Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 6
- Publication:
- Vancouver Daily Worldi
- Location:
- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 6
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
SIX THE VANriOFVFI? WORLD Friday, Dec. 28, 1917 The Peace Farce at Brest Litocsl(. ttt tftlfi Clarke County, Indiana, and It has been brought right up to date grinding out whole wheat, flour for the "Sammies." MOTdCANADIAN CASUALTIES THE Bolshevik! are as putty in the hands of the wily German and Austrian peace negotiators. The farce lately proceeding at Brest Litovsk migli ie entitled: "A Murderous Peace; or how iiie iibnu i.Hti tor uny opinion eipretsed in letter, to the Editor. Jcldu "md address, t'UB I LBL1CATION, will considered.
the Huns tricked the Theorists." In the following list, after tho soldier's name appears the name of tho place where lie enlisted, and the borne or bis next ot kin. Where these are the same only the one name is used. uermany little game is perfectly clear. Th Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation. Established September 29, JSS8.
Published Every Day Except Sunday at 415 Hastings Street West by TUI3 WORLD LIMITED JOHN" NELSON Managing Director Bolshevikis whero they are not paid agents of Pts. R. Chrlsteneen, Psrrsboro, N. S.j Uermany like Lenine alias Hederblum and Trotsky alias Brauneteln are fanatical dreamers living in AIHl'LANE SPRIC'K: IS NOTHING BKINti HOSE? To ths Editor ot The World: sir' I commend with all my heart your Inquiry resardlng the delay In getting out pruc lumber for the manufacture of aeroplanes. The causes for delay that aro advocated by some people are based upon the a world of impossibilities.
They are helpless In Infantry. KILLED IN EXPLOSION IN HALIFAX Lieut. F. J. Hot ley, Halrfsx, N.
s. DIED MUSKOKA HOSPITAL, Toronto, Dec. 14. 1H17 Pte. W.
J. Bradley, Niagara Camp; Car. ling, Ont. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSINd AND Modern skill was grafted on to the old world mill. A tunnel was cut through solid rock ninety feet below tho summit of a great hill and the water is fed to the overshot wheel through this bore.
So It is the only old water wheel left and "with a difference." They have been knocked out of time the old water mills and only exist in paintings and on pretty New Year's and birthday cards. Still I hope they will continue to live in song. I have not tired yet of "The Miller's Daughter." 'The Miller of the Doe," "The Maid of the Mill," and "The Mill by the Brookside" and I find there is philosophy as wise as Solomon taught in The mill can never grind With the water that has passed. I would like to compile a census of old water OF tno grasp or Russia's deadliest foe. But with the stupidity of fanaticism they are quite unaware of THE AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OLDEST DAILY ON THE MAINLAND BKITISH COLUMBIA.
the fact wounded, now for official purposes pre Sl DSCRII'i'lOX HATES By carrier in Vancouver. North Vancouver. South uermany plot Is this: She is quite willing to sign a peace agreement with Russia on the basis of "no annexation and no indemnities." Nothing easier. Because, of course, a dishonored perjurer Vancouver. Point Urev and New Westminster $5 00 roug erjumptlon that It cannot bo done at once because It would not be commercially "good bushiest." 1 will point out that neither would It have been good business for a heavy steel toy manufac ur" England to have suddenly embarked in the manufacture of shells early in 1916; yet many of them did It.
And exactly the same reasons dictate that we should at onceat whatever coat begin to increase our output ul spruce to tho utmost limit. It cannot be a question of delaying operations for one day even In order to onulu a more expeditious or cheaner sys 12 Months (in advance) 6 Months tin advance) Weekly like Germany would sign anything and Ignore her 2.00 .10 Hlllerod, Denmark. Serrlcea. WOUNDED. ACCIDENT Lance Corpl, w.
H. Norman, Montreal; Somerset, England. DIED OF WOUNDS Pte. J. Couls, Sarcee Camp; Aberdeen, Scotland.
DIED OF PNEUMONIA RegL Sergt. Major J. Caldwell, Winnipeg. Rifles. DIED AT REVELSTOKE HOSPITAL December 14, 1917 Pte.
