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Stanly News and Press from Albemarle, North Carolina • Page 8

Albemarle, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

euwejiaAn and Dream. I Stanly "TVERTISEMENTS. Don't Use Term "Old Maid." By Ruth Csnama. I wish the coming generation Heart Strength nwrtHtreneth.ertteeitWretlmnn au Korve Wnrae-nnlhli'urTT" IUtuIj. not one weak heeit In but Jr? m-lt eetuellf rtl.

It aim Tit" hkMwt tiny little that nwllv ui ill SV J1 Thin ohacura nerro-th CaMia. or ll7 --almrjlj ueeda. and must TfJ tablliiT. more rontmllins. rtmn.

aoL?" auvnirth. Without that Um Hrert aJTZZS to fall, and the Mnmarh ana j. a BiviN3. ALU ABLE LAND. eredatPoetnf'' a judgment of the for Stanly county, N.

t. roe'MlinH, entitled I. TUl'l Klinl, J. J. KlirU.

Smith W'hiV-Millanl WliHUy.lUniel Whitley, N. Wliitly, As Architectural Ace of Clubs. Midford castle, near Bath, England, was built about 200 years ago. Tbe castle Is of singular construction, being triangular and In the form of tbe ace of clubs, the angles being rounded off and embrittled. A Mr.

Itoebuck, a great gambler, Is said to have built tbe mansion ith the proceeds of a night's gambling and hy backing tbe run of luck of the eltth suit Hsrold Chose the Easier Way. Maynard had been naughty, and his father, after showing him bis fault bad sent him up to his room to ftsk God to forgive bun for being a bad boy. Three-year-old Harold was present, bnt seemed to take no notice of the conversation. It was his turn, however, before many days to receive punishment, anil his father took him across his knee. "Oh, don't papa." bo said.

"I would rather go upstairs and pray." Icllneator. Reversed the Verdict. A prominent citizen of a large town went racing into the electric llsht com-iany'8 oillce and decUn-d tliat one of their wires had killed a pet tree on his premises. "Thnt tr.v." "aid he. "has been standlnc there f'T twenty years, nntl we it as one the family.

Sly children pluyd under It when they were hnt.ies. and it Is associated with some of the pleiiMiintest niemorlea of my life. When It Ihnshi to die we all mourned, nr.d ne vntld not Imagine what ailetl It until yesterday, when I Simple Bridge Scheme, It Is not always that tbe luhabltants of a thinly district can have a bridge located at tbe most convenient point for them. At times Ingenuity supplies the need In a novel mun-ner. Visitors to New 7alnnd have seen this Illustrated In the queer little trolley brldcee that the people of that country call "cages" and regard as qnlte commonplace.

The chief requisite 1 a stout wire rope stretched across the stream and anchored llrmly on each bank. Upon this rope heels run. From them is suspended a box or basket fastened so as to le perfectly safe. When a person wishes to cross tbe stream be seats himself In the "cage," takes hold of a pull rope fastened to the otlier bank and nonchalantly draws himself across. Tbe "cage" may then be drawn back to the other shore by tbe end of the pull rope fastened there.

Oregon Journal. lilus Wltttlrv. i. niiie, Martha I'oplin. Millard Klird.

l-inil say Klird, Warv Harrington, Clarence Klirtl, N. A. Klird, M. M. Klird, A.

T. Klird and various otliei s.phiinti Its vs. Caleb J. Whitley, lfcra A. Whitley.

HitxUtr HurloekiT. Kthel Klkins. John W. A. Klird.

Klie Williams. Mamie Willianis. Carle. Williams, livnus VJirrt. Kimnie Host, Clifford J.

Host, Malield liost, Martha llosalielle Host anil various others, defendants, l.oili plaimills ai defendant lieinir heirs at law of aeofi K. Klird, deceased, i will sell lo ll.e liiirlu ai bidder at the court house door in tlie town of Allie-, inarle, county of Stanly, N. C. on Monday the 2d day of August, 1909, at 12 o'clock M. the following descrih-etl tract or parcels of land to-wit: ly-Is? al lintr Maid county of Stan-lv.

and in AHiemarle township and bounded as follows. lirifinnintf at a stake in the old Mar shall line and a lineof the Isaiah llussell estate lands and runs with said line 2 4:1 M-i if-! chs to a stake now William Simpsons comer, near tho Vadkin Uailroad: thence nt 2s chs to a stone by a f' larire pin end white oak: thence 1 In chs to a stake in the ed'e of VV 1L Simpson's Held: Uience gi" 2tij 10 chs to a stake in an old road 1). H. A. Kind's corner; theuce with -said road Kl K3 chs to a stake other of U.

