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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 1

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Price 6 Cents THE CLOSING EVENTS POISONED Bl' HIS WIFE President Ladner, it was found that the Secretary was not present, uor were the books of the Association. A special messenger was sent for these to the Secretary's office iu the Exhibition building, where that official, with some of the directors, was en effect that may best be descrilwd as elegant. Miss W'ebster also shows some china painting which is equal to anything of its kind that we have seen. A couple of plaques and some dowers in oils by this artist were much admired and secured an award from the judges. lBB9iFMSNDWipirfB90 Onr stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS in uow complete, and comprises everything lu Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Caps, Blankets RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION iriT Qil Clothing ALBO, A LOT OF MENS' AND BOYS' blacklegs by the employers.

John Burns and Ben Tillett, leaders of the recent dock laborers' strike, are endeavoring to arrange a settlement, but there are fears the strike will spread. The cotton mills of Lancashire continue to run on half time. The Operatives' Society has expended 20,000 for the relief of those who are suffering through the partial stoppage of the mills. Steamship Collision. (ilasgow, Oct.

5. The steamship State of Georgia, from Glasgow for New York, came into collision with another steamer and returned to the Clyde to day with her bow stove in and one of the crew killed. which we are determined tn oloiront without rev mrjlTCt AlUn dUftlTCS wtV mat i COAT Gilmore dark 'JM V.XHRAf.r. STWEIST. VANGOVVKH AT THE WESTMINSTER FAIR, The Horse Races Foot bull ami Atjuatic Contests A Grand inanimation.

Some Rambling Notes on the Works of Art Exhibited There i Part Cheer. THIKD DAY. Mew Westminster, Oct. 4. Splendid weather again favored the exhibition on the third and closing day.

The morning trains brought iu additional visitors, and the crush in the streets and elsewhere was increased. No description of the British Columbia Provincial Exhibition of 188!) would be complete without a notice of the exhibits in paintings and the kindred arts. It would uot, of course, be expected, in a province whose development is so recent, that the art classes would lie largely tilled. But really, considering all tilings, the entries in these classes are numerous, and of such excellence as to lend to the fair one of its most charming features. There are iu all 1 1 1 exhibits, and nearly every article shown is the work of local artists, that is, people who are living iu the cities and towns of the Province.

of the productions, of course, are crude, the work of tyros in the art, but, let it be marked, there are some that would not do discredit to the walls of an R. 0. A. exhibition, and still more that promise much from the future brushes of these same artists. The wonder is not that there are so many poor pictures at an exhibition such as this is, but that there are so many good ones.

The art contributions, for the greater part, were hutig from floor to ceiling between the windows on the eastern and northern walls of the second floor of the main building. It was a poor light in which they were seen, ami the crowding also of other exhibits close upon them was not calculated to improve the conditions. In the northeast corner was a collection of oils, water colors and crayon portraits, the work of Miss Linnie Lewis, of New Westminister. Miss Lewis gained Iter training in the eastern cities of the United states, and is now engaged in teaching a class of pupils in the Koyal City, and in making crayon portraits from photographs. In this latter work she must be highly successful, if the samples placed on exhibition are any criterion of the general excellence of her wort.

The likenesses arc very tine, the shading elaborate and clever, and the general finish of the work exceptionally good. It is uot possible to make a striking picture where features lack strength, but Miss Lewis' are every one of them pleasingly and faithfully portrayed. Perhaps the most meritorious picture iu this artist's collection is a representation of still life in oil colors, for which, we observe, the judges have awarded her the first premium. It is the represeutatiou of a pottery bowl and bronze vase with a back ground of cardinal hatigiugs. The detail worked out with rare delicacy and truthfulness, and its perfections are the more apparent the closer the work is studied.

Miss Lewis has also a happy turn for the painting of (lowers from nature. A cluster of pelogoniuuis in water colors has been decorated with, a red ticket which it is richly deserving of. There is also a spray of full blown moss roses and buds, done by a pupil ef Miss Lewis', which was well worthy of a premium. A uretty thing in water colors is a half dozen yellow bananas and Italian wine bottle, with a back ground of cardinal draperies. This also, with another one iu the same class, tikes a first premium.

Besides all these, there are a cop pie of plush panels, upon one of them being painted the Virginia creeper in sere leaf, and on the other an orange branch clustered with fruit, foliane and blossoms, producing altogether a brilliant effect. In all, Miss Lewis carries off rive tirst premiums, allot which she has well earned by clever and conscientious work. Miss N. Withrow, of New Westminster, contributes a picture which many visitors to the fair have pronounced the most perfect work of art on view. It is a crayon portrait of Cardinal Newman.

The old prelate, with his strongly marked features, singularly impressive pose and robes of otlice, presents a maguilicent subject for portraiture. It is such a combination of features, contour and expression as portrait painters pray for, and Miss Withrow has uiade a living, speaking picture. Many of the admirers of this truly great man, stood before this portrait to day and yesterday, studying those noble lineaments and mingling their praise of the man with their admiration of the artist's skill. Miss Withrow also showed some landscapes in oil, bnt in these her si. ill in drawing is weighed down by crudities iu coloring, which time and experience must be allowed to correct.

Miss J. E. Mcyuarrie, of this city also, has Seen aw arded the leading premium for the best collection of oil paintings. Her claims to that distinction rest principally upon two pictures, one a representation of still life, the other a portrait which might perhaps more properly be denominated a study. Outside of this the dozen or more bits of canvas she shows are given the preference, it is to be presumed, on account of their being sketches from nature, for none of them can be considered equal to a couple of paintings by Mrs.