B. H. Warren, Victoria, B. Car. dlff, Wales.
CaTalry. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED KILLED IN action Nov. 4, now reported killed la action Nov. so. 1917.
Pte. C. A. McArthur, Calgary; Innlsfall, Alta. Railway Troop.
WOUNDED Pte. G. Delves, New B. Vancouver, B. C.
PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING, NOW admitted to hospital Pte. P. J. Norman, Toronto. Forestry Corps.
WOUNDED signature whenever she wished. Bv Mull Invariably in Adtnui'e) mills in Canada, especially in B. C. Can you tell Count Czernin backs up on Austria's behalf, the J4 00 1.U0 overtures of Germany. He cannot well do other me of any? F.
I'. 12 Months 3 Months Monthly .35 sumed to nave died Pte. A. Ballard, Valcartler; Worcester, England. rte.
H. Hlrshuk, Quebec: Grodus, Russia. fit. V. Takenchl, Sarcee Camp, Klo momota, Ken, Japan.
Pte. V. Parton, Winnipeg; Talgarth, Eng. land. Pte.
H. Graham, Victoria, B. C. Suther landshire, Scotland. DANGEROUSLY ILL, WOUNDED Lieut.
F. C. Young, Calgary, Alta. Edmonton. Alts, WOUNDED, SEVERE Capt.
W. K. Turner, Seattle, Wash. SERIOUSLY ILL Pte. J.
Gambler, Portage la Prairie, Pine Creek, Man. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED WOUNDED, now reported wounded and missing I.leut. H. C. Stiver.
Winnipeg. REPORTED WOUNDED SLIGHTLY, Remaining at duty Pte. J. .1. Gooding, Toronto.
Pte. It. Studholme, Toronto. Pte. W.
Crawford, Montreal; Portland, Maine. U. S. A. l.MTEU ITATES RATES wise.
Austria Hungary is now the vassal of Germany and must do as she is told. Perhaps Count Czernin hopes that by support of Germany to the limit he will gain some measure of relief for his 13 Months 16.00 Monthly 50 Westminster Office II. Lovick, No. 15 Begble tem, since rf by despatch we can shorten the war by one day we shall save Great Britain In money alone thirty five millions of dollars. 1 don't know what wo shall save 1 rancc, Italy and the L'nilcd Mates in money and (of incalculably greater Importance) what we shall save all of the Allies In lives.
Nut 1 cannot understand how any human being can look at tho casualty hat In a London paper after such an action those around Vpres end see entire sheets covered with close printed names of our men killed and maimed: 1 cannot under country whenever Germany Is victorious. If this is his hope he never made a worst mistake. Should street. Phone 1212. orth Vanrouver E.
Thoiims, 3 Lonsdale Avenue; 'hone North Vancouver 525R. "XO COMFORT FOR GERMANY." Germany win Germany will dominate Austria Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey for tht future and Pte. G. lloorley, Winnipeg; Derty, Eng. Pte and.
South auruuver R. A Webster. 4Stu and Fraser; 1 hone Fraser 70 Riley. Halifax; Bprlnghlll through them the heart of Europe. THERE Is no comfort for Germany In tha decision of Canada, following close on the Pie.
O. F. Mines. N. S.
Cedar Colt ace W. F. Fish, Tram Station. Cedar The object of the Brest Litovsk negotiations Is first to disarm Russia and thus reduce the number Collate. oillcc Henry Carroll.
Newcastle Hotel Phone 126. adoption of conscription by the United States. It shows the English speaking peoples at head of a democratic alliance which is determined to stand how he could let any motive but sti'li as tended towards ending the war on the, first possible day ever influence him again until the war is over. 1 am quite aware that there are difficulties in the way. And writing on this subject, 1 know that If 1 content myself wllft generalities I shall be accused of knowing nothing of the matter in a practical way of Germany's foes, next to take advantage of Bol shevlkl fanaticism to bring pressure to bear on the Son delivery of paper should be reported to the fight to the death against barbarous autocracy.
ouice uviore 7 p.m. Morning Oregonian, Portland. ES ana ot writing vaguely and to no purpose: others of the Entente Allies, Britain, France and Italy to make a German peace. Failing this Germany hopes to show the Russians that Britain, France and Italy are Imperialist states bent on FXPREPAREDXESS IX THE TXITED STATES. and on the other hand.
