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The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 2

Salem, Oregon
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE WKiK MSASM. tiller Making Rapid Progress i Knrpe Otker News. THB lTtwsrrem ilft4i HollaadjGer ul many and Traace London, auk. 27. Another death mm nli.

Wa ncourred today. It In UiuagbtM outbreak is inevitable RmTRRDAM. Aue. 27. Woman dlad.thM mornltig fronl cbolera.

ilHKi.iN. Auk. 27. Cool weather does not dwiiwwe the cholera at Hstubtirg. Dlseaso appeared on the 1.U111U tn the

There In dearth of doctors, Paris, Auk. 27. Alt Russian at Marseilles are to be "quarantined and clothing burled. NmVYobk. Aue 27.

The Lo urrlvuil from Havre this i tiiitiiilnK. No indication of cholera found abroach The Mine Explosion. London, Aug. 20.At the Park-v mine, ut 0 o'oloulc this evc-uitiK tbe reaculug party tuml? to thi fHirface with twd men whom they found near the bottom of the ph. Both were badly burned uud uu-, conscious, with little hope' of recovery.

Shortly after this, lire sudden-ly burst iorth from the inoutb ol the pit. This cut off all hope fo) those who escaped death. The. hive certainly been BUiiocated oi fined to death. London, Aug.

27. All night Ioiip Volunteer parties kept up the work jttPor'k Slip pit, the scene of the explosion in Wales yes-' terday At six o'cIook this morn-' they bad penetrated 000 yards luin tiie main shaft. In all this distuned no sluu of life was dlsuover-- d. Hero there was a body of a miner but the attitude invariable showed death had come suddenly. Ten bodies wore recovered.

1 London, Aug. 27. At hair paat one this afternoon the drift wiis llually penetrated and 30 ltu- prisoned miners were rescued. Work of clearing galleries is still beliit 1 pushed in hope of saving others. 1 LntfUON, Aug.

27. this afternoon eight more imprisoned miners were rescued. Fourteen more'ure waiting to bo dugout. Against Cholora. Charleston, S.

Aug. 27 Tin local health department lias Isiued strict regulations to guard against the introduction of cholera. The -summer quarantine, which is at ways strictly enforced, is in opera-: lion. One extra precaution hut taken; tlio quarautlue station jjls provided with tho Hoel system ol steam sanitation and disinfection, and is very complete. Fell Five Stories.

San Aug. 27. While three workmen were washing mor- tar from, tho brlolc work on the building yesterday afternoon, a platform suspended by ropes, on which they were slandlug, broke. Two men clung to the ropes, and were taken iu ut tlio windows. Tbe third man, Fred Dyer, fell to the ground, live stories below, and was instantly killed.

Lettor from Labouohoro. London. Aug. 27. Labourohere has written a letter to Gladstone eomlimontlng him upon his chival ry in accepting tho responsibility for the arrangement of the ministry.

Iu' tbe lottor Labouohoro declares his unswerving loyalty to Gladstone but'advlscs him not to pormit prcs-' sure of homo rulers to swumn radi cal measures. From Baker Oity. IIakkii City, Aug. 27. Nows is melvedoftbo drowning lu Bnnke river at tho Union Paclllo crossing, John Porter, of tlio Paclllo hotel.

Body not recovered, A barn belonging to 8. L. Jitter and J. L. ilnlsloy was consumed by Are last eight, burning thrco horses.

Loss $1000. No Insurance. Origin 'unknown. A Mob Lynched Him. Nasiivixlk, Tumi.

Aug. 27, At Alamo, this morning, a negro was taken trout the jail by a mob and lyuched. He was said to have ben guilty of attempted rnpo. PAPER BURNED OUT. Workod off tlio Edition, While Uttlldinj; Was in Flames.

AUO08TA, Aug. whluh broke out here ariy thW morning totally destroyed Mt Augusta Ctiroutnlo otllceuud live bMliMMM houw. Total loss, insurance about Kit-tir morning edition of the Cumulate ww worked oil while tho build-tug was in Hamw. Files of papers flHU 1800 to date and books were Yd, IkFutrlty Stakes. BtMMMltMd Bay, Aug.

27. Futur- UyataMW) won toilay by Morullo, ady Vhw, seeona; ueiiauuna, third. 'HhwIiISJ, Tire at) Butte Oity, Jtovrtc Cm', Cl Aug. I night dwtroyvd tbe waruouso iK to the www or Jo. soutHluIng eXKX) sacks of JaottU' More building, P(ok aWw, h'v, a-v ltHar attop wttrv diimy- hmu lwm awl mtm Mm mmumtws.

IOWAKAOSS. Martha Wilkes and Jay Eye See Make Good Records INDBI'BNDBSCK, Iowa, Aug. 27. A free-for-all trot was the event of tlio day yesterday Martha Wilkes was conceded the winner, and barred from pools. The race record was smashed in two consecutive Double tbeu driving her out tho third heat in 2:0.

Martha Wilkes three straights, Alvln second, Vice third) best tlmo 2:12, 2:10, 2:00. Half mile pace, free-for-all, Mas-cott, Manager, Itoy Wilkes, Hal; best time 1:. Jay Eye bee (trotting record 2:10) went against the pacing mark of aud made a good mile with-outa skip or break; time 31:, 1:0:1, 1:341, Opura House Burns. New Yoiiic.Aug.ii7. The Metro- polltnu opera house was destroyed by flro this morning.

Scene palut badly hurt. Loss about half million. PRESIDENT HARRISON. Makes a Visit to the City of Ma-lono, N. Y.

Malonk, N. Aug. village was astir early yesterday.uud Damoomts vied with Republicans preparing a suitable reception for tl hief magistrate. Tho village wi- Handsomely decorated, and peoph warmed In all directions. At 12:80 tbe presidential train arrived.

