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The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina • Page 12

Charlotte, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, JANUARY 16, 1914. 12 -immmmmiimm LAUNCH MOVE FOR BIG CELEBRATION To morrow get the president," said Mr. Clarkson, "the hotels anrd homes here will not hold the people who will come to Charlotte." Mr. Clarkson wanted another committee to interview the president as to his coming to Charlotte but Mr. C.

A. Williams thought it best to wait a week or ten days, until the first invitation had been considered carefully at least. Dr. Caldwell's View of Matter. "Dr.

Caldwell, will you tell us. just what you think of our chances of getting Mr. Wilson here next May just as it appears to you from your heart." said Chairman C. C. Hook.

rrpii MfiY TWENTIETH is 19 of those shaded, and exquisitely situated building Lot-; on 5nirt saie the Plaza north of Mr. E. A. Coles' residence. roery "It is the biggest idea that has been suggested in Charlotte in many years." This was the general verdict pronounced last night after the close of the mass meeting at the Selwyn hotel to discuss the Twentieth of May celebration while the declaration above, referred to the suggestion that a permanent organization be formed in These lots' are '66x 192.

to a 15 foot allay. With gas, water, sewer all $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, Charlotte and Mecklenburg, a Meck Caldwell replied that from what he had observed of the president he believed that Mr. Wilson really wanted to come. Mr. Wilson intimated that he could not accept invitations that were of the nature ot junketing trips without breaking a fixed rule of his," said Dr.

Caldwell, "but we paved the way for that, and I think that we have prepared tne matter in a way and so presented it to the president, that he will not be embarrassed as to other invitations which he ha-s to visit cities and towns. If we Avant the president we must project this celebration on a high plane, and must not put it up as a big showr or anything of that sort, with the president as the central figure. That is not what we want. lenburg Declaration of Independence Association, or other organization, to keep alive the sentiment and memory of those great days and organi sation, to keep alive the sentiment and alley way. This very broad and attractive street has cement side walks and asph streets all paid for, and good car service.

These charming oak, dogwood and cedar trees are delightfully refreshing to the eye as well the sense of touch on a hot summer day. It is among the largest blocks of shaded woods in or near Charlotte. memory of those great days and or ganization, to keep alive the senti 35c Silk Sox at ment and memory of those great days and let the outside world know that Charlotte and Mecklenburg are de termined to keep alive this historic 3 1- 1 1 fM- duu iu uuiu a. jo- uai i erence and honor. Let President Christen It.

We must show the president that we are a people trying to commemorate in fitting way the struggles of a peo The above suggestion, offered by Mr. Charles C. Hook, president ot the Greater Charlotte Club, and last night elected chairman of the mass meeting on motion of Mr. He-riot Clarkson, was followed by another highly important one, namely, that by Presi Long ple for liberty and freedom, and that we are trying to re-express our sentiments in favor of civil and religious freedom, and ihen I believe Mr. Wilson wilr be interested.

He is not coming, just to be one of a crowd, you may be sure. Dr. Caldwell then threw out the important of the evening, that Charlotte and Mecklenburg must get together and form a permanent We have the exclusive sale of these 10 lots, as well as the 19 immediat chin the rear. All of these lots will be' sold in the next 60 days. Terms 1-3 cash, balance easy payments with 6 per cent interest.

Already some of the most charming dwellings and folks in the city are on the Plaza. Prices $1,550 to $1,950 each. PHONE 589. dent. John L.

Caldwell, that President Woodrow Wilson be asked to christen 33 East Trade Street. organization to keep fresh in tne minds of the people the spirit ot the times when the Mecklenburg Dec- (pnrnipr him iimp nnnnr-o oncnirr vvilmivo uuivico FOR MAN WANTED JUNIOR ORDER TENDER AUDITORIUM FOR DR. VINES' SERMON the new organization. Dr. Caldwell pointed out clearly, that from his knowledge of the character of President Woodrow Wilson, Mr.