I become specific. rnianent DuKding. C'ana la 1. IV Toronto T' DEMKS CRAFT CHARGES. CHICAGO.
Pec. 28. Charles C. Ilealy. former chief of police of Chicago, today took the witness stand In his own defence at his trial on charges of conspiracy in connection with alleged police grafting.
"I never toolt a dollar to protect vice or crime," ho dramatically exclaimed In the coursi of a sweeping denial of every charge made against him. Switzerland has been driven by tha coal shortage into taking steps toward the utilization of its peat beds as sources of fuel. Is reassuring to know that General Crozier could answer for the equipment of our troops Fifth Chicago, 111. conquest and annihilation and thus get Russia to Lnlted States Veree Conklin. 2 New York: 28 East Jackson 11 Lafayette Detroit.
Mich. i can oe taxed with being Influenced by some commercial Interest. I am going to risk the latter charge, as my, present object Is to get something started. Most of the spruce that is found In any quantity lies north of Vancouver Island. There is some talk of dismantling a large make peace at any rate.
Result: more divisions in France, but he admitted that on this side the men in training would not have the "most Important things," that Is to say arms and guns (and for the west It is a neat little game. It may succeed with FRIDAY December 28, 1917. mill near Vancouver a mill that has Never with the assistance of England and France) until those Infants In arms called the Bolshevlki. But next summer. New York Times.
from The World, Dec. 28, 18B2. A number of Vancouver Masons visited New Westminster last night, when the Union Lodge was dedicated. Mr. V.
C. Ward becomes general superintendent of the Bank of British Columbia, The ladles of the Princess Street Methodist Church will give a supper at the Market Hall. Ye Olde Folks concert was such a success that It will be repeated. II. Langdalo was buried yesterday.
Many friends attended the last solemn rites. Aldermen McCraney and Franklin are urging the completion of the C. P. R. terminal station at the bottom of Granville Street.
It must be remembered that the Bolshevlki are no more Russia than the Hyde Park orator is the British people. There are large areas of Russia WHERE DOES QUEBEC STAND? i UEBEC has had a lot of rope since the war began too much. The end of the tether which will not be betrayed into the German trap. They know von Kuhlmann and his methods. has been reached.
The false leaders have been Germany cannot face more than another year of brought up with a short turn. Quebec must Flowers hereafter recognize the flag of this nation, the war. That Is the secret of her desire for peace. She will make a further terrific effort to smash More Money for the Railways. THE railways of Canada since the war began nave been obliged to pay more (or their sup.
plies. In consequence tbey applied to the Board of Railway Commissioners for permission to Increase their passenger and freight rates. The Board has responded by granting an increase of passenger rates of 15 per cent everywhere In Canada except in British Columbia and an Increase In freight rates of 10 per cent In the west and 15 per cent in the east. This means that passengers and shippers In the Dominion are called upon to pay between them $:5,000.000 to 130,000,000 additional to the rail alliances of this nation and last, but not least the authority of the nation. The best that is In the British and French armies in the west And then the latter's turn will come.
been used taking it to a point on Queen Charlotte Island, where is a good supply of spruce, and setting It up there. The plan Is a good one. snd it includes the utilization of sll the inferior spruce, unsuitable for aeroplane stock, as paper pulp. Unfortunately it would take some months to effect even if taken la hand immediately. And.
since the commercial feature of the paper pulp is practically the main feature, it Ul unlikely to proceed without further deliberation. There la a large sawmill at Ocean Falls that could bs utilized tor the purpose of sawing spruce logs. The objection to using this mill for manufacturing the spruce from Queen Charlotto Is. and Is that the intervening water Hecato Straits Is difficult of navigation fur rafts, and that some of the log tows are liable to be lost In transit. But we understand that, owing to barrage fire, much of the supplies soing from the rear the firing line are lost, and yet those supplies continue to be sent.
Until we come to regard the production of spruce as a war measure we shall fail to see It In its true light. Again, somewhat south of Ocean Falls. He a series of Smith Inlet, Rivers Inlet, Seymour Inlet and others. There are good bodies of excellent spruce situated close to these waters. There are experi 6tore for Quebec, in the long run.
