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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 12

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Saturday, February 13, 1915. 12 THE VANCOUVER WOULD ESTiMATES FO ii Seven We Announce h. Amalgam red tch A at Dollar Cro OF The Vancouver Business Institute Mao og aiiy The above will be drawn for March 6th. Meantime every dollar cash purchase entitles the buyer to a chance in the There is no better suite in Vancouver, and the opportunity is extraordinary. The Duf fus Actual Business College NEW CLASSES FORMING FEB.

15, DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Phone Sey. 1810 Payments Easy (SPROTT SHAW) AND H. COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHY, TELEGRAPHY (wire and wireless) CIVIL SERVICE, LANGUAGES (Gouin method). A. Smith Ltd.

929 Granville Street Vancouver Business R. J. Sprott, B.A., President. R. Cunningham, Vice President.

ion Institute C. Duffus, Principal. SOP Tit POLAND. PKTHOIHtAH. Feh.

13. News readied here from apparently autbe tic sources that (Jermanv and Austi have the Independence I oiaiuj to become operative on Kebr ary 14, wh. it is Planned to to iit at i racovv purpose of choosing ialicia, for hine. For Chapped, JJIotchy, Rough or Coarse Skinl fost sk'ns require constant groo Itijt at this season to keep them In. becoming unduly red, blotchy, rough or or If mich con liti.

ba devtdopnd. to overcome it. mjch cases it is particular I In.idv; able to keep piling cosmetics win clog the pores and make the plexion worse than ever. It's a more sensible to j0 ordinary nn rci led wax, whlchliterally ahsorlm spoiled complexion. Apply the like cold cream, nefnre retiring; ne morning.

ln washing it off, you'll wa away fine, flour like particles or unsightly utKlc. for a we 1 or mort' and you'll have an entire! new kln soft, white, spotless beautiful as a child's. ne ounce niercolizecj wax, proenra hie at a tlrusgist all you 1 need. If the skin be wrinkled or flabb1 here's the best possible remedv: Ml a pint witeh hazel and 1 ouiu poJ dered saxoute and use as a face bail It works like a miracle, yet Is ontirj harmless. Life Assurance Compan 38,474.01 5,199.0 ,500.0 I 4,1 3GS 4,116.8 $257,457.5 4fiSfi.3 12,504.9 10,375.1 13.0 $133,678.2 J.

Overseas eonllnnent is proceeding quite a'vordhiK to 'oote. and it is Ht.ti.ip;Uc! thrit by the inhldie of next week the full tjiiuta of men will ha ee been reached. LTp tn today a total of 0 men lirive turned ''or en) is men but a certain per entire of tltis numbei. it is stated, ill not be tibl to pass the required 'dieal exuniination. A force of some tn i nir'ti ar si HI husv under First of Christ.

Scientist, 1166 Georgia streeT Services at It a.m. and p.m. Sunday school at 12:15. Wednesday test.nionial meeting at p.m. Free reading room 801 3 Birka Bidg.

Weslcy Church, corner of Oe an, I Hurrard streets 1 1 iv blocks of Hotel 1'astor. oruia est Jiev. es at 1 1 ier Crumni' K. Sc H. servi 11 a.m.

Ha p.m. I he pastor will preach at both ces. Morning siMi.ieot, Century of Peace." JStran irers welcome. Hamilton Ha copner I'unsmulr and Hamilton stie. t.

Free Hible lecture. An I'ltusual Message." Sunday. February II 7:110 p.m. All are welcome, tio collection umlenoinina tional. POLICE FORGE FOR vmnoiiDpar II! I Total Asked by Police Chief McLennan is Lower Than Last Year.

dimates xpo ml it re of the Vancouver police department, as presented to the police cniomissloners lo t'hti'f of lVlii'c McLennan on l''rtdav afternoon, call for as airtinst an expenditure of 1.0 5 last There arc other departments under the sunervlsin from the the poli hut distinct tcni proper. 1 1 I making the 1 i the vear ttifs, need amount reuutreil The itt m. iiir.att are i ii'llows: of of fWrrs nn.l Ma $'U 1 it nif onus. ml tnat jl.S.Anrt; niijunfiit.

