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The Fall River Daily Herald from Fall River, Massachusetts • 1

Fall River, Massachusetts
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BARIIUII left a fortune of over four uud a quarter minion of dorian waa accumulated by judicious advertising Sea the Point Business Ken -THK Brig ht Interesting il1 AlIl jDjIDi Jii Newsy -THK HFRAI-D VOL XX-NO 43 FALL MASS FJJIDAY AUGUST 21 1891 TRICE TWO CENTS CHANGE OF PLACE THE PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY MURDERER ALMY AVFUL DISASTER! CZAR REEDS COUNT Figures in a Case in the I Supreme Court WE HAVE THE CREATEST BARCAINS IN BEATING A HOTEL Bartenders and Cashiers Arrested for Swindling the House New York Aug The proprietors of the Metronole hotel have suspected for a long time that tbeir bar receipts were not what they ought to be although a big business wai being done Last night an employe of tbe place suspected of having a guilty knowledge of the thieves was taken upstairs by one of the proprietors and when confronted by a detective told all Word was sent to the police station and four officers from there arrested A -Bmita who has been cashier for a long time and A Tauch and Manning the bar keepers have stood this robbery for a long said Mr Green last evening the stealing waa so ingenious that we onuld not tell how it was done There is only one way to beat the cash registers we use and that is for the bartenders to with tbe cashier A detective finally discovered the method When a man got a check for a drink he gave it to the cashier paid for It and walked away The cashier whose desk is across the room did not pot tbe checks in the drawer but secreted half a doxer time in a newspaper Tbe barU would then call a waiter and ask for the paper The checks were inside and were thus used over and over again We have no idea how much money we lost but it is SHOT IN A QUARREL A Young Man Kilim Women nod 8 hoot Himself at Lancaster Fa -vf TO BE FOUND IN LOOK -JST OUB WINDOW i BARKER MAIN STREET 91fbl2deSly FLINT 121 SOUTH BOSTON RIB ROASTS CHUCK ROASTS PORK ROASTS LEGSMUTTON- LEGS OF LAMB SUGAR CURED TONGUES 5 POUNDS GOOD BUTTER FOR And Everything Else Way Down at the BOSTON IU1ARKET ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 56 South Main Street Opposite McWhirr Col lb 15c lb $1 DRISCOLL "MURPHY 89-South Main Street-89 We constantly on hand all the leading makes in AND SHOES Our goods compare with the best That is saying enough --Give Us a Call and Be Convinced mch3tnfBly The National Irish League Will Meet Next in Chicago Balumokk Md Aug The convention of the National Irish league of America will be held in Chicago next month insteadofin Baltimore as the national council of the organization agreed upon at Hr meeting in Cincinnati in April last Tbe change was decided upon owing to complaints of members of tbe league in the northwest that they could not go so far away Rs Baltimore President Fitgerald states that the convention will act independently of all factional interests In Ireland and of the deleguUa who may attend to represent item Messrs Parnell and McCarthy were invited to the Baltimore convention or conference Mr Parnell sent a conditional acceptance Mr McCarthy has not been beard from The members of the Irish national league of America hereabouts are of the opinion that it is tune the in Ireland were compelled to stop tbeir offensive quarrels as to who should direct ortoetout of sight and that a man should be placed command who does not regard bis grievance against his comrades in the battle as better worth tbeair-mg than is the keeping before his countrymen and tbe people of England and Scotland of tbe great grievance of Ireland 1 he league off ored its services as arbitrator to Messrs Parnell and McCarthy This was done tn joatioeiio-both sideband to prevent the possibility ofithtr party feeling that its status the controversy would not be fully recognized 1 here is a decided sentiment in the rauks of 4ha league throughout tne country against giving financial assistance to either thg Parnelhtes or McCsrtbyites until ail differences are adjusted AN ABSURD REPORT- The I 8 Government to Lxclude Socialists and Anarchists Londojj Aug A dispatch from Brussels says that considerable consternation was caused there among some the American del gates to the mbor congress most of whom are not Americans by report that the American government intended to take advantage of the absence of such a large number of socialists and anarchists by denying admittance to the United States to all of them who are not citizens on their return As most of them had been demonstrating wbat an unhappy country the United States was it as not thought that the rumor would affect them as much as it evidently did Foreigners who had been running down America in thtir speeches turned pale at-the Idea of not being permitted to go back to America and seemed suddenly to conceive an intense affection for that country British delegates seemed much amused at the situation and one of them remarked that it might be a good idea forFngland to follow suit TbeBeigiun authorities are much stirred up lest any anarchists should conclude to-take up a permanent abode in Brussels and tho police are keeping a vigilant watch on undesirable foreigners The English delegates that is those who are really British and not fugitives from continental Europe appear thoroughly disgusted with tbeir experience and have shown their determination not to take any part in the socialistic propaganda WONDERFUL SKIN GRAFTING iglit Hundred Pieces of 1 leslt Put on tVilliain Shaw's Body Lima0 Aug 21 One of the most wonderful oases of skin grafting that hms been made