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The Greensboro Patriot from Greensboro, North Carolina • Page 2

Greensboro, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i4roulM. my kwhleh lliiiik unad- THE GRESSSBOROUGH PATRIOT; '--v1 V- i From the Raleigh. Weekly Fot. The TabU Experiment, Tbt following 'paragraph la frtlirt an editorial article in Dr. Keeae'e Medical a telle for Feb- eentric, and ita workmanahip aa oniahad aa the education fif ita.aeaigneVwaa aecoropliahed, In the rial of thia edifice John Randolph lire buried i According tA biarequeit no tomb or.

monument marka hia reaiing place but two airjiple rOuntl atonea, one black, or brown, the white, only tel( where the, ataleaipaii tone liea at hi head, which ia to the tat Indian faaii ion, -the brown one at hia feet. Theae aiMifa were hia favorite aeala beneath the ahad-owy boughe that canopied the yard. Mr. Dublin ia fail cutting down the wilderneae, and intend fitting up and changing, trial hia family- imy make thi retreat a auntmer realdence. He ia jrLEIC DID CABINET rtltlMlTTnU Can always be had by cHlliog1 aT Thuralon'a furniture Rooms on wmt rrsaeT.

GREEXSBOR0UQU C. fuary published Id New Turk i Uence, they have gone on front one imposture tp another, from rapping and alphabets, ana whan the become stale, to bell-ringing, table-moving, singing, tiancinjf, writing, discerning spirits, healing revealing truth and denouncing errors in religion, moral, acience and philosophy, and all professedly Trora the duwts of the departed. the public pre haa done, and is doing, much to perpetuate the iniquity by recording a facta the moat absurd of these atorie. In several of these pre the movement of table have been alleafeil aa capable of being affected by a clrclo silting u-round it, and touching it with their hands, thus giving color lo the wildest of the ahocllv stories, hile Journta of Voya to (Continued. fill.

AiriKWALL TO AKAU. 1'riday 17ih. at o'clock, we took that raw, wvwcn now run xo tuite, or to tne i. lingiica rlrrf a ii .1 I 'a All the passengers tould not be aceotiitfVxUted. in' the-first tram.

I suppose abnet 1,000 were brought nyU The (are on (lre.25 utile t8. Wa trrivrd at the Rail Road lerminue at cloc and made preparations for ascending the fiver. And now a scene wa pre-settled ia difficulVUi describe, to one who felJggaJlltwTJlB icliira are about IQOIL i men, women lud children, passengers, and aev jeliminglhese.jnadj!j:irjff efeifticifv asjhe cause. "But They 'tbrgot to "Veil native' boatmen and porter the foriner atheiity iftTitbjion peirTng ahdiernr-lMg aetcral ihouoand Hem of bgifttgp, and the )iUe in th proffer of their services, and thai language moftly onintrltigihlo and nil this, under a ua bet aa the hotieat day of t. arotin anuvtmnier.

its la but a feint out line of the picture. The river awended It or 13 milea, to Cruets, from hence the land travel begins. The boaia carry from 10 to 60 and more persons, and arc worked ith poire and oara, in the handa of iiativra, to wil, negroes. mulaH'-CS --'J tSonfre of hc boaia have awninvaand aome are WHhouWiv A narrow platform estenda around the outer edge of the boat and on thia the boatmen aland and walk, to work the boat. The die of lheet boatmen, generally, ia a einiole ahirt, but laboring at the pole or oar, they frequently tie it around the waiat, as an a- anaioua that the relatirea of the deceaaed re hi. a nrji'liboriof at lUie -jr wouiu sun preserve uie strange notion ol tian-dulph with respect to his grave, and at the same time" be? mat agreeable to famHr! Ifiime and space would allow, I might add aome atrange inuideuia concerning this illuatiloua spot, which I received from Mr. Boldio but 1 must hasten to a close. The Kail Road is Only completed within 75 miles of Danvillebut the work is rapidly moving on, and it ia thought by the I'reaident of the Road, will be finished by next January. After spending a uight and a day in liiehmondt very agreeably, in company with aome old friend. I took the night train for Washington, whtre I will again meet your readers.

Yours cordially, Wolrax. Tor the Itjiot. Whig Meeting in Stokea. lUMSitT. March 10, if-63.

