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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina • 5

Charlotte, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 Jt CHARLOTTE DAILY OBSERVER JULY li)()iL 1 THE MAN AlTEAliS (1 of I I A Ar- ft psltNIV list tit Coo of lift TUB SAME OLD FAMILIAR FIGURE TlieGreatest Bargain Offerings A '-Yl Each demand at this All new and desirable Summer Merchandise at decidedly item quoted represents just the sort of merchandise most time and from a money saving standpoint is of paramount importance to you overlook a single one This establishment you kuow opens up many broad avenues of substantial savings The bargains offered to-day will be good to-morrow or just so long as they last no restriction Read the below-mentioned list and see the very good reasons why you should cpme here to-day BRIEFS Minor Happening In And About th Ully-KvaaM of a ly Cupt Ross the popular conductor on me Carolina A Sort liw stein Hilda) has teen promoted try ho rum-Jpnn and is now acral -olli'iung ugeai Noble OiUen-t" winch was pri seriled to large and pleased uudiiiae last night will Ik rtiwancl to-night Tlie Raturdav mglit drawing Wilt take place is usual HHFFFSS fifi 1CTAI NNNNN tie Klks are gradually from Baltimore They eonttnn the In the papers that the re union was tlie largest In tin history at tie ioitii-r Cibe Mint hern trains were delayed tor some time last night liv an accident to freight train at Tionlde Wiln a switch uMiltcd In one of tlie freigh cars being derailed on tlie main line an I No IS and other trains were di laved lo more than an hour Tlie Charlotte Arlilli ry company is drill ng diligently in preparation for the rimraot encampment Tliej made lie welkin ling lat night by the repented discharge of their ht-avv guns in irmt ol the city hull a nice sound to stir pn-u ml i or make a horse run away a result of -an inspection bv City thumbing Inspector Dailey and the recommendation of a government inspc e-tor the authorities at Washington have Id the contrnet for neatly $6mi worth of plumbing repairs to he made at the local tilled States nssav nttiee The contiaet was seemed by llalev X- King who will have to finish tlie joli within 35 days union Gospel tent has tic pitched and everything is to readiness fur the beginning of services to-morrow afternoon at 4 30 o'clock anil then at night at 3 on South Tryon street Parties can reach tlie tent on ttie ear line from the corner of Tryon and Morehea 1 streets or from tlie power house annual picnic at Sardis will he held on August 12l In tlie absence of Mr Cralgliiil Miss Mary Andrews is tlie organist (of tlie Flist Presbyterian church -A special met ting of the Stonewall Jackson Chapter of tlie Daughters of the Confcdeiaiy was held yesterday monueg for I lie purpose of deciding whether ni not the chapter would sell and sene tec ci cam on the night the Salisbury Dramatic Club presents "As You bike Cluu lotte The Daughters of the Confederacy say nap weather too hot A One lot of Parasols worth $200 at Special $139 rVKSIINALS MuriceuU of a NaibM -Yllton mot Other Rev Dr Mirr Rev tutt Hint Dr H'pei fm Coneotd in attend tin- HI' teteilie of tlie Met IuhI l-t Cliuieh of 1 1 SilKluuv ill-il Ml 1 Cram ot Gastonia Hie gin st of Mr- Mellon lr uml Mr Witherspoon Hi a jew days with relatives at ljincasiei Mrs 1 Walks- and Miss Alice Walker of M'lnn-dioro 0 are ilic guests of Mis Homs on Noitii College stleet 1 Mis Charles Parker left last night fm Gi'fun Greye and Anbury Paik where silt Will spend SCVital Bishop A t'fila Smith of Nmtolk Vn will spi ml Mfinduv In tli eh whh Rev lh Marr eu route to Mur veil in atti ml tlie Chat lotte District Conterenf ot the Methodist Chun Dr Pemberton of Conrad spent teiihiv in tlie city Mrs Kmzler is visiting lur dnigiitii Mrs Land in Greenyllle Mrs jidm Van ianillnthutn Messrs John an Lundmghum Ji ami Mutlnn Oir have retui'iieil to the city utter a i-d ol veral weeks In Philadelphia I a Washington Boston Mass and Atlantic City Mr John Van Landing) am Jr io gone to Atlanta Ga to i-pend a month with his In o' lur Ml Hal di Van Band inghairi Mb's Marv Fellih 1 Ball wlm lias lie'll the guest of Miss VJiv Ciaulliey llati'S let last mght Inf lionn at Mimigom i rv Ala Mr Jiativ Diiion I etui in to the city last night afteit a trip to Gastonia lih Kory and Lineohjton Miss Daily Holimt who lui been the of her sister Mrs