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The Chatham Record from Pittsboro, North Carolina • 3

Pittsboro, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SI aft News. 1 fSt IfKli tli)'4 Fi'i Kpci.t Ni V. -t Hu ins I'tiurtli. (Jfhaiham Record Ui KiAOI.L Moon County Fruit. Mam X.

July 8, 1S05. Mu. LmtoB: There has been sev- value as it owns no property ot any kind. Mr. was born and roared in this county, in Ailnighl township, and is now one ot Winston's most prominent citizens.

llMilist rs Friit! T.tkka, Kan, 7 Ir.sniin Asylum i ii it 1 1 Jd'M If I i(. yfpvU: ii niti. if it ti lit 1 fi i Capt. Mosct ittr We are mud, eased to note that ('apt. William ur too.

lb tb. n'j I if U.V Jt! tv i' I tv i Monenre has been appointed Super inleinlent ol (hut portion, or division, the .1.7. st stem d' railroads embracing the Raleigh A All the 1n.tshoro, and Carolina Central mads. Deis well known to many I i men little sum. 1 tiere shii'inen our readers, and was the engineer 1 i i- Ivan on tho Jlsl of Juno, and will who made the preliminary i i i.

eonlinue lor 1 wo weeks more. (or the 1 il tsboro railroad ten jeuis; ago. lie is not only a most mqm '1 h.s irud, said, is upe no, 1U, ami credent radroad of.lcid, but qua ty and flavor to produe a moi-t courloous mul high tone! 111 llj' hat woul you tun.kvl iliTc gem email. plums weighing ere pound, and Personal 1 1 1. ms.

Mrs. John S. one dozen a quart lies out horn gating oraies and this is avert Fowler bus returned lrom a visit to her parents at Piurlingtoii. Duo. A bunch Niagara giape, grew in the above vineyard Miss Moore is visiting friends m.

weighed 1 1 os last tear, ami lieu at al age. v. id be quia lo. tld t- ummer th.r Miss Gv'rl rude bush, ol l.a cig h. is visiting Miss l.o a Hot uo.

'phnssu-ihe rrce'v. a very sp'ey Mr. 11. 11 I hrie, ol Carthage, has hwai paper, as a been on a visit lo his old home here. ium (or the heaviest bum id Niag-Mr.

Thomas F. Hush, cf P.aleigll, ira grapes produced last year Mrklrri, and viemiiv by the Ann-ricai: measure 1 am I mat I his was Perhaps some id n.y Cli.v.iiam Iriends wou'd like to know the prices some id this Irttif brings: lliiiekli ies have sedd lrom cents to lb cents per quart, lucis, cts. to 11 cents per ipiait, em hi fl.oO lo So Ja 1 J- crates in New erk. (jrr.jas bivugbl last sea 10 el to kJ cents pi pou ni there is a snort r. i North this year, in most all kinds ol iruit, it is exjiectod that piajas will biinga laney price.

The limit nr.d real estate busi'cis is on a boom tierc. Land I in the acre in le-s iliac tbal many boars, estate men arc asking fed.titl per acre tint cost st.d miicc them, two years 50 curls nre. The Van Limlley On hard Co, have -fd acres in peaches and will clear 1M more this and winter. 1 on lie: IV, 1 Vi ashington. 1'.

wii'ii my Iriem.i J'. I. F. pe in- en or oi ns Ml clearing pulling to fiitit a grout many aero. l'r.

Von flirtY with li.p (iornir.n Kil Wot ks are putting ttl many acres in kino ti'Uil ii! (U iii'i to me best ties, mode ol tertiiiz i atol euitiva turn. At some future time, Mr. T.ditor, I will give gras troii; Distrr.cliw1 Mtirms. uly P. Terri lie l.put.

sueiceded ly tenllie storms, wore prevalent throughout tin northern portion id the State eslirdity. At tin thermometer wn- grees lust vetiii.g. A heavy in-i storm vi'ilol that seetioti doing tr.ueli ilumage. tiiTHHHg it. July P.

