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The Chatham Record from Pittsboro, North Carolina • 2

Pittsboro, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Our Washington Letter. Two Runaway Eugiaee. PHiumriu, Fa-, Aug: 10. Two big passenger RDgines rau away vvith- THE Severe Storm At Sorehead. rrom the Ralelglt Vewe su'Otwerrw, ltet.

Some Raleigh gentlemen who re- Fertilisers. At I lie recent farmers meeting, held at. Mt. Holly in Gorton county, acare- Till USD A y7 A UO UST 25, 1887. fully prrpfti ed'iwidiesa oh the subject I of Fertilizers was delivered by Dr H.

A. LONDON Editor. jjeJ bert uattle, who bos succeeded Dr. Dabney as State Chemist. We A Savings batik ought to bo WYATT GEOOJSRS turned from Morthead yesterday, re- 'iu the yard of the PenPerlvania Kail port a terrible jvmd and nuu etoira road Company last niLi, and two tb me yesterday moiniug.

Some i engineers received probaUy fatal im thought it was equal to the fury of; juries. The locomotivea were total-Biuce the late Republican Amin- grRt storm that demolished the ly destroyed. Docomotire 393, Mor-istration gave place to a Democratic Gj( Atlantic Hotel nt Beaufort some -ris Thomson, engineei, was standing coin reud to tho careful consideiutioo regime probably the most 1MPr ago. The first evidence of the beside the signal-tower on the tracks of our fanner renders the following aiul radical clarK in 8form of yesterday wan noticed at tho above Seventeenth street, awaiting therefrom- policy has been the method gurf bv batheJr8 on Friday even- the signal to back into the Broad- i loorvAAf by the Government in exacting from -jqie waves rolled higher and street station, where he couple to in 1886 I estimate that 90 CKK ons tbe favored corporations known as mQr0 an thaQ lhey bare been the passenger train for Harrisburg of commercial fertilizers wer used Und-grant railroads, the Peeo in forty yc.ira The water roll-1 Hnd the West. As the engineer sat' in our biate at au average value of COtrpliauco with their charters, the iTk A .1,, 1 1 A V- A 11.1 I I a 1 "I tm 1 A I (which is certainly railroads had ed up to the steps of the pavilion ou in his cab with his back to the AND- General Commission Merchants, RALEIGH.

N. C. Oil on them or send them your orders, if you wish square dealing July iwa. etn-, the beach, which is about fifty yards tion, be suddenly heard a heavy roll higher tbau the waves ordinarily come of wheels on the tiack behind him. whejj be enrf roijUcr Rt its best in i Quick as a flash he turned, but it was fair and normal weather.

The floors too lute. The crash had come. A $30.00 per ton, conditiou of which the not high, considering tbe time prices which most of our fanners pay), our fertilizers cost us $2,700,000. Think of it We make not moiwlhan halos of cotti $35 00 per bale ag million dollars, tilizera mot than of our whole co manner ow fertilizers cost us about one-sixth the value of the corn crop, fullv as much as our total wheat crop, and almost twice as much ns tho entire oat crop. It behooves us, then, to examine carefully into this immense expenditure, and to see at what point we can best econouiizo.

To do so we must utilize, as I sid befoic, the fertilizing ingredients near at hand, saving all that may be useful in forming tom-post heaps, such as stable uiannio und litter, cotton seed and asheF, loaves and refuse, in fact everything that is generally thrown aside as worthless. fni it suited roads alone between twenty-tivo aud thirty millions acies of lands weie thrown open to settlement to Hay nothing of its effects upon a num er of other land-grunt rail loads. Before leaving upon his vacation Secretary Whitney took tbemort important step that Iihs beeu taken since tho late war in rebuilding tho mivy by awarding several largo contracts amounting to about five millions dollars, for the construction of three steel cruixers and two gunboats, one of the former, as provided by the act of Congress, will le built at San Francisco, while the assignees of Johu Roach will build the gun jq oclock at night a black and wax thrown off tbo cab and lay inscu looking cloud was noticed to tilde alongside the track. A passing nouthwest and those familiar with train struck him and almost cut bis the meteorology of tho coast predict right arm off at the shoulder. When ed a storm and became apprehensive, ho was picked up his bowels were I he cloud gall ered and rose slowly protruding and his head was flight-ami angrily, and jiti eye witness says fully battered.