A meeting of a portion of the Whigs of Stoke was held this day, in the Courthouse. William A iah, waa called to the chair, and J. M. Covingtim requealtd lo act aa Secretary. The meeting unanimously agreed lo the proposition to hold a Convention lor this Congressional District on Tuesday of Forsyth Superior Court, (the 12th of April next.) for ihe purpose of selecting a suitable candidate for Congress; and the following delegates were appointed to represent this county in said Convention, viz: E.

L. Martin. It. P. Guiding, Alex.

King. Wilson Fulton, Jasper W. pjvis. M. T.

Denton, Dr. W. W.MeCardes,A. II, Joyce, Col Sam'l 1 J'ronj ery imperfectly anawering the decency, eaperially while lurninir and move in tne aam, and there will oe found a stout negro whose muscles furnish, tike locomotive. If any WyaJ lege th ertrryj we kave a amU in our office on which we write, and oiler one hundred dollars td any ghost or medium, from this, world or the other, who ill move it an inch in daylight by any' supernatural, spiritual, maguei-tic, or electric influence, which shall be invisible und in tangible to our own optic; and they may sit in circle around it for a mouth ami call rpirits from tne vaty deep," but will they corse Some peoplo glory in skepticism, and confidently denounce every ihing aa humbug hich cannot be m.ide palpable lo their fiuite comprehension.

Supremely wise, in their own conceit, ihey reject as folly what they cannot understand, and esteem every tiling as delusion or illusion that smack of the marvelous or is confessedly involved in myierv. Of this class seems to be Dr. Ueese, of the New York Medical Gazette, whose profound theory in regard to the "table experiment" is quoted above. We agree with the eminent gentleman in the belief that Spiritual Kipping," aa practised in the Northern ci ties aud some other portions of the country is a gross imposture, though our incredulity is doubt- i I After rA'iaasl ainia i i (Tnmtnl itsa.l,.!, '11, 1 don't believe because the physical phenomena Hi'tM uioviLiii giwuiius. lie JMHrmr are beyond Ihe reach or his '-optics keen we will not believe in such rpirituul phenomena, while we 6ud consultation of the expressly forbidden ni holy writ by the Father of spirit himself.

Agreeing thus far with the learned gentleman, we must yet he permitted to regard his assault upon those editors who have said that a table may be 44 affected by a circle sitting ar-nmd ii and touching it with their hands." as harsh and arrantable. We must also be allowed In re- tovellicr Uewlitute Ot truth. I Mysierjon as these table n. vealigMionaofDr. Reese and other skfptical gen- tlemaii to discover.

That they do revolve, with- i out any visible or knowii agency, wc unliesita- tinglv allege, notw ithstanding the opinion of the Medical to the cutitrary. I From the Slamlawl. nrigiioorinsj v.un y. wno nao 7" "bJ wr.les a long v( a le peninent at winch he ac iiiaBivi ui vci ciuuuics. iil" Ji: "There being no small table in the house, we drew to the centre of the room a large dressing ta P'aco'1 ul0', 11 8 18 uuii iiiai iuui ui ua oiiii our iiaoop were increased at every command.

then ordered re br! Jo emVatof on t-cry lijfhtlj at will Dr Reese sa re ami pnse iiseir uti iwo 11 uiu so, ai an u.i- none ot our hands resting upon it, one ol the lair ladies, and that wry, 1 or near mm ui ns corners. uai What win ui. ueese say 10 i i.n i Our Cnrresnmulrnl llien om lnoll. upon auhiecu not to remind Dr. Keesu lhathei, fairly hundred M.

Hughes. J. W. Bitting. Dr.

W. W. Cole, mark, that his statement, in edict, that the tables Don F. Dalton. Col.

Wok l'oindexter. Hubert will only move iir the dark, and thai a stout ne-Wall, Dr. 1). II. Thomas, Dr.

Wm. Withers, rro will be lound under each luovini: table, is aN Hardy Catroll, Gideon K. Woore, WiHram II. in ijvw, lit. vooii i rjiorr, ira l.

ueniry, Flvnt, Joel Fulton and Lewi Banner and on' pear, the acti can be substanliaietl hy number HATS, CAPS, motion the Chaii man and Secretary were added the moat respectable ladies and irenilemen of TTiTi) TTiTn'iH XV to the list of delegates. lhi, city, who have made the experiment in their 11 Siib- On motion, the Secretary was requested to own family circles, with the most sa-Ufactory ar ftock to the EJ.tor. oflhe Greensboro' Patriot re8ul8. No supernatural agency i. invoked, noV U' we 'JlrKFTI-and People a Preaa with a ropy of the proceed- do we believe any employed.

