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Vancouver Daily World from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada • Page 4

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 DAILY WORLD, VANCOUVER. B. CANADA. Thursday, November 8, 1888 BAY S1PAHY Rnco i fnnQiilmriiS CVriy diylay mbertirfinenti, vhrther jiir tint adiertinewtiitr or or change of reading matter fill not I received al tint ottire for that day i puldicntiun after 11 clock a.m. Chang" in contrast adrertinementt mutt he If ft at the counter the day prciout.

Matter fur Loral Rinding and "Sjierinl Column' ihould be handed iit not Inter than 1 p.m. to inture iimertion that day. HUOOUUUpiDV! At Itttawu Whn will I'm for ie JfH nn KxiHtlltl'inV Ottawa, Nov. T. Hon.

John liolison told a reporter at Ottawa tiiat among matters hich he was tiiert to settle with the government were certain points arising out of the administration of the railway licit lands. Another question is as to hethcr the province or federal authorities should bear the expense of putting down the recent Indian uprising on the Skeena. The Provincial Government contend that the outbreak occurred among the Indians, who are the wards of the Federal Government, and as it was against the latter that the Indians complained, then fore the cost of suppressing the tlisturiwjice should come out ot the Dominion treasury. The amount involved is about Asked as to Mr. lt gg's powers as to bring out Crotters, Mr.

Rob POST OFFICE BLOCK, HASTINGS ST. 150 CORPOVA STREET. Importing Merchants and Dealers in pirst Groceries, provisions WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS nni the Slur of Km, ire t. iken its way. The t'ner tirt a.

rn Hirejuly ja A tit Ih rln tiie (IfHina it tt the tiny lime's iiMl.iet ofl spring is the I FREE ClTY PELIVEJIY I DIAMOND HALL II I 11 TIM l.Vt TO AVOID KB rQl UKET.s. lDSi WISH Tt) ITKCHASE to ADVANCE (f'V IS THK TIME INVEST TO AVOID KE KETA Jewellery of all kinds made. Gold and Silver Plating And Er.gravir.a Che p. VANrorVKR, the vnimsf, most and nux wonderful ritv iu 'miumIh. Htni.

ron Milw.Hiitial cnamcier of lniildinit nun tt welt a urouiii, it is iiu surjaei ou the A merit au Cuutiueut. We can plaee the same in the most reliable nun uiivnxerarilM. well a ro 111, It IK IIU surjiawd ou the Amerii au CALL UI'OX I'S IF YOU PROPERTY Certain .11 pr Mf JO p. fnt pr (Mr nlex Kricn 1 ALL PDS5IELE CARE lure lour Eiiililiis, i or CO p.r rcut. durw: th ml nr.

I WSkw Davidson Pros. I iiaiveii if p'i ria er. reiy ou i fsj EXERCISED IN INVESTING is: Irips Richards or Furniture TELEPHONE 24. OPPOSITE I.EI.ASD HOTEL, HASTINiiS STREET. in Biocks 40 41 IIornliT street, at nw 7 .0 each.

I iu lilm kg 4, 'JU am WetniinNter A veini, at p'k i v0 rcneetively Ijytf iu K'ich 41. I'oneil street, at ou im 1 l' ie. Ijit iu Klock 3 Oppeiilit Mrcet, at imju au.l fi TO X.SiT'Z' House on tr near Hot, 7 Hooms mid Fiati lj.inl:i Vm nSce, nu 1 in tor. Ilnn.iias aici IIli lnH strcrts MOXBY TO LOAN. IF YOC REQUIRE YOUR RENT COLLECTED We will attend the same with dispnTh.

Are you to DISPOSE OF YOUR PROPERTY We linre S'lMeu curry nut ymir vulies. If you Inteiel tn INVEST YOUR CAPITAL ON MORTGAGES We ran procure for ft a' ood rno tiiv in a call before de i you are iomif to ilo. W. LEONARD CO. Importers and Dealers in Mining, Wood and Iron Working jWAGHllEpy.

Ioss Ceperieij. Posi Office Host Inns Vnu coa vor, C. ria. is at the LcUu.l E. I'uh.

of was in the city to ilay Donal.l ChiiJiolin. John Hendry aud C. M. JSeechvr, all of New Westminster, wore in tlic city to Cameron Mclional.l from the east yesterday to take the position as assistant to has. Nelson, druggist.

