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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina • 5

Charlotte, North Carolina
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CIIARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVED FEBRUARY 6 1907 5 MARRIAGE INVITATIONS Gorrectly and Promptly Engraved Send for Samples and Prices Stevens Engraving Go Engravers 1 7 Whitehall St Atlanta Ga Secial and Personal Miss Rose Dell has gone to Baltimore to be at the bedside of her father who Is quite ill The Dolly Madison Book Club will moit with Mrs Lillian Richmond on West Trade street to-morrow after-noun at 4 o'clock WRITE IT) II SAM TEES TO-DAY PERSON AH I5HIEFS Mrs Marlin Hardin has returned from Montreat where she spent several dys with in parents ex-President und Mrs Adelai Stevenson Mrs Lucy Halliburton returned home yesterday after spending some time with relatives at Asheville Splendid Values in Black Goods for Separate Skirts Miss Julia Robertson has returned home after visit to her aunt Mrs ')! A Andrews at Raleigh The Alumnae Association of the Fresbytei inn College will meet with Mrs John Walter MUkr on North Tryon street this afternoon at 4 o'clock Arrangements will be made at this meeting for the Colonial collet rt to be given the 15th instant Miss Annie Lea Blair has returned home after a visit to relatives and friends at Asheville Miss Nell Harrison of Providence I arrived in the city yesterday and is the guest of Miss Edna Lock-wood on East Morehead street Miss Elizabeth cole of Statesville is visiting Miss Mary Spencer Anderson on North Graham street The Movement of Number of People Visitors anti Others Mr Robert Hayes spent yesterday in Gastonia oil insurance business Mr Edwin Howard vuthern agent i the Mason Machine Works left last night lor the North Mr Howard will visit the' works at Taunton Mass before returning Gapt Reul of Asheville one of the popular conductors on the Western division of the Southern spent yesterday in the city with fi lends Dr A Billings of North Wllkcs-boro spent jesterduy in Charlotte with friends Among the visitors in the city yesterday was Mr A A Fisher of Greensboro who was a gui st at the Buford Mr Bt Ik of Monroe s-pent yesterday in the city on business Mr 1 Clancy of Bryson City was in tile city- csrerdaj staying at the Mr Holland of Gastonia was in Charlotte yi sterday at the Buford Among the visitors in the city yesterday was Mr Ernest Nissan of Winston-Salem Mr Guthrie left last evening for Rail igli win re he will spend a few days in the Interest of clients Mr Joe Hunter of the firm of Brown Ac inner auditors who has been spending several days in the city on business ivtuinod to his home in Atlanta Ga jesterday Mr Guion of Greenville spent yesterday in the city with friends Among the visitors in the city yesterday was Mr Cavannaugh of Winston-Salein who was a guest at the Buford Mr A Stevens editor of Tho Monroe Journal is a visitor in the city Among the guests at the Central last night was Mr YV Balthls of Gastonia Mr Martin of Winston-Saiem is spending to-day in the city Dr Summers of Davidson was a visitor in the city last evening Mrs Ross and small son of Greensboro are visiting Mr and Mrs lto-s on West Trade street 100 pieces of new Spring Woolens perhaps a dozen weaves in the lot some biand new others staple Splendid assortment of colors especially tlie Dark Reds and Cardl-nais all tho best shades In Blue Black goods that stay black BLACK WOOL BATISTE 50o The soft All-Wool Silky atiste different from that usually sold because it does not crush Tho yarns are treated so that tlu material lien "oven has a close smooth suilace and retains its softness Yard wide all shades and black Price 5t)t Aid -BOOL IMPERIAL SERGE 50e All-Wool 3(i-lnch Inipoilil Serge a good serviceable value in beet Colors and Black Price 50o SMOOTH HALF-AAOOI CASHMERES AT 25c Half a hundred pieces of smooth double-width 36-Inch Cashmeres To purchase to-day value would bo 38c These In all Colors and Black Price 2V FANCY SITTINGS AT 48c 3(i-lnch Shadow Plaid and Mixed Gray Suitings splendid for early spring wear Price ISc $400 52-1NC1I GRAY PANAMA 08c Several pieces All-Wool Light and Dark Gray Panama Value to close 08o IMPORTED SICILIANS 75c 44-inch fine woven Black ImpTtel English Sicilian Pine 73c 1 IE TRENCH SFHGK $100 42-inch line weave Fiem Si rgt Blues Hi nun and Blat I Price $100 IMPORTED HENRIETTA $100 4 4-imh smooth fine Imported Henriettas all shades and Black Pi $100 PLAIN AND CIIIITON PANAMA it Sc Splendid 52-nnh '(' ini sin unit pi tin and 42-lrn soli line woven Chiffon Panama Bhu only Price BLACK VOILES At DE IN I'R AM I' Crisp All-Wool 42-mih Blink Voiles gooil B1 ks und values nt our prii es OSc and St 25 BLACK AAOOI TAPI FT A AT SI 25 44-Inch B1 ick Wool Taft'ti a light-weight