E. J. Miller, oraaother, by Mrs. T. 11.

Pearson, but these are said to be copies of the work of other artists. The still life painting shown by Miss Me Quarrie, the writer was informed, received a tirst premium iu its class when exhibited in London at the Colonies Exposition some years ago. A number of school books, a slate, ink bottle and pen are laid carelessly upon a table, and hanging from a peg in the wall directly above them is a school boy's leather bag. It is a good subject aud is cleverly treated by the artist on a canvas probably 8x15 inches. But the portrait or study alluded to above may be regarded as a better sample of what the brush of this artist is capable of producing.

It is the representation of aworkingmau, iu a sitting posture, with the elbow of the right arm supported on the knee, while the right hand holds a short and well seasoned clay pipe between the closed lips. The eyes are wide open and gazing into space, the expression of a man iu a "brown study. It is undoubtedly a fine picture, far and away ahead of anything else of the kind shown at the fair. The infusion of a warmer color into the face might reuder the picture a more pleasing one, but is could scarcely add to its artistic perfections. Another oil portrait by this artist is that of a young girl playing the violin.

It has something of merit in it, and is said to be a good likeness. Reference has already been made incidentally to a couple of oil paintings by Mrs. E. J. Miller.

She is a resident of the Capital City, and contributes quite a large number of entries, most of them, however, being hung up for exhibition purposes only. Mrs, Miller is a teacher of painting and this avocation has met with a good deal of success. Two copies that she has made, one that of a landscape seen through the trunks and tangled branches of a cluster of beech trees in the foreground, and the other that of a country road Hanked by densely foliaged threes and leading backward to a grain field in the middle distance, with a rich sunset glow iu the rear. Both are good, the latter particularly. In the opinion of many they are the best landscapes iu the lot.

Mrs. Annie Webster contributes a attractive of decorative painting. It is a mirror frame. The dowers surrounding it are the blue or purple, yellow aud white rush flags, aud these contrasted with the graceful deep green rush leaves produce THE JURY'S AWFUL VERDICT. Trial of Morrison for Murder Kire at Kincardine Damasres for (Jiiebec Losses.

Fearful Accident to Children In a PoMer Mairazine Deadi from Heart Disease. Another Pacific Railway. St. Paul, Oct. 5.

It is said that a new railway company, to be called the Great Northern of Minnesota, has beetijorganized. They will operate all the Manitoba branches aud will extend a line through to the Pacific coast from Great Falls, Montana, After Buffalo Bill. Winnipeg, Oct. 5. Fuller, of the Medicine Hat Wild West show, has returned from Toronto.

He will organize a Wild West show next season with E. E. Sheppard and O. B. Sheppard, of Toronto, as partners.

He expects to be on the road in May next. Blown to Pieces. Cayuga, Oct. 5. Three children, named Walton, obtained access to the powder house of the Gypsum mine here.

One of them lighted a match and ignited a quantity of powder. One of the children was literally blown to pieces aud the others were ao badly injured they cannot recover. The Megantic Outlaw. Sherbrooke, Oct. 5.

The Morrison trial is approaching an unexpectedly early close, the counsel for the Crown having yesterday afternoon declared its case closed. Kincardine Scorched. Kincardine, Oct. 5. Several business places were burned last night.

The heavier losers are Samuel Henre, bookstore R. Rinker, grocer; Win. Gray, buildings; loss $15,000. Sudden Death. Montreal, Oct.

5. T. Tandy, general freight agent of the Grand Trunk Railway, dropped dead last night of heart disease. Did he Perish? Toronto, Oct. 5.

A man named Lee, be longing to this city, was on board the steamer Geographiqne, which was sunk oft St. Pierre, attending cattle. His fate is uncer tain. Wilful Murder Charged. Merlin, Oct.

5. An analysis of the viscera of James Wallace, of the township of Tilbury, disclosed a considerable quantity ot arsenic, aud a coroner jury to day re turned a verdict ot wilful murder against his wife. Taxing the Government. Quebec, Oct. 5.

Yesterday there was an informal meeting of the proprietors of buildings destroyed by the recent rock slide on Cliamplaiu Street, when it was decided to make out a statement of the losses and prescat it to the Government for payment. Fiendish Poisoning. Ottawa. Oct. 4.

An extraordinary sensa. tion has been caused iu St. John', N. by the discovery that Mrs. Macrae, the wife nf the Rev.

Donald Macrae, a leading Presby terian clergyman, had died from the effects oi eating poisoned candy sent through the Post Otiiee by some one in that city. After eatiiut some of the oandv she was attacked with all tho symptoms of strychnine poisoning, and died before aid could be rendered. Similar packages of candy were sent to Rev. iioiiu ue ooyres, tne Hector ot est. 8 Episcopal Church.

Ho bit apiece of it. but detecting its bitter taste, sent it to an analyst. There was also some sent to the Rev. T. J.

Denistadt. Methodist, who also bad his suspicions aroused. The Tracks of Crime. Chicago, Oct. 5.

The (lluhe to day pub lishes a two column article in which it claimed that sufficient evidence has been discovered to show that Ted Schuneman, who was mysteriously shot about 1 o'clock on the morning of August 30th, 188S, was murdered by the same person who murdered millionaire Sncll and that the murder was committed because Shuueman had discovered who Snell's murderer was. Fatal RailwayJCollision. Springfield, Oct. Near North View, on the 'Frisco Railway, fifteen miles cast of Springfield, a collision occurred last night between two freight trains. The engineer of ono was killed and four other trainmen were seriously injured.

Death in the Flo id. Berlin, Oet. 5. The rivers Bober and Sprotta, in Prussia Silesia, have overflowed their banks, causing much damage for many 1 ue cities of sprotta and llirscli berg are Hooded. The Carrying Trails.