What causes ihe Favetteville Auir 20 1852 logs ol this meeting fur. ptiblicalioit and ihe nfreef- revofotion of the ubles we feace the scientitk in-1 cnEriitnnitniTr.ii i Hfuadai Life Iiilrif aiice Trust Uapnif, tHIS Company, as iu name indicate, ia upon I the mutual pnncivl. and embracea ivn i departments, to wit Life Insurance and Trust de rmriments Thia attractive combination offer to Policy holders double the ordinary security, without js.lllllOBIHMI in til) ent're profit of the Company. Tremioma will be) received, in cash, either antioally, semi-annaatly, or quarterly, as may be iagreed upon at the time the Policy ia issued. In the TRUST ftfcPA ItTMEINT.

brDeDosii Svii tern, the payment made to the Company are en- 1 tiro.y optional with the Depositor, retard the a- "jne ume at men tnev are made. A I party may pay in aa much or a little, not lews lharl i be convenient lor tiim i upuu nun io continue om 'Mtyiueuisiaua mav wnndra.wihm hi. nj. sure i WfliatWieiri tif Torn pajnynhere "I at drath-itfund aadublt $icknet aud a fn iriiss hi i ii iiiM ama lima mn aanwM ill UT Sefe Pamphlets furnished ly the Company. OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY.

Directors -Ralph Oorrell, Lyndon Swaim, John A. Gilmer, Pi F. Caldwell, Richard Greene, David McLean, Richard Sterling, John M. Lopan, D. P.

Weir, E. W. 0ibnru, Robert M. Sloan. Robert P.

Dick, Henry R. Elliott. Vrtuletl-KtfH Gonitfcix. I it Swaitn. Secretary and TrtanurerT).

V. Weir. Attorney John A Gilmer. Examining J'kysitian Kdwln Watson, M. D.

Consulting Phyiciant-). C. Mebaue, M. L. Colo, M.

t. P. Weir. M. D.

(ienertd Agent William H. Cumming. iTAny iiilonuation relative to the Company may be had bf addressms; P. WEI ft, Jan. 'ii, 18S3.

Secretary and Treasurer. CIUCII SHOP. ROnCRT A. FOR Itlg still continuea to id busiuesa at bis Old Stand, 3 mile east ot on the main stage road, here he will keep on hand! or make to onler any kind of work done in the a hove named branch of buiness viz: liarouclien, Itocknttftysi nnd hagrglea (patent excepted,) of good material; andputupiit a neat tftul substantial style painted plain, or very mncr, umsinieuieu 111 sucn a way a not ts be aur' i pasceo in mis country. I A orders for work promptly filled; and Reparinrf done on short notice.

Ai'igiisl 8, i8o2. 692uly. March 1th, 1853. ilOLESALE TRADE. OCR SPRINfJ OK Fore lorn und Domealld Single and Tanty Dry Good i now com.

pleie. The assortment is large and C'Ol'NTRY MERCHANTS are invited to call and exaiuind My 6s and Trices, feeling confident that we can oiler inducements a great aa any Jobbing IIoiibCj So th or JSTEYENSON WEDDELL. Pyca'more Street, rotcrsburtj. Na. NOTICE.

I HAVE just received a large lot pf READY MADli CIXJ I HING, win. 1,4 will sell as low foi cash a can be bought in ihis market. I have likewise a fJeneral asiNortment el Goods, such as are generally oilered iu thib market, On atf term. The first of January the u6al time for annual settlements, has arrived and 1 have accounts which have stood too long. AJI accounts not closed cash or note before February Court ill be placed1 in the bunds of an officer for collection nO mistake.

Interest will be chwmffd on all aceoStil after that tirt of January hi each year. j6AB HIATT. January 1, 1853. Tajlor's Temperance Held 'MIE Proprietor takes this opportunity fo infornV tnr Temperance Comrnoniiy and the Public tfl uei.eral that he sti'l continues, as he has done foi the last six years, to keep the nbwve-named house on strictly Temperance principles. Thankful for ant favor's, he would again invite all who want a quiet, compilable and cheap home, while stopping in the to give him a call.

