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The Osage City Free Press from Osage City, Kansas • Page 5

Osage City, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

G2t $tig gress. WILL P. WOLF. Local Editor. EY OFFICIAL PAPER OF OSAGE CITY.

A Bunch of Giggling ivillylivl Special Sale or Pattern Hats at Charles Crumb's Up-to-date Millinery Store. No better line in Osage county and the prices on all have beer greatly reduced. A number of Osage City people attended the commencement exercises of the Burlingame High school last Friday night. The exercises were very enjoyable and largely attended. While in Wichita the other day the editor of this paper saw Harry Sims and Ed Bodelle, Harry looks after express matter at the Santa Fe station and Ed is in a fine office up town.

Dr. E. D. Burton has opened dental THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1902. City and Vicinity.

By buying your Footwear at headquar- Go to Headquarters FOR Men's. Boys' and Children's New Spring Suits. They are here, of all the season's most popular colorings in great variety of stripes.cbecks and mixtures, also plain black and bine worsteds and serges; well tailored with stiff breasts and padded shoulders. Girls Were Riding Up Town the Other Day in a Blank Street Car, offices over Klingberg's drug store. The Ic cream soda at Rosser's.

Norman Purvis was here Sunday. We have large assortment of ters. Doctor is a graduate the Kansas (Jity Dental uollege and practiced his pro fession in that city for a time. we keep you cool while you remain with us at the New Drug Exchange, 61 steps west of R. R.

And if you get hot come back again and we will cool LUt your farm with T. M. Truitt. Cut prices sale of wall paper at Roe-ser's. See Roeser's ad of wall paper at cut prices.

The beat watch repairer in town at Kosaer'a. 9 bars laundry soap for 25c. Elof Andreen. Sherwin-Williams Mixed Paints at you some more. We don't charge any AH Were Happy thing ror wind.

Fob Sale Cheap A small improved farm, ajoining Arvonia townsite on the south east, with good house, barn and orchard. Jvnown as the Daniel Davis Brown's. farm. For terms. Address Ben.F.Davis its ami Gloves at 2 Because They Had Just Been Buying Pedestrian Skirts From Newton, Kansas.

Base Balls, Data, Brown's. Saunders Jones has torn up the old Charles P. Drew has moved his family board sidewalk in front of his building to lope lea. on Sixth street and will lay a first class stone walk. This is one of the most A 1 0 alias Maud Calihan has been quite ill prominent places in the city and such a the paat week.

walk will greatly improve it. Harry Craig visited Burlingame Mr. and Mrs. uiaude Urey nave re Bieri Grandmougin's Up-To-Date Dry Goods House, OSAGE CITY, KANSAS. cently established a barber and hair- mends Sunday.

Special new patterns in mens shirts at The Two Bens. dressing shop in Howard's building op posite Davis' liyery barn. Ihey are laice your watcn ana jewelry repair from Kansas City and thoroughly ing to Kosser's. versed in the art they illl Leather Shoes Mrs. Mattie Headicgton, daughter of Fresh meats always on hand at the Goes meat market.

Mr. and Mrs. B. Grant of this city, was selected to present the diplomas to Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass, Sewer Balbrigan underwear 2o to 50c at Fipe.Koohng Paper and the best build Silven Jk Luodeen's. the graduating class of the Kendrick, Idaho, high schools.

Mrs Headington ng material in the market. Kansas Beautiful pattern and street hats at bargain prices at Charles Crumb's, opposite post effice. E. W. Hansiip has kafler corn for sale cheaper than anybody and he will Moral Insure with T.

Swenson. Of Lumber Co. floe on Sixth Street. is county superintendent of that county. By request the ladies of the Marshall and Porosis clubs, of Osage City, will You need a plow, harrow, lister, corn Mrs C.

8. Brisres is vibitine friends planter, cultivator, do not forget that warrant it to grow. in Topeka this week. the "Canton implements are the best, repeat their play, "Breezy Point," at Howe's opera house Monday evening. List that bouse and lot you want to ictoria ttwensou.

of 1'etertoD, was or sale by Rapp Bros. June 2. The proceeds will be applied to a pleasant caller at Free Press head sell with T. M. Truitt.