Ottawa, Oct. 5. D. A. Ho.

acting Minister of Public Works, of tiie Province of Quebec iu speaking of the great railway projects of the Province in connection with (Tinted States trade, said: A gigantic undertaking is on foot, in which tiie United States people east and west are interested, and for hich Government aid is asked, involving a new route from the Weit to the seaboard, and the creation of an ull the year round seaport on Canadian soil, completing, so far as Western traffic and Canadian shippers are concerned, with Boston, New York and Portland. San Francisco News. San Francisco, Oct. 5. George M.

Put nam, a passenger on tho steamer Australia, which arrived from Honolulu last night, killed himself with a carving knife on Sept. MOlh, iu a fit of temporary insanity, and was buried at sea. He has a family in Honolulu, and was coming here on a vacation. Chin Lung, a Chinamati, was arros' ,1 hers la 't night, charged with the murder of a C'Cintryman named See Bock, near rsia Jose, about a month aio; lly the steamer Belgic, which arrived from Hon; Kong and Yokohama late last night, it is learned that much suffering exists in the districts nf Japan recently devastated by floods. The following report gives some i lea of the terrible extent ot tiie calamity The commander of the Portuguese gunboat stated that for a distance of no less that 00 miles along the coast he passed through the floating debris of houses and the reckage nf furniture so thickly scattered over the surface of the sea tiiat at times it almost became necessary to stop the vessel.

George W. Merrill, whose term of office xOS United States Minister to Hawaii has just expired, arrived hero on the Australia last night. He says that the excitement over the riots has abated. The trial of tiie leaders commences on Monday uext. but it is the general impression that they will not be severely dealt with.

When the Australia left, the United State steamer Nipsic was still on the Marine railway. The repairs on her had been completed and she was to launched two hours after the departure of the steamer. On Oth of August, Chinese pirates attacked an opium boat near Touquin, murdered the six ir.en on board, took everything iu sight and then sunk the boat. Against the Blacklegs. London, Oct.

5. The laborers in the iol warehouses on the London docks have I struck work owing a preference given to i gaged in paying out the prize money Whilst awaiting the arrival of the books. the President made a few remarks relating to the Exhibition and the grounds, which had been prepared at so great an expense by the people of New Westminster. The entries footed up a total of between 1,700 and He could not give them a de tailed statement ot the receipts and expeudi turc at that moment, but he was certain the receipts were far in advance of those of any former year, aud if uot sufficient to pay the prize money ia full would go a long way towards doing so. The fence erected was but a temporary one and would be sold by the Association.

He could not sit down without congratulating the people of New Westminster on the decided success which had attended their efforts, for this year's show was far in advance of any previous one ever held in British Columbia. He then stated that the first business before the meeting was the selection of officers for next year, aud then the place tor the holding ot the Exhibition. Aid. Cunningham made a few pertinent remarks. That New Westminster was the centre of the agricultural district was demonstrated by the Exhibition which had just closed.

He could assure the audience that it had cost those having the arrangements and the management of the show on hand many hours of anxiety aud planning. He then gave a resume of the arguments pro aud con concerning the accommodation for live stock hich had been used, aud asserted that at least fifty head of thoroughbred stock had been prevented from coming iu consequence of the inclemency of the weather in the early part of the week, lie explained the slight friction which had arisen at noon on Wednesday. It was ne cessary to clear ttie grounds in order to make all pay who entered the gates. It was a hardship no one need complain of, as the gate money was a revenue the Society was entitled to receive, wherewith to liqni iate its indebtedness. No one could grum ble at paying 25c.

entrance fee to the srounds. Iu Oregon the charge was $1 per lay. The city had done well by the Soci ety. He was pleased to announce that the membership to night was double that of auy previous year. (Cheers.) I he worthy alderman questioned whether tuey were proceeding legally and regularly.

No minutes had been read nor the list of membership verified by the secretary. He thought both of these defects should be remedied be fore they proceeded any further, and moved that the meeting adjourn till 8 o'clock tomorrow evening. (Cries of no, Mr. James Orr, M. P.

moved that the Queen's Park in New Westminster be selected as the place for holding the next Provincial Exhibition. Mr. Thomas Shannon, of Surrey, second ed the motion, which was received with rounds of applause. Mr. llliaui Dulby, ot Victoria, moved in amendment that the next exhibition be held on the Island.

In offering this amendment Mr. Dalby said that he must congratu late the people of New Westminster on the success of the Exhibition aud the society under whose auspices it was held. He had been an exhibitor for the last twenty years at agricultural exhibitions, both local aud provincial, had alwavs taken a deep inter est in agricultural matters since he came to the Province aud was one of the early pioneers in establishing the Provincial Agricultural Association of British Columbia. He had not been an exhibitor this year, as he bad sold his live stock, nor was he now in the manufacturing line. He contrasted the exhibition of to day with that of 1 SS5, when it was held iu the building in which he was now speaking.

It was with pro found regret that he hail heard Mr. Orr's motion, for it indicated that there was a de sire on the part of that gentleman aud the meeting the number in attendance was to be accepted as an index to the feeling which existed to break faith with the Island and set aside the compact entered into when tho Association was first established, that the exhibition be held alter nately each year on the Island and the Mainland. That was the distinct understanding upon which the grant was made by the Government. Mr. Orr's motion be must characterize as a selfish one, and he sincerely hoped that no breach of faith between the.

Island and Mainland would take place. He was of those who held that all our cities would continue to grow aud prosper. New Westminster, he was pleased to observe, was growing fast, so also were Vancouver aud Victoria, whilst Nauaimo was likewise awakening. If the Province cannot maintain mere than one good city, the sooner we get out of it the better. He explained why so few exhibits or visitors were present from the Island.

There, as here, tho weather was bad, and many who had intended coming over, remained at home. Iu all fairness, aud to avoid bickerings and bad feeling, he hoped Mr. Orr would ithdraw his resolution. (Cries of no, no,) Several men began to address the chair at one time. The discussion was kept up some tune, when attention was drawn to the fact that Mr.

