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The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 1

Salem, Oregon
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FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES fi fr 'i CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY 1 p. if PlpiiiSkiiiiffl THIRTY-NINTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS 4 0 kM mini; JIM I III inn i iff FlSTl TAKING fiGCHANCES SENDS IMPS TO FRONT Troops Finishing Defensive Works to Meet Any Move I of Carranzistas CARRANZA FORCES AIDED IN ATTACK ON AMERICANS Two American Soldiers Killed, Six Wounded, Mexican Dead 40 PERSHING TO VIEW BODY Snn Antonio, Texas, April 17. Gonerul John J. Pershing has left Cusihuirachic with ft cavalry detachment to view the body exhumed by Carlos Carranza, and said to he the corpse of Francisco Villa, it was learned at army headquarters today. He should be able to give General Funston positive advices within a few hours, unless the remains are in such a condition that they cannot be identified.

San Antonio, Texas. April 17. Lacking official confirmation of Francisco Villa's reported death," General Funs-ten today ordered General Pershing to rush a detachment to the mountains west of l'nrral where the bandit chief was said to have taken refuge. Other troops were nastily defensive works at Santa Cruz, to meet any Carrnnzista move from Parral. Alajor Howze was said to have reported Villa in the mountains following the clash in which the American soldier Kirby was killed and two wounded.

Howze was making a detour around Lnborja when he encountered the Villistns. A sharp clash resulted. The Yillistas casualties were not stated. Shortly afterward ITowze's detachment of the Tenth cavalry entered Snn-ta Cru. where the Americans retreated after Ktiving been trapped at Parral, and aided them in repulsing a Carrnnzista nttnek.

The official report of Major Tompkins who commanded Americans at the Parral fighting, said he marched will a small force quite openly to Tarral and was conferring with constitutionalist leaders with regard to a camping plnce when a mob of soldiers and civilians attacked his troops. The Americans fell back and took refuge behind a railroad embankment. This position, said Tompkins was shortly flanked by 300 Carranzistas and the Americans were obliged to continue their retrent eight miles to Santa Cruz, conducting a rearguard action all the way. In their retreat, Tompkins said, he believed they killed more than Two Americans we're killed and six wounded, said Tompkins. The wounded included Tompkins himself, who was only slightly hurt.

Funston wired officers at Douglas to look up Dr. Wickman. whom A'illa made prisoner for a month fall, (so that Wickman could treat him "for blood disease) and have him attempt to identify the body. Funston is seeking others intimate with Villa. It was indicated that Funston hail faith in the reports of Villa's death.

Funston pointed out that the locution of American troops under Major How.e was at La Borju near the wene where it is stated the corpse wt.j Howze did not state' when ABE MARTIN Th feller that's pleased with rver'-thing either don't cut any o-e or he's got sometliin' up his sleeve. It's (that kid ents between meals that keeps Uai from utarviu' t' death. I PVUf Tomtm er 9 BIO LUMBER DEA1 San Francisco, April 17. A lumber deal is com-9 pleted hers today. The L.

E. i. White Lumber of Men-loeino had been purchased by C. A. Goodyear and 1).

Laeey interests of Chicago and James A. Mackenzie of Sin Francisco. The property is located at Greenwood and Paint Arena. It is one of the oldest operating redwood plants iu the state. 5fc S(c iff sc 5(C -JC SC sjc 3C JC JUDGE VAN FLEET Western Pacific Railroad Troubles Far From Being Settled Pan Francisco, April) 17.

An order directing Federal Judge Van Fleet to show cause before the appellate court on May why he should not be compell ed to certify to that court the attulavit of Lyman Rhodes, vice-president of the I Kquitable Trust company, trustee under the first mortgage bond issue of the defunct Western Pacific railroads was obtained today from the United States circuit court of appeals by Jared How, attorney for the trust company. This action, it is held, practically amounts to a mandamus proceeding i against the presiding judge in the war between the 'factions of the railroad i 1 i.m How obtained the order following a between representatives of minority and majority bondholders in, which nu unsuccessful attempt was made to arrive at an agreeable compromise price for the sale of the rail- road proper properties. The conference was called following the postponement of one week by Judge Van Fleet of a motion for a decree of foreclosure and sale. Villn had last been seen thereabouts. The following revised list of casual ties at Parral was given by General i Pershing: Dead: 1.