Aid. Humphries, who has Wen suffering very much from neuralgia of late, left on train for the Harrison Hot Springs to day. A tcKgram from Principal (Iraiit at Hong Konz. received at Kington on Saturday. My'ZZ JTm.

v. u. steaillsillps. Miss ildrcd Major, of N'ew WesUninst. the d.h ate from B.

('. t. the W. T. mcetinc in Sarnia, was cordially wel conicd 1'V the min ting.

She is deserilied ip the Woman Journal as a bright, sweet looking girl. Mie returned thanks on 1 i half f(ftff t.l as lierselt, tor tle tendered her. T. R. Smith, Assistant Commissioner fur the Huilsou's Bay Company, of Victoria, is in the city.

Tins gentleman is president of the C.P.N. as well as chairman of the Jubilee Hospital Board, and au active meiu lier of the B. C. Board of Trade. He is pleased with the progress Vancouver is making and joins in the now universal belief that this city has turned the corner safely and ill yet attain vast dimensions.

Herla rt Stanton, private secretary to the Lieutenant Governor, and his sister, Mrs. Glumy Anderson, arrived in the city by the Yosemitc this morning. Mr. Stanton accompanied Mrs. (ilennv Anderson to Van couver on her ay to Ottawa, where she will sjieii the inter lufore returnuig to She has liecn stopping at Gov crnm nt House with His Honor the Lieutenant Governor and Mrs.

Nelson during the past year. Mr. Stanton returned to Victoria this afternoon. A. A.

Sandcman, representative of Messrs. A. Small 4 wholesale clothiers Montreal, returned from Victoria to day and is at the Hotel Vancouver. The Capital City's fair daughters are, like Niobe, "all tears" over his departure and the bright smile can only be brought back to their lips by a Spring visit. It is stated, though we cannot vouch for its authenticity, that a bevy of the gentle creatures saw him safely on lxrd the Yosemite.

He will remain here a few days. WHAKF AND WAV E. Steamship Danulie is due from Portland on SatumUy. C. P.

R. steamship Albany is due on the 2tith inst. from China. The barque Semiramis, Capt. Anderson, has commenced loading lumlier at the Hastings mill.

Pilot William McDonald, of Nauaimo pilotage board, is to be permanently stationed at Nanaimo. The steamer Premier, Capt. J. A. O'Brien, arrived at about 6 p.

m. last evening with a fair numlicr of passengers and some freight. She left again this afternoon on her leturn trip to the Sound. The steamer Queen of the Pacific, which takes the place of the Umatilla this trip arrived at the C. P.

R. wharf lietween and 9 p. m. last evening. She brings 57 tons of miscellaneous freight and leaves to day after discharging same.

The tug Vancouver left yesterday for the neighborhood of Point Atkinson in order to try and pick up a nunilier ot logs which had parted from a boom during a gale on the day previous. The boom of logs was for the Moodyville saw mill. The steamship Wellington arrived at Coniox on Monday ith the tirst of the three locomotives for tiie Union Mines railway. After landing the locomotive the Wellington proceeded to Departure Bay, where she is now loading Wellington coal for San Franci co. The steamer Maude is still on the rocks at Trimallce Pass.

Capt. stopped the Yosemite at the spot this morning and left ('apt. J. Irving and others there. The steamer Sardonyx is there helping to her oil.

The Yo.emite will tail on her v. ay back to Victoria this afternoon. Capt. Itud" 1 1 in expects that the Mamie will ot' the rocks by to morrow. DARING ROBBERY.

In Xfofen of fJie H. Mills. New W. stmiiister, Nov. S.

There was a daring burglary hut night tne Royal City Planing Mills. Five hundred dollars ill property were stolen. C'H'jnot Hovtliij. Washington, Xov. 8.

The President came in from Oakview this morning to attend a Cabinet meeting. There were present Secretaries Bayard, Whitney ahd Assistant Secretary Maynard ami Attorney General Garland. The proceedings of the meeting were. not given to the piiblic. For tio Natlvei Onv.