Dalby 's motion had not been allowed an opportunity to be seconded. Aid. Curtis took tho platform ami endeavored to throw oil upon the troubled waters. He said that although the friends of New Westminster were here in stronger numbers than were those of the Island they should see to it that fair play was accorded to Mr. Dalby and that he and his friends should be accorded a fair hearing.

They should be reasonable men and in a position to establish their claim as to why the show for next year should be held here. The matter should be discussed quietly and calmly. There could be no questioning the fact that now possessed the finest grounds aud buildings in the Province for such purposes. The city was tiie centre of tiie agricultural district aud easy of access by rail aud by water. Farmers could reach Westminster at less cost and inconvenience than Victoria.

Hence it was that he favored the motion now before the meet Mr. Orr again rose to explain his position on the question. Mayor Towuscnd hoped the people would stick to New Wesmiiiister. They had do on having an annual show here and it mattered not whether it was to be a Provincial or District one, but a show was to lie held, and this was the place for it, as they now had good ground and every facility for accomodating the visitors who come to see it. The time has arrived when we should allow the Island to do as it pleased, the could now paddle its own canoe.

(Immense cheers.) No one would hinder or interfere with Victoria holding a show of her own, and as often as she pleased. It could be called by any name, and if the government decided to give the usual grant to the Mainland we couid get along without it. (Applause.) There was no monopoly or favoritism about the matter; each place could act as it pleased and saw tit. A gentleman in the audience suggested that the decision le left with the farmers. Mr.

Dalby, answer to this, responded by giving his consent thereto. All he desired was fair play and the carrying out of tiie good understanding that had so long existed between tiie Island and this section of the Province. He felt, however, that it was Useless to nuke any further appeals. (A voice Then go home,) He said he felt tiiat the sentiment just uttered was uncalled for, and intended not only as an insult to him. but also to the Island and its representatives.

(Many shouted. No, no Mr. Itenouf, ex Secretary of the and L. II. fver endeavored to obtain a hearing, the former failed.

The latter stuck to his grounds amidst ahouti of "Quest; "Question He contracted the exhibits of which did not half all the buildtn iCo'itiijed oa tue lourtii pe.j Mrs. I. R. Preston shows a number of paintings, among which the most noticeable is that ot a cluster of red nblied apples, full size, hanging amid the foliage from a branch as they are seeH on the tree. It is a striking bit of work and has generally admired.

Mrs. Hill has been awarded first premium for a marine minting, and she shows also a very prcttv tiling a bunch ot ehrysanthe mums placed negligently into a wide mouthed vessel which allows them to droop over, i. lie coloring and shading is capital Miss A. Webster contributes a couple of cleverly wrought moss pictures and deserves for her patience and skill the award she lias received at the hands ot the judges. Miss Williams gets a prize for pencil drawing.

The exhibition directors are to be warmly congratulated on the extent aud excellence ot the art exhibits as a whole. THE II.U'MINATION. The situation of New Westminster on the incline which rises somewhat abruptly from the water's edge, is splendidly suited for an illumination. From the river the whole town may be overlooked, ami from any part of the town a perfect view of the river and intervening portions of the city may be had. The citizens went heartily into the spirit of the time, anil literally covered their houses with Chinese lanterns, so that the town presented the appearance of a many colored blaze of light.

The streets were so crowded with people that locomotion was beset with many difficulties. The torchlight procession was a success, and the parade of boats on the river was followed by a display of fireworks from H.M.S. Acorn. This latter feature was very fine, and witnessed under such favorable circumstances, was thoroughly enjoyed. This illumination was a fitting termination to the successes of the past two days, and had the effect of putting everybody iu the very best of humor.

At o'clock the train for Vancouver relieved the over crowded city of many hundreds of its visitors. Mutual friends cheered each other, bauds played, aud as the train moved out the inspiring strains of Cod Save the Queen, kindled the patriotic spirit which found veut iu renewed cheering for everything and everybody as the train moved slowly from point to point in its course out of the city. TUB IKlAT ltAI '1KB drew a lage number of people to positions where the course on the river directly opposite the city could be viewed to advantage. The various events furnished, for the main part, keen contests. The committee, consisting of James A.

Laidlaw (chairman), Captain Grant and William Johnston, deserve much credit for the management of the affair. The tirst item was the ten oared cutter (of royal navy) race. There were two entries, one boat from the ship Icarus and the other from her sister ship, the Acorn, for a prize of $50. This race was well couteited and was won by tiie boat from the ship Acorn, while a purse of if 11 was made up for the boat from the Icarus. Four Oared dig race, entries Valdez, Nauaimo, first, $50; May Flower, second, $15.

The gig race, with two pair of skulls, came next. They were respectively named "Blue anil White" and Pleasure. The former was manned by Richardson and Bush, and the latter by Murray and McLean. The Pleasure came iu first prize "Blue aud White" second, $1U. The canoe races were as usual hotly contested.

The first race was between Fort Hope aud the Chilliwack tribes. The canoes were manned by fifteen Indians each. The race was won by the Fort Hope crew prize, fill); 2nd, (J7.50. The uext race was between the Masquiam and the Chilliwack tribes. There were two canoes entered, each manned by eleven Indians.

After a hard contest the Masquiam came in tirst prize. 20; 2nd, $5. Mica race two entries Hush tirst, Coutts 2nd. 10. The whale boat race was contested by a five oared boat from the ship Icarus, and two four oared boats from the ship Acorn.

The Acorn's boats came in first prizes, i20, and SS respectively. Dingey race, four entries A. McLean, 1st, 110; Bush, 2nd, $5. HUltSK RAl.INil. A good deal of interest was centred in the horse racing, which was witnessed by a vast crowd.