M. Shemberg, private. Herbert Leaferd, private. Joe Redgley, sergeant. Wounded: Major Tompkins.

Lieutenant James Ord. Corporal James McGehee. Corporal Walter Willi ngliam Corporal Richard Thannus. Rations Until May 15. Columbus, N.

April 17. Fifty thousand reserve rations have been rushed to the American expedition in Mexico within two days as a "precautionary measure," it was learned here today. "This is enough to carry the army until May 15 even if no more supplies are shipped," said an official of the quartermaster's depairment. He added the statement that the move was merely a precaution. General Pershing ordered these rations and he also urgently called for civilian scouts familiar with the country south of Parral.

To officers here morning indicated that Pershing was confirmation of Frinc'ivo A'illa 's Kpirted death. Thousands of pai's of and much new cfntlrng ure being senf to the field companies. Troops From Vanco'ivar. vri, ir I men, 15 horses, 'four niac'iioe r.nd who perished hen the steamer in several mule to pack the Knn; were en I submarine, route today to Kl Cenlro. Cat.

American snrvivow declared tp.l.,y. comprise the machine gun company of the Third battalion, Twenty-f'rst ii.fnn- try. I Company of the same regiment has I been ordered to prepare to 0 to San Diego on short notice to join companies A. and D. This will leave only one battalion, with about SO men of Com-j pany engineers, at Vancouver bnr-i racks.

Indicates Trenchery. San Antonio. Texas, April 17. Private I. M.

Sschenberg, sent into Par ral ahead of the American column to nr.T,rnnnU r.f Pr.lnnrtl n.i io lieved he was killed, stated General Pershing today in supplementary report. This bore out, previous indications of treachery, army men believed. Expelled From Mexico, Washington. April 17. General Al-varo Obregon, Mexican war minister, has ordered expelled from that country all Mexican and foreign speculators convicted of conspiring to hold down the value of Carrnnza currency, according to word received here today.

NATURALIZATION GRANTED l'aunym Arneville and Rompncli TO ALIEN APPLICANTS ('''n lotteries shelled Irench posi- jtioiis wet of the Mouse Inst night but Dallas, April 17 Citizenship wasjllcr(' was n0 important infantry fight-granted to the following applicants last lnf- week bv Judge II. II. Belt in the fir-) court: Wiliuot Kester. Saver, na- Russian Garrison Mutinies, live of anada: Louis Villwock. Berlin, April 17.

(By wireless to native of liussia; Peter Spaan. Sheri- Sayville, 1.1 The Russian garrison dan. nitive of Holland: James nt Nikolaievsk mutined on account of Thurston, Silver, native of- Canada: officers' ill treating coaimon soldiers it Phillip If. Johnson, Monmouth, native 'w as learned here today. The mutineers of anada; Krnet A.

Smiley, Independ- 't fire (ho barracks. During the ence. native of Xovia Scotia; Klward fighting, 27 of the malcontents were M. Cochrane, Dallas, native of Can ida; slain. I Henry lanfiild, Dallas, native of Kng I bind: George II.

Wunder, Monmouth, native of Germany; David Nightengale, Dallas, native of liussia, ALLIES ACTION FORCES GREECE GERMAN Violate Neutrality By Sending Serbian Troops Over Greek Railroads TEUTONS DEMAND THAT GREECE PREVENT THIS King Constantine Incensed and May Attempt to Halt Allies by Force London, April 17. The allies have forced a new crisis in Athens with a possibility that Greece may be thrust into the war against its will. Overriding all objections" the entente powers are today transporting Serbian troops overland by railroad from Cor'fiil to Salonika. Australa and Germany pro- tested that they would regard thia as a deliberately unfriendly act if Greece permitted it French correspondents at Athens have reported that King Constantine is in- censed at the allies' action and may attempt to halt it by force. Tho allies did not want to transport the newly equipped Serbian soldiers by water because of submarine It was suggested to Premier Skou-loudis that the troops be sent to Patras by steamer and thence to Salonika by rail.

