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Gold Hill Daily News from Gold Hill, Nevada • 5

Gold Hill, Nevada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GOLD HILL. NEVADA: THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1869. 'jiimntii iiilio THE EVENING NEWS. Published ovary day excepted). PHILIP LYNCH.

1 Mreel, UoM Hill, a few ef the Poxtofflce. TKEMS. year.hy Mall or Six 10 oo till-r ModUm 6 ou Single cenu. THK DAILY NEWS delivered In Gold Hill. Virginia.

American City. Silver City, Davton aad Sprlnr Valley, at Kilty Genu per weelt, payable tke L. riSlIEK Sail Kraucljce MADISON San rratirlvo THE GOLD HILL DISASTER PULL PARTICULARS OP THE CALAMITY. I From the Gold Bill of April laalmM Do nee .10 Miners Smikeiwl la llrath About 7 o'clock this morning a fire was discovered at the 800-foot level of the Yellow Jacket raiue, Gold Hill, near tho Keutuck line, and in a very short both the Kentuck and the Crown Foiut mines, which adjoin Ihc Yellow Jrcket ou the south, uud are couuectcd with it by drifts, were filled with a stifling smoke from that level and bow far below is at present not pre cisely known. The sliilts were just (-hangiug, and the iWy shift was partly down.

The were hoisted out as fast us possible, but all below the level of the fire were caught and are still there, with the exception of those who were brought up from the foot level of the Yellow Jacket mine at iiood, dead. The alarm was -sounded, and our Col.i Hill Fire Department were quickly on band with their hose, and, us soon as expedient, a stream was got down the Yellow Jacket shaft. At first smoke was very bad in this mine, but soon a strong draft set through it and the Keutuck into the I Crown Poiut, and up the shaft of that mine. Kngines No. 4, 3 and ti, from Virginia, also came down, and their, gallant boys rendered nil the assistance possible.

The Yellow Jacket shaft bciug, alter a while, com- I parativcly free from suioke. Mr. Kellogg, the foreman, and others were able to pass up and down occasionally, but none of the men, of whom there were four still in the mine, could be rescued. The smoke also subsided in the Kentuck shaft, so that about o'clock, Tom Smith, who has charge the ropes, and another man, went dowu on the cage and discovered two dead men, who wero subsequently brought to the surface. These were Anthouv about 25 years, and married about week ago at Pat- rick E.

tjuiun, aged about 30. Both were found at the 700-foot station. HOUHIULM Three named Richard, George and James Bickle, aged respectively 33, 31 and 2" years ol' age, working in the Crowi) Point mine. Sot long niter the fire was discovered aud the deadly smoke was pouring nut through the Crown Point shaft, Richard and George groped their way to the cage and raug the bell to come up. When they arrived at the surface, George was discovered insensible, loaning over his brother and holding him as with a dtftttb grip, which it was quite difficult to disengage Richard had bis head torn almost completely his left arm was hanging by little strip of skin to the shoulder, lie had doubtless insensible, aud sinking down upon the cage, was dragged against the shaft timbers at the sides.

George still lives, but is insensible aud suffering from asphyxia, produced by the inhalation of the terrible smoke, so foully charged with de dly carbonic ncid gas. The third brother, James, was still in the mine at last accounts. They were natives of Yorkshire, Kngland. STILL IN TIIK MINK. At the level of the Crown Point mine, quite number of iniuers were known to be imprisoned, and.

being below the level of the lire and smoke, it was hoped they might escape, especially as the blower ol the mine was kept in operation supplying fresh air to that level. Therefore, at II a. a cage was sent down with lighted lantern upon it nnd a small box with canities and the following dispatch in it, written large piece of pasteboard, by the Superintendent, J. P. Jones We are fast subduing the fire.

It Is death to attempt to come up from where you are. We will get to you soon. The gas in the shaft is terrible, and produces sure and speedy death. Write a wqrd to us, and send it up on the cage, and let us know how you are. Alas 1 to this dispatch there was no reply; the cage came up as'it went down.

MUiik Itnuu About noon, some of the firemen went dowa the Yellow Jacket shaft on the cage, to the UOO-foot Ievel4 and succeeded in bringing out the body of man whose name we did not had been working in tbe mine but a day or two; and win a comparative stranger. At auother trip tliey brought out Ihe body of Joseph McClellan, aud made third trip, when, after searching through all the drifts at that level for some minutes, they succeeded in finding and bringing to the surface one more body, that of John ilogan. They went down again, nod a still more thorough search, bat unsuccessfully, although another body, that of Jeremiah Cbcnctte, was still unrecovered. MISSINO Oa calling the roll 'of the Crown Point miners and comparing.notes, '23 were found to be missing, and most probably dead in tbe iniue. The following is list of their names Michael McCormiek, Peter Blouin, Patrick Buckley, James Bickle, George Kdmonde, A.

G. Grant, Edward Jewell, Wm Jewell, Jonathan Jones, Thomas Laity, Wm. Mitchell. Joseph Matthews. Archie McDougall, Thos.

McCntlin, Thos. McCoy, Daniel O'Brien, James Peters, A. Ueiuay, K. Tompkins, John llowtn, Thos. Toland.

