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The Asheville Weekly Citizen from Asheville, North Carolina • Page 3

Asheville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OL.iKii ITEHESTIXG TELF.OKAUS. lir. rynolJa, CiSrk tLe -p, iex- A RAILROAD COLLISION on PTitlrtiWr-Wa A-raey of Siersra. i. vur muiuiiied uuuu I Jao.

W. Dunham of Wilmington is at YVaynesvilla White Sulphnr. A truer man North Carolina does not ovn, and we much regret bis continued suffer-ini? tiift result of severe wounds during the war. The 'Advance of yesterday an-nouaeesthe purchase of half interest in that papetf-Anct also of the job office, by Mr. "a yonng gentlemen, ot experience and ability CapW lfatt Atkinson day for the Mount Holly exhibition, taking with him' a full 1 line of Bun- combe grains and grasses, He will speak for Buncombe in deeds though not iu words; for he goes whole hearted on his senerous mis- Ik OSJ raSet Tho treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronic weaknesses and distressing ailments peculiar to females, at the Invalids' ilotol and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, M.

lrn.3 atforded a vast experience in nicely adapt. inrr nnti t.himiio-l, lir 1 1 1 1 in- mmnlld. fs. Ih. euro of woman's peculiar jnrJadres.

i'f'" r. noroo's'fc'avarlto freecriptlon 5 is the outgrowth, or result, of this (rreafe and i valuablo experienee. Thousands of twtimo-nials, lweived from pationts and from pbysi-cians who have tested it iu the more arera- vuted and obstinate esses which had battled their skill, prove it to be the eicst vonderful remedy over devised for the reHcf and cure of women. It is not recommended -cure-an. "-out as a most perfect Bpecino for As a sawerfBl.

lnvifnKillnir tvnt. it imports strength to the whole system, and to tbe womb and its appendages in particular. For overworked, "worn-out," debilitated teachers, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-airte," house- i. keejiers, nursimr mothers," and feeble women -i rjcnerally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription iu the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled -us an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic, i As a.

sootlaiug and strenrtheMlnx-ncrTiuc. Favorite Prescription" is une unaled and is invaluable in allaying and nervous excitability, irritability, exhaustion, prostration. hvEeria.soafimB and LATEST NEWS j.Y-Tlif.EQLAHl. Applications n- prepayment of interest under recent call amounts to The rise in lhe rives tlsreattns almost-tbe compete destruclion of three-fourths of 10 (XX) acres of rice in the Savanna rivi-r bottoms. The loss will probly icm $150,000.

Majority of Buekner over Bmd-ley in ninety-nine counties in Kentucky heard from 17,039, estimated majority, 17,500. Twenty counties not yet oflicially reported gave Cleveland a niHjorily of 43,437. 'Innumerable fires are prevailing in tl woods and prairies of the drought-stricken sei tion of Northern Illinois, Wisconsih and Michigan. No loss of life reported, but aggregate Joss of property in the States is very, heavy. Villages and towns have to fight fire u.n their borders.

Great deal of -damage to standing timber in Michigan and Wisconsin. A NAMELE3S CASE. My case has been a very curious one for about thirteen years. At intervals of about one week I would be attacked with spells of severe and most excruciating pain, always commencing in the region of my kidneys. The pain would then eo upwards and affect my body and head, and seemed to penetrate my very eye-balls, creating the most intense (suffering, lasting about eight hours each spell.

I resorted to all lands of medicine without benefit. Several doctors treated my ease, but none gave relief. I finally used B. 13. B.

as an experiment, and to my after astonishment all pain and suffering vanished after using three dores To the present lime I have used three bottles, and not a pain has over returned. I do not know what was the matter, neither could my physician name the complaint. The B. B. acted finely and powerfully upon my- kidneys; my appetite has been splendid and mj constitution built up rapidly.

R. Thomas, Constitution, May 6, 1886. VJinil'KtrHEl) INTEGRITY. I am 55. Broke down twelve years ago, and have not been able to work 'since.

Have lot proper action of my hipj and legs. For five years scrofulons soreB have appeared on my scalp and nose, and at nine time my uTuajgli't began to fail, and for three years been comparatively blind. Have been treated by eminent physicians of din" erent schools without a cure. I have taken five bottles uf B. B.

1. (made at Atlanta, au-i all tcrofnlcms sores are gradually healing. Inflammation about my eyes has disappeared and tlitsre is some improvement in vision. Am very much bone-filed and relieved aud bepiu to feel like a boy again feel good. My strength and activity are returning in my legs and hips.

The B. B. B. acts vigorously upon my kidneys, and the great quantity of matter has been foroedoM through the' thin id utterly incredible, often so offensive iu odor as to produce nausea. I refer ta all business men of La-Grange, Ga.

P. FnoPHnx. LaGrange, January 13, sion. Big Tom Wilson was in town yester- Any, and was expected to form a marked feature of the Bazaar, Be fears, however, that lieVill disappoint himself and other, as he expec a to go with Mr. son to his property 011 Black Mountain, and may no tnis morning.