The Treasury Department has instructed the collector of customs at Sitka to complain to the rovcrnnr of Alaska of white hunters shooting otter there and scaring them out to nea and lieyond reach of the natives, as the law only permits natives to hunt and kill them. 7'7ic iriciif Mnrkvt. Liverpool, Nov. S. Wheat, is firmly held; demand fair.

California Sis. 2d. Sail Francisco, Nov. S. Wheat, dull; Buyer, 8S, 108; buyer season, December, Chicago, Nov.

8. The wheat market was tinner to dav. Novemlier, 1 1 4 December, llti; 1104. New York, Nov. 8.

The wheat market was weak. November, 111; December, 113 a. ked; January, May, 111). Liverpool Cop. London, Nov.

8. The Liverpool cup at the Liverpool meeting was won by Lady Koselierry. WHAT IT COSTS TO LIVE. A representative of Tils Would had an interview tlii morning with several of the providers for the public, with a view to obtain current pricis and. the statt of trade.

It was fpund that a large of dairy tuff wa moving. Two carloads of eggs and several carloads of butter arrived for the local market, and large amounts shipped through for Island ports. Breadstuffs are in good demand, with supplies lietter. Game is not overplentiful, fair prices obtaining. Milk is short in supply.

The several markets are well tilled, and all the necessities as well as many of the luxuries of life can be obtained. Following are the prices quoted for the necessary staples of life: Meats Beef, He. per rti by the side: cuts from Xc. 160. Mutton, lie by the carcass; cuts, inc.

fa I Veal, ll''c. hy the carcass; luc lie. tor cut. Pork, 12e. shies; fat Inc.

cutsT Corned beef, 10c. th Haimaife, tt. Finn ts sold at from ik'. sc. per ft.

Salmon 7c(se. Bait herrings, ouc. do. Smoked salmon, rjip. liAME Dueks, from (9 7Sc.

Geese, 7jc Chickens, (a, 10 ier rloc. FnuiT Isof irood (iBsllty and In abuudance Crape at V. Jl.M box. Apples, It fa Fliiiin, JL.iO Isix. iVars, tl.ji (a) box.

TomaUK ll.ii box; nr. ft. VuoKTAhLits Potatoes are selling at IIS ton 1 1. sack. CarrotH, cahliaze, turnips, lieets at tl.ii sack, orso.

ft for small quantities. Ii.mky pRonrcr. It moving well. Prices for prime tub butter are from i c. (it.

Roll at It: Cheese, lse. ft. Milk, ioc. gallou, supply short. Fioi Premier Flour Is quoted at 6.ij bbl Three star, Two Mar, Hrsn, la, ton.

Middllmrs.l.T. uliupped Feed, Oats, I'Jh. heat, (iHih KHiBs, Ktc Bread, loaves for ft 10c loaf of l' fts. Hacon. lse.

ru ft. Hum' He, (a J.le. ft. Tea, Coflee and other eroceries sell at dilterent rates accordini! to quality, hut are as low as In other place ou the coast' with prime kwhI in the market. delivered, at 10 iwr ton.

Wood, 4 foot lenirths, tf eord. 1 New Hooks. New books at Thomson Bros. bnnkstoro Under Currents, by the Duchess; Princess of the Moor, by E. Marlitt; Mia, Middlcton'g Lover, A Forbidden Marriage, Logic Town, John Hallow's Ward.

Playing Cards, l'oker Flower Tissue Paper, Colored Po ter Pamr, Perforated Cardboard, Gold ami Silver Paper. i I. L. ltilwith. House.

if 1 1 fi 1 i A ITT 1 rn 1 son said Mr. Bcgg wa in no way empowered to pledge the Provincial Government to any scheme. It he ma le any terms with the Inqienal authorities these terms would have tii 1 considered by the Provincial Govern ment Iwfore anything could lie done. IV. la) Delivery for tanruurrr.

