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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 4

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

t)AILY WORLD: VANCOUVER, B. CANADA DECEMBER 23, 1903 me mmwrvia.i9tjmr.vevtt?a'xvTll wwiijrsrisitTmapi srOT mssifs Cliristmas Presents 3 STOKE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL. lO P. M. I 1 1 i Cliiidren's Tt.y Hooks 5c up 14 ill! in as E3ff71ffc Li UH TrinteJ a.rj Pjbllsiiet Ejc i U.v.'ul AHer.ioon by The World Prl.itinj and Publishing Company LimUed.

Al l.ietr fjjMi rlur 11.1 llnsr .1 5. A. McLftfiAN, President. F. S.

CIV Vic3 reild in t. a i a I'll i .1 It Wor. i. liii.l it lUlMter tlie II truiii the many in.i i an h.iMvrs of the Ke.erve 'mei I. Me eiate.n of Vi.ll,.

1 i do so z. it" Pleasing answers to perplexing (juestions. Pre by the kind linni of the pn ui'ii' ly: 1. A nit has been entered here to test the liny oi tee iii of this ivui sents at all prices to suit C'V74 A tun Pas Peon starte.t ot troni each policy hoi lor whi. ean I aid into the 1 lie Ul r.

lllk of ll.ii.tux lore to l'i. credit this trust fund this evens. wit'i the It. Tiili. hol.U ri rooms 'i to I rr.oitB.vm; itonKr.TS and her auuerlor eoninany In thro drami Uc liiastejiileces.

Tinirsday night 1 he tnwelcome Mrs. Hatch an emotional drnrae, br Mrs. ftuirton Ha rison, and at Saturday matinee. "niE FK1SK.V MItS. JOHNSON." a society play by Clyde Fitch will be gtve ou lilday, chrtstnia night.

Saturday "PIIOGY THRIFT." the Country UU1; a comedy, tha Augustla lalr Version. Prices 75, noe and Mo. Advance sale, box olilc December rind at 10 a.m. Empire Theatre Hastings Street East Neur Carnegie Library. TAKE THO sTnMWEJf TO 6EB OAWSHN'S Don and pony snow, aicuiiirm and wmTEiHiiijj Irish Comedian, HILLY TOM 'K Black Faced Comedian and DaaosOh 1 lt.l.l'STHATKD SONQ.

ij By K. X. Ti acy. MT xiovixa ncruuea i 1 I'a' lor th on (lc up I. ea thcr Hooks from 50c up The liiibiiyat of Oma Khayylim, mp Gift Hooks from 2.1c up Hoys' Hooks from 21c up Girls' Hook from Hev; Books Our Neighbors Ian MacTiren The MS.

in I'ed Hox. Macliren Sir Henry Morgan, lluccaneer C. T. Hrady The Sherroda G. McCntcheon Tlie Ulnck Shilling A.

E. Harr Holt of Honthfield C. A. Mason The Daughter of a Magnate J. II.

Pige in Clover Frank Hanby Col. Carter's Christmas J. Hopldnson Smith Odd Craft W. W. Jacobs The Vagabond F.

Palmer John Hurt F. U. Adams Tito British Columbia Book Company 603 Hastings Street me the number of their poll, statin, amount n. when issued. I When Parliament meets I intend to nrniii hring the matter h.

i.n tl Suiate an 1 so" hat 1111 be ihuie for the relief of the jM.iiey hoMer.s in Canada. all aoes. You need not look bevond this to rccoonizc the reason why so many have grown to look to this store to fill every Xmas need. I HMH II. 1.

1 St. John, l'ec. 11'. Senator. rw.

IF WAR SHOULD COME. Japanese. Ilus in's policy lia art iiii I is fiie motto of mnnv a 1 N't have lo fit lit, let's ir.ic delav. The way it conducted negotiations shun that. In J.ip..u, on the other "and, the combination of Tal of the political parties, as was shown l.y ti action, of their tin 1 Hi that potential factors an) making for If Kussia will nut i in hut she is quick to promise, and if Japan can borrow tin; nu iiov.

il Hem in if the latter power bad more to gain from deviating hostilities ii. than by waititiff. Within a few week, sajs the Times, the Unlit jug portion of the lttusian fleet will bo on a level with that of the Japanese, so far 89 tonnage Roes, while three months hence the ltusnau naval force w.ll be considerably superior not only in but a Wo in number of guns. The near future is also likely to witness the building of new ilrydock.s lit Ilns in Asiatic ports, the construction of the Mongolian railway and the reconstruction of the trans Siberian laihvay. In liny ease, however, the Japanese i rely upon: (1) An insular position, admirable for offence ami nee; 2 nn uncniiquered rare, which, though iminll in stature, etcels oth in endurance: 3) the prestige of the war of 1V, distinguished by Jnp military and naval exploits which will rank in brilliancy with any: ami i the conviction among all classes that the coming war i not merely fclit I the control of Korea but fcr ti.e very existence of Japan na a Clteat IVwer.

