The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida • 13
- Publication:
- The Miami Heraldi
- Location:
- Miami, Florida
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 13
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
AuMay Juna 3 19ft THE MIAMI HCflAlP 9-PR jA i I L' 4h SsowaM Radio J4 aSi) ''Aw4 1 Taco-Lifting iiorio nOI) 'Her tv It- I i 11 on Stint 1- being I I ih i 1( if in Me itid out Broadway In Broward elcome Home HOLLYWOOD When Hnitx Dennett Ilnten I etui im fioin eu Yni 'hee he went to Mtu It i le-enne ei llfit ites iu mu find hi-i olfite lins Itef'ti 1 1- Minted poitmiis nf Die wiIK I "me (lamiged a Iiik In the imling under the (iinund Ob-CHer Loijm oh I tnuei Program Schedule U3I Hr BOB FflKI HeralS Staff Writer DRIVE-IN THEATRE i Spatfc Florida TV Programs "In Tun iin Florida Magazine 1 A Vi VAtt Broward 27th Ave JA 2-1193 SI MON Jl Nt 3 4 THC SWAN in CinemaSfRp and ffllor it rrif Grict Kelly 7 45 and 14 AMo 'WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE in color 4 52 enly THFS Htft Jl NF 5 ft HOT HOOD in CmamnScopfl and colijr tvfin Cornel Wild and Jan ftttsjfi) at 7 32 and 10 52 AIo THE Ff 1TY GidtL in Terhmcolor itarrm Robert Cummings at 9 25 only THI RS iRI Jl NF 7ft 'STRANGER AT MY DOOR itarrm Mac Dong Carey and Patricia Medina at 7 52 and 10 33 Also 'JAGUAR' with Sabu at 9 27 only ft AT -F 9 "THE PLUNDERERS in Tffhmcolor star ring Rod Cameron at 7 52 and 10 52 CITY OF SHADOWS' With Victor Mclaglen at 9 42 only June 3 marks the opening at the Reef of the Iran Mathews duo Jean is featured on vocals and chums and Bill Mitte plays piano and accordion 1 he big Anclipws ave inn stays open all summer Civic Women's Club is con-aideiing co sponsoi ship of Dolly musical cnniedv SPienade" next Sun JIM 1 Moil JIM 4 Weil Jt NR 4 T11 os Jt'NR ft 'Id 1 '5fr ltwca Dion and fort lavdardala MaiDasald Patricia Slip Caray Medina Homeiar AT MT DOOR" Showm al 7 30 It 13 Clifton Dorothy Jean Wahh Mayuira Peleo COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN" Shawm al 9 30 HESOUKk First Stage HOLLYWOOD Installation of a watering svstem at Lincoln paik complete the fust stage of a beautification JiLHERTREld NOPfH ANDPFVVS AVfNUE 4 44 AP Nwi 4 50 Pro seren 7 0 Negrd Church ft 00 Comte Corn ft 30 Am mb Ooft 4 00 Oojpcl Tram 4 30 Sweet Mule 10 00 Bun 0 Air 10 15 On Opn Tima 10 30 Ava Maria Hr 11 00 Put Chrtit 12 00 AP New 05 Aw Muslft 1 00 ftw Muie 1 05 Fkn at 4 30 Aw Mnalc 5 00 Inapir Alia 5 30 Aw MuMp 4 00 Hr St Pr 4 15 AP Naw 4 Aw Music 4 30 Aal bly find 7 00 Byrnph Vanat ft 00 Aw 4 00 Muale 10 00 Aw Music 11 00 AcertboarH 11 05 Aw Miiaie 12 00 Bin Off AP Newa Prog Bare Morn Medit Musical Cl AP a ftpta Musical Cl rk Tic Tun Too Sweet Music Sweet MualC Sweet Muale Coffee Rieak Sweet Muale AP Newa 1 oral Newa Bweet Music Sweet Muhic Arx ial Secur Sweet Muale Jiuime Sima Jimmy 8 AP News LoABC New Coke lime Kolb a Knm Sweet Muie Dane py Sweet Music Morley Bh Rob Rich Bh sun Oft 5 45 5 50 7 15 7 7 45 I 00 0 45 4 00 10 00 10 30 11 00 11 30 12 00 12 05 15 12 30 12 30 1 00 5 00 5 30 4 00 4 05 4 15 4 30 4 45 10 00 10 30 11 00 11 30 1 30 AP Newa Prof Sere Morn Meritta Musical Cl ck AP i-Spli Musical Cl ck Tic TuTop Sweet Muale Sweet Muale Coffee Bleak Sweet Musie AP