Skouloudis sounded out the Teutonic allies, which replied that hi coun try would commit un unneutral act if he acquiesced to the proposal. Skoti louuis men announced tnat it tue Ser biaus went through Greece the people might make a demonstration. The allies, however, proceeded with their plans. No righting at Verdun. Berlin, April 17.

The lull at Verdun continued the night, the war office stated today. Nothing important transpired on the entire western front. Russian columns were active nn.m:d Dvinsk bridgehead. Air guns shot down hi aero plane near Pervyse, it was stated. Artillery destroyed, another.

Northwest of Peronne Lieutenant Berth. dd shot down a British biplane, kil'ing its pilot and wounding the observr. This the iiith machine that Berlhoid had wr eked. Submarines Got Two. London, April 17.

Tvo vessels have been sunk by submariir-s during the pasl 24 hours, it was ii shipping crcle.s today. The Norwegian Htoauwr which is not lis: vl, was sent to the bottom bv shell i'ir. The Bii- tisii steamer Harrovian, tons, an! unnrmed merchantman, was nlsode-i stroyeo. Two Americans Perished London, April 17. One or two Amer aus were iiossioiy among ine 11 sai 1.

1 -lm ieans were missing. One American Wounded. Washington, April 17 One American was wounded by shrapnel and another escaped without injury when an Austrian submarine hut Tuesday fired on and set ablaze the Russian steamer Im-perator, loaded with lumber, sailing from Gult'port, to Marseilles, the American consul at Barcelonin, Spain, reported today. The submarine shot at tho steamer three times without warning, said the "OICfS. Vllf SHOT II CllOl'llVe.

1 One shot happened near the Coluinhred island frequently the Imperator broke iuto 'flames. Airship Attacks Warship. Paris. April 17. A French aviator dropped lii bombs from an altitude of only 100 yards on tho deck of a German warship in the North sea, it was of ficially announced today.

It is believed the missies had good effect, i Aviators were active during the night around Verdun and to the eastward of the citadel, despite a dense fog. They bombarded railway stations at Conflnns, Holland, it was known here, has again protested to Great Britain and to France against the dctenfion of Dutch "mail. 45,000 Mexicans Along Lines of Communication Carranza troops behind Anier- ican advanced forces end nlong expedition's lilies of commuuica- tion: At Juarez, 1,800 under Geh- eral Gabriel Oavlra. At Guzman, 100. At Asceticion, S00 under Gen- eral Rafael Dnvila.

0 At Pearson, 2QO. At Villa Ahumadn, under General Hernandez At Ouitos Fass, 4,000 under General Francisco Gomez. At Namiquipa, 500 under Col- onel Apolonio C'uno. At Madera, 1,200 under Gen- eral Francisco Bertani. At Minaca, 300 under General Francisco Garcia.

At Guerrero, 500 under Gen- eral Juan Cavazos. At Chihuahua City, 4.000 un- dcr General Luis Guutierez. At Satvo, 1,500 under Gen- eral Luis Herrera. At Purral, 500; Jimincz, 500; Santa Barbara, 300; Ascalon. 500.

la addition, there are 12.000 Carranza troops in Sonora under General P. Klins Calles; 9,000 in Durango state under the Arrieta Brothers and General Francisco Murgia, and 0.000 at Torreon, Coaliuila, under General Jac- into Trevino. Its Object As a Nation Is to Serve and Better Balance of the World Washington. April 17. "America will never fight merely Tor said President is, dey, nddres-ing tho Duughtcrs of the American Revoiu-tionnssembled here.