IX 1 IMF UNCI: OF MR. TOM Lditor World: I have been waiting for an nbl'tf pen than mine to come, juf ard and uphold lVincipHl lieu tlie stand he has taken re iaf.vtioiu iI.wm and I think that it is only owing to the For Mother present season such a l.iisy "uc, unit the mothers ot bast have imt done I am sure Mr. Tom is quite corns hti he mj ti nt ti.e will uphold hi in in his suatetnenM, and hey nrc vcrv luoilerate inde. i.s a groat many more nn testify. To ju one in uT of one family wnero consecutive cases of diphtheria have a devel'upoii, the hou having aupposeilly lit least been fuiniiit.d 1 ice.

If the fumigation did not prevent oilier m. hevs erf t.hv same family the djs fjsc, wa it s'ltticientiy nc.fc2 fr eo. HMuaig Auctioneer A beiutii'ul Ttlat "le Press Length (15 Kt riin Sliver Xiinuitts, bc.iutif cnncavcd, t. Fair Cn.chcted lli.

lroum Slipers, with w.xid eo lw. 1 l. iiulli. ri hief Millions II hand! hiefs in, f'" Fine Linen Five o'chx Tea boaiitiful quality, S1.H An Antotnatic Tape M.wtro lyery limidy), only lNuvn filled lieyersible Wadded 'omt'orter. to Illsmy or Natural Wood Hand Mirror, to 2 NeeJie Case, with complete assortment isf neediest.

2.1c to .10 tiibstm l'latos, in in. for plaque ir cuhinot (21 designsi, liOc. 'lUti ll 'OfSSK GI.OVKS OF COIinSK TUEFulSB GI.OVKS. (l 'ORMEULT ROYAL.) Corner Pender and Hows) Street. FRED J.

DAILRY, BUSINESS MANAGEJI THE AUIN STOCK lOVPAIiY 10 NIGHT I have kept my liiotien 'ut for a i eat imrt or tvrni. nnn opon'i1 l.nrirp qiiantlty nf To4 und Fancy (tuodf to ho dlsposfrt of ftir on ons tern firm. Soo them ut onc nnd ptck out your XiiiaH prostMits nt ulaisshtPT prlec. 150 Hastings Street as I don't expect the city otlicinls would i.av my din tor's bill in the event of sick ness. A few chil lrfui the (n ts n.

ciciseqnence Iso long iney nre mn For Father ourul, hut I ttimlv in vo dav nre quite a number de. olate lioities. carc.essfieas on the part ui person. AGNKS TOI.l OCIv. 320 FarnarJ a et.

Vtmoinxr. fiie Artistic Hand rained Pipe Racks,, 40c, 7.1c and $1.00. Parrot Paper, nn o'lice novelty. SM.lNI. sViuoking Set, tmtiinil wood.

uliy finished. J2 l'r. Ebony Hacked Hair Hrushes. gt nuine brittle, (. to 1.7j Solid Sterling P.ii ke Hit Hnmh.

white bristle, $2. From Stag itch or Ink Stands, brass trimmed, SI in. Hani l.incn Ncwsoaper each, lli f. silver tr mined, to THH KNFMnioX CLACSF. fh( HOSPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS.

A SHORT time ago. Hospital Sun lav wan observed in tlie various churches the city all denominations tilting part. Not long before that the ladies of the Women's Auxiliary i.f the Van en, ver General Hospital boaid placed red cross covered boxes in prominent litres of business activity, and succeeded in ratherin? a ubstantial sum in rid of charity aause. On both occasions, those charged with arrangements for the special collections were actuated by the broadest humanitarian motives, and deserved evry credit both for the efforts put forth and the successes cored. Nevertheless, If the civic authorities conceived their duly as thev ought, the "special" appeals would not be necossary.