Bakke ft last night for her Inline at New Grleahf Mr Mallard of Wilmington was tcgislered at the Cthtral last night Mrs Hoik ami Mr AieDowitl it Roach tin neil Iasi night Irom At linta Ga where th-v visited relatives Miss Kate Harris is t-pendlng a iev weeks with lelatld's uml Irlemls id Klkin Miss Lennon1 Seay of Italelgh is tlie guest of Miss Mmy Blmuii Beaman Mr II Hampton of Aslievllle was glstered at the Central last niglit Mrs Wiliam Bynum Misses Mary Bv mini Kale am) I tale Cum nml Rev Charles Curl is of Lineohiton are tlie guests to-day of Cupt Fled Nash on North Chureli street Miss Georgia Pegiutn and little sisler Miss Katliarlne 1'egiam lift Inst night for a visit to Motives at Plains Vu ami to Washington Mr anil Mr A Trust of Bast Arcadia were registered at the Buford last night Miss Tally Dnby who lias been the guest oi Mrs i Boss lett lust night for tier home at Philadelphia Mrs Knox Henry of Stntesvlie nrrlved in tlie ettv last night und will upend few tlavs In tlie city with her husband Mrs John A Holt of Danville Vu nr rived in the city Iim night nml is the guest Of Mrs Holt Mr Reui of Lenoir trallie mar tig' oi tile Carolina X- Northwestern Railway wa a visitor In tlie city Iasi evening Mrs Joseph of Render 'on is the guest of Mis Hivwer In Dil-worth Miss Addle Will! min i nled from N- Ym li night Mr Oeoige Jt Coopei of Henderson was at Hie Central last nlgld 1000 Yards of And ora Silk suitable for shirtwaists and Summer Dresses and SOCIAL just the thing for outing suits former price 25c for a llyer the next we make the price 2500 Yards While Lawn in Remnants some in the to 25c Madras white and figured just the fabric for colors easily worth 15c our price Yard-wide Dimities and Madras in stripe or polkadot worth 15 and 20c yard as long as they last the price will be 10 and 12 l2C See Our imported Novelties in Dress Goods on Middle Counter Another Shipment of Ribbons just received No 2 Ribbons 10 yards lo the bolt at 15c Other special lots at 5 and 10c yard Dunce at the Park Complimentary to VI lUng Yunng Ollier Social bote There was a very enjoyable dance last night at the park auditorium given complimentary to tlie visiting young ladies The german wan led by Mr Nisiiet Lana and Mr VV Alexander and the music was furnished by the Paik Orchestra The couple in nttend-inee were: Mr Latin Miss Knox Mr Alexander Miss Lottie Caldwell Mr Hanley Miss May Hall Mr George Clark Miss Itebekuh Chambers Mr benjamin Hell Ir Miss Caro Brevard Mr Willoughby Chambers Miss Patsle Harris Mr Randolph Preston Mbs Virginia -'holier MnJ Davidson Mbs Kf-de Adams Mr Robert Tate Miss Ade-bildo Clarkson Mr Herndon Miss ra Belle Rogan Mr A Graham Ir of Raleigh Miss Violet Alexander Mr Chas Adams Miss Mabel Compton of New York The chaperones a ere: Mrs 1 VV Faison Mrs Brevard Mrs Hunter Mrs Whit-ted Denver Col and Mrs Chawmar Others present were Messrs l'ed Mnftitt McDowell Roach Braga of Washington Julian and McCullough Rev Dr Howerton and Mr '5 entertained at the -esidenee of A Howerton on Hast Avenue last night complimentary lo the members of the choir of the Fust Presbyterian church 1U Compleilou 1 Vu( banged bj HU sweet Repine la 'Squire Nitron' FIcturiM Are la Evidence to Shun tlie Geuulneoe of the Phenomenon Net Therein Cnrlon Kenibluc'' Be- i tween the 8louy Mu aud the Curiosity Who Came Here Year Ago The Pristine Petrified Phenomenon Company is exhibiting a petrified grtt-tlerr in a roan In the ruvldson building on North Tryon street photograph) in front of the show pi and at Jordan's drug aloie give varying views of the locality where the wmiileman was found on Kquhe land in Henderson county One sees the charming mountain landscape the level stretch of meadow land and the ditch where the petrified mun was found Peside the ditch stand man with shovels and picks in their hands Tkev dug up the petrified So! The evidence is conclusve No eleit of sincerity is lacking The only tt ng peed to appease the curiosity of th spectator "Just step inside and see the gieat-est living yells the voice of the spieler 10 And the unblushing multitude surreideis its dimes and wandeis in to gape over he stony form At the head of the petrified gentleman there stands a pensive youin who speaks in a subdued lone of voce a he scotirses on the wonder that he before him Does he know the null m-kiliiy of the gentleman?" No lie presumes he is white man How