Played "Souther's Monte Cristo" last ornamentation of the Uentral school quarters Wednesday. Nice new line of parasols just placed night to packed house. Elegant satis yard. on sale at Mrs. Morell's.

faction." Samuel J. Henry, M'gr opera D. C. Lake left Tuesday for a week's trip into North Dakota, where he goes Mr. and Mrs.

M. L. Campbell went to Born to Mr. and Mrs. A lbin Johnson.

nouse, iNaicnuocnes, ia. Kansas City Tuesday where Mr. Camp to transact business. on Monday May 19, a girl. ourcase3, 240 dozen, cotton Bocks bell will receive medical treatment Lost A purse containing a sum of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Alabas- direct from the knitting mill, will give He was there last week, returning home money, liberal reward, leave at this tine at brown's Drugstore.

you better value than you ever had be Sunday night. It is probable that 4 otliice. H. E. Hultz.

fore. Silven Lundeen. they will also visit Excelsior Springs be Electric fans at the New Drue Ex If you want the best implements made fore returning home. change 61 steps west of K. R.

try the "Canton." They will suit you Col. Cormanylof Fort Scott- candidate Don fail to see those $3 suits, four different patterns to select from. The best that you have seen for the Straw hats to fit your head. lOo to or sale by Kapp tiros. 11.25 at Silven fc Lundeen's.

for lieutenant governor, was in the city last Thursday 1 joking after his chances John A Jones and Rev. D. Todd price. Silven Lundeen's. Oxford dress shirts, the 75 cent kind to capture part of the Osage county Jones of Arvonia visited D.

Willis Mr. Caress. Grace Ban man's husband for 50c Silven Lundeen's. delegation, lie is the only candidate Jones' family on Monday. is a printer in the office of the Los Goto Rapp Bros, for all kinds of for a state omco who has registered in Angeles limes, one of the greatest Best "Shawnee fancy" flour, or "Red hardware.

They sell cheap. Osage City up to date. papers on the i'acinc coast. at reasonable prices. If you need anything in the line of summer shoes or slippers it will be to your interest to call and examine our new goods and learn prices before you invest Your Hard Mi Mm.

We study the interests of our patrons and can confidently promise you the best value to be found in footwear for the price paid. Howard's Shoe Store, Repairing Done Right. Bird" per sack 95 cents. Sugar 19 lbs Meo's light chick suit, good quality, at 4.00 good business s-jit at 5.00 better grade suit at 6.00 13 ox. black worsted suit.

8.00 13 o. blue serge, fine quality, only 8.50 Four styles in stripes and plain, with an extra silk Teat, 10.00 Variety of styles of good trousers at 1.50 Children's Test suits 11.50 and op. Coys' 3 piece suit, age 9 to 15, and op. Boys' long pants suit, age 11 ti 19 13.50 up. Meo's Oxford and Madras shirts at 50c.

Best shirt made, the Monarch, In all kinds of patterns, at $1 to 1.50. Neck wear of all the latest shapes and colors. Nice gentlemen's dressy hat II to 11.50. Champion Lat, all the late 2.00. Tiger hat, all the late shapes, 2.50.

Stetson baU 13.50 to 4.75. In Our Tailoring Department we are showing all the latest styles and colorings of fabrics from the best woolen mills in this country as well a3 foreign goods, and are here to be seen. 200 patterns, ranging from to 20 yards in the piece. Suits made to order from $18 up. Trousers made to order from $3.50 up.

Satisfaction and fit guaranteed. Sihen JLundeen. Tailors and Clothiers. Largest Men's and Boy's Clothing and Furnishing House in the county. Twenty-three members of the Sons If you want to save jour money buy There are no flies or bugs in the Ice for 81.00 at Elof Andreen's.

and Daughters of Justice lodge drove Cream Parlors of the New Drug Ex you nardeware at Kapp Bros. to Lyndon last Friday evening to wit When you need anything in the line go to Rapp Bros. They will change. 61 steps west of R. R.

We keep Go to Rapp Bros, for all kinds of gar ness the initiation of nineteen den tools, rney sell tnem cheap. save you money on everything. mem out witn Electric lans. For Sale 25 head of heifers and members into the lodge at that place A beautiful new line of white dress The graduating classes 'of the Osage The Lyndon lodge gave a fine banquet steers, coming years old. Also one goods on display at The Two Bens.