The names of the lour still rnisiiujC in the Kentuck mine are Patrick tfognn, Martin Clooaey, Harry Stevens, Joseph Glnssen. In tbe Yellow Jacket, as we have before stated, Jeremiah Chenette is (till missing. Add to these 28 missing six bodies recovered, and the fearful list sums up to all deud, although there is a bare possibility that some may yet he alive in the lower depths of the Crown Point mine. IX CONCLUSION We would remark that this is by far the most ftppalliag, terrible and fatal calamity which bas ever happened in the mines of the Comstock ledge, and not only falls like black clouds of terror over the whole community, but it carries deep sorrow and distress into tbe bosom of many a family, as many of the victims were married men. A much ore distressing sight can hardly be imagined than to gee SO many womeu hurrying wildly about anlong the excited crowds nt the of the disaster, loudly weeping or eagerly inquiring after the safety of those near and dear to them.

The true cause of the fire is not precisely known, but it is supposed to hare caught from some caudle stuck against the timbering, after the too usual style. Neither is the iajury to the mines knowu to its fullest extent. It may simply be confined to the lovel where it started. As we go to press, it is reported that the fire is being controlled uud partially subdued. Coroner Symontie will hold an inquest upon the bodies this evening.

the Gold Oill Of The rent Calnaallrot Gold Hill The lleiiil Bod Ira of Ike llroucht up out of (be nod Kliiorlrd and Kvrrr Dciid (o be Found Alive Ycl Iroin Ibe Srcue of Ike Terrible Dimmer! The dead, mangled and distorted victims of the fearful mining calamity of yesterday in our Gold Hill mine's, arc to-day being brought up from the fatal depths by the venturesome and brave firemen and miners, many of whom have not yet slept or allowed themselves a moment's rest since the fiery fiend look possession of the mining depths and of the lives of those within his deadly reach. About 11 o'clock last night it was dccidcd lo try and get through into the lower levels of the Crow t'oint mine, if possible, by way of the Yellow Jacket 900-foot level, beneath the fire. Three of our best and bravest Gold Hill firemen, Putunm, Lee, and Mercer, together with Harry Aine, of Washoe Engine Company No. 4, Virginia, got ou the cage and went down. They succeeded in their endeavor, and establishing communication through the Crown Point shaft with the surface, they and others sent up one corpse after another, to the uuiubor of thirteen.

Some of these were recovered from the sump, or bottom of the shaft, at the level, where they had falleu from the levels above but the most were found in the 900foot level, lying in all sorts of despairing positions, just as they sunk down, overpowered, and died, under the effects of the foul smoke strongly charged with the pungeut and deadly carbonic acid gas. The names of those recovered at this time were Pat'k Buckley, Jeremiah Cbeuette, John Rohan, Edward Jewell, Win. Jewell (two brothers), Patrick Hogan, A. G. Grant, A.

J. McDonald, Peter Blouin, Tlios. McCoy, James Bickle, Joseph Matthews, Win. Mitchell Some of those who fell into the sump were terribly crushed and mnuglcd, in one or two instances the beads being so horribly crushed and torn that they could only be identified by. their clothing, or what was tound in the pockets.

It Booms RKCOVKKCD. The search was still continued, and about 11 a. m. to-day they commenced sending up more bodies, some of which wore tak-'n from the 800-toot level of the Crown Point, by venturing in for a few momrnts at a time among the still siuoku and gas. The bodies of Harry Stevens, nomas imuu, Thomas a man whose unme we coulJ not ascertain, was said to lie ii Scotchman newly employed in the Yellow Jacket, were thus recovered and sent to the surface up to I o'clock P.

and search wan still being actively prosecuted for more. ALIVI. It was hoped that souie of the uufortuuato miners might he found alive in some part of the lower levels, beneath where the poisonous smoke and gas might penetrate but alas, no those in the Yellow Jacket and Kentack had worked their way through as far ns possible into the Crown Point mine, and nil woro thus comparatively iu the vicinity of each other. It is thought by the miners belonging to these miues, who have suited together, that there are some few more missing than are supposed, ami that tho total will sum up nearly or quite to. atpiarakce or tue dkad.

All of those taken from the mine Inst night and to-day bore the appenrauce of having died severe and pniuful death, their faces being deeply Hushed and swollen and theirfetttures distorted, as though they bad gasped tearfully for breath at tt-e last dread moment, and they were found in- all positions of writhiug agony upon the floors of the drifts, many with their faces behind plauks, over winzes, nud wherever they could hope for a breath of fresh air. Some were a little bruised, but only those who had fallen dowii the shaft much mangled. RM R.N STATIC OP TUB FIRR. The fire in the Yellow Jacket mine still continuos, and it is difficult to state when it will be entirely extinguished, although it is being pretty well managed at the writing, and comparatively subdued. It is nt the level, and does not appear to extend more than doxen sets ol timbers in length but it is working up toward the 700-foot level in the old timbering, where it hat been worked out above the 800-Icvel.