long dead? Ah that rail only lie conjectured That bullet hole on the aht shoulder? Yes yes that is bulet hole and it is supposed that it caused Die deatli of the gentleman Is the gentleman heavy? Yes he is quite heavy He weighs 242 pounds And th crowd touches the gentleman gingery while a few people from the rufid districts take off their hats to show tev-eronee in the presemce of the dead The poor old manufactured fak the cheap the utter humbug! The petrified is the same plaster purls proposition that was resurrected near Columbia seven years ago and in ought to this State for exhibition His owners carried him a 1 through tlie State and made a pot ot money and then yielding under the loud whisper of fraud the heavy body was spirited away On Maul) 14th he appeared again on 'Squire Sitton's land in Hemlets county and the State press bilslDd th excitement over the find At one time it seemed that half of Hernia: son ebumy claimed tlie man as a long lost relative and widows came to 'Squi home and wept over a Handed resemblance to husbands who hud disappeared 'J he press learned that the gentleman had been sold at a fancy price and car lied to Asheville where he became property of a stock company inccrpj-PJted At this juncture The Observer secured two tell-tale photographs One vvn taken by I Van Ness the pho oc-rapher while the man was in Charlot-yeats ugo the other showed the wonder that had been picked up on Sitton's land The two pictures showed one and the same object Tne bullet hole the teeth the toes the lose oi the all were identical The ohsetver explained tne decep kn 10 the public There was a scream troin the owners of the petrified man and they thieutened a libel suit The pap reiterated It charge and laugiiingl defied the net rifled man und hs owners Thev shut up lint they are se In their day and generation and undaunted by exposure they have leen making a big profit by exhibiting then treasure The coming to 'harlot te of the el-rilled man is one way of carrying tne war into Afiica Here the itiipuble trie leery was first denounced bit even here scores of people will daily piy dimes to see an unsightly imitation or irui This article is not written with the idu that it will deter anyone from seeing the petrified gentleman A voice from the dead would not prevent Sutiif people being humbugged Tlie pullin' or a part of public long ugo learned that there aie'plue where one may buy petrified p'opl Tin process of oner Ring- them Is always the sane One buries them In the ground for a year or so and ac-r digs them up again md gels the newspapers to tuke note of tlie occurrence The scheme offers an easy way to make a living Only a few years ago a young man from Newton dec ide 1 to go into the petrified business but his ambitious plans were not cU coverel until after his chuth when correal omJ-enue In his desk showed that lie hid la bout 'completed preparations to make purchase from company that sold the phenomena The New too man it seemed was pot to be satisfied with one hardened body he wtinted a family rind tin company had agreed In a letter to nuinufui tore for him man and hs wife and a little boy and little girl all of whom were to lie duly buried uml dug up and exhibited a pity tiy the way that they make a wife or sonic thin' mr Hint gloomy looking gentleman woo now rem ses on a box in the bivhbon budding lie is having a loneuune tlm of II being cm ted from one en I of tie countiy to the other ami Imru'd out-of-the-wuy places und clu med by undeserving widows BELK BROS CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH 11-15-19-21 Trade St Wholesale and Retail Both Phones 256 mm rifiVW PH1N EK-MEETINU ON THE MOUNTAIN Founded 1842 ilSjjS 1 Our South Window I W( showing a bcuttful sdcctloil nf gcnpltu' hand-painted China Th only coitpldc line of this class of goods cvr sJiovin In Charlotte no two pieces alike iitli j'lere the woik of an artist I Wo also tile orders for any special MagiituH for August May Kelsey Champion's fitory Mtthml of Charles Htjint in the August McClure's is one of the lie! of its Kind that has appeared in some time It is charmingly told or of i bright manly little chap aad Ills queer friends and' his plan for lln ir eii-tertalnmenl which workout mil but not just as intended "Murnan and the is-a thrilling desrt Iption of race on the Mississippi in the old days of the fierce rivalry which would lead a