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The Cumberland News from Cumberland, Maryland • Page 1

Cumberland, Maryland
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Weather Considerable and cool with scattered showers. The Cumberland News Charge Filed In Beer Sale To Boys 'See Back Page) VOL. 215 Mcofia mall mattar at CnmlMHlaail, under ttw act of March S. ISTi. CUMBERLAND, MARYLAND, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1958 Aaaoclated Preaa AP United Preaa latemational 14 CENTS Negro Leaders Ask Ike Aid Adams Indicates He intends To Stay On LANDS SAKKI.Y—Max orv- rad abovp flying grandfather, landed safely at Palermo Sicily, yesterday after a nonstop flight from New York in a smgle- engifie plane.

Storms along the route caused concern after radio contact was lost for several hours. (SUtry at Iwrt- tom of page) iAP Photofax) Tactics Hit By Russell, Halts Testimony Alcorn Says No Man Indispensable WASHINGTON (APt Meade Alcorn, Republican national chairman. Monday night praused presi- 'dential assistant Sherman Adams as a man of unsurpa.s.sed ability and unque.stioried integrity but said no man is indispensable. Adams has been under fire in Congress for accepting costly favors from Boston indo.strialist Bernard Goldfine Sen, Barry Goldwater 'R Ariz) renewed his demand that Adam.Sj resign, Adam.s ha.s indicated he; has no intention of de-i CLSjon received glumly by somel Republn an.s, I President Kisenhovier said lasti week he needs Adams Sen. Javit.s (R-NYi proposed creation of a commi.s- sion charged with drafting a federal code of ethics to cover a.s those in which Adams is involved.

Sentiment Goldwaler, who just returned from a meeting of Republican county chairmen in Arizona, saidj it was the unanimous opinion that group Adams ought to re-i Sign are the people who get out the vote for Republican candidates. Goldwater said in an interview. believe that Adams ought to resign Adams go. If he doesn't resign, the President ought to for his resignation Rep Clarence Brown. Republican national committeeman in Ohio, said in a statement many Integration I Stay Denied DKNTLS STAY District Judge Harry J.

Lemley pnie.s in chamber after hearing in court at Little Rock, yesterday. Lemley denied a motion for a slay of his order to delay integration at Central High School for 2 -2 years. He told the National for the Advancement of Colored People it could try to stay the order in the S. Rlh Circuit Court of Appeals at St. Louis Photofax) Hoffa Acquitted Of Wiretapping At Second Trial NAACP Will Appeal U.S.

Judge's Ruling In Little Rock Case LITTLK ROCK, Ark. CAP)-A federal judge Monday refu.sed to stay his own order delaying school integration here for 24 years. He indirectly advised the National Assn. for the AdvaiKemenl of Colored People to try for the stay; in a higher court. Wiley a Negro attofney for the said he would lake the cue.

motion, will Branton quipped. U. S. Djst. Judge Harry J.

Lemley denied Branton's motion Monday morning after hearing six! of ora! argument and recessing court for an hour to write the opinion. WcKitd Nullify Order From a practical standpoint to grant this motion and stay the enforcement of our judgement would to a large extent nullify our Lemley He said it would probably take 'three months to carry the case 'to the Supreme Court in the meantime the situation at Central High School which we have found fo be intolerable. would continue. The 74-year-old jurist said he handled the school board's for an integration delay ias quickly a.s possible in order to reach a decision before Sept, 1, "In the meantime the plaintiffs Cheryl And Lana At Hearing Fourteen-year-old Cheryl Crane poses with her mother, actress Lana Turner, during a recess in yesterday's hearing at a Los Angeles lawyer's office. Cheryl went to the office to tell how she stabbed Johnny Stompanato, her mother's lover.