Following is a summary of the results: The Royal City stakes fiat race, one mile, best two iu three heats, open to all horses that have in the Province three months prior to date of race; weight not less than 120 pounds; 1st, $225: 2nd, $51); J. A. McNeils b. h. I to, lirst.

James Lasculles' b. m. Mayflower, 2nd. It too'; the heats as be liked. Cowboy race Sp cial prize given by J.

T. Trapp, 2 entries Jos. Jordan, 1st; G. W. Rasure, 2nd.

Mainland stages Fiat race, one half mile, best two iu three heats; open to all colonial bred horses; weight not less than 120; 1st, "ml, $25 K. Giiwdy's mare Maud, aired five years, 1st; Alfred assel gelding, Koyal, 2nd. Consolatioiistakes Half mile single dash, flat race; winners of 1st and 2nd races debarred; weights not les than 120 pounds Jaines Lnuelie's mare. Mayflower, 1st; George Black's gelding, Coquitlatn Jim, 2nd. Five entered.

The firemen's race was uot of much interest on account of the Vancouver team finding it impossible to be present to cuter the competition. A race took place between two selected teams of the New Westminster brigade aud a joxl run was made. The football match between New Westminster and Vancouver was stubbornly contested, resulting in a victory for the home players. riil.i! LIST. Sweepstakes Best stallion of any kind, H.

Simpson, $25; best mare of any kind, McRae Campbell, best exhibition of stallions, geldings, mares aud lillies made by one exhibitor, raised and owned in the province, A. Purvery, $25; best bull of any kind, Tohnie Estate, $25; best cow of any kind, G. Major, $25; best sow of any kind, H. Webb, $10; best boar of any uind, ,1. B.

Benson, bust ewe of any kind, John Ivirklind, $10; best ram of any kind, John Kirkland, I0. v. w. HART. Iu referring to the tine display made by F.

W. Hart, the well known Cordova Street furniture dealer of this city, in yesterday's issue the linn was styled as F. W. Hart which was an incorrect title, Frank himself being the sole owner and controller of the concern. THE ANNUAL MEETING Of the t.

I'. Agricultural Association A Stormy Session. Tiie annual meeting of the British Columbia At oeiatiou was held on Friday evening in the civic buildings, the main body of which was picked aud a considerable number of people were in the gallery. The meeting win called for 7 o'clock and even at that early hour many were on hand. From the first it became evident tint the people of New Wesminister took a deep interest ia tiie seletion of the place for next year's exhibition Members and noa memlers were earnestly discussing tiie subject.

The annual meeting heretofore has usually been held on Wednesday but a change was made this year to suit the convenience of the people of the Island, more especially the Victorians, who wired up on Thursday to hold tiie meeting over tiUthe foi'ovirig night. Wa the meeting was to by sari to A first class TWEED WATER PROOF FOR to. 50. ARCHITECTS' CARDS. CIIAH.

K. HOPK, Architect, and Kngineer. Perspective views arid quantities. Otlice 2ly Hastings Street. Vancouver, B.

0. 71 OsBORN WICKKNDliN, Architect. Rooms it I and 2 Ferguson Building, corner Hastings slid Richards streets, Vancouver. RANSOM A A W.iuN, Architects, Kootnainnes Block, opposite I.elaud House, 617 Hastings street West. rpHOS.

HOOPKR, Architect. Office, opposite the 1 PostOitlce. Oct. tr W. BLACK MOIil Anumect.

Olllce over 422. Room Oranlte Block opposite C. P. R. Olhces, Cordova street.

P. O. FOR CHART R. STFAMEK A (INKS, Cantiiin BalUmUmTs ready for towing ami transporting freight. Orders left With Creigliton, Frtser Co, will re ce've prompt attention.

tf vWOOD WORKINC. 11001) MANTELS, over Mantels arid Newel tV Posts in Mahogany, Spanish (Vdar, Walnut and Caiitornla Redwo'si, kept in stock and mude to onier at. McKee's, 447 Homer street, Vancouver AGENTS AND BROKERS. A ALLAN, Commission A'tetus. Bents and debts collected.

II and ac ci oils audited. Estates managed with efticiericy (l.ri 'amide St. P.O. tin iH ris tf J.1 Inspectir Provident Lite Insurance Sjciety ot New York. lleire StreiH.

Vancouver, K. C. tf JOHNSTON H.i Hunt limit rttrc Van couvpf, AuctiotiMcrH, Hi'iii Kiitiip HrnL rtt ttnil anil DtritlfTH In Biiukrupt Htockn. City pni icrty, t'iirt; and iiitntTu! Imi'ls Ijinmht, noll nnii FXi'hantr ptl. All olusses of ifoortfl rec.fivi 'il (tn HuU hy unction.

Ample sturuP fur lure coinuMiiivitM. Mor vy iulvrincpii when required. 8ttltH oiiilin'red in etty nr conntry. A. t'UMVtjW, siun trrm Tt KnuIisUttud ChlriPMe lrunHiutor ami Ac L'UHtom Hiun Brnkpr, (JonvyuiirHr Oeneriilt'ontrtwtur, Laborer ut'all kiiKiHi'iirtil iii at BhurtPMt nott' e.

l2aud 114 Ha8tiriri htrcK Vancouver, B. MININCt ENQINEEH. Xtr BKEDKMKYKR. DR. (late partner ot TT John McVickcr), Mining EiiKtiiHer, Hri viri'ial and Uniiefi Whiten Surveyor und AHHaver, Mftsonic Temple Btoi Vancouver, B.

C. Hell abU rnports, uti'lerifrouiHl aurvy( and mitpn of mlneci PXfcutfd at low AiHaya tuade rjrj all ktiidwof ruineral.i, liold anil silver bars. Thirty ynrH' experience in rutnlriK iu Ania, Eufopf and United Htates of AtiiMrici, Hpeakrt ten lanttuiieH. Always from a ditiaiioe promptly attended to. Terms, In all easea, cumd Id aavanoe.