Is equality; not preference. Evening Tribune, innipeg. The Allies will make no Inconclusive peace such FOR THREE THINGS SETTLED. as the Bclshevikis wish. They have suffered too much from the German people ever to allow them to start another ar.
very great things have been settled THRE1 by HREE this election for all the future. First A year ago today it was reported that the Russo Roumanlans had been driven back In Moldavia on the road NewYear that in time of national emergency, party must disappear. Secondly, that in time of national to Focshany. The Teuton forces as is the sembled in the Buzeu Valley and heavy fighting took place on the rail crisis, every citizen must be subject to the national call. Thirdly, that so long as this country remains under the British flag, this country pro way, the Russians having to retreat.
poses to take the full British risk and do the The retreat Is over the pontoon bridges enced men of unimpeachable character who know where this timber Is. These logs could be towed with comparative safety to which the Russians had thrown over the Danube when they sent troops to Ocean Falls. uut here Is the oojection) these Inlets are often frozen up at the full British duty. In short, union, conscription, and Britishism have triumphed in Canada. Ottawa Journal.
mouth during winter. Now Napoleon cross way companies. The effect on trade can easily be imagined. The profits of the railway companies, it Is said, will be no greater than before. But the profits of the railway companies are not the only thing to be considered.
While many industries and undertakings have been compelled to make sacrifices because of war conditions the railways have had an immense and remunerative traffic and, in the case of one company at any rate, have been able to treat their shareholders in such fashion as to leave them little ground for complaint British Columbia should associate Itself with the protest being made by the Winnipeg Board of Trade. The Pacific Coast can bear perhaps less than any other part of the Dominion the additional burden placed upon it. ed the Alps during the winter with an armv. The Germany army 111 Italy Is at assist Roumanla. Mackensen, It was said, would try for Odessa the great Russian port On the western front there had been the present time bringing thousands of tons of supplies and beavter guns man jvapoieon CHRYSANTHEMUMS fresh from the greenhouse.
Cr Per dozen 3VC CARNATIONS gf From, dozen iPAaW NARCISSUS 7Cr Per dozen ROSES From SJ ff per dozen aPAsW WELL GROWN PLANTS. EACH 60c S1.00 $1.50 FLOWERING PLANTS IN VARIETY The proposed increase in ireignt rates has met a general chorus of protest. "When they do agree their unanimity is wonderful" as Mr. Puff said. The city's milk supply was cut short by the storm.
For some time past there has not been available the fluid needed for a "morning." So the "kick" camo mostly from the kiddles. The Soldiers' Club has received $72.82 from "The Vancouver War Dance." One almost forgets now which of Hannibal's wars the dance was associated with. Eight cents per kilowatt hour and no discount for prompt payment. That discount was a nuisance anyhow. "Germany will get peace by the sword." Tes, much artillery activity.
The aim of the Allies was to keep the enemy In a constant state of tension. The military situation In Germany was affected by economic conditions. They wero growing forse and worse. Two years ago today the Donaldson liner Marina was sunk by the Germans without warning. Several Americans on board were lost.
WISE AFTER THE EVENT. CONJECTURES about the might have been are always tempting, but, being wholly un verlfiable, had better bo kept within bounds. If the absent are always wrong, a rejected alternative is nearly always right; we know the evils that we have suffered, but not the difficulties that we should have encountered if we had taken the course that Is recommended to us after the event as the Infallibly right one. Westminster Gazette, London. ever dreamed of across snow covered mountains as a war measure.
Is not It worth while to us to find some method of getting st once this supply ot spruce also as a war measure? I am not advertising anyone and I have nothing to sell outside of the usual way of business. But if anyone cares to investigate further 1 can Indicate a man who will undertake to do what I have suggested and to do it promptly as a war measure. It is not practicable as a commercial venture, i ont tn a nation wishing above all things This What We Are Fighting For? CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND. to end this war: to them it is In the highest degree a sound investment, even if the logs XCERPT." from a report of a British Columbia exemption tribunal: "Joe Daniels, C. P.