A terrific hailstorm am! waleiMtit occurred east ol hero yesterday, doing 1 rt Vt Vt v. in- i -I b' t. ,1 the fl'i'cv lie. i li.ri- boos i I i itHitc 's i it tv I iiis rem? I). l-y I in I 'o Li r.

i i ft c-v. fiie-. H. edv at be v. cfi'ois v.l v.

i 1 1 01 r. 1 CV 'P It I it I I I 1 V. a- I Sor, j. Tc! Od if: lie I Ce RU.t i.ivlv li i ar over It 'i liio pi ynui Fov Girls and Boys. f- I'm Ti i fs lViju I tsi diii-U'Citili I li-v- Hr.i I i r.

ir tV I i ti cr. 4 T. FD. LUMBER! r.l'MVK!' fu Qi-UNS FLBOSSKfi, K'tv Dt -'X u.ut.t; lli'l (v- old. sbevi nolle: od and 'hmrtttg at iv i j-ei lib' t.

J'ZOO'. -Jrr tH-'i. THE FARMERS ftlUTtM nsi mm mu IHI KSIUV. JI LV 11, ISUi LOCAL RECORDS. And now lito hum of the wheat thresher in hoard throughout tho land.

Mr. J. 1 liunsri wan gra tiled a teacher's 11 rut grade certificate lad Work. Mr. C.

G. Sharpe haw hero appointed jmst master ut Fcoples, in this county. On last Saturday night tlcjutly marshal JI.Fugfi ardothor revenue officers tiiturod and di-st royed a ht ll and fixturis in Hickory Jlotn lain We much regret to bear of the death of Mrs. Katie Li vsey, of Newport News, Virginia, who was the only daughter ot our former towns iun. Mr.

George W. Poe. We tiiko pleasure in culling attention to the school notice ot our esteemed friend, Cnpt. C. F.

Siler, who is loo weil known to need any s.tJue.tion to tho Rec, mil's readers. Rev. O. Slringfield delivered cturu in the llaplist chiireh, at this place, on last Monday night, in tlie interests of tho proposed llaplist Female Inivclsily lobe established 111 iialelgh. A bunt 11 o'i lock to, last Mon day the dwelling of Mr.

Hubert (. Eubanks, near this plaeo, waa accidentally destroyed by tire. Nearly nil the lurniluro was saved. The fire originated from the cook-room. Mr.

William Dowdy. Gall lownsiiip, led (Ol last ihUlsday, aged Ml years. Fp to last winter he enjoyed unti-u ally good health for one of his age, and could do a right good day 's woi li. On last Sunday afternoon Mr. 1.

T. Wolff was married W. N. Struughan J. P.

lo Miss Jennie Morris, daughter Mr. Jms I. Morris, and lu-Xt day tiny started for their future homo in Texas. W. il.

Rdvvurds, dentist, will visit Bynum on Monday and Tuesday, atuf P.ltshnro' on Wcdntsdny, Thursday and Friday, follow ing the third Sunday ot eiudi month, prepared to do all kind of denial Work. Office next door to lit nun, The sixty third annual meeting of tho Pleasant Hill Tcinivranee Society (the oldest ill the Stale) was held oil the 4th (as is li-llal). and was lergi ly aitcndcd. Seiiral intcrchting undresses wns, made, and everybody seemed to enjoy the-occasion. II you have nol gotten a summer bat yet, come and see the burgiiins they are selling in that line at Jj London A Met, s.

straw lints, a lew felt at your own 'iico Hu miner ready made clothing very cheap, it you want suit give them it triol. They have a lot of colored tburlH at greatly reduced rates. Ami now it. is staled, ns the latest discovered blunder ol the lust Legislature, that I ho new revenue law wns ic.t properly latifi.d. Jl this lie trim it.

will bo a terrible cal amity to the Stale because il may milder necessary an extra sioii ol tliu Legislature, which Heaven forbid Housekeepers, do you need PUch things us towels, faille cloths, bed spreads, iai-0 or seritn curtains, or any other household article? If so, you find them at W. L. London Si Hoibs very cheap. They have a few ol those cheap muslin and fawns on hand, you can hay them cl, cap. Nice tans, parasols, belts and other fancy goods very low.