AclilreHH, Vancouver. P. O. Box 7 AMUSEH4ENT8.

Imperial Opera House Ooe Night Only OCTOBER 8, 1889 The Reuowned Actress, Will give an eutertnlutneut, to comprise Character Readings Iu costume, from Shakespeare, Dickens, Etc. TICKETS at. Tilley's. Secure mm early to avoid disappointment. F.

W. HART Fuaej Director ard EiBlnjInier Stnok Ottmploto To the Public IX cornier tlou with the assiunmpnt uifldeby the Vaucouve: Tea ami Coflee Cumiauv duriria: the last few iltiya, I wish ti notify ray personal oreditora t)iat the said assiKiimeut han notliini? to do with my own private atl'airs, as I am ouly theaentof said cumpany, and nit a partner, And. as far an my own private ilelits are concerned, I am perfectly wiUIug tosatisiy them iu fiiii. Your obedieut sprvaut, W. A.

CUMYOW. Vancouver, Oet. ft. HSO. 6 2t SALE OF BANKRUPT.

STOCK OF VAKOLVER TEA Ai) COFFEE (0. To bo held at the store. Carrall Street, Tuesday, 8th Inst. At 11 o'clock a.m. 2'.

NOTICE In the Matter of The Vancouver Tea and Coffee Company, Insolvents. ALL persons havtnfj claims against the above named insolvents are required to send in to the undersigned Assignee, their said claims on or about the FOl'RVII DAY OF NOVEMBER NEN.T (18X9). And take notice that after the said date the Assignee will b) at liberty to distribute the proceeds of the trust estate, or any part thereof, amount the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which said Assignee has then notice. And the said Assignee shall not he liable for the proceeds of tiie trust estate or assets, or nuy part thereof so distributed, to auy person of whoso ciaim said Assignee had not notice at the time of the distribution thereof, Dated this third (3rd) day of October, A D. ltttw.

ROBERT BARk'EK, Assignee. Vancouver, Oct. 4. 119. 6i City Foundry MachineWorks Co LIMITED "VTOTICE is hereby eiventhat Mr.

f'artmel, 11 being no longer an employee of this Company, ail communications iu connection with the business should In future be addressed to F. BAKER, Secretary. Vancouver, Oct. 4. 13H9.

6 6t L) VV1 1 UQl AND TIN ROOFING Percy G. Copp. Eveleigli St near Barrard A London despatch says that a great deal of interest and comment have deen excited by the publication in the Contemporary Review of a long article, the authorship of which is ascribed to Mr. Uladstone, striking out in powerful condemnation of Italy's course in joining the Triple Alliance. His.

Scott Siddons Consigned to Prison. May's Landing, N. Oct. 5. Mrs Eva Hamilton left here between 4 and 5 o'clock this morning for Trenton penitentiary, in charge of Sheriff Johnson.

Edi3on Wins the Case. Pittsburg, Oct. 5. Justice Brady, of the United States Supreme Court, in the case of Westinghouse vk. Edison, recently tried in this city, rendered a decision dismissing the cases.

The opinion of Justice Bradley and Mc Kennan in the suit of the Consolidated Electric light Co. against the McKeesport Electric Light Co. for an infringment on the Sawyer Man patents on electric lamps, was filed in the United States Circuit Court this morning, dismissing the bill. This is a defeat for the Westinghouse Co. The Westinghouse electric stock sold down to $18 a share on the Petroleum and Stock Exchange to day.

It has recently been selling around $52 aud per share. An Aged Statesman. Rome, Oct. 5. Signer Crispi celebrated his seventieth birthday to day.

He received congratulations from the King and members of the Royal family, diplomatic corps, senators and deputies and the chiefs of the departments in the ministry. Dynamite Warfare. Philadelphia, Oct. 5. An unofficial test of the guns of the dynamite cruiser Vesuvius was made yesterday by President Schuyler and an officer of the Pneumatic Gun Co.

The test of the guns was kept up over three hours. The exact size and weight of the actual dynamite cartridges to be used in warfare, which were made of cast aud wrought iron, is seven feet long and 15 inches in diameter, and they weighed 500 pounds each. Trial after trial was made, aud every one was apparently a success, almost every shot striking the water at the same spot. Down a Steeo Grade. Corry, Oct.

5. The rear end of a south bound freight train on the Western, New York Pennsylvania Railway broke loose as the train was climbing to the summit, three miles south of here this morning, and, rushing down the hill, crashed into the morning passenger train, which was following, with terrific force. All tho passeugcrs were bruised, and sume were injured seriously. None were fatally injured. The seriously injured are Conductor Fox, bad Bcalp wound and leg injured; Baggageman (1.

W. Bossis, of Oil City, head bruised; Engineer Sullivan, of Mayville, badly cut and bruised, leg broken; Win. Minor, of Spring Creek, leg smashed. Threatened with Death. Buffalo, N.

Oct. It. Since the murder of Dr. Crouin at Chicago, in May last, friends of Rev. P.

Croniu, of this city, who is editor of the Catholio Union, which has been particularly severe in denunciation of the conspirators, have known that he was a marked man. In this week's issue of the t'ulliulic Union Father Cronin editorially announces that he has been in receipt of threatening letters, some anonymous, others signed, though labelled "not for publication." Continuing, he says: "We have not been reared iu the cuwardly atmosphere of Irish secret society mummery, and so are not accustomed to tremble at the threats of the high muck a mueks of such an organization. For over a score of years, in good report and evil report, we have upheld the s'tainless banner of Ireland. Does auy miserable creature of the murderous conspiracy imagine that we will lliuch or abate one iota of just indignation against those whose fiendish assassinations have almost compassed the ruin of the Home Rule triumphant agitation. There are indications that the net work of murderous ingenuity which strangled Croniu has already wound its paralysing toils about the police department of Chicago.

