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Asheville News from Asheville, North Carolina • Page 3

Asheville Newsi
Asheville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-iv mii limn 'in 'jV ill Rr.hnaTa of-the Asheville t- sA unttersigneci ot rs orr f-i r'. on the If un THE SUBSCRIBERS are under, the. wmcn, it is uueriy iu oaium Finn. 1.1 ttv-lllll i lllv niniiri I THRERiTFxnuKri piptv irm Iaiuv Li I If we earnestly hope will riot arry who rare indebted, up friends and customers to. saveii Ineunpjleasdutne resbrtihg to the aid of the Officers of.

im i otatC OT ailV i infected wi tractxvf ila adjoimninff the above UiLof ONE IimaDKE PlPTr Jtt. ninur Two in tne ijrrn ot Tho Iiousa f- w.i. 'flndrther bnildi and 1. VrV JH s-f4 Persons desiroujs, dfimrcliasi ng Uej qbovej valuable; propert v. or any hwnlrtion thereof- are.

referred to J-iscpfclt: Odionixttcii ftly authofed toscll tbq Tv' whole or any pari Thc titles are indispn-J tablf. II. I '4! ir November 4tf.3 Castlit- mid 'Nails AP thisVfficc tUeirA are NaUsTrpn knd Casting fori sale" 4 iS-li-Nails 5 -Castings 4. October 31. jT'-, 1 SMITH Vl "it ''4-.

rt'S -1 1t. i'l" T. Vises, Scte'w-Plates ilammers, -c i-jf Sledge and Hand wilil SMITH MCDOWELL. it hut youh doors: We he a firstlraltc article nevr styJo Dohf Sririhrirx. thaiti wln shut your Qorvithout aid Call and ret' one irom Lindsay, Kcrsev andl errerr variety of llositrv.

Bon: netfejand Caps, Brass Trir linings, Velvet Land lot of) good uroiu ranger nings, isreast fins. Shirt' fcStuds; Silver TWiubies, and all ot good material, iuiuiary xuirons ana auoiuaer tropp, inc ycry uesi quality. Sons of Regalia, and almost TW Li2ji -3- .4 A ti i every thing you can icall for will be found at SMITH kt WOODIN BENNETT. JOHN B. "VVOODFINl CLEMENT; Burnsvillc, N- (JVasniiifrttm Q'fv WILL attend to ail claims ftrisinH iin'der th6 war 1 of hp late British via the Florida I vrlio erv'ed in anr of khe wars are informed ti that their haf otte cWajice, not twht'or tkner and these! who have been resected time after time would do well to call.

i vi AddressOIIN B.fWOOBFIN.'BurfcsvilIcYan- cy vouni)7, jrosragenpf, raiaj lieter to lion. r. t'lingmaniistmte, A. c. October 10,8851 DH VGS; AJVD MEDICINES, almjosi every thing in tho sj ft rnebadk; i V.

till- cari Glass -and CrockervSi Hard Ware line, Jfy on want a find TOBACCO, giv Tl -1 Clib THINGdM Seady made CjlotJiUgof ejvery descriptionLCoats, tsj, Vests, Shjrti, Wraiweils (SJcut, in the latent in vl r.f 'A passage, lieforo concluding his remarks, the committee rcturncil, and J. Aj. Ediiey Imported the following resolutions in be-, half of the which had been ''unanimously concurred in. I 'Whereas the pcoplcin all well regulated Governments have a 'right to Assemble and consult together for theif and it is their duty to express rlicir opinions on all questions which inroli-c either or their Safety: a portion of the Citizens of deem it proper toexpres? ours on the existing. lctwcen the Northern and Southern States.

Therefore be it Resolved, ThVt we arc devotedly attached to the Union." fUU tl nil we consider thc'Lnion nccessarv ie peace, happiness and nrcspcntv oi mo people. 2. Resolved, tho 'Constitution, lie link which, unites together the merican people recognizes siaver)', arid vc are determined to defend this con-. i tituiimml right at all hazards. 3.

Resolved, Tliat tho fanaticism of flic North on the. subject of slavery is" the chief cause of all "the disturbance -i i uic iNoriu anucoHUi, 4. Resolved, That theNorthcni pco-le in cirenlatins abolition pamphlets nd expressing' ynip'athy- for the Slaves the South, assume to themselves uties which do not belong to them and that'thcy Iiad better employ their their purse and tlreir time lvlieving the wants and! misery of tlie destitute whiles and free! blacks at their own doors. I i. Resolved, That eo long as the (joriiproniiscacts of the last Session are carried out in qood faith, we will remain i i the liiiion.