In connection with the public meeting held last night it might lie well to observe that, hen once a city gets established and a system is inaugurated of delivering letters at the address of the recipients, it really become of very little consequence to the community at large here the general post office is really placed, provided it is on one of the mam thoroughfares. At present Vancouver is hardly in a position to actually necessitate the delivery of letters, but it ooon will lie, as 'n iiimy caes the long distance residents will have to go for their mad will keep increasing as the city stretches out. Those living on the outskirts would especially approve of any such system rather tl Ji walk through the greater part of the c.ty in order to get the letters. Of course all mail would have to lie fully addressed to the houses and streets and all houses numbered. A step was male last summer in lhe right direction by the establishment of four letter boxes.

Mr. Miller and iiis ni" ethcient are most obliging in connection with the sorting and handing out of mad from day to day, and put themselves out very often to try to satisfy the hungry apjietites of those calling at the postortioe after letters and papers, but in many ways it will lie pleasant to see the time at hand when a system of letter carriers and free delivery is established here, not only as it is likely to lie a relief to the postotiice officials in some ways, but at the same time a great lieuetit to the public at large. Once the system of free delivery is established very few need bother their very much about the location of the general postottice. duly a Silent Fit. Early yestenlay evening au individual of the name of Moggey gave notice to Orheer Fyfe that the body of a man.

apparently quite dead, had just lieen found in the alley at the back of the SeiCfAdrertiter otfice. Officer Fyfa at once proceeded to the spot indicated. In the umaiitime the man had been removed and examined by Dr. Beck ingsale, whose diagnosis was to tile eliect that he was suffering from a silent fit. When Ollicer Fyfe readied the cabin to which the apparently lifeless body had been carried, and where he rather naturally expected to hud a corpse, he discovered to his surprise tiiat the man in question was sitting up in ld winking at him.

It ap liears that the individual in question had lately came out of the hospital and was seized with a silent tit which gave him every semblance of a lifeless being. To Those ArHieteil. Those afflicted ith Piles are advised to try Dr. Child's Pile Ointment. It is a wonderfully efficacious remedy, 1.

Clarke 4 Kamloops, B. THE jnflYOHHLTT Tn I). M'vttr, Yawn, at, I. Hutu oliscri'. i' hnv.

whin Ai Mnnine duries of jtl pilir'it i 1 1 you il' in wry iii ain c. mi hine H' 'in i V.ll. Nc iv lloMlilOl' dcr i. ir p.t i 1 1 invit oi nii yu i ti.e i dr. I' inn ii i ii oi li ra ticv.

Ju i i. ook. lie II A Join's. ii Tarlow, (, KoocrtMtn, (' ii Rand, William liailstoue Jno lioirj nil, A (iilmore. Jus H'Kourke i iv c.

il i A iioiinau, A "i Frank (iran. iiie, A li I'ana. deoree I Wilsou. Jno I Couderoy, Kdwaru Uand, Wm llavwood, liohert Clark, '1 wuile, Miller. li Thornton, it inch.

II Mcliowell, A Kia er, Henuersou, Kiinkin. I)aviii oii Bros, A II l.cic k. Wa lci i Archer priir 'cr. tai bury. Alex Johnstone, Hjorth.

A i om htrev, li McLean. James ise. II Alexander, eiiitro T'l Allen. 'l ie is 11 I unilcll, Barker, (. I.

Allan. John in. 1 I'cici Coriliiicr, I Jones, I'ainlon. II llcll lrvihg, llaell, Funis McPhersou, ti Bell, ilarden, I. I'llllllilicll, Mi i cely, John Jcvine, Cowderov, Kent, 1) Hall, Ilavis, fevre, (' limes, Mln.nev, A MavHbersoa, A 1) McKeuzie.

John Cartwright, Tavlor, Hawley. John Cargtll Thomas 11 cyrs, McPhersou, A Kevslwck, Jas McDonald, Van Volkeiilierg, (iwi II Lockerby, Stevenson, Masou. A Rota rtsou, Black, James Robertson Ham'l Maec.y, Kdwln Hhingold, 0 rt McCouuell, A Tiulds. Bodwell, A Hullivau, Wm Cargill, Clute, 1 nos Til ley A Hcattic, Jonn li'in iLee. 1 A McKiirlnii'l, I'liillipa.

A 1 11 i hamin rliu. Albert Black. li Mf l.clmuu, Atlan. John iiaiper, Aiir Kilnr, A Tyson, I 'rai. (' (' Mn Idanis, II Wilirre.s.