The brakeman was that, it was ho black it had a pinkish also thrown off the engine, butescap-iine. Alxut 12 oelortc a furious ed with only slight bruises. gale arose, which struck terror iuto When the shifter crashed info No, the hearts of mafiy of the guests of 393 the latter throttle was thrown established in every town of any importance in the State, and we nr? pleased to note the interest that is beiog manifested in utauj' towns in regard tb such institutions. Diiritig the present year two or tbice savings banks have been established in this State and others at ih cemtetafifda.tiojT. Raleigh has the honor of taking tbo lead in this matter, and wo hope before another ye'Ar many of our towns ill follow her good example.

A-Ravings bank was opouod in Ral-vfigh on the 14th of last Ma, with a board of directors composed cf the best business men of that eity, and thus far its business has been fery satisfactory. Dtqiosits have been made by persons living in differ tfnt portions of the State, so that this btib ifl not mere kcal institution. Interest is paid on all deposits of $5 and upwar ds. It? would greatly promote the pios-perity of our State if a savings bank Could be established in every county. It would not only keep in circulation at home the money of every county, lyut it would teach everybody the importance of accumulating small Rums and inculcate habits of economy.

Many a mickle make a muekle, and, by depositing a few cerils every week in a savings bank, any person can Accumulate in a few years quite a Considerable spin: Tro persons ol Auiall means these savings banks are Cspecialy valuable. Tho amount of deposits in the savings banks Massachusetts is greater than the tbtal valuation of the real and personal property in North" Carolina And these deposits are chiefly the Efuiall savings of psvsons who woik for wages, such as mechanics and Operatives in the factories. It is hr taking core of little things that a than prospers, and this is as tiue of immunities as it is of individuals, for communities are only aggregations Of tho hotel. But few of them had gone to bed, and wbeu the gale ooinmenc-cd most of them got up. The increased in fury and power until nearly 4 oclock.

Bv this time, the gen- wido open and the engine started out on the road at the rate of a mile a minute. Having no one 011 board to control it, the wild engine flew westward through the yard toward Went MAKE YOUR PURCHASES IJ, AND YOU WILL OT ONLY SiYl NET BUT WILL ALWAYS FIND WHAT EVER YOU MEED! AS HE KEEPS EVERY THING, AND NEVER ALLOWS TO RUN DOWN. At this season of the vo ir he is offering SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS in a great miny lines of goods which he does not wish to carry over. Thrso goods must and will be sold! If von love the hai gains it is vonr owq fault, ii 1st come, first sorvt-d. Among the goods which on pricis will he giestjy reduced on JULY 1st are Ladies7 Dress Goods, Ginghams, LAWNS, WHITE GOODS, PARASOLS, FANS, EAGES, RIBBONS, LADISC AUD G3UDO EATS, E'AL'A'ulL'iAIfi London has a few DAVIS and oilier SEWING MACHINES on hand which will be sold very low for cum.

Also, a few WAGONS, BUGGIES aud CARRIAGES, now and second-hand, that he intend- to sell. If you need an thing all at W. Xt. JLOALDOBfS. littsboro, N.

June 30, 1887. tlemens bath house had broil blown Philadelphia. When No. 393 reached entirely away, not a vestige of it be- the Philadelphia, Wilmington Baling left. The greater portion of tbe-timore railroad crossing, a mile dis- taut, near Thirteenth street, on the elevated track it collided with engine No.