In almost everv instance, thmse numbered amongst the orlinnl subscribers to the hospital fund were the one who cheerfully placed their quarters, their half dollars and their dollars ou the plate and in the hoi. The pressure was felt and borne bv a few. It is neeiHesa to state that in a ci'y passing through the transition stares cf early growth, in Vancouver, a fully equipped, well manned and comfort furnished Institution for the care of tlie side end iti.iin ed is nn aUn'ute i essity. Its maintenance should be a matter of general interest, in vh.h every eitiien should participate. Special collections will never suffice to maV.e tVs either probable or possible, for the hundreds give where the thousands do not.

As yet, only one method has been discovered whereby every person iniy compelled to benr his or lier sharp in a public financial burd.n. That method la one well known for it invokes taxation. Since the maintenance of the general hospital is matter of concern to every citizen, the fuud.s required elinuld be levied from en. in proportion to his ability to meet the demand. This can only be done by the utilization of ial civic channel and through the assumption by the citv council of full responsibility for even dollar needed to meet current expense.

'UTor fo through ti.e co.nmns oi The Greatest Itnmanrle Story Erer Wrltte Matlnoca Weuhnesiday Friday and Salur dsr FAf II.Y VATTNEnS CTrrtts psirAS DAI AND JUiXI.Vi DAY at 2:15 p.m. Matinee prleea 10c and 20c Popular Prices 10c. 20c, 30c, 40c. It. s.rved seats on enle at McDowell.

Atkins, Watson Company, Gamble street st.ue. 'I'hone CS. v.oii A discussion iiros I.etwoeu A and It toe tax n.tivti'.n. I is T.s pri'p. rty t' tV vi ie aty 13 For Sister eizi S'i ilvor Shoe, Hunts, of I.H'si rl dlrr.

whe 'i in i 1 the cla isc of tl.o asAcsstucitt a. t. is exempt: 1' proni r'v value ilollav. I' li the benefit under 'lie saving i tc new act cl' l.issi is tbo fimc inr latH en the inlne i and reined appcni nnce of our lithographic Work sustains our rcptttiit Ion for leadership In lithography, while the s.lec tii.u of papers of our praseut stock tond uun' elled. Let us submit samples and designs for your letterheads, billheads, checks, envelopes, etc.

dolla or lie pay in luil on 1'YM. d.dl.irs? Christmas Cakes, Puddings, ll.iuts.Miie Picture I 'iximes, pllt or faV to $1.00, P.urnt Wio, Holders, with tStic. (I I.i.vl or J. Pelt Pins. p.

4" .111.. nd S1(J, A dainty; Siik AVaisf id yardsl, $1.00. Tinted or i.ithogi ii; lied Cushion T.qis, to Ki.lcrdown I'ressing Racone, stn tin fticwl, only Hind Worked Hatt nburg Centr. A Charming nitre Fan, for evening Pair l'an. oil Jors.

IMc, to Hniidi and C.itnb Sets, from "tic to Infants' Hilw, siik or Nainsook idi red, to $1 (. 'J'HKI'UVSSi: Gl.dVFS; THFj HFST Gl.tlVES (Acrording to the recently enacted leg islatioii. property is exempt up to a value of $1,1 hi. Thi applies in nil ca.

s. Hence if man is of property, he will, under the csemi.iion clause, be compelled to pay tuxes ou only Fd.l GRANT (LPS Mince Meat MODERN For Brother 6F.COND TO NQVE LN THH CITf. CMO.V WUITID LAltoa OXLt EM 115, 117, 119, 121 Cambie Street basement Phone 524. Vancouver, B.C llnntt Wood Whisk dJer. very dainty, Hair P.n:sh, good bristle,, ,10.

jtl.lsl up to $2.00. nt Feather Carl Case, the latest. Fancy Hand Fmbroi.icTe 1 tlravat Cute, for S1.00. Manicure Sets, French Stag Horn Handles, to nt Wood Smoking Jar, hexagonal or to March Scrafchers. enibmiilered tirt iking girl design, i.ioiica Ware Ash Trays, many novelties, to Burnt Wood Photo Iloxes.

handsome and useful. $4.75. White Fox Huff, stole effect, with two tails, From Rplklnir BaWa and Confecs tlounr to the T.oyul Family. Vancouver Bakery, 850 Granville Street. THE PRAIRIE CITY ADVANCE.