Wilson is a man who will take a great interest in the launching of such a historical organization while the ordinary attractions of a bi celebration might not appeal to him. Bali Starts Rolling. Notwithstanding the suggestion was offered last night that tne meeting postpone its formal work until Mayor Charles A. Bland could be in the city, the enthusiasm of those present was so great and the determinatio: to HIS COUNTY laration of Independence was signed, and that this must be a general and unanimous movement, and must be on high plane, having a well-selected aim and purpose in view, and that the bickerings about the declaration muiit stop, and that the people must unite in an organization to commemorate the bravery and the spirit ot Arthur enderson Sheriff YY count and D. Wilkins, of Cleveland a deputv arrived in the 219 North Tryon Street city this morning to take charge of a young white man named Claude Hanes, who is wanted in Cleveland county for breaking into the store ot D.

M. Baker at Kings Mountain lact Saturday night and stealing ESSE The Junior Order at Their regular session on -Tuesday night have requested Dr. W. M. Vines to deliver his second sermon on "The Roman Catholic Peril" on Sunday evening at the auditorium.

The Order will be responsible for all expense connected with lighting and heating the building. Tt was estimated that a thousand T'eop'e could not get into the First Baptist church on last Sunday evening and it is expected that more will "want to bear the sermon of next Sunday evening than on last Sunday. In an interview Dr. Vines stated that he would like to accommodate everybody "who wishes to hear his addresses on Romanism, but that he doubts the propriety of- changing the place rf meeting. Tn the church notices on Sunday, however, due announcement will be made as to whether or not iie can accept the invitation of the Junior Order.

On Sunday evening he will deal with the questions of liberty, morality, progress, the Bible and Rome as the enemy of liberty, progress, spiritually and morality. this movement. Dr. Caldwell suggest- JHE AFFINITIES ed that the name be left open for; TUP THPATRIPAI the present and this amendment was I nC IflLMInlUAL accepted by Chairman Hook and the! EVENT OF NIGHT mntinn Tvaa nut and arlnnteri: Mr. A.

After enthusiastic talks by freedom and liberty that dominated those men in 1775 who signed the Mecklenburg Declaration. Mr. C. A. Williams made an enthusiastic speech in which he declared that the word would not be recognized in the present undertaking, and although he expected to be out of the city for the next three weeks, he promised to do as much as any other man in the way of contributing or giving of his time or means towards extracting success from the plans now being set on foot.

He declared that it was no small matter to entertain a president of the United States and that the committee wrould certainly have to have sufficient money guaranteed, and this he was confident, could be secured in tne work if approached in the right manner. He was ready to be one man cut of 100 others to guarantee $1 00 each, and upon making this substantial proof oi his interest, the speaker was liberally applauded by the meeting. Mr. J. V.

Simms then offered a motion that the meeting appoint next Thursday evening and the county court house as the time and place for the next meeting. Mr. E. B. Moore suggested that the, county commissioners be included in the public invitation to city officials and this was accepted heartily and the motion of Mr.

Simms' was unanimously Claim the Titanic Was Unseaworth'y By Associated Press. London, Jan. 16. Tne pHa Titanic was unseaworthy left England in April, on her tal maiden trip which cost ihf over 1,500 people is to be a-ivHiiccd a suit for. damages brought, the White Star line by Tbonia one of the surviving stewards, li.

sustained a fracture of the right lfgii: the wreck. Whiteley's counsel, Allen Cieroer1: Edwards, a lawyer member ot parliament, ill also argue on betiah ml; client that there was negligence the steering of the ill-fated vcsseL The 1- taring has been fixed ics March 1. This will be the first time suggestion, in regard to unsea-worthiness of the Titanic has be raised in the courts. in a interview given while he was hing a New York hospital after the re declared that the officers of the Ti tanic had disregarded the the lookout that icebergs ere in C. Williams, Dr.

William Allan, Capt. Parker and others, the meeting adjourned on motion of Mr. Heriot Clarkson. to meet again next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the court house. Among those who took part in the discussion last night were: President John L.

Caldwell, President Charles C. Hook, of the Greater Charlotte Club Heriot Clarkson, J. Virgil Simms, John A. Parker, Paul C. Whitlock, Dr.

William Allan, A. Morris McDonald, W. S. Orr, Dr. J.

K. A. Alexander, A. Williams, J. Frank Wilkes, E.

B. Moore, Dr. J. A. Austin, J.

Leake Carraway, secretary of the Great Charlotte Club; and R. G. Barr, assistant secretary, and Edward Robbins. The theatrical event of the eArening will be "The Affinities," the musical comedy by the clever playwrights, Misses Bessie and Florence Burkheim. er.

