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The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California • 1

Sacramento, California
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Af yC i I' 1 1 oi? voO O'clock Last Editioa 4:30 O'clock BEE VOL XCIX SACRAMENTO OAK WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 PAGES NO 16358 CC AMI IT MAY Estimated WILL Damage Already Over Forty Million Dollars age about tlie bay must liave been enormouH Oakland in said to have suffered severely In Danger of a Fearful Conflagration SAN FHANC1STO April 18 Hie Kplxropni Church on FlevenUi Street Is badly damaged and at tlie btudebaker carriage fuetory oil Temit and Market Streets Uie top story caved In budly wrecking the entire building Tlx- fire which has been raging the Aicinttv of Fourth and Stevenson Streets lias got beyond Uie control of I la- firemen aud Uie flames liave leaped from Uie Winchester rooming-bouxe on Uie west side of Third Street LTilesx ilie flames can be elieckerl here tlie Palace Hotel one block distant will be endangered POWDER BEING lSKD Hie water supply lx entirely Inadequate uml xi tier lx behig used to dleek Uie flamex Hie rooms In Uie Pabue Hotel were varaied eorlv In tin- morning and guests are now n-tm-ning to gaUier up All sorts of veliiclcx are mclr effeetx being used to tarry things or value loss of life seems pi lutve been confined to Ux- poorer districts FYir the beix-flt of people who liave frieinlx visiting San HE CITY A PREY TO THE FLAMES AND TO ONE UNIVERSAL PANIC SACRAMENTO SUFFERS NO REAL DAMAGE FROM THE EFFECT OF THE SHOCK Francisco It Is safe to say they have not been Injured EXCITEMENT MORE INTENSE As five hours go by the esdtemeiA grows more intense Every few minutes explosions are heard as buildings are blown op to stop the progress of the flames Hie fire has spread and If the wind comes up San Francisco will experience Uie greatest conflagraUun of modem i Entire Waterfront Ablaze at Ten SAN FRANCISCO ApHl 18 8:80 a Hie facts so far as known at this hour may be summarized us ful lows: Hundreds of people killed and prob-Ubly lots Injured Hie Mnluuiiui Pavilion lias been converted into a fa-nipcrarv liospltal and already several hundred vkiinit of the disaster are being treated there by turfs of volunteer surgeons WATERFRONT ABXiAZE The entire waterfront Is ablaze Hie Puxt Of fit a- was badly shaken and Is entirely collapsed Hie fish market at the corner of Clay and Mercluint Streets has out-lapsed killing six people Fire CSvlef Sullivan nml his wife have been badly injured GRAND OPERA HOUSE BCRNING Hie Grand Opera House Is burning fiercely A p-n-xtory building at Tenth and Mlxdon Streets adjoining Uie Grand Opera llouxe is apparently doomed and other big buildings botweeii tlie Uieap-r and SU Patrick 'k Church Many ptsiple are fleeing from Uie Falatie Hotel taking Uieir personal effects GAS WORKS BLOWN CF The gas workx souUi of SUwt have been Idown up and xtarpyl another big fire hi tiuu aectiuii of the city IT RE AT THK MISSION A portion of Ux Mission several been there for a long time Upon close examination It can be seen that they are not ObwTver Kcarr's Report Weather Observer James Scarr was asked by a Be reporter to make a statement concerning tbe shock Mr Bcarr complied with the request but added that his observation wsra only those of a private etttarn as the Weather Station here haa no seianio-graph