in the history of the medical science is in progress here up to the present writing over 800 pieces of flesh having been taken from human arms and grafted to the body of Wiliam Hhaw who was scalded at the Standard oil refinery on the fourth of July fuy "aIo gt 1 1 uew as on the verge oi the grave Careful treatment and gentle nursing Raved him hut bis lower limbs were so badly scaldedas to render him entirely helpless The grnfts are about three-eightbs of an inch in diameter and are taken from the arms between the elbow and the shoulder The lifeless skin on the scalded parts is torn away and the grafts applied A thin silk is bouud around the parts bolding the grnfts in their places and servuig to prevtnt putrt faction Frequently the grafts fail to attach and have to lie replaced by fresh ones This explains why 800 of them have nlreadj' been used This Is a most extraordinary number and jet many more are expected to be used before entire recovery is looked for tsterday six men some of them even unacquainted ith tho sufferer came over from the refinery and had graft taken from their arms Hince the grafting wascommenced Hhaw has steadily improved and ill now undoubtedly recover fully Parnell Dillon and Morlcy London Aug 21 Nothing has been heard from the rank and tile of the Irish party regarding the recent charges and countercharges made by their leaders However tbe contest goes merrily ou Parnell has published a long double-barrelled reply to Dillon and Morlcy in which he reiterates and maintains bis former statements and declares that £2000 were paid out of the party fund for the forfeited Tipperary bail bonds He also says that if the bouse in Dublin Iwfore referred to did not belong to Dillon he so represented it and it was generally believed to be his It is probable that this second letter ill draw forth further de niiilB from Morlcy and Dillon but it is the general opinion that these bi kenngs ill only harm the party as a hole T1is xar'a Fyeeoii Aiiatria IjONDon Aug The correspondent at Braila reports an enormous increase of the troops on the Austrian frontier He says that the Bessarabia frontier guards formerly a mere corps to prevent smuggling have grown into a permanent advance guard ready to invade Austria on a few notice Large forts and observation towers are being rapidly built and the Russian government has given a subsidy to the Black Sea A Danube Shipping company to erect a large dock yard at Hem and to forward troops to any part of the Black sea 'I be construction of pontoons is actively proceeding at Hem to be placed at various town for the transportation of troops and barracks are being built in tbe vicinity of Heal for 5000 men No Poor Oath for Film Providence Aug Judge lingers In the superior court jesterday refused to let Horace heeler take the poor oath Wheeler who is over 70 has been in jail for six months and was taken back there He had married a rich ldow ho promised him a home Boon after the wedding they quarreled and the man left the bouse taking fJOOO orth of hi jewelry which be refused to give up Judgment was secured against bun and on Jan 17 ho was committed to jail Hi wife has been paying aud will continue to pay his board Shock Felt in St Louis St Louis Mo Aug Three distinct shocks of earthquake were felt last night Bo far ss can be learned the disturbance was noticed only in tho western part of the city The shocks were preceded by thunder and lightning bu( no rain fell The mercury dropjied 16 degrees just before the shocks tho first of which was severe enough to rock houses and break crockery aqd windows This was followed by two more shocks The tuneoi the disturbance was 8 so A Keeley Down In Lynn IYNN Aug The latest and most sslmiiMhlug patent jo bo granted here is for a perpetual motion machine invented by II Crcpeau of this city Tbe machine now in operation is very small but is able to run clock It is in continual motion created by its own pow er overcoming all resistance afforded by friction and pressure of air The motion is govcfBed jaigni by efiemieala and natural laws ML repea is an inventor of some note Doth Mother and Daughter Elope Port Jpfferbon I Aug Mrs Ezra Williamson and Mrs Sylvester Bkidmore mother and daughter tbe former a resident of this place and th latter a resident of Htony Brook are believed to have eloped with Nathan Freeman and Charles Freeman both married men fathers aqd residents of this neighborhood Lbjnor ftsid at New Bedford New Bedford Aug 21 Liquor raids last night resulted In finding hard stuff si 'low's William and William Wallace's The two former were convicted In the district court not more than three weeks ago and each was fined 00 and sentenced fo six month Jqth bouse of correction Tbe case i hanging oyer bem (or trial by the superior court Mr HutIiod Arrive at Mt MtliWtoi and Dines with Mr Artell Mt McGm-gok Aug J1 On hi a arrival here the jmMiliut wu met by Mrs Arkill urwl went al once to the Arkell cottage Mr Arkel) gave the president a birthday dipiwr Hotel Balmoral 1 JO neats lug pies at After tha JiHrur ULr Iinnon was introduced by hh host with a brief hj teeth and spoke as follows Mr Arkell And Friend- It ts ft nt of the covenant of this fonst that it should be a silent one notexmtly a Quukr nun lint: as Mr ArkUI baa said huaiis bihnit Huh apt to be broken by the moving of tin This Is not a sale rule for a hniiiiut 1 ns only to thank )our generous boa and the- gentlemen from different part of the state who honor this occasion for tl Hr frn ndlnuss and tbeir esteem We are gathered lure in a spot which is historic This mountain has been fixed in the affix liomile and rmeruil memory of all our people ami lm been glorutttd by the death on its summit