The audience sut tensely silent under his words. "The only excuse America can ever have for asserting her physical force will be to fight in the interest of humanity," the president continued. "When America forgets human rights she will have lost her title to her own high traditions." "America's birth is singular in that no other nation was ever bom for the purpose of serving the rest of the world as much as itself. Tradition is a beautiful thing insofar as we live up to it. If we forget the traditions of our fathers we will have become unconscious of the things for which our country was 'founded." In the meeting Mrs.

Walter Reed, of California, asked that nnti-preparedness be represented at Wednesday night 's preparedness meeting. President-General Mrs. Story overruled the request. Munition Orders Stop Bethlehem Stocks Drop New York, April 17. The New York Kveuing Sun's financial review today said The street resumed today with conditions surrounding the international German and Mexican situations little changed.

I.tsucb associated with Mexico like American Smelting, Greene Can-noa copper and Mexican Petroleum advanced sharply. The improvement was not long continued, partly due to lac' of confirmation of the Villa death rumor and partly due to a sharp break ii war stocks. The mum of representative of the Bethlehem Steel compnny from Kurope without additional orders unsettled the entire list. He generally confirmed views expressed by a member of the Morgan company last week that future munitions requirements iu hngland and France would bo supplied largely from European sources. Bethlehem in light transactions fell 4t 1-2.

Losses elsewhere were moderate but ranged around ono point. Steel lost one point. M'COT WAREHOUSE IS LEASED Monmouth. April 17. The Urge warehouse at has been leased by L.

A. Williamson, of McCov, and jlluglt Farmer, of Crowley, for three years. The warehouse has a capacity of 110,000 bushels of grain besides large storuge room for hay. TRADE CANS FOR EGGS Columbus, N. April 17.

The price of eggs in northern Mexico is one for each empty tin can. Lieutenants Gorrell and Dar-gue, army aviators, who returned here after a record flight from Snn Antonio, Mexico, told of soldiers trading empty tomato and gasoline cans to peons for the eggs. The enns lire prized for the construction of stoves and for roofing houses. The fliers said that 00 eggs were obtained for 00 cans and that five American soldiers ate all 00 at one meal. VILLA REPORTED DEAD-BODY ON VAYTO CHIHUAHUA Story Is He Died Two Weeks Ago Following Amputation of His Leg CAPTURED BANDIT LEADS CARRANZISTAS TO GRAVE Americans Who Knew Villa and Mexican Officials to be Shown Corpse THINKS VILLA ALIVE Washington, April 17.

"I believe Francisco Villa went in- to the mountains southwest of Ln Horn with a small hnn.l Major Howze reported to the war department today. By E. T. Conkle. (Fnited Press Staff Correspondent.) LI I 'aso, Texas, April 17.

Francisco Villa may be dead reported from various sources today, but American army men arc anxious that his body be identified by inted States representatives. "A train left Juarez for Chi huahua before dawn with a number of Americins im lulling several who had known Villa intimately. They expected to meet the body nt Chihuahua. Curios Carranza 's train is due in Chihuahua toduv. Carlos, ncoliew nf Run.

eral. Carranza, is declared to have ex- niiineu vnta remains from a grave where they had been buried two weeks ago. The bandit chief's death was said to have been duo to amputation of one of ids legs, which had been infected by bullet received in fighting nt Guerrero. Carlos telegraphed the Mexican war department in Mexico City, that, with an escort of soldiers, he was taking the-corpse to Chihuahua by rail. Unless the corpse is mutilated or decomposed tho Americans who ore to inspect it at Chihuahua will not be de ceived.

A number of Mexiein at Chihuahua also knew Villa intimately, so that identification is expected immediately upon tho nrrivnl nf the death train there. General Pershing, commanding the American troops in the field. several times. He wis near the spot where it is supposed the wns exhumed. Kven if he is not asked to identify the corpse, it is hoped Pershing may be able to report definitely with reeard to Villas end Dies Following Operation.

