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Stanly News and Press from Albemarle, North Carolina • 8

Albemarle, North Carolina
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4 5 DEPARTMENTS hav A ALBEMARLE MARKET PIANO llNING A SPECIALTY Srr (Mir Organ and Pianos brioir Inn i ANNOUNCEMENT Dres: drJfUJJJMMfMMJJMa Watch Now Lents and Morton of a new iSL78c i Thaoc Mats pmplykmhdwtci repeated Patents HEISKELLS OINTMENT The any Subscription of both Special for both 1200 150 Semi Weekly Observer The Enterprise only for to Th'? Ml 9 kS for me the worn: There meeting toulght" the man: "There were about a 100 101 nor and Millard Parker of Nor folk Va are spending a davs in town Miss Viola Kiker of Polkton was the guest of her cousins SPOTLESS A RUBBER TnT and $110 $1 and $110 $250 to $3 yer bag Meal $100 ptr bushel Oats 50 to cents per bushel I We have just closed a cluU jbing offer with The Charlotte Semi Weekly Observer so that our readers can get both paper fat a very low rate Here is the price: SHANKLE Bom to Mr and Lowder on Wednes day morning January 21 a son Trading horses and breaking wild mules is the order of the day here now Our farmers took advantage of the nice weather the past two' weeks and did some good plow Our aclorv Saks conanor tv be inteTM ing in purcherp 1 to be win be" NMtM the optimist "WML I 4ot know about that" re pW hi pemriiatetfc aeighhor hist oit to me how three cover vegetable reetsT piaateC ifl whereat the men never tell the womet uy ueorge Mia tne man i non i know but you are pared to do first class work in mi laomet Photographs Penny Pictures Views and Post Cards Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back A We will be here for ten Portrait and View Company itp position at Mr CE CO Toledo OM 'H br amily pilla fT ecaxrdipBua COUNTY NEWS THIS WEEK There has ev A imaraeriuft been considerable winter plow LAST TU URDtndTAIW NORWOOD Mr and Mrs ing done in this section i John Mills of Anson county were i While on his way home from guets of their daughter Mrs Albemarle last week Milas Love W0A eoLVis Sumi that Upchurch last riday iwaa taken sick He was riding mao caumb amumcnt Mr and Mrs Cook of with John Taylor who took him I Mt Gilead were visitors in town home We are glad to say that he is improving at this time Messrs George Osborne and Albert urr have bought the: Henry Reed lands Mr Osborne has erected a store on his part and will ran a general merchan disc business Yow is our leading dairy spent the man in this section He has ten head of fine Jersev cows and will shm his butter to Charlotte over: A A A I OVER 5 subscribers can renew to this: paper and get the benefit of the bpecial Rate Now is the time tj pay up vour subscriotion and subscribe for The Semi Weekly Observer Address all orders to ALBEMARLE ENTERPRISE Albemarle Saac paper advartica it WE PONT Published Tuesdays and ri days The best semi weekly newspaper in the Carolinas Tli is offer is good NEW subscriptions I 1 We know it would hurt the home trade We would rather have the ads of local merchants (ETCH THEM IN! LET US D3 YOUR fc Cl'LLOM Instrumental LOREN CL MAI Cl'LLOM aM SELMA LI LlOM in nest Aioemarle near okr Woodland Mfg plant Has modern conveniences nnd is in (PrWwl AAMrl! iak 1A 1 i Gantt City Route 2 j22 3t i A $500 note given me I by Taft dated about Sept 19 1913 and due Jan 1 i 1914 inder will please return to the undersigned i Lampley Mt Gilead No 2 jl5 4t I will grind on Mon i Mail Order Business tyswrieilTMMemtail MBBMKaO aS aecttrra rrwry tor ann Ta stei UhM Umck Mans OLwiaM Sdoamc JhKricM BUSINESS LOCALS 1 OR Three shares of stock in Albemarle Real Es tate and Insurance