H. A. Klird' cornnr; tlience rl 2 blchsto a pile of stone by a water oak l. K. A.

Klird's corner; tlience ft 2T Id chs to a stake, i nu.r-U' ft mist KtillHimu Mal tor corner; thence lia 3t chs the if old corner; thence UK 2n chs to stake Sohiinon.Mabry's corner; thence 12 chs to a stake in the public 1 road; thence 15 chs lothe iieuinnint', containing acresmore or less, and 51 beinjf tlie Jacob K. Klird old home place. Terms of sale one-fourth cash and the remainder ithin six months from date of sale. Title retained until pui- chase nionev is paid. This the A.

n- D. It. A. Commissioner i i K. Al'STiN, Att.v.

ft Woman's Age often does not agree with her appearance. Pain and suffering add to the years tinman women look much older than they realty are. Many women, avoiding pain by the regular use of that effectual remedy, lor Woman. Wine of Cardul, keep their youth and beauty. Mrs.

Annie Vaughan. RaU Igh, N. (X, tried Cardul and writes: "I was lick and woraout almost unto death. My sister finally persuaded me to take Cardul. Before I had taken five bottles I wes well and strong." Try Cardul It la for women.

Its tonic, building qualities should restore you gently to health. Thousands of women have found It to give them lasting benefit Try Cardul For sale everywhere. B47 There it no need of anyone suffering long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only necessary to take a few doses ol Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In fact, In most cases one dose is sufficient. It never fails and csn be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally valuable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year.

In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success. PRICE 25o. URGE SIZE 50c. ASHCRAFTS Condition Powders A high-class remedv for horsa and mules in poor condition and ui need of a tonic. Builds bolid muscle and fat cleanses th system, thereby producing a smooth, glossy coat ot hair.

Packed in doses. 25c. box. Sold by Albemarle Drug and Sinclair Mercanile Nr wood. N.

O. CAEiDUl DIARRHOEA of women would try amid their more spectacular reforms to abolish the term "old maid." Im-Hssible, yon say. Not at all. How to do it? Simply by ceasing to Ray old maid when you mean "unmarried woman," and by teaching children to do the same. I don't believe there is a ( in the language that has caused as much heartache and shame as those two words.

Show me an unmarried woman between thirty and forty who wouldn't rather be called a scold, or a slattern, or an egotist, or almost anything, rattier than an old maid. You can't. One hears a good deal said alMiut woman marrying for a home. 1 don't Itelieve half so many women marry for a home as marry to keep from being called old maids. And I don't wonder, for the idea "old maid" no longer simply means an unmarried woman.

In its travels down the centuries it has picked up such unpleasant suggestions of angularity and unlovedness that the most independent women might shrink from such a designation. There are plenty of women who by their disagreeable characteristics do deserve such a term of reproach as old maid has grown to be, but they are not all on one side of the alter by any means. I know several married old muids and I know several unmarried women who radiate that love and womanliness which we are apt to associate with married state. It is the insinuation that one hits never been loved that makes tlie term old maid most cruel. I used to have a school teacher who always insinuated to each entering class the distinction between an old maid and a maiden lady.

An old maid, she said, was one who had never had an opportunity to be married, while a maiden lady was one who had had an opportunity and for some reason declined it. The way in which she would always insinuate that she belonged to the latter class most of us thought funny, but it wasn't. She was in other things a sweet, retiring woman, and this pathetically bold attempt to escape being called an old maid showed with what horror the term inspired her. If every one would only come to realize that unmated does nol necessarily mean unloved, ana would set about abolishing that diabolical term old maid, there might be more of the lessjr happiness in the world for those lKr women who have somehow missed the greatest happiness of nil. And wouldn't that be worth while? Propr Treatment for Disrrkoes.

