The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida • 1
- Publication:
- The Miami Heraldi
- Location:
- Miami, Florida
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- 1
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IM1nWnW011U0'WMPginWWWWg1 Junior Freshie Secret Papers Bare Patti? cloudy through Thursday' 'High todav 88 to Slight chance for Widely scattered shower mi Ur lb 1U 11 ke 041 ket Reds' War Fears See story on Page 7-D R3 83 83 82 82 81 MIAMI TEMPERATURES TUESDAY I am 81 1 pm 84 I pm 8 am 81 2 pm 84 8 9 M9 Jam 81 3 pm 85 9 pm 10 am 82 4 pm 85 10 ID rrt 11 am 83 5 pm 85 11 pm noon 84 6 pm 84 Mid Thigh Se Low 78 Temperatures in other eitles Page 13-A 42nd Year 48 Pages 5 Cents Wednesday July 16 1952 No 226 Florida's Most Complete Newspaper ''Glowing Like Hot Coals' They Moved At 1000 Miles An Hour Miami Pilots Spot 8 Saucers Flying In Formation officials and to "military support from a high Pan Amerlcan official and Fortenberry 30 "watched the whole maneuver" for 10 or 12 seconds airline pilots reported they saw a saucer hovering near the atom lc energy plant at Richlands Wash The four were Capt John Baldwin of Coral Gables Capt George Robertson and Shenkel of Miami and Steven Summers of of them veteran airmen Santes Ceyanes manager of Pan American's Miami overhaul base and acting operations manager here said the flying saucers Nash and Fortenberry saw "obviously were not a figment of their overhaul Aboard were 10 Pan American employes Capt Koepke was In the passenger compartment as the ship neared Norfolk Va shortly after 8 pm "The visibility was excellent about as good as you could find" Nash said "1 was point ing out the of Newport News to Portenberry since he bad never flown the route be fore northeast heading going at an extremely rapid pace We estimated their speed at far over 1000 miles per hour 'We were flying about 8000 feet and the six things flew under us at about 2000 feet-- Fortenberry was looking directly down on them "When they got below us they made a sharp 1W-degree turn We were amazed Their turn was almost install By JOIRN BONNER Herald Staff Writer Two Miami airlines pilots said Tuesday they saw 1000-mile-an hour flying saucers in formation over Chesapeake Bay They said eight of the "things' 100 feet in diameter and "glow ing like hot coals" passed directly beneath their Pan American Airways DC-4 w'weled sharply and zoomed out of sight First Officer William Nash 35-year-old veteran of 10 years with Pan American said he of them flying toward us in echelon forma tion As they neared us they appeared to be solid bodies of light a little more amber than automobile tail lights are They were brilliant far more intense than the ground lights "They had definite outlines nothing fuzzy about them And they glowed like hot coals "They approached us from the southeast of Newport on a Fortenberry added: "We're not at liberty to divulge whom we made our report to but I can assure you it is being taken care of by competent authorities Flying saucer reports aren't falling on deaf ears" Here is the story Nash told Tuesday: He and Fortenberry a Pan American pilot for 11 months were co-pilots on a DC-4 en route from New York to Miami for We definitely saw them" Nash swore "There is no doubt In Our minds that we saw missides of some kind operating under Intelligent control "We feel because of the way the missiles acted and because of all the other reports that have been heard that they must be from some extra-terrestrial source" he added Nash's report drew implied It wa9 the second report this month of Miami airline pilots having spotted the mysterious saucers On July 6 four non-scheduled Nash said when his plane landed about midnight Monday he and Fortenberry immediately reported the phenomenon to Pan American We were both looking to the southwest when we saw them Turn to Page 13A Col 4 0 McKinney To 'Discourage' rr7IR'''''''''r7 i 1 1 Al i' 1 :1 1 oolorw 4 i' i 1 44160 1 1 4 ri I 1 "A i 'AI's- Li Draft-Truman Moves Any President Gave Order He Asserts Doubts Stevenson Will Be Nominee WILLIAM FORTENBERRY 10000 Colonels Is Goal Kluxer Recruits 'Army' To Uphold Segregation Malt Photoa WILLIAM NASH then th things made a sharp ISO-degree turn Steel Released In Attempt To Halt Paralysis Strike Peace Talks Make No Progress Peace Near? Hopeful Air Pervades UN High Officials See Truce This Summer if- '''''''Qz' 1 1:::: i :41 tf :4 1 I 'V 1 4 ER7) 1:" Peace Near? 1 I VIA i 1 4 0 0 i 0 it 1 6 4 Hopeful Air i A i 1 4 's it: eftraK A E3 '4 "'i --41-- 4 i It Ir 1 iL td i A 14'''' rei vailes 4kI is0 10 is: Iiigh Officials See I 4 lit" i --I lit 1 4: I Truce This