of (ieneral Uisee 8 Grant It is ht that that great spirit that had already lifted it fame to a height unknown In Am noun hi-torj should take Us flight from ttm mountain top It ban been said that a griuit life went mil here but great lives like that of neml Grant do not go out 1 he) go on 1 will ask you In la reverent and ntlecttonnto and patriotic remembrance of that man who came to recover all failures in military achieve menta and with Ms great neralrthtp And inflexible purpose to carry the ting of the republic to ultimate triumph recalling whhreter nt interest bis memory to dims a ias tin ailence as a pledge that will ever keep in mind his great services and in domtr so will perpetuate htsgn at cinonship an I iho giuty Of tbe nation he fought to man Oq the conclusion of the speech he left the banquet hail and strolled along the eastern outlook of the hotel to take a look at the scene below Last evening a literary aod musical entertainment waa given the president by guests of hotel Balmoral This morning the president went upon'a fishing excursionwith Mr A'keff ou A private lake I A SERIOUS AFFRAY A Woburn Man Probably Fatally Got In How at Boston I Boston Aug 21 A stabtoflg affray which will probably cost William Me Gregor hia life occurred on Bosworth street in front of I Intel At about 10 30 last night McGregor who itve9 in Woburn and a party of fueifris lut4 toeu drinking at the bar and had afterward ordered supper At the table a discussion arose as4o the colored porter of the house Tbe talk was of a very loud nature Both men finally went out on the sidewalk and continued the discussiou The exact-facts as to what followed are not known but it was stated by a cab drivei who waa on the sidewalk that MiGrcgot fell down with the unknown assailant on top of him after they had grappled with each other The assailant whose name is known only to the police made good ht esc ape McGregor was picked up and Dr Cilley was summoned and chsoered a deep wound in the groin caused by some share instrument Tho man was taken to the Massachusetts general hospital where hits Injuries are pronounced as probably fatal McGregor resided in Woburn where he has a wife aod several children 1 COMPLAINT Mo Occasion for the German MinUtei Joining with the Protesting Powers London Ang 21 government of China has sent a Udegmnjo theGturum government -complaining of the-German joining thei protecting powers on the ground that no (itrnian wan Jured in the recent riots and China is will ing to negotiate with Germany alone in regard to indemnity to lie paid to Germans who suffered in the Chant ung affair in 1990 and further that Germany is only slightly interested in missions and therefore there is no need for her to ultntify herself with other powers iu missionary questions Shanghai Aug A strong CTune sonadron has been ordered to Nankin and another is assembling north of the Yank Tse-Kiaug The Pekin government alarmed at the to reatened appeal to foue by the powers The Chinese government expedition to lay telegraph hm has been expelled by the people in Yunnan losing all its apparatus aud materials THE ALLIANCE Ocala Platform Ihdorfted by Georgia and Virginia Convention Atlanta Aug 21 Georgia Stats AUiauce unanimously elected Liv logs ton as president The other officer chosen were A Wilson vice president A Ivey secretary Broughton treasurer 8 Copeland state lecturer National President Polk made a speech in which he stated that toe Ocala plalfotni was being unanimously indorsed by state alliances throughout the country Richmond Ang 21 Alliance con entiou iudorsed its entirety the plunk of the Ocala platform which says That tho government -shall establish ub treasuries or depositories in tho scvoral states etc The convention adopted tins amend ment: And wo further demand that our represents tives in tho United Hlitte eonerex he giep understand that unit tin can uree to tin se demands they must give us something bedtei or ss good Big Blaze In Gotiianr New York Aug The immense plant and lumber yards of IT Mace Co toy aud refrigerator manufacturers covering a whole city block was burned last night Loss from 1200000 to 27) 000 partly insured The fire started in the grand stand of the Young Christian association athletic grounds across the street and a high wind carried it into the lnmlier yard Two tenement houses con taming seventeen families and Joseph dwelling were also burned Bicycle Records Broken Rochester Aug 21 was great day for racing and 4000 people lcxtkec at the sport at the driving park Wit I few exceptions the finishes were dose FsMurpbymf New York made a mile in the safety class in2J5 4 5 breaking tin record In the two-mile safely A A Zimmerman of New York made the las quarter in 30 4-5t breaking the record A Perilous Position Lawiikvcr Mass Aug 21Stosme 1 fitartled Fawn a pleasure boat ou Merrimack river above the dam suil last evening iu tbe river a short distance from the falls in this city Luckily lives were lost The boat had 200 passen gers on board Tbe Vatican Threatened Rome Aug Government organ assert that if the nevt conclave is belt abroad the government will occupy th Vatican and exclude the pope from li TICKS FROM THE WIRE The English people and press show a interest in the developments ol corruption in Canada and some critics go so laras to intimate that nearness to the United States has nndenmned the virtue ol the colonists This is regardedj liow ever as a joke by tbe general public for while the present exposures are new as to detail ti existence ol corruption has always been suspected Tne French newspapers ar lauding Admiral Gervais as no Frenchman has been lauded since Boulanger was in the height bis popularity and fame and the