Dytentery snd The treat mortality from dysentery and diarrhoea is due to a lack of proper treatment at the lirst stages of be disease, namneriain a i one, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy i reliable and effectual medicine, and when iriven in reasonable time will -trevent anv dantreroiis consequences. has been in use for many years and ias always met with unvarying success, or Bale by Hall's Pharmacy. Borneo's Queer Animals. There Is no country In the world more InrltlnK to the naturalist than Borneo, where are found the flying squirrels, flying foxes, flyins: llxarda, flying frogs, and tbe natives report flyins snakes. Among the moot noted birds Is the little awlft, Collocalla nidi- flea.

Their nests are eaten by the Chi nese and arc regarded a a (treat luxury. These birds build their nests In limestone eares of a glutinous saliva which they produce from their glands. No sticks or any foreign substances are used. Tbe collection of these nests is an Important Industry with tbe na tives, though they psy tax on all tbey take to market They are served at the great feasts of tbe Chines, especially at weddings. If You re Worth $50,000 Don't (W TW This will not interest you yam alt worth fifty thousand dollars, but If you are a man of moderate means and cannot afford to employ a physician when you have an attack of diarrhoea, you will be pleased to know that one or two doses of Chamberlain's Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy will cure it- jnis remedy has been In use for many year and is tborougnl roll able.

Price 2.) cents. For sale by nan i uarmacy. rernaraboeo means th month of In sllnslon to tlx violent sorf that la always seen at the month of Ks ehlef river. hi 1 1 Cry: FOS FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Robert Louis Stevenson owed much of his Inspiration to dreams. In one passage be attributed some of bis finest work to the "brownies" who tenanted hU brain during moments of unconsciousness.

Tbe Strange Case of I. Jefcyll and Mr. Hyde" owes its origin to dream. "I bad long been trying to write a story on this subject," writes Stevenson, "to find a body, Tehlcle. for that strong sense nf man's double being which must at times come In upon and overwhelm the mind of every thinking creature.

For two days 1 went about racking my brains lor a riot of any sort and on tbe second nlgbt I dreamed tbe scene at tbe window and a scene afterward spilt In two. In which Hyde, pursued for some crime, took the powder and underwent tbe change In tbe presence of bis pursuers. All tbe rest was made awake and consciously, although I thluk 1 can trace In much of it the manner of my Double Quick Composing. Blr Arthur Sullivan wrote the overture to "The Yeomen of the Ouard" In twelve bourn and that to "lolanthe" In less space of time from 0 p. m.

to 7 a. m. But even this capacity far speed in composition Is ecllsed by M. Horn pard, who for a wager composed the music to a song In ten minutes, air. Trotere, however, la the composer of whom most quick time anecdotes nre told.

Ills beautiful song "Asthore" was both written and composed lu forty minutes In Blanchard's restnu-raut. The melody of -In Old Madrid" was tbe result of a sudden Inspiration. It came to tbe composer while on bis way borne from tbe aquarium. Lest it should escape him he rushed Into a small public house In Rochester row, seized a biscuit bag and on It Jotted down the air. But Mr.

Trotere holds tbe championship. It Is sit Id that he actually composed "The Brow of tho Hill," wrote letter and ran 400 yards to post It In eight minutes. Dundee Advertiser. Odd Names In China. Chinese children are endowed with strange Christian names.

Their girls, for Instance, are not called Mabel, Jenny -or Matilda, but Cloudy Moon, Celestial Happiness, Spring Poach or Cusket of Perfumes. Their boys get less nttrartlve names, being made for work nud wisdom rather than pleas ure and dancing. Thus we find a little two-ycnr-old Practical Industry; three- year-old. Ancestral Knowledge; four-year-old. Complete Virtue; flve-yenr- old.

Discreet Valor. To their slaves they give still another set of names. Not For Me, Joy to Serve. Your nup- plnesa and numble Devotion may he taken as typical examples. A Night Rider Raid.

The worst nlL'ht riders are calomel croton oil or aloes Tliey raid votir bed to rob -yrou of rest. Not so with Dr. Kinir's New Life I'ills. They never distress or inconvenience, but always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Headache, Constipation, Mala ria, I'm. at Albemarle Drug Co.