G. "Rasolvcd, That the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, the interdiction of the slave trade between the States, the refusal fo admit any new State into the Union, because t)f its recognition of the institution of the total repeal of-the fugitive slave act or its modification so as essentially to imqnir its force andi efficiency, would in the opinion of this "public meeting, amount to such a clear, dehl orate and palpable breach tf good faith and flagrant abuse of power as to de-luand of the freemen of North Carolina, tne nioiletormihcd.rcMstauce, and jus- tiy thpnVMii uniting with other slave JioIdingfSrateVto ujihold autl inaintain i tlieir inst and violated rilrts. tle doctrine, That thc'pcople ot any Sate as au organized political Cgni-ujuaity hive-, riglit to secede -or withdraw from the Union, whencver-a imijiriiv -of the' people in convention' assembled, si nil decide a withdrawal;ary to protect their and from unconstitutional and op-jjfrcire legislation by liovemment. to fulfil her rnstitutional obligat ions' tlie people of a State -inay deem such a Mp nerressai ihe doctrine of Nullifieatioji re ciristrned uiiderthe mrre plausilile une of aiid we ask all fuends of tlrt withoijt.distinrtion of paity. to in meetniir this -political heresy, tTsve did in 1 S3 2-3, and prove ourselves Ainetican patriots, and not sectional idrraUts.

S. That wcwill know no I man as "Whig or Dcniocnit in tho contest fr tli 6 supreinacy of the Union, Constitution' and the Laws made in pursuance thereof, but will stand as a hand of political brothers, pledged to sustain tlie Government of our Revolutionary Fathers in ir original purity. 9. Resolc'edj That in consequence, of a disposition in some of the Xoithern States to resist the fugitive slaveJaor so to amend it as to effectually destroy its-essential parts, and bv others, openly repudiating ami setting at ticnauce saiu law, land thereby virtually making direct fatarhlo.v, not only to tlie laws, but the Conitiu1onT wc recommend all'our inerchantsluulolhers trading at the North to cease allrtirther in-tereoursc with 53id States, andwc pldege ourselves to sustain thein in theirJ cilorts so to do. Resolved, if the Southern States are.

compelled by the aggressions of the North to dissolve the Union, we pledge ourselves and our sacred honor' to sustain tho South. After they were read. Col. Gaither concluded in a most eloquent strain, illustrating the absurdity of secession, condemning disuuionists, approving the course of. the administration, and most heartily approving the resolutions before tlc mooting.

frJ V. Atkin, oiTerctl a resolution approving thekcoiuse of Mr. Clingman, which, after sonic discussion by himself, Ts. Patton and J. W.

Wood fin, was withdrawn. -The resolutions were tlien read over and passed without a single dissenting voice. I Mr. Atkins resolution was thcii rc- newed and passed. c5drThat we approve the fearless and enlighteuetl zeal of 'our disjin-cuished Kei)resenrati'e, the Hon.

Clincman, and arc determined to sustain 1 himlo the utmost of our ability. On motion of John Biirgih; Esq the proceedings were ordered to bapuhhsh; -ctl in both the papers of I JAIES. LOWItY, CiVm'. "0DEIlTsi 1'. PrdiJcUs.

B. Sawyer, Secretaries McDewm-'L, Somebody srys that a. young lady sjiould always ask the four-following questions before accepting the hand of a ypuug man: i il Is he honest? Is lie kind of heart? Can he support me comfortably? Does he take a Newspaper and pay fpr it in 'advance? 'A RAeIGII, JANUAUY3dttl83l. Dc'afr SUs: The past week has been onb ofinucl excilcntent here, and events have tmtispirdd iiich mar hereafter inaterialtv. cliange the condition or poll- ucai auaira, in mis oiaie, "You will sec that the Free SufTiaffe bill has passed the House its second reading.