The final rehearsal last night gave brillian promise of success tonight. The cast is "all star." Mr. Eugene Springer as Dr. Warren Coprtland, and Miss Ruth Blankenship as Marjorie Asterbilt (affinities), in their song, "Sympathy," are fine. Mr.

Leon Applewhite as "Ben Mason," a wealthy ranchman, in his song and dance with Miss Florence Burk-heimer. as "Indiana Roland," is great. Mr. Ferris Burch, Mr. John and Madam Ornday, are as good as the best.

Thesuffragette parade will rival that of the Inauguration. Tickets are selling fast. The Battle of Charlotte Chapter, D. A. is to bfuefit by the performance, sp the ipter will attend in a body.

All D. A R. are askei to add to the monu-m3nt fund by being present at the show. "HUTCH MAKING GOOD AS CARTOONIST FOR LEADING PERIODICALS a large quantity of goods amounting to several hundred dollars valuables. Hanes confessed at the police station yesterday afternoon that he was of the crowd of four young men who entered the Kings Mountain store.

Two of the others, it is are now in custody in Rockingham and one has been captured by the police of Kings Mountain. Mr. Y. S. Fulton, a clerk in tne store that was burglarized at Kings Mountain, came to the city yesterday morning and notified the police department that he believed one of the men wanted was here.

While standing at the square with Officers Bradley and Russell, he saw a man coming across the square and told the officers that he believed the man was the one of those he was looking for. The officers arrested the man and took him to the station where he at-frst indignantly denied that he had anything to do with the Kings Mountain burglary, stating that he had not been in Kings Mountain since he was a small boy. Chief Moore ordered that the man be locked up antt held vntil Sheriff Wilkins, ot" Cleveland county, couid come and take him back to Kings Mountain. Upon hearing this Hanes desired to speak privately with Mr. Fulton.

He went to one side and started to open his coat in the station took him back into the chief's office, where a pistol, a flanh light, a number ot watch chains, were found on him. He admitted at this point that he was one of the men that went into the store, but would not tell who the others were. Sheriff Wilkins took Hanes back to Kings Mountain this morning, and it is believed that the ether suspects spotted are the other guilty ones and will be in the Cleveland county jail in a short while. make the coming Twentieth of May aj success was so deep-rooted, that the! meeting refused to adjourn and instead spent nearly to hours in ear-! nest debate over the ways and means of the celebration and the best methods in which to make the occasion a great success. Mr.

Hook being called to preside over the meeting made a brief statement, alter which he throw the meeting open to discussion or suggestions in line with the purpose for which it was asembled, saying tbat it was not a meeting of the Greater Charlotte Club but for the whole city, and that all of the citizens were desired to participate in the work of the meetings yet to be held. On the principle as he stated that 'everybody's" business is nobody's business," Mr. A. M. McDonald was in favor of the Greater Charlotte Club remaining at the helm at least until things were in good moving ord-r and a satisfactory beginning had been made.

He thought that Mr. Hook's plan for a second meeting next Thursday, January 22, was excellent, but wanted the secretary of the Greater Charlotte Club to send out invitations to the entire membership of the club, calling on them to attend, and urging upon them the importance of the occasion. Mr. Hook replied that the directors of the Greater Charlotte Club had rather have the entire city behind the new movement instead of the club alone, so that if the movement succeeds or fails, the blame will be distributed out. Secretary J.

Leake Carraway stated that he had recently been over the city in connection with the Twentieth of May celebration, and bad gathered the impression that a joint call from Major C. A. Bland and President C. C. Hook of the Greater Charlotte Club would best bring about the desired results, and that a committee should be appointed to invite the aldermen and executive board and other ity officials and municipal bodies to take part in the task.

Invite Secret Orders Also. Mr. A. M. McDonald reminded the adopted.

Mr. Andrew Hutchison of New York sity. is spending the week in the city with his mother, Mrs. A. C.

Hutchison, At her home on West Trade srreet. Ir. Hutchison is widely known as under which signature he Fas formerly cartoonist for The He'has been in New York for Shree or four years and has made food in a hurry as cartoonist for Skiany of the leading papers and periodicals of the American metropolis. He 3ias contributed to The Evening World Recently a serial list of cartoons and -Jsas also contributed comics to. Life, gfndge and Satire, besides a series of political cartoons for The Yonkers SPaily News.