fabric thit 1- In Mil for separate skirts Bri $125 SPECIAL BARGAIN" IN I III AM AAOOLENS 3R-ineh smooth Cream Oi-hni' re Special 25c 36-inch All-Wool Ci i am Taoe a splendid value at our pi ice 50c $1 00 value 4N-meh spam Ommk All-Wool Cieain Si ge Blue 75c Double your suli-a 1 1 pi i to the A Fund Us an inv st men ou will bo proud of Mrs Margaret Miller of Winston-Salem is visiting her sister Mrs Ross From our New York tailors we have leoeivpd a number oi the very I latest styles in Coat baits for the i I coming season I This is the handsmmst line we I have ever shown as we bought them 1 from high-class tailoring houses who i make a specialty ol combining lit style and elegance with splendid materials and good wm kmiu'-aip These baits will be on ibspbiv for I a few tys and we would be glad to 'have you come and look them over lat your convenience whither you i ish to purchase now or not 1 Our Miss Felts is preparing to leave 1 for New York and will tie glad to take your order for any of the Suits shown and have it made to your measure without any additional expense If you want a strictly correct Suit at a moderate price sec us to-mor- row Guaranteed Taffetas Long before the big advance In the price of silks vve placed our order for large quantities of liluk Taffetas These are now- in and we offer them to you at a saving of about 20 per cent AVhen in our store lie sure and see I the special values in Guaranteed Taffetas at 7 So 89i $100 $123 and $150 per jard Mrs Ross has returned home aftur a visit to friends at Atlanta Ga Mrs George Goodman of Moores-ville is in the city to-day to see at the Academy of Music She Is the guest of Mrs Lillian Richmond on West Trade street A Few Minor Happenings in and About tlie City The city water commission is scheduled to meet to-morrow evening at 8 Notwithstanding the snow and ice and slush yesterday the streets were about as lively as usual with automobiles Mrs Fred A White who underwent an operation at St Hospital sevi ral days ago is recovering her strength rapidly The Crittenton Circle will meet Wednesday afternoon at 420 o'clock at the Carnegie Library A full attendance of the members is urgeel clothiers of the city are already receiving their stocks of spring and summer goods None however will be displayed before the snow has melted Her friends will be glad to learn that Mrs Will A Peters who has been at Asheville for her health for the last few weeks is getting along nicely There re 12S8 whiskey prescriptions filled last week at the 14 drug stores in Charlotte The increase in number over the first week in January is about 100 There was little doing in police circles yesterday The bad weather k' pt the criminally-inclined indoors There were two or three drunks hauled in during the day Harrell Moore real estate dealers yesterday sold 22 acres of land on the Law year' Road belonging to Mr Wearn to Mr Crowley The consideration was $2500 The executive committee of the North Carolina Cotton Manufacturers' Association will meet in Raleigh to-day President Miller Jr and others from Charlotte will attend Owing to the absence of several of the members there was no meeting of the board of school commissioners last night If convenient a meeting will be called for Friday night Tho Womans Home Mission and Aid Society of the Second Presbyterian church will meet this morning at 10:30 o'clock in the church parlors All members are urged to be present at the Academy of Music to-day matinee and night The matinee performance will begin at 2 o'clock sharp and the night performance at 7:45 A good-size house will probably witness each performance receipts at the city cotton platform yesterday were four bales apd the best price paid for the staple was 1 0 65 cents a pound The corresponding date of last year when the best price was 11 cents a pound no cotton was sold nil the local market There will have to he a bond issue to rover the deficit of every administration until there is some change in th" revenue laws hv which at present the city pays for the building of roads in the county and township while it leaves (he great proportion of its streets in worse condition than the country roads There was only one call at the 1 police station last night John Wil- son and Guy Llneburger two colored sports- had become involved in a controversy and John attempted to make a lead mine out or body The shots went astray however and John did not wait for a further opportunity Sergeant Pitts and Patrolman Johnston responded to tile call but the birds had flown Mrs A Dodsvvorth entertained at cards yesterday afternoon in compliment to Mrs Wilson Miss Minnie Cochrane who has been visiting relatives and friends at Macon Ga will return home Mrs Walter II Page of New' Yoik arrived to-day She Is the guest of her nieces Miss Mary