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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 5

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DAILY WORLD: VANCOUVER B. C. CANADA wh whieh Mr. and a tour M's. left rn le, Traic ivio and Victoria, aoi'car in the day.

The li of pre enrs i social cohiniu ou Satur THE DAY'S HAPPENINGS ROYAL. IN AND CITY. AROUND THE ciSX in? ikmm ii A prominent club woman, Arrangements for Xakir.g Grouse Mountain a Greater Attraction. The special committee appointed by the Tourist ssie'liitioii to intervie.y the reeve of North Vancouver ill coiiilei diou with hiving out a trail up Croiise tain have so ir lujide very little prog'' s. The local a sov iatioTi h.u griiufed towards the cot of the trail and ara as'smg the council of North Vaticouc.f to do likewise.

Mr. Hantield lias eoc i iv ed a letter ti oin Heeve Mce, stntinir lint he ould meet the committee vonie ti'ne this veek and talk over the plnii. etc. Hepresentativi's I'roni the local I'sso, i.i tion have ynne carefully over the t.nil and state that it can be put in fir cl'ss condition for tourists at very little cost. It is also proposed to erect several s'hiicks on the trail where tourists run rest for the niifht.

With these nrannre meuis couiolcti'i, nicnntiiin will no doubt become point of great a. fru tmti for th many tnuriN will visit Vancouver this coming sp New Westniiniter, 24. (Spc eiuij Ti.e death Mrs. J. S.

Hivson, which occuired ribout 8 o' lock evening, will he incerely regretted amniit; a wide circle oi friends ntnl ac in thi city, and the keenest Hi input hy with the bereaved liunily nil! he extended by all chisx s. The deceased holy had been ill onlv since Siitunltiy hist, when she contracted a ulifiit attack of typhoid fever, but the cJTa', in siiite ol inetiicul skill, reached a very acute slujre. She hud always t'cn of a lMluist eou tltutioii and dnriwi: Tuesilav, very low, holes were held out. fur her recovery and it was not til! eveiiiinr that it was realized that the end was near. Tho iate Mrs.

Hrv nm had been, with her husband and a resilient of New Westminster fur alsnit UO year. She was a woman of hiirlily sympathetic temperament and exercised a niul kindly and beuebVinl 'influence upon the community. Her chnriuintr personality rmide lier a favorite with all who knew her and made h.r ai, idolized (invouace in her home, where she lenves a husband, four sons and three daughters to mourn her sudden demise. Ilor eldest sou Charles is at pre sides ot the camp is we'l under way. On the top of the north Hill surveying is aoiiifr on in prepnrnt.ou fa the cu: iiwny which will lie started in a fe.v days.

Tho power scoas. ilerrnks, or use on ttie water are all up the north wharf till the hi water flood abates. New Westminster's citizen soldiers returned oh Tuesday niorniiit; from the mobilization at Iangrfoid I'lains. The boys all enjoyed their outing. included two or three hours in Yrctoria.

The eonicany was the strouu est on parade, but none were fuil strength The KoyaL Templars of Temperance intend luivinn time this eveiiintr. Ice cream, will lie provided and liomiiiicui Councillor Hitchauau will endeavor to inspire the good workers in this part of the iMninion. Mrs. Mi'llnuh, cite cf Hev. W.

Miller Mi'tirutli, rector of St. l'anl'e H. K. hurci. tiieir second son, Mr.

l.awoo Molti nth. his wife. anil Tvvo nous. Miller and I.awson 1 Killop Mo (rath, of X. W.

arrived todav by the Pacific eprss on a visi to toe reverend itenlh in in. Kandmaster Smith uml Mr. V. 1ns Snap 14k Gold Filled Case with Waltham movement $12.00 Davidson Bros. Jewellers 146 148 Couhva St.

Ash. rolt for his health atter sent in ACCIDENT from a huiif seine of lev reiicned yesterday Itoni a short visit i ivovenn Costs Life of Respected Cumber" lander Nine Cottages turned. Airs. Danforth, of St. Joseph, tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains.

Idfo looks dark Indeed when a woman fuels that hor strength is sapping away aud she bus no of ever beinjf restored. Such wan my feeding a few months ago when 1 was advised that my poor health was eausad by prolapsus fr falling of the womb. The words sounded like a knell to me, 1 felt that my sun had Ret but Lydhi 10. I'ink hum's Yeire talilo Compound came to mc as an elixir of life it restored the lost forces ond built me up until my (food health returned to me. For four months 1 took the medicine daily and each doiio added health ami strength.