If not, he will be present on the opening evening. UrC "Bosticsoid worth of i lots yesterday, and is negotiating the sale of several others, which ho hopes to con-. elude to-day." Mr. Campbell sold, since Monday of last week, nine handsome lots, all to who will build themselves homes. And Asheville will grow.

other distressing, nrvons symptoms com-' I mofllv nr.t.,nflnnt-. Iinnn flinfinnDl disease of the womb. It induces rcfn-lliing sleep and relieves mental anxiety aud do- spondency. A Br, llcrrc Pa-rori Hrrlrt5ni. It) a legitimate, medlci Kninia, bought of Mr.

Tl L. Weaver, of Ueems Creek, a fine horse, the horse to "bo delivered in the near future. On Friday the horse was struck and killed 1)V liffhtnintr Tvliilfi Btanrlintr In triA stable, on Mr. Weaver's place. This is a loss which we regret oar friends sustained.

compounded by an nerfenent ami kirtfui -rt" physiciun. and adapted to woman's delicate It is purely vegetable in iu coiapoiition and perfectly barm leas in cCuets iu any condition or the For morning sickness, or nausea, front whatever cause arising, weak s.cmaeh, indigestion, dys- pepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, in small dos-'S, will prove very beneficial. favorite Freacrlption la a posl- r-tivo euro lor the most complicated and on-stinnto cases of leucorrhea, excessive flowing. painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolaiisiis, or falling of tho womb, weak back, 'female weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronic vonrstion, iniianunution and ulceration of the womb, in- -liamination, pain ond tenderness in 1' accompanied with "internal heac" As a regulator and promoter of fnnc-tional Rciinii, at that critical period of cbango from girlhood to womanhood, Favorite Pie seription is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only -good results. It is -eoually efBcacious and valuable in itn fffm-iii vti uig -wuuu ueia, vu upper -S; mi: mm r- Keems says Buncombe will raise this year corn and wheat enough to do the people of the county for two- years, and his advice is, for every fanner to hold on to enough to run him well until another crop is gathered, and all will be on safe ground.

This is the advice of ne of our best farmers" and we trust it will be heeded. Another handsome residence will be erected in the npar future by Mr. L. V. Brown, of the firm of VanGilder and Brown in oufneighborinjc enterprising -town of Victoria, Mr.

Brown having recently purchased of Mr. Garrett, one of his choice building lots adjacent to the property npon which the new hotel 13 to be erected. We "predict -for oor young neighbor an era of prosperity richly deserved by her enterprising citizens, and as a natural result to her proximity t.1 l.rt wr.amrnlia -r- when taken for those disorders and derange- melius iiiuiueui, to wan later ana most critical period, known as The Change of Life." Favorite Prescription," when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and small laxative doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (Little Liver Pills), cures Liver.

Kidney and Bladder diseases. Their combined use also removes blood taints, and abolishes cancerous and scrofulous humors from the system. "Favorite Prescription" is tbe only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee, from tbe manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This iniamn. tec has been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfally carried out for many years.

Larsc bottles flOO dnapal D1.I1A. nr l-r bottles for $5.00. For large, illustrated Treatise on Diseases of Women pages, parpyered), send ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Hedical Association, C83 Blaln St, BUFFALO, .1 MURDER RAPE AT MILLS RIVER. Wm.

H. Dickson-lr WHOLESALE Commission .,9 f- Merchant Superior Court ot Euncombecounty requests the following nanicd to call at'his office and comply with instructions worn the State Auditor's office in reference to applications for pensiens W. S. "White ker. Mrs.

JS. Gentry, Mrs. S. A. Smith, Mre.

S. E. Willis, Mrs. and Mary A. ISrancb.

immediate attention is required, Db. H. Bickers, The accomplished and courteous representative of Messrs Seabury Johnson, wholesale manufactu ring Drugists of New York and London, left our city yesterday on the 1:30 He manifested a very gen erous interest in our. Mission Hos pital and will donate a large quan tity 01 tneir vamaoie surgical appliances to that Institution. His exhibit before the North Carolina Pharmaceutical Association was one of the most attractive ever made in the South.

Dr. Bickers was one of the invited guests at the banquet to the visiting druggists," and responded to the toast-woman, in a very felicitous manner, being greatly by the impression made by our Ashe-ville ladies who visited the display. He complimented the Asheville la dies very highly; Dr. made a fine impression on all who met him. i Narrow Escape from Dbowsins a 1 Theiixtng rJAWells, oF'Haywood, gives' ns an account of a most thrilling affair which happened at Clyde's on Friday last, resulting in a narrow escape from drowning of three parties.

Mr. no. Hyatt, of Waynesville, and Misses Teague and Roberts, of Haywood, had been in attendance upon tbe Teachers' Institute at Clyde's, and in the afternoon got into a boat above Killian's mill-dam on the Pigeon river. The, river had fallen to a point supposed not to be dangerous. Unfortunately the boat got too close to the dam, and the occupants losing control of it, the boat and the young -man and, the two ladies were swept over the dam into the whirling, pool: sixteen feet 'below, from they, were rescued only the B-OBt heroic exertions of several parties who were standing at the mill.

A young man named Hanna, 0 Catalooche, displayed a most commendable heroism, and to his efforts are the parties mainly due for their escape from drowning. The young ladies throughout displayed remarkable coolness. From Franklin. -The" Franklin Preis tells us Tuesday the Franklin State Nor mal closed. The term has been marked jby great interest in the daily exercises, cn the part of those attending.