She gave a depasition for a $7,50.000 lawsuit which was brought by the son of the stain Stompanato. (Story at bottom of page) (AP Photofax) Bomb Explosion Russian Mob Stones NEW YORK apply at least to the Court ofj Appeals of this circuit for a stay believe Adam.s will President James Hoffa was R.uhard B. Russell of the eventually retire from the nation-acquitted Monday night in a Senate Armed Services Committee al scene. tond trial on charges of Monday called off further testi- Brown the Adams affair ping the union's Detroit headquar monv bv military chiefs on the de- ha.s been injurious to the Republi- ter.s. of the enforcement of our judg- he said.

Board Delay The school board had asked that Shatters Beirut Calm, Kills Five W. German Embassy By HAROLD K. MILKS I for police protection two days ago. attack on the Soviet Car Porters and Eisenhower Makes Group No Promises Presidential Action In Integration, Civil Rights Fields Urged WASHINGTON (APt-Four leaders took word to President that a court order delaying school mlegralion in Little Rock, outraged their race. They said they got a sympathetic reception but no The told Ei.senhower that ruling by U.

S. Dist. Judge Harry Leriley. postponing integration 24 years, being construed rightly or wrong- a.s a green light to lawless I ielements in their defiance of federal Specifically, they urged Eisen- to direct the Jujstice Department to file a brief against the decision when it is appealed. The four also laid before Eisenhower other requests for action jin the fields of integration and civil rights.

Neither on the Little Rock ruling, nor on any of the other points, they said, did Eisenhower make any pledges or commitments. Better Understanding But they said that out of their 4.5-minute conference with the President grew a little bit better understanding of position and a bit better understanding of their position on his part. should A. Philip Randolph of New York told reporters, the conference has put a new hope into the hearts of Negroes throughout the country." Randolph, president of the International Brotherhood of Sleep- a vice presi- (AP) A Russian jjj Bonn last Friday which of the AFL-CIO. called this A in a vicious attacked attributed tojthe most important and other refugees intent of the meeting.

ana Beirut Monday, shattering a Slones, sticks and ink bottles Mon-Iron Curtain Randolph said Eisenhower was Local 337. and Bernard relative calm that had revenge for the assault an execution of Imre Nagv and friendly, kindly, coop- jSpindel. professional New York eaucauon revolt-shaken capital sinceilhp Soviet Bonn last others who figured in the Hun-'erative and .1,0 found efforU began The bomb apparently was in-- the window-smashing dem- crushed tended to frighten shoppers and onstration raged, a handful of So- said that since the BEIRUT. Lebanon fense reorganization bill until he ran cause and will undoubtedly! Two other defendants. Owen ne aeiayeo at central in down- Embassy with Hungarians ge! a can give their he an issue coming political Brennan, president of Detroit that racial tension.

views without fear of reprisal. jcampaigns. In taking thi.s action Rus.sell de- Pretiige Damaged nounced what he called hoarH ian-hke tactics hy of The whole affair has damapd cent by a jury that had case McF lroy agamst Adm the- prestige of both the White nine hours. i .1 naay, attorney F. Arieigh A Burke, chief of naval House and Mr.

he added.l The three were accused in a tL shopkeepers who general viet police raced back and forth np. ration for criticizing the ad-; indication that m-conspiracy count of strike ordered more KrAlACT ministration plan before Russell's to stay in the White House the union headquarters in 19o3 so a stav would be bv rebels trying to overthrow viet mounted police broke it up; wir I committee. his declining an invitation to Hoffa could eavesdrop on union of President Camille Chamoun. eek the Republican nomination employes. The penalty under me inieresc ot tne seven lie stale ol federal wa.s a maximum her child in revolt of 1956 which by the Soviets.) clear implication in the is that the governor in is ome Joint Chiefs must conform or be Russel! said in a statement.

As.seriing this "is more in were five years and $10,000 fine if con- I feel I have a job to finish victed. here" he said in a letter to Albert Levitt of Hancock. a former ol eight men and four women got two hours after it began. Foreign correspondents, includ- Branton said that since no Ne- shoppers were shielded by The federal district court attending summer empty bus parked at the curb. oM school at Central the school board among the victims.

