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The Asheville Times from Asheville, North Carolina • Page 7

Asheville, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Tuesday, Kay SO, 1811. 2 ATnrj CAinrrranrra PAGE SLVZir MEETING THIS AFTERNOON THE GRANGE IB IHTERESJOF SCHOOL Conducted hi 1. W. ARROW, Chatham. H.

UM JTew Fork State Grange i i i i i a Those Interested Will Discuss Question PRACTICAL CO-OPERATION. of Establishing Reform School What the Farmer Are Dolna In tha at Old Waterworks. Line of Co-operative Endeavor. During the past season tha grange There will be a meeting this nfrAi. exchange or Connecticut baa bandied and distributed many carloads of po- noon In BuDt.

Tla-he's nfflno i tatoea snipped to them by grange mem' hall of the city and county officials for bers in Aroostook county. Me. mo purpose or aiscussmg the plan to establish a reform school at th. The Scottish co-operator la now Dur wl 1 Open a bag df this real SJX J- tobacco. Roll one.

HangJ finger and put a light to the waterworks property on the Swanna- ing bis wheat from tbe Canadian farm er, taking it Into his own elevators. nua river, wnicn is owned by the city. Other who are interested in the school are asked to attend m. shipping it to bis own mill in Scot Andrew Carnegie onde suggested as an epitaph for hit ing. It la the purpose of the meeting land, baking it In his own bakeries and distributing it In hi own ro.

to formulate some definite plan which can be laid before the aldermen, and County commlnalonAra. Th I operative stores. own wiuDsione wnai ne said was tne secrel ot his success: "Here lies a man who surrounded himself with men abler than Many able people are" working for too. sdenticta. mrenton.

The Patrona OwirrMi ha ha-, fit ov.iivui in to be for the use of both the city and the county. A committee recently vis I uiatne, now nearly thirty years I eld, officered and ran hv numhue nt ited this nrnnprtv for the nn.nnnn manufacturer, all trying to make something yw want Do yon ass fu.KVOV VI ascertaining whether It is suitable for their Drains and their cttorU turround younelt with them -cc do sinrv Vstr AtJf I a.L a tbe grange and with their own money, reports deposits of $450,000, with $1,000 more profits than tha nr ha. purpose, une 01 the members stifted today that practically all the expense that would he nirns.ha.4 Take your own home. Hare you your share of modem im- rimlmnmli ikaMMnmMt l-l I 1 KL fore, paying a semiannual dividend of establishment of the school would be 1 10 per cent and adding a neat snm to ftk vnt amMM 1 .1 2. KT a-VI 1 tne running expenses.

There are about 65 acres ot land, with about 20 me unamaea profits or surplus. The Rochdale (England) system of acre9 cleared. There is good water A New Pertection tore never orerWa a kitehm. It wret your etreogth. savee fuel and lime.

With the New Perfectiaa oral with the gta doom you cut yvnva ft iiaIL VVUIU UO ULlllZeU 10" co-operation, first started by a few power and the pump house could also I poor wearer long years ago, has ox e- muw vwm wuii, ihu ne hi as a stance in. jomi toelxoperly i i MW1. I. 2 ud 3 baram. DO used.

He ata-ted ttint tnaH tended until Great Britain now has i Intw. imuuif blue aaalaelrd hiwn two cottages on the tract with about 2,500,000 members, with 5,000 stores, smoked. JlUlV11" cigarette you ever nine rooms. Tnere i also plenty ot timber. It is thought that If a.

I snips, factories, banks, mills. ete 2nn. 2- and J-buraar aloveiea. be had with arithoole cabinet too, which a ailed wit drop eVIvw. towel racb, etc.

Dealer everywhere; write for oV 000,000 In capital. CS00.000 annnnl hnnl. ble man can be secured, who hn a ness and returns about $70,000,000 an- "Whifferino, but that's eetipun circular la the atmet i nW J0 I nuaur to their members aa their anv. lings through co-operation. Standard Oil Company practical knowledge of farming and who can at the same time enforce discipline, there is nothing In the way of solving the problem of disposing of the youthful offenders of the city and county.