Catharine Thomson and Mrs Helen Hall at No 404 North Tryon street Laces HI IlliK AND RAYSEIR FINED WHOLESALE and RETAIL New Mill for Davidson Rumor has it that anoth er cotton mill will be erected in Davidson at an early date While nothing definite has be learned of tlie plans of the promoters it is understood that the plant will bo devoted to tlie spinning of coarse yarns The equipment will likely consist of npproximatt ly 50fiu spindles Dr Munroe and others are said to lie harking the enterprise Davidson now boasts of one mill that of the Linden Manufaetui ing Company The new plant will probably he in operation hv ttic middle of tho summer From all reports and a study of this is to bo a lugger lace season even than last YVe are foitunate in that ue are prepared for It with the best and largest jij stock we have ever had all bought i Ki wiien the market was well supplied i JJt3j and prices much lower than they 1 kf are now Have a look at our big showing of pretty Lares at 5c a yard Catawba Farmer and Minister Tried for Affray In November Burke Confesses and is IVuind Gulltj Both ined $20 Ppeerd i 'f 11 1 lllM-r' tT Newton Feb The trial of Ezell he and Rev Payseur for the light whieh took place last November was concluded to-day As will lie remembered tile cause of the trouble was the ordering of Payseur off of Burke's land by Burke while tno former was hunting Buiko submitted ins case and acknowledged that lie hit first Mr Payseur went on trial The testimony was very rnnlileting Burke's witnesses swearing that lie was shot by Payseur while the latter's witnesses swore Burke had only hi en struck on the head with a gun The jury found Payseur guilty after being nut about Br minutes Both parties were lined $20 and cost IVEY'S Michigan Elects Algor's Successor Lansing Mich Fob 5 Congressman William Alden Smith was this afternoon elected by the Legislature to fill out the unexplied term of Senator A Algm who died suddenly nt his home in AVashlngton 10 days ago Congressman Smith had already been elected as Senator successor at the expiration of his term March 4 13 Wes! Trade St If you are contemplating buying a farm and want to live in the healthiest place in the write to Nichols Easton Maryland for a farm catalogue Our lands are very fertile and our waters are teaming with fine Fish Crabs Oysters and Wild Ducks Beautiful salt water homes for sale within 4 run of Philadelphia 6 run New Y'ork A Reasonable Plea For The Stomach Around Huntersville Fpeeial to The observer Huntersville' Feb 5 Miss Ella Potts of Huntersville' who has bee'll head milliner at Barnett Bros for the past two years has resigned her position tle're to accept a similar one at Iv in i li irleal to Dr Mark Hunter Is spnmling a few davs ill Dallas tills wee'k Mrs Geo Oldham lias returnee! homo after spending S'Vrral eiavs with her mother in Sharon Miss Mary i ivtlie of Gilead lias ri'tui ned homo after visiting her brother Mr Bljllie of Huutei sv ille iss Shannon Ranson teacher in he graded school Imre bjh nt Sunday at the home of her mol her Airs Florence Ranson Mr Mavluiry one of our mail carriers is confined to his homo on account of sickness Mrs Blghnm entertained quite a number of her friends at a quilting party last Thutsday afternoon If Your Stomach is Larking in Digestive Power YA'hy Not Help tlie Stomach Do Its YVork Especially AA hen it Costs Nothing to Try? Nut with drugs but with a reinforcement of digestive agents such ns are natutally at work in the stomach? Scientific analysis shows that digestion requires pepsin nitrogenous ferments and the secretion of hydrochloric acid When your food fails to digist it is proof positive that sorrm of these agents are lacking in your digestive apparatus Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain nothing but these natural elements necessary to digestion and when placed at work In the weak stomach and small intestines supply what these organs need They stimulate the gastric glands and gradually bring the digestive organs back to their normal condition pected for days Tlie remains were Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have taken to Bethel church Turnersburg been subjected to critical chemical Our work is the Model of Perfection and our establishment is modern in every respect A trial bundle proves the first assertion a visit to our plant tho second 'as others see you by using one of our Handsome Dressing Tables in either Oak Maple or Mahogany Tho latest styles and finishes as Yvell as lowest prices at township for interment Miss Matilda Brown of Salisbury Fpi'i ml to Tin' Observer Salisbury Feb Miss Matilda Brown one of the oldest of Sails tests at home and abroad and are found to contain nothing but natural digestives Chemical Laboratory Telegraphic address London Tele- 20 Cul- phone No 1 