The president was conducted to the Howard house, where a lunoheou was served, followed by an interval of rest. President Harrison was escorted to tlio park, where tho exer cises were held. Chalrimu Kllbur i followed with an address of we'-oome, to whleii tho president responded with a half hour's speech Che president said, in part: "We an here today ns citizens, nqt partisans, to give expression to those common Interests which fortunately for us as i nation obliterate all party division jud make us one people Iu its defense. Wo are a favored nation iu the great Isolation we enjoy. Bui It must not boHUpposed that tblsw-paratlou from close contact with the great powers that forever sttnd on on the threatening edge of war has left as without duties and responsibilities.

I fancy wo are entering now upon a career when our external inlltienco in commerce is to bo larger than over before. I take great delight iu contemplating the foot ihat before another year one of the swiftest and best of ull great lines of itoam-ihlps going out of New York will carry the American Hag." In conclusion he said; of the G. A. I glvo you a greeting today. God bless you, every forbid tlio heart-lesbuess of that American who can begrudgo to any of you the just dues for your hard servlco." (Great ap-pluusc.) At the conclusion of the president's speeoh the people formed in lino, and for nearly tin hour pas-i-ed before tho president, who, to each, extended a hearty grasp of the hand.

Mr. Harrison then boarded the train for Loou Lake. BEN WOODS', FIREMAN. Ho FindB Roliof After Much Suf fering. Pohtland, August 30.

Five years ago a flro broke nut in a building then on tho site now oc cupied by tlio Washington block, on tho southeast comer of Fourth and Washington streets. Bon of tho hook and ladder coin- puny, ono of the most faithful men in the ilro department, and who was always In front hi dangerous pluoes, lauded a ladder against the chimney of tho building, when a loose brick struck him on tlio head. It indented tho skull an Inoh or more. From that lime up to within about two weeks ago, he su tiered muoh from tho accident, mid was greatly troubled with itiHomulu. Itoeeutly physlclaus told him that if lie did not submit to a trophtulug operation he would become insane.

Mr. Wood uudorwuut tho operation ut Bt. Vincent hospital, and two days ugo he wus well enough to go to Ins home at No. 03 Fourth street. Ho Is now out, and feels like a new man, at which his friends rejoice.

WASHINGTON PROHIS. They Nomlnato a State Ticket and Adopt a Platform, Tauoma, Aug. 27,. -Tho state eon. volition of prohibitionists yesterday ohojie tho followluir candidates: For electors, II.

M. Bolt, ypokanej A. Blgvlow, Thurston county; Miickcady, IMereo ceunty: J. W. I'nter, Columbia county.

Congressman, K. Dickinson, Walla Walla, and Professor 15. P. Newberry, Is- laud county. Governor, Judge ltger, S.

Greeu, King county, lieutenant governor, ltev. I). G. Strong, Wnlln Walla; secretary of utute, James W. O'Dell, Bpokauo; attorney general, Edward Smith, King county.

The convention adopted resolutions favoring the prohibition of alcoholic liquor; uo dUtiuotlon of sex in elective franchise; that a tantt should be levied as a defense agalust forvlgu governments which levy upon or bar out our products, revenue being incidental; demands Increase In the circulating medium; restrictions on forwlsjn Immigration; election ol president, vlee-preahU-ut, and United tjtatca senators by vote of the tHKiiile: abolition of the poll Ux, aud aupllm of a system of approved untitle roads; miking a law to eu foree the sabbath. They favor the of state eourU e-f LETTER FROM CLEVELAND. Refuting Some Charges Against Himself by Opponents. Chattanooga, Aug. 27.

As an outcome of the political discussion between Democrais and Republicans in tills city, the letter having asserted that "during Cleveland's administration, he (Cleveland) 'permitted Laud Commissioner Sparks to turn out twenty thousand families from homis in Minnesota and other uori western states," Mr. Cleveland bus addressed the following letter to Mr. Shelly, Democratic disputant iu thecuse: "(Personal) Gray Gables, Buzzards Bay. Aug. 20, '02 M.

Shelley, Chattanooga, tVnn. My Dear Sir: Your letter the 12ih lust, to hand. In reply 1 nuve lo ly that I have not the least Idea iv hat your worthy frieuu meant, when be declared that I had been the medium through which twenty thousand families were made homeless uud hud lost Ibeh all Hunting for their rights. I am perfectly well aware that I have Oeeu tho means of saving some homes to uiy countrymen, and have tried ever to make the burden of heir lives easier. I urn umuzed ut eceivlng from the Southern country letters charges like thul which you bring to my attention.

I urn surprised, first, ut the iuge-lulty neotssury for their concoction without the least sembunce of foun dation. I am the more amazed that with my record before the people of 'his country thut such baseless lies should be deamed sufficient arguments to prejudice me uud tbe cuuee I f' tlie time being represent, In the minds of the Southern people. Guoveii Clevkland." Stuck in the Sand. San Fisanoisco, Aug. 27.

Th' iteamer Noyo arrived from Fort Bragg uinl reports that tho big timber raft which was to have been launched tit Fort Bragg Wednesday and towed to this city by the Nojo Is fust in the sand at the point of launching. Arrangements were completed for the launching on Weducsd and at high water tin-raft was suit ted on the cradle. Tin inollut a little ton steep, and m-soou as pile of Inuibor got started it gained considerable headway, aud when about fifty feet of It struck the water the bow end suddenly took a dowu shoot and imbedded itself some depth iu the sand A portion of the cradle on which the rafi rested is also underneath. The raft is 305 feet long, aiidcontainsover 1,000,000 feet of lumber. It is valued at between aud $100,030.

Tho jPixley Train Robber. San Fuancibco, Aug. 27. John Oriillth, sailor arrested iu Berkeley lust night, suys he wus one of the four men who robbed a Southern Pacific train near Pixley, Tulure county, In February, three yeurs-ugo, Gri tilth Bays the others concerned In the robbery were two whii-men i)uuid Barker uud Jt'imsberg and un uilluu. liamsberg committed Milcldc seveu months after the miliary, aud Barker Is still living In the hills in Fresno county.

