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The Parsons Daily Sun from Parsons, Kansas • Page 5

Parsons, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


M. FORSAL10. -m. nTii V-rVTLfi FOR SALE Milk cow, CV M. Hriscoe, General Delivery, i Parsons.

AND PAIN Cured by Lydia li. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Creston, long time with was troubled for inflammation, pains) in my side, sick headaches and ncr vonsM'HH. 1 had taken so many medicine that I was Uineouraged a thought I would never yet well. A friend told me of Lydia.

E. 1 iiikluim';) Vegetable Com. lid it restored lac to health. I have more ri'lin ii-r i i c( viw ivnrn nit I can o0 mv cwn work. Lvdia 10.

Pinkham'tt Compound etind mo niter evt rytliiiur hud failed, mid I lcc ommeiid it toother cuiieniitf wtyiirii. Ooj W. Howard Creston, Iowa. Thousands of inviolicitoil anil genu-ine testimonials like the above prove the efficiency of Lydia K. J'inkhuin's Vegetable Compound, which is mailt) exclusively from outs and herbs.

Women who suffer from t'aoan din? ills should not lone sight of these facts or do, il.t the ability of Lydia l'tnkhain't! Vegetable Compound t.i restore, their health. If you want spooial ndvioewrilo to "Irs. l'inkliimi, tit l.vnn.Mass. will treat your letter sis (strictly confidential. For Mie lias been Pt Ijiintr nick wonh'M in this 'vav, tree of charge.

Don't liesitato write ut once. Restores color to Gray or Faded hair Removes Dandruff and inigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. $1,011 and 50g a. Dm Store or direct upon receipt of price onil clt-tlt-ri, nmnc.

Send 10c fur ample b.mle.- Chili, nay Speckliiti e'ewirk, N. U.S.A. UfcFOSK ALL SUBSTITUTES I OK s.i,f. Ay- Kl) NY W. C.

HOLAIKS rhrt Sim. Seplt In the I inlii'l- rs HMI.I SHERIFF'S SALE. Tho State of Kansas, County of La- ueiie ss. AhuhkIiis Ill'iKKX. Ill i hit ills.

ami Frank It. No. TO. Mr Henry W. bl.i 11.

Tal't, Cl'ccn. Klurenru tllecn, iiiriKit'ii I dowser 'oiiiiih ny 'ii 1 1 1 I 1 1 (IImss l'iiint IHIlilli'ill, t'o (illliliiM li cot puni linn. S. coi'iioriitlnn, i i hi 1 1 a coi 'kliiw ('Mmimny, Iliy iimpanv renionil inn, siamlarcl ill corporation, I luii.i-r.i'lher 'oiiipiiny, coipojuiion. Lonl iliilnu Inisiili'ss an IHilhvi'K lii'i i i Wilson U'il .1 Hrovvn ronipany, lion, -eoi lli'my Trrailuay, ItllHinoMS riM llle N.

He iioIiIk, Ki ll W. McKIr, li ml co-purlniTH iiilaitlH. lloillK i id virtue of in oilier ill" PHle lo lllp ifil. isMiieif out of lie liiMrlet Conn of tin. Hiltlni; r.ii sniiM iii 'iilint'.

ill Wit Male, ilirecti'il anil tlcllv Siviecnth Stale of IkiinsiiM. tor will, inker. i (Vin-t 'I'n I'll 1,1, III of 111 II tiny )r-two lilH ol A. I. tin- liinir sit III ilny.

if In the lock p. IIoiihc fr 111 tii-wi'Kii. In the Courtly anil Stud; snlil, oiler lit public Mile mill sell afore-to (he nil Hit-alim inchest killer, lot' ens.ll in lllillil, iriKhl. title ami intm-oHt of the eairii'il tilntntin unit tied tnktnlM in and the foll'iU llesel iheil P'Hl estate, 1 1 to i 111 Labette County. Kit huh, I'j ivii; The Kiillt hweMt quarter of hoc! Inn 'i).

am? the ten lliw eHt itniuter of Hi'iiiiin hii ty-t Iii'im' (Xii. nil tn'nsliii lilrty-t sontii rattv twenty iiml. I.alietle Cininly. Knn-siih. lesii si In ii in na ill HimlhweHt lllKUter of Mi I jet sei'linn twenty-elKht (2M.