I am so thankful for the help I obtained through its use." Mus. Flouksok Da.nfoiitii, loo? Miles St. Joseph, Mich. fSOOO forfeit if ordinal vf flti.u letttr proving genuiiutmn cannot bv produced. The record of Lydia I'ink Iiuiii'h VciiCtahlo Compound iin not lm orpuilk'd by uuy othiT medicine in the world.

FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN." Women would save time and much Klckncss if tliey would write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, lor advice as soon nsany distressing yin(toni8 appear. to 111. line. Mr.

T. Arufstroni; is snfndinu a few days in ChiliiwiK k. accompanied by Miss Nora Ai'nistromr. ftrv. P.

H. McKwen. wh has been spending .1 day or two in town, returned home yesterday. MESSAGES delivered to any part of the city from 8 a.m. to p.m.

'Phone Smoke R. Phoenix a. Old Sport. Havana Tilled. Oukhon Hotel.

Kates $2 and $3 per day. inonia: wont uas sent nun him ois arrival ill the city is expected The deceased lady was oniy 411 years of The fnnenil ariMiiiteinents hnve not been ccmdeted. The to the New Westinin stor briilte ure beinis pushed with ireat rapidiiy now thai ihe water in the Km ser shows every siitn of itoinif buck to it iiomuil slate. hen work on tne r'vei' nrt of the bridfe can be resutneil. On the south side of the river the itrad hiir for the railway approach is completed und tlie trestle is well under way.

On the north bank the Krailinc oi l'ith M. iSpeciali Word last night at "umbel Ian, I Naiuiiuio. Was lei eivt to the elf. (tMuuncnt ct that loin liohcrt uu, citizen ,1.. Oceu killed ii Colorado.

1' I lie mine at M.u tla ml. who is a liroiaer (HHtKlt Ol 1,. ((OIIVI'IMI ed lit Cuiiilierlaiid. tin eitv tmnd aiui wax iiiglllj It'Spe, a member of other oi ga no itioiis lie had recently arrived M. inland A WOMAN'S ADVICE with a view of residing.

II wife and live children ai Cuniliei land Last uighi one of the loading v. banes together with nine cottages, the ptopcil, oi the Wellington Cfilherv lieiNir un the of every HukI hm hln oftlre stiittnuery tv J. It. WWw A Fit Reform Admission. It is a pleasure to acknowledge that some custom tailors the more scrupulously conscientious succeed in producing garments that compete with Fit Reform in all the excellence of detail.1 But their success is achieved at a much greater cost to the customer, who must pay from his own pocket for all the disadvantages of the narrow facilities under which his tailor labors.

The great fundamental basis of Fit Reform success is the production of the highest excellence at a most moderate cost. Suits and Overcoats $10.00 to $30.00 Trousers $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 Agencies from Cape Breton to British Columbia. Fit Reform Wardrobe 333 HASTINGS STREET. To Those Who Suffer from Headaches, Backaches and Ailments Peculiar to the Bex. Every women needs plenty of pure, rich, red blood and sound nerve to carry her tal'eiy through times of pain and sickness.

lr. Williams' Pinl. Pill are good in a special wny for women. Thev iictnallv make new health giving of the very best and the tHhet'ies are a ionrce of great wealth. "With, however, a deadlock between hihor and capital the province is going to receive, and has iilreadv receiv a set buck.

Now to my mind this will rebound on the heads of labor. Ctoitai cannot be expended to build uri the industries of the province, aud labor will in the long run sutler more than the capitalists who call go elsewhere. "English capital has. of course, bei greatly discouraged. The failure of the London Olohe nod the Hritish America cm miration both paralyzed affairs, "out with the vat wealth at hand, it doca not seem reasonable to suppose tliut this effect will be lusting." I'uii't your coi.oi;i:n ture Kay.

was buniisl to the ground. Tne lire was started hy campers. loss is not thought to be very great as the building weie old uud had been i.ilo some rime. The sharcTioMers of the Nanaimo Sime Factory held a meeting yi sterility alter noon, among whom were fiiim the brills of Storey Co. mid Henry lloyle Vancouver, who pronounced the local article fuily up i i that of Eastern manufacturers.