1109. which runs to West Chester. Tho engiueer, Joseph Kelley, war ladies bath house was also demolished. Tire wind-mill on the west side of the hotel was blown down with a terrific crash. It fell upon the gas house ami that building was utterly alone waiting to back down to Broad smashed.

Tho storm of wund was stre for his train. The force of tbe threw Kelley out on the ground, and then engine No. 1190 bounded up the track, its throttle Lav-ing been thrown open, with engine collision POMONA HILL liOHSERIES, i FARMS FOR SALE. POMONA, N. I offer for sale ou liberal turn two Two and a half miles wert of Grrens-1 In Chatham county.

variable aud changed frequently. A 1 little after four it commenced to blow towards tbe front of the hotel uul the rain fell in actual sheets and large bodies of water. The rain blew into No. 303 crowding behind it. ihe building through every little crack I Fortunately the two engines rau and crevice, through the windows through a switch which threw them and through the doors, aud iu a few ou a short side-tiack.

This track was minutes the f-ecoml and third floor I only one hundred yards in length aud in some parts were two or three inch- ended upon an embankment about es deep in water. The building com-1 thirty feet iu height. No. 1100 went ineueed fo shako and quiver lil.e a bounding down the embankment and teed. Everybody was up aud most buried itself in the dirt.

Ihe second everybodv was very wet by this time. engine i ame along hI the same wiid the rain continued to blow in under speed and it, too, weut crashing down the shingles and the whole front roof I tho bank, tumbling orer the other commenced to leak to such an extent iron monter. The two engines wero as to resemble a young laia iu wiecked, and had they not building. Bed clothing wax satura- taken the side-track, would have run ted and the scanty clothing worn by I wildly ahead on the main track aud the frightened guests chmg to them I caused, p-ihaps, a terrible catastro-on account of I cing so wet. Just phe, as nothing could have stopped )t this time most of the long portico iu front of the row of cottages col lapsed with a tremendous clash, virtually-imprisoning such guests as occupied tln-m.

Tne doots open only on the portico aod they could not be I Yesterday moruiug Johu B. New-opened on account of the df-bus fiom ilto porch. -'i'Umie- guests was Mrienied ou warrant issu-cd by A iiMico J. It. Moyer, for llie one of them in Hickory Mnuntnin boro, N.

C. The main, line of the It. A Ship Burnt at Sea. London, Aug. 19.

The Inman line earner Lity of Mouheal has been destroyed hj file at tea. The were savd. The City of Montreal left New York August for Liverpool. She was commanded by Capt. Land Tho news of the burning of tbo steamer was learned upon tbe arrival at.

Queeustown this morning of the British steamer York Citv, which left Baltimore August the 2d for Loudon. This steamer rescu- the passengers and crew from the burning vessel ami brought them to Queenstown. Thirteen persons perished. The destruction of the sfeamer oc-eured ou the 11th live days after she left New Yotk. A boat containing six passengers and seven members of the crew is inissiog.

The )ccu pants of this boat are tbe thirteen persons reported perished. She had i20 passengers on bv-ard. The passengers ami crew were taken off the steamer York City by ihe tug Mount Etna ami landed at Queenstown. AU were accounted fin except thirteen peisous in the miss uig boat. It is Darned that shortly after the passeugeis had gone to bed on the night of the tenth, the ship being in latitude forty-three north at the time they were aroused by tlm alarm of tire.

A scene of consterua tion ensued aud the passengers were greatly teiriticd, when the, found out the true state of atnnrs. The passengers drcss and got on deck as quickly os possible. 'ihe tire originated in the cotton stand in the niter main hold. Nine streams of water were soon woiking upon the flames, and the course of the vesirt was shaped toward New oundlund, four hundred miles distant. Ihe flames spread wilh giear apidity and soon burst with teriitie orre through the midway of the hatches, the heat being iutense.

