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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina • 7

Charlotte, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Till: CIIAKIOTTl: OBSliRVIiK SA'I UKDAY MAY 2' I'Di 7 HAS CLOSING EXERCISES Fine Program Presented by Children Scholarship Awards Made Speak at County Courthouse at 8 One Hour Before Wood's Address Saturday and Monday SPECIALS IN SHOES MORE GREAT SPECIALS That Will Go Out In The I 'Inuli' I i'Imi'N Writ ll'l'l 1 1 1 1 dt i ni'tiiDnii nt 4 u'i iivi tii'i 'I lirmi'im iii jili i ii i ur mil 1 nii-i I mllllf 1 1 t'M 111 WH Sriiilii siuii iiiis 1 1 1 i i In i'i" i Iiiiiiiiii' guild Mi'- Will) i i SIIH ur Oils I'iiy I llv I i it 1 1 1 1 liy Ki I'i A Un'iiuni tl hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il i' I iif 1 1 pit i 1 1 'V 1 1 I llllili iif 1 1 1 iu 1 1 Yi im li i 1 1 1 1 i uf till1 hi' nl it ili'p irt-Ini'it iiil MU- 1 0 ill- Null uf Tliniii-1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 ifi thi Junior iii urn nt Tii" i ru ii i uni i 1 1 1 ') Ii) hi I-1 1 1 1 ll II VH II 4 1 0V I S''ii i 1 irn 1 1 merit Mvt'MK u-1 1 1 I iiiiif i 1 1 1 I M't'l i'll' Anti I 'll ii Hu' Eskimo Wlnli 0 Hifti llvi' llllli' gl'D A- 1 On vt Wy Mm Mi'licl '1 Yn ml I On II lini'l Hu 1 1 1 li lull Ii lii'T'Mni ii Hi' Slim' i 1 1' Hi in Sum ul III" It 11 Ii A 1 1 1 1 1 -i 1 mi in1 gin "I i' i in ii i-i i I nt in I -n 'i 'mi' i ii i 1 1 iii'ii i i 1 1 'in I 1 Wii 1'T-i mill 1 M'inu Tim (mi Cora lri1 Coi'lu'imc nm Mimibli' 1 1 I'i- ink Mcl- 1 mi Oiyiuli' i mti'Ihi Windmill I 1 ii i It Whim mill Until Duffy ntnrv I "En'ilnondis" Ml Ion Hldi'llllnllr Minn Sii I i' I -( Until Mini" I mill itiuriiH I'cita I Ion 'if unit Ainl" Edith Wnoilliy Monti iiii'i'i' Itlnnl ire fiiur llttli' (iillilri'ii yccltii-itmn Mr limit and Mr Turkey ltusa Unity and Frank MiilmiJ thymic CM'iTlm' Hpriiigi line tlini I 1 1 1 1 glrl roc It 1 1 rl What Would You Uo? Mnry Edmonson leeila-t Ion Snluto the Flag nine (iilldren fTitm inn Wytikcn Blikon A- Nnt Mnry Edmonson reiitntion Eight Fingers Iti'mli'e Slmitun song Va-cnllnn second mid third grades Following are the scholarship wards: Senior Urpartment si hol irsliip Mnry Nichols improvement in penmanship Samuel Fort Suit prize Victor White Junior Department Scholarship liernice Stanton improvement in penmanship William Deal Slitt piiec Cora Fee Cochrane Thompson Hall: Most helpful liov Frank White miat helpful Riti Anna Atkins Anna Muv Heaver I iron an llall: Most helpful Imv Snmnel Fort moat helpful Kiri Ethel Brinson Federation Cottage- Most help- fill Rlii Carrie May Cochrane Improvement in sowing Lillian Melton (amei'iii Mori'l-nii iletnn-rriiilc i 1 1 1 I i 1 1 I lor noinliuit loll i ginei'iioi' nf Ninth iii'ollna uill -pi ak tonight at o'i lock hi limit if tile i-iinnl) couit-liniisi' mid Manr lcio ral Lisiii-II i'i! Wnml ri 1 1 1 1 I Hu 1 1 caiiiltdiili' lor the limn Ini I loll for ITi-sl-ill'll! of the I illicit Stales Is the si lie lute for ttic 1 1 1 1 lent spcnUliut at II o'clock ul (lie I'itl 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 Il mis antimiiii'cil from the political enmps that the speakings will he urningi-il si Hint Iiitc III lie no eniilliol in the cii''iivcnicnls I 'miscipiciii I II was arranged lo liac lieurrat Hood spenk at It o'clock In minutes lati than the original linin' Itnlor (lie pati'lollc i Icelrtc lights of i-ci I while anil blue line the Mecklenburg candlalc fur the giihcriui I nrln I honors will spent tonight 'I he liwn of Bn cmn't iime-e Mpcirc will lie hrllllanlly lighted It was said The strings of eleelrle linllis were Inslalled under the dlret'iimi of A MeDmuild esterda (illlns snper- I sed I he erect Inn of a platform ill front of the steps wif the emir! Iimise Mr Collins was assisted In the work of decorating In the following: 11 Cansler Jr I' Wcllmis l'Miiccs Clarkson Mi's Hairy ZrlgltT and Mrs Withers The Steel (reek hand will fiinilsli music for the gathering tonight 11' MoitIsiii II was iinnminccil will begin speaking shortly alter o'clock and will finish In time for those who desire to attend tin1 Wood meeting In Hie luidllorlnni to do so Col I Kirkpatrick will preside at (he meeting tonight and