Many other ing this one. were roughed up and; an'shoved around as they attempted to take pictures. kcopms with the con. 3. was not faced with any It was the worst terrorist bomb- Sent Hungary BELGRADE (AP) even was though he made no comment whatever on Judge order deferring integration and took no positive stand on the various requests put to him.

Program Requires Study Lester B. Granger, executive secretary of The National Urban League, said the program presented to the President was not something on which he should reach ihis decisions in a brief conference. 1 1 cept nf than with a democracy, Rus.sell declared lands. you. month-long second trial.

The fifst Levitt wired Adams last Tues-'tnal ended late last year in witness testifying under the gsgjpg jf he would accept the hung jury. I sword of reprisal will find it diifi-G(5p nomination for the post Ad-! In two trials, U. S. Atty. Paul' T11 cult to give his held from 1949 to 1953.

Levitt tried to surmount the; There was no immediate that of admirers testimony of his own witnesses ment from McElroy, who told believe in his honesty and Jhat Hoffa and the other defend- said It would have been in- raciai ing since a crowded bus wasiKroll said he has delivered the the Hungarian government had Eisenhower said blasted several week.s ago, possible to a the execution of Hun-iimmediatplv that" wUJ an Another bomb went off shortly foreign i.anister/gg-an ex-Premier Imre Nagy. The other.s newsmen at Quantico, last are ready to nominate him ants got together in Detroit July weekend he regretted op position to parts of the bill and was disappointed by the admiral's testimony. McElroy later said his remarks were nol intended as a rebuke to Burke, Russell, however, reading a prepared statement at a news conference. rejected McElroy's explanation that he had not intencled to reprove Burke. these he added.

doubt whether further and work for his Gomulka Faces Stalinist Attack 9. 1953. for a test of wiretapping apparatus. The offered evidence Blasts Kill 100 In Brazil afterward on another downtown, Zakharov. He said he the Hungarian govern- street, ripping the door from Foreign Minister Andreijment taken on itself the full shop.

One person was injured failed. Kroll said for consequences flving glass. an apology, full com- which might for damages and assur- hupportei-s and opponents of were expected to repealed nounce the bombings. The govern-i caa jment had hoped the arrival of i a i rnwH svvpllpri Minister Istvan Se- S.AO S.ALVADOR. Brazil N.

Secretary General Dag Ham-j fcLT? re- marskjold in the Middle East last The note described the execu- beattle on that dale in killed and 340 injured Mon- mean an easing building with a and un- tion with a union conference. great chain-reaction; tension. rage attack on pre.sent were Roy Wilkins, executive secretary of the National Assn. for the of Colored People, and Radio Belgrade said Yugoslav Rev. Martin Luther King, who Ambassador Jovo Kapicic a Negro boycott of Montgom- the protest note to Hungarian ery, buses.

sitting in were Atty. Gen. Rogers and two presidential aides who handle minority and special problems. While the Negroe.s praised Ei- TL jn two great and stones Then Jugoslavia. u.r praisea ra- I.

crashed ink bo'tllex conflicting claims carefully wasj jbe fireworks were being ciashes" Hungary said Nagy u.sedjRock. his efforts to end segrega 1 I I ft JI mm 1 ft 4 Poland f.AP) Detroit and Seattle for ernment, anti-Soviel revolt year. request for air line schedules be- celebrations of saints tion that would streagth the gov- aced with the twin disasters inj Although Beirut had been rela- dows. Broken glass, stones, slicks Hungary. Bahia State, the government look calm for the past few days.jgnd banners saying with Yugaslavia called that accusa- dyslaw Gomulka is reported un- uuuo.

Spectators in thojrowdod court- te.stimony from the miWarychief.w^ from unUl wtll contribute anythmg to a ereat Com- adlmshed therft mfv understanding of the i.ssues them tirmiy volved by the Congress or the "the Communist partv Die of the country I GomuiKa, me communist party Hoffa first reaction was to pie 01 uie CUUDUJ-. has scheduled a plenary into thp nth floAr nnrnrtAr ae er line was blamed for the originaljBekaa Valley of eastern Lebanon, Moscow last Fridav his refuge in the Yugoslav government, and the enaci- bassy to continue his activities ment of a civil rights law they said these are not enough. So they urged: 1. That Fhsenhower proclaim to AllU Willi v-a. v.