The new foniiwnv starts out with excellent A.a, (to, by hit hit; tln puoily print tm iTiivtp lip im triul iiml i ii iinnl imt we run yi you 1 ho blood. Thev give ease, strength ami vigor. Thev stimulate nil the organs to perform their functions ruculai'lv and well. They bullish all pains and de'r es lowt work mi the best paper ut the very Sir Charle and l.adv Tupp r.

v.Kh two granddaughters, a daughter of oei ioecl lo apply ror I'e I i'lcoi'ioration under the uauie oi Canada lot Shie Company. Ltd. Stewart Tapper, sail ou July 4 land. ne body ot nuin was found Mooting ill Cheinaiiiiis liuiln.r yesterdiy u'' ternoon. So iar no one has leu abl3 to identify it.

sion. all heaiiaoiies anil nacKacnes, una all the secret distress that only woman knows. Iir. Williams' Pink Pills bring sniikie to dull eyes and the rosy glow of health to checks one pale and pinched with silent sitferina. They bring health snl strength when all eNe fails.

Here is a bit of strong proof from Mrs. John Me Kerr. Chicktiey. N.W.T., who eavs: "For some years I was. gretitlv nHli red Feuple if Chicago Hold Mi etiuj t) Protest Against l.

lulling Chicago, dime IM. At a meting of people held night to protest us.Jnst lie ly lit hinj of the negio, T. Wvatt. at Hedeville. recently, Kev.

il. one ut the sp uker. ad''led lil? hearer tiiev "'hoiild. it the hanging and burning of the colored people in ti it by the regular uu thuidies.

sell fheir coat and buy gops with hit 'u tn ilct'end themselves. Oilier sneaker simiiar sentimeutu and hefnri tiie invtito; nd.i'nrtied the neriie were worked tn viti'ii if excitement. Wills Burnett iutvrmnl he men that tiiev must organize to the'r oaii Kittle. suvin: tliut they uerr enuld hit ttiru t.i tiitht for then; until thev had the'nlv of tihtin( for them PRISON Fare Is Now Tasted By Watelet. Monsieur Taiil J.

B. GRAN! Lithographer l'elerhone 524. Cambie Si rest YANCOUfcK Paul Watelet. bon vivant swindler, is leading the lit of au o( Ulnar prisoner iu Spokane county jail. with the ailments that make the lives of so many of my ex miserable.

1 VANCOUVER, B.C. many me "cines. toiind nothing to te rom the court house cell here, here beve me until I began the use of Ir. Williams' Pink Pills. Thes pills hive ho wu hid until he voluntarily triced to return to Spckua without the lorm ity of extradition, Watelet Wa allowed Guileless Missionary Was Swindled Out of $85.

I. n. Buriev. a missionary to th Chinese, who was in th i nv he other i'FF HIHE8 AMD SUPPLIES to seiiJ out to restaurants for bis n.a!a. As a reoilt he fared auiuptuuitslr three took out, his victim aMowiuf him to do nude me feel 'like a new person the a' I most continuous suffering 1 endured passed awav.

and lire no longer syeins the hunb'ii if on did. 1 ot' women who have been siniilarlv bemtit fed. and 1 think th pills are worth weight in gold to all who suffer froin female i omiilaints or general trntration." I I I o. He left the check of ji.lM.30 as Fruit Itickti. U.

(In. Out Plants, Till Klwat lisigus. hknuy I lulO 'atiulDster HoaJ. Telephone A'os Senator Hnntci denis that he candidate for the vice piesideticy. security and wa gone.

dav en tuule to the Orient was tliui I Mummed at uiit el i It was ti.e old game of "needing money to get goods nu.v in the statie'l," and i the presenting of chei for large amount as security. The bunco lpau made tlie uctpiaiiitanct i All over the land aie suffering women duties to pay and wanted the loan of "three and a hall," until he got to Vuu er, oilering a big check as security Wnen the innocent pulled out his pocket bonk and ottered him So he auid hi ilidji't nieuii "three dollars and half, but. three huroned and a half." The traveller protested tliut he didn't have that amount will. him. but thnt gaping pocket honk disclosed tour beautiful twenty dollar gonf p'ece which the impudent rascal readied for und actually ot the missionary "it th train, between times a Jay.