Advices received by the war department said that, following the battle of Guerrero where Villa was hit, his followers carried him to Tamos ichic where a village doctor cut off his infected leg. Later he was carried bv his men south to the village, of Ciisihuir-iachic, llil miles away, where he died, according to the reports. He was said to have suffered greatly before expirini'. With Villa's identity being kept secret from the villagers, his followers c.irricd him secretly away in the middle of the night ami buried him in a lonely Spot. The advices went on to assert that a member of the guard which escorted Villa during his lost moments was captured by Cnrrunzistns ami promised to point out Villa's grave if his life was spared.

This, is wis said, was done. Carlos superintended the work of dig ging up tiie remains. He intends to have the body publicly exhibited in Chihuahua City. Kioting reported nt Chihuahua, first said to be ilue to excitement over Villa's rumored death, is now attributed to the hunger of tho populace. Small wages and famine prices induced by I irge purchases "for the American expedition placed food beyond the reach of many poor families.

It was reported that tiie riotinir nml Inntimr nnt rected against American residents. Messages suggested that the depreciated value of Carranza currency hjd caused a food shortage in the Carrnnzista garrison. Story Is Not Confirmed. A number of news'pnpnrnien mid motion picture operators desired to go from Kl Paso to Chihuahua for tiio purpose of viewing the body reported to be that of Villa, but Consul (I ireia refused to give them the necessary documents, and notified them that Carranza would not be responsible for their safety. Consul Garcia stated today that neither he nor General Gnvirn in Juarez had aay confirmation of the report that Villa's body hud been recovered or identified.

Anyhow, they said, it would be difficult' to establish the body's identity on account of the length of time it hud been buried and owing to the character of the disease from which it was reported Villa died. "If Colonel Ci.rlos nrranza says body is Villi's I will be satisfied," said Garcia. "Carranza knows him and is dependable. If he says it is Villa I will give no attention to contrary BODY OF BOY FOUND Eugene, April 17. The body of Lyman Maddaris, 111, who perishud during a snow- storm in the wilderness of western Douglas county in Jan- uary, wis at the iionic of his father at Big Creek today.

A searching party found the body yesterday within Hi of the trail for which the youth had searched io vain. Says Dorothy Arnold Was Murdered and Body Buried In a Cellar Providence, R. April 17. Edward Olenoris, an inmate of the state prison here told police toduy he stood guard while a pal buried the body of Dorothy Arnold, missing heiress, in tho cellar of a houso near West Point, officials announced. They investigated his story.

He swore that the plot to dispose of the girl originated in a Seventh avenue saloon, in New York. According to the convict's story, a mysterious rich man ntred him and another man to go to New Itochelle and "do the job." Dorothy Arnold has been missing for six years, and her disappearance created a widespread sensation. On several occasions she was reported found, and there have been numerous versions of her fate. "If I dared," said Glenoris, "I could name the rich man that hired me. My life will be worth little when that gang that hangs around the saloon knows I told." Rich Man Had Her Killed.

New York, April 17. Although skeptical, the polico today were investigating the story told by Edward Glenoris, convict at Providence, It. who suid thnt a rich New Y'ork man with his own hands buried Dorothy Arnold, missing heiress, after her death due to an operation. Reports from Providence suid that Olenoris told the warden this story bo-causo of a troubled conscience. Ho recently "got religion." But when newspaper reporters visited Glenoris and questioned him he appeared confused and would not admit that he had confessed to having anything to do with the Arnold case.