The Indian's whereabouts are not known. After the robbery Griffith suys tie went to Honolulu us a sailor on winding bark Northern Light und eauio back on the same vessel a few ditye ago. Ho says thut he has been couscleiice-strlcken for the (met tli i eo years aud Is ready to stand trial lor tlio robbery. Giif-llth Is about 25 years of age aud Ills father Is a well-known real estate dealer Fresno. The authorities will Investigate his story.

Tho Borden Murder Oaso. Fall ill visit, Aug. 27. The Borden murder hearing was resumed la tho district court. Lizzie Borden, the prisoner, walked firmly uud took her usual seat.

Dr. Dolan resumed his testimony. He described tho wounds und how he supposed they were inlhoted. Witness said the Indies hud been interred, aud skulls removed from tlio bodies by instruction of tlio utioruoy-geiiorul. Tlio skulls were photographed uud were now lu wluiraa' possession.

Ill the doctor's opinion Mrs. Bordeu was dead two hours before her husband. Treasurer Hart, of tlie Union savings batik, testllled he had seen Mr. Borden lu tlio bank tiie morulug of the mur ders, und that he complained of feeling unwell. Illinois Democrats.

Bmiomukiton, 111., Aug. Democratic campalgu 0vued today by a big demiinstiutloii in this city. There were thousands of Domoeruts In atteudaneo and Hon. James J. liwlng, Stevenson's law partner presided, Senator John M.

Palmer wus tlie llrst speaker, A. 15, Sloven-son. Democratic coudlduto lor vice piesitleut followed in a speech dt-voUd to turlft. Death of a Wanderer. Yohk, Aug.

27. -Baron Roger do Selllero died horo Thursday, The baron wus born In France half a century ugo, aud in early life an attack of scarlet fever robbed him of his seiiaee of hearing aud sieech. His pareuts lavished love aud wealth upon the boy, but nothing could divert his sensitive uaturu fiotn his jflllctlou. Wheu his uged parents passed away he became a wanderer upon the face of tl eeirth. He wus handsome, brilliant aud rich, hav-lug 100,000 francs a year, out Roger le Selllero oould not forget his af-diction, Foi yeurs he wandered throii-jli all lauds, stopplug only mug enough to recuperate for another voyage.

Many persons here kaew thU strange oharaetcr. He wm freqiMBt visiter to lvt oity, miim jj mm iim; METHODIST OONFERENOE. The Second Djy's Porcoo dings-Programme. Portland, Aug. 27.

A larger attendance wus noticeable at the Methodist iu session at the Centenary cburcli yesterday morning, and every one seemed to manifest great interest in the exercises. After devotional services, which were conducted by the Rev. J. W. Miller, the conference reopened Its cession for business.

Tlie first thing in order was the udop'lon of resolutions of sympathy with BMiop and Mrs. Thoburn, uud the secretary was instructed to trunnuita copy of the resolutions to the Interested iersons. Bishop Wnlden, oil motion of Rev. W. S.

requested to address the cluss for reception Into the conference at 10 o'clock this morning. On motion of Rev. W. S. Harring ton committee on the Portland hospital was upneiutvd: Revs.

C. A. LiwIh, Alfred Kummer, J. W. P.

Bojd. BihIioj) 'Walden then followed with uu instructive address on tbe value of prayer-meetings. Tlio subjoined committee of the home wus appeinted: Revs. W. J.

Gardner, G. W. Gue, J. H. Deuuisnu, C.

R. Kelicrmau Rev. S. P. Wilson, of the Salem district, rend au Interesting and en couraging report of the rk in bis oisirict uuring me pusi year.

Rev. E. L. Thompson was elected conference postmaster. Revs.

W. S. Harrington and H. Doane were added to the boa id of stewards. A draft on the book concern in tlie sum of $781 was ordered it.8uei! lor the suppoit ofsuperunualed aud wnru-oiil one for $25 wus issued for the sumo purpose on tlie chartered fund.

Most of tiie yesterday's sessior wus occupied in receiving report-fro various ministers us to work of their respective churcher during the past year. These report almost universally showed well, it respect of tlio building of nev churches, large accessions to tin membership, new und eilectlvi points iu preaching, uud a good increase in charitable collections. During the session tlio appended preamble and resolutions setting forth Dr. Alfred Rummer's worth were read uud adepted: Alfred Iiuh Just closed highly successful pustoruteof five yeurs in the First chuich of Portluud; uud Whereus. It is understood thut hi is to be transferred from our conference ut the close of the present sesseon: therefore, belt Resolved.

That we recognize ii. Rummer a brother beloved in tlie Go-pel of Christ. Resolved, Thut we recognize in hi in minister of vurled attain inents, of ability und fidelity, nod that we part with him with sincere i egret. R-iolved, That we commend him to thc-ctjufidenco aud fellowship of the nferenco to which he goes. it- we shall follow him to tils uew lleiu Willi prayertiil in tt rest, uud piediet for liim, by the good hand of his God, useful and prosperous future.

CO SrRATTON, W. GUI). Dr. Rummer thunked the confer ence iu ills customary folilitous aud eloqui-ut stylo for the good wishes expressed. Yesteiday afternoon mutters pertaining to tlie Women's foreign and home missionary societies were taken up; and lust 8 o'clock the subject of church extrusion wus discussed.

TO DAY'S VltOQItAMMB. 8:0 A. M. Conference sission. 2 P.

M. Anniversary of Suuday- school union and tract sociotles. Addresses by C. A. Lewis and G.

Sykes. 7:45 anniversary. Addresses by William S. Harring ton und C. Rellormau.

PltoailAMMK KOH SUNDAY. 0 A. M. Cmferonco love fent( led by Jones. 10:30 A.