This worked out space being filled in with wiste earth, as fast ns the timbers burn out the waste falls. Thin hag the efTect to smother the fire somewhat, but seriously impedes the operations of the firemeu, us it has to bo cleared away by the miners ns much as possible. To day they are able to get Into the 700level, with water, and it is hoped that the fire will be closed out before mid uight. The sinoke is still coming up pretty strong through the Crown Point shaft, and some through the Kintiick. yet it does not appear as strong or as gaseous as at first.

Great praise is due to the Superintendents of the respective companies, and to the officers and members of the Gold Hill Fire Department, as well as their bretbreu ol the Virginia Department, for their untiring and well directed efforts in this sad affair. rCXRItAL SKHVICKH. At 1 P. u. to-day, the funeral of Richard Bickle, Joseph Matthews and William Mitchell took place from Odd Pellows' Hall, under tho auspices of the Order, of which they members.

Their funeral was largely atteuded by members of the Order, friends and relatives, and they were buried in the cemetery in lower Gold Hill. At 2 o'clock the funeral of Anthony Toy took place from his residence on the Bowers Grade. was taken to Virginia by the ginia Miners' Union, and buried there. At 3 o'clock a larger funeral took place from Theater Hall, being that of eight members of Uie Miuers' Union. This was escorted by the Sweeny Guard of Gold Hill, of which company one of the deceased was a member, and the Krnrnet Guard of Virginia, preceded by the Gold Hill brass band, playing appropriate music.

The coffins were borne separately in hearses and wagons one following the other, and behind came the Miners' Union and the'Cananian Society, numbering soveral hundred, followed by friends and relatives of the deceased in carriages and on horseback. It was the largest and most solemn funeral procession ever seen in Gold The church belle tolled as the funeral passed, and the sidewalks were lined with hundreds of spectators, as it passed down Main street toward the cemetery. Just preceding it was.the funeral uf Richard Bickle, being buried from Odd Fellows' Hall by ihe Masonic Order, to which lie belonged. The remains of Patrick Buckley will probably be sent to Grass Valley tonight, accompanied by his wife, who is expected to arrive from there this evening. A sister ami brother of Patrick Hogan are also expected from San Francisco this evening, to take his remains thither for burial.

XTILL ROUIKS HKCOVKRKD. Since 1 p. m. to-day tho bodies of Michael McCormick and George Tompkins have been recoverod. Three other bodies have also been recovered, but so mangled at to be unrecognizable.

One is thought to oe that of Matt Tooney, another Jonathan Jones, but the third Is so horribly mutilated that it has not been identified as yet. nicKLit George Bickle, who was hoisted out of the Crown l'oint shaft yesterday morning, insensible from asphyxia, yet holdi'ig the mangled corpse of his brother in his arms, died at noon to-day. A KKSCGKK IN DANOKK. Robert Welch, oue of the noble men who since 8 o'clock this morniug labored faithfully in the depths of the recovering the bodies the victims, was himself taken ont at 3 o'clock this afternoou uenrly insensible and badly asphyxiated from the iulmlatiou of the smoke and gas. He is very sick, vomiting and purging severely, but now lies at the Crown Point works, with good medical attendance.

8TILL IN Til MINK. There are still thought to bo eight or ten remaining in the mine, but, being at the upper levels, they cannot be got at with safety at present. uua uca-u. Our coteniporary, tbe h'nlcrprite, thus feelingly portrays tbe avrfu! and heartrending io our midst for the lust thirty We indorse every word the following: The in aud arouud the various hoisting works of the burning miocs during the early part of the day, was indescribably heartrending. A large number of the victims'had families residing in Gold Hill.

Wives, mothei uid children gathered around the openings of the mines, tearfully inquiring for their missing relatives, and lacerating all hearts with their wails of anguish as the dreadful truth flashed uPon them. We trust it may not bo our fate to ever witness another such sccne. Once in lifetime is more than sufficient. As for the suffering wives and children of the men who have thus perished, let their wants be provided for by the ever generous communities of Virginia and Gold Hill. We know nothing of the circumstances of these grief-stricken families, but it Is quite probable that some of them, at least, have been suddenly deprived of their means of support, and their needs must be looked to.

The fate of the men who have lost their lives by this calamity assumes an attitude almost of martyrdom. Mining is the leading industry of the State, and those who descend bare-armed into the bowels of the earth to labor and advance it, do so with a peril which docs not attach to any other occupation. These men seem to have suffered in common cause, and to provide for their destitute families should be deemed public duty. A Noblk number of have volunteered their kind services since last night in rescuing tbe remains of the unfortunate men who lost their lives yesterday In the Crown Poiut and the Kentuck mines, and most valuable have been their services. At the risk of their own lives, they have gone down into tbe lower levels of the Yellow Jacket, and groped their way over into the Crown Point and Kentuck, below where the fire oxiste, and by the assistance of the hoisting works of the Crown Point, they Inive mounted the cages aud ascended to the levels where most of the dead wore, and before becoming quite suffocated themselves, they wiuld quickly drag a td the shaft and then ring the bell to tbe levels below, and after getting out of the way of the dreadful, poisonous smoke and gas, they would lush the corpse to a plank and send it up on cage in an upright position.