Summer rel i rta -t4 4tric: 00 1 tr rVOrce: i 7: -24 '3e l''' AA k4': Iii 0s' tstimmit A rta) ti Staff Photos 0 WILLIAM FORTENBERRY WILLIAM NASH then th things made a sharp ISO-degree turn 1 a 7 10000 Colonels Is Goal Steel Released it- 4 :4 7 g3 sataisti4kr t'-' Iiluxer Recrttits 4Artny' In Attempt To I 0--4-vi-tr Je 1 1 i'' -c'' Halt Paralysis '4 4 To Uphold Seglaegatioli Strike Peace Talks 413 AOrltet 3lake No Progress A'' 4 4- i ia 440 i3-401! si fr'''4 lbw Sy International News Service Chair-'man Frank McKinney declared 1Tuesday he -will discourage any 1 draft-Truman move at the Democratic convention on the basis of presidential instructions given I him just two days ago The party leader told a news conference he is convinced front this and previous statemAts by Truman that "under no would be be Interested in renomination 1 McKinney also said he does not I believe Illinois Gov Adlai Steven! son's name will be placed In nomination at the convention opening Monday Jack Arvey Illinois national committeeman a Stevenson booster said he was "Just sick" at the governor's reluctance to announce his availability said be has promised Stevenson not to push his candidacy without permission and expressed doubt that any state will place Stevenson's name in nomination unless the governor gives a go-ahead signal Walter Johnson co-chairman of the national Stevenson-for-President committee announced that headquarters will be opened days early McKinney gave emphasis to his statement about the President by quoting Mr Truman directly He told newsmem "I left him Sunday morning and he reiterated for I suppose the fifteenth time: 1 By The Ammelated Press UNITED NATIONS There was an air of hopeful expectancy at United Nations headquarters Tuesday For good or bad something seems about to break in the cold war The break may be In the form of a move by Id communism dictated by Moscow Some highly placed persons here express the feeling that a peaoz in nervous it may come to pass perhaps in August If it does it will fit into place a section of the whole jigsaw puzzle of Soviet world policy Delegates from all over the world noted with sharpening interest Tuesday developments in Korea where Communist truce delegates asked and the United Nations immediately granted an additional two day recess in the crucial armistice negotiations The talks have been in recess since Monday at the request of the Corn munists Peiping radio said the United Nations "have intensified their military activity in carrying on and even extending the war while the executive sessions are finding ways and means to break the ominous deadlock in the negotiations" The Reds gave no reason for their request for a recess in the top-level executive meetings However they usually ask such delays to ponder a new proposal and submit it to a higher authority At Tokyo Tuesday the United States Army chief of staff Implied strongly that the Allies are ready to use an atomic weapon if ever necessary to prevent the Reds from driving them out of Korea Gen I Lawton Collins said the United Nations Command is prepared "to use anything except germ warfare" but only if the Communists seriously threat en Allied forces He indicated be does not consider the present battlefront stalemate such a threat Except for strikes by Allied Lighter-bombers on western front positions and near Pyongyang the war was relatively quiet The Turn to Page 8-A Col 7 By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS V-4 There was an air of hopeful ex- pectancy at United Nations head- quarters Tuesday For good or bad something seems about to break in the cold war The break may be in the form of a move by world communism dictated by Moscow Some highly placed persons here express the feeling that a peace in nervous it may will come to pass perhaps in August If it does it will fit into place a section of the whole jig- saw puzzle of Soviet world policy Delegates from all over the world noted with sharpening in- terest Tuesday developments in Korea where Communist truce delegates asked and the United Nations immediately additional two day recess in the crucial armistice negotiations The talks have been in recess since Monday at the request of the Com niunists7 Peiping radio said the United HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE WATCHED as divers searched Tuesday night for the body of Steven McCrimmon 8 who drowned in the Little River ccmaL Here a portion of the onlookers can be seen as they watched the div ers in the black waters of the canal from the NW 103rd st bridge and from both banks The man on the right foreground holds an air line for one of the divers