Uity and burlingame high schools had in their honor and all report a royal run blood white face bull A. Nor- 150 dozen pantaloon overalls, best a picnic on the Dragoon yesterday. good time. BECKfv miles south of Osage City. Mr.

and Mrs. E. D. Hopkins and Mr, made, only 75c at Silven Lundeen's George G. Clemens was down from Everybody is pleased who uses the ''Canton" implements.

Come and get Leslie Miller, of DesMonies, Iowa, spent vm xxity, or unvet townsnip was Topeka on Saturday and addressed the Miners' Union in oppositisn to blanket Hi pleased. or sale by Kapp tiros. transacting business here on Monday oaiuraay ana unaay nere visiting the injunctions. It isn't often we are abl famliesor w. W.

and 11. B. Miller. Willie Nichols and Wynetta and A new talking Machine at the New 'Souther's Monte Cristo' last night Gussie Smith visited George Tudor's in to agree with George but we do believe that this injunction business is run to Drug Exchange. 61 steps west of R.

delighted my patrons with the best pro Meat and groceries exchanged for the Nip and luck district last week. Mrs. A.C. Brown and Mrs. W.

an extreme by the courts, and is a men duction in years." J. J. Friedman farm produce at the Goss meat iuarket. ace to our liberties. Mg'r opera house, Murphysboro, 111.

Smith left yesterday for an extended A large lot of new millinery received Having decided to leave Osage City oalesman wanted to loon after our visit among old friends in New Jersey. the first of June I desire to sell all of this week at Mrs. Morell's Bargain interests in Osage and adjacent counties The "Canton implements always my household furniture at once in order store. Salary or commission. Address The give satisfaction.

Ihey run light and to save freight and trouble of shipping, Harvey Oil Cleveland, Ohio. The cheapest place and the best do good work. For sile by Rapp Bros All of this furniture is nearly new and Big bargains in millinery for the nest goods for the money is at Elof And reen's. Alfed Heilbrun and Thella Rosser fifteen days at Mrs. Morell's Bargain in good condition.

Following is a partial list of the goods not yet disposed of: btore. 1 his is your opportunity to get Miss Amy flannberg went to McPher KANSAS. OSAGE CITY, attended the high school commencement at Burlingame last Friday night. T. L.

Marshall and John C. Rankin nice millinery at genuine bargain prices. son last Saturday for a several week's Majestic steel range, 1 "Topsy" stove set of springs, 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 Mrs. Hi Hi. beybold and daughter iss visit.

fr. AAA A. A A. A AAA, A. AAA A Western washer, 2 ingrain carpets and left Monday for Fort Scott to attend Bertha.of Durango Col.

came last Saturday to visit the family of H. J. Morell. James Larkins and wife, of Topeka numerous other things. This will be the grand Encampment of Kansas were visiting friends in this city this rare opportunity to get some good A.

K. Mrs. bey bold is a sister of Mr. Morell. J.

E. JONES, Attorney and Notary I. W. JONES.Inanraa week. furniture cheap.

Will F. Wolf, resi Jim Jones resumed his duties as night The Monarch dress shirts and shirt The largest stock of Carpets at the dence first door east of D. C. Lake's. waists in madras, pique and oxford, 75c, operator at the Missouri depot Tuesday night, after a two week's The many Osage City friends of Rev.

lowaet prices in the county at The Two Bens. $1.50. Direct from the largest shirt factory in the worid Silven Lundeen. J. G.

Cunninghrm were glad to be per Miss Clara Laubach, of Topeka, and Mrs. Holt Dawsou and Miss Maeeie Southers' Monte Cristo here last J. JL Joiiqs Brother, ABSTRACTORS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC Heal Estate, Insurance and Loan, TAX COLLECTORS SOUTHWEST QUARTER OSAGE COUNTY. mitted to greet him last luesday. Mr, Cunningham was on his way to Burl Mrs.

Sharp, of the Nip and Tuck, neigh Dawson returned from Topeka on Satur night. Good company, fice scenery and ingame to attend the funeral of Miss borhood, visited Mrs. Wesley Smith day. costumes, elegant production. B.

F. Fritts, M'gr opera house, Metropolis, last week. Lottie Lawrence a daughter or tie v. Paint Brushes. Hair Brushes.

Tooth was pastor of the Pesby- Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass, Sewer ill. Brushes and all kinds of Brushes at tenan church in Burlingame some yearn Pipe, Roofing Paper and the best build On Sunday Chas P. Howell drove Special attention given to Depositions, Collections, Renting Brown's. ago and died there in laito. r.