Ol lue UCIIU taken out of the Crown Point mine thin morning, was found hanging in shaft on a ladder, one of bis legs apparently fast inside of one of the rounds of the ladder and his nrms in their death-grip fast to the while hie head fell It was with difficulty that his separated the corpse from the ladder. The remains were lowered with ropes a distance of filty feet. The man died in thu shaft between the eight and nine hundred fnot levels. No it noble fireinon of (iold Hill and Virginia City, who have taken such a humane interest in trying to subdue the fire in our mines, and to rescue the remains of the uufor lunate miners, ore indeed entitled to a meed ot praise mid reward which it is not in our power here to express. They have labored since early yesterday morning assiduously.

Tmk uoon, yesterday, telegram was seul to Br-ubci Mighels of ihe Carson Appeal, containiiij; brief details of our local calamity in the mines, and He immediately "issued an Extra The excite' menial Carson was intense, and suvera gentlemeu came up in buggies and or horseback to ascertain further parlicu tars. Work is gen erally suspended to day in the mines Gold IIill, and in Virginia, it order that the miners generally rnaj attend the funerals. Sao, of tho men wbi were killed in the Crown Point mini yesterday were futbers of families con taining five children. Tbe San Francisco Stock And Ktehange Board last evening telegraphed $1,000 to W. D.

C. Gibson of Gold Hill, for tbe benefit of tbe sufferers by tbe disaster of yesterday. At to-day' Cahill, of Cabill brokers, Virginia, also situiliarly sent $500 from San Francisco for the purpose ns bis private subscription. H. Ball also telegraphs to Postmaster Chubbuck of Gold Hill tp-day that ho tbinks $10,000 can be collected in that city.

Fathkhlkss of the men who were killed yesterday by the calamity in our mines, were niarried. Rkckntly of the men who was killed iu the mines yesterday "had been married only ten days. the Gold Hill of April The Unit Gold IIIII Mialnc Klrc nnrt Smoke on the IucrMKhp Crown l'oint Mi.pneil-The Vellow Jacket, Keutack mm Crown 1'olnt Cloaed a I.uat .11 ore from the Weene of the Dlaaater. At an early hour this morning a great increase of smoke observable coming through the Crown Point shaft, and by 7 o'clock the engineers, brakesmen nnd all hands were compelled to stop the machinery mid leave I he buitdiug, thick clouds of smoke rolling out through the in the roof and front nil the windows and doors. The fire was evidently on the incroase, judging from this smoke, and knowing by this time that it wits utterly impossible for tbe eight or ten men still remaining in the mine, and known to be in the upper levels, to be yet alive, it was resolved to adopt the last resort and smother out the fire.

the closixu or If In pursuance of this plan, at 11 A. u. measures were lakoii to close each one of the slutfis with plauks, wet cloth, earth, so to exclude all fresh air or dralt from above, and then by sending bodies of steam down each shaft it was thought the fire might be smothered and extinguished. The Crown Point shaft was closed near the top, at the carpenter shop floor level, and the Kentuck soino ten or twelve feet below the top, beneath the switch floor, wbero it could lie made tbe most effectually air tight. The Yellow Jacket shaft was closed at the point where the Gold Mill drain tunnel connects with it, 120 feet below the surface.

TUHNKD About 12 o'clock, by in of heavy iron piping connected with the boilers, a Btrong volumo- of was sent down tbe Yellow Jacket through tbe large of the blower, conducting it down Into the 800 and UOO-foot of tho mine, and from there it would go wherever it could best find egress into parts of the mine. NO UOitK HOIIIKS IIKCOVKKKII. No more bodies of the unfortunnte victims have been recovered since tbe lest we recorded in yesterday's isiue, as the eight or ten still believed to be in the roiuo are at the upper Ipvols cannot be got at. It will probably be some days now before they can be recovered. XXCITKUKNT.

With the increase of the smoke and lire there is a corresponding increase of tho public and large crowds are about the hoisting works of the three mines, and men nre hurrying to and fro up and down the streets, eager to get the latest intelligence. TIIK KIKK. It is well known that the fire bus not extended northward toward tbe Yellow Jacket shaft, nor is it below the 800foot level, lint it extended above toward tbe 700-foot level. Tbe firemen and miners have been close to it ou the north, and above it on the 700-foot level, but no live soul has yet becu at tlio south of it, by reason of the draft carrying the smoke and gas in tlmt direction, therefore the true extent of the burniug space is not precisely known. CORONICk'h Corouer Syniumls owing to tho continued excitement and recovering of the bodies was unable to hold any inquest until to-day.

He has three different juries itnpanneled, and will be busily occupied for tbe next day or two. KUNKRALS. Michael McCormick was buried at Virginia at 10 a. m. to-day, under the auspices of Mount Davidsou Lodge, I.