The peculiar friends" and originators of that measure showed a disposition to prevent the passage of any other mea sure ot rciorm, and have attempted to make this simply, a party question The West, ds you know, since the beginning of this excitement iir regard to constitutional refonns Tiayo been in favor' of Free: Suffrage, but they have insisted all along that if tjie Constitution wits to- vbe ciifmjrcd thev wanted some nmrtiml anu s.UDstantial benefit ton accrue from such a change. Tlie Western nicmbcrs entertaining tliis idea, held a meeting night before last, and determined to organize great Constitutional (Reform Party, independent the Wltijr and Democratic parties. The main) idea of this new organization is to be diat the people in Convention assembleol is the only proper authoritv to change or re- ve uiu uunsuuuion, i ne mceiin 2 uc- termmcd to issue au address to (he peo pieoi tne setting lorth thfe grievances under which the West labors, from her unequal representations, an! advoT eating the call of an unlimited Convention. It is contemplated by riany of those here who favor a thorough reform in. our fundamental law, to liold a convention, and run ah independent candi-date'in the next canvass for Governor.

It is well understood here that tl West need expect nothing from the generosity of Eastern Whigs or Democrats, in ctfectiug those Constitutional dlranges which she desires. mav therefore be best that the West should organize a party of her own1 depend upon iherself, and she, will certainly succeed. The slavery discussion began in the House yesterday, in a very la uc and impotent, speech from Gen. This subject has died as 'effectually as' the enemies of the South coulu have wjshed, by. tho and patty ani mosities whiehx here between cer tain old nth i parties.

1 lie fee 1 i VQ jcnoc quiete on0 yesterday was wil- linpr 'continitc the discussion which S. bosun. A heavy snow fell last night and every thing looks as cold and bleak this morning as vour own mountain's in liiidwin- 3 4.1 C. For the News. IV ri tlvn on the Close the i car.

the living year! how su i the mo- limits jlv. We it j.i!!.v l.v; in the Murmuring 41a passes Wesf it tli: face that veenirr nature war Twill Ie with the past, t'urgott ii ca rs. the Ions The j. rrr thr.f cl.ul'v cam? in nn; nrc's fair With all uikI beautiful to jog the "lay, us whli its look of love, a briet Imt May. Aii'l then the glorious light of spring: departed switt awav.

The snmmrr with golden fruits, with gavanti flowers. Vet still they pass'd as swiftly on, those never wearying hours I Titl autumn with its noiseless step, jits siirc but si lent trejid, Ilad 'er the hills and rallies round d. a deeper lus- trc sHeil. I Then tinier came with hollow sound, with low and rUMling It told that 'summer's glorious hour-j and autumn's light had gone; 1 The year that lately rn us shone so fair so bright and gay, 1 i Is'ttssing, passing, swiftly on, departing Mill away. And shali we ome witfi festire song, artd music's gladsome- swell To chase tlAidving vcar away and bid itjthus farc-well; i Are there no buried hopes to lie withinjthc lowly bier i That soon will close in sadness round, the fast dc- parting year.

Ilotr many. young and btioyant hearts that gladly hailed its dawn, If From earthly scenes and earthly hopes aiu.1 earthly cares are gone; The gentle look, the thrilling tone, tlie beating heart is still'd. The voice of sweetest melody by. death's cold touch is. chill'd.

But whispers from the spirit-land in accents soft-- Jy come, And tell us of a fairer clime an crer during home; A clime wlere seasons never change, a land be- yonvl the tomb; 1 Where Heavenly streams in glory flow apd flowers eternal fuloora. Then with tho year's departing layO lt us raise above Tlie voice of deep and earnest prayer to Himwhosc; namt is love That whenourycar of life shall close, a bright and glorious even I SI k11 herald forth a nobler rest prepared for us in Heaven. i S. IVcembor31, ISoO. I Ladles Fall and Winter Dress Goods.

A larjy ami lcantiful variety now opening at our ton, embracing a larirer variety than wo ever of-ferel in place. ALSO, ribbon, glove, hosiery, worked collars and-cuCs: lace capes, (black antl of hich wc wijl take pleasure? in showing to our lailv i October 31. -PATTOX SUATMBY. BOOKS. School Books.

Large Family Bibles, Testaments, ITynin Books, "Southern Harmony's, wifh a great variety of Blank Books at SMITH MCDOWELLS. HATS. A4XD CAPS' OFJEYERY 1 A. Umbrellas, BiMin? Switchesv BugT anj Carriage Whips, Collars Bri.tleir Girths, SADDLES, SA DDLES.i Gentlemen aml Ladies Saddles, better tvas never brought to this market. Call and see for yourself at smith Ladies 'Dress Goods.