The instructors havo been assiduous in their devotion to their duties, and we may hope that much permanent good will result -This term, as well as every preceding one, has-been a decided succes Franklin has an inprovement ub, a most useful institution in ny comunity, and will be made so the enterprising men of Frank- In unity, 01 purpose and ac tion, is strength. TMr. Martin Do Hart, -of writes the Press, that in 18S0 the taxable property ot Sjvain county was assassed at ilbV Ifis over showing "how rapidly that splendid couna try is increasing in wealth and pros perity. A corps of engineers, undec the control of Col. -Thad TJoleman, is locating a railroad up Tennessee river, to connect Clarksvllle, with Knoxvule.

This road can be comparatively cheaply built, and we believe it will pay when built, We hope to hear soon that the work of constru has actually begun. The City Bard of Health. The above body, consisting of Drs. D. T.

Millard, W. D. Hillard, J. A. Burroughs.

M. H. W. Batjie, met Monday night and. organized, by electing Dr.

Mil- larvchairman and Dr. Fletcher lhe lionra determinea upon, a thorough, ana systematic work of sanitation, and are deter mintd to iiave and keep Asheville the cleanest city in the Union. They wili meet- weeKly, every Monday night, for discussion and conculta tion. This- Board is composed of progressive physicians? who will take a pride doing all in their power for the good of the citv. Dr.

Millard is highly pleased in having the active cooperation of these gentlemen, whom he and all recognize as eminently qualified for the grave duties which are devolved on thejpanitary department." Killed on the Track. Dr. J. K. Hardwicke, of Marehol called td see tis yesterday afternoon.

He informs of a fataf ocenrrenoe on the railroad track four mileB west of Marshall oh Monday night Two men employ ed track waiters or watohmen. while on their waited for a train) expected to pass Lat a fixed lime. The train did sot arrive when expected, and the men went to sleep from which they were only aroused by the train being upon them. One, a white man; was knocked from- the tracki.a" distance of forty feet and other, a ttegroT escaped. Dr-.

II. does not know the names of.the Our aQention has been called, to a fact of which few of our citizens were aware; l)ut which involvts Be-rious consequtncea intthev assertion of private righU The1 vacant lot in tlie Norih Kih of Court Square has been aa- public property, and has bren used as sQcb, Consequently the turn Square into Uoliege street as 'been pro served, at a uniform convenient width. In annning 'the lines of private property with a yiew to building, the reduction of jvidlb be tween the new. bnildings and Mc- lntyre 3 is reaucea to a little more than twelve feet in the clear. The great thoroughfare is reduced to that width Either public necessity will cenand a condemnation at heavy cf private property, or Col cn Tcrtli IIV AGENT FOB SALE OF Bacon FlcLardX.

Grain, Suit, Tobaccos, all kinds of Handles Cholera Iu 7 telegraph to the AshevUl Citixen.) sdon. AugU3t QBesi of cholera and six deaths i.ive been reported at Malta -during the last 24 hours. Another Freshet Feared in Georgia. IBy Telegraph to the Asheville Citizen. Augusta, A ugust 9.There is an apprehension of another freshet as there were heavier rains on the upper Savannah -yesterday.

3 At two p. rn. the river at the city bridge was 30 feet and 11 and rising at the rate of 4 inches per hour. :0: Dyuamiter Insane. (By tslbfraph ta the Ashevlllo Cltlzea.

)' New York. Auust9 Drs. Fitch and Field, examiners in- lunacy for the department of charities and cor rections to-day reported that, they uau exammea 1 nos. j. Mooney ai leged dynamiter, who set fire to the national line' steamer Queen and found him to be insane.

Epidenu'e In Havana. MBy telegraph to the A'heville Washingtok. Ausust9. The Ma rine IIospitar'Bureau is informed tnat small pox and yellow fever are raging in Havana, Cuba- During the month of, July there' were 14 deaths lrom yellow; fever and Hz from small The latter disease i. feupposed to -have 4 been intro- duced by contingent of soldiers landed' at Havana earl iii the month lrom a Spanish mail steamer.

The English and the Irish i- League. Bjr Telegraph to the Asheville Citizen. Ixjxdon. AuLUSt 9. A brolonsred eittinf the Cabinet Council was held to-dav to consider whether or not- to' proclaim the Irish 'Naticnul League Thursday, when a decision will be given.

A rnnjori-ty of the members are against proclaiming the league. A section of Unionists headed by Chamberlain, insist that the government amend il i rv tne oiii in tne nouse 01 ixrds so as to giye county courts power Compounding arrears. Civil Service hi the Interior De partment. By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen. Washington, August 9.

A state ment prepared in the Interior Department shows that from Jan. 1G, 1885, to July, 1887, there were 265 civil service appointments made in that department exclusive of 27 transfers and I reinstatement. Of this number 24 were from Pennsylvania, 22 ftom New York, 21 from Illinois, 19 from Indiana 17 from Ohio, 11 from Tennessee, 10 from Maryland, 10 from District of Columbia, 7 each from Massachusetts, Kentucky, Iowa, Arkansas, Missouri and Wisconsin and 6 from Mispis- sippi, Michigan, Alabama and Texas. Preferred Suicide to Hanging. Grand Exploit of the Volunteer.

By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen. 1 Marblehkab, Augusts. The Volunteer crossed the line three hours and a half before the May flower wbich was tbe second. Puritan is not yet in eight Bedouin and Preseilla crossed line together, but the Bedouin fhe The the will take ibe ls prize in -her class. By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen.