Company' Apply to Cabarrus Savings Bank CABBAGE PLANTSil7 Jersey Wakefield 1000 for $100 postpaid: 100 for 25 cents 0 Parks Ulah 4t one horse wagon a new delivery wagon Corrected weekly by Morrow Bro nK A Company CUTTON Cotton 13 Cents Ctun Seed Colton Seed $1 65 WHEAT ETC The Junior Order of this place I5oranires ia oranges wu iitnc vn next riday night January 30 There are four candidates for in itiation music refreshments and best of all Deputy Peeler will be present Every membei is urged to be present Miss Callie Hart sell spent Saturday and Sunday in Albemarle Martin urr of Mt is here greeting old friends Mr and Mrs Burris spent the week end with rela tives in Albemarle Mrs Treece returned on Wednesday from a visit of a fortnight with her brother Rev Eudy of Big Lick route 1 Tucker and family have moved from here to the vcinity of Hill ehur'h A number of ladies enioyed an old time quitting at fine day last week Miss Amanda Coffey from near Charlotte has come to take charge of the primary depart ment at staniy ttaii Owing to a misunderstanding of the date Mrs Treece postponed her sale of personal property until the 7th of eb ruary i PhoWnttn Coal UIIUIhHLu UVflN RVUNJ Observer OR SALE: Good grade com mercial sand $650 per car Eagle Springs Rates to (Albemarle exceedinirlv inu Near Death In Sewer 'Norfolk Southern and Southern Dr Cooke Adame who han bem Railroads Can quote delivered a civil enrineer eurreon naval offi 1 a a cer and research worker in Australia 99 waa tellin some of hie blood curdlin 122 ext eriencea the other day "My narrowest escape from death' We have erected he aaid not at the hands of abo I our Photograph Tent on lot rtgtnes or buahmen I was enaed between Pharmacv and as an engineer in preparing plana fot the Court House and are nre of Sydney Australia In connecttoe with thia work was necessary tn re survey the old uaventtlated system which had been laid years previ ously the existing plans of which were most Inaccurate 1 had been under ground several hours sud the men in charge of the mnnholea had mistaken the signals and cloeed the manhole THE I Reward flit I rtitrs pen CuNom School ol Music RXLEKiH NORTH CAROLINA ALBEMARLE NORTH CAROLINA rents Mr and Mrs I Whit i poplin ock I friends Postelle and Valentine May dav 3 put off the purchase 3 dependable Watch until your present one makes you miss some important 9 engagement Discard the old one now 5 Buy the new one at this store because 3 you will get a HAMILTON or SOUTH 3 BEND the most reliable timepiece 3 known A guarantee with every one 3 sold to give satisfaction I have for sale 3 a splendid showing of thin models 3 from $675 to $50 3 STARNES Leading Jeweler apd Optician PLAIN SEWING an making done cheat) satisfac tion guaranteed Call on Mrs Grover Thompson one block east of Lillian Knitting Mill 2t AQ QATE1 vrne year old horse works anvwhere is gentle and sound Will sell at a bargain Call on or address A Rowland Route 1 Richfield PRODUCE Eggs 27 to 30 Country Hams 17 20 cents per nnmui Country 12 to 15 cents per Weekly Observer but our pound Li ll MJ I lqi I4i iriia wi inung i to io cents per pound Chickens hens 35 to 40 cents each Pens $200 per bushel Lard 12' 15 cent per pound Onions 75 to $1 Irish io cents Sweet Potatoes 45 mwage atarted it way before th I a Prim I i wwwv ww uivcOTerea bm i vaa res i caad together with aa aaatetawt both or a acoaacioa from amror poiao ptr tag" Doxen Carnations li ner Dozen agiwwfoga In AattroroMp Sweet Peas $1 to $150 per ppronmc i pnt or ti nunarea i acceaafol author Mr Arthar PmSm i WE I aia waa a poem wrlttee to match aij Qmii I graving which the proprietor of a magaxine found ooxpoctedly