GROUP ntopprxj In 80 rninnitrri sure with Pr. KIhxhi ('roup Hoitiedy Ch tent Will Kiipsly prttvu. Nil wunitiiiaT. no li- tress, A safe aud pleasing syrupbUc. aOructfiHlK KEEP caoL And Try SALEEBY'S Delivered at your door Jn-any- quantity, Gome of PHONE 13i: BeeftrS the aiw the snedT.

ea rem mist FOR KIDNEY, LTVrH A5VD arofiACH TftciiSLi I sne4ias sold dragglm coosaet. rr-iAt am, i r0 n.oe' Pure Ice Cream noticed that a "Ire was lying riunt across a brand tree has Ik-od i 1 feel ns If murder has been done in my house." Considerably moved, the agent of the ct.niiaity went to view the wene of the trncedy and fettnd the tree still alive, but When he came to trace the wire he discovered one end nailed to the n-of of an ohl hnm and the other tnlsr.d around a discarded pole, ft had bri-n tit en tot at least two and forgotten. Hut the occasion demanded so bo made the following report: 'Tree alive; wire death Wire evidently killed hy tree. Hill Incloced." Tell some do sufferer, that thei way to certain -1 i 1 1 lT Kbeumatic 1 is et one simple relief. Cel Dr.

1 llieuinatism and a Slioop book on free trial test. This book will make how Khetiiuatic pains it en'ire are tjuickly km led bv Dr. Shoop's I theimiitlic Uenie Send no uiomo Surprise some bv lirst t'eltilu' 1 i'iuid or tablets. Tin- test is free. i.heai-tened sufferer him the hook from 1 ki, w.

The of a i hild Itlom js It develops Into an adult, but lifter mithlle ntc tin ears will sometimes cptt CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Trinity College, Four IV i ailments 'olleo-iate, Crailnale, 1-jiiiieeriii and Law. Lai'tre lilii al fiu-ilities. Well-ei)itipped laboi-atoi-ies in all de-parlinents of Science. Gymnasium furnished ilh best apparatus.

Kxpeiws very moderate. Aid for worlln stililents. YounK men wishing to sludy Law should investi)fate the -uperior ath anlaires offered by 'the Deparlment of Law at Trinity College. For 'atale litforiiiatio te and further Adii-oss D. W.

NEWSOM, Registrar, Dl KI1AM, N. C. j.vl Trinity Park School A First-Class Preparatory School Cerli lieatos of (iraduation Ac-cepU-d for Knlrance to ieadin Southern 'olle-res Best Kquippetl Preparatory School in I he South Faculty of ten ollicers and teachers. ampus of seventy-live aei-es. Library containing forty thousand volumes.

Well equipped oyinnasitim. Ilit'li standards ami modern methods of instruction. H't-eniient lectures by prominent lecturers. Kxpen-ses exceeiiittifly motierato. Kiev-en years of phenomenal success.

H. M. NORTH, Headmaster DURHAM, N. C. jy-i The Norlh Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Maintained hy the St ate for the Women of North Carolina.

Four regular Courses leadirir to Octrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Kail Session begins SeptemU l.y p.r,. Those de siring to enter shou'd applv as early as possible, ror cataloL'ae and other iniormation address J. I.

Foust. Greensboro, N. C. ju 24-titr THE NORTH CAROLINA College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. The State's college for vocational training.

Courses in Agriculture and Horticulture: in Civil, Electrical ant Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chem istry. Why not fit yourself for life by taking one of these courses? Address D. H. HILL, President, Wist KALEir.if, X. C.

iheae aune ermtmllltts numa. This tl.erlj explains why. as swlMu a. IPhoop'i KiuiraUve hu In tiic pant lor witia ana aunts Hmru. Pr.

shitor, flnt Z2 the ntuee of all UiUpsJnlul, oali.tutiiu iiif hrl dlntrtm rtnrhtiTw-m action, sttwifrtheo thw. a -them as Deeded, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative HALL'S PHARMACY. DeWllf's Kidney and Bladder Pill, FOR BACKACHE J. C.

WRIGHT Attorney and Counccllor at-Lsw ALBEMARLE, N. C. Oillce rear room over M. F. Little Company stnre L.