til H.ltiHfy (il'Mt, Hit' CIIHIH llf IlliK Hi-llon lilnl ni'i't lliliti rirSIM: seenml. the uu Sporting Proclivities the Dominating Feature of His Career. John Warne Gates, who died recently In Paris, worked and played himself to death at the early age of lifty-six, but into those years he crowded more of achievement and joy of living than most of the men of millions garner with uuother twenty years of activity. A farmer's son, born poor, brought up to work, he was married and prosperous at nineteen, a millionaire several times over at forty, supposed to be nearly "down and out" by Wall street at fifty-two and at his death was piling up Influence; and millions at a rate astonishing even to New York. The combative traits which later brought to him world fame as a plunger and gambler outcropped in his school days, when he bet marbles and jaekknives, backing his opinions against those of his schoolmates.

"VVhat'll you I tot?" was the final argument of his rollicking boyhood. To his dying days the wager was tonic to ms wuoie system, nan street, the turf, at Canlield's or Monte Carlo John W. 'Gates was a "thoroughbred." lu He was "game, and lie was "square. For these qualities and many others his enemies admired him, his friends loved him. Ry day he gambled in stocks and grain and cotton and by night with poker chips and at faro and bridge whist.

Ills expensive, apartments at the Waldorf became famous for their games, in which only millionaires could afford to sit. Tho story (probably exaggerated) of a game with table stakes of $1,000,000 caused him ever afterward to be known as "Ret-You-a-Million Gates." With his friends Lambert, John A. Drake and John K. Madden he found diversion at the race tracks at home and abroad, winning and losing thousands in a day's sport. The stewards of the Jockey club frequently had to ask Gates to curb his betting.

It was during the early part of his career that John W. (Jutes occupied ex- tensive quarters in the Waldorf-Astoria. He had his own private en-j trance and elevators for his exclusive use. He entertained In a lavish man-', ner, and some of his receptions were reported to have been rat! boister ous. un one occasion a millionaire guest front the west, whin) executing a fancy dance, put his foot through a $5,000 mirror.

He wanted to pay for it, but Gates insisted upon footing the bill. There was one mutter that Gates kept on his mind for thirty years. That was the pursuit of the murderer of his brother Gilbert Gates. Late in the sixties Gilbert Gates was traveling west In a wagon over the old California trail. He was out in search of health, and he was well equipped for the trip.

He fell in with an itinerant showman, Alexander Jester. Later his headless body was found, and Jester had vanished. John W. Gates kept on the trail of Jester for thirty years. But he wasn't found until a letter came from Jester's sister, who, in a moment of pique, reported that Jester was living with her and that he was Gilbert Gates' murderer.

Jester, who was then eighty years old, was brought to trial. His white hair and the plea that he had lived a good life for thirty years Induced tho Jury to acquit him. Jester lived until 1907. Gates' fortune was recently estimated at about $30,000,000. At one time he is said to have been worth over $50,000,000.

PRAYING CAPS. Chicago Women Adopt Them With Colors to Match the Hair. "Praying caps," a recent departure In women's headgear, are tho outgrowth of the recent hot weather In Chicago. The new millinery is the outgrowth of the custom of women to go about in hot weather without head covering. The women attending services, however, discovered that they were violating the church rule which prohibits a woman from entering without a head covering.

So the women got together and devised the "praying caps. are Buiau, circular cupn oi 1, 1 i.l.,t lw. scarcelv can be seen when perched on 1 top of the heads of dark haired women, Lighter colored ones will be made for the blond women who do not caro to wear conspicuous black headgear. A supply of the caps has been placed Inside the entrance of one of the churches, and any woman who desires to attend the services hat lew may do so in the future without fear of violat Ins church rules. Advice to Vacationers.

Te tanne, Ute Is a blessed thing; It comoth onne ye arme, eke uponne ye nocko A noso Te human eye toa charme. Itte showeth one hath raised ye pryne Toe aojourne far from home By farmo or mountu or lake or woods Or by ye seashore's foame. Itte must be gat with utmost ears (Like coloring a pipe). Or elno ye taska of Rutting Itte Is tyke ton sntarte gripe. i.

