80 0 000 The SURPLUS of a life assurance company is the most important point to its policy holders- It is the proui of m.irpnn-of assets over all fund from which all dividends and profits must l)e It wise in the abao- lute safety in the The surplus of the I'kjuitable is over Rightv Million of by many millious than any other assur.ance in the Something to remember when m.tking an contract upon which the welfare of your family or bu.siness may The Equitable Life Assurance Society EDWARD A. WOODS, Manager Frick Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. I SS! represented 8 D.

NICE, East Liverpool, Ohio, AUTO KILLS A LAD. ARSENIC IN STOWACH. Seashore Excursions During Summer 1905 Via Pennsylvania Lines Suspicion of Murder by Poison Rests Upon Husband. gin, HI, June 28. Arsenic is said to have been dl.scovered In the stomach of Mrs.

W. H. Durfrec, whose ieath here has caused su.splcion to rest uiHUi her husband. The internal organs are under chemical and mi- cniscopical examination In ('hicago. B., an Elgin attorney. i.s authority fur the that tile poison has found. The Kiibsfanee a m.v.sterious vihite pijvv- which Durfree gave his is being invm.siigat.'d by the E'gin an thorifies and may solve the my.stery of woman's death. con- Hnuc.s have hi.s liberty under of fl.tHiu. into Durfree past are rnafle.

The sinry has many ramifications, including Bveral previous marriages by Du Chauffeur Charged With Deliberatsly: Running Him Down. Palladelphla. Juno 28 is said to have been a deiiberate attempt ot a chauffeur to scare penson.s on the resulted iu the death Lidon Garber, a boy During a concert at Broad street ami Susquehanna avenue a b.g automobile at a high speed dashed down Brou'i street. As the machine approached the crowd it is said the driver deliberately sieerud the tiiward the child with the evident intention of scaring him. As the auto drew near the boy the ehauffeiir became eon fused and before he had gained trol of the machine it had run down young Garber.

The auto then put on all steam and rushed up Broad street, pursued by two blcvcle policemen. The offleer.s were to overtake the auto and gave up the after a run of several mile.s There six persons in the automobile when accident pendyour acatio 0 NT 8 GHEAT ukES BOY SAVES A TRAIN. Sees Ap hki tai i att iknkx ai.i.rciiik.n-v 4 Fimi ITi-tbim ohawt -Have tmed' time and find If more Hum what jjou claim it will do on Hm Mri). Hogedorri, Coviugtou, Ohio. No Dessert More Attractive gelatine ami hours soaking, swci-tening, flavoring Hinl etdoring when better in two minutes? Everythmg in the package.

Kiniply add hot water and to cool. Asujr- tli the No trouble, ssex. iwiise. Try it Flavairs: L'ltinn, Gr ujge, Strawberry, llai-pb. rry, Ctowokte and (lu rry.

make Ico Gn am Jell-i It IlKAM All in package. At aU grocers. pkgs. for 25c. Tlie amuial excursli.iis to Allmlir City, Sea Isle City.

and IteholHith, via run this year 2mii, Jniy CJih. Anjinst lofh. 2ltb. an.l 7th. frein Kast f.iveqioal Uoiint thk ets will sold at 440.

k.kmI In oniy. and good in or parlor Pullman ite turn limit. days. Privih-ge of atop at Philadelphia will he granied Lxi-nrsion tii'kefs will g.ssi Vegn ho tuumal above A sts'iiat train of man jmrlor ears and Pennsylvania Stand veMlliule eoaehes will leave on irientioaed a. j.p!„ I'tirg lime, arriving cpy a m.

running throngti with.uit ehang- via ItUer Uono may leave Piitshiji-g 4 and p. lime. trains with aieeping and eoaelie.s Phllndelphla. in with retiniriHl steeping ear liik will be on Train Xo. lug fittslnirg iiion Station lu p.

and running thr.mgh to and Atlan jic lt.f. I-iirther information will be free- mptat to Ticket A iiiu. Anchor it there IfundriHls of lives sav'od every year having Hr. Oil ill Hie bouse just wlu-u it is d. he hums, cuts, wtmmls of every sort.

Bring it in with effective, capable Illustrations of your goods. There is no detail of your business more important than the appearance of your Designs, Engravings Electrotypes. and Measured by results, they cost less than you think. Write us. We will answer your letter promptly.

ECLIPSE ELECTROTYPE ENGRAVING CO. CLIVELANP Open Switch and Warns preaching Passenger. AltiKina, 28 bound ims.sengtT train the of the INunsylvania railroad between Sand Ki.tge and es capc.l what might have a ous vvreck and injury and among the I 2 passi ahuard. Wallace Moore, ago re.sid ing near the ihai -i switch Jiad been opened, and knowing bat the passenger train wr.uid soon he due stuod on the track until the train when he his hat an.l succeeded in stopping the iraiD. sla NP MICHIGAN SUMMER RESOHTS.

TI.MK TAni.K BCTWtCM Lsave DETROIT, daily 10.30 P. M. Arrive CLEVELAND 5.30 A.M. making all Kailioiitls fur mul Leave CLEVELAND, daily 10.15 P. M.

Arrive DETROIT 5.30 A. M. REQUEST BY MRS. EDDY. with D.

STEAMERS for Oiiiuth, Minneapolis, SI Paul, Petoskay, Milwaukee. Chicago and Georgian Bay. with all P.di- Michlifan nnd the DAY TRIPS (including Sunday between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY except Monday, JULY and AUGUST MACKINAC DIVISION Lv.TOLEDO. Mondays A "Saturdays 9.30 A.M A Thursdays 4.00 P.M. Lv.DETROIT,Mondays 5.00 P.M.

I "Wednasdays A Fridays 9.30 A.M. FoorTrlps Per Week "Commencing June 15lh Tliriiagh nude at l.HI.Ai*i' witu All 10 North Weit, aioi IL H. 1 A. and Uiao at ST. IGNACR Stamn I'aiaDhlaS A.A.Rril DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAV.

CO. Asks Christian Scientists to Cease Special Prayer for Peace. June Rev Mary Baker G. Kddy has,*«| im, thl rs of ear Israel, the (Jod is utm Uml I nuw request that the mem- hers of my church cease special prayer for the peace of nations am cease in full faith that God mH hear tiur prayers only because of oft the nr iho earili anrl V'hat doest ri.u n. 40 and 50c Bread and Butcher Knives af 25 Gems McKennag of His all Cigar and Novelty Store WaaMmgtoH St,.

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