'-rtiW(l Francis Arnold, father or the missing Dorothy Arnold, does not believe the story told by L'dward Glenoris, states prison inmate, who says he stood guard while a pal buried the body of tho vanished heiress in a cellar, "So far as it appears on the face of the man's story," said Arnold, "ho is talking litter nonsense." 10 A writ of mnadamtis requiring Secretary of State Olcott to show causa why the name of Justice Charles K. Hughes should not be certified to go on the ballot as a candidate for the republican nomination for president was issued today by the supreme court. Tho suit wns filed by Wallace Mc-Cammnnt, of Portland, who recites that on April It, he filed an authenticated petition signed by registered republican electors of the state of Oregon praying that the name of Hughes should go on til ci ballot. Hughes' letter refusing to permit his name to go on the ballot and giving his reasons had not arrived this forenoon but it was expected late today or tomorrow morning. Tho writ demands that Olcott make return and answer the writ iu one day after being served with the notice of the writ but the Secretary of State will wait until the letter is received from Hughes before making answer and until the letter is received from Hughes before milking answer and will Incorporate Hughes' answer in his return.

Late this afternoon Secretary of State Olcott ived the anticipated letter from Justice Hughes in which Hughes said in part: "I hereby do-cliae to have my name placed on tho primary ballot for the Republican nomination for President of Cnited States by any petition heretofore circulated or hereafter This states Hughes stand in the matter in a few words and in a formal notification which was signed in person by Hughes and the signature acknowledged before a notary. A letter from Lawrence H. Ghcen, Hughes secretary, accompanied tho formal objections sent by Hughes. Hughes stated no reasons for declining the nomination or for objecting that his name be placed on the bullot except "just because" which, however, has lmig been a sufficient reason in many quarters. SUBMARINE NOTE TO MAKE DECfSIQ Says Continuance of FricnSy Relations Depends on Germany Now 1 UNOFFICIAL REPORTS POUR IN RROM BERLIN These Indicate Germany Will Go To Great Length To Avoid Break By Eohert J.

Bonder. (United Press staff correspondent.) Washington, April 17. The new submarine note to Germany will probably go forward to Berlin tonight. The cabinet has already ratified its substance, so there is no necessity for holding it ui until tomorrow's session of tho president's advisors. At tho White House it was stated today that President Wilson had devoted practically all his attention to tho document on Saturday and Sunday ami that ne expected to put the last touches on i this afternoon It is -still likely that whon the message is completed, the president will go over It with member of tho 1101180 and senate foreign committees, but he has not yet requested a conference with them.

Tho final draft of the communication to tho kaiser is believed to about complete. No engagement has been scheduled with congressional leaders yot, but the president's calendar is clear tor a conference thia afternoon. Unofficial reports ro pouring In from Berlin, saying that Germany ni'l go to the limit to avoid a diplomatic break. Important cables from Ambassador Gerard were received dining the outlining Berlin's feeling concerning pending ncgotinnons. The American note Is described as notice that continuunro of friendly relations with Germany depends on uc-tiou rather than words.

It suggests that promises of reparation for victims and punishment for tho offending submarine commander in the Sussex eme will not suffice and that America's position is based on a complete review of the submarine warfare ever since the Lusituuia was sunk. Officialdom believes that Germany must change its mode of submarining entirely if it wants relations to continue. Unofficial reports from Berliu that the kaiser's "government was willing to meet America's position in tho Sussex mutter brought official expressions that that would not be enough and that a more comprehensive settlement is wanted. TODAY'S BALL SCORES National. B.

H. Pittsburg 10 0 Cincinnati 1 5 0 Kuntleliner and Schmidt; Dale, Mose-ly and Chirk. n. if. k.

Chicago 10 1 St. Louis 1 8 4 Vnuirhn and Fisher; Donk and Sny der. Steele replaced Douk. American. R.

II. Tj. Washington I I) I Boston 5 1.1 0 I Johnson nnd Williams; 'Ruth ami i Thomas. Dumont replaced Johnson. Called end eighth, rain.

Detroit 3 13 1 Cleveland 1 ft 1 Cunningham and Stanngc; Covateskt and O'Neill. 12 innings. All other grounds. gnmes postponed, wet R. IT.

E. Ht. Louis 5 Chicago 5 Davenport and Hartley; Dnnforth, Williams and Sclinlk. Tied at end of ninth. THE WEATHER Oregon: Showers tonight, cooler cast portion; Tuesday probably fair; wind becouiiu weat "y- (thTTToat 1.

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