For the fall seasonlow priced alpaccas. muslin de laines, ginghams, and prints, just nieeived by I At a meeting of "the Board of Super- i iiitendents of Common Schpols, for the county of Ctfncombe, held ouThursday, 2oUahuaty? 1851, thejollowing gentle- ttcri for men were appoimeu oommmee the Districts, viz rfo, James C. Davidson," Archibald i Ray, Jesse Campbell. 2. A.

Biril, William Shope, Willi ain F. Davidson-. 'it 3. F. Fortune, "William S.

31. Hemphill. h' 4. Joshua -Whitaker, James Toms, I'. Johnson Ash worth.

5. James Lytle, Joseph T.nnnJn'r 4 b. C. Clayton, James Cooper, Matthew Patton. r.

Michael Shroat, Peter Freeman, Ileiiry WaftghsbnV 8. Martin B. liance, J. Oallimore. 9.

Jackson Shipman, A. H. Johnston William J. Brown. 10 B.

H. Merrimon, Thomas Mor s. It ris, Joshua Souther. 13. William Coleman, AVilliam Kil-han, J.

J. Wolf. I 14. M. Weaver, Wm.

P. Bassett, Joshua Haren. -i 15. Joshua Adam Eller, T. Gentry.

j' 10. J. Padget, John "Liankford, Jairus Ball. 17. John FoXj J.J.

McEIroy, Thomas Davis. I ti 18. N. Dlackstock. Henrv Buckner.

Ananias Kcmcrts. 19. John West, Zachariah Brya James Sawyer. 20 Rilev Allem Stephen Amnions John Chambers. I 21.

Thomas S. Deavcry Robert Pat- terson, George Robeson. 22Josepii Barnard, SiF. Williams, A. G.

Anders'on. 23. A. B. Dillingham Henry Mcr Kinney, J.

Greenwood. 21; Zachariah Cole, Wm. L. Pen-land, S. 11.

Hughey. 25. A. B. Roberts, Noah'lMorgan, S.

Caller. 20. K.Clayton, I. Mc. Thos.

W. Atkin. 27. John Hawkins, A. B.

Jones. R. Deaver. 4 28. John Tli rash, George Brooks, G.

tt ii Pen land. 20. P. D. Monran, Solomon Luther, Benjamin Curtis, Jr.

30. Benjamin Curtis, G. W. Howell. Daniel Davis.

ti 31. William Green, Alexander Mc-FcC, Lark in Reeves. 32. Stephen Jones, AViiliam Morris, W. S.

Pep land. 33. Closes Cochran, John Gr Israel, Thomas? I. Rollins 31. Peter Sims OwnberGari- it ada Cowan.

4 35. Henry Stephens, Jeremiah West, -i F.VM. Wilson. I3G. Brookshier, J.

W. Ballew, John Sluder, Jr. 37. James llayes, J. J.

Roberts, John i' H. Plemmons. il T-'ekiel TTerrnn. John Cole. Josenh i 7 Cole.

1 30. Joseph Reynolds, I. McFee, E. Swann. 10.

J. II. Robeson, Joseph JYorley, Isaac Rice. 41. Rial Cook, L.

A. B. Duckett, Alexander Bild win. 42. J.

G. Lusk, I. IL Woody, John Brown. I 43. Lewis Hawkins, A.

Ratcliff. 41. R. L. Gudgcr, Jacob Martin, Jesse Palmer.

45. Cyrus Meadows, N. R. Worlej Henry Teague. 5 40.

D. E. Freeman, Joseph Rector, A. P. FreenVarh 47.

Robert Paine, George Goforth, Andrew Fa rrn en 48. David Famsworth, J. J. Gudger, Z. Candler.

40. John A. Fagg; William Miller, Franklin Lawson. 50. David Garrbn, Lot Whittaker, Silas Stromp.

51. J. AV. Reeves, Jacob Glancej Geoi D. Robeson.

52. B. J. Smith, Thomas Tille tt ti ti tl it tt Henry Gilbert. 53.

A. Burgin, J. Harris. ii T. Pickens, Abel 1 ti 54.

John C. Jarrettj Josiah Jones, Isaac Webb. 55. James Deboard, Nathaniel Ingle; R. Wells.

J. P.l.uther, William H. Culber-jSonSamuel Clark. 57. William Younar, -Henrys -Miller ti Andrew 1" The next meeting of the board will be held at the Court House, on the 8th February, at which time the returns from the Districts should be made according to law.

Published by order of the board: R. VANCE, Clerk. In Rockingham county, on the His Excellency David S. Rqid. Governor of North Carcli-.