will presenl (oilhrle Nr who will Introduced Mr Morrison Mr Morrison returned to Charlotte late Inst night from Llncoliiton where at Hhlit o'clock lie addressed a hlg audience in (lie county mint lnni-e lie will go today to (aslmda speaking in tiie courthouse there at anil ret inning lo this city this afternoon In time for his address to (lie ellicns of Charlotte and Sleek-Icnhtirg county at o'clock tonight PLANS BEING MADE FOR BANQUET TO GENERAL WOOD SALE MAY SATURDAY 5100000 AND LO WSHOES GO AT BIG DISCOUNT AND AT SPECIAL PRICES DURING THIS SALE All shoes both niLMi and ladies at prices between and we will give off 8100 per pair All shoes at prices above we will give o(T per pair All shoes below are marked at special net prices for this sale Special Shoe Counter EXERCISES Fine Program Presented Rev Taylor Delivers Address Hpv Taylor of Wilson delivered the annual address at the commencement exercises for the Biddle university In connection with the high school closing last night taking as his topic Need of the hour" lie pointed out in his talk that the young men would dream dreams setting Luther Livingstone and Lincoln as mcn or vision The standard set hy Carnegie for race measurement Hie ability to rise and lift to be able to assimilate the principles of education ami civilization and to make progress uere emphasized by the speaker Six members of the high school graduating class were selected by the faculty on a basis of scholarship to compete for the prize in oratory offered by the alumni The prize will he given lo ihe student who wwrites and delivers the best oration The program presented last night was as follows: March (Piano Four Hand) College Life Far! and Stowe Invocation Ur Photo Biddle We Sing of Thee class "They Shall Not Ed ward Allen What the Negro Wants Floyd Anderson Jr Let Fs Advance Douglas Iewis Selection Natal Dav class quartet A II Prince IL Allen Harris White Jr Our Place in the World's Reconstruction Abraham II Prince The Just Oo On Algermon Steele Class Song "When We Came You Biddle of Mine" Words II Stowe Annual Address Need the Rev 11 It Tavlor Wilson Awarding diplomas Benedletion Dr Thomas A Long presiding Members of graduating elass In the high school department lire Edward Allen Thomas Allison Flovd Anderson Jr Felix Bryan Hardin Cooper Robert Cowan Noah Earl Charles Harris Leon Harris Warren Jones Beasley Kelly Douglas Lewis Clarence Long Noble I Massey William McNeil John Monne Ernest Moses Thomas Poag Alphnnso pnwe Ahra-( ham II Prince Stephen fi Riee Oenrge Staqle Algernon Steele llonrv Stepteau Eduard 1 11 Siowe Frank Twine Julius White Tollie Williams THE DEATH RECORD lie $3500 AND $4000 SILK SKIRTS $1500 EACH Saturday we will oiler all our new tine quality novelty silk sport Skirts worth up to $40 oo at each $2500 These Skirts are in white llesh jade rose all especially attractive combinations SATURDAY HOSIERY SPECIALS SLoo quality All Silk Hose in black white and colors per pair $195 SI oo quality Silk Boot Hose in white and light shades per pair 55c 5oc Sox black white and colors Saturday only 3 pairs tor $100 SUMMER RAG RUGS St 75 quality 27-inch by 54-inch Rag Rugs each $159 $250 quality 30-inch by 60-inch Rag Rujjfs each $229 $350 quality 36-inch by 72-inch Rag Rugs each $315 75c NEW SUMMER VOILES 42c During this sale we offer a case of 1500 yards of 4o-inch Summer Voiles all new popular georgette patterns light and dark grounds at per yard 42c $500 DRESSES $359 EACH Little Dresses in Organdy and Voiles with dainty touches of handwork sizes 2 to 6 years each $359 $100 AND $125 SILK GLOVES 65c A PAIR dust received yesterday a big shipment of Silk Gloves that came too late to go in the first day of the sale These Gloves will go out tomorrow at the special price of 69c There are 700 pairs in the lot and they are beautiful quality of silk in black white navy and gray with combination stitching on the back qREAT COLLECTION FINE SILKS OFFERED AT $190 A YARD Excellent quality satins georgettes crepe de chines and taffetas in a tine assortment of Spring and Summer colors offered Saturday at per yard $190 BEAUTIFUL SATINS AND TAF-FETAS AT $245 A YARD Some very handsome quality All Silk Taffetas and heavy ytins as