SHORTAGE OF RIFLES IN V. S. T' HE shortage of rifles is explained by the fact that the outmit of the United States section foreman at Golden, is an Austrian who has cost double their present or mum. Cannot the loggers of this city call a meeting and issue a statement to those citizens, at least, whose relations are now under arms, explaining why they are unable to act? Indignation meetings have been held In this city on topics where not a single human life has been at stake. Yours, SIDNEY M.
BENTON. Vancouver, Dee. 27. 1917. Subscriptions received and acknowledged December 26.
1917: Wm. Joost (ml. A. J. Harvey (3 moa), D.
Taylor (m). C. L'chida 15; J. A. W.
Bell (3 moa), 115; Corporation of the District of Burnaby (mi, 100; The Alaska B. C. Bedding Ltd. (ml, 114.12; staff Frank Darling Co. (m), 17 50; Letson Burpee, Ltd.
(m), $10; staff Bank nt Montreal (m). 184.75: E. A. Baker $45; Vancouver Club, Jluu; D. E.
Brown's Travel Bureau (ml. 110; J. K. Reekie 16 mosl, $15; A. H.
Casey llios), fl2. been naturalized In Canada. He has not appeared before a tribunal but wants exemption because he BRAND'S 725 Robson Street and 526 Hastings Street West and the Allies will use other weapons as well. Yes! the war does cost many millions a day. We must see that we get our money's worth.
At Jerusalem and Bethlehem the boys in khaki now play football. "Well played!" "Off side!" and other expressions are heard. If there are any ghosts of ancient Jebusites, Perezzites, Hivltes, Hittites and Amoritcs about they must feci puz armories during the years Immediately preceding the declaration of war was greatly reduced owing to the prevalence of pacifist ideas in the government. The Influence of former Secretary of State W. J.
Bryan is said to have had something to do with tho attitude of Congress. The result was that, in reducing the working force of the armories, skilled woyjjprj were dismissed. When the time came to Production of rifles A two year old daughter of James Wylie, Londonderry, was killed by a kick from a horse. unskilled won. zica.
n. I has a brother and other relatives fighting in the Austro German armies." Excerpt from report of proceedings of the Vancouver civic finance committee: "Though the Trades Licence Inspector, Mr. C. Jones, had refused to grant a licence to W. P.
Nichols for the Bijou Theatre on the ground that be was an Austrian and therefore an alien enemy, the licence has been granted to a number of reputable business men who formed the company which had control of the theatre. The Inspector stated that the business men were all well known and reputable and he had no option but to grant them the licence and It they choose to appoint this man as their manager it was something over which he had no control." ige. DE DEBIL HE'S LOS HEES JOB. Dey sav de devil he's los' bees Job; Been'holdln' it quite a Wile; But he's stayiii' too much on de same nl' nlan. us' shovel on coal, den a few more H.ic Xn Pnupr llklduiu nut) nw a man Akesars 1 Till at las' dat's out of style.
ill he the wholesale fruit firm of Swartz Water Street, and Charles O'Neil, employed by them, were remanded by Magistrate Shaw In police court today until Monday next, pending arrangements being made by the accused for bail in case of commitment, which has worship announced he would have to do on the evidence submitted by tho prosecution. O'Neil, who was employed peddling apples, was stopped oil tho street by Assistant Inspector of Fruit T. H. Bain, who purchased a box of apples and as a result of which a visit was Ul aui Iciiitsi3 iw nusmkv Innr a Sn tO Meil WhO Have BUSI" Don't do tor rie 'Present day: la there a special gift you have to ceaalder for the New Year? If there la, your first thought will doubtless be BIRKS DIAMONDS The pleasure In a Rift of Birks' Diamonds ring, pin, brooch or pendant Is in their guaranteed quality and their intrinsic worth. If yon are considering a sneclal Klft at this time, let us show you our fine range of diamond iwcllery.
The time has conSland To talk o'. many 1 HasI20o" ae ooaru ut iiitue. call for de devil, an' want to know i W'v can't vou fin' sonio better ness Interests. B. Dec.
28. It way?" VICTORIA VV7HEN Science fa the Enchantment'. th! So den do devil he answer back, many men understood that WOU1U A World Famine in Shipping. AR is a destroyer. War is the destruction and burning up of those things which man's i Hnln' rfo bei' 1 KHOW What lovely arts Bros.