the Instrument by which Uie shocks and undulations of earthquakes are recorded Tbe only Instrument of the kind In the Rtale Mr Hcarr remarked Is at the Idck Ob-s-rvalory on Mount Hamilton Hold Mr Hcarr: "The shook occurred at I II O'clock 1 think I was saakened by the first trenxir and I should judge that It lasted about a minute The shock was continuous though of vary Ing Intensity The motion seemed I be from west to east with rather gentle undulatory than sharp abrupt jars Clocks with the pendulums swinging from east to west were stopped Fishes rattled rhandallera swung and traeir swayed visibly second slight shock was felt a I 14 "No lorsd damage has been reported from tbe shock Hundreds of people are looking at the crurke In toe Post office building this morning believing they re due lo the rtxirk Hi crack however are old I examined the building thoroughly this morning and have been unable lo find any cracks In any of tbe waits or celltnga If the shock were sufficient to rrarh the gone In tbe foundation evidence of It would be sure to be ran In the walls or eetHnga" a but the shock wu oT xliort duration aiul ilii: niartu suhxklnl Fire Raging in Downtown Districts RAX April 18 8 X0 a A ri- lik-li broke uul lu llx-Mack WlHikwk Drug Co IS anil IS Fn-tnom Htrort Uirvalrnx In tie xtroy ilw entire blis'k On California FTamAsuo nu practically 1 and Fine Mtrrrt Die fire hus rou lieil to SuiMunie StrreC nn eartliquake at 5:10 tlite morning I From line and Dupont Ktnretx fire Hie alwci luiUrd time Mn'n nuf1nK 1111 down-town TIhiuMImIm of buikllnn were lamacl westerly 'id Ls ruin- uoiiawxix ot null imngx were damaged BIU entire buxine icctlon nnd tlcxiroycd Hie lose of Ue la thnwlcncd reported to be emit neveral xren on tlrxiglit to he Hiere Ih no water fire npa all pbim-d under Ibe miitt' of the flxh over the city All wlrro with the ex- "mrel brtwven Surnunnito and Clay and (koninerrial Street IT I Kirill nml THmnui StmU nn TIo (ity MtU twtlng $7000000 Id rviilrv runilly hhm cauxtn In Uie col-In ruum bye of a building Mialern build lint suffered lent Uuini Hie llnll of Inalhe lx momentarily brick and frame The terror and expeeled to fall Hie Cliy Hall la al- eadlenent ure Indexcrlbablo Mox11 of tlx people were axlcrp and were anddenly aroused and nmlied Into tile streets undrew Buildings ward and ernahed burying occupants lirAtte Ulonrlw Fnnlc rrlgimd In tile laarla Hiei nmUX flfll ITIV IJck llouae uaa badly ihnwird but no loan of Ufr ta rrjrrtni there Ilie l-aluie and $1 Framt-k Uota-la Wood the almrk ofT-rrm were ramie berauxe there were no wrtrrw The tnatm lamnae to ludi of Ilie dlxaxlrr pimn Fire box been raging In all dlmxkiiia and pro-de moving out of Uie Railroad Tracks in the Suisun Marshes Drop Out of Sight Stories of Disaster Reach the City From Outside Points miles from the badness section of the city ls in flames The fire began nt Twenty-second Street anti Is rapidly moving eastward Should the wind increase it may sweep the entire southern section of the city GORE BLOCK IN I 'LAMES In Oakland five persons were killed by the coi lapse of the Fknpire Build- lug Hie Gore Block at Uie junction of Market ami Fine Streets Is in flamex and probably will be a total loss The Dead May Reach Into the Thousands SAN FRANmseo Aprtl 18 10:58 in Hie fire extends from the Ferry to From street no one side and pretty much ail sooth of Market Street nnd to staxit Seventh