prospects are that be will ha'etan ovation wha ba returns to Pans GcrvalS is noted however for being a calm clearheaded man ol aristocratic instincts but loyal to government and with no per-sonnl ambition the performance pf his duty jttumors are rife that the English syn1 cate which aboqt a year ago obtained control of 14 Ht Louis breweries has now secured control ol th Anheuser-Bnsh establishment one ol the fiVe concerns not Controlled by the syndicate The price paid Is said to have been 100000X1 Fire Iasi night at Dallas Tvx caused a toss of about 400000 At Hillsboro Tex a business block was burned yesterday lose about fo5Quo Carpet Sale WE SHALL OPEN THE FALL SEASOX WITH A GEE AT Had! Down of Carpets -COMMENCING- Monday August 24 -AND (CONTINUE TOE- 1 Week Only This lot comprises desirable patterns in five frame body Brussells Wilton Velvets Lowell Brussells etc etc etc and will be placed on sale at the uniform price of 98c per yard the regular price of these goods being from $125 to $150 per yard Intending purchasers can easily see what advantage it will be to patronize this special line of carpets This is a rare opportunity for boarding housekeepers and hotel keepers to furnish their rooms with carpets of a high grade at a very low price Special Prices will be for one week only We are determined to clear out all our odd patterns to make room for our new fall stock which is arriving daily Embrace the opportunity I -u W'X- 71 So Main St On One of the West India Islands THE WORK OF A HURRICANE Great Loss of Life and Extensive Damage to Every Hear Adds to the Number of Fatalities Paris Official advioes received here this afternoon announce the calamity which has visited Martinique is the most severe since the year 1817 The disaster is said to equal the famous cyclone which swept over tbe £slsnd of Antigua in 1871 Bo far as can be learned there have been nearly if not quite 80 deaths as a result of tbe visitation hut it will be some time before the full extent of tbe disaster is known At Fort De France alone there have been 12 lives lost and in both Fort De France and Bt Pierre to say nothing of the country distant there have been a large number of people injured At St Pierre five persons are known to havobeen killed but it is feared that this number does not represent the entire loss ol life in the capital (kunmnnioation with the different ports of the island was never an easy matter and it IB extremely difficult to get detailed news at present- As tbe reports from the various sections reach St Pierre it becomes evident that the extent of the devastations has not been much exaggerated Destruction of property and loss of life are reported from all parts of the coast The latest report received at 8t Pierre from Lamentin shows that the hurricane counts ten Victims in that place alone in addrtton tom fargenumher or Injured At Francois there have been 16 people killed and large numbers injured and at Hivierre Pilote there have been two or more deaths and aoon from all parts of the island comes tbe tale of woe and desolation La Trimte sends In the list of its dead at 10 and numbers of more or less severely injured The damages done to shipping and property may safely be classed as stupendous About two-fifths of the island were under cultivation and the mountain slopes were covered with forests All the cultivation and all the forests in the path of the hurricane appear to have been swept away The numerous sugar coffee cotton ana cocoa plantations which have tell the force of the tornado seem to have teen utterly destroyed Houses and barns store-houses and stables have been crushed out of existence end a considerable period must elapse before the island recovers from its terrible visitation Every hour adds to the list of horrors already long enough to startle any body The governor and privy council assisted by the colonial coudcII are doing everything possible to relieve distress and to abccrtain the full extent of the calamity OUR FLAG ON THE HIGH SEAS A Start iu the Resumption of Commerce Across the Ocean BaLtimorf Aug The three-masted and four-masted schooners which make up the fleet of vessels in the American coasting trade are about to make a now departure which will bring them in competition with European sailing vessels which for ears have had the monopoly of the lumber trade from southern ports to Europe Low freights and slow despatch in ourcoal ports have In some measure forced -the fore-and-afters to seek business in a new line A letter to a local ship firm gives a list of vessels already chartered to load lumber at Bt Island Ga for united kingdom torts at 90 shillings per standard of sawed umber equal to about 1980 feet The vessels which were constant coal carriers from this port are: Charles Davenport of 980 tons register Mabel Jordan 944 HcnrvJ Bmith 1052 Maria Teel 1069 Charles Davenport 1235 and Horace Macomber 993 The letter adds that vessels are in demand to load lumber at Pensacola Mobile Pascagoula and Ship Island for the united kingdom and continental ports It is expected that the American schooner will get the i geest slice of the business if anything like living rates are established Heretofore an inferior class of European shifts has had the whole of the off-shore business STRUCK DOWN IN THE PARK A Milwaukee Business Man Dying from a Mysterious Assault Milwaukee Wis Aug William Hadley a wealthy business man partner in the late firm of Bosworth A Sons holesale druggits is dying from wounds inflicted upon him last midnight in the open park directly in front ol the Union depot Passersby found him lying in a pool of blood where the assailants had left him for dead During a lucid spell he tried to name his