0. O. P. George Tompkins was buried at noon, from St. Mary's Church, at Virginia.

The funeral ofGeorge Rickle took placefroni Odd Fellows' Hall, (Sold Hill, at 2 p. and was largely attended by hftili Odd Fellows and Masons, lie being a member of Wildey Lodge No. 1, I. 0. O.

and of Silver Star Lodge No. 5, F. an A. M. Thomas Toland was buried froiu Theater Hall, Gobi Hill, at li a.

by tbe Miners' Union, of which lie was a member. The remains of Patrick Huckley will be forwarded to Grass Valley, California' to-night. CARBONIC ACID OAS. This a discovered in 1767 by Dr. Black, and called by him fiztd air.

He dstccted in it limestone and magnesia, from which he found it could be expelled by heat and the and alto noticed that it was produced by combuitlon, fermentation and breathing. -Compared with air weight ai 1.524 to 1. Flame immediately extinguished when it is mixed with air in the proportion of 1 part to 4. Unmixed with uir, it is entirely irrespirable and it ia rejected with violent spasms of the glottis. In the atmosphere it is unirorsnlly diffused in proportion exceeding ont part In a thousand by measure.

The great weight uf this gas tends to keep it in the low phces where it Is generated, though like other gases, it has also the dency to mix with atmospheric air. It ii related by Or. ChrUtison, that cases have occurred of men becoming instantly insonsl ble, cvfn when the light burned. Tn mlnei it is a very common thing for the men continue their work in an atmosphere so fou that their 'candles go out, and arc thee lighted from the still In the wick, swiuging them quickly through the air, whei they burn a little while and then go out, are again relighted in the same way. Per made insensible by inhaling this gas may be restored by immediately dashing coli water over them.

Water readily absorb carbonic acid gas. It was this deadly ga which existed as fixed air in our mines, am additional gases generated from the burnini pine-pitch timber, causing an explosion which caused the death of to many valuabl lives In our midst on Wednesdayklaat. Strakgb.t—The rapid decomposition of bodiei of tboee wbo were lost in tbc great mining acci'dent nt Gold Hill, it quite at strange and hard to be underttood auytbing connected with tbe sad affair. The (meil of the bodies Inst brought up is said to have been almost intolerable, and tbe fleth of some of tbem seemed aa mucb decayed as tliougb they bnd been dead month. This is supposed 10 have been caused by the great heat to which tiir bodies were exposed, and to the.

eflecls of the bad air and poisonous gases filling tbe lower parts of the mines. It is said tbnt the flesh of some of those last brought up was so decayed that the ficgers of those handling the bodiei would penetrate it upon tbe sligbtcit pressure. Those wbo assisted in'taking out the bodies say they wilt never, to the latest day of their lives, forget the peculiar and sickening smell which they gave out. It will be an awful task to bring the bodies of tboee still malning in the The filling of the wines with steam will doubtless add greatly to the lient, and must hasten tbc decomposition of all the bodiei remaining below. tho Gold Hill News of April The Ureal (loM Mlnlnc very I.aient Flrr Yet Mill! Cloned, and Sienm Down Number of and of Still MUaloc Tin' Not to he Opened Until Next All yesterday afternoon nnd Inst night the shafts of tbe Yellow Jacket, Keotiick and Orown Point hnvo been closed tightly as possible, to the exclusion of fresh air from the surface and from the boilers of tho hoisting works of all three mines, a strong volume of steam lint continually been pouring down each shaft.

Through the large blower tube of the Yellow Jacket and Crowu Point shalts the steam passes to the lower levels of each mine, and down the Keuliick it is forced nearly 100 feet, through heavy 'iron pipes thrust down for the purpose. I'RKSUNT yiRK INDICATIONS. At 11 m. to-day we visitod each one of tho shafts, in order to give our renders tho very latest ideas in I his exciting matter. From tbe Yellow Jacket shaft considerable light smoke and the peculiar pungont, pitchy smelling gas was coming up, mingled with little or no steam, showing that tho steam being forced down from the boilers was passing through the levels of the mine below, where it was desired to be sent.

From the Kculuck shaft, clouds of apparently pure steam wero coming out, owing tbe difficulty of closing it completely. Workmen, however, were busily engaged trying to stop up all tho chinks and holes with mud and other materials, From the' Cfowu Point shaft some little steam, smoke aud gas, pretty equally mingled, was coming out. It il almost impossible to close all tho face apertures perfectly, but although the fire is evidently not extinguished, it cannot fail to be smothered and eventually queuchqd. TO UK KKI'I null On consultation between Chief Gibson of tho Fire Department nnd the iulendentt! of tlfe three mines affected, it was concluded not to open either of the shafts until next Monday looming, nnd not even then if there is still thought to be uny- below. Tliey will risk no dinners ou it until lltnt time, now that they have it within thoir control.

NDMBKIt OP VICTIMS IIKCOVKIIKit. George Uicklc, the only one who caino out of tlio depths nlivo after ihe fatal smoke and gag hud overtaken those who were left heljjw, died the next day; therefore counting him together with the bodies recovered from tho tbjee rained, the number of victims sums up to twenty-nine. None been taken out since Thursday itllcrnoon. NAMKS or OH STIM. IN T1IK MINKS ANI) MISSING.