Street wltli sponullc fires in Ux I -ark seo-Uon aud the wiwleru dlvlsloa DEAD MAY BE THOUSANDS There Is no way of estimating the nniubt of drtpl It may be liondn-ds It may be tlxiusanils Bleep la hardly any water and it la ImpumJIde to at wrlien the fin will stop IVopie uu moving out of Uie Palace Hold CALL AND EXAMINER MAY GO Hu Fustaj Telegraph ofieratara who are at Ux-lF (mihim are taking Ux-lr livw in Uieir hantls as Uie building Is coUaiadng aud the lire Is llii-In lialf blm-k The Call and Examiner buildings are liable to go at any mouienl EntireBusinessDistrict Will Probably Go BAN KltNlSXL April 18 ti Hro IniM taken txHd of tlio HlxlvnMUi'y tali bikiitliiuc oil Um TliinI Ntift nkie uml fUuiM irt mm buminir flortvly In Ui inuvlor of thiri buiidiinr (Nit hm ytt tin HiuiifN lme not vpntul btyond tin fNirUi flor Hit buiidiinc in jiIk Uinutriifd on (Continued on twelfth RAILROAD TRACK DltOPb OUT OF RIGHT May Be Monks lkfire Trains Ikkiw hulxun All the plane fur running trains on the Western Iilvlalun of the Southern Pacific Railroad between this rlly and Oukland were knocked out this morning by the terrific eurlliquuke shoik In fact the train dlepaJj tier's office was praci Wally thrown out of bualnees from the fact I hat If had on telegraph wires operating to Hau Prunrtaro and no connection coukl be had by telephone But the breakdown of the wires was not one-lialf the rause of trouble for I the railroad official A short ttran after the big shock came a mnsegra from Sulcun Solano Irani saying that a lung section of railroad track had dlaappmred from view It wan learned later tbal at one 4ar bro tween 8rlg and Teal niaUutia In tha Suisun marshes fur a distance of one mile and half the Ira had sunk down from three to sit feet and at another point near by 1800 feet of the track went out Train tlruogtil Bank Trains which bail been diepnlched for San Franciaco early (hut morning bail lo be brought back and they were gent lo the Bay (Tly by the Latbrop route It was at tha spot where the track disappeared that the rail rood company had ao much trouble last Wine ter when a loaded passenger train cato near going out at sight A groat artrty of men wu then set at work Continued on second pug APVKimSKW gstt HEADACHES Do you suffer In this wvf The iirnper thing lo do is Id consult tbe family doutur and ask him If there any ctxteil-tutloirwj disorder likely to produce these trnuhhw If not then cume and so ux Headacbm sapwially nick hraduuhea ar frequently due to the eysa And when this Is ih case a properly fHling pair of lines wit act Hk niagtu Consult our epllciasis They undetwtand this dlvbSun of eye-flttlng thoroughly mont Holploss AS THE HOURS GO PAST THE SITUATION GROWS WORSE AT TOW WRITING NFW8 NTH-ci rT ii 111KV iv TIIK IlF'-P' TO I1UIVK THAT I'HOIt- Military Rule Has Been Established inthe City are downtown life wfcm'- fc my rnr' 11 In lb huixlmln ami inllltona of dot-lam' worth of iroM'ny ban been do ntroyetb Ha A'alenria Hotel 1 at ween Seventeenth and FSghtn-nth Hlreetx on Aa-h-iata flvre-ntory frame building ban I lie nueet burying people In Uie debrla alory remaina InUxt A Street txwr A'n-k-tx'ia wrecked killing two people LX HIFi ITjAMIX fire lioamw are damaged dial It la Inifawalhle to apparalua ooU A bulging Hired between Mlnnlon kmnani aa the enllapned ami aeyenty-flve In belleyed to be burled rulna Twenly-nittiml and Mbwkm Uh of I Jinunn la nn fire