Gun down to Mrs. W. G. Williams. Mrs ing material in the market.

Kansas Lumber Co. O. E. McElfresh spent Sunday at lenement Property, Taxes raid, Insurance and ningham 'officiated at the funeral of Howell and children had been there for home. He is working this week about Rev.

Lawrence and at Mrs. Lawrence's For Sale: An upright folding bed some days and returned with Mr. How Parsons. urgent request he came to perform a with mirror, a large oak refrigerator ell. Office up Stairs Over First National Bank, Osage City, Kansas The "Canton" implements please all like service for the daughter.

Since Charles Crumb are selling pattern and one good milch cow. Enquire at at this office. the farmers who use them. For sale by leaving here Mr. Cunningham has been and street hats at greatly reduced prices in charge of the Presbyterian church at Rapp Bros.

Ellsworth Harvey, of Newton visited this week. 1 be assortment is large and the prices will be a great surprise to Wellington. He has a nne church Thella Rosser last week. He and Have you seen the worsted suit and there and is very popular among the extra silk vest? Only $10 at Silven you. Thella visited Carbondale Saturday and Sunday.

people. He reports that Mrs. Cun- Lundeen's. During our May Sale we will show mgbam will be nere soon on ner way A. Liundeen sells steamship tickets you the largest lin of Shirt waists at Ben Heilbrun is a delegate to the to Illinois, where she will spend the A Leather Good for Browing Appetites.

Have you a good appetite? Are you hungry? If so our groceries will provide a meal that will satisfy your hunger. Drain and muscle develop from the food we eat. Superior food makes a superior man. We have the reputation of haudling only the purest and best. We can furnish you with everything needful for breakfast, dinner or supper.

If You Have No Appetite And never feel like eating come in and let us show you some delicacies which will at once give you an appetite. We wish to call special attention to our elegant line of Pickle, in bottles and bulk. The very finest in the city. Also an elegant line of canned goods, fine imported cheese, etc. We are agents for all the leading steamship companies and if you intend to go abroad you should see 03 before choosing your route.

S. E. BAL0CCA. the lowest prices you have ever had the Democratic state convention at Wichita to all parts of the world on American line, Red Star line, Cunard line and Top summer. opportunity of selecting from.

The Two tnis week. 1 hite Star line. liens. Wesley Smith returned last Saturday For Sale. A meeting of the Soros is club has Quarter S4S.00.

The painters finished painting the from an extended business trio to been called for Tuesday afternoon May front of the Odd Fellows building on The followin? 2nd hand poods, at Nebraska. 27. It will be held at the home of Mrs. F. B.

Bonebrake. Barclay, Kansas: 1 6-hole Majestic steel Sweat pads, fly nets, dust Inn rohns mm for Saturday and the scaffolding was torn down. The building looks very fine in its new dress. a 1 I I ranee, I neating stove, z-uoie gasuuuo Ben Lauer and Connie Rapp went to buggiy whips, are very cheap at Elof Andreen's. stovo.

I saddle. i leather extension Souther's Monte Cristo is spoken of ton lia-ht surrv. 1 set double buggy, Wichita Monday to attend the grand lodge Knights of Pytheas as representa I The best Ice Cream Soda in the Citv harness. 1 set sincrle harness. 1 hang tives of Eureka lodge.

in highest terms 'by those competent to criticize. It will be at Howe's opera house next Monday Prices attheNe Drug Exchange 61 steps ing lamp, 1 baby buggy, 1 child's high ion need a buggy, road wagon, spring wast of R. R. chair. 1 family milch cow, 1 bookcase 25, 35 and 50c.

Paints. Oils. Varnish. Glass. Sewer and desk combined, ana other nouse- wagon WThen you are ready to buy be sure and call at Rapp Bros.

They will save you money. Rev Ekman and Augest E. Johnson Pipe, Roofing Paper and the best build hnlrl pnods. returned Friday from Savenburg, Allen fVtrriA p.arlv and cet vour choice, as I ing material in the market. Kansas Judge Swartwout talks of being a shall sell these articles very reasonable.