1 serious 1 a occurred else- littered the street and fabricated from Reports from Santo Amaro, 15; where in Lebanon, (Government gnj embassy grounds. miles north, said about 100 were forces were said to have used 155- killed and 300 injured in a single there. A broken electric pow- The damage seemed greater Then Russell said he was can- sion of the party Central Commit- celling Tuesday's scheduled ap- tee early next month. pearances of two chiefs of staff; if there is to be any infighting He told reporters- unless he got clear and un- between Gomulka. who tries to m.

howitzers in clashes that resulting from an as- rebels Saturday and Sunday in the sault on the Danish Embassy in outside the courtroom to telephone Report.s from the area said rebels Kroll said in the front and side beginning to the law wiU be It declared the Hungarian upheld with the total ernment knows that persons command. received asvlum in the Yugoslav House onference Kmba.ssy did not commit any ot; 2. That a White confer- the alleged acts during their stay be called to discuss methods statement from the sec-make a show of independence retary of defense that they could Her shadow, and lif Detroit.j A similar fireworks blowup in'had captured the valley town of rooms the floors were littered with (here. The embassy was surround- 3. That government agencies iF'eira de Santana was reported to speak freely.

Placed On Probation make any Stalinists It likely will come then. Stalinists used party meetings last May and July to launch attacks. Baby HippO Arrives i But there seemed little likeli- 'hood Gomulka i.s in any danger CHICAGO (AP) BeBe turned Mich. (AP) In an being ousted. He is reported to'out a little cannon ball Monday, unusual ruling, U.S.

Dist. the support of between 50 BeBe is a hippopotamus at Brook- Theodore Levin placed on proba-iand 60 of the 801 field Zoo. Her baby, weighed 45 tion without a prison term a wom-jjYiembers. an who had pleaded guilty to robbing a bank. Mrs.

Dorothy A. Foley was sentenced Monday to five years probation and was told that this might be shortened if her probation reports are good. Mrs. Foley, clad in overalls, robbed the Addison branch of the Ommercial Savings Bank of Adrian of $550 last March. She was captured 23 minutes later.

Santa Amaro officials sent out urgent appeals for medical aid, Baalbek. It is along this valley that arms, walls and men are flowing in from Syria to aid the rebels, the gov- bricks, stones and metal, and the by Soviet troops and secret po- splattered with ink. ilice during that period and it Tired But Triumphant Granddad Flies Nonstop From New York To Sicily On Inside Pages Bridge 3 Comics ...........................13 7 Crossword 13 Cryptoquote 13 Deaths 5 Dr. Van Dellen 7 Editorial Page 7 Hollywood ....................13 Markets ...........................13 Racing .............................12 Secrets of Charm 6 Sports 8, 9 Television 10 Tri-State ...........................5 Want Ads 11,12 News 4 PALERMO, Sicily (AP) Max flight- dispatches said. Some deaths were ernment charges, attributed to lack of immediate: left Beirut Satur- medical attention.

Rains were day for Cairo but plans to return hampering first rescue efforts. Elderly Chicago Nun Arrives In Warsaw WARSAW (AP(-A 72-year-old Chicago nun knelt in in a Warsaw convent Monday with her mysterious 10-day disappearance unexplained. Sister Cajeian arrived Monday afternoon and went straight to the At the height of the have been impossible tion, Max Frankel, correspondent Persons in the emba.ssy to bave for the New York Times, was any dlegal contacts, it added m- cha.sed into a side entrance of the by one segment of the Nosser-Tlto Talks Tuesday. He came to Lebanon crowd. CAIRO Na.sser shortly after the U.N.

began send- (Independent reports to will leave for Yugoslavia June 28; ing observers to check on the I.reb-,said camera was for talks with President Tito, an' anese complaints against Syria, a smashed. They Kroll asked official source said Monday, province of the United Arab public. legration problems. 4. That the President appeal to both political parties to support (Continued on Page 2, CoL 5j Question Raised Crane Again Tells Of Stompanato Stabbing WASHINGTON (AP)-The Internal Revenue Service said Mon- U.S.