under the bridge Barely visible in the center of the picture is a diver just coming to the surface Staff Photo by Bill Kuenzel By The Associated Pre" WASHINGTON The government freed more steel Tuesday for civilian use in an effort to check the creeping spread of unemployment set off by the nation's longest steel strike The 44-day-old walkout has idled 600000 steelworkers and nearly a million other workers in allied the toll is mounting daily The National Production Authority to conserve steel for the military had clamped an embargo on shipments of steel from warehouses to civilian manufacturers NPA said Tuesday it has surveyed the stocks on hand and set aside the steel that must be used for defense its new order releases remaining supplies tor civilian use By The Associated Pre ss 'WASHINGTON The govern- iriert freed more steel Tuesday for civilian use in an effort to check the creeping spread of unemploy- ment set off by the nation's long- est steel strike 0 Pepper Mentioned-But Not Loudly By United Press TALLAHASSEE Bill Hendrix Florida Ku Klux Klan chieftain started a nationwide drive Tuesday to sign up antiComunist groups into a militant "American Confederate Army" that would "bear arms" to uphold segregation in the South 0 Hendrix an unsuccessful can- didate for governor of Florida Blow In Gulf said he has ordered 10000 colonel's commissions printed for Fades To Puff members of proposed "army" "If necessary this organizalieads Away tion will bear arms to uphold our Constitutional rights" he said adding in the same breath Rain squalls that soaked Miami that if the courts outlaw segrelast Sunday were giving the same kind of treatment to the Louisi- gation of Whites and Negroes In the South "all members will ana and Texas coasts Tuesday and take it as a violation of got fierce enough to cause the our Constitutional rights" Navy to send a hurricane hunter plane Tuesday to investigate a Hendrix who is a Tallahas'suspicious area" in the Gulf of see contractor when he is not Mexico about 250 miles east of engaged- in Klan activities Drownsville TeL said the American ConfederaBut it wasn't a very suspicious ate Army was organized at a area and the hunters found noth- meeting in Orlando last weeking sensational to report end He claimed representatives of 97 organizations in 31 The plane took off from Jack- states attended the meeting sonville and landed at Corpus Christi after going through 40- The Orlando meeting voted mile-anhour winds and blinding to retain the robe hood and rain in portions of the storm mask as the official "uniform" area It will make another check of the Klan army and the fiery' today to see if the winds have cross as its "religious symbol" i increased in intensity Hendrix said He reported the group passed The squalls spread out over a general area extending some 400 Turn to Page 8-A Col 5 Rain squalls that soaked Miami' last Sunday were giving the same kind of treatment to the Louisiana and Texas coasts Tuesday and rot fierce enough to cause the Navy to send a hurricane hunter plane Tuesday to investigate a 'suspicious area" in the Gulf of Mexico about 250 miles east of Drownsville TeL But it wasn't a very suspicious area and the hunters found nothing sensational to report 1 The plane took off from Jacksonville and landed at Corpus Christi after going through 40- mile-an-hour winds and blinding rain in portions of the storm area It will make another check today to see if the winds have increased in intensity The squalls spread out over a general area extending some 400 By United Press TALLAHASSEE Dill Hendrix Florida Ku Klux Klan chieftain started a nationwide drive Tuesday to sign up anti- Comunist groups into a militant "American Confederate Army" that would "bear arms" to uphold segregation in the South 0 Hendrix an unsuccessful can 1 didate for governor of Florida 1111 -1- Ir i 0 1 -1--n -1 rsAn -1 Canal Claims Lad Too Young To Be Camper Sen Smothers For 'Veep' Rumors Fly At Chicago NPA Chief Henry Fowler said this clears the way for small and medium size manufacturers to continue production of washing Turn to Page 8A Col 6 to pin down reports being considered as Quick Quotes! By JOHN MeDERMOTT Herald Political Writer CHICAGO All efforts failed Tuesday 1 that Sen George A Smathers of Florida is a vice presidential possibility Hotel lobby rumors persisted but they all turned out to be the Bead "I heard" kind with no hint of the tipster's Identity Beach Ink -I 11 miles into the north and central Gulf directly south of the Louisiana Mississippi and Alabama coasts and were moving west The prediction here for today is moderate occasionally fresh winds The