Now he eats jail grub v.ii a day. Sheriff Doust doe not allow meals to be eht to prisoners from the outside. Altliough Watelet had several frienla among Spokane society women, to i nmO i of whom he presented his autograii. i. i none of them has called to see him a.

nee hit return mid he cannot call to see I them Several men uboiit town have visited him, however. I Watelet' preliminary examination he 1 fore Jus'ice St icker is for to mor In a moment the victim realised the situatiou and started through the thiin on a search. He was mot by a confederate who put him on another truck, and went along to help. The short e' probably went into another car. changed a derby tor a slouch hat audi when the train pulled our came with it.

leaving the ilniioi.ent ruissiunarr in Sum. is watching for him. The gentleman was not broke, having plentv left in drnfts. but wanted to catch the thief, with he will never do. icr I who enu obtain new health and strength I through the use of these pill.

Onlv i the genuine should be and ihese I hnr the nstne. "Ir. William' Pitik Pills for Pule People" on the wrapner I aroomi ererv box. Sold br all I at oi" cents a box or mxes for "0. 'or sent hv mad by writing to the Or.

I Business I estiie and Spinas. On ge'tlng into I the Matter tduce the swindler nisiniliv remarked that he hud some rutnms Williams' Medicine Bro, fcville, Pr.t. row He is charged wi'h SAiiidling .1. E. Carnahan out of in i luiumg stock deal.

Fred. il. Dudley ii bis attorney. Are practical shoe for hot weather. We have tbui for uieti lu high and low cut: liuys' una youths' high cut.

Not expensive, very moderate prices. TYy a TUPPER POPULAR The W. Ja Westminster Opp. (ity H.M st M4sMs)4sJ eV4 is Talhle Cutlery Baronet Talks of Conditions in British Columbia. VS.

Biliousness. The man who is stibject to biliousness cannot attend to bnsincss biliovisness demands all his attention. Biliousness arises from the retention of waste aird foreign matter in the system, natures drainage being clogged. Were Eoth the Young People in This Happy Tangle. Sir rimnies Tn 'Per, is al sys Talks St.

J.ttue tViat i dear Sir Alexander Mackenzie tii iu aiuouvcr. I'lllll 11 Old on wai hterail) 'lite occUSi'ili i lleiUia to old tiinc never iuuked prettu i Tuesday eveuiiig. It buwt rc'l, lth fj' a as the a editing of Il.ilkwili. ot the ti jii'l lig staff of liod. Th a High Musical Status of tho Mason RSsch Piano AAA Buttis kV and Miss Jeti.ue l'loioiKe, e.dest daughter of Mr.

aud Mr. A. E. iys ciciiitUe litter fimu Sir Alexander Macken 1 1 I Of the Ito.Vj! Al.lllel uf MllSe. l.UlllJ.'U, til eat UjtJcul from Hull It.

r. Is nttestej tiv lie futfiwlng He. the em. Mill composer. Pl'it 1.1141.

let lllnl ir of Tlie fa lo Vai.i jliv i and Vh ter.u. We've siuh a aatiafucto atuck of TABLE CUTLKRV jatiit'actory In every way. The assortment is broiid so broad that we would like to tell jrou more about it hern if a had more room. It terms s'ratig to ii hud that ar some peopU who were not aware tnat we kept Tjhle Cutbiy. Indeed we do lot and of it of all kinds the biggest stj' k.

we vrn'nre to tiut i ke(t yui.T Individual firm In any city in British Von'd be giad to know tins, perhaps glad for yourself und gluj for soiin iiieiid who has a soou ur luuyhaps i to be married for t. is a wry pn sent. Effervescent I willing to be interview d. He na5 seen in Winnipeg the other day and was emk ed for his opinion on the present sbu.i tion in British Columbia. Said he; I "Politically tlie iitmos here iu Columbia i clearing.

I believe th it icov i that the politician are re.olved to go lo the country on p.irtr lines that the hoie 1 the country on party lines the whol only course to be taken, and hicaevcr side gets iu and curries on a g.o erunient on party linen. I believe, you will hear no more ol the troublous times that have chanicteri.e.l coast politics. Vt any rate things coub) inn be worse. "There is a great amount building going on lit the const; times ure evidently good and there is all air of proi ci i This i rather puizlltig in view of the trouble that have been had there The mining industries have had a art look. the greatest tronhle they have i to pi intend with has been unwise legisla tion snd dittlcitlt with labor.