Hiat'onory, ami of fir Mij'tilii s. $1 fuel, il'UtO; liiiht. tatiui mnin lt nance and ivpMrs. ri'tvol iv.u nil er.aiu'p a no re i rs, service. $, SlTm I'ltotns of niam and rtinii.

JlJo, uuuinUM. t'X MM! 8C, "ntinge iao. secret service, I. vii.o: if i station s.i.i station um: i uh Mation total. 2.

a Mi. The dli'fercnt tic lartinerits whiih have hecn placed idcr supervision of the police itu iudc: City Jail Main temiine of cioliiini; and su s. prisoio rs' transport. i.n hoard, $14. saiarie on si.Hf.

Sll lu. Police "llrt I'oiiee ma' ist ra es salaries, Jjflo.i; io)iee Court prosecutor. JIl'Oll; nssisuint police com prosecutor. poli court clerk staff. sta tionerv and printing, 1 interpnt if.B, 4iioii up Salaries of taff.

Imiuests and examinations, saii of constable, Jijiij. fpvim lan. maiiitenaice and repairs ii'o'il; salaries of ilrlvAs, i2t: of cn alloivame to Levis Niiaxesl, tnuther inlnrv lit. fommlsaioiter Mahon ciressed a desire to k.ep the salary list doven to J.lii.i uiiii.

and susuest.d that the day force he dci reused hy l.ttinout of iim. of the unmarried men if tltat were necessary. Later he suiincst.d that a cut in saiar.cs he made thiou hout the dciiartmont d.ennan oljected to this, mv iiit: he would rath.r have tiic Kir. cut down, who lie would i tri. i.itiier tnan pi have the aiaries iu lie Mimed that the force was doinj god work ami was tfeitive and el not vv i I ml lis that they were w.irkinu itlt six men less than last vear.

II depree.uid the sujijte lioll to further cut salaries, as lie aaid It would ooen the way to temptation which he not want to see. especially now that the force wis clean, and that no one uiulil lojnt to any sueestion of srafi. 0 Mayur Ohject Hc.lii.clon. M.ivor layn.r a. aid tha: the could not le rcilu.

ed. espci.allv this vear. as tne hi' L'e mjm ner of that will passina throusfh the city to and from. the I'liiaina Kxposuuin ihire wouiii he lots traf tic the force must he macitained at its. hiihest effi.leii.

to with the Influx. The thief said that the tim uos had been cut to the Lone and they were only askinu' 'or was a tu needed They hail nev. heen pare, as as this cir The policy of the cointni ssion will he to creite a irate department to ioi depanments. which one police supei pion. hut win siiou.d not riaiidy he i harmed up to poll expenditures.

It was staled that iti tile past ertain departments had Lccn ihareeri up to the, with the rcsuit that the public had an I'uneouh impress on as to the cost of the policiii'r of the city. The ajipomtim nt of an assistant police court piieutor waa not favored for this yeat. out at next meetinir a onferen 'e will be held with the maa i.t. and Ihosecutor Kennedy to c.ns 'lcr the matter. An ofier the K.

H. lines Ambulance Company to purcaose the police aii.tiulame and to furnish a service for the sum of UP' per month was taKen under advisement, hut this and the suiTt esr ion of Aid. Marion, that tiie amhulan he turned over to General Hospinil was not acted upon. The ric.v slation is ahowiuii defieien clrn in oust iict loii material, and the. comnirssiiin before pitting made an in sivei'tion o' tiie loiMins to note the na ade room floor, which is erudihiin to J'icces.

and other iler. iem es, a well as famous heating ilint. It was decided to ask uiidlnK Instector to make a list of all the defi olenoes and a recommendation was ma.Tj to instrtn the council to complete rtie builiLnK The council will alsrn.e asked to remedy the acoustics of the courtroom. GOOD MARKET DESPITE DOWNPOl'R OF RAIN SKW WKSTMIniEK. Ke.b.