captain to hum Ills cargo or boat when fuel ran out rather than lie lieiit oilier good slorius of ad vent tire are Foreman" liy Stewait Edward White and "The Git I at by James Weber Linn Pa lighter vein are Day of the Dog" by Geoige Barr Mr-Cutchoon tint by Henry A number of ntho1 good diversified articles together with good poetry and another ehapier of ihe serial story Friend Prospect" by llenrv Garland complete a good number of this magazine What's the sfiivt of happy vigorous health? Simply keeping tlie bowels the stomach the liver and kidneys strong and retive Burdock Blood Bitters does it TREAT TOG It KIDNEYS FOR RHEUMATISM When you are suffering from rheu-tism tiie kidneys must lie attended to ol once so that they will eliminate the into add from the blood Folev'a Kidney Cure Is the most effective remedy for this purpose Hopkins of Polar Wis says "After unusuecessful-ly doctoring three years for rheumatism with the best doctors I tried Kidney Cure ami it cured me I cannot speak too liighlv of this great It purifies tie blood By straining out Impurities and tones up the whole stem C'lces kidney and bladder troubles liiannun Buy TSha Waterman Fountain Pen of Houiton Dixon Co Every pen Tuurantced to jive perfect satisfaction or money refunded 1 Table Linens at Reduced Prices We have just received a case of Table Tine us wliicli we are going to sell cheap They are all new goods and bought at a sacrifice Table Linen easily woitli Hc the yard 25c The old-fashioned red table cloth an exceedingly good one at 23c One piece of snowy white Linen easily worth 50 or 60c tor 33c Member of the Bible Conference Haiti Sunrise Service Spot ia 1 to Tlie Observer All Healing July A party (f 15 aseeniled Crowder's 'Maintain this morning to see the suii' rise It is a steep climb but the view from the summit was a revelation We wemWel to have heard more of Crowd 'Mountain from Charlotte peoji nt i It is so near and accessible A sun-rise prayer-meeting was held on the mountain top and was thoroughly enjoyejl Tlie most helpful service so far was that of last night when Rev Pressley of talked on Preacher's Filent His presen tat on of the work of the Holy Soil'll connection with the minister's wo mts given in his intense amt Interesting way and was productive of great good Many were sent by it into the niyht to he alone with God Tin Confrrence on tlie jiraver-ni et-irig devek ped the fact that the praye'-meeting was the gieat problem in most of the congregations No one seemed to have what he regarded an lihbl prayer-meeting Thu inexhaustible mine there 1 in God both of wisdom and knowhdte was presented by Dr Pressley tills morning In an Interesting paper l)r II I-eiper of Charlotte arrived to-day also the family of Rev Knox Muiitgmary design or shape desired -'J! CariMi 4 Bruns Leading Jewelers We closo at fi Saturdays excepted HOUSTON DIXON CO ilgimji'BjTaMamTOita cssszmsucL MING EDWARD IN DUBLIN 1 jr their own praise Magnificent Piano given Away Absolutely Free! Over 2000 tiurnf registered for tk gift piano to July KUn 1302 Pend Hi your name utul address and 2-ieut stamp for return of number and jou may be the 1m ky person The oulv questions arked "Are you Ho owner of an Cpi lght I Mann do you live Noitti or South Cuudinu has any mn her of your family (mi one member of a family can registei and you must live In North or South Carolina and no matter wlmt make ti you own an t'prlght you an not eligible Reii-emlier tills piano will bo given away absolutt-ly lrc by ('has Stlefl in pi t-ciit ion of tlie phenomenal sub of the "Siliff" and to advcnlsa th J'ljno which (oolrol it the South All itiics must he removed In I 'hit lotte by August llnh TJ03 and lium Will he registered ufler that date On Wednesday August 2G 1303 duplicate of every number of our liuoks will placed in a im and tin flist iiuinticr taken out by a little girl will la- giV'Ui ih" beautiful imiv on exhibition In our wait-if you wMi In lie register und re-looms Don't full to em use two-cent slump if you wish to he legist! red aid receive your number STIEFF Southern Wareroonu ail-313 Tryon Streot 32 Woot Fifth Street Charlotte WILMOTH MariAJter We were more than pleased with our business on dlunmds the last six months hut we think One piece Linen Damask good enough lo eat a Christmas dinner on the yard 53c Another piece of the very wide kind warranted every stitch pure Linen Damask