This county is entitled send two Htudunts to tho A. Si M. College, at ((sleigh, tree ol luilion, ami. on the 2nd day ol August, Mr. U.

If Jiincberry, the count) examiner, will old a competitive examination, at this place, tor all young men in Chatham who may wish to obtain the I wo scholarship lo which this county is The fwowlm a mid the best examim-tiou will be uj.poinlcd. Uev. Dr. N. B.

Cobb, of llaleigh, who bus been the pastor of Hie Dap list c.liurcli at this pdaeu lor several years, preaching hero once a mouth, has received call as pastor of the iplist church at Oxford, Mississijt pi, which lie will jirobably accept Monroe Journal: The col.u. pie are very jubilant eve reaching a small mulatto girl end to be but nine year id ago She preached last and will jireacti igain n- Moiiday night Siir ravels itil ln-r moll tie from Wadesbono to South Carolina 1 in xt week. Stic la gives out tin, hymns an mi regular style, for an hour a half. (V.t anf-r: frci i v. Iw wu.

uwr FHi; liittl lt while lio his (t.iIvI were sitting in iho hen-e (L -M-g eU fiii: s'rrii. icilv j'a-sol i iV'UlltJ'T in rt4 il; tl'O oy 1 of the 'V four f(, of 'bo sire tb i Ho npvrr fo; wit nor sight a-' a stHd ro-- Jotmce- Tin ion of Mi P.l sen town-bj'. a nogro ngo, which b. of i-ti O'. Wi e-i wo yrurs old hi" Ii'1 hips bowl: v.r'o ii'iiie; Itiip a- 1 rl.

I I hr lio walks ck bis Vie bi.dy sl'ovo sometimes curving it lie get it. wit'; wiflitess re goes sod doors a ca'-Ty n- nay cor Saofiv.l 1 rn 1'ioo in bitr.v pluso If't'g J-is. Jf you vw t.ij-o ,1, re os i jee'- sod i.ii b-'i ions I'- eu.i jd is. i-'fd iind see 1' pack flm f'r I jn r.e'.-rs smi ri litii'by fv'd1, county has s. re h-forc This fri'il is add to be liie teat is being id on tin N-rli crr While ume are ri 'rvi r-O ping f.

nit. others nr cioa iog urd prrpn hind for j- iilii int vines mod irecs ol the lows of Iron in (be J. an lover a toi'e in 1 a i oi Weldor. Now--: old ibttk. y.

assisted 'nlbo looking eoh-rr 1 Lar.l a I fT-av trieo bore tliip picarlbt-g- a very They toe niccihevR of ti vatic! r.rid loer.eb in I' nir. 1'i-e old tn-te i looking i.ide. fl'. i i J-l tl-s TCId Cbtist. lie sr.v il K.vier.r v.

1 prior v.ii! in the (ivrints ami upet: caiilt (('00 year, ami ii.n! 1- foie that time tin grrutr--! eve v. iii rnerp over Tim sv i-1 1 roetuii lo-cakf-ts r.n-1 hii! VO lei: will fail up on the ei'tli. Tim oM pra pint at- a milking. Tim revenue enllietiot in ll'd disiriet for the fiscal year, ending June df-sh. were no less than Hl.ii.Vl.70S (Ii) For the the li-eal year they wctc HO 28.

000. Never bofoto have they leached ti.e $1,000,000 It is said that lion. Jnsiab Turner, of Hiil.iboio. is at wotk on two books Orange County and it Great Men and Josbih Turner, Personal Bccclleetions of Ilia Times which will soon appear. S-unj'Sion Dsmocral: While New Yctk grown strawbtitks ate now selling on tlie Not I hem mat ts at five eel.ts a quit, Hiaqwum hiui-s bring leu to twelve cent.

Their, is realiy no fie "ou Hiuj'snti's bmkh- berry crop. It will biiugaboul I (iOO of Laid cash into tin count from the North this tear, and I be beauty of it is tint this is nearly nil iic-t profit. Tl-c-re is no expense iu making tho crop. Lightning tdiuck a pool oak iu the yard if. Mr L.