This house is well located for business men, being Xo. 28 near Broadway and near the landing of most of the Steam-boats and Railroad in the city. ELDAD New-York, A IiAR(ih SUT'PLf OF Sole and I'pjfe'r leather, French Call Skins, Ready Made Gearing and Harness, kept constantly on hand for sale. Hides taken in payment dt Leather. Also, hides tanned on shares at the customary rates, at the South Rullalo Tannery, (McConnell's old stand,) 4 milea east of JOHN W.

PARKER. March, 1852. 6Zit' A DARK OR LIGHT SHY. I WILL remain a few days longer in Greensboro', to iiccornrrVodate those persons who have spoken for work, thers desiring a good likeness will be waited on at my Gallery, where may be seen specimens of tkrs I wowld state that 1. am prepared to execute a good picture in a dark or light sky.

Give me call, opposite the Bland House, up stair. ALr.A. oXAKKtTi Jan. 1, 1853. MARCH 1st, 1853.

TOII W. IIH IIRO. IMPORTERS fj JUKIiKRS OF DRY Gt)Ot. 1V0.8 Bollinglrwkf street, feterwarr. tiretnta.

are now receiving iheis lom in ereigu huu vwoicsiiv vr Glovesr, Lace Mitts, Plain and Fancy Ribbons, Plain und Embroidered Muslin and Crape ShaWlv iru, uiy mm ouiriinK uiiiciik, r.nnsn anu cvoica irtini; Linei Fancy Cassimeres, with a great variety of Cotton and Stutf Goods for Men aud Roys' wear. Klaek and thestoeK uetone tfley purchase. It 17 II II It 8 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, are now their Spring Stock of Hoots and 'Shoes, and invite attention to an attractive assortment of Goods of their manufacture, and of all' the best manufacturers both foreign and domestic, Merchants desirous of ascertaining the actual Cash and also of exa. iTices oi doois ami onoes lue ivew iora xviarxei, uiiiuiio(j complete assonmeni, are tea to can. BROTHERS CO'.

50 irew lork, Jan. IU. isdj. 1 i i.etm nv scelqr; ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR AT rfAWv HAYING located in Greensborottgh. N.

res" peetfully tenders his professional service to' the public- Office Not. 1 II nopk1hr Hotel. Jwn. 1853. i ColnmMah'lnk; now jo'cenU' erallv in use, for sale by J.

J. SLOAN: April', 1852. Qcrceu, I'an rfnti SleVe lVlre-Hotb kept constantly, olv hand, of diflfereht numbers ehd wi.hh. it: UtilYSftVt' April' 1S52j vwfcber I hat rfotibt ihatthe iertin ne. ctssary to perfornnhe tri predispbss and pre.

pare the body Jut the attack of diaeaae. Sever. have died while and since coming. It i not to Wondered at, that many die in making thia Utp, for moat of person make intemperate ne of apinia of eonie kind. The road from Cruces to ii rauama, is sire weu with broken Dottles.

He: left Crurea at 6 o'clock and arrived at Panama at duak, being about 13 Jioitra on the road. Monday, Deis. SOth. an old Span-ih town, surrounded, originally with wall, which if yet in a pretty good elate of preservation. There are three Quite lanre Unman Cath- olie hMrchewhicb germ more than necerv I for the population.

No indication of improve menl are aeen and moat of the house are in a diTa'pidamT' uVgre tlgor rmiat once have esiated in lite people or then rulera to have uoilt the puce, which dora not now appear in the leaat degree, In the descendant. The ttbuils or houe out.ul the wall ei tend to i aome distance, but are mostly ahantiea ith palm leaf lhatch, built by t'te nativea. It must once have had a population equal to, or greater than, thai of Salem or Oreenaborough. The place was in a rapid tale of decay, and probably would iooo have disappeared, but, that the line of Call- tr3cl nd the rail road, hae made it an important point yet unless troiiii another government and into the hands of another people, it will never be a place of much consequence. We found our steamer here wailing for ua, yet have to delay some lime for arrival of baggage, which on account of bad roada or worse than usual, is slow in being brought over.

To be continued. CORRESTOXDESCE OF THE PATRIOT. Letter by the Way. Messrs. Editors When I la: wrote yoo, had set my face Hichmondward.