the yaid 75c vv'tX4 The Oliver Outranks Oulucars Outstrips Outlasts Out st anils Outworks Outruns Outwits Others Outshines Outlives Outsells Keep Cool Reunion of UoiiipMiiy Con pany 11 North Carolina ItoHlment will meet In nl Sugar Cl eek Church on illtesd'iy August fah AH are tordlnly Pivted Come and bring well filled ALKXAN1 KR ALhXASDKR Ci mm Lee Short Lengths 33 )ieccs of the very best grade of Linen Damask in 2 2 and 3 yard lengths unusually wide and easily worth and 5150 We will sell it at 03c A big lot of Napkins to match these goods at corresponding prices Crowds Liu the Streets and the Scenes of Fotbutam Marking the First Day Are Repeated Dublin July King Edward and Queen Alexandra separately visile 1 a number of public institutions to-day The weather was perfect anti eveiy-where the scenes of enthusiasm Witnessed during the previous days of their Majesties' visit were repeated by the crowds lining tlie rout' fol owed bv tin! King His Majesty first sit the dwellings built for working prop by lvenglt (t'eiil Gulpnes) a-d others He was met there by Lori Aidillftun (Arthur Guinness) and accompanied by them mul Irish Secretary Wymihnm entered the grounds The King then went lo the furn ui St Patrltk's (athedral and received dr vtdilicss from tin chapiter After Iumhlng at the instle th King and Quoin lslted the lrsh in-itahuhirv depot where a tirill exhl d-ti'in was given in their honor him ui rock I ui line Willi Columbia New York July Shamrock I the defeated cup challenger of four years ago will have duel with Columbia over Hie 'meriea's cup course at Newport probably after tin cup races are let ided Morgan at Newport Ims deelaied Ills willingness to race Columbia I'liaiiist her former adversely undei any conditions ami at any time soluble to Sir Thomas llploii Tin mac was lowed to-night on hoard tlie Ei In by Sir accept-auce of the idler and a race Is certain Mutiny Among Convict Atlanta Ga July Coustltu lion sas: "According to advices re eel vcl Imie there Is a mutiny among the cunt lets at the Coal City mine in Dade comity A telegram was receve 1 at tlie otlh of prison conimlssl toil ly us folliws 'me hundred and I Went five Illinois 111 quill ters t'efu 'e to collie out advise' Tile ft-gran was sigml bv Goode deputy walden In chargM of Hie Coal Cltv ramp It gave none of the art cub und It Is linji Stlde lo gel futiher foimatlon Item tlie in nr to-night 1 our methods uml prices will Insure a substantial Increase In this depat tment We were particularly pleased with some recent salts os the buyers hail fissured Ummselv's of nil those facts wnloh should appeal to careful pup halters They had not only thoroughly Investigated the home mark'd but prices In Not them cities ns well anil yet ws sold them This record Is (of Itself the strongest nrguttjnt we con offer to prospective buyeis We Diamonds on apnifoval to reliable panties anywhere DIAMONDS AT 0NCPKICL Iimtli of Mr Jnii A Gsrimm Mr James A Gannon aged Mi years died yesterday morning at o'clock tit the hoinc of his grandson Mr II Llllycrop at 21J Kant Tmde street The Billet ill seivlc will 1" held tit the i esldem tlds morning at Ht o' lock A cut und dauglili it blether and slir and tt number of gcindehlldien and gical-grundihlldicti survive CRAYTON tal Agent 203 South Tryon Stroot Charlotte JvSPHILLIPiS Merchant Tailor Flint National Bank Bulldihif IS Huuth Tryon Htrcct I Pure Crystal liCE Wholesale' and Retail Shipments Hade in any quantity from sack to car load I The Standard Ice Fuel Co iww illy Wsli All Right Tlie wan middled by the Charlotte Wilier Wot Its I all right Hu much was said yeslenlay III letters from pn-idman Browne anulytlcnl chemists ami Htekes biologist of Baltimore ONM ROTTIW GF ntrRNETT'W VANILLA EXTRACT I better thiin thre of tli doubtful kina Though rusting a few cents mure per bottle Its nurltjr end geest strength tusk tt tli UuMit oonumloaj lueuU PILLS £'V HrUinnl fMiIf IVnutm At 'J A Mandnyd wirdy il tut 10000 hIo ijrtfi Ir 4 lilt rir SlulltaM I All I If DM'IahI liHN Irl "I Ik 1 uw i wihpf lifTw huiton Imtitttlon I'Miyt ml 1 1 1 Ml in uuf'if 1I1 fci'l rluFN JNftU kuui wy I ii i 'W VdiL'i Thu hug't In th Bl I Thu tint RHidu aobl In thu Etui Th bout work'nnhlp In tk iiutu As good work cn md any-whri Cwll und convlnc4 i i diamond MtRCHANT CHARLOTTE 20 West Trade Street Bell Ptiona 370 i.

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