Newa I ocal Newa Sweet Mute ChiM a Play AP Newa Child a Play Jimmy Sim Jimmy Sima AP Newa Lon ABC New Tropic Oard Koib Kom Sweet Muale Pm Sere Pro Sere Wtiiern up Dane Sweet Muaic MorlM Bh Rich Shew Sun OfX 5 45 5 50 7 15 7 30 7 45 ft OO 0 45 4 00 10 00 11 00 11 30 12 00 12 05 12 15 3 30 4 00 4 05 500 5 30 4 00 4 05 4 15 4 30 4 45 7 00 8 00 4 OO 10 00 10 30 00 30 1 30 5 45 AF Haws 5 50 Prop Sere 7 15 Morn Medit 7 30 Musical Cl 7 45 AP a Sota ft 00 Musical Cl ft 45 Tick Tu At To 4 00 fiweet Muale 10 00 Sweet Music 10 45 Fla Hiwaf PI 11 OO Coffee Break 11 30 Bweet Muale 12 00 AP New 12 05 Local Nawa 12 15 Sweet Musi! 12 30 Social Aecur 1 00 Sweet Muaic 2 00 Sir Child a PI 5 00 Jimmy Sima 5 30 Jimm? Sima 4 00 AP New 4 05 Local 4s ni 4 15 Tropic fiard 4 30 Kolb 1 Rom 4 45 Sweet Muaia 7 OO Prng Sere A 00 Prof Sere 4 00 Western uo 10 00 Dane 10 30 Sweat Muaia 11 00 Ftoreboard 11 05 Sweet Muale 12 00 Alto Oil 1 4 0 0 THOHK MILO uninhibited Hound In the night jmt hear crossing the south county line could very well he coming fiom the nonsoundpinof haunt celled Lenny's where the three tried Donalds Biotheis ere whooping It up In their 16th week The effect on audience of all eges is nothing short of mli at iilous Kven If their agitated antics might not he jour dish nu must agree the boja come on stiong Believe It or not the fellow Joe on drums Johnny on piano and Jlmrnv at the electronic ac-coidlon aie all Kastman School mimic giads hut the mimic they purvev at Lcnnv'n is strictly of the hi fl hang hang anet with onlv hi lef exclusions into the ballad for Exhaustion is the nonl for die customer The walls wilt the flmns fluctuate and the lugs rotate as Ihese madmen slide rattle and Room round the room Some of their ntim-hets (the ones we could distinguish) include rather siomp-lug versions of Grant Pretender" Hotel" and a medley of Jolson songs Joe dlsplns a mellow set of pipes on but how he Keeps them In shape with all the other odeling he' railed upon to do la cause for wondpr The hoi will be at Lemn' for awhile jet so Leaf jour ear and senslbllltie to a novelty act that a reviewer I hard put to describe The Tunesmllh spell the bov (and the aurilente) and provide nice dansapation 9 tTi 'i e-ft i fe i long engagement at Lago-Mar Stiangely enougn It took a trip and an engagement in Florida for New Yorker Nsnnl to he dlacoveied for the Kd Kiilllvan show on which he appeared sevetal weeks back Auto man Ted Butler caught Nannl hete and mentioned him to the columnist-emcee hen he returned to the big city N'ot aecmlnglv daunted by summer blues In the New England sea food house width opened its dooi on Rd 81 last week You ran see an occasional cclehilty (local) at the A stand on Brow at blvd Many a tadio and TV pei-sonalltv turns up in slioits and dat glasses here Dee Bojers the chaiming waltiess at Tale the Tigei couldn't he said to have followed her bO'SPS to Flot Ida thev followed her Dee was with the Roneagllone in YVash-Ingtnn and came down to Koit LaudPtdale sevetal jeais ago Her foimer emploveis chopped In on her one day while she was oi king elsewhere and told her tliev weie opening a local spot Dee was overjoved and Is now hack In the fold For all of its excellencies at the Oateveav has a few bonei Do