assailants whom he evidently knew but his tongue had been nearly torn from his mouth He is now unconscious and the doctors have given up hope Tbe clew on which the detectives are working points to or more prominent business men Hadley-has a -nephew Hopkins who secured a partnership in the old and wealthy house of Bosworth A Sons only as alleged to wreck it At any rate the elder Bosworth has since died a pauper and bis only surviving son is suing to recover 150000 which he alleges Hopkins and Hadley appropriated out of the fund to their own use Hadley has since bought a partnership interest while Hopkins has invested in real estate hicb has since enormously risen in value Detectives are working on the theory that Hopkins behoved Hadley knew too much for safety or that Bosworth undertook summary revenge ononeof the men who bad got his money There is another that there is a woman in the case and that the assailants mistook Hadley for some one else RAIN-MAKING IN TEXAS General Pyrenforth'a Exploaives Brought Down a Torrent Over a ide Area Midland Tex Aug The first experiment here with Gen rain-making balloon was made yesterday and was a great success There were a few scattered clouds in the sky at the time tbe experiment was made but no indication of rain Several kites with dynamite attached to their tails were sent np immediately after tbe balloons and the dynamite was exploded by electricity while rend-rock pow der was exploded Great volumes of hite smoke ascended only to be beaten down by the rain which at once began falling and continued for four hours and twenty minutes Incoming ranchmen and trainmen say the rain extended over an area of many miles and Prof Cnrtis meteorologist for this rainfall expedition estimates that it covers an area of not less than 100 miles Between the ranch and this town a distance of twanty-flve miles the roads were badly washed out Violating Navigation Laws Washington Aug The attention of the treasury department has been called to the fact that a systematic attempt la being made to evade the navigation laws of the United Btates which exclude foreign vessels (rom the coast wise trade the plan being to ship freight from New York for ban Franslaoo and other Pacific ports by foreign vessels to Liverpool and Antwerp ana thenoe in another foreign vessel to snch port Instructions have been sent to the collectors of customs on the Paciflo coast directing them upon tbe arrival of merchandise thus shipped tq institute (egiil proofed I ngg against tbe property under Section 4345 ol the revised statutes and report the results to the department Acting Secretory Nettleton believes such mnU can be prevented The American Federation of labor rep-ref nting 7501111 American workmen baa decided to join with nd aid tbe Amalgamated association In a united effort to defeat the importation ol foreign labor Into this oountry and to that end will shortly send an accredited agent to Washington What Dm It Mean 'loos (lows one dollar' means simply that Ilnid sarsaparilla Is the most eootinfmra medicine to buy because it gives more for the money than an other preparation Each bottle contains 100 rlcsee and will average to last month while oilier propurst ns rvru- iog VI oirvctlont are rond In a week There fore he so re to get Hood sarsaparilla the tost Wood pupiter Has a Preliminary Examina- tion Today AND PLEADS NOT GUILTY Sent to Jail Without Faaaed a Ret-leee Night asd Suffered Great Pain Which waa line to the Apple That He Ate Hanoveb Judge Samuel Cobb of tbe police court with Attorney General Barnard and Solicitor Mitchell accompanied by citizens went to room in tbe Wheelock house this morning to conduct tbe preliminary examination of tbe murderer Almy in reply to Mr Barnard questions as to how he felt said that he had not had any Bleep and had been in pain all night Tbe complaint of murder was signed by A Frost and waa read to Almy as he lay on his eot When asked to plead he hesitated and said: know wbat to Turning to Sheriff Foster a near neigh bor of tbe Wardens with whom he waa well acquainted he would you do Henry 1 Foster replied: don't know Attorney General Barnard then suggested that it waa always safe to plead and in that Way his plea stands recorded He waived examination and was committed without bail It waa learned from tbe physicians that tbe pain of which Almy complained waa more from the apples of which he so ravenously ate and which tempted him from his hidiug place in barn Wednesday night than from his wounds Although he did not sleep he was apparently much rested was shaved early and looks bright That he is beginning to look forward to his fight for life in the courts was plainly evidenced by his careful consideration of questions and replies thereto in the brief preliminary examination RAILWAY TROUBLES Tbe Switchmen's Strike In Peoria Still On Their Ultimatum Peoria 111 Ausj The Strike in the Peoria Pekin union yards is still on No freight trains are being handled All the passenger trams are now moving on time The Iowa Central and the Terre Haute and Peoria trains began running into the union depot last night An attempt was made last night to transfer some sugar from the glucose works to the Chicago Burlington A Quincy car This road is not involved in the strike but tho men moving the sugar were set upon and severely beaten Two arrests were made As tbe big four passenger train was putting out shortly after midnight a a vs ltchinan named Sheehan jumped on tbe platform and uncoupled the ears He was promptly arrested David Moore chairman of the committee was arrested yesterday charged with inciting tbe men to interfere with the Peoria A Pekin property The Situation Grave Peru Ind Aug The climax was capped