A i.illi., loole (' ''iir linT Joluwin, Win 1" Mariiii, Aian Mci 'artney, Peck. A Mclntoih, William II liussell, Farr. ti Harris, Mcl II A Hcny, John in Bennett, i W' Jaeknon, I.aiiii. Jules Kinrcrt. W' I.

Leonard, Krii Vivian, 7. Haintlor, (Mark, Brown, John A Heaslev, CamplH fl, i) FerKiisou, AuKust Ainiiion, (' Jeszkowiez, kalpb, Symous, I) Wm I Blair, 0 Itch linen. Harrison, A Boehlofsky, Jitanley I'rowder, 1 Havdeu, II Kliirn, (i Clinton, Joseph drirtith, John Wultl'shou, John Hay, Archie McCrimmou, Kemp, (i A Keeler, A Hell. amble, Thos lluiiii, Bet kinusale, 1 rout iusley. Vancoi'vkb, Nov.

7, IMS. To 11. Abbott, and othrri: (ir.STi.p.MKN, I feel highly honored by beintr requested by such a larire niinilMr of citizens, who have the Interests of Vancouver at heart, to again allow myself to lie nominated for Mayor. My irratirlcation at receiving your requisition Is so much the greater, when I learn that it is based on mv past record while at the Board aud In the civic hair. In complying with vour request and offering myself aLfain as a candidate for the Mayorality, 1 pledge myself, if elected, to use my utmost efforts in the future, as In the past, to advance the interest of the City of Vancouver and itscitizeus.


1888. CITY AND COUNTRY NEWS Will Mrs. F. J. Jones pke call at this office for letters.

A line stock of stores to select from at 114 I'arrall St. 0 Toole A K.ilph. 4 McDowell, dispensing Oisiiensing by graduates only. Mr. J.

A. lireen is aliout to l.uil.i a tine two story double tenement resilience on Hastings Street. The Chinaman whose wash house was burned at Victoria yesterday morning states that he lost J500 in the tire. Morrow McDowell, druggists. Bell Irving Block, sole agents for Lawrence's celebrated eye glasses.

i A railway delienture trust has lieen or fmized ill Sew Westmiuster, with Mayor lickinson as its chairman. Water pipes are lieing laid on C'anibie street lietween Water arid Cordova streets and hydrants placed in position. A room in the Masonic H.ill Mock has been secured by Mayor Oppeiiheimer's friends as a Central Committee room during tile tending Mayoralty contest. There was a clean sheet at the Police Court this in. rnmg.

Not even a solitary drunk could 1 found. The revival meet i lugs are evidently taking cilect. Consignees er steamer Premier: Fader Bros. M. Oi.iieulieiiirer T.

W. Clark B. C. S. Miss Lee, It.

V. inch. S. Coupland. The lower cornices, made by Messrs.

McLennan 4 McFeeley, for the Professor Anderson and Van Home Mocks were being put in position to day. They look very effective. Attention is directed to the advertisement J. 8. C'lntc, which apiears in another column.

Bargains in cloaks, mantles, and children's goods are to be had. Give him a call. Mr. Woodford, a noted temperance lectnrer, is at present in Victoria addressing large audiences. He is reported to be an eloquent, earnest speaker and highly gifted.

He will visit Vancouver shortly. The report in circulation a few days since to the effect that the snow sheds in the Cascades would uot be completed this fall, it appears, is incorrect, for they will lie finished in the course of a few days. The impromptu concert in the Hotel Vncouver last night was largely attended, donbtless owing to the announcement in The Woki.ii. present heartily enjoyed the rare treat such tine music is seldom heard in Vancouver. The new train service to lie inagurated lietween the twin cities next Sunday uion ing meets with general approval, and the management of the C.

P. R. is generally commended for its forethought in the interest of the people. Vaucouverites will be aide to remain four hours in the Koyal City, instead of two as at present. Some splendid blocks of gray granite, 1C feet in length, were brought down on a scow by the tug Leonora from the C.

P. K. quarry, yesterday. They will lie dressed and used in the Sir Donald A. Smith block, work on which will lie commenced as soon as the New York block is completed.