He has already been Engaged to do serial cartoons for the 'tlearst publications on his return to York. Mr. Hutchison has attracted much favorable attention and he fact that be has contracted to do ferial work for the Hearst publications is evidence of the rank he has Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S A 3 I A WORK BEGUN ON NEW SAND CLAY ROAD LEAD-ING INTO SHARON Work was begun on Monday morning on the new public road that is to be constructed from the corner of Myers Park toward Sharon church and into Sharon township, the course marked out for the road at present being about two miles in length. If the right of way can be secured without difficulty, however, the construc- Rev. John A.

Hubbard at 10th Avenue Churcl- Rev. John A. Hubbard, tcrmrriy Dallas, Texas, has been oncayrd i supply the pulpit of the Av nue. church on Sunday. January Mr, Hubbard was successor to C.

I. Scofield, in the Dallas churcb. and a Bible expositor and prefer of unusual ability. TRIP AHEAD FOR BASKET BALL TEAM DAVIDS0N, LATER 1 The Charlotte representative basketball team leaves next Tuesday on a very hard basketball trip covering fiv ays. The team will play Greensboro Y.

M. C. A. Tuesday- night, Durham Y. M.

C. A. Wednesday night, Trinity Ccllege Thursday nighv, Wake Forest Friday night, and A. M. Saturday night at Raleigh.

The last four named teams are the strongest in the state, and the local boys will be up against a strong proposition every Chairman Hook thought that there should be a committee on invitation, and Dr. J. A. Austin moved that the citizens present last night be constituted such a committee and this was adopted by the Chairman Hook adding in the meantime that the Greater Charlotte Club would take up the matter of sending out invitations for Thursday night in detail, though it was understood that last night's sessioir accorded a general invitation through the newspapers. "Other appeals do not affect Mr.

Wilson, but if we show to him that we are trying to stir afresh in the hearts of the people the fires of liberty, and that this place is the site where this great spirit of freedom was born and where we propose to keep this same spirit and love of liberty alive, then he will be interested. If we could perfect an organization to perpetuate the idea of American liberty, we would have something that would hold together. Dr. Caldwell suggested that the organization might begin by adopting a set of high-toned and dignified resolutions, like those of May Twentieth, and that then the organization work would proceed readily. Mr.

Hook suggested the name, "The Mecklenburg Declaration Association," or something very similar thereto, as the proper designation for attained u. his chosen vocation. His rst wo-k as a cartoonist was done lor The News. Mr. Chafer Closing Meeting at Knox Johnson Signs With Cincinnati.

By Associated Press. Cincinnati, Jan. H- Fit Johnson, the Indian, signed a cyotrac here today to play with the nati National League teoiu on. ing season. meeting that there were numerous orders in the city, Knights of Pythias, Junior Order, and others, and that he believed ail of these ought to be 1CASTORI tion will be continued to Sharon night.

In the last three games the church. The road will be of the sand- team will he playing under different clay type. rules, and will thus be greatly hand- Mr. Frank Drane has the contract icapped. The above trip is the stronger the building of the road, the con ertaken tract having been let some time ago.

Davidson is to play the Charlotte specially invited to come forward as a lodge or council and take an active part in the preparations and plans for the celebration, and that these should Jj Por Infants and GMldrcn. phe Kind You Havs Always Bought Rev. L. S. Chafer will conclude hie series of Bible lectures at Knox church next Sunday night.

The series on th. Book of Romans will be concluded tonight. At the service last night Mr. Chafer took up chapters nine, ten and eleven, in which God's oath and covenant with his people Israel is seen to be in full force, even though there in now a special Gentile purpose being realized. The positive promises of an earthly kingdom have been postponed, rather than abandon Falling Rait Means Dandtuff is Adwt ir.

xienry xiainey wlu nave me ae- fiv6 in February at the Y. M. C. A. tive be invited either to attend the mass HE IS FROM GREENSBORO.