"There i. in my opinion, uph.i tn wealth in the coat province. The erd we.ibh is rich, and beside there are the "oil fields, va expanses of timber l.SO UlSi'H PIANO I'n. l.llliite.l, 1 in 'Sit i I 4 I i I i 9 I'lrunia. reiiudii.

(teio lein, ii, wUU to expi tnv highlit apnreelntlnn of yonr Masi.n TtUcJl I'llMies 'Hull telle Ik la I erpee( 11 ,1 III ir 111" fliCII Ihe snlliifilis ha, to tile highest lii l.le, I nan nnn to the of tone color winch Pa in ulu m1 eve'i hy plaveis nf ni.t who cHlini.t claiill to he con shier 1 pianists In the Veal euse of the leim. hui 1 am willing to add uiy tvai In Ihose of helt't' lie ii, U'eri In tone. iiih resiHjndihg touch, rlriii hunlsiii. are ihe requisites of a liii" pi v.iii tiuve nil tftese Allow ue to coin; yuu ami the Lie minimi of Canada on the prejuc thill of s.leU Brie p.iluoforte Wtv taittlfully yours, A. M.VfKENZIK.

The Features cf the Mas i ft Plan is are entirely nrl In Hint I'lc Iticll Iteinferced 'I 'llial ij ialitles se. ni ttie tui 4neillalo lecoao.tlll Ulld appl'eelatllnll cf all b.ackburu, of tlie Mtu.Vmrn Univ. this city, i tit ceieinour ias perioi by llev. H. ii Imtioi.

ictor of Juuiea. Tt.e flower girl a prei!) httJe Bia.kbur.i. alio I pvl with all Lo know Her. uud tic U.iiiesuuid was Miss Katie ackbiirc. both sisters ot tn tnd Tue gijnii ni tn Mi.

A. Turner, '8 Westminster, Th bride's costume was of Pearl grey silk voile, with etnoi onieeed ehittoii tn liming uud orange bhuH'iu. Sic wore a white picture tiat aud curr.e a ihower uouiiuet or Her travelling drcas wa h.ue etaiiiuie er (reeu silk, trimmed I point lace, with which she were a bi th ture hat. The bridestn.i ne ui cos tuine of uavy blue basket ci.uh. over silk, with ral Irish l.oe and Persian 1 1 miming.

tae earned a lioininet nf vmte laniations. 'la present Ironi glNsmi to the bride wu eiirl duet piu. Irom the griMiin to the brnlesmuid a dd extcus.oii Ira. and from tne groom lo tlie pretty nee flower girl, .1 gin! ring set with pe iris. After let ceremony wedding surlier was served at the Home the bride', parents on Vetmiuser avenue, tit'er goes to the root of the trouble and eradicates the cause persuades the stomach and bowels, iu a gentle but iusistent manner, into healthy action, Abbey'sclears the bile from the system in nature's own way, To prove you that Pr.

(hitttt OintiOkiiii t'ortam Piles mi uhuluie euro fur each irni pvrr form of hiiur. brineinir health, a clear The Jeweler and Diamond Merchant Cor. Masting; and (iranville Sti. Official Watch Inspector for C. P.

R. SOlt AGM7S THE HICKS LOViCK PIANO CO. 123 Has tines Street Agonls for tho Pianola head, a clean stomach, bleodlntr and iirotnuiinK pilf, th mntifaptnren have (TUHrtinieed it. dttetee timufimlM i rhe tiailr rrw nii't itk your ncinh bom whut think o' il. Yon can uo ir and urt toip nionp bai if not furwi.

frio a bo. 6 all dealere or and energy for work. Dr. Chase's Ointment 4wsct isassfs4M risMstr4r4 sftT KTf1ay wt nrerr seemrv gA" me LOUIS ROEDERER EXTRA DRY THE WINE OF PRINCES and THE PRINCE OF WINES Unsurpassed for bouquet and flavor this wine is pronounced by judges to be "WITHOUT A PEER" On the London market and elsewhere where wines are judged on their merits, it ranks with the highest. BAY COMPANY HUDSON'S SOLE MSSEtlTS.

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