C. King in Newton Grove last Thiirh, lav ami budlv shocked Mr. Ling, and si 11 G. Jionk and W. J.

Ciiuld-x-k who were ia the i.ouso with Mr. King. On the same day a thunder bull struck Mr. W.l Harrell and his cx cu the road in hi New toil Grove and knocked them down. Jlr.

11. iiielt knew nothing I'cr sometime atterward, sod when iie come to he foue hiu.cC.f pawing the 1 MlUtl- CoKL'U IE Al.ENE, 1 l.V 110, July (hijitain Faul the sw timer, lost his lite near here yesterday, in an iilte'iipl to ride down a 1 hundred tool chute into Lake Coe Hide Alone in bis barrel. The bail'd left lliceliiitc, and struck the ground. II is spinal column wus broken. 7Irs iBi volanJ Int tu to an i i 1 1 1 tlurn other daughter Sunday, Hid Yon Krcr Try Lk-etiio Bilims ae a remedy for your trouble? If uoi.

get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine ba bo foui.d be I'r-ciiliat ad spied to the leinf nu.l erne of 11 Fctn ile Cou.pluiut, xerting a wni, 1 dm fill direct influence in giving! strength and lone to ti.e ctgir.s. If you have Loss of App.titc. 1-ation. Hi-adarhc, buiolmg Spells.

I Fiocples-. 1 liable, i or houl led with 1 firry Hpells, Klm-trie Dili, is is tho modi cine you need llealil, and Strength are Ruaisi, teed by its use. Largo hot ties only fitly cents at G. IL lilk ington a Drug Stole. 1,1 I jt( I I I I 1 i i until lio l.cpoors hoarse n-d the women take They all rin-: and ju ny.

A coiTi-spondetd of windows, and wrecking several IMww.i lowt-. houses. In places the hail k--; country, hoists of curiositv in tbc rhapr of sterr tiiut was as largo a a hen egg and tit i 1 i gt-. es milk, 1m at F.ikin last vvri-f; milked him before! seven! people who will testily lo the fat. He g'ves about a bait damage lo ero'.

washing a- wav bridges, breaking hundred of jured live stock. St. Lorts, Mo nly 8 A rpeci from liichinond, Jio, says that a cloudburst struck tiio town ot EVERY CITIZEN I rn TO ti. tt ctr-1' 5 tf uz-. IT only paper isslliis grea i emrAy.

person lo Keep in formed about Ev OSJg I eountvs af- tnvK by reading county paper. The RECORD lias ahvavs done i(s hesi lo promote the prosperity of ail lte people, and to advance especially the interests of Chatham. The RECORD was established proprietor, its successful career has Snen plicnomi-nal In orth Carolina jowr-iialism. In the future, as iss Hie past, th RECORD cmiisnnc to in hiish iaJ- news iiml be Ssumiiv news-uliich its readers shall not be ashiuncdta sisp mm in mV TilH'-k KivHS WEIL At Once. OF KOFiTK GABCLIHA.

Tni-i a Lisinauea for the cm of firm property (only) loss bv ttte. wind, or I 1 A CbarU-r was obl'inrd through be by wiiieli each -i: i call be rg isie.t ititf dis- is visiting at Capt. W. L. London s.

Misses Lily and Martini Cowan, ol llaleigh, are visiting their grandfather, Mr L. J. llaiighlun, Msss Minnie of Washington, is hero on a visit to hit- sister, Mr-. 11. None Jr Mrs Delia Lu -1, and daughter, Miss Annie, have gone to Charlotte on r.

visit to relatives. Mrs. Ptirah James, Wilmington, is here on a visit to Mrs. Fan ny T. Taylor Misa Mattie Fxline has gone to Washington on a visit to her lather, Capt.

F.xiinc, Mr. I. 11. F.uhar.ks has gene to Texas with Mr J. I Morris and turn liy, and will seek hi fortune in that great P-tato.

tleoigio Palmer, of Winston, wiii return home today alter a ot two or three weeks to her ssler, Mrs. C. C. Hatch. Mr.

W. IL Hag ley. of llahig! visiting the editor of the (luring the session ol Congress, winter, he was me Washington our respondent ol the ir- ox rc. il, tele-ting letters Were so iiiiicl, enjoyed by the readers that paj-er. A Siu.f.wi, Sw iniu.ku.