If that ye phiz or muscled arme He burnt toe lobster's red Te payn of same will causa ye gent Toe wish yt he were dead. Lykewyce ye tanno will notte appears, For that ye blisters come. Ybrastlng later Inne ye weeke A looking very bumma. Botte tf ye gent showe seemtlle care And gentll means employe Ye perfect tanne will be brought home greats will be hys Joye. Boston Post.

Everybody reads a Parnong Sen, I S. i a. i 1 a I ii) lo I hi fit TheyjpiiHl v. am of for Cn for tiro ant I for of I for 1 mo I )V hi all Ifi) ber I THEATER PKOGKAM Till: DIAMOND GANG Thrilling story ol (he police tlepai Uncut. KssiiiHiy.

Till: STI FF IIFNOFH AltF. MAIUO OF- Itiogiapli comedy tlintiiu. JIMMY'S TICK 'K- Goiimolit coined)'. Nong- -Tin: HAititoit of Lovi: (lie Know land sisters. Some reasons why you should use Crystal Ice la miiiio from distlllmt water only.

It Is absolutely pure. It him no taste, no smell. It will last longer. You will get full weight. You Will get prompt and efficient service.

You will bo treated right lt every wny. Call Six Eight either phone, and yea will receive prompt attention. The Crystal Ice Company I'llONKS 800 N. Real Estate Bdrgains In City and Farm Property. Uln-ncre farm, soiih, if lT.rdl per ed; 40 acres in meadow, balance tillable.

ti Iract, 'i in ilea from Par-acre: line linpi'ov-ptiHlure, or in ctiliivullon, all room house, cam, Homo fruit $2100 buys It. In city limits. A snap for gardener oi truck raiser."i(l lol, fi room house, well located; price, $1 700; a real Htiap. (i round is well worth the money.

A in ant lots on West Side at low prices, rrom $150 to $(ino. Ail desirable building; places. i look after rental collection, write Insurance in the hcttt companies and have desirable proper-lies for rent. R. E.

BAKER Phone 1-1 HI Hell Main in A new 5-room limine, Rood chitcrn, IhiIoiiiI1iI neighborhood. Hitilaleti j2or. H. 2 Slh street, or Park avenue. I Price, fl.tiuo; $ti00 cash, balance on time.

Two nice cottages, nearly new, on 2(ith Htreet; 5 rooms. Your choice, $1000. $100 down; balance, per month. One new G-room cottage on Wesl Washington avenue, gas and city water, new hen house, plenty fruit. $100 cash, balance on time 1(1 loin in Orchard Park; purchase price, paid.

Can he paid out at $10 per month, no Interest. Will bl; $no for t-iiulty. Four room houae, oiuull barn, ehlekcn houne, city water and gas, Half cash. Situated on West (Jul; A new fi-rooin hiiiiae, all Btrictly modern; lot This Is an elegant home on Kant Corning; or cash, balanco on (line. One fl-room, two story bonne on Kast Hroadwny.

$1,000 cash, balanco on time. One new 6-room, two story house on West Corning, lino barn, cement walks, on euey termg If sold quick. fifty choice lots on West Kids from to easy terms. Fifty choice farniB for salo, rang ing in price from to $Ml per acre. All theso farnia are well 1 in-proved.

Wo write the bent Insurance, Two notary your wants. public to look after Patronize our Information bureau. T. G. REED IMTTH I'HONIvH JU8.

77. 1821 BROADWAY Late Senator Frye Belonged to a Famous SUCCESSOR DEMOCRAT. For First Tims In History Mainu Will Have Two Democratic Senators. Three Vacancies Now In Upper House of Congress. The death of Senator William Frye means fur the Urst tiiui; in Its history Maine will -lie represented by two Democrats Id the upper bouse of congress, us Oovernor I'laistt'tl, v.

Lid hus the tt iilit iitr power to till the vacancy, Is a- Democrat. Sir. Frye was in congress from the time of his first elertlou to the house until the close of his life. The service had covered a period of forty years, giving hint the loudest continuous congressional record, with the two exceptions of Justin S. Morrill of Vermont Bud William 15.