Henrietta daughter, of Hon. Thomas Settle. On Spring Creek7the 19th by the Rev. James Askew, J. F.

P. Davis to Miss Marj A. Ledford, all of this county. Printer Can get a permanent situationlby im- meuiaia application It Aslieyillc-Male Academy. i The Trustees are desirous of employing a com-.

pctent Teacher to take charge of this institution for the coming session. A southern man" will be I f. liyprucr ot tne tJoara. it i i -W' e.i:iiTicAi a i.

juiiu o. rcaUj ti. 1. J. Walton, MUttam 4 James iN.

Ua vis. necessUy of u.a ma iiuiiuc, iiiereiojej RANRTNj PULOAM Ccc CO; I -AlieVill6 Eemale Instituted -1 The exercises. this Institution will be resamed on 'the second Monday of February next- Course of Study and tenjas'-of--Tuition us Board $1 7o pdr wcekieverv thing1 included, Dace'mbcr 2G; lfeoO tf j-. Vi a CLOTHING: An' entirely new stock, of very and VulacU anlds Colored Cdssitnere -f TfetSiFinehiti OH trouble, aijd it a mall cost; Ml. NKIN, MC6: "it 1- Burns' Poetical Worksy with life of their distinguished author, i CampJ Moore's, Theraseh, Gray's, Mrs.

sSiourney's Charts Mechanics Text Abbotts' Moral librae 200 gtories ffor.Xh"ndrenj 14 urary of American Uiography 10 vol, JosephuS, Tho Mexican AVar," Letter vr i te Bibles apd Testaments, Episcopal Prayer Books. Comic and Sewti- mentalj sons, arid a general variety of School. Books, paper, istcel Pens, JSote Paper, 'Note and Letter EnvelopeS Blank Books, RANKIN, PULL AM CO. Bounty Land and Pension. AgerCy.

1 r--i Tiff: undersigned. Attorney arid General Agent at the City of Washington, offers his services in procuring Bounty Land Pensions for those, enti-i Being, pen aanenfly Iocaed at the seat of Gq4 vernment, yith thorough and familiar knowledge of the necessary forms and routine of business, and haying access to Registers and R0II3 fijed in the U. S. War.Ottice. he possesses facilities forjhy speedy and satisfactory i djustment of Government claims of eirery kind.

5y a late Act of Congress, Bounty Land is, granted the officers and soldiers of the war bf 1812; and of the various Indiani since! 1790. To those rho served nine months, 160 to those who served four months, 80 acres, and to those Who served one month; 40 acres. Arrange- melnts have been! made with gentlemen of he legal profession, in different sections of the country, for the tocktion of warrants, and the sale' of jithe Pat-entsl when issued, on the most advantageous terms: for the payment of taxes; redemption of lands sold: for taxes; collection of debts, and for theT transaic-j tion of general law business in the different States and '-J Ho tenders hXi 1 services to members of tlic pro-j fessmn at a distance, and when claims against the! Government are prepared by a local Attorney, will abate one half ustial fee. The necessrfry forms and and information" on all subjects appertaining to ai successful-prosecutionxjf th bu siriess, will be furnished to regular crpoheniX Information cheerfully gi ven, and all cornmunica- tions promptly replied to. if addressed to 1 CHAS.

C. -TUCKER, I (BoxW7) Washington, D. C. jflie uudersigried willattend to making out and lurwttruiug me. -papers necessary to secure me ueji-e fits' of the He has beeii furnished with all the requisite forjns and irifbrmation; and as Mr.

Tuckei4 will atteud in person toall claims, he feels confident that those having1" demands against the Government cannot do better than entrust them to our hands. Caillat the office, or address the subscriber. THOS. W. ATICIN, Asimviiip nv 1 I' MASON'S Bp ST pLACKlNG, inlargerand small Boxes; for gale by SM ITH MCDOWELL i 1: i SMITH Are now receiving and opening at Smith's new 1 brick Store in Asheville a Uew and splendid stucic ot TAIJLJS AMlFANCy GOOS consisting of every variety of; h- for winter wear; Cloths Cassimeres Tweeds.

netts, KentuckvvJanes hnd every' variety of Woolen uooasusuaay market. ALSOr Ladies Dress pdds, cohsistiris: hn part of ATnacas. jl lam fau igurqi jwusnn ae ln ana buk. I'oplms, and Prints of every description, which we are offer- mg for cash as low riot lower, than khey have ever; been sold ir this market. if you.