The road were superlatively horrid and had not our slow proces of travel been relieved by the dry wit of a Jew merchant, it would have been almost intolerable. Our driver, horses and coaches all did their pari admirably, but the roada the roada Thia Jew merchant proved to be not only a wit, but an interesting character in nearly every respect. One, among many of hia witiy pranks, occurred at a breiklaaiing house. As the stage drove up before the door, were all politely invited into a itore, to wash our hands and faces. The Jew, who really waa a genteel man, and understood well the little attentions that render a traveler comfortable, glancing around, and seeing no clean towel near the washing apparatus, called for one but no clean towel waa produced.

The Jew, resolved on having something clean, bought a yard of cotton cloth, (ihe newest approach lo toweling the store could afford,) and having used it to his heart's content, handed it back to the landlord to be kept cltan for 4lxr accommodation of travelers. This of course in censed his royal highntas, to the amaieaient of hi guests. I will not dismiss thia Jew merchant by simply relating this incident of wit Contrary to a number of hia be is one of thsmost upright and generous of men, and enjoy the eonri- dence and respect of the community in which he live, lie informed me that he came to lint country poor, and' that it was only by ceaseless energy and strict integrity, which won for him warm friends, that he as enabled to accumulate the fortune he posesed. He ia orih, I am in formed, fifty or sixty thousand dollars. Il has brouj-hl from Europe his siter, and educated ier; I and is new on hi way lo Germany to brrna to 1 8 I tin country, and lo hie own home, hi aged aud i poor parenla.

lie talked to me much of his pa rents, and seemed wonderfully attached to them. Tin Jew merchant is a osefol character to set before indigent young Americans. He had lo battle against far more difficult obstacles to fortune lhan they. In addition lo the odium thai' always clings lo a foreigner, he had the English language to learn to speak, read and write aud )t, in fifteen years he has accumulated a Urge lorlune, and has now the respect and confidence! of all who know him. The secret of hi sue cess has already been mentioned.

Let any poor young man of moderate abilities exercise the same invincible nerseve ranee, and maintain tlm I. i same uninterrupted integrity, aud fortune and fa vor will inevitably crown his effort. Not more than tn miles from the stage road, on the banks of the Staunton, is the celebrated residence of John Randolph. It was my good fortune lo have the company of its present own- midst of lhi wild, for about JO years, he lived i i ivy v.viu, vi.v WHIIUIIljr IWO small apartment. In front was a sort of ahed resting upon three or four unhewn pieces of lim- her planted in the ground, th height of which fiee, which ia the one chiefly spoken of a hi reaidenor.

Bat such was not the' case- lie kept his library in the new building, and there regaled himself, in the hot day of summer but, he ever lived in the cabim -A regahl the constructionJ oMhe nieyr house, it is too complicated i'or me jbere to describr. SpflifO illh uf. tiMtovMv yui ii ii uinnh nn ir Ih 1 i ol of Wk0BTH EtLl6T, (Successor to J. V. William.) ssor IO i.

VV H1RRC11ANTS, om urdlnr, vn.iniiiion FAYETTE VILLI), N. C. j. a. Worth.

w. r. Li.roTT. CONFECTIONER, Jf'holenale and Itrtml Dealer in foreign Fruits, llresn Ktreet, FAYETTE V1LLE, N. C.

March, 18B3- COMMISSION AND YOR WARDING AGENT, WILlaTON, Will attend lo the sale or purcnuse of PaooircR, and will ahip with dispatch all consignment made to him. Sept. 18, 1862. T. roRWAnoixo akd coiiisnssioiv MERCHANT, it.

5i. onuui.L, Coinliiltiaiuii And aVorwarliiift MERCHANT. Hanson (Successor to H. Hranson Son,) Commission Merchants Dealers in I'ltUTIMOns, HA STREET, FAYETTEYILLE, N. C.

rifo.s.) (6 14: lit) a.m. johnSoH. COOPER, UPPINCOTT, COFFIN (line Mi'Hprir, Co.) liolesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Coeds. So. 34 A'orA 'Iltird Street.

Opposite the City Hotel, Philadelphia. UIARLCS S. COOPER, CIIAS. I'. PKHL, STEPHEN COIFIN corriN, attuPHV.

WM. V. I.IPP1MOTT, Fall Stack, Ik I GOODS. II A Ii A 11 Fashionable Tailor'lr Kst ablisll Rie Dl rpilE subscribers having associated thembelvef together, intend 'carrying; on the Talloi lns; HuNliietiii in it various branches. Having had practical ex- in the business for several they 'fideiit tlwy can please the most fasfidioOs tastes.

I i .1... i.i ii' t. Eflalld iearly Sloan. j. G.