M. Preaching by Bishop Walden, followed by the ordlnutlon of deacons. 2:30 P. M. Young people's and children's Addresses by 8.

P. Wilson, J. R. Cooley, followed by ordination of elders. 7:30 P.

-Anniversary of I rt-laud hospital. Addresses A. Runim-r uud J. N. Doulsou.

Agreement is Reached. Unio.ntown, Aug. 27. The Columbia Steel Company uud Its employes, who ore of the Amalgamated Association, nnched an ugreement as to wages iust night. The scule has been s'gned, Tho mill will resume at ouce.

Six hundred men ure affected by the settlement. TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. W. P. Cowliam, proprietor of a largo implement warehouse In Jack-sou, failed Thursday for The attain of the order of the Iron Hull, In Philadelphia, were brought to a crisis by the lllltiu of a bill in equity against tlie otlltvrs of the supreme sitting of the Iron Hall The Democratic state convention of Idaho yesterday nominated John M.

Burke, of Shoshone oouuty, for governor, and J. W. Jones, of Blug-ham county, for lleutenunt-gover-uor. The agents of the anthracite coal coiupaules lu New York have advanced egg coal 20 cents, broken coal 10 cents, aud chesuut aud stove c-l aseeuta per tou, to take efleot September 1st, "Thick and Glossy." TIIE PRODUCTION of au abundant growth of hair, cf a silk-like texture and of the original color, often results from tlio use, by those who have become bald or gray, of Aycr's iiulr Vigor "I was rapidly becoming gray and bild; but after using two or three bottles of Aycr's Hair Vigor my lialr crow thick and glossy and tho original color was restored." M. Alurlcli, Canaan Centre, N.

II. A trial of Aycr's Ilnir Vigor has con-vinccd me of Its merits, lis use has not only caused tlio hair of my wlfo and daughter to bo abundant and glossy, but It has given my rather stunted mustache a respectable Icncth and appear-ince." It. Brftton, Oakland, Ohio. "I have used Aycr's Hair Vigor for tho past four or five years and find it ft most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It Is all that I could desire, being harm-less, causing tho hair to retain Its natural color, and requiring but a small quantity to render the hair easy to Mrs.

M. A. Bailey, 0 Charles Haverhill, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor, mEPJUtED BT Dr. J.

Ayer Lowell, Mass. Bold by DruggUU and rerlumer. FOREIGN ITEMS. Revolt in Venezuela. TiriNinAD, W.

Aug. 27. Startling news comes here from Venezuela, which puts a new plnase on the revolution in that country. Urdanetji, so it Is said, has declared himself dlctutor of the Republic and formed a cabinet with Casanas as minister of the interior. Congress was dissolved and several senator arrested.

Crespo is massing all his forces about Victoria lu preparation for a general and decisive engagement. The banks of Caracas ure all closed, and the inhabitants of the city are in a state of excitement. Afghanistan Complication. London, Aupr. 27.

There is a growing apprehension that the Afghanistan complication may prove serious for Great Britluu. The ap peal of the umetr for aid against the Russians renders action necessary on the part of the imperial government. Tlie Times recalls the fact that uu agreement to support the presont ameer and to protect him against foreign invasion was made when Gladstone was premier. The Globe (conservative) expresses the opinion that It is hopeless to expect that the government will strongly remonstrate with Russia. All re ports show that Russia is encroaching upon well-Known Afgaoistan territory and killing those who resist the invasion.

Depreciation of Silver. Calcutta, Aug. 27. The Ind-llan currency association, at a public meeting received a report statlug Miat the branches of tho association were circulating petitions calling unon tlie government to uct in the matter of tho depreciation of silver To these petltious it was said 11,000 names had been signed already. The president proposed and the maharajab of Bettiah seconded a resolution requesting the government to do its utmost to arrest the depreciation of silver.

Tho resolu tion was carried without opposition. Trouble between Miners. Paius, Aug. 27 A dispatch from Licvlu, a mining town near Calais, states there bus been serious trouble between the Freuch aud Belgian minors thero. Tho Frenchmen in a body attacked the dwellings occupied by tlie Bolgmns and smashed the windows, and when the officers attempted to quell the disturbance the rioters showed sucli an ugly disposition that tho troops had to be inyoked.

The Ilelgiun miners have been advised to leave France to avoid further trouble. Conferring the Pallium. EoiNnoita, Aug. 27. Tlie cer-emouy of enthroning aud conferring the pallium upon the most Rev.

Angus MnoDouuld, Catholic archbishop of St. Andrews uud Edition rg, took place Thursday in the Roman Catholic cathedral here. It wus tlie first ceremony of the kind In Scotland since the duys of Car dinal Beaton, who became arch bishop of St. Andrews lu 1528, and who was assassinated in his own castlo on May 0 1540. SCROFULA i Impurity t.

blewl wliidi i-! is uustsliily lumps in meltings out mis of ( ores on tlio i.rms, lepi, or tleeUi ea ikers in the ej es, ears, or luue, often caii- blindness or deafness; Is tho oilstn o' I nples, cancerous troths, or the nuu.y ilior niantfejtallons usually ascrlLvd and fastening upon the lua-. uises consumption, and Oath. Hew he luost nnrieut, It Is tlio most general tl diseases or affections, foi ery few ersous are entirely free from It. How Can It Bo CURED By taking ITood's Sarsaiwrllla, which, by iia r.murkablo euies It has accomplished. nlin iitlirr mpillrlnp hfiVA failed.

lus proen Itselt to tie i( potent and pecul mcilicliia for this disease. Soma ol cures are really wonderful. If you tuner from scrotals or Impure blood, ba sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ktcry spring uy wife and children nave neeu troubled with scrofula, sores out ou ttiem In various places. My i itle boy, three ymw old, has beeu a terrible tutterer.

bast spring ho was one mass ct sores trow head to tect. 1 was a Jt Ued to use Hood's SargaparllM, and tu ull taken It, The rosult that all ha been cured of the scrofula, my little buy 'elug entirety free from sores, and all four my children look bright aud heattny." W. W. Athehtow, rawalo City, N. J.