1 S. I I Itc'ement weather there was nn unusually laj attenowanee at (he tnarUet yesterday. The fcatuie 1 brisk I trading, with all of ie xendora duina very itoi i 1 business. the auction on the outside rattle, horses and niic i.nerv were in videnc trel tiuuiero is eves were made iii the tieavy d.nn of roin. Horses sold ail of to wav fr.en tn hde cattl'e vert i ni7iit $7.1.

wre not as nnti'al as and le few t'i. l'f iosed r.f sere r.a.Ply liiilJTlt 'V r'alneae vep. il an ta ien to Vanco aver. Y.a nnd rontT wete muh in at tl.e res iler t. rices, the rtal: price for e2S wa TO cents A do.en, will's the wholesale price hovered era.

in I 27 cents. were some nice r.lset a. c'svi ot IT a Vox, as well as eoTte Hen Iivls at same price llaaerv ctnes fouml 'sir (le 01 rT1i" es'i nrn ILAROUDiilllLU WORKTHIS PUZZLE! i i Hundreds of People Have Found "Fruit a tives" Their Onlv Help. READ THIS LETTER Superintendent of Sunday School in Toronto Tells How He Cured Him self of Chronic Rheumatism After Suffering for Years. 53 Povorvourt Knad, (V t.

1st, 1313. "Knr a Ions' time. 1 have tl.oueht of writing ou rejfanlin Avhat 1 rui a mojtt remarkable cure fectfil bv remedy Frui a 1 1 1 suf To rtvl from liheutnalisni, especially In my fiamls. I have spent a mi oi money without anv ko results. I have taken 'Kruit a tlves' for IS months now, and am pleased to tell you that 1 am cured.

All the enlargement has not left my hands and perhaps never will, but the soreness is all none, and I can do any kind of work. I 1iave sained 35 pounds In IS months. It. A. WAUGH." Hheiiniatisin is no longer the dreaded disease it once was.

Rheumatism is no lonvier one of the "incurable diseases." "Fruit a tlves has proved its marvelous powers over Rheumatism, Sciatica. in fact, over all such diseases which vise from some derangement of stomach, bowels, kidney or skin. "I ruit a lives" Is sold by all dealers at S'lc a box, for 3ti, tnal size. 2 Sc. or sent postpaid on receipt of price, by Fruit a tiv, s.

Limited. Ottawa. VOLUiiUSIS EVIDENCE TAKEN UMI llrent Intrrest is binsi vinred by railroad men, runt actors, ene ineers a Till wcrktovn, Ion he re and in the I'nitf Slate in th i whh is pending in the tial nti i dollar suit nimnijit ny S. ,1. McUwe find fiaviviond McUrte, of the firm of Mcllwee Sons, a yrn i nl Kidey Br.

Wr fh iK Stewart. whMi v.ih in the MU'ivntH Hie evidence Fubniitted nirt recent o. cu pv 1 vs l.e I'll nitiy and ul of eix vv a a pell. tc ti Toe suit was a da ma nes a ml iireai ne. tioj.

iti; the I'ass on th claim for T.itini Ii of contt ait In con i orillir of the Kolters' 1 IV plaint fis, vv hi. are largest tunnel oiui actors on tin continent, ceing tic au ors on that undo! ta kink; Hurina the hearing 'f th U.cot: I't loll. Mr. Alexander Ii. McKenie.