W. HART, NORWOOD, N. C. Fire, Life, end Aeeitlont Insurance. Xlf(i esttut lite leading home untl tot-eigo companies.


OWae: liooms No. 2 and True! Duililinif. Olflco hours: 8.30 a. m. to 12 1.30 to 5.30 p.


Office In Control Hotel lluilillnjf, North oorner, Unit lloor. (JTHJE: On and after Msy 17, mv weekly visits on Monday anil Tuesday to Norwood will bo discontinued. R. A. CHOWELL Attorney at Law Albemarle, N.

C. Practices in Htate floral Courts. Settlcmonf Corner Second and Main Streets. R. LANE BROWN Attorney at Law ALBEMARLE, N.

C. Will practice In all the courts. Careful and protup attention gives to all mutters. Oillce in Trust TSuildinjf, Room No. 4.

I F. LATON GENERAL PRACTICE. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialty. Glasses filled Scientifically. 1 Otlice in Opera Bulldinr.

Office hours 8 to 9 a. m. and from 1 to 2 p. m. fiisGS D'fSFtPSIl TIBLETS Relieve In4i(eeun we) aUHneck IreuMe partial digester and physics ars not digesters at all.

Kodol Is a perfect digester. yen cosld see Kodol dlgesOngeverf particle of food, of all kinds. In the gloss test-tubes In our laboratories, yon would know this just ss weU as we da Nature and Kodol win always ear a sick stomachbut In order to be cored, the stomach must rest That Is what Kodol does rests the stomach, while the stomach gets well. Just as simple as Our Guarantee nte year (IrswaiM vmeyewJ a tar boetie. Thea aji Sara iae entire eueneuta of the brttlJe If 7u eaneetly ear.

thai It hae not aVme oe (oud, retera Ike bottle tbe druaaiel eoa he will nftuat your manrj without ae-Uoo or deUy. We wUi thro pay the drur JM foe the bottle. Boot heal rart te know the oar iraaraatM la a-Thia on enplktat the larve bottle only aa4 laeoltioelat family. The lenre lie FOtHalna Uaass as aaaek as the ftlV Kodol Is prepared at the laboiw tories oftC.DeWiUCo, Clilc. Cleanses the system thoroughly and dears sallow complexions of piinples and blotches.

It ts guaranteed All Druggists. I Business Cards. 1Ll la-ir- iprrrzqrJi John's Gl Loss. "For goodness' ante. Harriet, why so sadr "The cook's left but that Isn't the worst of It.

She took with her the recipe book for all the things John's mother used to make." Brooklyn Life. Not His Hat. rrlnclpal Johnnie. I'm surprised that your French Is so weak. Now, think.

Chapeau-what Is that? What does your father throw np when he's merry Johnnie Hla Job, sir. London Tlt-Blta. A Legal Difference. Tho Client How much will your opinion be worth In this ease? The Lawyer I'm too modest to any. But I can tell yon what I'm going to charge you for It Cleveland leader.

A eign. Whenever you hear pcoplo referring to any one ns "nn original genius" you may be sure that they are prepared to make excuses for him. Chicago Ree-ord-Heruld. Were not for hnpo the heart would break. Irish rroverb.

If people with symptoms of Kidney or bladder trouble could rculiJj their danger tbey would without loss of time ooujincnco taking Foley's Kidney lleiitetly. This great remedy slops tlie pain and lite irregularities, strenglliutis and builds up tbescorgans and there is no danger of lll-ltrbt's disease or other serious disorder. Do not disregard the early symptoms. Kitchie's Drugstore, Kichliulil, N. C.

And all Druggists. Belle-1 wish the Lord had mado me a num. Nellie Perhaps be has, only you haveu't found hltn yet ICsduuge. Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on i-otpiost, a clever "No-Drip" Coffee Strainer Coupon privilege, from Dr. Shoop, Hacine, Wis.

It is silver-plated, very pretty, and positively prevents all dripping of tea orcolTee. The Doctor sends it, with his new ie hook on "Health Coffee" simply to introduce this clever substitute for real cotl'ee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Is gaining its great popularity because of: first lis exipiisil Uisle and llavor: second, its absolute healllifulness: third, its economy- 1 1 11' I'-Vt: fourth, it's con venience. Nn tedious III! to 30 minutes boiling.