Louis, August 9. Jrrv Paget murderer of Sam" Kohn fur which murder he was under sentence ti be hanged Friday August 12th, committed suicide in his cell last night by cutting an artery of his left arm just. above -the. elbow. It appears that after cutting hi arm with a penknife be wrapped a tovel around it allowing one end to rest in a bucket in hia cell that the dropping of Wood might not attract attention When his was vigited at 5 o'clock this he was dead.

Paget killed iiu'l Kohn Novem ber lOth. 1885, because the latu-r who was a salesman Trom a rivfii tannery secured some of Pagei's tr.tde. All the People Want Hiin. By tdlegripb to the Asbevllle Cltiien.l Wasiiisgton, Aug. 9.

Invitations continue to pour iu upon the Presi dent-. lie. has been invited to visit almost every city in the West arid South. Among he. invitations re-, ceived to day was one lrom Gv.

Gray, of nrtiitw the Pre idiiit to make a stoo at I-idiarr-aptji on bis- way through that 'A telegram was received from Providence. IS a-nking tlv1 President to visit that city on Lis rumorea trip to v.Aiarion, Mas where t'Wflanrl is visiting. lhe resident seriously consider irrtr tho best ut.t hr ivtn iTtiifeo of the liwited litrie StThtts nJlatted himself for his Wes( ra'arvd Southern trip, tie wid txke a- which will enal.luhini to visit briefly the nrin ci pal represe titive cities -of th two sections of the -ru 1 1 1 rV He has about ade ti hits mind til at he will not go farther West than Kan sas City and: very little if any farther South than Atlanta. He will hegin the preparation of his annual message -upon- his return to Washington, and that and other important matters which will ther churn personal attention, will prevent hip exteuding hisyisit muclr hi oud the 1st of November. character of the deiid man Gainey.

is very oppositel represented by the CrrrzES and tlie 'Advance. Our information, was from those who claimed to knov the man welL The Advance hath it that he was a peaceful inoffensive negro. Time alone will develop which is Notice. On the first Monday in September the School Committeemen for all the School Districts in the coantv will be appointed i The County Board of Edncation requests thst persons interested in the different in the county recommend most i .1 institute these commit-A. T.

Summev," Chairman. County Snpt f- plainB itself. We will only Kay we hbve never meant fo say we thought the failure of the Citizen to reach that place rtas due to Mr. Smathers August 4, 18871 Xasn: Editor Citizen -8nEer me" to" say a word in reference to your subscribers' complaint of not getting their papers regularly at Turnpike. The remark sounds rather personal.

as postmaster, deliver every paper to all persons when called for or order is sent for But lam not responsible 'when parties do not call for them and "perhaps let them lay in the office for several days, or otherwise they do not reach this office for several days after they are published. Your paper of last Suaday was not rer ceived until Tuesday evening when it should have reached here Monday morn- Ing, and several similar occurrences. -1, do not know -whose fault it is, don't pretend to say, bat when your papers reach this office I will take great pleasure in delivering them. Your truly, C. Smatheks, P.

M. A Bad Affair A Shooting Which May Result in Death. About one o'clock Sunday morn ing difficulty occurred in this city on Patton Avenue, at the intersect tion of Bailev street with the Ave nue, which ended in cutting and shooting, and may end in the death of one of tbe participants. 1 It seems that Jeff Gainey, a ne gro, who has been employed about the Buncombe Warehouse, walked upon the Btrect visit" an" eating house. He was quite drunk.

How he came in, contact with other. par ties we have not been able to ascertain; but, the next thing heard, was that he complained of having been cut badly, and pointed to two men. Messrs. Geo. Caverness and William Cowan, as having cut him, and called ir help to arrest them.

Another colored man ran. out and approached the men to arrest them, while Gainey was yelling for the, police. Gainey pointed out Mr. Cowan as having done the cutting, and when he was approached by the negro said he had not done it, but that if he, Gainey, was cut, it was done by Caverness. Gai ney walked up to Cayerness ana took hold of him, at the same time yelling for the police.

As he caught nold of him, a pistol shot was fired, and Gainey loosed his hold, and staggered to where Mr. Cowan and the other nartv were standing, on CI Bailey 6treet, saying he was shot and killed. Caverness immediately left, and has not been seen by the authorities since. Gainey went up to Cowan and finally fell over on his back. About this time officers Smith and McDowell ai rived and arrested Mr.

Cowan, but search, so far. has not revealed Mr. Caverness. The negro. Gainey was shot in the Btomach, and baddly cut." Another negro who saw the skirmish, said that the man who Gainey had hold of, and, who evidently did the shooting, did the cutting.

At this writing Gainey is in a verv critical condition and physicians-say he cannot live. He-is reportpd to bo a very baa impudent, notorious, dangerous negro; has had several very bad difficulties here lately, is drinking often aiid when drunk very offensive. He is from 'Amen S. C. Mr.

Cowan was arraigned be fore Justice C. W. Malone yefterday out waiving- examination- was committed lo jail. It was represented Caverness was very badly cut. about 1 Tie arm and breast, Who did this is not stated, bii.t the assumption is thai Gainey only could have done this.

and that Caverness shot him in sell defense. VThis," the cutting of Cav erness and his motive for shooting remain yet to be established. later. Gainey died yesterday evening at the hospital, whence be was taken and received every care There being no doubt that death was caused by tbe pistol shot, no coroner mque9t was deemed nec essary. His remains were taken last night to Aiken, b.