civi Kinecflin.l Mr Macdonjoli the Wel ni.oivn rail.vae emitruotor, vv ere retained as assessors, a larue nuniher of expert ea iiein? called for ami against the claim put forth by Missi Mcilwee iv Sons. 'i ilowinir the trial, Mr. Justice Clements, jM coinfianv with the a.cenrs. isited vv orl ipL's in the Itoiiers' I'ass tiinnei, for the tvurtme of investi itafin Hie cnilitions aliened to exist, tneir trip extenllne. over I'Veral davs, durine which thev cl insnected the work done hy the Mus.Mve tomes of evidence Were collected during theliearln(f of the suit, a tii i'iil'nr olrc'im' 'ance in i onnei I Ion therewith, ht in'jr tnal desplt" the eimr incus volume of the eM mion there Were only seven I'Hlan dilfereuie in idor between that given for the plaintiffs an' for the defendant Tiie evidence is conceded to tie the; nioar.

voluminous ever taken In a i suit in local niiiip in recent years. N'KW WKST.rfN'STKI!. Keh the r. KUtar ineetinsr of the bo'd. vv hi.

was held in priv 13. At school the press heiiiii ex lulled, it was ride to start the beautifvlntr of Tipperry I'ark by jilantinj i destitut and maples alternate. aion the paths that lead the hool. All of the trus tees the la. CUlt were of different opinions shout iiiest.on.

and the chairman was at called upon to settle the dif'i The board will, as soon as possible, (ret 111 touch with In Mackay to so lire the necessary trees. The after a lengthy discus on, decided (hat all oomtnilfee meet nas should he In private, and the cMti.v way the pfess will be allowed to eet lane ti 'ws iv lroiu the secretary, who is to et nts orders from the inmmlttee. H'lve minutes after the trustees de elded th lesolveit themselves Into a nianaa.nsf committee anil the press reporters eseni were asked to retire. i Mmalele Reernltlna et Week.

HerruCimr 'oe the third 's sd'sn PRIZE arumsil. 1M mbam rn aatWnfrvt A POSITIVE CUR FOR RHEUMATISM IN TUNNEL SUIT SCHOOL BOARD UNDERTAKES TO CENSOffPRESS i i Vk. fV.m i i 1 i 1 i yl i tain Ward making: necessary repairs at the local camp. It is tliotmht that the third contingent will be mobilized in this city. P.

R. liiNiieetiuii i'rlti. A larxe number of the members of the legislature, headed by Hon. Thos. i Taylor, provincial minister of public works, took an inspection trip of the C.

X. K. line. The party left at 8 o'clock in the niornliiK and returned late in the eveniim, aoing as far as the Cisco bridge on a non stop Journey. The party was the guests of Mr.

H. White, chief eiiKineer of the C. N'. Mr. W.

Q. Swan, divisional t'liKineer, and a number of railway olficlals. JUG SPRING OPENING TO HE HELD IN CITY ri' iii nier hant i met in the Hoard of Trade rooms yesterday afternoon and decided that they would have a Ken ral spring opening; day in Va ncCvrrver, the date of which will he chosen by a committee. Transportation companies will be risked for concessions 1 fa rtH from nearby points. t'ity newspapers will eo and a larger circulation than usual will be In tha ouuldo districts.

Mr. A. X. Harvey. N.

Harvoy and others were appointed the management committee. Mr. Connor was setretary. The British Columbia 1 unci 31 if at Usual Price thr was no pi riou enfe of li re in Ioiiit liri Thp trusters viiiaiiicl tliat the not lio; for th usual lar 1m re.i. ar.) asked troy aoiii.t to ref irn five or ten of tiieli ray to piow.le oi ti o( for "tiier leiief ork.

The to fax or this atti heme the lienerit of re.ln lien man ait hool hoard lonenl uiirt Vnard. The hoard dc. oled to ai'Peal the d. iion of Jud. lirar.t awardir.K M13 of I Macee hool The opinion Has expressed that even I.

ai'peal was lost the amount of th' Jiidimei.t. which was the form a iM not he oile I. s. hool property could Iwl wi.i e. ro Heeison.

arctiite. of the Maee hool. in pawoeril of this vn nit In He iciraliv asked for Triistee My 1'oaald tl a ainst 'he architect 'Che et mate Include i.n.ldliiif equipptre a hool l'omt virev There said to c.rrv o.jt enouah money on hand to j.rnoW. conleinp'ated race i.i a' estimates. Financial Recognition Given to Volunteer Reserve Other Applications for Grants.