At the lu-t term of the Federal court, held ut lialeigh in May, a large numher of persons from tins county were i-iticted lor violations of the reVi'iiUi' laws. A man named Welch, trom Wake county, made the a pice of some of our Chatham do loiidants and swindled several by a shrewd trick. Jle protended to them that lie was tiio agent id a ivj'iilahlc lawyer who would secure their at, quiitul for a Ice of (nly f'J 5n. Accordingly several paid ilel, libs sum, and next day ne tame hack to them and told them that the lawyer Uot hav'e Pd 5h more ti'oin each one, and with that sum their quittul was Mire. Some ot them paid the additional (f'd 5o and tl.ut was the last they saw of Welch, who pocketed their money and loll for home, fie was ufu-rwards arrested and is to bo tried this wcikal Wakesu permr court tor obtaining money under false ireteiieis, and on last Mon day deputy sherilF M.

JL Farrell curried lo lhtlcigh from our county til a prisoner, named Lonny Won, ti.e, who bad been convicted ut tins bederal court of moun.slni.itig" and been to our county jail for six months, (le hud been one of Welch's victims, hiving jmid him 5. and was cat ied lo lh.l. igh lo be used as a wit to against him. Co Jl mission MfctriNo. As requited by law the county commissioners held a meeting on last Mnu day lor the purpose ol revising the tax lists I hearing the complaints of any tax payers who might object to the Valuation of their Only lew persons made eumj.lainl and still lower changes were made.

The valuation of properly generally throiighout the county is somewhat lower than heretofore. The hills or accounts of the tux assessor lor their services were, presented and allowed as follows: D. M. Foe, W. ti.

Lasaler and S. ti Wilson, each, Jl. F. White and N. F.

Smith, each, $11: T. Bray Stuart $14. (). S. Johnson $17, i.

W. Tally $7(1 CO, K. B. llamlel $15, W. B.

Atwater II. M. vo $IS, B. W. Brown $15 00, N.

J.I.-lv lityait H17, J. liiloy SIS, O. A. ILimier and W. F.

Dorset each, $12. J. D. Mam, (J S. ilollfinau and L.

F. Williams, each, 11. W. Atwater SIS, Jl. K.

Fi-rt ami S. K. l-ilmore, each, Clark i $14, J. (i, (lark $lt)hed burn aad IV. F.

Vestal, each. $17, VV. 2, W. It. Fatt John It will (bus be seen that il cost nearly li(HI to list and asses the property of this county, and, hile tho assessors were not paid any more than they deserved, yet il is quite a heavy expense, and ilisior tunute that it happens only ouce every Inur jears.

All the prisoners, three whites and two in Henderson cunty jail made their escape on I day night by breaking the Of, taut Sun- the leaks ot their cages. A man named Jl. G. Holland, in Johnston comity, wns shot lrom ambush last week by moonshinei beeause they thought lie wa hunt- big lor their still. i I i Vi ifOs vv.

i tif -Jl, nit. 1 1 iij iit.f iu I Ut ,1 It .1 it i MV I-1 iS Il iiDT r. jj I a hd it. h-si'- U-5 1 ft .4 llr-H DllH llbHVC 4S. sill -u ill-! Ne II PWltM tflllftllV flit 1 1 til Ulitilil Uilitii Ck'WpriM-ji ts: i'o he Ijhw tin! M.

aiul fnr aro' I in ui lcH' iicf 4 1 dirtil Prcauleat VIKoTOU, tuvi 111,. I N. for ir.cdho.ik i ll -'l I ver-i! Ivt.i, I O. I i Lynn Creek, the real ol Camden, Sunday evening, and the entire town is under water. The ciFzetts were compelled to leave their homes and dash for the liills.

The town is located in a va' ley. hall a mile lrom Osugo and the water from that siren in is backed into the town, while Lynn creek and several smaller streams are pouring in Uoii tin- deserted village. It is thought that no bves have In-en lost, but this is by no ini-uii eerliiiii. Fatal Fire works. Sali.e li t.