in the Lake Erie Western strike yesterday in this city by the ultimatum ol General Manager Bradbury ordering all men to report (or duty by midnight or consider themselves discharged About 35 of tbe men called for their time The s'tuation is extremely grave as it is understood the firemen will go oat also thus blocking all traffic- All business is suspended and the large shops at this point will be closed until further notice TERRIFIC EXPLOSION Two Hundred Fonnds of Giant Powder Explode Near a Mine Burke Idaho Aug Two hundred pounds of giant powder exploded at the month of tbe lower tunnel of the Black Bear mine near here yesterday ith terrible effect Four men were Imprisoned at the breast of tbe drift by the rock which caved in and were suffocated The bodies of four other miners have not yet been found but all hope of finding them alive has been given up The explosion was terrific tearing up the earth and caving in the tunnel fora distance of 100 feet Last evening the rescuing party had recovered the dead bodies of four men: McNeil general manager John Jense assistant manager and brother of one of the proprietors: Robert Blackburn secretary of the union and John Barrows Four others are missing and it is feared their bodies were blown to atoms TWO KILLED A Desperate Attempt to Fiaape from Prison Prostrated' Walla Walla Wash Aug A desperate attempt waa made at the penitentiary yesterday afternoon by convicts to escape Gleason and Joseph Morris convicts were killed and another convict wounded A train load of material waa run into the brick yard and as soon as it stopped several convicts seised the warden of the prison while others got into the engine nab Tbe engineer however reversed his engine and ditched the train which frustrated the original plan of the prisoners The warden waa being harried away to another gate by tbe convicts when the guards began shooting The entire force finally came to the rescue of the warden and after the two men above mentioned had been killed and another wounded order was restored Cricketers Going to Halifax Boston 1 Tomorrow at 12 tbe Massachusetts team of cricketers will sail lor Nova Beotia on the steamship Halifax It has been erroneously stated that tbe team is composed wholly of Boston Athletic association men Although several of the men belong to that organisation there are also good men on it from the Lowell Fall Kiver and Pawtucket cricket clubs The make-up of the eleven ss finally decided upon by Gapt Wright is os follows Wright Wright Crack-nell A EsUbrook A Spinney Chambers Boston Athletic association JH Comber and Fairbnrn Lowell cricket club FjBiflgdW'and Draper Fall River cricket club Meiklejohn Pawtucket cricket club This list comprises tbs names of some good bats fielders snd bowlers men who should make a useful all-round team a much safer arrangement than taking a few brilliant bitters and trusting toprovidenoe to look alter the bowling and fielding Tbs Canadian Scandals Quebec Ang A Quebec member of parliament who has just returned from Ottawa reports that Sir John Thompson has expressed to number of political friends bis intention as minister of justice to indict in the name of tbe queen for public robbery and conspiracy the whole of the members of the McGreevy gang and tha public officials they bribed providing he is assured by the local authorities that there is a reasonable prospect of finding here jury above the influence of tbe bribers It is considered that this prosecution will save the government and that thus the threatened political prists at Ottawa will be averted jfhRt the Thunderer Buys London Ang The Timee in an article on American politics says: democrats are more likely to conquer against Blaine and McttlpL-7 by propounding a sober program will) a seller representative than by trying to emuiajp appeals to tbe American flag snd the magnificent achievements of electrifying Alter crediting Mr Ha-risop with manful biding of bis disappointment the Times remarks tout the office of president bass sobering infineoes which a ill probably tone down the vivacity of the manifestos issued la Mr Plains in-lerest sboaid bti elected Failing TferofikJi Air MovticklIxO 111 Aag Profeasor Charles Belknap ft Frankiord Y- mad successful ascension in tbs airship CarlotU here in the presence of 10000 -people He guided the ebip by means of a and alighted in safety five miles rom tbe place of ascen sion Yesterday was the hottest at Arkansas City Kan for years tbe thermometer standing at 100 In tbe shade One mao was fatally aunntruck and several others were overcome by the beat AN ALLEGED TAX IMPOSED Ou an Importing irui hhh Man(niu 1 bat the Hiaker Had No Bight to Count a buoruiu in Order to Pass tbe Diuglcv Bill Washington Aug While the advanced cases involving the constitutionality of the Mikiulcy tariff act the Dmgiev worsted rt solution and the anti-lottery legislation ol the last congresa will all lie argued before tbe supreme court in Ol toiler tbe decision of tbe court lit not be announced in any of the cases before the November elections so that there is nothing in the atory that the supreme court would take any of these issues out of the fall campaign The question of heairer coqnt comes up m-ftfr appeal case Ballm A Co against the I mted htates under the Dingley act Ballm Co who imported worsteds hkb were taxed as woollens brought suit agamt tbe United btates on the ground that such taxation was illegal because the Dingley art waa never passed Tnanppnitof this the journala of the house were submitted showing that Speaker Reed had count numbers present and not voting in order to establish a quorum at the time tbe bill passed the house A second point waa Wade that the secretary