When completed it will probably lie the handsomest structure in town. The team cho to represent Victoria in the game with Nw Westminster to morrow at licacon Hill, is composed as follows: J. W. Sinclair, Wij W. Fisher, Kenning, B.

Drake anil K. (iraut, three quarter backs; Martin and Clark, half backs; L. Crease, W. 11. Luigley, 1'ngli, F.

I'enibertoii, P. lliblien, K.irsmmi, Kennedy and Clark, forwards; Kolison and Allison, reservcineii. On Monday a miner named Cns t.iva Nelson, a Urge, powerful, lost his life in No. 5 shaft of the Wellington collieries by a fall of rock from the roof of the mine. At the inquest held on the body, the evidence went to show that the cave of rock was caused by the neglect of the deceased in not timbering his working place properly, and a verdict in accordance with the evidence was returned.

Consignees steamer lueen of the Pacilic: Fiji Itocvicz, Crowder Sl Pen zer, Chas Bade, Doering, Cope Young, Watteriiian, Fader Bros, (i Berteaux, (ias Co, Holhrook, Merrill 4 Frick, A Mara, Williams, O'Toole Iialph, It Robinson, Hay, Rob son 4 Lee, McHugh, Xilloy, Dunn 4 Co, Vancouver City Foundry aud Machine Works, McMillan, Knox, A Abbott. Miscellaneous: VVestnian, Whitman Co, Boston; Bach, Cry Co, (ireat Falls; I (i Baker Co, Fort Benton; Anthony, New York; (I Wright, Boston; Weir Or, Ottawa; Aust.n, Nichols Co, Chicago. i HOTEL AKIUVALS. Hotel Vancouver. Alexander.

San Francisco: A A Ssudeinali. Montreal: Arthur Hrealey, Hanlf: Fcliiicluire, l'aris; 11 1) Harrison, (i Forbes, city. DoriiAi.i. HorsE 1'uKh, VI, toria; Henry Bulvver, Mr llulwer. Sii ai'ious.

I.KI.AS0 Hock. A Taylor, Jn I) Hail, Jus A ilcalev. Chas Nelson, Henry Allniit, Toronto: II Alli I) Trevor, Winnipeg. Citizens' Asoriatinn. A public meeting, it will be observed, has been called for next Saturday evening, in the Wilson Hall, Cordova Street, for the purpose of organizing an association of citizens in connection with the approaching civic elections and municipal matters generally.

The object of the association is a good one and should secure a large attendance. Ueimrture of Mr. Muody. D. L.

Moody, the renowned evajiijeliiit, left on the Premier tins afternoon for Seattle, where preparations for his reception have been in progress for some time. A number of clergymen, prominent citizens and ladies accompanied the great evangelist to the wharf, and wished him a God speed in the work he has already spent the salad days of his life. His farewells to all present were most cordial. Consignee By Yosemite from Victoria to day were: Agent Dominion Express Company, A. Goldstein, A.

Godfrey Ikrk Jolianne, Angaste, C. Drinkwater, C. Nelson. C. E.

Henry, G. J. Jones 4 Geo. K. Gordon, Hong Yuen, Heap Yeok, J.

Smith J. Davie, Schl, Ram Wo, M. 8. M. Miss K.

Murehison, Str, Premier, Tai Fung, Tye 4 Thos. Dunn Vancouver Waterworks, W. Nicholas. II. C.

Smelting Company, The B. C. Smelting Company held a meeting in their orKces, Springer and Van Bramer block, yesterday. Present, Hon. G.

Vernon, Major Wilson, E. Dowlen, Geo. deWolff, W. H. deWollf and others.

General routine business was gone through. The company expect to have the smelter in running order by DecemW ntxt provided the city is supplied with water by that time. They are depending on the waterworks. Kad Intelligence. Mr.

E. Wright, of The Woklu composing room, thU morning received the sad intelligence of his mother death at Spokane Falls, W. on the 20th ult. Her heath wai the first intimation he had of her even being ill. The shock naturally was a severe one to him.

His fellow compositors, by whom he is highly esteemed, join iu sympathy in the loss of a mother who, to himself and the iiieniliers of her family, was one to be beloved. She as know as Sirs. E. A. Cady, the present being her second husband.