dratruetkon of the et-Ure ami A'alenria there Ux xlrerl nit fret wkle aklewnlkn are men up Hie are hnilly km ntamlxUU HnuUxen Fm'lfle llnapllnl twirled Into Ux budding aouritw fur Ihu uae ufferlng fmm Injorte are arm on the ntreetn making Ux-lr way to the different hoqiHahk The Palace Hotel Threatened by Flames RAX FTtAXtTMN) April I a me-A thetrueUve fire turn broken nut In the south dde of Market striwt and la now within one blink of tin Fnlatw Hotel Hx water mains have burnt nml the Fire Ik-paruiXNit pnxikwlly lielpkvw Hie stale coo fisdnn i rxbsa All busincm la tnaxled At thin moment Unr In only mm ml Soldiers Will Shoot on Sight Anybody Found Stealing wire from San a Postal wire Hie l-uxtal building lx badly darnnited Tlie operating room lx a total wreck Hie power of every kbnl lx gum: aud Un-re are no dghtx either gax or fkvlrir XeiUx-r the Falaer Hotel nor the St Franctx lx gone tluit lx xn far ux tlx outxlde goex Imt tlx inxlde plax-U-rli- etc lx greatly damaged Ikv tween Uie Fuxtal office nml the waterfront Uu're has been great damage by fire which lx burning Heruely null there little or uu water Bl'ILDIXOS BFH XU BLOWN CP Hie fire lx burning both on ilia xi and south side of Uie INixtal building Tlie damage by the earthquake npiiaretiUy tends all oyer Uu ity The xlxk-k Oieurred at 5:15 this mornhig ami laxleil three mlnutex The xtiwelx are Idtakuded with debris Bulkllngx are lielng blown up Hie nwklenee dlxuicta are safe do ux Ixwrd from lotels and Newspapers Are in Great Danger RAX FHANrDW'O Aprtl 18 Tlx- fire In Uu vicinity of Uie I -wince ami Cnntd llmels lx rapklly aiHiroaiiilug Ux-xe biilldlnrK and from prexenl Indliwtlonx liiey will fall prey to Ux flames wlllibl lialf an hour Hie FUamlner and the (nil build- liqn are nlxn In Imminent danger Military Rule Is Established RAX April 18 Twctiiy-onc bodiex have hern taken to the Morgue wblrli cannot atASMilinodnie any more Mayor Setinilu established Ix-ad-q Harters at liie llall of Juatke and I tax appolnled a Belief tHnmlUee'of twenty prominent Hilxens Hx mill-lary la patrolling ilie atreetx guarding Uie banka and oUier extabilsli-nirnts Tlx-y luive received orders to ahrait anyone on Might detected In Uieft BMX'K Bl'HXlXa OX MISSION Hx Jrtr Street side of the Pal-nee lintel Is burning Hut burning district at tldx Inxir runs from South Street on Uu west to llx waterfront on tlie raxt soulli of Market Street North of Market Street from Sanrsane to the waterfront and from Market In AAaahlngton Here lx also a blnek burning nn Ml-elon Hlnvt between Twenty-first and Twenty-assmd Hx newspnprra liavtng hml their rower mil lutve enmhlnnl and will war one a-r fexti the office of the Climuk'tr which baa lu own pnwve DAMAUK F'OKTV MIIJJOX DOIe I Alts Hiere was a great rudt nt the different banks by depositors who wanted to draw oul their bat Urn IX deckled In keep Uieir donra elosrd Hr order of Ux Chief Folks all anloona have hrra doped The damage already fufHrted la estimated ronglily at hirty mlllkm dollars Hx flrea are spreoillng rapklly and Ux wind cornea up from the west and Mnwx Ux flamra toward Ihn bay msblng can atop the datiadu of llx rlly Ha whole north end of the City la wrecked ami the ftamoa ana apaondli In ail directions A (illKAT BIjOOK DOOMKD In Ux ahpence of water Ihn lire Department lias resorted to the nan of dynamite and bulldtmpi are bring dm mullnhed In the hnpa of suytag the oonflagratlnn Hie