well as some of the better grade of shirtings on sale Saturday at per yard $245 SPORT SILKS $375 AND $595 A YARD The famous and other high grade Sport Silks in exclusive novelty designs on sale at per yard $375 and $595 These are Silks that sell regularly from $650 to $1300 a yard TWO BIG GROUPS GOSSARD CORSETS OFFERED AT $775 AND $475 $1000 AND $1200 GOSSARD CORSETS AT $775 During the May Sale we will offer several good discontinued models in genuine Gossard Corsets in all sizes as an extra big attraction for this sale at $775 $550 GOSSARD CORSETS $475 In this group there are three or four discontinued models in genuine Gos-sards that we have been selling at $55o and $650 They are in all sizes at $475 Of course these Corsets will be just as carefully fitted by our expert cor-setiere as if the full regular price were paid TENNIS OXFORDS 25c Saturday morning from 9 to 10 we will sell 1000 pair and black tennis oxfords limit one pair to a customer for 25c LADIES WHITE PUMPS One table 1 lood Leisure rubber bottom sea island canvas pumps values that have been highly advertised at 8400 a pair all sizes at 65 OXFORDS $298 One table oxfords black and tan values to HYGRADE OXFORDS $465 1 Ivgrade welt oxfords black and tans in English and blucher values up to 8800 brown black and gray pumps and oxfords some of all sizes and widths from 3 to 8 worth up to a pair vour choice at One counter white kid pumps canvas shoes oxfords and pumps values worth up to at OXFORDS $165 About 500 pair and Misses oxfords and pumps in black tan etc values up to at LOW SHOES 98c and Misses white canvas rubber sole pumps and oxfords Sale price 08c SCOUTS $175 tan and black oxfords and sandals all sizes Sale price 8175 I'i epa i a ions arc being made hy friends here of Maim- (huo ial Leonard Wood to enterli in tile presi- i ii la 1 candidate at a dinner at the Manufacturers' iluli tonight before spiaks iii the audiiorium it vvaa announeed last night The dinner pa rt is being at ra nged for the at my oltieer's friends tnuc lo renew acquaintances It is not known at what hour Ccueral Wood will arrive In the city and it Is not yet known if the dinner will tie given The published itinerary of (ieneinl Wood shows that he vj 1 1 speak in (biHtmiia this evening at li o'clock If this is correct it is said the dinner can tint he given Indore (lencral Wood speaks in the auditorium at n'clnek Hall tided to cmn-liiliniciite with (lencral Wood last night hv long distance telephone in (iiecnshoro In an effort to ascertain the exact hour of his arrival In 'Charlotte hut at a late hour last night was unable to get (lencral Wood lo the telephone A 1 Draper yesterday sent a telegram urging (leneral Wood to spend the week-em in Clfnrlotle as his guest lull il is not known whether he will aerepl the invita- lull or not For Fever Headaches ami Neuralgic Pains An ImpTnml Aspirin tablet wldrh Is nbsn-lntely safe to use cun in ca ses nf rurem di tilllly unit weak heart llclie'en head-aities neuralgia and rheum i tic pains and reduces fever Sn pressing Mulo hy a formula whleh is In ip-iter use hy leading physicians IC-r per prokaiie at vuur druggists or ly mall from Ihe manulanurers Piedmont Laboratories ne wmton The next time you buy calomel ask for The purified and refined calomel tablets that are nausealess safe and sure Medicinal virtues retained and improved Sold only in sealed packages Price 35c JtLJr Ii TIUM HWWOOI) Mr( UK I Willi mi Mtywoorl 66 years di(fl last nitrhl at ft 6 o'clock at his hom 7u6 North Church strf'Pt aftr gradual in health following a of paralysis 10 yfars ao soon afu h' movd to Charlotte Thn funfMal stTvir-s will ho hfdd i in Durham bin former bom Sun- day afternoon at tho Motnorlal burrh In adilition to his tf th b-- is survived by n- hi M-rCabr of rhis riry Mr was horn In Cran-villf county this stato moving uhtia i a vouth to Durham wlmrf Hv-d until 1909 whoa h( movwi 1t Char- a gmmri ufzrttt of Ilm Mutual LiFp In-uianf- fom Mav Iff a siroko of paralysis about a oar it ami was forn-d hi- poH ion Tho dweaspd wi- a iihiuHt of Tryon Siroet IT chun ami i' a highly respected riiizea DEPARTMENT STORE SHOE DEPARTMENT IVEY CO.

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