FLA NO, Jan. 1863. 714 1'. M. WOOUHL RX lMi.vrs, imrsnns, "T7IIITE, Ulack and Ked Uad, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Chinese and American Vermillion, Spanish Whiting, Litharge, Venetian Red.

Spanish Hrown, Yellow Ochre, Rose Pink, Turkey (- Gold and Silver lal, Bronze, Sand pa'Hr. Varnish rushes. White Wash Bruxli- shi romi)i i Rr-h p. For c.ore of j. I'ATRfCK.

r- 3D MONTH, lUOJ. l) .4. 'i'Tf k. tV ed styles Our terms, as usual, will be fair and liberaF. I'AL'L McILWAlXE.

Tertersburg, March 10, 1853. 72 TO TZE TAS. E. THOM has removed his Saddle and ft llarneftjl Shop to Greensboro', third door Aorth ot Jtaukiii Ac iMcLean corner, where he res- pecuunj nhiui a snare 01 puuuc paironajze. i am accounts will reiuember that I charge interest from tne 0( January.

eoruarj 10, isuj. ini. CASH WANTED I They would remind their customer that the usaal time for settling up accoouta has come round Thev hone and ex oect all who are due them by bonds and accounts will come ward and make payments, as they are in need of CASH. AH persons failing fo close their accounts will be charge with interest from this 1st of January, 1853. Jan.

1853. RANKIN McL.AN. .1 It I i Tbc Brothers1 Steam boat Company, la, and. a -complement of Tow Boats to carry with dispatch, all Heights shipped by hem, be- tween FuyetteviUe and Wilmington, or to any intermediate landing ori the River. JOUN RANKS, An-t.

Wilmington. 1 D.tW. aV LA CREN, A is, Sept. 18, 1852, T) lack our own Staoes The celebrated I3 Woodward I'olisli will be found at April' 1852. J.

R. J. SLOAN'S. Gommon School Hooks Recommrnrdsil theCommitico of Exarrvii)atirB, for sale ULpril, d. IJNOSAV, r1 IIP '1 I I I .1 ft 1 I I UHjp'wg in rowing, ant) lima they paea to und fro beiure the lady pinencr.

as if ihey knew not what sliauie wa. We comiiienced ascending the river about one o'clock and reached Gorgoua, 6 milra abort, at 0 o'clock at night, making the an jnile in 8 hours. This ia the olacc from i whence the land travel begins in the dry season, 'It being now more muddy and sutject to obstructions than the Cruces route. We remained here all night. The place is full.

Very plain fare at 81 a meal and lodging at to 75 ecu I on dirty cut. The houses are generally covered with thatch of palm leaf. Saturday, 1 Sif Ice. Thia morning early recommenced, the voyage op, and again was re-. peited the scenes of yesterday, with aome addU tione, in the way of righting by pasaengera and boatmen.

We got started about 6 o'clock and did not reach Crucea until 3 o'clock. The cx- deeding inelBciency of the natives, calls for the exercise of patience, in those possessing that grace, and a pretence for many curses from those have it not. The fare on the river ia from 93 to 0, and the paasage ia very unpleasant, especially if rain occur, which is frequently the case. the boats are crowded the position, at best so uneasy one, cannot be well changed. Cruces is an old Kpanish town, having on old Catholic church covered with tile.

There art several hotels on the American plan, and the offices of seerat transportation companies, and quite a number of native buta or shanties. We arrived too late to atari this eveping for Panama, bat engaged mules for an early atart in the morning. The price of a mole to ride is $25. And 20 cents per pound for your baggage. Sondav, Dec.

19th. waked early thia morning by the church bells ringing for prayer or mass. I sleped In for a few moment. The 'service eeined to consist- of the repetition of rehain fiiua by the priesto, accompanied with a variety of music, among which I distinguished the flute, fiddle and a aumber of whis tles, in the l)iuls of children who were taught to use them in the right place. The strange tones of the priest and all the formali'tiee, seemed to partake more of the ridiculoua lhan the devotional.