want SMITH -MCDOWELL'S Attorney CoimseUor at And iSoIicltbr ill Equity? II ii I Oflhet: Smith's Hotels SANDS SARSAPA RILL Tii large quantities, and will be sold as low as by IiANKIN, CO al dnn RIES. A Y-. including, uoitee. ngar, TeaChoco- Spun Cotton, iust received. RAIKIN, PULUAM 6c CO: ISAAC" McJ i MERGHANTrTAIL Has justjreceived a veryandsorrip lot of Cloths, and Ll-Tjf-Immlnss, of superior for gentlemen's wear, both Fancy and" Plain, TbXtfeose wishlnsr to nurchasev he can confidently, promise as good bargains' arid neat fits as can be tad in thisr -ra He has also on hand Ctavats "FiesAPock tt Skirt Studs, and.

a small lot of gShop one door south or m. ration -tstore. Asheville, Octqber 10, 1850. tf. i Ass6h.cpiojs,'?,Wh.jtq.TKad.l in oil.

assorted numbers Papr hanirgs, br papering rooms, assorted patterns, very owyjust received. Ware. Wholesale and Retail, at 7 1 PArcOX SUMMEY'S. cheap ReadyiMaae Clothing, may be 'found at our Store, embraeirig: 4 Sacks. Overfdcks: OvercoWtsP Cloaks Posing a old ea 'V Ashevillc, December 1850.

I TON ORDINANCE. Asheville, Jan. 2, 18511 Whereas, information has been received that thd Small Pox is prevalent in several towns in this State and the adjoining State of South Carolina Be it ordained by -the Commissioners of the town of That any person or persons, residents oruon-residents, coming from any town or village in this Other state ot tins, union, th the Small Pox, shall not to come within tne Corpo rate limits of Asheville unless they pass directly. through the town, under a. penalty of One Hundred Dollars stage drivers and post ridersexcepted.

Be it farther ordained. That arty person who wilfully violates this Ordinance and is not able to pay the penalty annexed, shall be imprisoned 20 days. The foregoing Ordinances shall be in force from the date hereof, and continue in force so long as there shall exist any necessity for them. J. Ml i J.

W. PATTON, W. D. RANKIN, Cpmmissioiier. i Valuable Laiida for Sale.

THE subscriber otfers for sale Two Farms in Ilayivood countyt r- One tract, lying on Pigeon Rivercon-tains about one thousand near three hundred of 'Which are cleared, and a high 'state of cultivation. A. large proportion of this tract is, river bottom, much of it fine meadow land, the "entire bodyjs'susceptible of im provement and cultivation. On this tHctjis a large and comfortable Dwelling House, cind a Grist Mill, and the situation would suit admirably for a or any kind of public busi A-more desirable location is rarely met with Tlie other tract also lies on the river, mid Contains about 900 acres. Much of this tract is good river bottom land.

On the place is a good dwelling house, and all necessary excellent orchards 5on both- plantations. A better opportunity to secure yalua be real estate is seldom met with, and those desiring to purchase such property would -do well to call and examine these plantations. These lands are situated in tlie county of Haywood, eight miles from1. VravrnesvilIe, and 20 miles from Asheville, in a healthy and -moral neighborhood. i One half of the moneV woiild be re quired at the time of sale, lhe' remain der on time.

For further information address j. R. Osborn Asheville, N. C. or the subscriber on the premises.

EPHRAIM OSBQRN. Havwood January 9, 1851 6m. FRENCH SYLVESTERS B. B. FRENCH, late Clerk.of the House of Re presentatives of the United States, and H.

H. SYL VESTER, formerly Clerk in -the Pension Office, late Chief 1 Clerjc iu the Patent'. Office, have united for the purpose of transacting General Agency business in the city of Washington. Theyxvi 11 attend to any and all business that maybe placed in their hands growing but of claims Congress or auv of the Departments. Tlib senior partner, being an Attorney at Lawy will attend to anv private business, such as the col lection and transmission of money, that may be entrusted to the firm.

Thir long and general acquaintance with the manner of doing business in Congress and in-the Dejvartments enables thent to avail themselves of the various facilities so necessary lor the prompt transaction of business. ft claims before Congress for pensions, patents, and bounty and all other transactions where an agent or attorney is necessary in the cit" of will be faithfully and promptly attended to Their charges will be reasonable, but in all cases postage on communications addressed to the firiu must be pre-paid. I. B. B.