Bears the meeting n3xt Thursday in a body: or to send special committees to repre Signature ot sent them at the meeting on the (Greensboro Record,) Out in Misouri and Kansas they are 22nd inst. This plan met with hearty Save Your Hair! Get a 2o Cert B9i of Danderine Rgt Now. still pitching horse does, sometimes! There be not a great deal of grading to do and, if the weather is favorable, it is expected that the road will be completed within a short while. The opening up of the new highway will be a great convenience to the peo pie of township and points beyond there, as it will greatly shorten the route to the city. The road will follow almost a straight line from the endorsement, and will be made a part ECORDER JONES ed (Luke 21:24: Acts Rom 11:1.

25, etc.1 called quoits, it used to be a tavorite Thin brittle colorles game in country, baseball, mi pvidenrp of the general campaign scheme to be carried out immediately. Dr. J. A. Austin suggested that the TO SPEAK TO BOYS SUNDAY AFTERNOON 15 meeting last night be consti.uted a committee to invite attendance at The lecture tonight will be of "The Reasonable Life and Service of the One Who is Saved." Mr.

Chafer concludes the series on Satan this after-noo nwhich will have to do with Satan's present power and -strategies. golf and other sports, long ago laid itiscalp. 0f dandruff-that in the shade. There ig nothing so dec Last week they, had a tournament the nair as dandruff, it ro in Rosedale, Missouri, in which this of its iustre, its strength game was the big one. In riecounting jjfe.

eventually producit; the achievements of the participants' ss-hnpc anrf itching edge of the Myers Park property to Thursday's gathering. Dr. J. R. Alex ander tnought this an excellent sug- the residence of Mr.

Ernest Moore, on the road that runs --om the Providence highway to Sharon church. conuu auu latuiiju jo. iuui5 luuia- the local papers thus refers to one par- -which if not remedied a tions to all of the secret orders and lodges that could be communicated ticipant, Mr. K. L.

Curtis, is a with. Mr. P. C. Whitlock said that FfiULTY DIGESTION the new organization, and Dr.

Caldwell was appointed by the meeting to draft suitable and fitting resolutions to embody the spirt of the hour, as was outlined at the meeting with reference to the high-toned purposes ot the new association, and to have these ready to present Thursday next i possible. Capt. John A. Parker seconded the movement by declaring that the only way to achieve anything was to pitch this movement on a high plane and to have an organization of a perpetual nature from year to year, and to have an organization that will appeal to all. Individual effort no FOR CHRONIC COUGHS he thought the newspapers could do the work more good 'ban all combined advertising or inviting of guests, but it was quickly made known that roots to shrink, loosen un the hair falls out fast.

A derine tonight dow any surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle Danderine from any toilet counter, and after plication your hair will life, lustre and luxurianre beautiful. It will become Quickly Shatters the Nervous System native of this place, a brother of Miss Lou Elma Curtis and Mrs. L. A.

Wyrick. He has made his home in Kansas for a number of years. The paper says: L. Curtis, of Goffs, was sent to yesterday's tournament to represent his town, as its acclaimed champion. He holds the record in the immeaiate Action Necessary Use Mi-o-na.

Milton, Woman Has Found a Remedy. Mrs. Howard Wagner of Milton, says: "I had a bad cold for months, and would cough every night until midnight. I consulted a doctor and took two kinds of medicine but When you feel irritable, tired and despondent; when you have nervous A meeting of special interest to the oye of the city has been arranged Tor Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock at Hie boys' department of the Young SJen's Christian Association. The meeting will be addressed by Recorder Hamilton C.

Jones, 'this is Mr. Jones' first address to the boya of the association and a cordial invitation is extended to all boys over Jwelve years of age to attend the meeting. The boys' orchestra will accompany the singing of the hymns. A special announcement will be pade at the close of the meeting, which will be of special interest to' the boysp resent who are fifteen years of age and over. STOCKHOLDERS OF C0- I LONIAL TRUST CO.

HAVE ANNUAL MEETING The stockholders, in the Colonial trust Company, with offices in the Com mercial'Bank building, held their annual meeting on Tuesday afternoon, most of the stock being represented by person or proxy. The reports submitter! state for the largest number of consec- nugy and have the api i utive 'ringers' in a tournament game, abundance; an iucompaniblc He has pitched as hig as sixteen softness, but what will pleas consecutive 'ringers' and two years will be after just a few LWiti-mngB, specKs Dero re the eyes, headaches, sour stomach, heartburn, bad taste in the mouth, and pains in the colon and bowels you are suffer got no relief. Vinol was rdecommend-ed and after taking it a week I could sleep all night without coughing once. I continued its use and now have a the newspapers stood ready to cooperate just as far as possible in making the occasion a success. Want the President.