It tow nahip, on Landrum's rrck, eon-A D. It passes 5 brooch lie gi ounda tnining 225 nei 1 a und 11 mix pled to and within lU0f of tlieoffica. Saem tbo growth of wheat, onts. corn, cot-trains make regular stops twice daily I011 tobacco nnd giaours. Half of it each ia Fruit; fcre.1 iI l.ick.,,.

And the olho Oakland towenlup, and 1 nit growing are cordially nan ve, loducm, ted to insja-t this Lie largest imi'sery i J.m tom-mill acd tine wanr in the Stiita oud one among the larg-! pov on Rocky liver. Oirtimd, eet in the South. ceiuforbtbln dwelling, find good iFi.iii g- of water ou both farms. riie propi irtor lias for many years 1 I I ol fut i her iini mat inn ii.UImfs boats. Tim Navy Department has awarded to the" Barron Ship Building Company, of Loudon, England, the price of $15,000 for furnishing tbe best designs for building a battleship authorized by a special net of Congress, and a board of Naval offi-ceis has been appointed to carefully consider and leport as to the possibility of the plans being cariied out.

The new post-office regulations pro vided for by the past Congress to take effect ttept. 15th, ill be issued S'tou, the changes aie unimportant relating chiefly to the manner of keeping post-office accounts. This Depart men has also ordered a change in the color of postage-stamps. The prepay mi nt of interest on registered bonds goes steadily on- ward the amount paid ou to date being about s-. entv million dollars.

It is stated ti.ii future application for advanced interest will be delayed as little pm-bible. Siuce August 1st, tbe receipts of the Government are about fifteen million dollars in excess of the disbursements, but it is estimated that the heavy pension payment of this mouth will inquire considerably larger sum tbau the surplus that accumulated during the present month After all obligation are promptly met tbe surplus still persistently iles up and peimanent can only be expected from the action of Congress next winter. Disposing of th surplus ix the vita ipitslio.i ofihe times, and the public weal unquestionably demands the early solution of that momentous problem, and I have confidence that the combined sagacity of Prtsidrn: Cleveland aud a Democratic Congies1-will be equal to the emergency, despite the gloomy piedictious of the chiooic crokers. Democrats at the Capital view with supreme satisfaction the lino of the Republican party for lftSK, and foreshadowed by the action of the Keystone State, whose battle-cry is Blaine, the blood shirt and a high, protective tariff. On such issues as these the Democracy need have no fear of appealing to the judgment and patriotism of the country.

The case of the roystering Riddle-berger, who is just emerged from the gloom of a Virginia iil. excited cousiderabe comment, but little sympathy in this eit.v, where his idiosyncrasies are well known, as it is not an uncommon oceprrence to see this rampant Republican make an unseemly spectacle of bimfelf. on the floor of tbe Senate to the shame of his brother Senators. It is thought that the prominence of Hou. Roger Q.

Alii Is in the iale prohibition contest in Texas will materially aid his aspirations for promotion from second to fivst place on tbe Committee on Ways and Mean, as the former chairman. Hon. Wra Morrison, is not a member of the. Fiftieth Congress. The.

attempt to enforce the Edmunds Utah -law in the District of Columbia is Lauding one scandalous sensation after another. Before the now notorious Crawford case has been disposed of a woise lias been brought to ligbt that of a United States soldier, who is charged with the frightful crime of incest with Li-own niece. This awful accusation ix brought by bis own brother, and the poor girl involved is only sixteen. visited the leading Nurseries North; aud West aud Com spontted with I thoso of fieigu countries gathcringi June 2, IKN7. every fruit that wax calculated fo suit fi 1 I 1 -r rt the Mouth, both native and foreign.

AL. ll. K. The reputation of Pomona Hill Nm- CONDENSED SCHEDULE, series is such that many ag- tits going out fiom Grceiisboio, vepi escutiug other nui series, try to leave tbo im-piession that they ure repr-etiling these nurseries. Why do they do itf Let tbe pahiic answer.