"Made In a minute" says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer's for a pleasant surpHse. Sold hy Hall's I'harmacy. Fred Ins Iiuddlug certainly has a taking way.

rtert I'm yes; Fhc has even promised to tnke my tin me. In sickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then tbe organ Unit thia nerve contents will also surely fail, it may lie a stomach nerve, or it may have given strength mid support to the Heart or kidneys. It was Dr. Slump that fitst pointed to this vital truth. Dr.

Shoop's llestnrative was not made to close the stomach nor to temporarily "stimulate the Heart or Kidney's. That old-fashion ed method is ail wrong. Dr. Shooii's testorutive goes directly to these fail ing inside nerves. The remarkable success of this prescription-demon strates tlie wisdom of treating the actual cause of these failing organs And it is indeed easy to prove, A simple five or ten (lavs lest will surely tell.

Try it once, and see! Sold by iJalla 1'liarmaoy. Small Girl father? -Why doesn't baby talk, Father He can't talk Young bnhles never do. yet, dear. Small Glrl-Oh, yes; they do. Job did.

Nurse read to me out of tho lib wo now job enrecfl the day he was bom I Liverpool Mercury. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A SPRING AND SUMMER IN North Carolina Mountains "Tie Land if tbeSki" "The Sapphire Count, Scenery Unparalleled Beautiful at any Season' And Particularly So At This Time. The Southern Rallwav oneratra Through Train, with Coaches and t'arlor Car, between CiOblsboro and Asbeville, N. vis, iinleivh. Dur ham, Greensboro and baliabary.

oa following schedule: 22 Kastorn Tinted iilj. -i I IT 14aa ttinr. a. m. at.

I a m. VM a. m. I.e Iturham Ar.

Ar. 10 Z-50 n. Rl l.T Kalistmrr p. M. ten aa.

Ar, fw. 11 ate. jn. HOtaM.i e. p.

m. i 1(1 2 1 a. at. s. Lv.

9.44 a fa. S.U L. lolae. ther txmveaieni Schedules and ntrough tmi Trff Snier- Tourist Tickets till im ill Ut IS, 1309. For Information as to fares, schedules, call on any Airent of tins Company, or tbe undersigned L.

Verkom, D. P. J. H. Wood, D.

P. Aaherille, N.C. RH.DEBurrs,T.P.A.,Ulelirh,N Oiambertiiin'e Cullc. Cholera and Diarrhoea Reraedr the beat and SureaL "It affords me pleasure to state that I consider tlie preparation kuown as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltomedy tho best and surest of good results of'any I have ever used in my family," savs I'. K.

Herrington, of Mount Aerial, Ky. This is the universal verdict nf all who use 111 is remedy, lis cures are so prompt and effectual that people take pleasure in recommending it. For sale by Hall's I'harinacv. Nature Tells You. As Man) an Albemarle Reader Knows Too Well.

When the kidneys are sick, Nature tells youull alsntt it. The urine is nature's calendar. Tnfretnient or too fretpicnt action; Any urinary trouble wdl of kidney ills. Albemarle people testify, to this. Win.

Furr, of Albemarle. says: "I suffered from a weakness of my kidneys for aomo time and the secretions were very irrogulur in passage. I at length heard about I loan's Kidney I'ills and decided to give litem atrial, I procured a box at null's I'harmacy. The results of their use have been very satisfactory indeed and 1 havo since felt lienor in every way. Doaa's Kidney I'ills acted directly upon my kidneys and I am glad to recommend them." For sale hy all dealers.

Trice oO cents. Ft ster-Milburn Hit Halo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ltemeniher thh nameDoan's and take no other. Order tor Town Election, The Hoard of Commissioners for the town of Allieiuai'lo, met in regular session in tho ayor's office on Friday night June 4th, all liicmlM-rs and llt Mayor being present. It was ordered that an election he held in the town of Allieniiuie nn Tuesday the 27th day of July A.