Allison of Iowa. For tifteeu years Mr. Frye had been president pro tempore of the senate, and by virtue of the fact that lie held this office when the late Vice President Hobart died he assumed till the functions of vice president of the United States during the latter half of President McKinley's administration. Going to congress before the close of the reconstruction period following the civil war and being a pronounced partisan, Mr. Frye immediately became an active participant In the discussions of that thrilling period.

He Boon took front rank as a speaker and by the time he had served ten years had risen to a position of such eminence that but for his election to tho seriate he doubtless would have been selected as speaker of the house. Senator Frye was one of the last two of that remarkable coterie of Maine, statesmen which began with Hannibal Hamlin, ended with himself and Senator Hale, who retired at the close of the last session of congress, and included James O. Plnine, William Pitt Fessenden, Thomas 15. Reed and Nelson Dingley. Roth he and Halo began service In the senate in 18S1 and served the nation side by side for thirty years, a much longer time than any other two men ever sat together In the senate, whether from the same state or not.

The death of Senator Frye makes the third vacancy in the senate. The first was caused by the death of Senator Ilughcs of That continues because the legislature failed to elect his successor at its last session. The second was caused by the failure of Hoke Smith to surrender the governorship of Georgia before tho expiration of the session of the legislature that elected him to succeed the late Senator Clay. With Senator Frye there were fifty Republicans In tho senate. The Democrats had forty, besides the Georgia and Colorado seats, one of which will certainly be filled by a Democrat at the next session.

HAIL THE POTATO BUG. Lowly Insect Found to Ba Veritable Wonder of Transformation. Hats off to the potato bug! Salute the lowly Leptlnotarsa decemllneata, for it Is exceedingly great among chrysomelld beetles. The University of Chicago has recognized our old friend of the garden as a contributor to the theory of evolution and a cheerful martyr to the cause of modern scientific research. Professor Tower, one of America's leading authorities in biological knowledge, has created new and startling kinds of potato bugs in nil the popular shades, including the modish pencil and pin stripes.

These results were obtained by subjecting the germ plasm of Leptlnotarsa decemllneata to chemical stimuli by crossing types under natural conditions mid in a changed environment. In most cases the crossing produced permanent new forms, in some of which profound changes of the physiological mechanism appeared. MIRRORS TROLLEY CARS. Purpose Is to Prevent Accidents to Passengers In Alighting. The Southern Pacific is making arrangements to place handsome mirrors In the rear of all Us Los Angeles electric cars.

The innovation, according to officials of the company, Is expected to please women patrons, but is designed to serve more important purposes, that of inducing women to alight facing the front and also to enable passengers to see before alighting whether auto-Mobiles or other vehicles are approaching from tho rear. It is believed that many accidents and consequently many costly lawsuits will be avoided by the installation of the mirrors. There Is some apprehension among conductors that passengers ef a vain disposition may linger too long before the glasses and block the aisles and steps. Winnipeg Buys Trollsy Lines. The city of Winnipeg has decided to buy for $15,000,000 the entire property of the Winnipeg Klectrlc Hallway com-'pony, which includes a railway (with fourteen years of franchise remaining), power plant and gas and electric light works.

1 Everybody r' me Parsons San. Tin: CITY OF Scenic. KI.OI!i:Ci:, ITALY I 'imik, Tin: IVSIICAM'K Comedy. drama. I III Klv I beautiful 'I'llii SWITCHMAN'S TOW Fit A Mining di aunt of railroad life.

Spotlight. Allan Walker. 'IIWGF. OF PliOCItAM TOMOKCOW 5C-TBE IM-5( Poor Tired Aching Smarting Itching Ptiriiiiig Heavy I'liinf til '-jei can be relieved by my exclusive system of d'catioctit. Cross cyew straightened.

IiIiikmcn properly titled. Headaches, iieriousiicss ami many other troubles relieved without the use of drugs. ollico days in Parsons are Monthly mill Tuesday of each week. lA.iniiiiii- lions mntlo tin Sundays by appointment. I'm (he only man registered in Kansas and Oklahoma, Ihcreforo if jtiii want to piiilccl your eyes or win buck your sight you should con sult me.