117 Canada." These are the two sirniticant words which, printed in gold, adorn the cover of a handsouiely bound, utlv ptitit el and exquisitely illustrated volume on the l'rniiie City just issued ftuin the p. csse vt the Winnipeg Telegram. I'hoto engraviuM are einplovr.l In profusion, and It la a fact worthy of note that the rompilers have decided nsrainst the too customary habit of piling up descriptive epithets. The explanations, accompanying the cuts are terse, the information supplied is of the "nutshell" variety, and the amount of space devoted to literary flouriahi is esartly nil. Evidently the theory to which the publishers have pinned their faith is that the eye will catch the desired impression much more ipilckly from ph' t.irea than from story.

Hence the extra care in the preparations of the pictorial page. Glancing rapidly through the attractive little volume, seyera! important aeem to atrile borne with particular force. In the litt place, the 1'rairie Oity ean boast stock yards which could not fail to arre the attention of the observant traveller: eecond, the ne.y commercial buildiuits now in imirse of erection are substantial at not urea worthy of any great business community: third, the afreets are wide, suggestive of the illimitable tibow room to be found in Canada's great northwest. Taien all In all, ths souvenir of Winnipeg noiv under review is cible production. Mayor Arbutbnot and bU council, who have authorised the publication, may well feel proud of the favorable reception accorded it Ly the press cf both es.t aud west.

and Young Lady Friend COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Christmas Trpppnts in 'W'atrlirs, Diaim nds, Silvorwan, I booy Cioods, Gun Mtal (ioudi, aud Novelties, at IrresliUMe prlcia. HERMAN The Worklngman Watchmaker and Jeweler, loO Cordova Str.s.t, 'I'hone fllti. Opposite Savoy Theatre. an' now In receipt of ewrlficate for 114, end shall be plt Aicd to issue renewals to 'lYavellprs who at riwly and to iiailtletl apptteauts meiu terhtp In Uils sti on and ably niicttsed lusttlu Uon. Accident assinanc to emMsrs only, lowest rates, most a curable conditions.

WM. J. McMASTIitt SONS, Agent. 313 Cordova Street. Vnmourar, ii.

C. Mink Set, muff with Tio ids. Huff, with tails, $13.00. I. Wool Gera Shawls.

$1.25 to A Silk Fml.rella, with gold trimmings, S2.50 to flO.OO. Fls.ny lliicketl Hair Csiiub, silver nwitfed, Sv. li.unlisome lcce Slock Collum, 75c to Jlli.lW). Manic.fre Sets. I Yem li Stag Handles, S1.S5.

Fancy Pltish Lined Jewel case, only $1.00. Opera Bags, lnt. st P. isiati styles. bs.tln or sil't, Tl 50 to $4 Chatelaine.) jm 1 Hand t'nrsws, all VInds, 45c to $5.00.

Silk Kinbroi. It red Finer, Glove Mcmlefs, $2.25. nn.l Fniii Bnwh and Cotuli Cnoes, $2 00. Silk Flastic Garter, with bow nn 1 gilt buckles, 75c to $2.00. Head Mi ck'necs all lengths and colors, to Silk Ribbon Hair nnd Corsage Bows, rotn 21e to $.1 CO.

lianiUuiic eFnther 1'ain, evvning use, IV fj Fiidie.s' Initialed 1 Ian rrfl.iif veiw dainty, 25c and 3.1o. TUF.FOU.s'SB GLOVES; TIIFY HAVE NO FISCAL. ANOTHER RESULT OF TORY RULE. NOTICE NOTICE) TS TII' UEBY GIVKV fhat on plication will inttili to ibi Iarlliinu'iit if runnda at Jr next ne ntou fnr uu lncurporahs a coiiiaiiy tu iiHi.Riet a lnui nt'si if b'K iu ull Its hrunctnj. uultr th nnuif Thf Puititnioii i'ir Iijumnv (''Uiu aiiT ftf anniln." nt Va.nMnivt'i', i), I his lOtli day ot aJt'tiubr, V.

fcjvlloltiKr for Appll'flut. HENRY'S NURSERIES ltllO Westminster Bead. iovs or HI Ml Tnnt SANDS I P.I I and OltN'A MKNTAl, I'ltKtlS. Itusis dii.iis. smai.i, ltl'IT ANI KltlNi; PLANTS now reroiy fur fall an.) spring pinottii.

and my stock, or s. n.t f. ca'a Inane b. fore plncln ymu is. It w.II pay you.