The developments of the trials are such as to make one wonder whether this is America and this the nineteenth century. Men are condemned to death in a secret conclave of irresponsible and thievish scoundrels. The government of the greatest republic of history is able neither to protect the victims nor avenge their slaughter. Are the people of America dreaming or is this in truth a ghastly raw head aud bloody bones Do the conspirators or their sympathizers, defenders, creatures, tools, or relatives, imagine any decent journal will bo diplomatic in dealing with such infernalism. We know not what other papers will do, but for our part, iu season or out of season, we will raise our voice, demanding that the living villains who wrought Crouiu's foul assassination, shall be hunted off the face of the earth, on which they are carrion and pollution, and for those who would endeavor to intimidate us, we have only pitiless contempt.

T'iiis is our reply to the threatening and in letter which we have just received. Is it explicit enough If uot, we will have something to say still more pointed iu answer to future menaces." My3teriou3 Fires. Sarnia, Oet. 4. Nine mysterious fires have occurred here lately, two of them happening last night, when a storehouse and a stable, with five horses, wagons aud sleighs, were burned.

Robert Harrison and Edward Russell are in custody. Staging Gave Way. Rockville, t. The stagiug on the Union Church broke to day and Geo. Johnson, John Hanson, of Worcester, stage builders, fell 75 feet.

Unison sustained a broken skull, and intern il injuries and was picked up dead. Johnson's back was broken, his ribs driven into Ins lungs, aud he cannot live. VICTORIA NEWS. Victoria, Oct. 5.

Toe young woman who was reported to have eloped in a sensational manner with her lover, a blue jacket, on the Swiftsure, returned home from Port Town send last night. Her story throws a different light on the matter. From her account she was forcibly abducted by the sailor bold. He invited her to take a sail with him on Tuesday night. She conseuted and he procured the boat.

When he had sailed far out nu the Straits, he told her he was going to Port Angeles. Tiie girl protested, and the piir had a falling out then aud there. When Port Angeles was reached she refused to marry him notwithstanding his, aud vows of eternal devotion. They occupied separate hotels and left for Port Towuseud uext morning, the girl returning to her home last evening. The family are delighted to see the young woman whom they had thought lost to them.

A warrant has been issued for Pant's arrest, and should he return, the nival authorities will deal with him for the serious charge of desertion. The telegraphic shooting match takes place this afternoon at Clover Point tit range. The Sardonyx arrived from the north this mormng with a large consignment of canned salmou for various rinns. There is no news of importance. A iertisements under the heads of Lost.

Fount For Sale, To Rent, Situation Vacant, Situations Wanted, Personals, Boarders Wanted, Rooms to Le', Miscellaneous Wants, will be inserted in THE WORLD al the rale of 2 cents a word for the first insertion and 1 cent a word for each subsequent itteirtion. Payment to accompany order, which musi be for a specified period. R. A. ANDERSON CO.

Real Estate Asents, Notaries Public, 107 Cainbia Street, Vancouver. wili hny lets and 111 in tjloi'k lltf. J0)U HnUliiiW Ktri cant, These are or ii. lots, nut a VHluiiOie t'ronuttfe on Vancouver's Uiormlulil'are. Ktsy terms.

iJl i fi will secure a double corner in Diock nniuely Pits ami 10; sub division of 'ot M. Kitsy terms. d)il will liny Int. Hi in block UU of lil. Choice lucidity ami cas; terms.

will buy lot II. block 21, suo U'Vision ot UU ls4A. Capital builiiinK lot, ana ou easy 1 17 each 'hl tiUV ti il1 nlock 12 Pit in ip 1 block lot block 'ii ami Pit Pi in fceic nub division of IM. Terms are easy. All are 4HS by PC feet, anil are well lociue i for a sliurp a'tvance.

14:1 tf SITUATIONS VACANT. NTf'l' iooit Kcnrat servant. Apply to VV Mrs, K. MiicKiiy l''npi. Pence; Street west, ionise but one.

1 If A NTKO First class waller at U. P. K. linker)'. r.Timva rsireei.

i TA NTftD 1'o scno'i deiink riMmi iiris. Ap ply at le'lil'el H'Oei. inisiKninsiri i i 'n rAN'THI) A lirst cliis.scoutnmkvr. Apply to uirlnn dt 1 corner ui mimci nuu i nstr AVrKl A brullt, smart boy as Messenger. P.

it. Telegraph Otlice, New Yor ttioct, ttranvllle Htreer. 11 WANTED. Iir ANTED A partner In a well estubllsned and uiemtive.puyinn business tn the interior: rtecllnln bealtli comiiels present owner to rest. Address Merchant, box Hi, luu V.oltl.11 (,.

FOH SALE. 171 OI! SALE Hil buys a larje lot clos to HastlilK's Street; easy terms. James M. line inert A n. 8 A I.

IS 3D acres In Hustiims Townsite 1 very cheap for cash, M. Holland At'o. it St 1 M)K SAI.I. A kooO nine roomeii house, with outtunldlnKs: nearly new: sp'ndi'l nanieu with li'3i hearill trees; lues ha'istible well, will s.0 at. a bargain.

Apply at J44 amliie rttreet; near Mi'honl. i' T'itVl HAI.K t)i easy teruH one liumtreU and 1 sixty i I'M aere.1 of aoud land, with noire tim on it than will pav lor it. Fur particulars ap Ml A K. I). Tu Ollii e.

141 till t3tK HAI.K Waste pauer. Apply at Ta 1 Woklo tilth e. TO LET. rpt) I.ET Fotir new Houses on comer Heyuionr JL ami facitf streets, fat Inn I'ttctttc street: no liof or better titted up hnutes in Vancouver; rent, si', per month each fir three: corner house, (.10 per menlh; 7 rnomsetu tine view Knlisii Ha; For inspection mid further information apply on pre irovs. Fester McLeod.