Hood's Sarsaparilla SotitbytkuwU. $lUfc. ITrrdbj 3. HOOD A CCs ApoUiteW, LowsU, Dom Ont PHr PACIFIC LAN FOR TOWN $2.00 I'cr dozen forthe finest finished l'UOTOGBAMIH lntheclty. MONTEE 169 Commercial Street, F.B.

loo tractor and Sulem, Oregon. T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor, 20th and Cuemeketu Street.

BiCYCLES. Kull ball bearing Bafi-ty Bicycle. The lowest prlrtd wheel liithemirfeet. The best In tbe world for tne price. C.

U. Uro wu Agei.t,?13 Louimer clal St. city. 2d II- i JJ tlBMlWJilUM I1KIII1W JlUUgl Notica of Assessment. TOTICE 13 HEnEDr GIVEN that by order i of tbs commoucouncll of the city of Sslem.

made on tlie 6th dy of July. 1892. au bsrcss. ment ws duly levied upon nil property abut. tlK on Cheuisketa street, from Water Rtrcct to litb street, bald asseasmeut Is hereby made for thu Improvement of eatd street.

Bald as. cessment shall be due aud payable to tho re-corder of tho city of Salem ten days from tlie di.te of this notice. A list of property abutting on said street aud the owner thereof and tlie amount assessed to such property is hereby bet out and made a part of this notice. Notice Is further tjlven tbnt unless said amounts so as. sissed are paid within ten dajs from tbe explr.

ation of this notice, that I mall proceed to Killed the same by law: V. lireymau and E. Ureyman; lot 1 in block 62 of the city of Salem, Orison, fill 03. II. V.

Cox; lot 4 in block CI of tbe city of dalem, Oregou, J115.25. J. U. Stninpj lot 8 In block 49 of the city of Halem, Oregou, UU 03. E.

Starkey; lot 5 in block 60 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $141.03. fatate Insurance Company- beginning at tho southeast corner of block 60 In the city of Salem, Oregon, a shown and designated on tho duly recorded maps and plats of said city and running tbence westerly along the south II uo of said block 83 feet; thence northerly on a line parallel with the west line of Commercial street in said city, 4G feet; thence easterly on a line parallel with the south line of Bald block, S3 feet to the west line of said Commercial street and thence southerly along said west lino of Commercial street, 4G feet to tbe place ol beginning, being 46 feet by 80 feet of lot number 4 in said block number 60. Also lie. gluulug at a point which is 46 feet north of tho southeast corner of block number 60 in the city of Salem, as shown and designated on the duly recorded maps aud plats of said city; thcuco uortberly along tbe west line of Commercial street of said city S3 feet; thence westerly on line parallel with the north line of Chemeketa street of said city 163 feet, more or less, to the alley lu said block, thence southerly along said alley on a Hue parallel with the west Hue of said commercial street to tne norm nueoi saia Chemeketu street, a distance of 71 feet, more or less; theuce easteily along the south lino of said block uuinbtr 60, 80 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the property heretofore corn eyed by this bank to the State Insurance Company of Salem; thence northerly on a line parallel with tbe west line of said Commercial street, 46 feet to the northwest corner of said property conveyed to said State Insurance Cempany: thence easterly along tbe north line of said property couvejed to the btate Insurance! Company as aforesaid, 83 feet to tho place of situated lu the city of Salem. county of Marion, state of Oregon, $141 03 rirst National Mans: or saiein, Oregon; commencing at the nontit-abt coruer of bluck li) iu tbe city of Salem, Oregou; thence south along Conimeicial street, 43 tect; thenee west parallel with Cheineketa street, fret; north parallel with Commercial street, 46 feet; thence east along tbe north boundary line of lot numbered 49, 06 leet to tho placo of beginning, containing 2923 square feet of ground, excluding streets and sidewalks; also commencing at a point wblch is 03 feet west of the northeast corner of block number 49 in tbe aforesaid eity of Sa.em; thence south parallel with Commercial stieet 4 feet; thence west parallel with Cheineketa street 05 feet; theuce north parallel with Commercial street 45 feet; thence cast CS feet facing and along Cheineketa street to the northwest corner qf the bank building now erected ou said block, being the place containing 2700 square feet of ground, mere or less, excluding streets aud sidewalks, but excepting therefrom the property conveyed by the late William Stewart to Mrs.

A. A. Wheeler by Mar-rauty deed dated April 27, i8j)7, and recorded iu the record of deed of Manou county, Oregon, July 31 of deeds page Hi, together with the tenements, hereditaments and a pur. tenanees thereunto belonging, 109 03. A.

A.Wheeler; beginning at the northwest corner of lot 1 iu block 49 In Salem. Oregon; thence southerly along the alley 01 7.1.1 teM; thence easterly parallel with Cheineketa street, 163 feet; thence northerly along east line of block 22 7-U feet; theuce westerly 123 feet; thence northerly 45 feet touorth line of siicl block; thence westerly 40 feet to place of beginning, J3. II. 1'. Boise, Sr.

and It. Boise, Jr lot 8 iu block 31 of the eity of Salem, Oregou, $141 03 N. Bier; lot 1 in block 31 of the city of Salem. Oregon, $144.05. A.

N. Gilbert; tho north half of lot 1 In block ii In the city of balem, Oregou, $111 05 J.Q.Wilson; lot 5 In block 23 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $111.05. M. A. Thompson; all that part of lot 8 lu block 22 described as follows, to-wit; llegiu-uiug at the northwest coruer of lot lu block 22 lu Salem, Oregou; theuce easterly ou south line of Chemeketa street 1U9 feet; thence south, erly at light angles Hi 10-12 feet to the south lino of said lot thence westerly on said south line of said lot 109 feet to the east line of Lib erty street; theuce uortherly on said east lint of Liberty street 82 10-12 teet to beginning, $95,13.