For the first time in my rife, I began a a journey on the Suohah, and the only reason have for doing ii, i that I seemed to be placed in the same condition as the mariner on the oceait, who would take to the or long boat, in w)iich to keep ilie Sabbath, hile the ahip main-lain' her course. It i wrong that such a ataie of living RliouUI ekiit. and I cannot say, but to some degree I mny he responsible for the existence ol such a neceesaitv. The road from here to Fivnama baa been in use for several hundred years, and at one time was paved with atone. It is nothing more lhan a pathway for mules and the country over which it passea mountain region of low elevations, something like Saiirmown mountains in Stokes i II Villi I Mif I'lim, nnwwsj.

i.v-- chdbr ofTered by the latter lo any one who ufe anilwlllcillg Ul ireUi? V.iuia au.l would cause a table to move by some other than No -troliua thai by recent arrival they have to ruus ular power. hand their large Impoiiotion ol English, Scotch and Our Correspondent is a gentleman of respec- 'Irish Staple and Fancy Dry (aoodfl; pur" lability, and distinguished among his neighbors chased in the European markets by Messrs. 1'ok-for intelligence and strong common sense. thixs I'ai l. Jlauchester, England, and Wm.

TaPl Son, Portadown, Ireland, which, with their pur- low Table, are made the fam- cha5Ca TT' I fce.Mon ot stock ot which they can only say it I ily of a friend of ours, several attempts have tqllll, i( mnm to any they ever had before, been made to trrvine the secret of table-moving, I fhey Would particularly call attention to their chair-dancing, and other freaks of household lur- DRESS GOODS, comprising many new aud coufin- ing adjourned. WM. A. LASH, Chm'n J. M.

Covixgtoji, Sec'y, From the Rowan Whig. Yadkin Improvement Mssting. A meeting of ihe cilizena of Surry, Yadkin. and ihe adioinins eoorttres, waa held in ihe Court House at Tuesday March 8th. 1853.

for the purpose of taking into consideration the iiipi riiiciu ui iiiv iuukiii ifcivrr. Oil motion of Col. A. Mitchell, of Wilkesbo- i roiiirh, Gen. Solomon.

Graves, of Surrv. was called lo ihe Chair, and Caswell Harbin, of Da- vir, wm rruLicu mi ur am orrrciiry A den to the improvement rf the Yadkin Kiver, from ine poitn wntrre irte einrai uaiiroaci will cross it. to Wilkeshoro'. He stated thar the compfe- lion of the nrad across the river within the next two ears, was aa certain ss any other event hich is in the future that the charter for the improvement of ihe river had been so amended a lo the company to organize when 25,000 of the stock ia uliscribed thai, that a- mount would, hi hi opinion, be amply snmcieut engure ood balleaox. and nerhaos siea'mboaf navrgaiion as far up a Rock lord.

That steam I boats drawing only fourteen inches water with good cabins for passengers, and earn ing freight and tow Fxmfs, were now running to advantange between Wilmington and Favetteville that ilicrv would be very little difficulty in gelling that depth of ater as far Up as Hock lord thai the object was to commence Ihe work, not at the upper end as the old navigation company did, but where ihe Railroad crosses the Kiver, and work up stream, and pur the work in use aa fast as com- pleted thul he knew from personal observation what had been done in other Stales, npon rivers not a. ausceplible of improvement a. ours, and uimi ii.ri aa an evidence of his confidence in the success lf ill lnlppnri.A It twaa uiillini tt nnA tC i. vuiiipniiji ui i.i.'iiij-ur, ii, uitg me uii hi joj- iiionae ine company 10 organize a no. commence the work a I oft) Col.

X. Mitchell, of- Wi1freboro', was then' railed upon by the meeting and he responded in his most impressive manner, calling on the people from consideration of patriotism, Stale pride, self-respect, Self-inlerert and the welfare of their posterity, to take hold of the work that improvements were going on all around them and they are bound to do aomething to improve llieir condition, or be left far behind and drag out a miserable existence in comparative poverty, or leave, the land ol their birth, and try their fortune elsewhere Mr. G. A. Miller, of Salisbury, was then call ed upon, and responded by saying that he thought tne wnoie ground had been well covered, and the main point discussed hy those who had pre cleded hinJ 5 It" hf lon oonclude'1 tafk and loo little action that the advantage of mic great iaun oi aroiMiana wae ho mticn euch improvement were clearly deraonatraled by their effecta elsewhere that the time for acting haa now arrived, and atrnngly urged all those interested, to lend a helping hand to he extent their spare means, in aid of the work.

S. GRAVES, Chairman, C. Harbin, Sec'y. The above look like a pretty tall specimen abundance of talk and no eider at lflhey met merely to Halk- the mailer over nothing morethe succe of their object was remarkable. Eo.