Van ouver vic finance ci.mimttee will help Vain Home Guard to the extend of tiftn immediately, and will t.rinir the matter of further assistance hetore the estimates. Such was the recommendation passed l.v th committee on riday atte.poMi ho anneal for some llioil st he'll affr from Mi. H'AliiR ha 'a ot Howard an. I Mr It was explained that $1' would enahie the men to cntin le their tralniim for twelve months and $V'0 or three or four montiisli lonicee There were 2ji)h men in tralnln an I the Home iluard had to lace fixed charcea of 1 25 a month. Although many of the men4er n.

ontriiiuted to thtj cost of their own trnlnlne, others were not In a poaltlon to do so. They had had assistance from the hanks and fenm the I', r. lut were 1141 overdrawn. In ease of cmerKeney the Home iluard would he an oraanized force and not an unorganized mob. There were several applications for Krauts, one of which aa from the Trades ami T.ahur I'ouncli, presented he President .1.

II M. V. for towards entei a ni the convention the 'J'ra'les and l.ahor f'ouncils of ('an linn, rip wouru ne uei.i nrre in ine summer. Thla hodv reiirefented some or en, ona and there diie or 4'dl ill leirareti. Tli rc'iur'sls were referred for th.

nuist part to the estimates. Iwprfle Park llralanae. The ornrniri. suf ported the action of lie aril lioskln In hav irlt the ilraina III HaMllliSK I'ark re. pMire to allow of j.r'.per draitiaze.

Mlor TaMor pointed out tnat an ef. was hem made to seiure train inij of the rrd cornlritent in The park, and as complaint narl heen rnade that trie around was too wet they ha 1 sonM to have defect remedied at "ice Willi. mi waiting for official naric tiori. lie eoriiniirtee voied a sum not exi ee tt Ttaota Election Promiaaa. a reiues refund A Wh lleS'.

I I i lie tirfl on an a no at. In Inch Hcri cmim ritcl I i idrew. I l.e .11.1 not I the r' ind I tha Kll aether in t.c snou.d r)e tier i )Se, 1. I a Ihere "i w.u, le. the UrOK net rter e.ct on ceil a fore l.ri mi i.n VI 11.

th, r. trstt i I no I. ll the lid for Isanz tr at vl, sa A re. i i. for of 1 1 I I.e..

el 'r Mr me te I of I i i oorarv t'lle'rr. rfe 1 trans'. nr. 'le on tep l.o.r all a i at th e.wnt tax: a were ttse.r lie fir i e.i if sa plac. hi i hMv, a i "ii lie, 1 1 'on CITt TO DONATE SMALL GRANT TO THE HOME GUARD I Splendid Showing by Local Life Assurance Co The Annual Meeting of The British Columbia Life Assurance Company was held at the Ilea Office of the Company, Vancouver, B.

on Wednesday, February 10th, 1915, at the hour of 3 p.n The meeting was well, attended and a most" enthusiastic tone prevailed, tne reports, presentt being highlv satisfactory to the policyholders and shareholders alike. The Vice President, Mr. Thos. E. Ladner, occupied the chair, and the Secretary, Mr.

C. F. Stive acted as secretary of the meeting. The following report of the Directors was read by the General Manager, Mr. Sanford S.