July Ii. The success fttl celcbiutioii yesterday bud a sad ending last tiigl.t, and oue mutt lies dead and two oilier jiccd us tiio result of an accident doling the tirevviii ks' display. A b.uub rocket was sent up, after going a sboi distance full and exploded, setting file to a quantity of lirewoihs which exploded with ttllifie force. There were ti.d(it) people within a block of tiio place ut the time, and a Icnililo panic followed. A liors ran away, and the crowd stampede crushing women and chii.lrcu under fool. huii ln-d persona wctc more or leas seriously injured. A Dost nu ive Flu, el. HimiNotiFi.D. Julytl Ttiivty liiu, wuslxd uw.iv mi ten pecqile kiiled by a flood at Winona, iMo.ontlm Current bi.meli ol tin Kmlroad. heto a.o many uts the branch.

Winona has 7tK) il, habitants, and the count sent lor Shannon cun ty. Lvans lelegrapned here tor help. Nor 111 (artitiiia Telephone O. Uu.f.MH. July 6.

The North Carolina State Telephone Company has II. cf been otganized, with Dot hum, president, llirre thousand miles of wire ha been oiderej. and Wilmington, Winston, Raleigh, Goldsboro, Durham. Greetisboto and (Jlnu loltc will bo! e.l. It i intended eventually to include nil the principal towns tu North Carolina iu this loug distance evstem.

A Steamer Slink. Memphis. Tcod, July fi. steamer Lady Leo, which tell Mem, phis at 5 F. JL, struck reel oft' I land No.

CO at SF.Jf and sank wiili "a score of pas- ien-'er are supposed to have been Seven dead have been recovered. Two ot the missing were memls-is of the crew; olhcia were passenger. i su. I.rat eh i-sm irdtiv-d witl.iii nji.V Drrneb. ly liable for ate l-y vita -ssr-psmt nt i ad the nieuibcrs of tiny icli.

pen siO lied, for eids on wort It of property in ti-cd and i good for ju-tiod if vr-iis without r.d.Ttii'.nai coal. I'Vrort I V. of i-i Iiih beet: for tvunly cara ia the cm Sr.ti at a rest, of ouly HI. o'! to H2.0!) on the $1,000 Local Agttls are wanted iu the Joiinty of Chatham. For further information, ad Din W.

tm.i es tn vour own Fir -VNT X. tc. 13 ss COOPER BROTIlIiS. tv, (Kutwstw'tin I. W.

Puriittnt), Raleigh, N. of 4 b'kiviisi mm i ,11 PiT i TTT1T rj nvn fin idilDLi Anu uuAKiiii s( i .11 o1 JvlllO (IiMtrl.s i on i kind tf ltd msiism ad i tho us. Il -1 Ilia you s.i'7 tins when wriliug iH'T "tVU! tO X. O. March 7, 1895.

jlo will, however, preach here tie bail and J. 1,. Bright, each. $10, N. the tarsi Hunday r.

August ether A. he aeeepts or not. 11, many triends lM. gis j. here will greatly regret In part with Ferty und J.

Jl. Griffin, each, $18 and J. F. Maim him. ILmliidad Slit.

Mr. George Y. Ilmshaw, ot Winston, lias brought anil in Forsyth superior court against iho Huicigh Si Augusta Air-Line IL IL Company lor 30,000 as damages lor injuries, which he alleges were received in alighting lrom the Pillsboro train at Moncure, on the of February, 1893. hud been court and had started hack to and ho alleges that, on account ol a detective ste on (tie coach on the Fit tsboro train, ho injured himself, as he was getting out, so seri ouslyfhuthe has suifered greatly ever since and has had to undergo It serious surgical operation. As the Fitts-born road isopernted by an I practically.

belongs to the Si A. Air-Linethe latter company is sued, here at our February The Inrge feed barn cf Alvis Fletu-II I tniug, iu Yadkin cuunty, was struck by lightning and totally destroyed. His large wheat crop, which was stored in the bam. was also lost. and indeed a jndgn, ent against tho riltaboro JL IL Co.

would hoof no) MT mXI ti. It 'U-TVF iMn .3 tv1 yntwa, Mum tu svrlfti'e rtitHren to tniiKe ir.np7. 1 bt-mm.

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