DH. W. II. MK NFS Sight, Specialist, iloonm White Huilding. Kcsitlelice Phone I Try the New Mazda Lamp the puiest, whitest light, at less than thft ethers.

See our llfiply wiiiios for useful clettrleiil atpparBlus for the home. PARSONS RAILWAY a iidfiF (wi PHONE 127 1718 MAIN STREET her aiiiiimer dim rhocs in cliildren alwavtt give Clniiiitiprluin'n Colic, ClmliTa mid I i r-llioca Iti'ini-ily timl luster oil, hiul a speedy cure is certain, For Hale by all dealer. A NEW LAXATIVE. A Few Facts of to All. Interest Constipation is a'most a universal ailment, therefore anything that is a benefit is of great interest to all.

Constipation is caused by a weakened condition of the muscles and nerves of the 'arge intestines end the colon. For years scientists and the medical profession have been endeavoring to find something which would act as a tonic and stimulant to these intes- 1,1 mica, vviiiuii wuuiu its action. be permanent in This has at last been accomplished in the discovery of a tasteless, odorless chemical, which absolutely does the work. Ponayo Laxative Wafers are pleasant, palatable, potent, do not weaken or gripe, besides giving perm- lancnt results which will, if taken for a reasonable length of time, restore the natural healthy function of the intestines and bowels. Try Ponayo Laxative Wafers at our risk, money back if not pleased.

Price 15 cents per box, containing 25 tablets. For sale only ot the Ponayo 7. C. HOLMES a son Stow "Mfra Quality Counts' Happiest HI Lincoln. A Lincoln, Neb, girl writes, "I lud been ailing for some time with chronic constipation and Htoiiiach trouble.

1 lit gun biking Clmmherlain's Klniiiat ami Liver Tablets re 1 in tliri-e ilai was utile lo bo lift and got iwtier right along. 1 sm tho girl in Lincoln I sm a good uitiii-ciu." or sa'. liy all tkaleij. WLM- VANTKI)-For the U. S.

army, able-bodied, unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 35; -rltlzens ot Culted States, of good character and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write lOngliflh, For information apply at racruitlng station, 101 1-a North Central. Parsons, Kan, WANTKD -Men to learn the best hiiHlncss In the worhl, the barber trade. Can have your own shop or earn big wages. Few weelsK required. Tools given.

Wages while learning. Write, Motor Harbor College, Kaniias City, Mo. WANTKH (ioiitl miiltilo itgcil woui nil to Hltiy with old eoiiph'. tlootl home and wages to right woman Apply care Sun olllce. vv.a.n i r.ii i ti rent or i-room nioilern cottage.

C. H. llalley, 2011 Morgan. Hell phones or W'ANTFI) for dining room and other work. It Ml Hroailway.

Phono 20 (7. WANTKD (llrl lor general housework for thirty days, Wash ington. WAXTF.H ---Two experlenceil tliiilng room girls at once. Hotel Mecca WANTKD --Washings at 1 11? (Tark FOR REMT. FOIt It 10 NT" Nice four room cottage, modern with huge hath room, two clonetH; clone to idiops on nti'eet car line, al2 N.

22l'd ISoth phones or Hell 700. K. M. Cooper. i'OR UK NT Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping, or two nicely furnished sleeping rooms' 1(122 WaMlilnglon, FOU KKNT Pennsylvania House at l2(i Washington.

Inquire of Angell MatthewHon, 210 H. Kigh (cent h. FOH KKNT Modern 'flat of 10 rooms over the Fair, in llrst class condition. Inquire at Haylor Pros. i Jit Kiu.vr Three suites room, modern, rurnlshed for light, house keeping, Inquire Main.

FOH KNT Very deHlrahle rurnlHh-ed room with hoard. Mill llroad- wiiy. Phone 20 17. urn tm iiiriiisiieti room in modern house, l(i()2 Clark. Hell iilione 1 FOH HUNT--Clean s-rooni honsn in good location, 2021 Morgan.