Mr. Chaf fee, by whom be was -jmpldyed, having this done. Sylva and About. From the Syiva Herald we get the following Died in Sylva. July 26th, 18S7, Mr.

and Mrs. A. B. Dills' baby child, aged about three months. A few summer boarders can be.

cared for at Sylva, by Mrs. E. Hampton The mail schedule between Web ster and Franklin has been changed tinder the new schedule the mail leaves Webster after the" arrival of trains, 2 o'clock, returning leaves Frankun -fol lowing mor ning, arriving in. Webster at noon 1 The city of Asheville voted on the graaea 8CI1001 question last, inure day. which.

earned by a small ma jority, large enough, though, lor ai practical purooses. cohgrata- late the citizens of that wide-awake burgh on tlie successful issue of the contest, as on its adootion or. 1 jection, depended to a great extent tbe dominance of that progrfeBsive BDmt which has heretofore eo dis tinguished it. and which has raised it from a town among towns, to the proud pre-eminence of a metropo loan city. Market Ecporta.

4 IDyaelegrapntothe AehtviUe Citizen. 0. Wheat strong, Np-I rea corn higher-wo 2 mixed 41 oats. higher No 2 mixed 28; whiskey Chicago, August 9: Casli qnulations for to-day were as follows: wheatIo.2 rea.70; wniskey uu- Louisviixk. Aneust a uiet wheat No 2 red 68; corn No 2 mixed 42 provisions dull.

Woman' Face furniture cau give such finish to ai room, as a -tender woman' face," asks Georee Elliott. Net any, we are happy to answer, provided the glow of tiea.ta tempers tbe tender expression The pale, anxious, bloodless fare of the consumptive, or te esld-nt ri- -3 of ice ft i cf i 1 1 1 iisl CONDITION OF SOUTH CAR- OLLNA CROPS. The'Yacht-Race The- Vol: unteer Victorious. DISTRESSING AN ATTEMPT TO WRECK A TRAIN FRUSTRATED, AN TJNJTATUKAL DAUGHTFJl BEATS HER MOTHEK TO DEATH. The Races- on the Sea.

(Br telraph to tbe Asheville v- MarbLe Head, Aug. The Volunteer' crossed th line at 45 and 'is-now rounding Point Neck. Attcinpt'to- Wreck a Train. Z- "iBy telecrapli ti Uie Asheville Citizen Chicago. August -Inter- Ocean Snecial from Davenport, la-.

attfemprwas aiade -yester dav to wreck the east Donna passen ger train on the Chicag6, Rock Is land tfcMrci he road, ncariowa uiy. The plot seems to be to precipitate tho tram into the Iowa river, as tne train approached the. Jong bridge, over the stream the engineer ob served the misplacement, of a rail a few lenghth? from the manasred to brine the train to a full stop before reaching the structure. On investigation it was found that spikes had been pulled from three rails which would have thrown the tialn into the river. Collision.

By telegraph to the Uheville CHizen.l Chicago. Aue. 9. A spec'al irotn Chattanooea savs A collision oc curred one mile from this city be tween a switch engine and a passen ger train Jof tho East Tennessee Tlnilrrmd vpsterrlav. John BursreSS of the passenger tbe en gine coming, out tne air oraKes were defective and the speed of the train could not be lessened before the collision ocsured.

Burgess and Wm P.rodpnf hia fireman, were fa tally injured while attempting to le.infrnm tho t.rnin. The cars were piled upon the track, and the es cape ot passengers witn tneir lives was miraculous; many noweyer were hurt, bome may die lrom their wounds. A Mother Killed by her Daughter. (By telegraph to the Asheville Citizen.) Chicaego, August 9. A Times special from Lawrence, Kansas says: LastSaturday Mrs Mary Rawlin- son aged 71 arrived in Oswego from Augusta.

Iowa, intending to reside with her daughter Harvey Wil lis. After a day or two, the old ia sly quarreled with her daughter who wanted to get possession ot her mothers money, of which Bbe possessed a considerable amount, Monday morning the two women had a disgraceful quarrel, in which Mrs. Willis grabbed her ncother by the hair, throwing her violently to the floor and beat and kicked her. u-itil she became unconsious. Iu a few hours the injured woman diet! from the effects of her injures.

She died while dictating a will to exclude her unnatural daughter from rcceiv- ing ai of her property. Mrs. Wiliis was urns ted. A Sloop Wreck, aud Loss of Life. rBy telegrapil to the Asheville Citizen.

Albuquerque, N. August A Nogale specinl to the Democrat Bays' Ine sloop barah owued and commanded bv B.ijurim left Mulejo July 25ih. The vessel hud on board the captain, his wi and children and and Supt. Hale of the Baltimore coppVr rnilll at Santa Rosa, and a crew of five men. While between Pedro and Martinez, the vessel, was struck by a heavy surf aid capsized.