winds Tuesday got only as high as 18 miles an hour Small craft warnings were lowered between Miami and Key West but were put up along the Gulf coast from Pensacola and Browns 'yule Rejects I' Now I meant what I I have served my time This is a man-killing job You wouldn't want to see I wouldn't want to out of the White-House In a pine box'" President Truman touched off the current candidates scramble on March 29 when he announced at the Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner in Washington that he would not seek or accept renomination McKinney was asked directly whether Mr Truman will take some step to head off any draft movement in his behalf He replied: "In view of what be told me Sunday I feel it my duty unless be instructs me otherwise to discourage such a move and I don't expect to receive those instructions" PRESIDENT TRUMAN: "This is a man-killing job I wouldn't want to be carried out of the White House in a pine box" Publicity Plan By GEORGE SOUTHWORTIT Herald Staff Writer An 8-year-old Miami boy who wanted to go away to summer camp but was "too young" drowned Tuesday night in the Little River canal at NW 103rd at and 17th ave A diver located the body of Steven McCrimmon 2030 NW 100th St two hours after he was reported missing to police His parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Mcerimmon returned home from work Tuesday evening and were told their Negro mald's boy Robert James 11 and Stevens had left the house about 3:30 pm Robert returned to the Me Crimmon home shortly after 5 pm Ile was sent back for Ste Ten but when he returned from the canal he said: "He's not there" i7 Sen Byrd Wins Virginia Vote RICHMOND Va---(1P)--Sen Harry Flood Byrd won renomination for his fourth six-year term in the senate in Virginia's Democratic primary Tuesday The conservative foe of federal spending piled up a commanding lead of more than 50000 votes over Francis Pickens Miller on the basis of returns from More than half of the states 1753 precincts Eva's Condition Still Unchanged BUENOS AIRES An Argentine informant said Tuesday there has been no change in the condition of Eva Peron since Sunday President Juan Peron stayed away from his office to remain at the presidential palace The First Lady is under doctors' orders to take a complete rest SYLVIA PORTER financial analyst: "It's coming: A deepening British economic crisis and another slash in the value of the pound" WINSTON CHURCHILL: "Free speech carries with it the evil of all the foolish venomous things that are said But on the whole we would rather lump them than do away with free speech" He listed 12 announced favorite sons or potential candidates And he reported that Mr Truman will come to Chicago for the convention's final session after the presidential nominee has been chosen There also was one mention of Claude Pepper ex-senator from Florida as a possible vice presidential candidate Reliable political quarters viewed this as "extremely far-fetched" If Smathers were the vice presidential candidate then the question immediately arises as to who would be the Democrats' presidential nominee It couldn't be either Sens Estes Kefauver or Richard Russell nor could ithe Alben Barkley Sen Robert Kerr Averell Harriman Brien vie Mahon or even President Truman That just about cleans out all the top echelon prospects with the exception of Illinois Gov Adlai Stevenson and he has given every indication be will not run However he appears to be the only possibility for a Smathers link-up unless a dark horse gallops to the front when the convention opens next week The Democrats would never name two Southerners to the top Turn to Page S-A Col Miami Beach property owners Tuesday slapped down a proposal for additional expenditures to advertise the city by a decisive 1184 to 509 votes In a special election 1693 of the city's 5871 freeholders went to the polls to register opposition to the question of whether the city council should be authorized to levy an additional mill for publicity purposes This would have provided an extra 8295000 for promotion of the city as a resort center One mill is levied automatically for such purposes under the city charter but to increase it by another mill property owner approval is required Not a single precinct was carried in favor of the additional levy Tuesday The assessment was favored by hotel men merchants and divisions of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce The opposition led by the Miami Beach Taxpayers' Association consisted largely of home owners Raskob Wed TUCSON Ariz--(IP)----Mrs John Raskob widow of the New York financier was married here Tuesday to