The family emigrated from Coiinecticut a little over a year ago and have rosided ever siuve at Spokane falls. i Cheap and Effective inr 1'ou'cn the erection of more and better tmiMimr urine the vear iSffli Minn even 1 vtin Uar of. Now companies, Canadian, American or British Method of Obtain t'ir lv.Y A lKR HtiKKS. liiiirit ly iih tru thi Mnail mi iTor i cary ttruiitiini; a iHitT, MHtrtiiir tn ritmiiiri nt Financial Agents IN THE CITY Interest, 9 per cent. oi) Application and Lead Pipe, Tin and Agate Ware AIR HEATING ss.r:!?jvs.s:3 p.i;f2.

j. Vancouver ArniiiifeimMiTs are now be in? made for 1 hilar Co CM V. Jill Hit With lr' In a i If" ttli Ik vrry LTfllT 1 1 1 T' line or i i 1 1 rn tan i ti Uur 1: 'HC! i A Mil' MAHI.NK, MATloNAUV AND llOiTJXf; LXi.lNKs Al M'EAM I'L'Ail'S, MAVIUXKUV, 1'tillTAIiLK FOUI.I KIT.KKK AND l.KATlii'.K AND uLXKHAL MILL L'I'I'LIES. A HEAVY LINE OF MACHINERY. The above iiirtnufactiire is W' Il faviinriiv knnvii r'anitihoiit 'ntia la aii'l the I'liitctl Stares.

In every ca w.nre ujmnI they have ive entire xi iatjf ion. We i.i ali tintus le plt a eU to give iin'ormaUoa. price, cost of ruiiuiiiK.etc. J. Machinery Agents, Corner Powell and Columbia.

Afenue, 1'aucouver, for British. Columbia fl. I Real Estate and CHEAP ACRE BLOCKS SUB DIVISION OF 264A BLOCK BLOCK HI.OCK PER AC15F. about J1, acres i .) 71 l.Mi li.i, "4 1JWI si in. 2'j 4ou l' 'a fr) i aw lis.

2', pxii) H4 IW, 4t i oil 101 501) 4i III) 41X) ihia, ii" iif.ii 1. 7A, .1 4U0 "3 li', ii.riA, 2 MiiC la wsb. a aw luin la IMA "16 20ls) IMA 125 J74A. 3 ycO 1.VII1 1741,, 900 1MI) 125 I7. ISO 8 5(10 lWA 3.S) ') W.C 300 71.

ir.7B TB, "4 I'M) 1 J'i l.WC 200 fifiB, 3 11100 IM) 200 l.oc, 3 mi 1I.0B 1 VsC, 4'i 1'iJO ltiOD ISO iisi), i 1200 WiB to BLOCK PKR ACRE 17B 7S 52. at m', 171 a 12 i 17 IB it) '4 12 171C 141 3 J) 1711) 1. 4) 60 2i 174K 2.4) 1 400 1 Vi with home and bam, atom i acres. i S0 I for 12000 oly Ehtjine John it Sunn, I'odie HWi Split J'vtln r. SleArity Dominion Sho.r One II'orAs, fading llrewimj t'o.

liohert Mitchellv Philip lien! Hre'i'imj Smi'h 'oicc pump, i AW ill Crow Baker's and Giovcr's addition to Port Angeles. A liniiLeil riutnber of tiice elmiee lots will lie sold during the next 10 ilays. L'lt Title pt ruct. v.ich, TtioMiluut art iu luu lovvti.

of PORT ANGELES, tiik rn ISnMF THE Fil re and will lie sold In quantities of not less than 3 lots for per lot. Terms '4 cash, halancc in months, The owners of the ahove will make a reduction to parties buyiuir a whole block. Application for lots ete, to he piaile to their Broker Francis Bourchier Corner of Ooverament and HroMKhten Htreets, Victoria, 11. c. rtuTun matt.

Maproejyitller DUCK'S BUILDING, JOHNSON VICTORIA Has the most complete and thoroughly well fiiatpjied I'rtntinft Estahlisliinent Iu the Province. Newest styles In type are lieinit added With rapid presses aud test of workmen, he is iu a position to turn out good work at reasonable prices. BOOK BINDING and BLANK BOOKS of all kinds to order Is a specialty. His work he iriiarantees to lie equal to The liest, and at prices far below those of other houses. Orders from the onntrv and correspondence will receive oroniDi atieiuiou Palmer ros.