Margaret Morley; all that part of lot 8 lu block 22 described as follows, to-w It: Begin, nlng at a point 109 feet east of the nurthwut coruer of block 2J In Salem, Oregon, aud ruu. ning theuce south 8JJ feet; thence west 66 fiet; tLeuce north kiii teet; tbence west en the north Hue of laid block 22, 30 feet to place of beginning. $18.90. Naiwleou Davis; lot 1 Iu block 22 of the cltv of balem, Oiegou, $111.05. J.

O. Thompson; lot 4 In block 23 In Silem Oregou, $144.03. 1. Dlckerson; lot 8 In block 4 In the city of Salem, Oregon, $141.03. Amelia O.

Ulley; lot 8 lu block 8 of the cltv of Salem. Oregon. $111.03. J. B.

btuiup; the west half of lot 5 lu block C9 In the city of hsleui, Oregou. First Uultariao Society uf tkleui, Or.gou-the vast half of lot 5 In block C9 lu the ells of balem, Oregou; tU 03. O. Snowden; lot 1 in block 70 In the city of Balem. Oregon.

$111 OS. XI. Itork; all that part of lot 10 described as follows, to-w It lleuluninu at the corner of lot 10 lu block 74 In si.n, theuce ea.terly aloug north line of said lot. P'O 1'tniiei who me west side of said lot Co fttt to south line of said lot-thence westetly along said line 120 feet iu. uua ui siu uiuca, iueuce nortntriy 66 feet to place of bgluulng, $101 W.

I George Phillips; all that part of lot loin block 74. described as follows, to-rlt- Begin, nlng at the northwest corner of lot lu la block Tt In Salem. Oregon; thence westerly aloug the outUllueof Cheuirktta street 62 feel; theuce southerly at right angles with said south Hue of Chemeketa street to th south line of let 9 of aald block 74 1 thence easterly parallel with said south line of Chemeketa street 62 feet to the southwest coruer of lot number 3 tu said blockTli theuce nortbetly aloug rt Itneof lotl n4 1 In Mid block 71 to I r. M. Winchttt and the Arch-Blskon cf id.

Catholic Churcht lot 6 In block 78 luthScitro! Balerp. Oregou, $188.90. warily II. Ulauchttt aud the Arch-BUfcort of Calholla Church lot lu MoTk ta ff. elti of Balem.

Oregon. $111 04. w.uiuociiyof K. Murphy all that pari of lo tn block T4 described as follow, o.wl,j Beginning at the northwest tvruerof lot 1 in block 74 Ml rounlng tbence easterly i0Ug the uorth lin. nt aid lot S-13 feet, th'enc.

1 LiitbtHy lth west line of said lot to tbe ioim1 said lot; thnc westerly aloog aoutk uS2 li said lot to Ih. wutheasi JtuEJS, nwtUrlyalotig th. west 1B. of lot ifcl pUc of befftnnieg, 173.70. l1.

rrt 1 In block Tl. dMlUd follows, to-wlt; BtftSlBi Tat tb northeast oonsr of a lot aSli, UW. Vttl7 UNI tfcf jiBy AND ORCHARD CO. LOTS, FRUIT TRACTS FORSTNER CO, Machine Shop, Cues, Sporting Goods, 803 Commercial Street. UZUUlIMMl I ii ii Scientific orrnsiTH kounhhy On Stat Street.

RADABAUGII EPLEY. Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, THE Salem llucknum is II, V(HiU). Ik-Bt Line in tbe City. Court Stroot. Statu Htrctt.

STEEVES CaUforiitaJinL'cvy. THB BEST. 101 Court Street. J.E. JIUHPHY.

rile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOKTH BAlifcM. HOEYE MILLS. PORCELAIN BATHS AND SHAVING PAIILOIIS, n.i-it..Aninin iinth Tiilw In the iHJES. Ii. KOKCO.

Baths for Ladies, HAIB DllESSINO VAItLOKS, 124 Court Street. Cora. Sal' Or. S3 feet and 9 inches; thenco southerly parallel lh west line of said lot to the south luoof uld lot; thence easterly along the south lino of said lot to the southeast corner thereof; theuce northerly to the place of beginning, J73.1G. Z.

F. Moody; lot 10 in block 83 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $111.05. Mary Johnson; lot 0 In block 82 of Salem, Oregm, $141.03. J. Batchelor; lot in block 83 lu Salem, Oregon, JU1.U5.

N. A. Oooelell! lot in block 80 in the city of Salem, Oregon, $111.03. L'uoenia Ollliugbam; all that part of lot 10 in block 85, described as follows, to-wit: llcgln-nlug at a point on the north liuoof said lot 27 leet westerly trom the northeast corner thereof and running thence southerly parallel with the east lino of said lot to the soum lino 01 Baiu let; theuce westerly along tho south lino of said lot to the southwest corner thereof; thenco northerly to the northeast corner thereof; thcuco easterly to tlie piace 01 ucb.uu.ub, $120 50. A.

Bush; all. that port nf lot 10 In block 83 described as follows, to.wit; Bcglunlng at the northeast corner of sold lot and running the nee westerly aloug tho ui rth line thereot 27 feet; theuce southerly parallel with the east Hue thereof to the Bouth lino of said lot; thenco easterly to tho southeast corner of said lot; tbence northerly to the placo of beginning; and also lot 1 in block 85 of tho city of Silem, $167 T. McF.Pattou aud Eliza Cook; lot 1 In block 83 of the city of Salem, Oregon, $111.05. A. Parvln; lot 1 lu Cartw right's addition on the north side of Chemeketa street, $119.60.

Jane A. Dutnford; lot 14 of Cartwrlght's addition on tho north side of Chemeketa street, Issabella Martin; lot 0 in block 86 in Salem, Oregou. $114.03. A. Blosser; lot 13 of Cartwrlght's addition on tho north side of Chemeketa street, $37.03.