Mr. Goodwin, Secretary of tho Crown Point, informs us thnt the names of those still in that mine, are George Edwards, Thomas Laity, Daniel O'Neil 1 nnd Ilcinny, nil at the GOO-foot level, and K. Ryan and John O'Brien at the 230 fool level. In the Kentuck mine are Martin Clooney nnd Joseph GlaJien. Thus there are eight bodies yet remaining to be recovered, making 35 victims in nil.

The only man now unaccounted for is stranger who hud only been working for a day or to in the Yellow Jacket. His name is George Cox. man answering to description is' said to have been seen near the works nt'tcr tho lire was digcovered, and therefore, may be all right. Wo certainly hope he is able to speak for himself. P.

Cox is heard from, nnd is nil right. He had been taken to Virginia City by his friends, where lie was insensible for two! dnyp hut he is all right now. THK KXCITHMKNT. There appears tu bo comparatively little excitement to-day, exce'pt among the stock denlere. We, well others in thin community and those everywhere else interested In the welfare of our will hwhH further developments, nnd especially the reopening of the shafts, with peculiar anxiety.

IIONOH AMD 0KHMT TO WHOM IT DDK. Heretofore, we liuve honestly to do equal and exact justice in the matter of credit for pergonal exertion, bravery, efficient assistance and well directed efforts award extinguishing the lire or recovering the bodies, even some by name, yet rt is matter of impossibility to designate each one where so many were deserving ol commendation. If we have committed any error in this point, it has been nn error n( the head nod not of the heart. The miners nnd of the mines all worked like heroes, nnd as for the nreiucn, especially thou- of the Gold I Hill Department, they were on hand at the first alarm, and many of thein were constant and unremittiug in thoir exertions for over 24 honrs, without either rest or sleep Those of the Virginia Department, who so nobly nod promptly came to our assistance nnd worked with such undaunted braVeryand persistency, apparently determined ifot to be outdoor by any one, receive, what tber so richly deserve, the thanks of the people ol Gold Hill end of every true tnau mid womnn in the whole country. Honor tc the bravo, and bright murk for their in the Oreiit Book above 1 Pkophktio friend of ours who, by the way, is a strong dlsbelievei in drenme, informs us of the following singular circumstance iu that line, the truth of which he has persona knowledge.

Timothy Griffin, boerdinj lit the Veeey Home, Gold Hill, who bad been a miner In tbe Yellow Jacket mine for tbe lust six or seven mouths, lind dream on Monday night, in which some undefined presence seemed to toll him that if be -vent down into the mine again something terrible would happen 'to him. So strougly was this waruiug impressed upon his mind that he co.ncluded to quit work altogether, and left for San Francisco Tuesday night, only few hours previous to the appalling disaster of Wednesday morning, so fatal to human life. Ibo Gold of April Tke Oold Hill of tba Firemen on fland llutlc oy.thp OIHccra of tke for Onco (loins Itown Into tbe Orptbit-Tbr 10 bo of the Kite Heine Kxitnaalilieil New from Ike It being finally concluded this morning to risk a reopening of the mines, at Oi o'clock x. the steam was shut off and the covering waa removed from the surface of the Crown Point and Kentuek shafts. Tho Yellow Jacket shaft was not reopened at tlmt time, but the steam was shut off, after a steady run of over 72 hours, undor a pressure of 110 to the Inch, burning nearly a cord of wood per hour.

scalding, damp vapor, mingled with smoko and gas, camo up from the Crown Point and Kentuek shafts, showing evidence that the (ire was most probably extinguished. Chief Gibson, with a large number of our Gold Hill firemen, was on hand, in cane of being required, and the Superintendents of the mines, with their assistants and men under command, were active and practical in their operations. BLOWER COXXFCTEB. At 11 A. the large blower tube for conveying fresh air from the surface down into the tWO and 900-foot levels of the Yellow Jacket mine was having been disjointed in order to send steam down through the Root's patent blowing machine was put intd full operation.

The draft formerly setting down this shaft and through the mines up out of the Crnwn Point and Kentuek shafu seemed to have subsided, and in fact failed altogether, as far as the Crown Point was concerned, for this afternoon the draft is strong up the Yellow Jacket, in a moderato degree up the Kentuek, while in the Crown Point there is no draft at all either way, evidently showing that the drift communication (with the. Yellow Jasket 800-foot level is closed by care and the levels below obstructed by water. HORRORS TO llE REVEALED. Proper coffin boxes were prepared yesterday at the Crown Point works to receive the bodies of tho right victims still remaining in that and the Kentuok mine, and shrouds of white- canvas were also prepared, in which to wrap them as soon as found. Their decomposed state and terribly offensive condition may well be imagiued, after lying, since lact Wednesday morning, amid the hot, reeking, poisonous atmosphere of their living grave.

tub descent into the citow.v rwiili OII.U At noon a stream of water woe thrown down the Crown Point (haft through a string of leading ono of the town on Main street, in order to purify toe air much aa possible, and at 1 clock the stream was shut off, and Chief Gibson and Bill Lee, of our Department, together with John Rosovere and James Reynolds, of the Crown Point mine, undertook the perilous experiment of making the first descent into the sliaft. They went down to about 20 feet above the 000-foot level, where thejr suddenly came into a body of very foul air, in which their candles would not burn, therefore they immediately and very prudently rang up. Shortly afterwards Reynolds and George Peters, another miner, went down to the 230foot station and made some necessary repairs to the pomp. The nir was comparatively gooa at that depth. Once or two other descents wero subsequently made, but not as far as the first, at the bad air seemed to be rising in the shaft.