M. J. JIKMiy. an? oiiver, K.V. Gentleman Friend THE McBride government press is angry.

The na'y Opposition of the city all denominations tul: incompetence of the adiuiniiitratiun. Yesterday the Victoria Times remarked that "the result of the improved methoda adopted by the McHrlde government in with taxation is already being felt, and in a way which viill not commend itelf to those who seek, to make this province their home. Those intiuted with money to loan tate that the market ha teen upset by the new a. is, and that the rat of Interest asked for by those having some thousands to invest has gone up in many Instance from 1 per cent, to 1 I per cent. Money wbi.

could have been obtained for per cent a short time ago is now unobtainable except ut rates of 7 per cent, or 1 2 per cent." Thla publication of the opinions of these with money to loan exoitd the r.donlit Like the alarmed cuttle fish it sent: out its slime: in other words it sought to hide itself In an ocean of adjectives. The utterances of the Me critics It classes a "utter nonsense," "wild, very assertions, etc. It claima that local conditions have not affected the value of loan money In British Columbia and declares that "any rise that there may be or 0. curs in the value of borrowed money, is due Instead to a combination of many other and vastly further reaching causes, one of these being undoubtedly the world wide feeling of unrest and unsettletnent due to the continuing danger the deadliest of modern warfare in the Orient." Applyiuat to the Colonist the v.ords it used to the Times, all that need be aald after that exhibition of ig 1. is, "utter nonsense." Easiness Methods Illustrated a Rise of a Vancouver Firm.

When Albert E. Tulh, president find manager if lit' Gold Seal i.i.i bi.iuht. for that company liie oth. da) tlie three storey building nt 7 7 4 and 7 J'i Tender street, wnieh houses eoiu pany's lieaihiuarti'ts. the im iilent was so trivial in with the immensity of the Christina season rush, with the Gold Senl people, that was said about it.

nn.l tlie thereby missed liu item. The in. idem ot tlie propet ty purchase, involving a transfer of of a Weil itito five figures, illustrates the rapid rise of a substantial linn, nud direct attentii.ii to the urovvtli ui ti.e business, of which ppriiat tlie Vancouver public, us a hole, has Jit tie know ledge. nn illustration of tee exteut of its business it may be casually mentioned that of l.nhrttths ale and stout uh.iio there is carried in stin some nine thousand dozen or Hboiit five bottles for every iiiau vMouin and child In Vancouver with its population forty thousand souls. And Lu bail's ale anil stout inst one item out of an assortment "I i.i.iny hundreds.

That giic i id' a of tu volume of the business i lint the vouiig business inan enerey plucw an.l strict attention to business has built up sin the incorporation of the company in IsCiO. The Gold Seal Companr are the great distributors of Jos. K. Sejigtatn ''nnadian nliiskies. and Cnntt dian Ile.l Cross Gen va g'ui: they also liandle extensively the I'ist of Kilinburgh.

old Mou whiskies in bulk and case, prominent among which is the famous Caledonian Liqueur brand. The company are also agents in Urilish Columbia for John Ijibatt, the Iondon brewer, of world wide reputation, than whos ale end stout probably nothing in the trade in Canada is more widely or more favorably known. The company nre also Canadian representatives for the Napa and Sonoma Wine of San Francisco, whose inm ous Eagle wines are know from coast to coast; and Vancouver distributors for Hmhanan's House of Commons scotch Whisker and Ilright' Niagara Falls fine old native ports. This company are in great masnre enabled to control their trade on account of being bottlers as well ns importers and distributers; their trademark, a "gold seal." is registered in Or taw ii. an I is placed on nil their proprietary brands; and the company are also ami "le bottlers of the lied Cn.s brand of export lager.

Mr. Albert E. Talk, the president and manager of the company, has made Vancouver his home since 1MI7. He hr.s bnd so ample experience In the line if business which bo pursues as to olsce him in the role of nn expe and his is a sufficient giiRranteo as to the quality of goods handled, A visit to th est ablishmei Is at any season nn insiirlit into progressive cenlurv methods. spe Malied and implied to a par'ieuhir business.