W. N. Ladue; lots 1, and 6 in Cartwrlght's addition on tbe south side of Chemeketa street, $2i4 87. II. W.

Starr; lot 7 In Cartwrlght's addition on the south side of Chemeketa street, $37.05. 1'. Pugh; lot Bin Cartwrlght's addition on the south side of Chemeketa street, $37.65. M. Rhodes; lot 9 In Cartwrlght's addition on tha south side of Chemeketa stioet, $37x5.

M.E. Costello; lots 10, 11 and 12 in Cartwrlght's addition on tho uorth side of Chemeketa street, $172.85. C. T. and T.

J. Gard; the southwest quarter of block (in Roberts' addition to tho city of Salem, $138.80. A. M. Palmer; the west half of tho southeast qn titer of block in ltoberls' addition to the cily of Salem, $69.85.

J.B.Cross; the east half of the southeast qu irter of block 6 In Roberts' addition to the eity of balem, Oregon, tJ.B5. Cauneld and Thomas Cnnfield; the noitheast quarter of block 3 in Roberts' to Salem, Oregou $138 80. Hannah Joseph; all that part of block 3 of Rc'jcrts' addition to Salem, Oregou, described as ollows, te.wit: Beginning at tho northwest coi uer ot block 3 lu Roberts' addition to balem, Oicgon; theuce south aloug the west line th. reof 157 feet; thenco east parallel to tho south Hue of Chemeketa street 79k leet; thence north parallel to the east line of Twelfth street 157 feet; thence east aloug the south line of Chemeketa street 79H feet to the phce nf beginning, $69.40. E.

Shepard; the east half of tho northwest quarter of block 3 In Roberts' addition to balem, Oregon, $09 40. O. A. Gu; all that part of block 6 of Rob. ert addition, descrlbid as follows, to-wit: otKiumug at me souinwest corner ol said bio and running thenco easterly along the south line thereof CO feet; theuce northerly pniiillcl with the west lino of said block 165 feet; theuce wtbterly parallel with tho south due of said block CU leet to thewebt lineof said olock; thence southerly along the west lineof aH block 163 feet to place of bogiuning, Smith; all that rart of block 8 described as lollews: Beginning at a point on tiie south line of said block 1U0 feet east of block 130 feet east of tho southwest coruer ihe-eof and ruuuing theuce northerly parallel witri tho west Hue of said block, 105 teet; ibi lite westerly parallel with the south Hue of ai 1 block, 70 feet; thence southerly parallel wii the west side of said block 163 feet to the -iim'b line of said block, thenco easteily along thi south line of said block 70 feet to tho place of beginning, $61.15.

1 Mellon. A. M. Mellon and O. A.

Mellon-all that part of block 1 In Roberts' addition to' tho city of Salem. Oregon, described as follews: Beginning at the uorthwest coruer of said block and running theuce easterly along the -or Ih Hue thereof, 93 feet and 7 inches; thence southerly parallel with the west lino of said block, 103 feet; thence westerly parallel with the- north line of said block; thence uorthcrlv along the west Hue of said block to place or oegluniug, $83.40. baM.b Uumidon; all that part of block 4 of Roberts' addition to the city of,.,fS1,0W'.i B-elunliiB at a p'lut on he north Hue of said block, 93 feet and 17 uches easterly from the northwest corner at reof and running thence easterly along the north line ot said biock. 03 feet and 0 Indies; the west Hue of aald ock, 105 feet; thence westerly parallel wlththeuorth linnf ..1,1 s.i 1. WB reet't0 th ham "-rais incuea westerly from he southeast corner or said block aud I ruuni theuce uortherly parallel with the of 80vulll P'rallel 1th the east line of south Una of sahl sjld Mock, UH feet to ginning! JK 5 of Roberts' 1.

oaiera, described as foi. corner of uorther Ij.loni saiu Olock, 8254 leet. ti, feej and CJ Mlsslonaty Bishop ot tbe Proteslaut p. 1. city 8arah Kord.lbomss P.1M Oregon.

$115.28. of Balem, Baft-I: cf Kidrtd. p. ooui, u. a.

a. Oertrud. Grorrth. Lorth r.ifW.rtd. uu day of Auat: AND FARMS.

J. L. BEXNEIT SOS. CANDIES, Fruit anil Cigars, P. O.

Bloolt. K. T. ItI72llIfinuYS, ClRars and Tobacco. KIIiLIARI) PAUIiOR, 243 Com'l Street.

W. THORNBURGJ The Upholsterer, ItomodolH, re-oovpr aa rennir. iipliolstercd lUrulture. J5? cln8 work. Chemcfcela strL Htnto Insurnnce block.

wl JOHN lit WIN, Carpenter and Builder, (0 Htnte street. StoruFUtinjrs aSpecialtj Notlco of Asoessment. VTOTIcn 19 HEREBY OIVEX thathyorderof i the common council of Iho city of Balem mada on tho 6th day of July. 1892, an assess! mentwas duly levied upeu all property abut, ting ou Commercial street from tho south side of Mill street totlio southern limits or tho city. Said assessment is made for the improvement of said street.

Said assessment shall be due aud payable to tho it-carrier of the city of Salem, ten dajs from tho date of this notice A list of proporly abutting on said stred and tho owner thereof, and thu amount usscssed to such proi erty Is hoi eby set out nnd made a pirt of this notice. Notico is further glen that unless said amountr. fo assessed are paid within ten days ipui the expiration of tula notlco, that I shall pioceed to collect tho same by law: J.J. Murphy nnd E. O.

Murphy; thewesthalf of block 38 uf the city ot Balem, Oregon; $381. Tranklo P. Joucs; tho west half of bloek39of the city of Salem, Oregeu; $381. Harriet T. Clark; lots 4 r.nd in block 4'l as designated on tho recorded plat of tho city of Salem, On gon, $93.25.