All on board perished excepting the sailors and a boy who by 'climbing on the bottom of the sloop. Un. Jul 30th the sailors became crazv and said they were going ashore, and immediately plunged overboard. They had no sooner struckHhe was ter than sharks devoured theso. The caDtain.

one.sailor and b.v rmaii ed on the bottom of tiie veS'l eight days'; sustaioing hle by ciitcung lur ties that would come near anil uek inst their bloods wor ruscut'd in a roos-t pitiable; conditioir by hf bIooq Refuge. South Carolina Crops--Eeports Good. IBy telegnphto thcAshevJUe Cltizen Colombia, ports from 271 township correspondents to the State Department 01 jflgncuK ture covering every county, shows August is two or three 1 weeks' earlier than last year has a full crop, end it the season continues orosperous, the laigest cron ever produced in the State will be made. Tbe plant has shed some fruit ou of rains, droughts and local ities. Thecrop was better, than for years np to date of reports.

The corn crop reported are generally the bestNever grown. Early uplands is matured and secure lrom injury Late corn has had rains nearly sut- ficiett bring it to perfection. The vield will be the largest or record. Repotta ot large rice crops still con unueMavcraDie; ana 11 uas not been injured by floods since i the date of reports', will be the laogest forattiumber ol lhe coipdi- tion of minor crops are bb follows per sugar: c.iie, 92; peas, 93 with a large increase in acreage; h'ish potatoes, 97, with "op in fine order and incre.i..M MilIs Rivrk, Henderson 6, 'S7 -About 2. o'clock p.

m. yesterday two nn known colored men called at a cole-red man's house O'i Mr. Myers' place near here, while the man (named Smith) was absent asked bis wife for something to She replied she had no- thing. They then "demanded i- and anon being told She had: none, trier! then wade a violent assault npon her, leaving her senseless, taking witi theiir what they could conveniently carry. Smith's wife was abused fearfully, and js- in a very ci-mcal condition, it is stated Bwr-was raped.

The guilty parties have escaped so far. "The WrosgSow jix -EaV Our good -friend posthias Brevard, in response, to oar recent article asking attention of postal officers to the frequent complaints of subscribers, returned a bundle of papers to the Citizen "TrtKce" with a note that the wrong package had. been mailed to Brevard, showing postmasters are not guilty of all the devil-tiienL Oa opening the package we found to be one of list Advance, and not a copy of the Citizbjt was in it. promptly torned it over to our m'ig bor, but tu Id ike 40 onr friend at Brevard if no fnasters do not make wistafees soBiPtinieri. Ox.

IjO ti'Ui iZATflOS OV TUB AsiIBVILLE Gp.AD- t-cnooi, CouMirrtE. ileus. West. Gudi'ei. ICenler.

Millard. Heavy Groceries, at ynmifiicturers' Pricps. Also deaier in Country Produce 3- Coiisignments solicited and shall iave fiersonal attention. Absolutely Pure- i- i-owder never varie3 A marvel of puritv, triMimh and Moie economical hdi lhe. n-dliinry kinds luid cannot be sold in oni.

ot with the niuiti uUc of low test, short hi alii-: or phosphate powders. Sold only in Rov.u. Powiikp en. 1O6 Wall i'ork. IMPOUND OXYGEN.

lirs. HARGAN GATCHELL fit Bin Ktifrlr Block, f.S Main St. ASHEVILLE, N. At ound Oxvgen inhaled, in connection witf. Bal.sani V.ipor, cirt Consumption, BrniK-hiris.

Natal Catarrn, tfore Throat, l.nss of Voieo, JJiseases oi lhe Liver and Kiduevs, Bladder, and all diseases depending on or iniTMjverihed blood. It ires when everything else inils. only romedy that will permanently Cat -urli. ll'ycu sutler from and disease come to iu ec or. meut.

It wlh uie you, matter how long you have suffered. No charge for cciiHUiJiition. is no in tho above which is j.K ieiiy true y-jn may rely upon every word. piove all and more. 1.

v.e believe our case incurable, Ave will ru tell you so. We do not wish to treat you il i cannot help ou. a iso treat all diseases ot" the Rectum, or jOiv. Kowels. li as Hemorrhoids (Piles), inula.

Prolapsus, etc. The treatment Is ilwi. mccessfii, and nearly always painless, rte-ji without tr.e u.eof the, and iu a lew Mys. No lnssof tiaie Iioti buimss or pleas ore. rtfFICS hie Womji," I Sew 15, 1SS7.

lu the fall ot lbN I was in such poor health that I was obliged to cancel all of my lecture engagements for the winter, and to give up writing for a time 1 went to Asheville and placed myself under the care of Drs Hargau and Gajciell. Continuing their treatment 1 lHrpfoved In -JwuMKBd of Uesh; and feci better than I liavc for years. I legard their oxygen treatment as being of great value; they, themselves, are gentlemen of skill, and worthy of the confidence ot the public. Bill Kve. HOME TREATMENT, 4- r.anufac'.ure lhe Compound Oxvgen, und Lip r.

to all parts of tiie country, cren to the 'oa -I. We send apparatus an 1 chemicals two months lor Tina is a valuable I I I I t. i i otheo wonderlul curative results obtained with r.Titmeiit is astonishing even to us. --i u-fsh fo Unm more oj this treatment, avd our in ihcv'urcdf Clmmic Dii-ctifcz, write pr call --trait exiibunimj brcttimeiit j'ree. Wi.