throw rlumosus 25 to 50c pvft Buncn I hia hand Julea ciaretfe1 trot i Sprongeri 25 to 50c per Bunch I novel wa comooaed under aimilar circumstances Edmond Deotu Al No '3S i a prominent publisher under the aec ADeinarle Drug Co local agents end empire had widely advertised novel entitled "Vne Dr "ease" by a writer who signed herself Counter Dash On the eve of publication the isuy wanted the title alteri PRINTING! publisher refused to make change and in order not to waste money hunted around for an author capable of furnishing within four wees novel which the title would St Claretie undertook the task' and fifitshml if dbll witkflws mm usra I jr werrMi reir 1 It was 11:44 The man and Ms wife hsd jrt come home They did not eome home together They had not been to the same place She had been to a meeting for wooten only he to one Said at our Said hundred women tried to push their way into ours "That one man" aoM she "looked awfully neared" "Thoee hundred women" said be "didn't look a bit scared "I thiuk" said she "the man got into our hall by mistahe Anyhow he got away a aoou a be could" "There wa no mistake about those women being there" said the man "and they didn't leave until they were in the wy" went to Albemarle on business last riday The wheat crop is not looking 'nm muwvnsi'cinro in flat a oAtfiAn tcij Ul ifiiaimdK i kggr nvviiuii Mary Emma and aye at present Parker Sunday Mrs Mattie lake of Wades Mrs ictoria Crump of Aqua boro was here on business last dale is spending a few days with i riday Mrs Hi ttie Parker I old gin house and Born to Mr and Mrs Sta 'a ot of hay were destroyed by mey Lowder a few days ago a fire last Wednesday son site1 Estimates place the California i Rockingham a few days last 'shipment of oranges at 40000 Rummw'r cars' 716 crop for the season is Rummage accompanied her aAViniv 4a auatl au A I CVM lin IC1I a VW a VII ery person in the count with 15 oranges they t0 ton Jt i Headquarters for sCut lowers! There wa short silence Said th man presently: "It I this difference in the attitude of the aexe toward the meeting fot Sl A women only and for men onlv that A MaLoa roas fael mnenllv lltWtriAr It iiam i i aamaa ivi makes jne proud of my sex I haven't a good second hand buggy the slightest desire no nan has the i Albemarle Repairing Co It slightest desire to butt into a ieml 1" nine conflab but the woman nevet breathed who waan't on edge with curiosity in regard to what taken place when a bunch of men hold a se cret conference I have known worn en who admitted that they would will Inglv sacrifice a year's normal pleas urea for the privilege of being smug gled Into a Masonic initiation or aom other masculine rite Contrast that prying spirit with the modesty of men Un your own snoring wnt a man luiiincw accidentally trapped in a hall where near Misenheimer Springs beauty congress or a dressmakers' ccn vention ia In progreas he ia so niaer On Saturday eb hl ht tho flv In rtin inidcr'i well HlHrV I I Will Sell at auction had a picnic compared with hla mar ito the highest bidder for cash tyrdom That to my mind la a pun 'all my household and kitchen! gent commentary on the disposition ol furniture Sale to begin prompt 1Mt nnd woman Can you explain hr at 2 at mv home Main street Wi Dot ife DOVfOY tDRl BDf ii 11 i did not intend to try jail rtlhe Lillyj29 2tp There was another silence Raldtb pnn ppkt a a i MV Mln "WhM MMT at your meeting tonight?" nothing much" said the mar a ia ni oappenra bi yourw 1 vtnvlkCiat iuu 1 "Everything" aaid the woman Ther gKd condition on acre lot abe proceeded to tel! him wLai 'every thing' comprised it took more that half an hour to tell it Every now