D. 1 1 toll, for the purpose of submitting to the iptalilied voters of said town the oticst.ion of issuing bonils in sttiil town as follows, to-wit: 1. To Issue t.l.oDO.andur Chapter 'Mi 1 Private Laivrs IV 11, to pay tlie outstanding indebtedness contracted for nr nn account of the Graded School. 2. To 1100, tinder Chapter I Private Laws for building Audi torium at (jratleu achnnl ami otherwise enlarging and improving said school building.

To issue .144 Private Laws for the estublish-niontof a system of water works. 4. To issue HO.OOO, under Chapter "1 Private Laws to establish a system of electric, gas or other lights in said town. fi. To issue M.oiio, under Chapter "1 Private Laws 1107, for constructing and eslalilishlng a system of sewerage.

6. To issue underChanler 71 Private Laws 1N07, for the purpose of grading, macadamizing, paving, widen, ing straightening, or otherwise improving the streets of the town. It is further ordered that said bonds shall run for a period of not less than twenty-five years nor more than forty years from the date Of issue, the exact time to be determined by the Hoard nf Commissioners at tbe time of issue of any of said bonds. ft is further ordered that said bonds which are issued for street inprove-ntent shall be issued in amounts not exceeding ten thousand dollars the first year, and not exceeding five thousand dollars any year thereafter. It is further ordered that the bonds Issued tor all other purposes shall be issued only when needed for too pur-nose herein stated.

It is further ordered that said bonds shall be issued In denomination of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, as the Hoard of Commissioners shall de termine at time of issue. It is further ordered that notice of this election be published in tlie Staw.y Kntkhpiusk and the Albemarle Chronicle from now until the date of election. It is further Ordered that a new registration be. and the same is hereby ordered for said election, and that II. M.

Snuggs be and he is hereby spool nted Itegistrar lor said election, and that he post notices of said election notifying the voters of the towg that said registration Itooks will npen on rnuay, July hui, nam and close on Saturday, July 17th, -It is further -ordered that 8. H. Milton and W. Alma Smith be and they are hereby appointed Judges for saia electionv is further ordered that said election held under the same rules and regulations as provided by law for the election of Mayor and Commissioners of said town. By order of the Hoard; U- Mayor.

itp, Ewi-to. Secretary. Chlldrsin Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to taXe NOTICE OF LAM) SALE. NctHTH Cauiu.ina.

Stanly County; In obedience to an order made in the special proccodinsrs, entitled Clark, M. M. Clark, C. lark. K.

llinson anil Husband, I. A. Hinaon, vs. 1). 1 Clark, A.

W. Clark. H. Ij. Almond, Minnie Almond, Hoyden Almond, (lieen Almond anil W.

A. Tucker. Ciiardian ad litem, by A. I'. Harris, clerk of the Superior Court for Stanly county, N.

C.r tho undersigned commissioner will sell to the highest bithler, subject to the widows dower, which dower has been assigned by the court, at the court house door in tht low- Albemarle, N. on the 2d Day nf at 12 o'el-. m. ed laiois aii'i 1,, in county, oi m'l'-Ni? I.nk umiih.p, lK-lTtiiiii id I'. till, i vith said line S.

i-2 1 a stone in said line: thei 7 K. in chs. to a stake: theuce S. lo K. li chs.

to a red oak in the Cliat ies llinson obi line: thence, with said line S. i.M W. 2 chs. to a stake by a pine and red oak: thence -with said line aain and fai-r-Inir its corner "7 -M. I i chs to a stake, David l'urris's corner: tlience with bis line it' If chs to a post oak: thence with Ins line aeam "i chs to ti corner of a 2i acre tract: tlience with a line of sard tract 1 i 12 2o cits ami furring corner to a take in a Held: thence si; chs to the lieinniitLf.

coiitainiiiiT il acres more or less. Also alio acre tract, bounded as follows, to-wit: I Joiriniiino- at a post oak the corner of the old Charles Ca-trle tract il fed oaks and 2 hickories and runs l' poles with said line to a red oak a while oak: thence lio oles to a pine bv a post oak: thence luo poles to a post oak. red and ptisV oak pointers; thence til the creek and ilowti the various courses of the creek to John Iluney-cutt's old line: thence with his line to a stake: tlience a direct course to the containing iio ttcies moist or Msst The tthove landi beinj on the wab-rs of Stony Hun creek, containing the old home place of the late John K. Clark, each tract containing tfood dwellings, barns and fine wells ol water. Sold for partition.