John Corcoran who for many years was associated in de- I velopment of the Raskob family's velopintim us Line a Uassett Penned 300000 Letters Steven's father' who works for Southern Dairies phoned police Sheriff's Deputies Burtis Wheat Jr and Gus Campbell talked to the Negro boy and learned that Steven had been swimming in the canal Hundreds of persons and scores of automobiles Jammed the area on both sides of the 103rd st bridge to watch three divers Today's Chuckle "She's a decided blonde Isn't she?" "Yeah but she only decided recently" Pioneer Point farm at Centerville1 residential 'Ghost Writer Resigns lid i --Alm Where To Find It East And South It's What's Called A Buss Accident the sheriff's rescue squad and one from Lithgow Funeral Home search for the boy The county fire department f- and police of urrounding Inn nicipalities brought boats a a lighting equipment Curtis Handy a diver from the sheriff's squad found the body at 9:15 pm The grief stricken parents have four other children Thomas Jr 9 Mildred 3 Rebecca 2 and Dolly 4 months The children's grand- mother Mrs McCrimmon 2125 NW 60th St said Thomas Jr was away at summer camp 1N Kotoed 15C MeLemore 14C Merry-Go-R'd 6A Movie Table 5B Peg ler GA Pennekamp 6A Radio-TV 14C Roosevelt 2B Ruark 15C Sports 1-6D Sokol sky GA Vitals 2C 'Weather 13A Wiggam 14C Womens 1-4B Winchell 13C Amuse 567B Bell IC Bourke 613 Burns 1D Classified 6-12C Comics I315C Corson 6D Crane 13C Crossword 14C Deaths 2C Editorial 6A Financial 14-15A Goren 14C Harris 13C Horoscope 15C Horse Sense 13C ze---- ----1 I e4Pitor- 'WO' 4 1 AK i 1' I i 0' 1 1 4 Looking bade over his long association with the NV hite House Hassett recently summed up his impression of the arduous burden of the presidency in these words: "How do you get a man to take the job?" Hassett had tried to resign scores of times but Mr Truman refused him in such affectionate terms that Hassett al-kays withdrew the request Lately how evr he has been in poor health aking note of Hassett's "ilosting" of thousands of presidential letters Mr Truman tossed in a postcript in longhand at the bottom of his letter Tuesday Mr Hassett didn't get this one up The 'old man self did it!" He Is one of the last figures of the early "New Deal" re gime having joined Mr Roose Telt as an assistant White House press secretary in 1935 after a lengthy career as a newspaper reporter President Truman regretfully accepting the resignation wrote Hessen: No one could have done the job better and I shall feel as if I have lost my right arm" Hassett a favorite official to most Washingtonians and a friencl of nearly every newspaperman in town will be 72 on Aug 28 A native of Northfield Vt he began his career on the Burlington (Vt) Free Pr es then put in 12 eventful years Ott the old Washington Herald Washington Associated Press Cincinnati Inquirer and New York Telegram By The Associated Press WASHINGTON William (Bill) Hassett chief "ghost writer" of presidential letters for if years resigned as a White House secretary daivn ahhis long s- career Hassett wrote more -1 than 300000 let I de 4" soiver the signatuhes of the late Franklin 4 0 Roosevelt a il 1 President TruttAsSE IT man Intimates said the soft-speaking secretary had the knack of writ log "no' so engagingly it virtually turned disappointment into happiness Still Swelter CHICAGO--(11)--The eastern seaboard and the South were seared with more beat and humidity Tuesday Many New York City business offices sent their employes home early when the mercury climbed to 89 degrees at 2 pm The three-day heat wave in the East was blamed for 14 drownings in New York state five drownings and two heat deaths in SAN JOSE Cal --(1P)--- A 23- year-old motorist took his girl out for a ride and police said this is what happened when be tried to kiss her: The car skidded 321 feet Jumped a curb plowed over a lawn hurled a retaining wall smashed through a two-foot brick pillar and came to rest against the wall of a brick house No one was injured Jesus Nledrano was cited for reckless driving and driving on the wrong side of the road 'Steven was greatly disap pointed because be didn't get to '''orT go but he was too young" the grandmother said With the search still continuing for the boy she added: "I do hope he gets to go next year" bIEVEN 6440'f'' A THE MIAMI HERALD Ph 34111 Classified Ads 9-3711 Entered as second class matter Nov 30 1910 at the Post office of Mam Fla under the act of Marcn 3 1879 New Kelly Truck Tires 14 Price 750x20 10 Ply 4015 Dependable home moving heavy hauling by Ft Lauderdale Transfer bleCRDDION at 6 ii 4 do.
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