THAI MX i n. -U i Nii'lf 16. 1H5 pi Sutii1r. Vmvpt Mmnlir, FslXcll, A-. ll'Hii-iiro, ('Kimrn, I til iJ i 10 i r.i 5 a Ht 03 lit as 1 v-v i in-1 5 11 1 1 3V 6 1 St was impossible Iieiug evident that I have iu stock growing (and can 1 k-wt.

show visitors the same) the largest rrlv and best stock of trees, Ac, ever! 'iM Yd. shown or acen iu anv two mu series N'. 2, Anil, 1 K11. 4. m-pt Miiuitn.i' i'l'i'l't lunlij.

Nov. 13, ISM peach, pear, c-Lerry, plum, grape, Japanese persimmon, Japan so plum, apricots, ueot.ariue, Rusxinn upricot, mulbeiry, quinces. Small Strawberry, raspteiTV, currants, pe- X. lxiiiixiHinmW With CJIUJU I'tigllixli VTMlnuls, 1 Itubin ll K- loilwny wumiiTit mi, C.vtrvxti- nmi nil to son ill. rarsgus, evergreens, shade ticca.

1 i Kun'ora ii r- I oul Yvlklti Vivli.M- H-ll w.iy for loses. tVa uu i '11 1 ii 11 r- i i G. No. -J UVoK'i wi lt ilnliiH 1 ive your order to my authorized x- 11 a I aliwiilui; car wi.ltai. iMiaiwro train N.

I agent or order direct fiom the Iiurae- 1 rv. Correspondence eoIi-itcd. Descriptive cda. gues fl ee to appiiantx. Addiess, J.

Van. Pomona. Guilford county, N. A NiwhHiit. mi inrt lute il I'rlnrlpl if tiriiinrrul ir Admlnllri icrritied and mine of them got out of the cottages Ihiough tLe re-ur windows and were taken to Ihe maiu building through tiie blinding storm.

he gate continued 10 increase and fiil the large o)a-n ball loom and made the whole bunding tremble moierio icnlly than ecr, anil it became necessary to ify to clojje and bar the dvors and windows to pievnt the lushing of the wind ami the idling of the roof of the ball room. Tlm was fit. ailv accomplished and the wet aud frightened guests inside awaited whatever might follow. Miorllv rtf ter this the stoim commenced to abate, and by.G u'clock only an gale was blowing. At 40 tbe parlies reporting the above left the hotel by lail for Raleigh.

They heard of no accident to any individual. Kitldleborgfrks UtMuers. Woodstock, Aug. 19. Senator Rid'Mf'b.

1 ger is improving s'owly, though coufined to the house. The Grand Jury, which met today, held a secret session and this evening brought au ibd'etment against six persons for rescuing Senator Riddle-bevger from jail. Five of these were from Edinburg, fivo miles south of here. The only person of any piom ineuce among' them was Jos. Holtz man, proprietor of the Eureka House Lhat.

place. Ho is a warm persona! friend of the Senator. The sixth jnau was from Woodstock aud is won of the predecessor of the present jailer. An indictment for misde rneanor was alse found ugainst Dep ty Sheriff-HotteJ, who was in the jail with Senator, Riddieberger the night oL the rescue. The smallness of the party and the liberation of the Senator without.

forciug the jail proper will make it go hard with the Dep uiy Sheriff Senator Itiddleger said to a friend this evening who called to see hiiu and found him looking bright aud fiesli that he would clean out the court by legal mpthodx. He will probably appear ax counsel for the defense ou the trial ofhe parties indicted for rescuing him He severe-lycriticised the indictments and this criticism foieshadows his future efforts. It is but natural that lie should try-to rescue those who rescued him. The penalty is six months in jail aud a fine not exceeding $590. A iivoly time at the trial is anticipated.

luiceny of vouuty 01 del from the odire of tiie icgialer of deods. During the part few iu whoee favor the orders had been made out. have come into the register's office to detniud them, and iu quite a number of instances the or-deis were mixsing, not being receipted for iu the book kept for that purpose. In each instance Mr. Loflin has paid the money out of his own pocket, at the same lime kept ashaip lookout for the papers, exjHJctingthem to turn up somewhere.