Maeb bounded br rallhimln nnd Buttery Streets Is tieally dunmrd the names dear mTuan It In Pine Street aHUi no Mn for Ha mhmUna BLOCK AFTER BLOCK IDS- mthoyiq On tower Market flavM the thoroughfare htnrfl ihiv mbatantinl buildings hav stroyed A big ftra Is enrarr of Rnwsnmn and Vli one Murk from the Aranrfnlnd INmi Hu vrIMeat ramara ns to bssi of are enmlng Inm the It Is Impawn bin to ouaftrui DAMAUF ABm-ND THK KNOKMOfM BAT No reports have her rsortrad not-stds id in ''I TIIK building and Imiiml house KMlW VIM 1M i'b'l ft re lirokn out In every btuuk of IX NV tKF'T cm that diaiiiet I ININ TIIF IIKHS tlF TUB I ICO-I'lF: tlF SAN MUM1WH TIIK KAItTHVM'AKF: SHOCK Kllll1 HIIS MORNING Dll IM-MINS: CltlMIHIMJ TIIF MAlMncKNT CITV H'll INH It! IXS AND KIIJJNO lll'X-liltllm tiF FWd-IJ'i IF NOT HUM HAM SOAIFJ OF HI Ft KIIIH HOW BAKU AA FltFt TIIF ltFl IT OF Si IlSlgt'FNT IT It AS rUFt (IIFAT HA SIX Ftss DISHUCf IN sAN I ANCIstNI Is A lift A Ttl TlfF: FfAAIF-S AM HIFJIF SFKMS IIF VI IIOI'K tF SAVIXU AN OF IT hik iiossrs auk f- TIMATFD AT OA FH llounnmsi AM TIIIHFt NO I UNO IIOAA IIKII TMFA AAIII IlFAtTI NA'I'II II MITT HAH CAIIFD IN III Till: FATIHF tAKIAXI HIIK IlM AltTAtl-NT TO IVMK TO HI Ft I HI Ft HANKS AltFt AM CMIHFtlt "I HF 41 A FN ANY 8lFT HIK HANKS F-FtAKIXU A XM HI Ft CITY IS MAItTIAI IAAA HIFt MllDIFKS IIAVK tH-DFHS Tt SHOOT ON Hit HIT AXI- IMIllA CAINHT stfauxo HIFt AAHIOlUHFts A HR NOW HAKINU SAN FUANIISCO AND AM NF AK-llV FNHA FtA FHY 9 -i-X-L Much Loss of Life in Cheap Lodging Houses MAX FILAXdHtX April 18 8 a In tile ixmfuidun whkii reigiix every wlvrre liere It fc nlnawt ImpowSble to leant drlalla of Hie inlndriNdie In renenu II mny he that the dlxirtct lying biswren Market and Howard street a far we nn the I Ity Hall lion been badly wrecked Hie lurteln near Third and Montgomery Street were hndly dinken up tint lliere arena to lave been no knw of life Hie Oil nnd Ftaamlner bulldlnai ax well aa tlie AAealern I ilka huikllng AM II Ft HFtlNMlTOHH AtllL MPT Ivave brvn badly yrterkevl Hie Unte detartmenl More in thin netgtdair-Iwod were alo ruined Iml Hie iwnli-qunke incurred at nn hour wlu-n liiey were empty and no knw of life re-ported Further rant on Market townrd Uie frrry liw I a aeetlon nreutiktl by cheap 'knbrlllg lx nine nnd Imlein aiul here Uie haw of life in rnmlnl to be itimrlnl to be ery grrau Uxnigh the etient of It of the Murnlx tnnmle SueeC a pitqiled oveg nrv-nay-flve Only Uie lop lx luxe on FXnirteenfli wan CAKHIT Many of tlx no badly get the fire laiunp on Si'Venili llownnl ami Klngnley enllndy I- la on flee elgbiy peiqde are In Ilie Mnmlng At dry gianln alore threw! enlng Ux bha-fc At FUklileentli In ivtxdi In and enllre nireet nr traekn ami intffle Av tlie water la bring from outMik the patients Many (mplr I hulMluiri wax done aonih of Market Street where tliere me mi wily frame cnnnnt be naeertained at thin hour Firm are bnrnliit In numlier of plmvw along Mark street and Uie wnter main hnylng hnrnt Uie autlior-Ith-a fax nwrtnl to dynamite to eheek the flnmea The renh tenor nvtkni of the city wiilh badly nlwken tepuna no haa of life or nertoua ibiMf A Second Shock After Eight RAN FYlANtTsco April 18 Hie re ba been a trailer shark Av hkdi Inlennlfien Nix panie IVxde have nlnrtnl lu nmh Into Uu atnvnta 88 I Sacrsjnrntans were aroused from their slumbers this morning by an earthquake shock The first tremor of the shock was felt at 12 It was of