Davi BALANCE SHEET AS DECEMBER 31ST, 1914. ASSETS SCHOOL Bi POINT GREY CUTS IWM K.K.RRIPALE, Toint Grey. Feb. Considerable reductions were ni1e by the ncriool board on Friday in its estimate? for the year. Between five en per cw.t was taken from the extraordinary estimates, whi haw total am.

aout ordinal account, bavins mi fioin the the asrere jjat. at a'out 135. exilunive i roviiv. il si ant of between ilb Otj a Emphatic protest the pro r.f munu'ipnl 'ounii to "Ut about I tr cent r.m tv'. rs' salaries aie tv a lieT'Uiat'on of The ttaehrs.

it was ex hai by much s.rard in OTdr to contr: T' fund they!ve Ijst year re i ed i e': to a 'J7'ei the ouiif.l try furTih of ctf of jf.ver?y Mch ui1 reexed, thev be 5 rr .1 oo PrV on the der 1 flakes Nerves Tingle With New Vitality Xeilog'i Sanitone Wafers Till Your Mind With Joy and Cheerfulnesi and Vitalize Kew Vim and Vigor Into Your Body. 50 CENT EOX FREE. Opt nrve like ntl: hA rloiir brnlnM trnng ani vigorous. KlloBa Sanitorm Wsfpix InvlKoriiitt and vluli.n ilon nnthttiir elho. If y(ni aro nr ary and peevish, und our frtvmls begin to tUiak you're a "d' ud one." tbli KDc('t Saailon Wafers M.V, Ym Act Lika Bar.

You Feel Juat Lik Jumping Ore a me. marvelcius nn 1 dei.endahle renieflv will Kive Oif a Mi ll lease on l.fe. Ke: loKK'n Saniti are soinet In hk new and dllter.nt frmu any and all other reme To. i mai.e folks feel (tiiiiu and aoioitions, and are for hot men and women. If yon nro iiv rr crke I.

run down jind carenom iae no stmnk for HnythiiiK ell, th. little wafers will thrill i with tha health and that hrinu liie real of living. Send out. on todav a free trial hox of M. i S.nnone W'a fera.

The regular II no ne of Keiiosx'a Sanitone N'afer for sa'e In 'iiri. oii ver at Itrow A T'endcr and Main afreetn; I'entral liru Store, IS Cordova Btieet: (Senraia I'tiannacy, liranvllle and Hohaon mreels; K' MarriKon 2.1"! ianiile street: i 1 l'riitf four st' r. 1.iiiff..p Hros. it 1:1 iv.r trt et; Manhattan rharniaiy. liiC.m.ri arid Th'ir low ftreet: li i.

od, llastln str et. M.irevii Ile' street: Nel.oll I'rua MICH w. R. li. mil (Irai.vilie siieet.

Mt rieasaiit I'harniacy. i FREE 50c IIOX Ol'PON J. Hollms ler Hlork. Rattle I res Uleh. h'eml me l.v return mail, a f.a ceet trial hox of ne i olerv cr neres.

Kelloa Sn.itone Wafers. I eneloee a iftils In stsmps to help pay postajre and packing. Na re Street BARD OF tm TPft rxmllllll 1 LUMlfiiilLU UUflllj i I I I Delicntures Mortgages Cash on hand and in bank Loans to Policyholders Balance due for Premium on Stock Accounts Receivable Net Outstanding and Deferred Premiums Interest Due and Accrued Office Furniture and. Fixtures at Head Office and RECEIPTS First 'far (lciniuins (less re assurance) Renewal Premiums (less re assurance) Interest Receipts Premiums on Capital Stock Miscellaneous I)IRK(TOKS' REI'OKT. The Directors have pleasure in their report for the year 1911, the Company's fourth year since starting to issue insurances.

The actompanyinj; statements of accounts show that very satisfying progress has ben maile in every particular. The new business issued during 1914 was 12,154,834.00. In spite of the difficulties which affected all ines of business in the latter Dart of the year, this amount exceeded the corresponding total for 1913. The total bS.siness in fore now amounts to an increase of over last year. You will ajrain be pleased to observe that the interest and premiums falling due in the year were well paid, the interest receipts being $12, and the premium collections 1 10,75.