FRENCH, I 41 ll. H. SYLVESTER Nov. 10, 1850. 3m 75 THOSE FINE HATS have just October 31.

uan ana see tnem PA TTON f- StMMll Y. PtXE CUrLERY, of every description, at SMITH MCDOWELL Come and See The handsomest lot of3aiters and French Kid Polkas, you ever satCi Phila delphia can beat the Uniont, in the manufacture of these articles. A pretty variety of Blue, Black, and Green Gaiters, and Buskins for Masses and the 4'little uns." RANKIN, -PULLIAM CO. June lOtTi 150 WESTERN, EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS Wolstcnlioinie Wilsori? j. 'Merchant Tailors Rkspectfcixt return theif thanks to the publie for the very liberal patronage heretofore received and would inform their friends and customers that they have just received a splendid stock of OOD S' for gentlemen's wear, embracing every thing fieces 8ary to a complete outfit, which they: will sell lower than such GOODS haveever leen sold in thiamarkeL Asheville, October 31, 1850 tf S'- ZEPHYR WORSTED, HOODS fpr Lad ite dhd Ch Sacks 'f for Misses, New and Beautiful Goods, just and' very cheap, AND ftv arid most aDProvedi sit ties.

Uive us a beforfe you buy elsewhere; ill! tttli.ttliv barge nothing for we cl sh6wmg our goods. .1 feMlTllI MCDOWELL, Axes Lt I 1 I I 'it' 'rninest ann Host nr- i mannfa-eturfi; also. Collmsf Axes. either by the ozen; i Or single Axe a- i i ttvi oaU! tlm.w.iU'J a jipt Ireceived -wf 1. 06 sold at the very; lowest pntqu-ior prompt pay.

A JlU INfails," all ot the best dnalitv. nlst received. -1 1 .1. i RANK MW ti in. r.

i I d(i hereby fqrwara all persons from trading for a Note ivevby me hunk: dred dollars, as a I fid in thle jui Willi a in Welch Administrator pendemte litcj, ys; J6bn B. Love.ji ALSO ene note of Sh'and for! twentV-fivc dollars, as fee in the suite John1 B. Larelvf. R. Henry srr 1 pmce i gave, ine apove, isoiea ne uas 4111- ujw practice of law, and I Shave iad to fee others to atf tepd to the samp buiihess i lain; ui'icniiium not to pay them as he hasjnot any service.

I i JOHN B. LOVE. Mimioriali i i4frhere wil a 1UEMORIAL pciprc uie iricoporated December i i A rarm fltidwellsdrted lot of Uentlemcn's Plain. SpariivhalfandTuSQunt travellings Boys, Bankets, Bridles, Martingalea, and Saddlebags. We invite an I WTHERN IlllimONIFS, Virginia Housewife, atid School Books, by 5UH ot ivwuii; RmimPULUAM if CO WPIGQ mDlADpER PiiM-er and Sole Licather, Domestic made TTvirtP Horse; GoIIais, flnt wing Chains, Cofi Chains, Halter" Hoes, bpades arid Shovels, all the best fest quaniy, in ities, to snit tlio or smait xinam 11 i warits of customers.

'j- RAIKlM VVVLtAU CO. All persons it ebtld td in4 br not'6 or book ac- counjt, are requested to vcanicj forward and make 1 settlement, a.I H4, get tie. up au my debts. I amn hopi's thii call will too wkuvuk CO-PARTNERSHIP. Having this day associated with rnvsclf, IV.

W' 'Ti -fTi-m lurilf hn kpown as Smith McMovveu Jl M. SMJTm jDicember -2, lf0. irATiSS pF; BOARD lT TUB L. the month, rithilotlgin: tt. without dodging I 7.0(1 j.

wcekf ith $dgin, without lodging, dav, wi lof.lgin 0.0 1.7 Iforse per week, D) i '1 day IU) 0.7.1 Man and.IIorsi Sur, MTgit k'iiiid B. I Sinelo meal. t.X Candles ahd .1 Hie, August f. 15o i ho, LiQgjj a jiuEMQuiiAL. ociore uie OenfemtAsserr at its present oessioir, usjvhi i i 1 mi the' -IV' mm v.Yt-; r.

V-4 -'J- BA.VKLV; rCLLIA3I CO. September 10 -tf v'.

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