He was not disappointed, fhr mi Monday it trau-epirrd that Newsom bail sold a umbel of the missing orders, amounting to abut fifteen dollars, to Mr. V. G. teiiry, merchant, and ou tbo information tLux obtained, tbe warrant wax issued. Or.

the defendant's affidavit the rase wax removed for trial before B. Nooc, and was continued until Friday at two oclock, the fendant beiug lequired to give bond iu the sum of two hundred dollars for his appearance. The state was repicsented by Messrs. Bulla Sc Bolin, the defendant by Messrs Robbins Rjijkt. After the trial it was learned that on Monday Newsnui had sold ordcis to the amount of nineteen dollars to W.

D. Smith Co On his motion for continuance, defendant's coansel stated that thev wiil be able to show on trial, that he obtaiuad the orders honestly. Later iu the day, Newsom waa searched on authority of a search wuuanf issued by urtiee Nooe. and orders to the amount of $53.99 were found on his pei sou. Up to this time about seventy or eighty of the stolen papers, amounting to about one hundred dollars, havo been discovered.

Great interest iu the case is manifested by the public Newsoin is now iu jail, surety having aurrendetod him yesterday afternoon. The Piedmont Exposition-Atlanta, August 20 TLe programme of the Pirdmont Exporitior, which will ojxiu beie ou October 10, ix today. It shows that Birmingham, Anniston, Rome. Gadsden, Decatur, Tul-iaioosa and other mineral eu manufacturing centres aud seven railroad companies hi the Piedmont region will make elaboiate collective exl.ib itH of agricultural and industrial products, minerals and woods Tlux-collective exhibits will make tbe largest aud richest exposition of souther 11 resources ever seen. One thousand men are at woik piovi.liug extra space to accommodate tbe exhibits.

The Collection of the Drummers license tax iu North Carolina is bus pended, and in all probability this suspensioh Will be p'enttuent. The taxes collected from this source Amount to nearly one hundred thousand dollars a year. If no tax is to Collected hereafter from this source, flw 2 on property and other sub jiects of taXutiou must necessarily be heavier. Hence this matter is of con-eideiable importance to the tux payers 6f the State. As otrr coders are aware, the trouble has arisen in consequence of a decision rendered last wiuter by the Supreme Court of the United States iu a case from Tennes see.

That tribunal decided uucon-Rtifatkmal a licence tax- levied in Ten-AessCO Opou drummers, and, while it is claimed that the North Carolina law differs in some respects from the Tennessee law, yet we do not doubt A similar decision will be rendered whenever a case goes up to that court from Iris State. Iu fact Judge Bond, Our United States Circuit Judge, has intimated such to be bis opinion. A drummer, named Henderson, was recently arrested by the sheriff of Chowan coimty for selling without fhe required license, and he sued out a writ of habeas corpus returnable before Judge Bond. Ab there could be no appeal from the of the Judge if rendered at chambers, the States attorney requested a postponement of this decision until the November term the circuit court ar Raleigh when an appeal might he taken to the United States Supremo Court, if his decision was adverse 10 he State. This postponement was anted upon the condition that the law should not be enforced iu tbe meantime, and accordingly Treasurer Bain has issued a ciicular letter to the sheriffs of the several counties directing them not to arrest any drummer who nmy not have a license, but to make a memorandum of the drummers mine, bo that the tax may hereafter be collected if the Supreme Courts decision should not be adverse to the The idea of a State not having the right to levy such a tax would not hat'd Occurred to any mie before the and the Supreme Courts decision in this mat ter was a great srii pi ise to all who believe that the States have Any It -is another proof of the republican party desire to obliterate all Statu lines afid bave a fcofcsOlldated, national should be kept prominently before the voters of North Carolina and should have much weight iu next year political campaign.