HAil-jAN t- GATC'OrLL, am sirt-et. Asheville, M. C. tueo. Davhwin oi MARTIN, A iljnifjs CouRciiont-iit-IK! Asltl'TILLE, Vx VV'ii the str.

and DistriCV and O-ui i s-irth Carolina, ne tbe Fedora) A'fareni Oistrlotof Vo. t'l or.ip;- i-: so; LA SALE! Is, for I'artilion, El.z.b; ih iiurr ty ii-i'lft'iv: I vii'Lu-: of tin It ot the inferior ed 'oiiiiitiTsi'Mir Mi will oiFer for salctJtli hiuhv: t.iildoi, tiie remises, fiv miie oi ftty A.i..,viile, on WedueK-dav tha 7ih oi iv7 the foihiwintr tract of Iain AI: trdLi nf lying aud being on tic cap; iiic Statu -nd ieadiiig lrom AshwV'IU' HUioiiuQg Itttiue of the state road aibrosaS ni tiie noith ai i 'hu on' the till -ut the or Jouiiieh vct tract i'l lf)iicht by Samuel ii, txropt thai it fiiie ifMid which he 1. eoiitai- about tHtv Murray lj -i io a. Mem. acres.

urp jis.i tVi sa'e r'ur imruii'iu TiM-. cf LAtE the I'tircli-iSC po-no be i id in v.iAi oh ol" saie. the rcuvtindtr ut mouti-H, Seoitml ly note with good iit.e rt.Untd nutil all tre purchase p.tnl. This Ansfiu't 5, 18j7. tor luruitr u-r io Moore ana CaiaT va.

N. O. t.iiA. W. 1 fcu.0 wtCz EMALEiEMiNARY: -mm ABG.UX3 IN fnVilS tJOCSTT.

inituT Hmhtf rtoek. fruit, lotweco. larmimr innda. ftxwr tows lota. manntacturtmr curcft ow- uw phuh.

Anrt'v nr, liilPard. vHnel, Whif ler, X.f- rutlor write 5 nuiyuwu OTICF. UnderandbeTUtueoftiie Dnrcr ef ale; nnni ferrwl uron m. by Trust. ta me dv K.

J.oea. naTO iu is- air ber.A. to seevre 'b vaynient r.f wt-dn noto-, bi tboreiis. which 1 nf Trust was on 1 rttt day utendr 1 iM tiii'y rceonled Hie omce rtu n-titierrt im-riot eoa-tv. in" R--vt Ko.

4. on. 6, the-mortcag rccorrta tt rtjul noou winch Qeiauit lias neen mat, win oitei wsaic to the highest bidder fiir publican tion, at the txmrt umtse-ooor -vv ot ash -vui' Saturilay. U-e At -f DI8S7, at 12 o'cIk- rpwiv by said Ded of Trust iiiiiu 'iii fin i.t;,li i ia --nd t-- t'i- a i tel' l)rrrty. i-i -'i-- Cat i.i Vain ai-it Vi 1 l- a 1 id fe-.

Randolph ntl picTtsnnj-'the .1 f('k aUi.d, met tetiterd-CTnjMal LACiWW VV IVr Woat dhal rni a anil All who desire full information about tho cuse and cure of Blood Poisons, Scrofula aud Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, can secure by mail, free, a copy of our 32 page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof over before known. Address, BLOOD BALM tjul Atlanta, Ga. J- N. SNELSOX. itl 3.t..

am! Keai ICstate Agent, ASHKVILLu, N. C. Office Over-VanGii'lcr iS; Brawn's. Letting houses anil rents in ville a fpecialty. leb is dAwGmos Jg F.

Altltl JfUTOV, M. I. n. Having permanently I tv-ated in Asheville. respectfully tenders his pi otessional services in the practice of Dentistry, to the eitizensof Aihe-vllle and the pubiic Kpeeiai attemiou given to the care of children's teetM anil to the treatment of diseased gums, and all diseases pertaining the dental structure.

Patrons given as reference. Office rooms over h. Mi: inlay's store on north side of Patton Avenue. july 11 TANNER DE(iANEY EN-GINE COMPANY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Business established isfi5.

The most complete 9XncliieShopa in the Kontli. ting amt Mncbintrry. iyif aitf Tramway Jxcomottst3. Pott Road Jjocomotivtm a Specialty. i.

Sen. I for cntalogi aprio-dAwlv A. M-OoRE. OO EK Cl V. A.

MINOS. Allo-rneys and PracUce in the riot Courts at -i and GronslKtri: in 'he itnd in the tnirls iic Otiariottt ..1 tnet of the (:: 2TOTIC23 S1 TATE OK NORTH Ci KliMSA, Cn.nity jf IN SUP a.ltl KT re the rl ti.f Jnn it. Cair-l 1 ThomiisJ. L-i Ihimas I Ats. Thon.a; il.

I.e.., Josepu Ixke, of Simllo.vr, sre hereuy that they ure ii. tho uoove f-uiiLid a.tioii which has been ins i.iiied against them and anotiier b' ire Hie iintli'i-signed clerk of Snperior Court ir eoui.t of Buncojibe, l.y Jdo. 11. BairJ and others 'In plaintifls, -nd the purpose of vl ieh Ls toh-tve Jtctunl partition mai-of the nine (9) acres -f laiid lying in Asheville. county and State on French Broad Avenue and Bailey st.eet exiendin-; from one to the other, and a-boining "Shelby lands of Wm.