Indian women icallv wander around In bare midriff creations or Is It Jut because Ava Darclner has such a lovely turn-mv! Also It seemed Miss Gardner looked choker when she put on her native gaib turning a much lighter hue when di eased in her Western finerj Bill Travers who plays her chi-chi liov fi lend is curtcnilv pssavlng the role of Robert Bi owning opposde Jennifer Jones In the le make of Bai retts of Wlmpole Ted Hus invites all imisic-loveis todav to his shop in Gateway wheie at 4 pm he-will piesent a recording of Beethoven's 3th Svmphonj in steieopbonic sound STARTS TONITE AT BOTH THEATRES JANE RUSSELL CORNEL WILDE "HOT BLOOD" 11:30 PLUS RICHARD WIDMARK "PRIZE OF GOLD" iv v- 1 alN'-t' wtVvirr T-r? a ft i DOORS OPEN 1215 TODAY IrV 41 NOW SHOWING CIANNA Fiary Latin Singer and Dancer ft Shews Nightly Starting 9 30 Centinuows Musical Entertainment 5 50 2 A LO 4-4381 1:00 3:05 5:15 7:20 9:30 HALF-CASTE BEAUTY AND HER 3 LOVES M-G-M preeenta in COLOR kh I 1 C'dPv Cinemascope AVA GARDNER STEWART GRANOiB fflKIB i ROCKING CHAIR LGGE WV Xr tin Marvel MKEL of summertime attendance wa scoied Thursday night when Sam Harris pieemed his new show and orchestra In Bahla-Mar's big room A capacity crowd turned out to dance to the excellently pointed rhjthm of Ralph Bail and his band and to listen to the Plmaia SItPr Milh the handstand against the huge glass walls I fiamed the outdnor tropic foil age the room look on a tiuly al fresco look The sisters who give out with a pleasant brand of harmnn) presented a vailed a i raj of tunes in their firt show "Wondeiful Mine you" their fust Italian iccordlng and an epe-tiallv fine anangonient of the Still of the Night" tounded out their turn and a complete-Iv new show followed later Rose Iilv and Mattssa Di-mat a aie a handsome addition to Laudei dale's summer night life and hand deceives Kii-eable mention not onlv for his splendid dance beat but for his fine hacking of the girls 3V I ALWAYS PARK IN OUR SPACIOUS LOT NEXT TO THE WARNOR THEATRE -Tt NOwm 17V PRIME RIBS OF BEEF DINNER Served 6-10 olto LOBSTER THERM1D0R Friday Only First Show 9 30 LO 4-4381 A 0 7 i '7 vryrre-i ft THE MOST REVEALING FILM OF ITS KIND EVER MADE Hear ami There '1 OMOItltOW night maiks the (onilusion of Mno Naum's 6 Searchers 5 Is a Western Of Considerable Merit if trf 4 i 9 M-G-M PftESCNTS in CINemaScoPE AND COLOSt IH -j TH 4 fjf jf -1 for COMING WEDNESDAY JOHN WAYNE IN ier urncu i0 WALTER raSECH ftuiS-- ANNE FRANCIS LESLIE NIELSEN R038V THE ROBOT SUNDAY TV SERVICE Call Hollywood 3-2000 TECHNICIAN ON DOR EACH NIGHT 711 8:30 PJI 300 COMMUNITY TV 711 South 21st Ave Cor Jefferson 4 Mile South of Boulevard Hollywood Fla just anolhpr science-fiction affair Mom and Pop will get a jet chsige out of this one In fact It is so hteiate and win-nmglv done that it deserves a longer run than it Is getting The film abounds in sound and color Electronic tonalities and odd spectrum graduations make it a tieat for pve and ear The aitora come off better than you'd think too Walter Pidgeon Anne Francis and Lcs-he Nielsen abate the spotlight with Robby the Robot a veiy cute fellow Planet" is fantastic fun BOB FRH'm 34 SHOWS: 1 27 3 29 5 31 1 imp a -v" A i BAR-B-Q FOR ALL SUNDAY JUNE 10 2 