LCMBKB CO. 3: Co. where they had been in attendance, upon the conference of the Swedish Rev. K. JN, Uause.

Leave your order for Wall Paper at candidate for a third term. The Judge has never been licked aud he wants to find out how it feels. Lutheran church. Brown's. They have the latest styles and 1 west prices.

Lost in Osage City, Saturday, May Horses fos Sale I have some well 10, a pocketbook containing a sum of The Kind Yon Haw Always Bougfa Mrs. Charles Gustafson weottoLinds- Bean the broke range mares that I will sell at money, with some valuable papers note borg last Saturday to hear 'The Mes Signature if reasonable prices. Also several mules broke to work. Mo. Dancig a ilea west of Osage City.

I siah." bhe will remain until after commencement and return with her son. and mortgage. Finder will be given $10 if same is returned to the Osage county bark Acgust Olnson. mm ii u.o.i I Lounges and Couches. Farm Loans at 5 1-2 Per Cent.

Small commission. Easy terms. Any amount you want. If you need a loan come and see ns. Waddle Osage City.

Kan. Offce Oxer the Osage County Bank. A better one for $50, $55, $60, or We have the BEST and LARGEST stock of (Buggies, Spring Wagons, and (Road Wagons in Osage County. Yes, we do handle the John (Deere (Plow Co's (Buggies and more of them are in use in Osage County, than any other one line sold, and they are giving first class satisfaction. We can name more parties in this section of the country using this line of (Buggies than any other line manufactured.

We have other makes of (Buggies as well and bear in mind all our (Buggies are shipped direct from the factory in car load lots. We can sell you a (Buggy the way from $45 to $125; we make a specialty in this line. Implements. We have a complete assortment of John (Leere Walking and (Riding Listers, Hammock Cnltivalors, Harrows and Corn (Planters. We have had an unusually fine trade on this line of goods this year, and feel very grateful to our many patrons.

Ranges, Etc. We also carry the Majestic and Malleable all Steel A big slock of Cook Stoves. Garden Tools, Granite Iron Ware, (Refrigerators, (Bicycles, Wood and Iron (Pumps. Spouting, Etc. We make a specialty of Galvanized Iron Spouting and Tin Work of all kinds.

If you need anything" in this line we extend you a most cordial invitation to visit our store and get our prices. We have a certain (Buggy we want you to see. It won't cost you anything, come and see us, let us tell you about it. Yours very truly, Lj nGui Yt mj What is there that will beautify the home like a Couch or Lounge? There is no piece of furniture that will add as much comfort to household life as a Couch or Lounge. The life of upholstered furniture is in the construction and we are very positive that every Lounge or Couch that we have shall be of the very best construction.

Ours are built on guaranteed Indestruct-able bottoms. All the coil springs are tied with wire instead of twine. This is only one of the good features. JOHN GIBBE, lmmm' Afiat Pianos, Organs, ing Machines. Erery Instrument or Machine sold is shipped direct from factory.

JOHNGIBBY, Twe Blacks Wmt rWthadUt Ckatc. osaob cmr. kam. Hay Specialties! Summer Goods and Everyday Goods at the Economy Cash Store. SOUTH SIXTH STREET, Ougt City, Kan.

Crushed Plush Bed Lounges from $10 to $18. We have just received a nic9 line of Bed Couches, Bed Lounges and Couches and Wardrobe Couches, upholstered in velours and crush plushes. We invite you to call and look these goods over. We are also placing TWO DOZEN R0GKING CHAIRS ON THE FLOOR. Grey's Barber Shop.

Gent's and Ladies' Itiir Dressing. Manicuring, Diseased Scalps Treated, Dandruff Removed by New Process Competent Lady Birbers. Call and see ns. Razor Hone-ing a Specialty 626 Market Street. T.

J. O'NBIL, Wall Paper Is Not a Side Line With Us. It is one of the features of our store. Our trade in wall paper is constantly on the increase, which is some satisfaction to us. Our customers tell us our line is stronger this year than ever before.

You would be surprised to know how little it would cost to paper one or more rooms in our.wall paper. Our papers are not accompanied with the high prices that usually go with them. All we ask is for you to call and look over our line. O. E.

McELFRESH SON. (Successor to Martin, O'Neil Ce.) and The Largest Stock of Hardware, Implements, Bujjies Carriages in Usage county. (i jtm eat.

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