of the treasury and not the board of appraisers was required by law to act this particular matter of worsted classifications It was ou this second point that the tower court decided in favor of the importers the 'TJhiltd Stales appealing lhe( case to the supreme court When is reached by that tribunal both questions ill be re opened and a decision on Speaker count of quorum ill be bad MONOTONY IN HOMES Uault of hirh the oug Housekeeper Is Likely to le Guilty A fault in furnishing of which the young housekeeper is quite likely to be guilty is monotony Ibe mama for having everything match has ruined as nmnj handsome rooms as has the loe for crude colors and loud display In those das when the multitudes ore beginning to learn tbe rudnm nts of artistic decoration it is more common td imdarooina failure eff ct because of it monotony of color than because of an array of colors which os tbe French express it at one It requires keen artistic perception and feeling for which few possess to arrange a great salon with it aried corners fittings and draperies so that it shall be exquisite all its parts and still form a beautiful and barmomons hole says the New ork Tribune It is well perhaps that wealthy people can hand over such rooms to artistic decorators who understand and ma- tenahancUdheirfelaUoA Mx each other 8uch rooms argooa in effect in proportion of Abe sfeiLl of thodecor-ator The nustakrs which people of moderate means and-a limited amount of taste and knowledge of color make is to copy such rooms It is as though the simple bnllad9inger should traestythe method of the grand prima donna and thereby loso all her simplicity and at-trictheness It requires good sense almost akin to jgenms to derstaad your lnt itationst 4ut on iy as do -ean you make a success of the furnishing of the simplest room or of any undrtaking simple or momentous Almost any woman can toll hen her room is a fnilur' though she cannot always tell what element produced the result Kememlier the most important thing )n a plain parlor is simplicity Weid out all coarse decorations Do not above all things attempt to match all theshadca in the room Nothing is more funereal than a room in one tone Different shad of the same color are necessary as a rest for the ev" and there should tie a harmonious lief in a different color in fumishinga room it is alwa9 widest after selecting the wall decoration and floor covering to put in the room at first only what is essential and to add artistic bit from time to time as they seem to fit harmoniously into tb lr places Such a room as this is a growth from ourselves an expression of our own indn iduality In this gradual method of furnishing one is not likely to make blunders iu ornamentation COMPROMISE IN A FEWWEEKS- Tlie Situation as iewed from ou Dvr 1 layers kr Lot i Mo Aug The association and Hague are working on a compromise Evidence to that effect was furnished by President Von dor Abe league will not sign any of our players bo are under he and his league agents are not going to negotiate for any more association players and I am in a position to know bat I am talking about There is no danger of btivetts jumping bis contract Do was laid off by me for drinking und this discipline ill probably have a good effect on him 1 here is no more trouble to ba expected from the league and I will say that a settlement between 'the association and league ill be effected completely in a few weeks probably before that i he players under me who saw fit to mis-b have themselves have been punished without fear of revolt from them Lyons is suspended fir the rest of the season and if I want him next season he wilt nave to come to bt Louis The next time McGill gels drunk he will be blacklisted from plajing ball anjwhcre know how long suspension will last but I knew what 1 was doing in laying linn off He play ball outside of Slf Mr Yonder statements show that the league and association have agreed to recognize each contracts This Data in Aug 21 John Duello Duke of NortlnimU ri ind I headed in tho 'i owir of ioiidon Junes Uriclil (tho Admiral) utvvis scholar sol-ditr sw in poet and ponUtmati born nitcdJulj 1 1 his pupil snn of lbs Duke of into Fmnris dc eminent Catholic divine born John Tindall eminent natural philosopher Ijorn in count) wlow Ireland wilh lHiiin men began a forced inarch to Knoxville Humble masKu rcat iiwrence Kan b) (Juan trail's guerillas 140 men murdered and 1) hooeoft burned tliereafter no quart waa given by either 6ide on tho Kansas-Missouri border the fate of Quantrell still a mystery Bnttlea at hummit Point Vil Duvall's BUiiT Ark Memphis cun and College Hill as Forrest's dash into Memphis was among the most briflieut and successful exploits of tho war Treaty of peace signed between Goats Bala and ban Salvador THE OCEAN STEAMERS- Off Brow Hoad Aug 20 City of Berlin from New York for Liverpool At London Aug 20 British Fmpire from Boston Burk'en't Aruic baGvs Tte best salvo in the world for cuts bnues gores ulcers salt rheum fever ernes tetter chapped hamh chilblains corns ami ail sklu eruptions and nositively cures piles or no pay required It ib guaranteed to give perfect iti-factiou or money refunded Price 23c per box sorfeftiebyj flrady drug store Thomas Casey crazed liquor at tempted to commit sun ide in Lynn last night He first tied both legs togetbet fore large assemblage of frightened children got upon the yail pud dived down Uito the water A man wb-wj passing pulled hun out as hs was going down tor tbe last time more dead than alive There is a shrewd head iranotfi rontons on tbe Old Colony nii road between points on the line and Newport Tramsare pulled up in this city to give Uiexcarsmni'dR a chance to s-e tbe big boats