To cold mec inion fruit isions yil tn I paid to the premises of Sw; chanlc laVrig I by R. G. Clarke, chief Domi the poef XXmW enciJ'U vision olurobia. Jn 'Ju" So wrote he points tie Knocked tne bottom out of romance. labor has provided for his use and enjoyment.
It is the cause of famine. This war does not differ from any other war. Now that flying has become an evcrvdav event and a. fa m.lta Its main business Is the destruction of wealth. And me agencies at its command for such purpose hu" i in ouuiu places, a common object" of the skyscape, shall we ever read "Peter Wilkins and the Flying Women of Flinders Geo.
E. Trerey, Mao. Dir. Granville St. isies wun tno same zest as of old? The waters (t.
iLiHiailunciMiMiiMiJililllliiU example. Ale when Germd1! rupting her morallzation that reason discusisons Congress de, are, in fact, ing doubt t'o whether wex long we sholes for which the very General spoc(j In province liaoio tor serv.CB rm keeplnr de fires hot all de tarn, military service act, and who An dat don't 6Ult 1 don't geeve a recently received calllng up notlci dam, have been applying to K. 8. Lennl ou can tell me wen to go. registrar, Vancouver, asking for igo de board ot manager talk som' more extension of time to clear up businei Bout de rdier dey lak to get; they have on hand, 'Don dey en' de devil a leetle no' It is pointod out by military heat Tou're fired today, en we took de quarters here that Mr.
Lennle has vote. et power to grant such requests. A But wt 11 geee jou wan chance jet. men who huve been called up iuiSo you.ra knowln of eny way comply with the terms of the callin, For niakln It worsa on hell, up forms and present themselves iGet It goln' right off, right away dls the depot battalion quarters to whic week." they have been told to report WheSo den, w'en dem feller was all troo they have done so and been added strength, they can, if necessary, cotF we clevu say. ery en.
munlcate to tho officer commandinBut ne.s not improve hees style at all, any business or personal circuit Nor learnln' a t'lng dat's new; stances which they may consider rSo en notice dat tarn was up come quires their personal attention, A Tii i ithln th 1nrisdirtioDe devil a note on hees door he foun': it will then be within tne Uoo wtJ of the officer commanding to grai short leave, he btlng tho only aiw IOU. Ieiler can fill de place, thorlty who then has the power I More better dan you long way; give it. Can kl" lct'e baDy on moder's arm, An' shoot children, too, dat don't do Cold Feet and Blue Nose worn 1 rtz have never bceen jnore effective. The present prosperity in industries is brought about by the artificial demand for Iron, steel, metals, textiles and shipping, and the hundred and one other needs of the fighting men ashore and afloat. But as a disguise docs not alter the real person underneath It, so the apparent prosperity of many countries today does not alter the fact that the world's wealth is disappearing.
That wealth must be replaced. Some of it Is being replaced now. But in the matter of shipping, the vital need of the Allies, the replacement hi hot nearly fast enough. Great Britain is turning out ships at the rate of 2,000,000 tons a year. This is not enough.
The United States has barely begun its programme of building. And tho German submarine does not cease. The demand for food in Europe Is keen. Increased production overseas is helping to make good the loss sustained by the withdrawal of millions of men from agriculture. But a surplus of food In one part of the world is worthless unless there are ships to carry It to another part where it Is wanted.
The great problem of the British Empire after the war will be tonnage. Even though the British shipyards may continue to turn out ships at an unprecedented rate, nevertheless the needs of the home coming armies, the food requirements of irnr a no harm, An' kip it up night an day; He tak great pleasure wid sink de ship, Full of woman, an' boy, an" girl; An' stabbin' ol' man wid de bay on rt. An' ting lak dat; to it's wan sure bet. He's bes' devil in all de worl'; HOUSE MEETS IN SIX WEEK tce a illustine Papei Is related "Recollectic so Bill in ISSker draft of thfng half a An wA to manage wid wan man We'll hav' BhnrV mur Lord "cTrsWjaf i.i uevii run rnmfl inx nnnr hlm of the frightful mischief In Start DUSK1' hees makln' beeg fuss on de lan' or Niagara driving big turbines for munition factories. Instead of tumbling over the cliff In millions of millions of gallons just for fun does lose Borne of the glamor which attached to the big waterfall.