The meeting will be held good tobacco parcels post system In Canada, witn larite territory to be ooreraA ni a population much less than th TTnitoH GotV hod lyine: around? Tired at o'clocki a Li I fli A- i i oimes 10 xurnisn tne patronage. Is a BROS. STEAM DYE WORKS 4fVIIffurbxpn nn A I payug success, bringing a revenue I above all expenses. The grange win Formerly Aaherllle Steam Dye nnnf -aa '-EV biamond BBAND. a CAROLINA INDUSTRIES never let up in its efforts until our i-i jruujLiA won.

farmers and other citizens enjoy this 9 "dr.Ae!'""" privilege, which twenty-two other dr It I'Ji COMPANY IS ORGANIZED uizea countries have. 7- I JaT DlAHUNn IIRANII UliTi POOLE BROS- Phona 1230 JkT uww rsc mhmi. Aiwajn Keltabl BY OSUfiGISTS fVFBYWHERC OF CO-OPERATION. i 1- S. Llplnsky Elected President of New i Figure Showing What Farmer Can Do by Werkin Toaethar.

Try a Gazette-News Want Ad. Company Object Is to Interest of ordinary, heavy pipe tobacco Try STUD. It's light and cool but wonderfully satisfying. STUD is genuine, rich Piedmont Country tobacco, with the all-there, nothing -missing flavor. No dope, no filling.

Just sound, clean, pure tobacco. That's why Stud won't stain your fingers any more than cigars. It's pure, nothing but tobacco. If there ever was a eood Illustration Capitalists. or "team work" among farmers tha I report of tbe Turner Center lta rial.

Irying association is It The figures The Carolina Industries company, given herewith show operations for -iU I SocietiCarnival arid I thirteen months endinc Jan.1. 1911- The total receipts for butter. an organization having for its aim and object the developing of the natural, resources of thia section of the I milk, dry cured and cheese curd were state and the interesting of capitalists 130,225.02. Tha receipts for eggs. trade and miscellaneous, broneht tha and business men In Ashevllle property and mineral and timber lands Vaudeville total Income up to $1,650,434.66.

They I paid patrons $1,433,329.95 for cream throughout this section, was formed last night with the electton of officers and a board of directors. The and milk and S62.023.83 for cn. I Their total expenditures were Sl.645.- officers of the new company are: For Benefit of Mission Hospital 625.25. They added $4,809.41 to their All for Get hep, boyal Llplnsky, president; Archibald Nichols vice president: Dr. W.

P. i surplus. Tbe comnnnv has a rnnltnl it At WITCHWOOD, End of East Street Car Line, I stock Issued and outstanding of 75.. Whlttlngton, second vice president: D. Harris, secretary: Taylor Rog 000.

It has total assets of S303.87.1.T2 Every time you see a white horse, buy a bag of STUD. Friday. June 2, from 4:00 to 8:00 P. M. I and current asset amounting to 114..

ers, treasurer; James S. Rector, gen eral eounsek The board of directors I S81.62. Tha creamery has purchased pounds of milk and cream. For Old and Young. An entertainment full of interest '11 1 a is composed of the (following named gentlemen: S.

Llplnsky, Archibald Nichols, Dr. W. P. Whittington. H.

lit has paid for 3.320,645 pounds of ivi everyone win do given. Among tne attractions will batter fat at an averaee price for the The Queen Victoria Memorial Taylor Rogers, D. Harris, F. M. Wearer and.

Dr. Philip R. Moale. whole time of 844 cents. It has also paid an average of 86 cents a hundredweight for the milk In addition to POKTTJNE TETjIjER'S BOOTH 'John, tha Janitor's whipped ICE CREAM, IiEMOHTADE tha amonnt paid for batter fat It Jimmy today." ANI CANDY BOOTHS.


paid farmers $70,915.00 for cream delivered In December. Contemplating SLIGHT OF HAND TRICKS (better than you can see on i pose Jlmmv had whipped the ianltor'a tP' I these figures, there seems to be no son!" Pitta burg Post. tho professional stage.) need of the dairy business languish ,1 1, lt mg in Maine. A Menagerie that will catch the children and lots of First e'er battleships we fret; Then wa tnaka a enin other stunts too numerous to mention. STATE GRANGE.