Cocke, and oJicrs. air oag the several owners who are tenants in coujnion tiiereof. am.n3 whom are said it'teu-laufs above name and the interest to liieh ta.h is entitled being fully alleged ir. tlie plaintiuVc-mvIaiut which is satd en.Uuls Thomas J., Tlwni-asH- Lee aud Joseph i.eearo lier-jby required to appear before the un-lersigneJ clerk ot the -Mip-erior rourt for said county at his olitce in Ashs-villeon Weduesd-ythe iSiu iay ofricptember.

at 12 o'c M. and answer wKimur to said complaint, or plaintiffs will take jodgment aouord-ing to the prayer thereof. 1 his the 6th day ol August, 1SS7. W. T.

REVNOLUS, Clerk Superior Iteort, aug 10 w6w for lluncjmbe co N. C. Miscfcfl Hill Sclil FOI5 HOYS, i ASHEVILLE, N. C. IJie Board of lellowiof Itavenscroft, appointed ot the Cniiveutiou of the IMucese of forth lirolioa.

that lhev hnve secured ior the Post of Headmaster of the Tlign School, Mr. Henry A. Piit-cv, ot tieifeva, New York, who tames rctnmencd to the Kottrd ss snperior scholar, bavinz obtained th hithest honors in hi4 class, and cs experientd in the. work of teching and iii school ulai'ipiine. A cradnateofhe Umversuyof North of high diKtiJiition has been appointed Assistant i This year, the school "will opei on Wednesday tbe 5th next, hy whle i ttmeall tho alter ations ana repairs tne pituang wilt imveoeen UDOsneo, ana tne nouse property inruisiica.

TEtM-i: For io kit brandies. Fuel, T.fohta and Wrai Inv for tl- A -irnmifl vmr payable half at the begim of each bait ol the academic year. Tuition for day ho'ars in as-ics Higher Jlatheinatica, tmd otherbrsncheSjSlH. In tbe Kngrtsh Branches aDue, So, half jay-able Id advance a aoove. A proepectus of the tchTol g'Vtng nore par- onlr liilorreaui will oe issued nerealier.

The High School far Boys is distinct trom the training school for young men for the ministry, which will occupy a separate bulldiug, to be erected at once on another part of toe jacioua grounas or jwvenscron. Till the arrival ot Mr. Prince AvhevitV, letters )f inquiry aud of applit for to uie mil r-cnooi, may r-e Aaa-es. io EKV. i ARVI3 BUXT -N.

BC -i; -f too $3 TUo nnlv S3 SA1V1XS3 Eboe in tbe world. l'lnoat Oir, perfect fit, and warranted. wiKress, Buttna and Laco, allttvles toe. As irrUsh and durable as Miose costlnsr or 8. SnUE oxeeia the siioes auvcr- UMxl uj oilier i I -Mr.

Randolph secretary: A committee, consjstiBg of- Messrs. Kepler and Randolph was appointed to enquire arid report" the amount of public school fund on hand due from county fund. Also a committee coiisisting of Messrs. Kepler and Randolpbto report at rihe nextmeeting the best mode cf pro- owling were the committee. The meeting after some further discus -sion, adjourned snbjeet to a call of the chairman.

Isfev Warehouse and Salesroom a No. 12 North Main St" ASHEVILLE, N. C. marl3wl2m LIFTSpjnpni FORREliyi Erusriwric btmia warn who will give it proper or ceo- tioa, ara wanted to handle thli pursn ia every town in Pa, N. Md, Dd Va, and K.

rad bo c-eorowl eontiul at snilaliki territory not alrendr oooupiad CHARLES G.BUTCHLEV 0a, Broad fit. Bcatiw P. B.I Uiiu JviLlnd, I V.BBOWK CO, Undertakers -jr-V' (Over 1 It oil "iS EtE trl UlfS Tobacco Salss. 'The following good sales were made at the Farmers' yesterday A Parish and one lot $1125; Docken and Gndger4, 10, 15 50, 13; Geo. Dockeri, 4 loU 18 14 25, 7, Davis Guilder, 11 IP; Rnnnion, 15 50, 9 75; 17,35,23 50, 31,13.

Sold 1000 pounds. TiikDazaab- In the Farmers' warehouse opens this evening. As-' everybody knows, or ought to know, it was originated for the benefit rf two useful arid laudajenitqtlpnsof this city the Mission" Hospital and the Public Library. The interest awakened 'jby the suggeptioo has enlisted aid on a 'liberal scale from abroad, and called to it enthusiastic co-operation at. home; the ladies especially, as usual, throwing themselves into the work with characteristic ardor.

Th work done up to yesterday after-; noon" yas too incomplete to justify aenption, but enough to warrant the most pleasant expectations of what is to be realized. The space occupied justifies "i "elaboration of ingenious anaappropriate -T klfwi and designs; and when, complete ill present a picture agreeableto public tastes and rreinly honorable to the skill and ja merit of tbe. promoters- or tne -ffe' more of the. i justice to the subject say nor eoutd, we say less in view 1 1 opening I ccblic steiiw-wlse' and 1 i thr.t which, hav- 1 j-nod judgment for its and ths-Bjead of in- 1. i-j.

Internal rev- in this, the fourth in ir 01 I4uy were in the fifth t' 1 western half 12.CS, maki2 233. Si for 3 cf I.

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