1H. The total income was The assets show a growth corresponding to the progress made by the Company in other respects and amounted to as at De.em ber Hist. 1914. The following facts reveal the experience of the Company during the year in three vital particulars: The death claims amounted to only $5,143.8.) and were only 23 per cent of those expected by the mortality table used in the computation of the premiums. 2 An interest yield of nearly seven and one haaf per cent has been teeeived from the investments.

This is very gratifying in view of the fact that considerable proportion or the set require to oe mvesiet in for nurnoses of deposit. LIABILITIES Reserve on Policies in Force Premiums Paid in Advance Sundry Act uunt.s Outstanding Taxes Due and Accrued Death Claims (unadjusted) Reserve for Depreciation in Market Capital Stock paid up Surplus. Capital 574.1 2.470.4. 1 1.01 10.l' Value of Debentures 4.024.0 12.2'eO.I $257,457 A PRIZE IHSBl RSEMENTS Taxes, Licenses, etc Salaries and Expenses at Head Office Commissions and other Agency Expenses Death Claims Surrendered Policies Advertising, Printing, Stationery, etc Medical Fees I eeal Expenses Express, Teleirrams and Telephones Rent and Light Balance 1,1 54.1"., 13 ,994.51 5S.712.::f 1. or! l.o, 3.970.

4' 4.7:m;; 1.919.5 H5K.5 1. 516.2 40,316.0. 1 ('l' 'r Vi 3 The expense rates keap well within the mark of what would gen rded as reasnnahlp far Sheet herewith, together with the book certify that, in our opinion same is draw 'J tlVIM AWAY tae murj UM firem We have examined the Balance and vouchers of the Company, and I a young Company. In conclusion your Iire. tor would draw vour attention tn the splendid class fit securities in which the funds have been inve tei.

Dohent'ires are hel to the amount of J.f.474.00 for of deposit at Ottawa in ac cordance with the Insurance Act and the balance of the investments con si cf rairtgsges amounting to J1J. I f. on farm propert'es. Not of thee ecuftie cause the Dire. tors the li Me.t anxiety.

All I the securities are rte'J in tree Com rany rajitt wim tne exrepiion 01 tf ose deposited I W. SH ATFORH. jp so as to fairly show the position of the Company as at December 31, 191 as d.sclosed by the bonks. KENDALL, BARR 4 Auditors. I beg to report that I have valued the Insurances outstanding as at eember 31st, 1914, and have found that the net reserve, after deducting th' a''oance for expenses authorized by the Insurance Art, amounted to 473.

The valuation was made on the basis by the Insurance Ar namely, the Om (5) 3 1 2 er. tent table. sg The Insurance in force amounted to 13.44.51. C. C.

FERGUSON. F.A.S., ALA Vancouver, February loth, 1915. i vii iu us AlA. lara fam fa r. I iarr vt jmm ua usi noli V).

If ytvt mm SMle out tW ura live Tws C.I rs v.H I si vrsrTiri i. nc rt aa eeT t3. I sua iIh a cntrr I 11 (cNli ir 1 SI lei mf lev t.T sen Urn tim lJ.e Ika I'KlZt CUSri.sT a HT T'eO tlills AJF. Hfn.j;M!!! I7 iV b4 rrna 130 GOLD WATCH ar 130 IN COLD MONEY PRIZE pnrz.vm far kales ue mraiaetn. mm aea tkt aw.

cakifW yrM Mate tS tntry crrt la th eerrt a tic fcrlwes Imm mm I (hr rr a ve ictrMart kl tirtrf nd W. ttwt lira Ire w.i! kr r.wa te e.k ya wrj a ckao tmi wrbrfi kisoks rr rana too mis. lrjst mr. mm vv. iVwl niw fMf mu4 lm.

sra snri Vj. atsmlv Canadian Watch Dipt. 40 Canada IVes.l nt..

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