Terms of sale cash: i-il in six mi ntbs and 1-i! in twelve months, deferred payments to le secured by note and ood securitv. This July 1st. O. I). II.

UKVNuUi.S. Commissioner. Z. 13. Sanukhs, Attv.

OTICE OF SUMMONS 8T PUBLICATION. North Stanly County. In the Supci ior Court, Uefore Ute Chirk. Sarah Whitley.

Mary Hartsell, and Win. Hatloy. Cora II alley. Sevmore Hatley. Silas rfatley and Lula Hatley lit their tuardian.

Klatn Ilailev. Leanuer Ifatley. Gaston Hatley, John Hatley, Thos. 'liatley and Chis. Hatley by their guardian, Kphraitn itatiey, HtineycuU, Thos.

ll.tneycutt. John Iluneycutt, 11. Hiineycutt. A. J.

Iluneycutt, Susan Kindle-, M. E. L. Oxen-liairi, S. E.

ChrisUipher. Minnie' UslKtrn. ha. K. and Kliza-feth ClonU.

Nellie, lonu, W. J. B. Clonti and Karnest ClonU by their guardian, J. W.

(iontz, Kli M. Iluneycutt, J. W. Iluneycutt. A.

J. Huneycutt, Mary f. Urooks. Tabitha Rowland, Kli Hunevcult, I W. L.

t. iove. Cora Taylor, liartsell, 7 Anaa, in a Jseunedy. Better Not Get Dyspepsia If yon can help it Kodol prerenta Dypept, by effectually, helpingr Nature, to, Relieve Indigestioa But don't trifle with Indigestion. A (Treat many people who hare trifled with Indigestion, have been sorry for It when nervous or Chronic dyspepsia resulted, and they have not been able to core It.

Use Kodol and prerent haying Dyspepsia. Everyone Is subject to Indigestion. Stomach derangement follows stomach abuse. Just as naturally and lust as surely as a sound and healthy stomach results upon the taking of KodoL When 'yon experience sourness Of stomach, belching of gaa and nauseating fluid, bloated sensation, gnawing pain In the pit of the stomach, heart burn (so-called), diarrhoea, headaches, dullness or chronic tired feeling yon need KodoL And then the quicker yon take Kodol the better. Eat what yon want, let Kodol digest It Ordinary pepsin "dyspepsia tablets," physics, etc, are not likely to be of much benefit to yon.

In digestive ailments. Pepsin Is only I I 1 I UJalnst Malinda Stancil, ElizalsHh Stancil. Johw eitanet I. hi at ai fit fsitaudi now Lett) and Iter husband, Dr Lett, Lilly Taesia Huneycutt and Ixe Honey eutt. -j The defendants.

Malinda Stancil, Kliiabelh StanciL John Stancil, Mar- fin file (now Lett) and her haatiawd. 4r, Lew. wrir-tske imtice Hall's Pharmacy, Albmarl, N. that a summons in the altove entitied aelloDwas aaTiui said defend-inu on the day by A. if- Jlarrisvl lerk of the Stsftarior 'Court of Stanly eouaty, Ntwli Carolina, in an action to sell real estate fo -partition matoag len-, ants in ennioMm.

wtucto ftummtins Is retornable sworeth atU clerk of the superior court at bis ofSoe in Albe-i mai lei ia saluunty. on the Kth day ol Jul, lfc when and where the de-i lea das are required to appear and answer or dtauur to Ute complaint of the platotiflm. or relief denaaded will 1 anted. Tlus tbe 10 day of Jans, 119. A.

P. HARKIS. Clerk ol ILe uperior court. uHiiMO Littleton Female College. One of the aaost suceessful and beat equipped beardicr in the South with not water heat, electric lights aod eiLar axklr 1 era improvements.

Z'S boarding pupils last rear. 27th annual sessioci will begin September 1, Iw. For catalogue address J. M. RHODES, Littleton, N.

C. jo. 24-3ol Laxative Frnit Syrup Ritchie Drug Store, Richfield, and Sold by.

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