At r. M. lighted candles were sent down on the 900-foot level, and the air being thus discovered to be good, Mr. Anderson, an underground foreman, with Chief Gibson and Bill Lee went down to the 900 foot level, and were down over half an hour exploring iu that and the other levels above. Shortly after they went down, Hank Smith, foreman of the mine, with Charley Morrill and Jack Doblc, went down on the case to the other compartment, to the 230-foot level.

TWO 1I0DIE8 VOl'XD. At the 230-foot level of the mine Smith and his companions found the bodies of K. Ryan and John O'Brien, about 70 feet north of the shaft. They were lying on their backs, some 20 feet apart, on the floor of the tunnel, much swollen and disfigured, but recognizable. THE FI11K KXTINOUISHll), BIT TIIK DAM.UIB FA THAN ANTICIPATED.

When Gibson and party came up they reported the water in the shaft to be at least 50 feet below the 000-foot level. They went into the levels above, but could not penetrate over CO feet into the 600, by reason of foul air. They found ao firo in any- of them, or unv particular damage done, except at the 700-foot levrl, where the fire had burned from the Yellow Jacket mine through the Kentuck and to within two sets of timbers of the Crown Point shaft. The earth had' caved nearly to the shaft, filling the tunnel completely. What damage is done to the other two mines can be somewhat judged of from this.

The last resort of closing the shafts and mines was ccrtainly not adopted an hour too soon. ltXCOVKMNO TIIK IIOIJI KB. At 24 o'clock, when we left, preparations were made to bring up the two bodies mentioned, from the 230-foot level. el 1 Fund Committee. At a special meeting of the Board of Town Trustees of Gold Hill, held on Saturday, the following gentlemen were appointed a Committee to take charge of now under way and solicit further aid, and inquire into the immediate wants of the sufferers by the late mining disinter, and to investigate and apportion whatever funds may be collected: T.

O. Taylor, J. D. Qrccutrce, P. N.

Charles Formait, H. J. II. Mills, J. II.

Tucker, M. Frankcnheimer, A. Montminy, John Kule, Simon Ogg, Owoh James O'Donnell, H. Mow, H. Crandall, It.

N. Graves, John V.S. McCullottgh, C. H. McWilliams, H.

H. Flagg, Philip Lynch, Thomas E. Finch, J. J. Denny, L.

C. MeMurtry, J. W. Adams, J. F.

Gladding, Alexander McMartin, Tim O'Connell, A. C. Stacey, W. II. Stone.

Pursuant to the above call, the Committee appointed Captain Taylor, President, and J. W. Adams, Secretary. Mr. Gibson stated that the object of the Trustees in appointing the Committee was to solicit aid in behalf of the sufferers in the late sad disaster which had just occurred in our mines at this place also to take charge of and disburse all moneys now in their possession.

Ordered that a notice be published in the "Gold Hill requesting any person in immediate need to call upon Mr. Gibson, President of the Board of Trustees of Gold Hill, who will supply their temporary wants. W. D. C.

Gibson was elected Treasurer. It waa ordered that one hundred headings, soliciting subscriptions, be printed, to be used by the Committee. It waa alto ordered that the committee use diligent indisposing of tickcts for the benefit to be given on Monday evening at Piper's Opera House, in aid of the above worthy object. No further business. Committee adjourned te meet over Gibson Cross' saloon, Tuesday evening, April 13, at 7 o'clock p.

with the request that thcro be a full attendance. G.Taylob, Chairman. Jmwbtt W. Secretary. THE EVENING NEWS JOB OFFICE Is one of I lie mont llomplcU on llw htllc OMt ill ni.itrrlnl being new of Uie latest .1 peculiarly adapted lu (he ni' tt'nrk required III (Ills Stair.

We now. prepared tu Plain and Ornamental Printing With and dispatch. 71 II of Fare, Drunrlsts' Labels, Ball Kecllon ViMtlnx Canin, I'm Pouters, Law Marriage Certificates, etc. prepared to print CERTIFICATES OF STOCK At a rcanonable figure. Of every variety, promptly executed, at (lit "OLD II1LL NKW8.

OFKICK. John Hai.lasv.—This unfortunate man who lost his life in the Yellow Jacket mine, April has cousin living in Dayton, Lyon County, whose name is Michael Hallasy. lie writes us that the deceased was native of Ireland, was 39 rears of ape, and leaves a wife and three children living in the town of Ilartland, McIIenry County, Illinois. His name was first reported as John King, und it was thought his family resided at Francisco. Our Relief Committee will no doubt ascertain the situation of the wife and her fatherless little ones.