4 tt m() Furuhlied rooms at the t'iuh Mil omi, 1 ''arroll Street, 4t rU1t LET several nice luiuo'S on Howe anil i. Hornby streets: seven rooms, ineludimt hath r. urn, good sheds. For piirtfulars apply to 'Wioke ,4 VVuiffS'ihn, 4 A 431 St 1 III St TM A larne, welI rilniihe, room, ceu 1 trally l.iCated;only 5 minutes' walk from I1. one eiinitcrts: reterentes exchanged.

Address 'W Vanciiuver P. 1 1. I '4 tf PK ItENT ln Beat Avenue, a seven nomed huilse, beautifully situated on Knuiish Bay. i ply at house or J. L.

Joiiusoa, Jlowe st eet. LEdAL CAKDS. B.A., solicitor (of Province ol'llntarioi, Notary Pn'olic, solicitor ror the IVderatlou Life Association. Money to loan, Ottlce, Koom l.Wiielliant Block, i or Cordova and I'auitne Streets, Vancou ver, H.C. 5i jt missioner, Nouiry etc.

Corner Cor (Kiva nnill arrall Slre ts, Vancmiver, B.C. ill 4 RMSTItONU Ji KCKSTKIN, Barristers, so llcltors, etc. lltBces; Armstrong Building, eittmmster. n. i CIllltP.Ul'LI), MrCOLl, nammein, etc.

Ofllces. rooms 1 and 2 Masonic Block, Vancouver, and Masonic Block, New Weetmlu. st r. 114 JACKSON 4 Barristers and Solicitors and Notaries Public, office, oner of Richards and Cordova Streets, Vancouver B. C.

Mouev to loan on real estate. M.W r. Jir.cte. It. K.

Jackson, 11. U. llelmcken, A. 'I, iliimerser. 71 MAUF.K, LL.

Burrister, Snilcitor, etc. (nt the Province of Nova Scotia), Commit N.itary Punlic. Money tn loan at per en rst class real estate security. Ottice. ItW a street.

Vancouver. 1'' tf IP HALLK IT, B.irrister, Sniicitor, Attorney, a iof the Province ot New Brunswick). corner of Cordova, auu uomer otreris, W.r'imver, B. C. 2(1 JOHN BOL'LTBKK, Barrister and Attorney at UW Hie Provinces of Ontario and Manitoba; Notary Public, Wilson Block, cornel of i'or'lnvaarnl Abbott Vancouver, C.

LB HARBISON, i Barister of New Bruna Notary Public, etc. Offices, curner nod i 'ordeva Streets. 1 tt Jd Barrister, Attorney and Solicitor, (of the Province of Manituba), No. trv Public, Whetham Block, corner of Cordova and Cwnliie Streets, Vancouver, B. ('.

mm k' BLACK. F. 11. Tuck, Alfred s. Black, ia.a hl.oicitnrs elc Niitaries t'llOllc.

Offices, Noj. 6 aiid 7, 1st Floor Whetham Ccrdnvi Street, vancmiver. n. TO ATK 1NHON, Barrister. Solicitor, Ac.

Ot tces Maaouic Building, New Westminster B. 0. 2I WVORMAN BULK, Barrister at Ijiw, lAiid Money to Loan. Ctarkwrn i iieei, VATW, JAV, KUSSKLL. J.

Stuart ates. 1 umltfe Jav. and J. A. Russell, LL.

B. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public, fclc. Ot am. Jlell Irvinsr Blcwk, Cordova 'aucouver.

K.U. Mnnev to Loan on freehold security. 114 tf BOARDING. XT lltpriToUSK, on corner of Pender and Richards streets, one block from Post Otlice. Vancouver, B.C.

Newly furnished. Terms, 1.00 tier day and upwards. Weekly and table hoard at reasonable rates. Quiet and comfortable. J.

o. Tavjor. Pnnirietor. tt FIANOJTJJNINC Mr E. FINLAYSON, from Brondwood A Sens, London.

Knuland, and stelnway 4 Sons, New York, will attend to orders left at Sainton A Ilvke's music wareroonis, and TUley's ookstnre. Cordova Street. Vancouver, H.C. 1 tf PAINTERS. M.BLOMaUIST.SiBnandShowCard Writer, I Ornamental Painter and Decorator, Vancon ve, B.

Ha tluus St wost.miposite post ofH e. SOCIETY MSETIN CItBT PACIFIC, No. 71127, A.O.F.. meets every first and third Wednesday in each moitb in Odd Fellow's Hall, Springer and Van Braner Block, Cordova street. Sojourning brethren cordially Invited.

E. Wilcock, O. Ranger: R. M. Sec'y, VANCOUVER LODGE, No.

8, I. O. O. nwets every Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, in OddPllows' Hall, Springer and Van Bramer Block, Cordova Street. Sojourning brethren cordially invited.

Otto. Por.l.AV R.S.. Bin IMS. 148 tf JDENTAL. A.

JACKSON D. D. S. successor tn Dr. T.

F. Quin graduate of the Philadelphia Denial College. Booms over Hank of British North Atneric. 4 tf CH. OATEWOOD, Dentist, a Full graduate ot the Haiti mute College of Dental Surgery.

Office over Cortova Street. 47 TM. L. O. Dental Burgeon, a Room 4, Ferguson Block, corner of Hastings and Richards Streets, over Cope young's, dolt work aipenalty.

Has administered. SCAVENGER WORK. JOHN WOLF will give prompt attention to all orders addressed to hiat through the Post Of de. Bui No. 029.

ui jobs expeditiously executed tvt moderate charges..

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