Big end strong enough to get The warship on the run; Then some armoring brand aew, Better to defend; Then greater gun we view. Remember the date, June 2, from 4 to 8 p. Exneutivt) Committee Oppose Repeal of Prohibitory Law. I -1 AM so on without end. 5 At a meet in or of the executive mm.

Washington Star. and the placed BEAUTIFUL WITCHWOOD I mittee ot the Maine state grange held a short time ago at Lewlston swecnlnr Miss Parvenu I was almost sorry, I resolutions were adonted and a ram. ma, that yon spoke so rudely to that Arlrn TAX iVMt M4 rtf Ipalgtt outlined against the repeal of poor Utth Mrs. Willis. in uaine prohibitory law.

At its an Mamma Well my dear, prcv where nual meeting the state trance took Is tbe satisfaction of being In tbe best society If you cannot euulr those who strong action against the repeal, and now tbe executive committee 1 seeking to put the resolutions of tba state are out itr-rhlladelpbla Times. grange into effect. i i Purest and Best He prayed each night for hope and health It is proposed to eo-oKrat with a rut i mo iiwoora iroiu Uisaator, Ho prayed each night for Joy and wealth, assist the enurches, Civfo league, W. T. O.

organizations and other fern. uw never uiu ne pvajr Far atrenrrth in mir. nw.iv I petance societies In their efforts to re a ne lauua so railed to master. Powder Rumfcrd Baiting tain tne present law, and with, all these agencies combatlne anv mava. He prayed each night for happfrre Anu rar a li vt noattlnn.

ment to repeal It there Is good reason He prayed each nltrht te have sucreas. to peuevt that their efforts will be suc uut never aw no Kneel To Drar tha LorJ for xanl cessful. STREET CAR jJCHEDULB IN EfFECT OCt. 23 1S1. To better Ma condition At the meeting of the exsrarJva mm.

Chicago Record-IM-ald. mittee it waa voted to bold a series af UH.vtXLiK.Cx or oueUCk victor la. Wmoriai. mMt )Mll WMt)rat RIVERSIDE PARK field meetings this summer thronthont ana every 16 minuta until p. "I cob tell you." snhl lie.

"bow tunes state, next state grange meet- vntn evwry nonr until 11:00 p. i. witte mm over tbe Niagara faH to 1T0RD AVitiJ ii a. ntt a ail every- 7 1-1 minuta 1- wif win proDaoiy be held at Lewlston. The great marble memorial to Oueen Victoria, fronted by a statue of the Queen wo unveiled In front of Buckingham Palace on May 17.

The statue was unveiled by Victoria' grandson, King George, Among those pretent were the German emperor and other descendants of tho queen. cmnrt, (Until 11: p. except and TO SANTEE STREET "How tuuchr ssked he. VI wnicn ro to Booo atrant nnla Henrietta Granaa Bum Umtmu Two AUvocato. DEPOT VIA SOUTIiSlDa m.

and every IS minute until In the fall of 1903 Henrietta m. T.I 1:11 thai ererv 7 laS mlnntaa aintlt grange built a hall. 86 bv 72 feat and aa.a was 1 'it it; tfi an every 15 mlaute UU 11:01 'Tie very like you wrra not thsr riwiuni irortl, two stories above tbe basement, which iaw ueur. and avarv 1 nlnmu Anrl so peibapa you sia uet tcv wouidf compare) favorably with tba Ujipo'if via mux- BROAD AVENUE best balls in tbe state. The cost.

in. or nrty yttvn -o Vet Ihl.aa vara lallthav and toes every to miautes tnt 11:00. Gazette-News Advertising Pays. Fit fooj eloqu'nre and rfiymoj. eluding the furnishings, wsa about $3,000, and aearly one-halt ot tha MANOR mrn ci'j; acraa aalno a.