Hell phone III 22, FOIt ItKNT I' lli liiiihetl or iinfur- plslieil rooms, Oils Washington. FOH II KNT Nicely furnished rooms ut 211(1 llelmout avenue. FOH HUNT Largo rooms, with Hist claim hoiird. I sus (iranil. F(it It I0NT Fu rnii'lietl room, modern, 22 IS Ktevens.

FOR SALE. 150x120 corner at Thornton and Kith, $1 1(10. 1.10x120 corner at Partridge and IMh, $HI00. About per lol, half (heir value. 2 bloekii from car line, 7 blocks from court house.

See F. C. Stevens, Hlevens Kklrt Factory, or Hi 12 Main. FOH HALM Five room collage with hath ami sioro house in rear, 12x20 feel; sl.o of lot on north Klreid; part time if de-sired. Also three bfiiutiful vacant lots fiUx2l.ri feet note the ale o( I In -so lots, llotlge Ilryau l.iiiu-her Co.

FOH SALIC -A. Ford car; 1910 modi live plisseiiger; ill In good shape; has been used as a demonstrator; reason for selling aui, aving city. See Loyal Tinder, Main. FOIt HAM: -Old church building, corner Twenty-fourth and Craw ford, to be removed from lot. In-i ii I to Hoard of Trustees, or 2118 Main.

FOH KAI.K (looming house, nine roomii newly furnished and strictly modi rn. Inquire at I 7 I X-'J. Main. FOH HAI.K -A good horse, ruhher tired si rrey, in good condition. Also delivery wagon ami harness.

Call at 318 North ICtli. Hell phone 47fi. FOH SAI.K ('heap, 'l-room house. (las, city water, cistern, barn. 1 430 Stevens avenue.

Inquire at premises. FOH Pony, buggy and har nesa 142C Washington. FOIt SALF, Six atnre counters. Inquire 2212 Main. FOH.SAf.K-- lioimehohl goods, 181S Appleton.

FOR HAI.K flood milk cow. 1418 Chens. First Published In the Parsons Dally Sun, August 28. .1911.) In Hie District Court of Labette County, Kansas, Sitting nt Parsons. Maggie Payne, as guardian of Lillian Woiniok, PlainiilT, vs.

No. 537. Will Womiclt and W. If. Martin, De-fen dan I a.

PI'ItlilCVITOY Oli' SUMMONS. The State of Kansas Oreetlng: To Will Womick, one of. the do-rendanls heroin: You are hereby notified that the plaintiff hati tiled her petition In the above naniea court; that the names of tho parties are aggie Payne, as guardian ot Lillian Womick, PJaln-IIIT. against Will Womick, erroneously (spelled Wamack, and W. It.

Martin, Defendants; that you have been sued and must answer said petition II led by the plaintiff heroin, on or before tho Kiln day of October, A. 1011, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment will ho entered in favor or the plaintiff, decreeing that she la an heir of Fate Womick, erroneously spelled Wamack, deceased, and entitled to partition of her one-half undivided interest lu the following described real estate situated In Labttto County, Kansas, to wit; i Lot Ten (10), Hlock Sixty-Nino ((ill), Pursontt, Kansas. That Fate Womick did on or about the 7th day of April, 1910, die intestate, seized of tho above described reu? estate, leaving as his Sole and only heirs Will Womick, a son, and Li'lUin Womick, daughter of Frunk Womick, deceased, son of Fate Womick, each being entitled to un undivided one-halt Interest in said real estate; and that certain personal property sold by you ho taken Into consideration by the court in the accounting; and that certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by you lo W. II. Martin on tho whole of said real estato be declared to be a Hot) only upon your interest, end thut said mortgago Is due; that the same he brought Into court for payment and cancellation out of the proceeds of sale of said real estate in partition found to be due you after accounting has been heard and declaring that said mortgage is a cloud upon the title of the said Wonilck's Interest in said real estate, and that the same be removed; and that attorney's fee and expenses be apportioned accord ing to their respective Interest, and for such other and further relief as may bo just and proper, for all of which Judgment will bo rendered ac cordingly, i MA (10 113 PAYNE, As guardian of Lillian Womick.