more than usual duration lasting according to various estimates from one to three minutes The vibrations seemed lo be from northeast to southwest The shock varied in Intensity and once or twice the shake-up wus quite severe It then passed onto a gentle waving mutton and passed oft A Kccond Shock A second shock occurred at 8 11 'clock It was but a alight tremor and lusted but a second it was so slight In fact that it was felt by but few people Sacramento suffered no material dumuge from the shock Windows rallied and chandeliers swayed to and fro Tnei were also noticed to wav bark and forth from the undulations Even the soundest tlumhprers wers awakened by the shock Every citizen had to trii his friends how the shock af ferted him and relate tnchleuU thiLt occurred in his borne-hold Fiflcct on Buildings Murb Interest was mantferfed In how Lb shock affected the various build Inga Thousands of people viewed the Host Office building and declared the cracks In the red gone wers do to the shake-up The tact Is however that the cracks were pot earned by this morning's shock hot have beea in the building a number of year The cracks were undoubtedly Artdroed a small fraction of an Inch but so far ss is known nu new breaks have been fooud At the Rev-entb-Htrswt entrance to the building two please of granite that form the soiling to the statra wers separated a fraction at sn kxk In speaking of the affect of the earthquake on the Png UfTkai Bailor Joeeph Orabb said: building suTOnwd pracOcally from the shock so far aa 1 bans been able to aarertaia Tbs cracks tn front which hav attracted much atbntkm this morning have In there for yssta They may been wtdened slightly by the aarthquaks Crowds of people have looking nt them all morning and ie time I raw a crowded and pasa and every passe ngwr got off to Imto at the bulldtnc The ancks ore espestofly noticeable in Wbjr not mould md dapeak Nnr par bir wtfi iafa hotocarer all? littUi Haas Hinki ItMp the Kdy oat at tosKL ii-" 6 em bat they tuum A Edwards who resides at the corner of Hweoth and Rtreeta went to his window and loufced toward Ih State Capitol as soon as he fi'lt the I shuck In rotating the Incident to 8 Bee reporter Mr Mdwnrds said: was awake when the shock be- 1 mn and I ran to tha back window Immediately to look at the I tub 1 I ruald see the dome swaying back and forth quits eatoly tt looked to nml as though It was shaking from northeast bo sositlrwesd Tbe entire upper part of the fapitol trembled like a until Us stxxto pssrail SdY '88 Ft These Prices Oaght to Please You I fie i Nwta Kira I lb 45e 1 I RAVON IAI XDKV 1 If h-m Me 4UIIH AllllFdiJ'H 2 (TIIMtMATFw- rill Me i KMCFt Jt-lb etna lOr f-lb ran 15c I CATS! Own" hum tnada- lr hotthw ISe mmn Xrw work kf 'oim I8r Sl tt AH Two rana ItllMIIIIII ISe FANCY SFFUFI Alai i Area Me tNIKN Trio or whit! 18-lb ik ISe AAa rhoom our good rarnfiil- tbai't why rnrry "Srhll- bag BmI" khd rvrommabd It lEEKUHUH STORE 1 Hid RUN Cumrr Silk ofldf oo -tltot you con faoake a padkai pour you Am Bak and wo ktedioc dioM pHtonawL-oa toon de Merest Park lots selling fut 32 per cent sold in 2 days Choice lots some beautifully terraced and planted to blackberries Jcach and cherry tree still unsold Will it not pay you to send a $9 deposit before it is too lab Prices $290 upwards $9 down and $9 tponthly I if tioimii: company fm ol sMK svsvsi.

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