than every it minute till 11 amount was raised bv voluntarv am. Of tiy years p. eapapi ao car to Bquax at 10:11 tributlons and a laortgngs given on tha property. last ent of the in- 7 a. Lueu every mtm till I p.

m. dehtedne wa recently paid, and tha 10 end 11 mortesg was burned Thuradav even. ear ipo hror.ra No Wonder the Sale of the German Remedies is Astonishing, When by PA110: nlng, April 20. This grange has raised a. m.

and every It mla jiae m. in the last six years for all purposes $11,813. lniuuia 6 a. m. Siid evary lb p.

m. 4t Actual Proof They Have Brought Back- to Good Health, People I 'QranOee Lend Valuable Alrf. VIA KERRHION AVI 4V m. and every 10 mlouive tia.i th every It nJn. until The subordinate granges of Oolnn U3 o'clock th e.ry mln, until bit county, N.

contributed nearly Who Were on the Brink of the Grave. In rnssid many aup-V'U'S, to tha Hudson City hospital the IS ntinutaa a iu. and eveiy Modlcines that are founded on scien 11: SO p. lt ear. -VILLE, via Eoulhside Ave.

Tim year. Grange! In every county should lend material sici to soma such iiul avry to tific and compounded only of nature's herbs, roots, t.srks and 6.62 a. 1:21 10 2J Hi. i m. woithy insUtutloa then every' last car.

gums have been proven to bo tho most effective In ridding the human ay terVi of disease Many peopty Relieve that by taklna strong medieiex In positively claims that Oermsa TOuio-nia saved his life. He says: "I have fufTured Willi Intense pains in my stomach for a long time, used everything augsested to me In onltr to secure relief and Anally up ull hops of over being cured, linnly beliovxd that I hud cancer the stomach and It woulti he only a question of time before my affliction would prove fntiil. I scnrcely kpew what It Memorial day Mar 801 1b onlta rota. pletely that 1 weighed only one hundred and fifteen pounds--a mere shadow of my ftrmer elf. I picked up a newspaper one day and read what German Teutonla was doing In rases similar to my bwn.

I sont for a bottle and was determined to give it a thorough trial. Itcfore I had taken half a dozen doses I began. Vteel the good this medicine was rtolng and when I had taken tho first bottle, my condition was wonderfully Improved. r. ir.r eiu.r um via utliS.le Ave.

fl 1:00 and HI Ck lv.S ju.r, for Depot vt. FYanch Proa Ave 1:41. T1S and 1 11 erally observed by the sutordlnato rrangog. Ererv srana-e should hnv with stomach, liver, kidney, bowel or bi(oil trouble, start using Tculoniti nt once, don't hcsHHta as delnya ninny times prove futnl. You will lin relief lniflan'ly and a 'aplJ mrn is i Tentmila rolls for 11.00 per or three for $2.50.

flermnnla Oil, tlie mooein for Hirlna, rheumatic p.iini, sr--' crumps and host bj ci'lu I p.t fur to renin or I 't rfui i 1 i cf I imall produce the host results. Cur for Depot lave Square 1:45, both ioathslde and Trench ProaS. a sppropriflto program for tha mcot- Moat of thrso Etrong medicines lire demlly polNons and produce only lem- i nearest that date. norury What la needed ir.i r.r ivjuar. ror I.

nariti' te etre.t at car Lave niare for Rlv.mW. Mrnt rare Wast AahavlllA a. an was to ent a Siinsre ineul. p. en the something Unit will get fUht to 'the nf ltL-n lumn After I tmd taken two complete hot- sVolpy i of your at of tho truuMo and remove the Mill, "IU lii V'i'l 11 Tit ft lend In my stomach.

Ihil fullnrss ties or this medicine, all my pnln 1 cuin- mi'ala, sli'pt ciy "ic, sieep wen ana am Ntciiniiy am Htendily I- intliig I ill and bl little II -If itf nil thM O' rmiHi 'I lid. pin In thnt kind of II I rctH 1 1 pi. if i Cjaaali IVmii I I tig 111 UcrVim lit. I 'I ill I'M 11.

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