and the Fall Kiver line gets tbe ad-anlige of a lot of valuable advertising at alow figure MARKET 12c lb 6c lb lie lb lb-180 mil FLU VILLAGE Lancaster Pa Aag Lemuel Ellsworth aged 28 of Ephrata went to tbe Franklin house Wednesday afternoon with Amanda Eitneir a widow of Ephrata After eating dinner they went to the hotel parlor Soofi afterwards three shote were heard The people who rushed into the parlor found tne wo i an on the floor dead and Ellsworth near her fatally wounded He was removed ta the hospital -Mrs- Ettnetr Was a stater of 8 I Arndt a prominent broker of Lancaster She held a high social position She waa much older than Ellsworth and the mother of two children one 15 and one 11 years old It is supposed that Ellsworth shot her and himself in a quarreL A Simple Minded Incendiary West Medway Ang Carr 22 years old the simple minded young man who is supposed to have been the author of several Incendiary fires here recently was bonnd over to the grand jury yesterday for indictment for arson or for committal to some institution Counsel for Carr claimed that his client was mentally unbalanced and legally irresponsible The losing property owners do not desire that Carr shall tie punished but wish to have him restrained as he ta only harmful when in liquor Indignities to a Boy Lebanon Pa Aug 20 A boy named Hay was attacked while driving on the highway near Lebanon last night by a number of older boys He was taken from bis wagon stripped and completely deluged with tobaoco juioe Knives were held to hia breast and an attempt wag made to hang him with a hitch ing-strap An approaching team frightened the pletely overoome with fright A Murderer Bound Over Springfield Mass Aug Christian Voight of Holyoke' was today bound over to the superior court without bail for the murder of Maurice Brady Voight was also held In 1000 bonds for assaulUm-Jeremiah Hurley whom Voight intended to kill- Tbe shooting happened on Park street Holyoke last Thursday night at 12 Brady was shot in the left arm and died Sunday morning from the effects TICKS FROM THE WIRE James Lynn who shot and killed his wife in Pawtucket last night was arraigned In the district court this morning He at first pleaded not gnilty but later of his own accord retracted that plea and pleaded guilty He was bound over to await the action of the grand jnry at the September term of the court of common pleas He presented a calm and collected appearance In the court room Fred Palmer of Franklin working on a new mill in Millis waa killed yesterday by being precipitated to the oellar by a breaking stage George Titus the Attleboro business man who disappeared from town last Saturday was brought home last night He was found in a dazed state in the Astor bouse in New York Tuesday Boston detectives yesterday arrested eleven well-known pick-pockets on their arrival by train at Bennington Vt Among them is the notorious Campbell formerly a leading spirit of the Rochelle gang of bnrglara and thieves Campbell is as expert at the light-fingered trade and is wanted in Boston for jumping his bail Strength and Health If you are not feeling strong and healthy try electric bitters If grippe" has left you weak and weary use electric hitters This remedy iv-ts directly on the liver and kidneys gently aiding those organs to perform their functions If you are attlicted with aick headache )ou will find siieedy and permanent relief by taking electric bitters One trial will convince you that this is tho remedy you need Larue bottles only 50c at drugstore AT IT AGAIN I Round Steak 5c per lb All other parts of the animal at the lowest figure Pine Apples 5c each Musk Melons 5c each Bananas 5c dozen BUTTER The Finest Creamery pound for One Dollar Corned Beef from 2c lb Cabbage Free AT THE 7 14 No Main Street THAT DIARRHEA! -BY MADAME Diarrhea Balsam A few dosss will cars jap FO SXiE VT Pharmacy JijrfidljlJcAp Pleaeant Street fine kid shoes Nos 0 1 2 3 4 for 20c glazed dongola kid button seamless Nos 1 2 3 4 5 for 25c dongola kid button heel Nos 4 3 8 7 8 for 40c glazed dongula kid button heel and spring heel Not 4t 5t oi 7 8 for 50c American kid button spring heel Nos 8 9 10 11 for 60c-Child's grain button heeLand spring heel solid Nos 9 10 10 1-2 for 65c russet oxford solid soles and counters Nos 07891010 1-2 for 50c grain button plain and cap toe Nos 11 12 13 1 2 for 75o Misses' grain button plain toe extra Nos 11 12 13 1 2 for 85c fine dongola kid spring heel Nos 11 12 13 1 2 half sizes for 81 dongola kid oxford patent tip Nos 11 12 13 1 2 for 75c web slippers Nos 8 4 5 flr 7 8 for 9c American kid opera slippers Nos 2 1-2 to 7 for 50o glazed dongola kid oxford patent tiji Nos 2 1-2 to 7 for 75c American kid oxford extra quality Nos 2 1-2 to 7 for 81 glove calf button solie Nos 2 1-2 to 7 for 81 veal calf Balmoral leather sole and counter Nos 11121312 75c lawn tennis slippers Nos 11 12 13 1312 for 45c tennis shoes 11 12 131 2 for 65c tennis slippers check Nos 1 2 3 4 5 5 1-2 for 50c veal calf Balmoral solid soles and counters Nos 12 3 455 1-2 lor 85c veal calf tap sole Balmorals extra quality Nos 1 2 3 4 6 for 81 lawn tennis slippers light check Nos 8 7 8 9 10 11 for 55c tweed rrinea Alberts leather trimming Nos 07891011 for 75c veal calf halt double sole lace and congress Nos 878210 for 81 bicycle canvas Bui leather faced easy Nos 8 7 8 9 10 for 8125 calf dine comfort Nos 8 7 8 9 10 for 8125 calf congress imitation lace single soles Nos 078910 for 8125 Specialties Are Being Eagerly Carried Away No Beauty or Strength Missing in These Goods Sheepskin Shoes arc no Good! We Keep Them Boston-Boot and Shoe Store 54 SOUTH MAIN STREET 395 PLEASAUT STMT.

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