When a hundred thousand dollars more taxes fire levied ou the property of the taxpayer of North Caroliua iu older to meet the deficiency caused by repub C. F. a YrtLRAILYfAY. Condensei Time Table No. 24.

To take effect Monday, July 30, 1887. DULY -xrtrr Sl'MHV to save tho ship, ft momentary panic usued. The boats were eight in number and consisted of four life-boats and four pinnaces. Tnese were launched aud stocked with provisions. The flames spread with great fierceness and tho efforts to qutzrch them were futile.

At 8 oclock in the morning passengers were marshalled on deck preparatory to enteiiug tbe boats. Many of them were weeping, but on the whole they were quiet find orderly. There waa a heavy sea running and it was with great difficulty that the bouts were kept from being smashed. The ere Vvorkod splendidly and all the passengers were placed in the boats in a comparatively hort time. How the boats floated with their hravy loads- is a miracle.

Ah tbe last boat was putting off from tho ship, several ol the passen gers and crew were fift. They had been overlooked, and were scream ing to the boats to return. They were subseqiuntly bravely rescued, baf dead from the effects of the smoke and heat. The boats soon scattered, and one entiiely vanixhed. This contained six of the crew and seven pa3-seugeis, and theie is hut little doubt that the whole boat-load perished.

The boat did not coutuin a full rew, und left the steamer ngninat the cap tain's orders, as there was time to take many more in it. A birk was Highted shortly afier the boats left the steamer and her rew were preparing to pick up the survivors when the steamer York City, attracted by the flames from the binning vessel, which iteie shooting cp hundreds of Letiu the air. bore down and with difficulty look all hands cn board. The lessened people wt-ie treated with the utmost kindness and the passengers speak with much feeling of tlm consideration which was accorded to The York City then proceeded to Loudon, after landing the City of Montreal passengers and crew at Queenstown. Tbe survitors are unanimous in declaring that the officers and ciew of the City of Montreal did their duty nobly and bkil-fully.

Tbe crew numbered eighty-five all told. The company estimate the value of the vessel between and $500,000, fully insured in foreign companies. Train doing Mrili No. 1. Mail 1 Pnononcor.

PublUHed In lh City of Nrw York- WILLIAM DOKSIIEIMEIt, Editor and Proprietor. Daily, Sunday, and Waokly THE WEEKLY SJAR, A Slxteen-pnge Newspaper, Issued every Wednesday. A cIomu, jmrr, brlulit lntrrllBf FAMILY PAPER. Itront-ln" tlo later! to bnr gn 113 pr- Agrf cultural, market. Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial JVprtirtTt, all umlrr lh dim lion of tralaod Jnuinallst of th bitlixt aliUay.

I 'V'tU a ill lt found crowded wU.ii good th'ot" TU, Fucor -ad Mall TrMa, d-w, 1 Wirt Loarr, 10 :0 a. m. Arrlfo, A. 4 3 p. ru.

ll.Sil in Iavmw, 2 2 00 FayotleTllle, 4.13 p. TO Hanford. Oulf. 6 S3 Mlor, 10.13, Arrlre, 1.13a m.

Gomiiae-ua, Frolphiainl I'm Train rue ln- wra-n Favoiiovllla aud JonrraUvilln Wnndav, Wed-i nrl)i nei! Friday. FrntghiRud AorynnmodaiFai Train run- bawa-ii rayasioTlllomnd Oroor.alHax.' Tuowdaya, TTidra ta Hal urdtm, add lwlti Ormnsio- if jid Fay I eUartll M-aw lay. Wdonlp)n and FrUlaj-a. frflfhl and Mall Train run dally raiopi. Huu- days.

and farrl wriu-m of Action. vl-i at Mwxvo.i with -r-'iUia cvuiral u. Oiar kMaMiU WiItu Iiict-d. V. V.