1029 Central Our Yvorkmen are the Lest between "Washington and Atlanta Our stock of fjj mouldings and mat boards are up-to-date Our prices are right We Avan your next order Degilding old frames a specialty 90 pairs All-Won Cray Hlaukcts 11-1 Me a regular $300 and $850 value slight ly danrured $198 a pair 11-1 Wool White with pink and flue borders $250 a pair 11-1 North Carolina All-Wool niankcts with blue and pink borders would lie cheap at $100 a pair 8323 COMFORTS flood heavy Comforts 98c Fine soft Comforts made of a good White Cotton a regular $198 value $148 SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES Ready-made Sheets 39c 10-1 Sheets made of a good heavy quality Sheeting 49 and 59c loxOf-inch Pillow Cases 10c I ox 00-inch Hemstitched Pillow Cases 12 l-2c bury's good women died this morn- I ing at the age of 72 Sho was one of lum Fenrhurch St London 9th Aug 1905 I have analyzed most carefully a box of Dyspepsia Tablets the best of church people and lived as a consistent Baptist mure than half a century She was especially prominent in the church and like Dorcas (which I bought myself at a city Was kind to the poor The funm-al shop for the purpose) FURNITURE CO Stone Barringer Doctor Dentrifice services will be held to-morrow afternoon from the First Baptist church Mr Harley Kymrr of Asheville Fpeeial to The Observer Asheville Feb Harley Rvmer ui number uf the local firm of Haves A ptyiner died here Saturday alter an epilation for nppi talk it Mr Illness was of short duiathm lt was Bt his stc re in usual giml hodth just prior to the attack An operation was performed and while in a measure easeful the patient failed to rally from the shock and death ensued Mr Rvmer wn about 25 jears of age and one of popular voting men A widow and one ch'ld survives Sir Geo AV Goodman of Iredell County ppeclnl to The Observer manufactured by the A Stuart Co Temple Chambers London C' and have to report that I cannot find any trace of vegetable or mineral poisons Knowing the Ingredients of the tablets I am of opinion that they are admirably adaptable for the purpose for which they are intended (Signed) John Brooke I There is no secret In tho prepnra- tion of Dyspepsia Tablets Their composition Is commonly known among physicians as is shown by the recommendations of 4 0fifil) licensed physicians In tho States and Canada They are the most popular of all remedies for in digestion dyspepsia water brah in S6 Company NOTICE Bad teeth rauscs indigestion DR DENTIFRICE makes good or bad teetb better IVIro 25 'lulls 'Rhone 13 for a package today Our new stylo package Is a winner fancy flowers for february YY grow the fancy varieties of CARNATIONS such as ENCHANTRESS LADA' ROBNTIKL'L etc a llttlo higher in pi ee hut worth double the common commercial sorts A trial order will convince you Our double blue are superb Handsome Floral Designs one of our specialties YVhen you want anything in flowers write telegraph or telephone VAN FINDLEY NTRSFRY CO Pomonu Sand Ulrama to Qreaaibora Statesville Feb 5 Mr Geo YV I soninia loss of appetite melaneholii Goodman a prominent citizen of the constipation dysentery and kindred Amity neighborhood died "Saturday diseases originating from Improper afternoon Mr Goodman was 78 dissolution and assimilation of foods years old and had lived in the same because they are thoroughly reliable Dtilghhorhood all his life He died nnd harmless to man or child within half a mile of the place where Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets age at be was born He is survived by onoe a safe and a powerful remedy threo children Messrs and one grain of these table's being 6r Goodman and Mrs YVyrlek 1 strong enough thy test) to digest Mr Goodman had been a member of grains of steak eggs and other tho Methodist churrh 60 years foods Dyspepsia Tablets Funeral services were conducted vlll digest vour fond for you when Funday afternoon Revs Hinshaw and I your stomach Powers olflolatlng and tlie remains Ask your druggist for a fifty refit tv era Interred at Amity churchyard package or send to us direct for a rtTRimr free trial sample package nnd you -an be IkY'iI f'v -m BluRihhnn hp -V ft Joa non of tho rsn I lunar tt of Stuart Co 64 Stuart Bldg Marshall pv ixtttoML i Mich Remnant to a resolution adopted by the Hoard of Aldermen of tho City of lutte notice Is hereby given that an application will he made to the General Assembly of North Carolina now In session for the passage of an act amending and revising the Charter of said City of Charlotte designated as Chapter 4b Privae Laws of 1881 and acts amendatory thereto This tho 23rd day of January 1907 8 8 MeNlNCII Mayor of the City of Pharmacy 18 Tryon and Stli Sts The Always Busy Store Corner East Trade and College Street.

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