Just nt present call is peollnrlr full of Interest. And the visitor is always welcome if be bat copies to gaze In admiration the thirtv fight great oaken barrels, hrasi boiin.l and individually decorated with as ornate hand engraved signs as over nttested tbo perifection of the bras.s woiker's art. and whose polish suggest the brilliantly burnished engine room of some great man of war. H.vt Bnislics, ebony backs, bent bristle 71e and 83c. 1 ll.oTiy Backed Military Hnrshiw.

to $1.00. Hand Fmliroiderrsl Button and Stud Cases, ich. $1.03. Silk Handkerchiefs, very lahtty, each 75c. Irish Linen HarKlken'Uiofit, hein oris 4i.

to 7.1c. Initialed Linen Handkerchiefs, very line quality, 4ftc nnd 45c. iShnving Glassfn, slerlin? mountcsl, ,1 softi.mH, $3.50. VmlireHas, etag horn ho mile, sterling trimmenl, $1.25 to 00, Miilgct nud Four in Silk Tics, nil colors, and 5lc. Burnt I.ciither Cushions, complete with fringe, $3.30 to $7.30.

Correct Jewelry tor Correct Xmas Gifts This a modern, np todate Jewelry store; not the biggest, but the tust one in tuv 'n. Is style cor eet lt Is ii lli.L.'.e Jew. lry, an. I what's, y.u can rest assuied of getting ttie for your in nnd money 'back If you're not sjiI in fled. We desire to cat yovr special nt tlon to our g'.

imd st. of I'la jnonds. Wat. lies. Sllverncre nud Novelty Jewelry, etc.

COKD0VA STREET STORC The PlONEf STEAM LAUNDRY Is tinning ut Ivjuii ful work. Mj.tiy a cliiiiirr wi'! I ri cut iv snowine's of the ra. pcrv that was if tin dried here. An eminent German criminologist, Professor von Liszt, tried an Interesting experiment with oue of his classes of young lawyers. He arranged to have two of them become involved In a quarrel, in which a pistol, loaded with a hi til; cartridge, and a walking stick were to ficure.

The other members of the das were left to suppose the quarrel genuine. The professor then einm ed each of theni privately as to what be hud seen and heard. Of the twenty men no two ngrenl as to the Immediate cause of the quarrel and eirlit diflVr i persons were credited with starting It. All stores substantially agreed n. to the rinit of the pistol, but t'ere were four different statements a to the time when it was Prod.

There were eight, different versions of the professor's part In separating the combatants. This singular Incident was arranp'nl by 'lie professor to illustrate the difficulties of evidence and the poi it especially Piade was that absolute unanimity of evidence was suspicious. Fxperietieed I.wyers appreciate the force of this point, but there probably would Le fewer mis trials if it were better understood by juror. terclnnee of holiday calls between oid titna friends In the two cities. Optician anti JmwoSlor.

Next Bank of tlmnville Stre. t. I. ate of lliistlnirs frct. taken from a Canadian mine.

It Is Mtu miiioua ctal tf good quality ana was blnst eil from the senia wUhout nn attempt being matte to remove It In a slinrle piece. 'Phe owners of tlie mine. Intend to pieserve lump In toto and to use It for nn exhibition et some future extiositlon. Hug'i I l. tctier.

who la w.u klng on a series of gooioaieat laaps of Nova Scotia, Is eTpeeted to return to Ottawa ubout Christmas. Ottawa CltUen. MAMMOTH cnrNK OP Tfiifh 1'letclier, of tlm g. olnclcal survey, who is work'ng In Nm Swa, bus sdit to lir. II.

II tint a lump of coal welthlng a ton i. el a half lias been taken out of one "if ttie mines nt NprinrhMl, St. This is aald to be ihe largest lump ever Ws Tins Is the time of the year when the call of tlie recdv should be heard even more quietly than usual. Yesterday The World told of the men out cf who are forced to rely on the Salvation Army refnee for lodging. To dry one wishes to draw particular attention to another l.ranth of the Vrmy's guild work, that done at the Iles.aie Home.

At Christmas, when gifts are so many, it I crrtuin that Vancouverite will bo nhie to spate some of their "present money" to the home. The devoted women who give their time and attention ungrudgingly to the work deserve all the assistance the people can jive them. TIMBER NOTICES. HOLIDAY FARES Horse racing is a sport In Vancouver; In some parts of tlits continent Is a death trap. Ou account of financial difficulties, an Ilastern man killed his wife, three children and himself.