KYLE. Oou ran. Aaonc. I W. FBT, OouT Sapu SALE BY VI TUI TUKc a mnrutmpi oxoouiad 1y 11 THE DAILY STAR, Tk Ilx H.T Rt ah contain all th wwof In i Ui''Uve lonn.

Jt prll corrwpondrma cxLlo from Ixaulon. ln. Brrllu, no 0 Starting a KcTival. Chicago, Aug. 18.

A Times Nashville, Tounessee. special says: A strange case ix reported from the Hermitage district, in this conn Richard Hunt, a colored preacher. Las built up a little congregation and established a small church. He wanted to hold a revival, but the slight expense attached to lights, could not be met. He stole a cow from one of his neighbors, brought it to Nashville and sold it for $15, and went back and started Lis revival, tie had secured fifteen converts, aud six more promising mourneis were on the anxious seat, wlieu a constable came along, closed up the revival, and brought Huut to Nashville, wheie be is flow in jaiL" At the reunion of the Eighty-seventh Illinois Enfield, lib, two cannons exploded prpma-tureiy, seriously injuring sixpersoDs One man had both arms blown off A very severe storm occurred in Nebraska, by which many houses wen blown down and numerous lives lo .1.

Han Into an Iceberg. New Yohji, August 20. -The steamer Columbia, from Mediterranean ports, arrived here yestoiday with her stern badly broken. She leports having 1 uu iDto an iceberg off the banks Saturday, night. The berg wax about 200 feet high, and masses of ice fell on the dccks.

The passengers were teiribly frightened. The escape from foundering was nrw rrnnr. taiix-d I'J 0"'k rr unn.usl'y full ind Cfmpl if. rrlal tortn and trrdlary lauia RirnU If acml and c.anTaaax'r. Had for circular.

TfNIM OF tM WtfKLY ntiMM, rui or ixtii la th Lniloo and Canada, on Uld the lirrtiU of New 1 ork 1 clul of Ten Clnla of Flflrcn (and extra to nrgtnie-rl. TSMMS or TM DAILY TAR to niirn: Kvcry day for one year (ioclndi Daily, wiUnwit Snndn oo year KT-ytlty, hi Dally, without Sunday, ai Addrrm, THE HTAlb S41 and North XV llllawi St-. The whole amount of wheat produced in the world in 1885, calculated in bushels of GO pounds, was 1,998. 997,635 bushels The United State- wheat erop for three yea. past has been between 450 aud 495 million bushels each year; The village of Dograff, Logan uu ty, Ohio, a place of 1,200 iohabil m's, wax almo-t enrirey destroyed by fi x- Nradnn and bora, and loliy lr intux Irar rlaaxl ly a l.t fr.ra P.

Dai and J. S. Haartnn iIjo Oibl Irani nmialnli.g 83 a.aoa and Uns Mcuud Uacx omualulug arrt-. h. a.

lain imn. Aug. llh, 1 107 Anrny. lolOANOKE COLLEGE, ilfi tbe Virginia Mountains. 1140, A YEAR TkacBwrk 1 trwclloa 4MIIm bat moral lileiihiAiiUflrinwMT ktlM.

Gradn-MW la HRaiw. Nnrta CatTMln writ ntnd. SMk Swim kaiM cM. Ill llwlrM rateloCM In AtHr Luuvall.Dwau, Vo. One of the most destructive orrns known for years prevailed along tbo i i rAortb Caiolina coast on-Saturday hcali then the cause oDUjight.

The extent' of the should bef fully explained to eveiy cannot be ascertained at "-present ax tax-payer! the are do A new iOstoffice- lias been estab- lirtiPfV at Millbc.Ks Ramiolp.U ccuuty, nigi.t, Tiie is a'leml 'Olivet 1. Lox, pGrt-inAXkei. 1 ihunH.uid doiilux..

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