Embassy to tell of her late day it has attached some unem- Mass. Demo Session To Resume Saturday SAP) The Democratic Ktate Convention, which broke up in a fist-swinging uproar early Sunday, wii! be resumed next Saturday, party leaders announced Monday. The convention will pick up i I 1 4 I-OS ANGET.BIS later Pollack quoted Chervl as where it left the start of in 32 hours, 4B toio. st Crane told again Monday nf the that. S.n.pana,n-.s:,he fourth (nr the hotly con- wound up a storm-plagued, 4.440-‘own prediction of 33 hours by 12 serine of Cze.stochowa mile, nonstop flight from New minutes.

Conrad, a flymg The elapsed time beat lay wdh the head against endorsement for attorney .0 ft it A lawyer said her story differed in dresser and the feet toward the general n. 'an important detail from that of foot of the bed. I The new She carried a gilt of fromi A House Government Opera- rr York in his smgle-engine plane; The veteran amateur pilot, Catholics to Polish or- tions subcommittee headed by urner. Rep. A.

Blatnik Stompanato heirs, Riat tlr said versioH of the slav-ithe slaying was held justifiable vention, IS prac ice. ni lover raised a homicide. Miss Turner They called Monday night, tired but of Winona, and resi-jphans'' She arrived in Warsaw phant. A long radio silence had HgrH of San Francisco, money intact, aroused fears that he had crashed.Ipuffy-eyed with weariness andj on the way was a wonderful, but very stubble bearded. Iwhinh led across Communist tiring said the 55-year old father of 10 children as he a 0 A small crowd that gathered at'Czechoslovakia, Sister Cajetan has airport to welcome Conradjlost 10 days and was not willingipay law.

clambered out of his little him ontc its shoulders and to talk about that. Comanche at Palermo Bocca di off the field. K'slco AlFDorl to fly only loo through a heavy oversea. I also ran Blatnik unconscionable violation call went out from believe he could not have Sen. John E.

Powers Bo.ston) and fallen that Pollack said. Speaker John F. Thompson At a coroner's inquest in which (Ludlow), cochairmen of the con- held off the session at the Spain) and had yards above the into very strong headwinds tween Sardinia and be- as to where in Lana's the stabbing took place near the 2 30 am. Sunday when the cone asic principes stabbing took place, door of her bedroom. Pollack said vention clerk, Charles H.

McGlue, The girl, 14. and her glamorou.s Cheryl's testimony indicates to call the roil, but mother, together with attorneys panato was stabbed in another be heard, and a probation officer, appeared part of the room at Pollack's office to give a depo- The tall, brown-haired girl, who ChUClclil Dag Ends Cairo Talks CAIRO N. Secretary isition in connection with a $750,000 towers six inches over her moth(GAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)iGeneral Dag con-idamage suit brought on behalf of er, was calm and compo.sed when cast, remained lut of radio con a Snark intercontinental guided ferred Monday with Foreign son, John Stompan- she appeared for the tact for eight hours. Then launching was called off i.ster F'awzi.

If was the ato 10. of Hammond, Ind. she broke into tears when she! came at 5:45 p.m. as he signaled Monday for the second time in windup of talks with United Arab suit charges Stompanato was slain approached the actual stabbing in' five days when technical diiticul-l Republic officials on the Lebanese without cause. recital of the events of April ties developed.

The testimony was private. Pollack said. I Conrad completed the marathon the Palermo control tower for 40th and longest clearance. If there a destiny that shapes our ends, then some of the people you see waddling down the street ought to sue destiny. (Cop.vnght General Feature Corp.).

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