DEALERS IS COAL, WOOD, HAY AND OATS Telephoue call No. 18. Oct. S3. i Yard, 100 Dupont ft.

John Devine Estate and General Agent ACCOUNTANT. Etc. Rent and Debt Collector Cordova Street, Vancouver. B.C. PORT ANGELES Potion Ho WW Hone uVo.

F. ISIake Mannoi'tiirini SlariiUoa ptnnp .1. A'. Williams, lloliiti (t4 Sadler, Meonijenais llmrin Thou, fiity K. Proud i(' Suns, llnial Plvctrir ROBERT WARD V.

l'TlU. It.i il N. ilSli sijil Represented in London rnrt. II. Mrdi'ii f.

I Hus ou 'hud Mteet, K.C. Robert Ward Co. VICTORIA. li.C. MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS.

r.xi nt? ri.lci)tt evry of Hritisli IHI'I I ilU. (. MpHTM, an I Imt oti. (t Mrin i snii.iinw nrui I nu r.incp Aynt i. rhi.rlr'r.s KfTi ct fii, iiciii.Tiil AciiTs li" jnnurjtni'e I Miiijmny, J.fliMll it lHII'M hH'' i uui I HI 11'! i li Im I'd AsNurMfii't i.

Hnl.iii it IT. irn Marine Irisiir juicp Mitilnf Irnurnmv Miirinc Li'. Itijiks Acccpt l. iiii'I ft'ltiHt'" Airnls Curtis tlrirvcy'H Wporhn (t HJhwi Iiik l'iwilr: John mMtt OtMtllnir I' irtlMnd OMiitMit: J'isfph Kirkrmtn HMriNiinlrt Medal In vpntl'tiH, Kxhihltiitn piann Furl: A w. Ktnart'H Patent Kniiltle kni'ttfiJ Mesh r'Uhin NVta, TwiiiM, Ktc AitiU for the fhlliwin hrHixln ot Fmwr Klver Haliimn Kwen "Unit;" Hon Accord FUhtns In.

KOHKRT WARD 4 Wharf Ht. Vtrtorm B.O. Canadian Pacific Navigation Co. LIMITED Steadier Preipier JOHN A. O'BRIEN, Mastkr.

SOTJTXI LFJiK VAJI'OlifRR .1 Monday and lRHII'Pr iTowiisend.Thursday and 'i p. m. Townscnd, Mon: Monday day and Seattle, FrMsy and Tues 1 hHrsdav, 11 p.m. day, 2 a.m.

Tacoma, on Friday and Seattle, on Tuesday aud Friday, 10 a. in. I.KAVK TAfOU luesuiiy a uoon, AIU1IVE Ou Tuesday and Frlday.irteattle. on Tuesday and 1p.m. Fridur, p.m.

Seattle, Wednesday and Townscnd, Wednesday and saturdnv, 9 a.m. Tnwuseiid, Wednesday Vancouver, Wednesday ami Saturday, 10 a in. and ji.iii. Days of liejiarture from Seattle, We.luesdavs and Sntuidavs.

Ilays of Arrival at Seattle, Tncsdavs and Fridays. JOHN IRVING Mgr. S. I.d. S.

T. TILLEY BOOKSELLER AND NEWS AGENT A fine Hue of Office Stationery always on hand and arriving. Fancy aud L'liritinas goods ou the way. 3. T.

TII.I.EY. yaresche, Green do. PAINTERS, VICTORIA, C. A ffenernl pHukin? hiifiiH" traii.nchMi. THf trrHphic TrHiisiVrs anil Drafts uu the KflAU'ni Proviuceh.

breat Britain ami the L'uitetl rifates. ruHectiotin promptly attt nded Ui. AyentN fur Wells, Fargo t'umpauv. TERM 'i cash, 6 mouths, Vj 12 months. Maps Furnished E.

5. Sco MANUFACTURERS OF Galvanlzcd Iron Cornice, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, DEALER IN Stoves, Ranges, IM (lalvanizi'il Iron STEAM AND HOT foe EHsri'3 Water Street,.

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