The character of his didlculties was In part explained by the race tickets in his pocket. He was not a nice tuna, and it Is a great pity that lie did not begin nud end his destructive work with the head of the family, There they goto Seymour's Drug Stores For a CUT GLASS BOTLLE OF PERFUME and a BOX of WEBB'S 2 of the sweetest K.fls you ean buv. SKYMiirit, 4 The DruKtfist. NcLeod's Well iinown Store Will keep open evenings until Christmas for the convenience of our customer who cannot pet mil in the day time to ilo their Chriatmna ahop Ving. We have soma choice jifu to offer at MeLeod' well known honest prices.

Make this gtore your headquartera. You nre thoroughly welcome, whether yon buy or not. Shop mornings, if iposslblo. It will pay you. Choice Dry Goods Gifts Tja.Ycs' Furs.

Neckwear, Silk Blouse. Silk Cmbrelles, Silk Collars em! Collarettes, Wrist Hags, Purse, Hnrnlkerchlets, Kid Glova, Cushion Tops, Bureau Scarves, Fire O'clock Tw. Silk Piano Ilruptt anil thiu. Minis of suitable gifts waiting for you here, of which. have no time to tell you.

Furniture and Carpets On our furniture floor is to be seen, fifty different kinds of fancy chairs nn.l rockers for the baby, the bLg girl, the father, the mother, for everybody the loveliest lot you ever e.iw. New Parlor Suites, just anlved, $25 to $75 a suite, of 5 pieces. Then the oarpot floor is most inviting also, and everything nt Hock Bottom Prices, wi? no as wi; apvkrtisf. Mcleod Departmental Stores WI. 3 24.

Sliti. U'2 30. mlmlnttter lienue SPECIAL TIMIiElt i.ickxs: NOTICE Is heroby itlven ttuit thirty daya after date I lnteu.l iiuike atiihlentluii i the H.iiioi alib' Ttie tlf I.l.lllls anil Works for une Npeehii L. cense to out and oiiit.v awtiv tlmiiei fi nm tlui following ibsellbe.l Icn.ts stluated creek West ef bit llilT, S.uill.l. e.i.n.

iiielu Iti at ii stulic pliinted nr n'er. about iwo hiiii.l ed nn.l fur eluttits of lot tlieiue soutli eljihtv ehains tll llei. wist eighty tben. i i eli lity clinics nn.l II. cliitai to plact' of t'olJlllieni eiiu nt.

T1 noms oN, Viincuver, O. t. Sth, PSitt. SPECIAL TIMIiElt LICENSE. NOTICE Is hern'iy stven Hint thirty days nfler date I intend to make iippllciitlon The Hon.iiiii"!.' Th" Chief ands nnd Works for one Sprbil Llcpnsa to cut ant i niry away timber f.

th following described liiiuls situated tyt lot Howe Sound: cominenrlng at a s'nke plinied nn th north imnk of reck, ahoiit so of lot tlieiue north forty chains. then.V enst elyh.v chains, tli. uee soutli elshtv ehains theni' west elitlily chains and thence north futr chains to point of commencement Van B. a 8' ad To be given a good name i a valuable Christmas gift. To the Victoria Times The World makes a deep bow for its kind expression ss follows: "The Vancouver World has Issued a twenty page holiday number.

Our contemporary bas plenty of competition In the Terminal City, aud jet it flourishes exceedingly and still st the front of the procession." Between Vancouver and Victoria Given By C.P.Iv;. There nre many who live In Vancouver ho have friends in Victoria, and vice versa, und an opportunity to pay a visit to a frit mi is always nppreoiatcd This season the Ciinadiau l'acific Kailway has inaugurate 1 a series of Christinas and New Year excursion rates between Victoria and Vancouver, tickets on sale at either i oint lleeem ber 21. and tit the rate of return, good to return up to January 15, Arrangements have been nlso made so there need be no lack of accommodation. This action on the part of the P. li.

should lead to a plciuuut ui a. I'fjy rr It Is lucky for the Tjrnma Ledger that the Queen Cily of the Pound Is not like unto Berlin. The paper has the audacity to say that English of the present generation will not take the word of the Kaiser that 1'iuseiaiis ut Waterloo saved the British uruiy from destruction. bought your Christinas preseuts yet? Dou't put It off to the Bare you bit minute..

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