Plaintiff, by (1, K. Cooper and John Madden, her attorneys. fUtest: It. W. Slane, Clerk of District Court.

(First. I'lililitthi In the Parsons Dally Sim, September 22, 1911.) All lyrsons 'Interested will take notice that my petition la on file 111 the of I leu of the Labette county, Kansas, probate court, asking for authority to sell the following de scribed real estate situate in Labette county, Kaunas, belonging to the estate of Klizubeth Wells, deceased, for the purpose of paying the debts of iiaid estate and tho expense of administration, to-wit; Lot three of block thirteen, of' addition to the city of Par-Sons, Kan. Said petition a sot. for hearing at the office of the probate Judge in the city of Oswego In said run city, on Alonday, the 9th day of October, Kill, at which time knd plain you can make known any objections you may have to the granting of sueli order of sale. Haled September, 1911.

OKOItOK CAMP, Kxeeutor. OnA.VUtC CROP IX SPI.ESUID SB APEX Reports from I.oa Angrelra Show Coadla flons Excellent la Tills Year' Product Los Angeles, Calif. Keports from the irld-ruiinid oruiiKB groves In California show that thin season's crop will be uiit'stiaily line. The production ot the brand of oranges has reached sueli state of perfection that the Kast, to which tho fruit la Shipped, Is promised a bin treat. Tests show that the oranges never before poaecsKerl quite such tenderness of pulp mid delicacy of flavor as marks this yt'ar's product.

Lemons, too, are aid tn lio full of snappy juices which show richer qualities thun ever before. The pick the lemon and oranges rtnwtt by the California Fruit Growers KxehHiiKA are shipped lu "Cunklst" rruppeis. Ust due and unpaid tnon ac.tlnst Hnld elemhniis. Ilmny i mni k. ap i-i cw for fn nrlll, the of defetul- W.

N'. I'ei nold.i di-fetid- llllt'4 lletitv S'. im, Ida K. l.i'cw for ishh fifth. Hie jmlnniotil Ceiili'iil f'atidy iiKlilll -'l delen.lant.

I lent W. Mi I.ei-He, the of de-fi'tnkilil S. I'. Company iiriiinHt w.

iniihfll ft- Conip.inv ilefemhud lleii-v W. jllii tin' jiidami'tit ol di'li'lid Hit jilon Ceiiipu ny u.ilm-t d-leiid int lii nrv M- I.i co lot Hie or deli ndani K. Ki-nl-Mi Cnrtiiy Colnp.itiv auui tut de-femkint Ifi-nry W. lor SIV.ii", nilti: Hevei.lh. Ike jmt- iie-nr of de.

fi-mlnnt StaiuliU'il Oil Con. puny tb-f. mla nl Hi-tit W. fi.r I. elirhtb.

the fnilKiiient ot tli-'ii i'i defend llemy W. Mi e. the Indittiieiil. of di li'iiile nt ItOIIIH II II IV IIOI-O'-. lit Henry V.

hi-, ffil.tai. pro li In; ninth, the jinlKmeiit deft-nil. nit Wilnnit deri-mklllt lleprv .11 I tin- id' di-fetnliinl I.Merkli' Wili'V nriiliiHl Henry W. Me I fr rain; and tenth. Un- Jodnnient of ib-fendaiit lioniBi' W.

Mi i.lrny and H'-ri- Tiendivn lie filler'', Arenzvllle Holler li Ik. iiv-nitiKl di1 Henry W. for tl I.enrillK interi-Jt lit I tie rule if Nl i.i-r ci-iit per sim-im from Septem IMh. I'HI. Said urnperty tn be v.ilioal iip- priiin-iii--nt.

ax eomtnatided by the Mid oriler of Male. H. JACKPriS. Kliorlff. SlierfffH nffiee, Ji-itettilier a'Mlt.

I'tll. l. AVKINSOX. Mloinev fin- I'lalnllffK. Hprjins retjuire careful treatment, lir-t and spplv Chamlierlaiii's Lin Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain a J.inmiciit If arill amove (he NoretniMil Slriil IIIIJ.

quickly restore the parts to a healthy condition. Lursulolialldtalt-rs. 1 -1 I..

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