Mr. Heriot Clarkson observed that the success of the occasion depended in the last analysis upon the ability of the city and committee to get President Woodrow Wilson to spend a day here during the week of May Twentieth. He said that in pre-election timefi he had talked with Postmaster General Burleson, and had assured him that all that was wanted in return for campaign assistance here, was the promise that Mr. Bur ago won a championship inter-county when you will actual ing from, indigestion the first step to match at Seneca, Kas. There he pitch-1 longer counts.

It is the aggregate that accomplishes things today, and this idea Capt. Parker believed yould insure success to the new movement for a permanent organization here. Chairman Hook then took the floor and moved that the meeting next Thursday should proceed with the organization of the Mecklenburg Declaration Association, or some similar fine, downy hair nei all over the scalp. enronic dyspepsia, which invariably wrecks the nervous system you need fine appetite, never felt better and my cough is entirely gone." ed ninety-six points in five games of cuyuuc puiuis eauu. i a1 Mi-o-na at once.

It is a well known fact that when Mi-o-na is a specific for stomach a person is run-down, stomach out of order, or the system overloaded with eakness it goes to the seat of your trouble and quickly ends stomach misery. It surely and safely builds up waste matter, vital resistance is low ered and colds and coughs are easily name, to be a permanent thing. He believed that people from both city and county would be interested in and strengthens the stomach walls contracted. and glands, quickly improves the di The safest and surest method we leson would get the president's word that he would come to Chalotte on May Twentieth, in the event that he was elected. "I have a letter from gestive system the vital force and know to overcome this condition is Marlborough Blenheim Broadway, 36-37th Street NEW YORK CITY On the site of the former Marlborough Hotel One of the Finest Up-to-date Hotels in the Citj Restaurant designed in the Adam Period; seating canav over 600, and one of the -es on Broadway It has a superb location, situated i the heart of New ork by taking our delicious cod liver and nerve energy are restored, then you are in the best of spirits and enjoy perfect health.

iron tonic, Vinol. In the most natur FOR FROST BITES AND CHAPPED SKIM For frost bitten ears, finrers and toes; chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold sores, red and rough skins, there is nothing to equal Bucklen's al manner Vinol tones up the dises stowed that the, institution had had a most successful year. Immediately af ter the stockholders meeting the board tive organs, promotes a hearty appetite, enriches the blood and as a specific for chronic coughs, colds and of directors held a a meeting, in which Armca Salve. Stops the pain at once and heals ouifklv in the following officers tor the associa stone's throw of the leading theatres and shops ana mree Till branchial troubles Vinol is unexcelled Mr. Burleson in my possession now, said Mr.

Clarkson, "4n which he notes my request and agrees to do what he can to comply with the same," and this bit of information being given to last night's meeting it was quickly voted that Mr. Clarkson should proceed to take advantage the promise made by Mr. Burleson before hie appointment, and have him use his good influences in getting the president to visit Charlotte. "If we Tann iV on1 Tt'rio ctatinna and flVfi minutes v--- there should be a box handy all the Do not suffer another day. Get a fifty cent box of Mi-o-na Tablets from R.

H. Jordan or your nearest drug store keep them with you constantly, for this treatment will help you get well and strong, and immediate relief is sure. Do not delay delays are not only dangerous' but needless. If not benefited" Mi-o-na costs nothing. Station.

Try a bottle of Vinol on our offer to return your money if it fails to Lime. remedy for all skin dis eases, itching eczema, tetter. Diles. tfcn were chosen for the coming year, te list being practically as it was list year: Dr. J.

Clifford, president; vice-president; J. W. Barry, and R. 1- Goff, cashier. help you.

R. H. Jordan Drug druggists or by mail 25c. All H. 6ur.Vn 350 Rooms win bath at $1.50 Per Day and up Excellent Cuisine at Very Moderate Prices for Reservations at our expense MARLBOROUGH-BLENHEIM HOTX CO.

Philadelphia or glts. rough, scaly skin, try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. St. Louiss I i I i.

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