PM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GROUNDS -DAVIE TO THE PEOPLE OF BROWARD COUNTY THE LAST DEADLY SURGE TOWARDS THE WEST ITS IVEfl i i ITS WOMEN i FOLLOWING THK tradition of and new attrae-tion at the Florida Wednesdsy is a big spiawling western in the John Ford John Wayne stile Fine character studies and an intetesting piesentatlon of the way of life In frontier days combined with Technicolored YistaVlsion camera work Sean hers" is a Western of considerable merit Wayne should have forgotten the ill-begotten by now and feel light at home in a western aaddle A less for-midable box-office personage than he would have bitten the dust after the Ghengls Khan epic His weather-worn brow and grainy delivery make him the ideal plainsmen and Wayne' followers will not be disappointed hete Story concerns the search by Wayne and Jeffrey Hnnter (excellent here) for Katalie Wood kidnaped year earlier by Co-manchrs The primitive conn-fry they traverse Is all raptured magnificently by Ike camera man Wayne's character is rather poorly written he being bit ter thronghont the film with thr reason left to the Imagination of the ylewer The John Ford repertory company Is intact and faithful members such as Hairy Carey Jr Waid Bond Olive Carev and eon Pat contribute eupporting role Lana Wood sister of Natalie porttay her sister in the eaily sequences Searcheis" ahould pleae those who like fine adventure with the leallstic touch that Ford brings to his work Aside from some script weaknesses Searcher" rides high on the entertainment hill JUST THE TICKET 1 FOR SUNDAY Good for Fun Performance Act I COCKTAIL TIME 500 to 730 PM All Corlctmls 49 All ghbolls 59 i Eiggest drinks in town for tne money! Act DANCING 130 ts 1 A Fori Lauderdale favorite theatre orchestra the Michal Longo Trio Act in FOUR UNDERWATER SHOWS Mermaid Fantasy Act IV BUFFET DINNER 100 te 10:00 PM All and as much as you can eat just $300 Act FASHION SHOW 7:30 PM Latest in Milady styles Act VI COTTS Intimate wizard It fun be fooled by Colt? SCENE A cool summer evening in Foit Laudrdal's most popular lounge Two Fathoms Down CAST Anyone and everyone seeking a wonderful evening out1 I TUCMNICOLOR" The LIST 10EI STARRING GUY MADISON VICTOR MATURE ANN BANCROFT MY MOST SINCERE APPRECIATION TO EACH AND EVERY-ONE OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AT THE POLLS ON MAY 29th IF I AM FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO BE ELECTED SHERIFF IN NOVEMBER I SHALL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO JUSTIFY THE TRUST AND CONFIDENCE YOU PLACED IN ME THANK YOU ALL YERY MUCH TO THE MANY WORKERS WHO VOLUNTARILY GAVE SO MUCH TIME EFFORT ENERGY AND FINANCIAL ASSIST-ANCE TOWARDS OUR CAMPAIGN MY EVERLASTING GRA-TITUDE NO MAN EVER RECEIVED SO MUCH FROM SO MANY JOE LAWRIE'S GRATITUDE TO ALL WORKERS FOR THE CO-ORDINATION COOPERATION AND COMPLETE HARMONY WITHIN THE RANKS IS BEYOND EXPRESSION IN UNITY WE HAD STRENGTH HOLLYWOOD I "(I A THEY MADE THE OLD OLD STORY COME TRUE! flic birds 4 the A AiMewt atetuef QlaudsL (L JindalL HOTEL nd APARTMENTS At the Ocean Fort Lauderdale Forbidden Planet THE FLORIDA'S cun ent of-fenng "Forbidden Planet" must not be sloughed off as fi Fal Alt.
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