ant then the man for consistency's sake tried to look bored but the air of in difference waa III aaaumed The nar rativ' really Interested him nd waa sorry when it was finished Th story being ended tuere wa anotheilienee Suddenly the woman aald: can nnawer your question now ww qwvuuw www women are crary to go tr days Wednesdays ridays and meetings while men wouldn't Saturdays and will saw on the give a flg to go to women's meetingr other days at Bloomington 1 Suaday Mn TImm Coliwn and daugh 1 ter M(m Cora are spending a few days with Charlotte friends Miss Teeter of Big Lick spent a few days here Last week with Misses Berta and Grace ore man suss reai Nmith week end with her sister Mr in A IIna uIa a a I Iv 1 1 Jw 1 1 1 14 I Iv 4 I A4 1 fl 4 akw a 4 Miss Lee Steele was called the Norfolk Southern railroad home Sunday to attend the! Hamp Harvell has movd his1 burial of her grandmother who family to where he nas oeen ill for several weeks has a Miss Mary Lentz taught in her dairy grade during her absence James Yow has a very badly Mrs Houston Nichols and her mashed hand His car became children of Biscoe are visiting stalled in the mud near Locust relatives here for a few days and while trying to get it out Harris who has been he got his hand caught in the undergoing treatment in the Sal gearing ishtiry sanatorium the past sev 1 We are sorry to learn that eral weeks returned Saturday Gowan Morgan of Big Lick has! 31 ISH Vircrinin nf Ink WJH lii lllforaf 1 anon Ohio is guest nf her cons Smyrna Lumlwr Company Mr in Mrs Smith of the Morgan will be in business at Rocky River Springs vicinity Stanfield Mrs Smith and Miss Stubbs We are glad to say old barley were guests of Mrs Hart corn is something that does not Tuesday bother this section of Stanly Miss Eva Lilly spent several The good Christians in this sec days last week with Anson cour (ion will not tolerate it and the ty friends tigers know it Misses Ixittie and Odessa) This scribe is atwavs glad to Smith of the Rest vicinity spent receive the good old Enterprise a iew oavs nere last week with ra la 11 1 AUUNrar mia Hnn rvn iinv Lee is ha ing a cottage Mr 1 I 4 lx1 4 IMAM La 1 A uciwmi in moiners res idence and that of Barrin ger It will be modern in equip ment having water lights etc Among our citizens there is no one with more progressive ideas than Mr Lee aiesaames Nt son and ing A Henderson spent several Russell was wounded on days last week in Charlotte the arm and hand while trying Mr and Mrs rank Conrad to harness a wild mule a few of Pharr came last riday days ago and are with Mrs pa 1 Jonah Maulden and Robert visited relatives end in Albemarle last Sun GOLDDOLLABS zd vro 5 5 1 tXBt I Are Always ia Deamd I Hall Crrrh Cur 1 a Th fl Artistic uneral Designs AND TN It VY 1 ak greenhouse KY(JStO Wgrtfiind KOfiMtS Albemarle Drug Co Agents i i or Salisbury Green House? I The City Meat M'ukot is agim opened bv its founder Mocdy ho will keep in stock an up to date line of resh Mears of all kinds with all other accessories ii flk such as sh Oysters Game Etc carried in a first class St II market want all the good beet cattle and mediumSized pork hags I can ger also green and dry hides Will highest cash prices for same Want old and new custoni i to give me a trial fiCity Meat Market ill MOODY Proprietor I JfL I 2 roT I i Icily Meat Market? I Ii I I nr I 7 1 1 I 1 (Wii Pw Antaji i csr' direct to bt cly I tofactnryeo ro fewl KzSSzin 1 1 K4 lUiMtoCA I toilr a math StOqjLla a a I I I kia Jiaae yieM to its curative prograatraa Kj: 4 Ta I Atautec I MLjk la trw M' m4 bort "MBa4traB 1 CCSSirl3tro i lHLJ' stt A 9.

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