Aiuoi Strong; lot 4 In block 44 of tho city of Salem, Oregon, $107,40. N. J. McPbirsuu; all of the south fraction of lot 3, block 41 in tbe city of Haletn. state of Oregon, said fraction containing 32 feet mure or less; to bo more explicit, tho property con-vtjeil is all of lot 3 iu blucie 44 excepting 42 feet on tho uorth side of fraction or stld lot sold to, and now owucd by Mrs.

John A. Johns and bounded as follews: Beginning nt a point the east lli-onf lot 3 in block 44, of Salem, Oregou, 42 feet southerly fiom the northeast corner of said lot, and ruuuing thenco westerly parallel with the south line of said lot 103 feet more or lees to the west line of Baid lot; thence southerly along tho ut lino of tuid lot to tLa southwest comer thereof; thence easterly along the south line of said lot; theuce north. crly aloug tho oast lino of said lot to the place of beginning, $3.1 65. Julia A. Johns; the north fraction of lot number 3, block 44, comprising 42 by 163 feet, in the city of Salem, Morion county, Oregon, as bhowu aul designated un tlio recorded plats cf said city aud bouuded as lollews: Beginning ut a point ou tho east lino of lot 3 in block 44 of Salem, Oicgon, 42 leet southerly from the north cast corutrot said lot aud running thenco west-, crly parallel with tho south lino of said lot, 105 feet, moie or liss, to tho west line of said lot; theuce uortherly along tho weBt lino of said Jot to tho noithwtst corner thereof; theuce easterly along Iho north line of said lot, 165 feet more or less, to the uortheast cornerof said let: thenco houtbeily along tho east lino of said lot to the plsco ot beginning, $18.60.

Mary Strong Kinney; lots 1 aud 2 in block 43 of Salem, Oregon; $190 60. AUm L. Buckingham; beginning at a point in eastern boundary 8 rods southerly trom uorthtast corner of block 42 In Sale in, Oregon, theuce southerly 4 rods aloug said bouiidaij; theuce westerly nt right ungles to said bound-ary to the western boundaiy of said block; thenco northerly along said western boundary 4 rods; thence easterly 011 direct line to place of beginning, being 1-6 of block number 42; $76.20. P. J.

Larscn; lot 3 lu block 43 of Sulem, Oregon; $93 25. Hattie Easton lots 1 and 2 In block 44 of Salem, Oregon; $168.20. Matilda A. Pttscott; beginning nt the south-easteily corner of block number 42 iu Salem, Oregon, and running thence northerly along the eastern bouudary of said block, 4 rods aud 6 feet; theuce westerly at right angles to said eastern boundary to the western bouudarj of said block; thence southerly parallel to said eastern boundary 4 rods mid 6 feet; thence eabterly ou a true Hue to tLo place of begin, niug: tho same belug the fraction of said block 42, except tho following debcribed laud deeded to saiah Fullerton, to-wit; beginning at a polut on the eastern boundurj luu of block 42 as snuwn oj tuo recorded plater tbecltyof Salem, In Marion county, Oregon, at a point thereon 4 rods aud 6 feet northerly iroru the southeast coruer of said block, uud ruuuing theuce at right angles to said eastern bouudary Hue, westerly to the west boundary line; thence southerly aloug the west boundary Hue 2 feet; thence running at right augics to said west of bouudary line, easterly to the east boundary line said block; and theuce northerly along said east boundary Hue to the place of begin, uing; $78 60. Sarah Fullerton beginning at a point on tl eastern buuudory Iluo of block 42 asbhowuby the recorded plat of the city of Salem, in Marion county, Oregon, at a point thereon 4 rods and feet tortherly from tho southeast corner of said block aud running theuce at right angles to sold easteru boundary Hue westerly to tho west boundary line; theuce southerly aloug the west boundary Hue 2 feet; theuce running at right angles to said west boundary line, easterly to tbe east boundary line of said block; theuce uortlierly along said east boundary line to tho placo of beginning; auo the following described roperty.

to-wit: part of block 42 of the city of Salem, Oregon, as marked aud designated on the recorded plats of tho said city, particularly bounded by be. ginning at a 6tal.eion Commercial street iu raid eity, 132 feet northerly tiom the southeast eoruerof said block; thenco westerly at right angles to said street to the west boundary of said block; tbence northerly parallel to Com. tnercial street to feei; thence easterly at right angles to first named line to the placo of betiu. nlng all in said city: $71.00. G.

Woodworth, Cyrus Woodworth, Mary Patterson aud O. S. Woodworth; beginning at a point on the eastern bouudary Hue of block 42 iu Salem, Oregon, 8 rods southerly cue uoriueast corneror said Olock; tnenco westerly parallel with tho north line of said ock 163 feet, more or less, to the alley in said block, theuce northerly parallel with the east Hue of said block, 8 rods to tho uorth line of said block; thence easterly along the north lino of said block, 165 or less, to the-northeast cornerof said block; Iheute southerly along the east Hue of said block rods to iho place of beginning; $182.10. J. w.

Brown, G.G. Bruwu and O. Brown; $381 0f J7 SaIem- Oregon; A.Prescott; the west half of the west half of block 40 In Balem, Oregou; II. McKiuney, Robert Harrison, Ed-ward Harrison aud Andrew Harrison; tbe east half of block 41 of tbe city of Salem, of tbe county of Marlon and stato of Oregon; Dated at Balem, this 10th day of August. 1892.

M. E. OOODELL, Recorder. M.T. RINEMAN DKAIJCB nt c-ni fancy iroeenes, t-T Crockery, Glawivrare, Lamp.

Woeden suet mow ware. All kinds ofmUlfeed. AlMvc-retabUwaudfrulU Id thrir neMon. airfhtu I'rieo paid for country produee." "olid MfeawofyouryMrouage. ttlSUtatimi.

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