To the imaginative mind there may be an added awe, and wonder. I heard Oscar Wilde describe great machinery, and he turned the rythm of the fly wheel and the stroke of the great pistons Into a prose poem, but then O. W. could make quatrains and chanzonettes of a hardware catalogue. I am practical man enough to see that we can spare a lot of the poetry connected with material things if those things are turned to practical benefit.
Canadians have kept a lot of the "romance" of natural scenery and resources the "practical view" has appealed to Individuals and monopolizing corporations. Many a Canadian city should take to heart the lesson taught by Vermont, U. S. A. This state spent millions of dollars In compelling the rivers and brooks, which run down the slopes of the Green Mountains to the Connecticut River or Lake Champlain, to do their bit for the community by providing the force turned into light heat and power for the community.
The United States fuel controller has told many cities they must have "the curfew" when it is dark they must "douse the glim" and have "light less nights" because. In many places coal 1b used for making the steam which drives the turbines that turn the dynamos and coal must be conserved. Vermont having had the foresight to' go in for "white coal," water power and use water that has run to waste for millions of years, will be immune from this order. Vermont people have all the light, heat and power they need, at all times, because the authorities of the state were men who had the faculty of "looking before and after." Water power! It has been used for thousands of years but how differently! Now the water Is imprisoned In great tubes and there is only one water mill, of the old type, left In all the United States of America. uncomfortable, unbecoming and unnecessary when a radiant GAS FIRE can be purchased at such a low cost.
AN ECONOMICAL COMFORT Easily aH cheaply installed; instantaneous effect. an sea. He's busy for wile yet In Ger man ee, He's good wan for raisin" row." An' so de devil he's los' hees Job, No wonder, en you CjUi see, De mos' wicked ting of de las' free year, Was raisin' de row, till he mak hell hear, Dat feller on Ger man ee. J. BATEESE.
vauac.A uy any iraitu((i. a. nuiu Recalling the incident some time afterfcwJls, Farncll said: "Three of the men who Law your draft were newspaper men, and any newspaper would have given a thousand pounds lor it. No wonderful virtue, you may say. But how many of your House of Commons would believe it?" Of the lato Sir Henry Campbell Bannerraan, Lord Morley has this comment: "As soon as ever Parliament met, it evident that the new leader, with his bonhomie, humor, plain and lively common sense, splendid temper, not without occasional points of pleasant malice, nls easy ways In business, was exactly fit ted for the new assembly.
When he Instantly lot Europe and the resumption of commercial operations on a full scale throughout the world will make the famine In ships unprecedented. Canada can build unlimited numbers of ships. British Columbia can turn out wooden schooners at any rate desired. It is only a question of capital and labor and enterprise. We are doing some thine But we could do much more.
In Oregon the ship building industry is being rapidly developed. Wooden ships or steel have been asked by the United States Shipping Board In the quickest possible time. The business men of "Portland are responding adequately. 'But British Columbia seems content to take what Is handed her by the Imperial Munitions Board, and to make no other effort to lay the foundation of a permanent Industry on this coast Where Is Uim enterprise we talk so glibly about lowed one of Mr. Balfour's ingenious trains of dialectic by the blunt exclamation that we had 'best have done with all this iho House felt, with excited refreshment that they had rot TAX BRIDGE.
On December the 28th, 1879. a terrible disaster occurred at Dundee. The Tay bridge was partially destroyed by a gale while a North British mail train was passing over it. A gap of about 3000 feet was made and the train dropped throueh. About 90 fter.
the very man they wanted. More ani more tl ey liked him and respected him, and felt he was morougniy at nome in bis business and their own. The recent dissensions and the memory of them melted promptly away under the cohesion Carrall and Hastings. 1138 Granville. Phone Sey.
5000 sons perished; 46 bodies were recov ered. At the inquest it was said bv an expert that the bridge had been badly constructed. The sufferers were very liberally treated by the gen erous public. ot office, and he found no more loyal adherents than those who had been the most apprehensive inia mill, a hundred years old at least is in I oi nis taiiurc..
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