MALICIOUS HUMORS. II. gentleman connectai pniiiicly and privately with the press in San Francisco, sent u'h letter stating that there were rumors on the of that city regarding the origin of the lire in our mince last Wednesday, In the oflfct thai the conllngrnlioo was intentionally started by persons interested in llie mines, expecting to "hear" the stock of the mines. Such rumors sound so infernally ami so damnably bearing upon their face the stamp nud conception of some incendiary it seems hardly necessary to notice tht-m. Hut lest that fiilencu on our we live near, and were among the earliest at the mines when the fire was discovered, and know what we as we have been advised of the street reports in San might be misconstrued, we tako the liberty tu state that there is not the least ground for supposing that tlio fire was anything but accidental, or cuN pubic carelessness on the part of one of the workmen, who himself narrowly escaped from horrid death.

To attribute sinister motives to General Winters, the Superintendent of the Yellow Jacket, to Governor Jones, of the Crown Point and Kentuck, or to any of the hard-working and honest foremen under them, or oven to any of the miners, is doing an act of such gross injustice, tint the parties originating and circulating such reports, had better not come to Gold Mill and repeat them. Our brawny-armed miners who escapcd from the dread calamity would not rest easy tinder such and woe to the loul-moulticd villains who the temerity to whisper such reporta in this community. Mr. Kcnnctt slates that the reports have it that cans of benzine, shavings, and other materials were used to start the cqnflagraliou Horrible and villainous thought Most Saturday J. P.

Superintendent of the Crown Point and KcutueU Gold Hill, received Booth the well known wholesale grocery and provision deniers in Sacramento, the following communication, which explains itself, and shows the firm to be composed of men whose hearts arc in the right place Sacuambnto, April 8,1809. P. Jones, Gold Sir Herewith find our check for which we desire to contribute to the relief of the families of the men who lost their lives in the terrible calamity that has befallen your community. Please make such appropriation as your judgment may deem best, and oblige yours, very truly, Booth it Co." The gentlemen who sent this liberal donation can rest assured that it will be well and faithfully applied for the relief of those left destitute. TitUK neighbors in Lyon and Ormsby counties have manifested truly big-hearted sympathy and benevolence for the families and sufferers by our late calamity.

Charley McWilliama, of the Pacific Mill, Gold Hill, and young Joe Martin, the energetic clerk of Wells, Kargo yesterday and to-day sold tickets for the of the Sufferers," which comes off at Piper's Opera House this evening, to the amount of Pretty good for our neighbors in and pretty good for MeWilliams and Martin. Clotiiixo tiik kiud hearted and charitably disposed Indies of Gold llill who arc able to do so are requested lo meet nt the house of Mrs. C. ltlanchard, lower Gold Hill, at 10 o'clock a. m.

to-morrow i.j order lo make suitable and tiecessar.v clothing lor the needy families of the victims of the late mining disaster. icruui VIII1II uni in Mlntiitf I'luiNlrr of (Jolil 11 ill lloily Klrr Fourni Co be Kllll llurnlus-TIip firemen mill lliivrn out by tbc Smoke it nil mill nil Three of Ibr C'Iom'iI View of the situation. About 3 o'clock r. M. yesterday, the bullion of K.

Ryan anil John O'Brien were brought up from the 230-foot level, anil not long afterwards Xick Andrews and four others who lind penetrated through the Crown Point mine to the Kcntuck shaft, found the body of Joseph Glasscn lying in the bottom of the shaft, at the 700-foot level. They drew it hack into the drift, and not long afterward Chief Gibson, of our fire department, and Mr. Kcllngg, Foreman of the Kcntuck, went down that shaft on a cage to the 700-foot level. They panned through the cast drif into the breast, finding where the fire had passed through from the Yellow Jacket into the Crown Point mine, and after they came up, other parties went down and brought up the body of Classen. FIHE DIHCOVEUKD.

Andrews and party diocovcred some of the timbering uf the Kcntuck mine still burning, hut procuring few buckets of water they nut it qut. Still more fire was Hiibseqiiently discovered in the same vicinity, burning between the 700 and 800-foot levels, and Chief Gibson sent a message to Monumental Kngine Co. No.C, on the Divide, for their hose. In of the promptly ran down with their jumper, and about 7 o'clock the hose was led aown the Crown Poiut shaft, and in to where the lire was, and a stream of water was turned on. Several firemen and miners worked down there for some time trying to extinguish the fire, but to no purpose, as now thtt the shafts were open once more and a fresh supply of air circulating below, the Hames broke forth with renewed cncrgr, and the smoke, gas and heat thus generated soon drove the boys back.

KKCLOSIN'O OK TUB BIIAVT8. When it was found that there was stilt fire in the mines, about 4 p. m. the Yellow Jacket blower was stopped, and it was deemed advisable to close ttie shafts again in order to stop the draft and then if the firemen could not put out tho fire, the steaming process would again be resorted to. 7 o'clock the Yellow Jacket and Kentuck were oncc more closcd tightly as before, and the steam pipet connected from the boilers to the shafts again.

A large lot of- galvanised iron seven inch tubing, was sent down the Crown Point.

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