Tat. JiMC8 O. SCfOTT, ATO. -AT MjAVT, ILL give strict attention to all business entrust ted to his care. Office.

No. 4. Albriirht' Iotot, ensbore'; JsY 0 I i ever tnanklul tpr past lavors, and am dete'rmiueu to Uooui. compnsins a lull assoitmentol Nlkubrc merit a continuance of the same. i naomes.

Poolins. MusMn and' Meres way a l.tlle cash of those who are in ar- Gn.uhams. Fnn.ed Lawns Jacooels Lace- ro a trn 1 1 rtsa unoauiuniii ami 1 1 1 ok nuca nnan iiiki unit iminuriiMt a nitiikn oni i.Drman eAaijian I -tlnro 1 I tm I I ai1. Ilumsub aI Ii inld iAnalhAB I i suDBcnoers rexurn ineir(manit lor me noerai rama vi uucy wimr support they have received trom a generous wraoie sioea oi biiP community, and hope by strict attention to business K.ivm nr minm-l nv tod In I and.

in ouvers are resDectiuuv county, fl. 'C. The travel and rain for so long rra distinguished barrister in Virginia from a time have worn deep future and gulliet over ihi point on to Richmond, Mr. Boldin was these mountains, in the bottom of which, some- very agreeable and communicative, and gave me "tirnee 10 and 15 feel deep, the road now passe some facta relative to the illustrious home of the frequently obstructed with rocks that seem to eccentric Statesman. When the estate ea me mv render it impassible, and lhi loo on ascents and to hi possession, it seemed more like a descenu, steeper than you have ever seen passed.

ness uninhabitad, than the abode of even a civil-The soil is generally red clay, and under seven izd Mr. Randolph wo'uld not permit "months rain and constant Iravel, you may have even a ahrub to be cut. cr a ires felled. In Hi mture. which form a part of the spnil-rapping exhibition.

Last evening thev succeeded per- feclly. Slanrling around a small table, five or I l'n iieuc current neiween tnemscives a no tne tame was established is established. They then found that by holding the hand a own uiaiance ine taotf, anraeiion remaim the operators to aome distance. one distance. I hich the young people eiper 1 he table on imented was a very small one.

We presume that when the experiment haa been a few times repealed, the table will yield to ine attractive lorce witn more ready There can be no doubt if ao. each trial, we power of attraction. This, we take it, solve ihe whole seeming mystery of the "spiritual" imposition which has been practiced so long upon the credulous and supeistiiious. The moving of tables by an unseen power has always been accounted a greater feat (ban the producing of sound. We have no doubt that the tame agent can both effect.

Tho imposture cousisl in the pretence to supernatu-ral intercommunications. We hope soon to hear that, the key being discovered, the whole imposition has come to an end. Of the boldness of the imposture we have- had and have given illus trations and probably the rappers ill find some dupe even in spite of evidence of their fraud. iV. V.omne.rcial T.


ALBRIGHT ARMFTEJLD. ATTORNEYS AT LA HAYING permanently locatml in Greensborough. will attend nrornptly to all Iftjsiness intrusted to their car. January loth 1853V ITtOR SAl.IL -1'ore-liorse Wagon and 1 good Call andg'ei a bagain. LLXDSAYi in full force.

The table, without heinu touched, i I of forlv.five dearee. and anbseauenllv followed I and wondenul airihly. that it ia manetied. and will ika believe.

Will increase the on idea of the road. The extraordinary sure- t. i ii VI UIUI. the only means by which this way ran be ped, and ii seem-incredible, that ihey will carry, with apparent eaee, 250 Ibe over 2 mile to Panama on this road. Ladie use the man's saddle andJ was insufficient for a man standing in, ike door position in riding.

Somelimes- they assume to look ou-l in a horixonlal directiom Thia cab-male attire, which I think i the best, wfien they in still etands. Its rearof lhi atructure, toward 'take the genllemaiiy position wr horae or mule the latter part of hi life, lie built the aueer edf back, Ji aomeiime occur, that yoor mule get I e'eep into mud to carry Jou through, in which case yoa must dismount and gel out as best yoo ca.v I gol in once op my waisi in mud. togiv ynur mufe ifieTeia and let him pick his own way, whrch'he will always do bet- i saw some nat had i i i i ladies that had pctu'viri' iiimu, irom ine ill liiiKf I rom the hnrh nnca if I i 4-.

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