Richmond Times-Dispatch from Richmond, Virginia • 2
- Publication:
- Richmond Times-Dispatchi
- Location:
- Richmond, Virginia
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- 2
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were unable to ea air erates Ask Control Motor jAines SutiolLtdopts Reso Ion Urging 'Square Deal' Traffic Regulations rity Is Sought s-Diep Olt FrhLy NAy 12 19: Reich Decision Delays World Tariff Accord 1:10 1 3 vet Tells Bonus "Army" or Job Scheme Gives Authority to Enroll 25000 Veterans in rkeforestatidn Corps Project Two' Bonus' Cainns and Elate Ltritenent La lisadhed r1 LI-41 eiwut lake de? obtdang teta la the case and tritnews who be railed at the Lial of te two 1t14 14 the kkInaping of Marrestit MeMAttr4 for whom ratteum c4 650000 PIM but Later recovered ntOW113 In Shallow Pond in Ilarilsonburg HARRISONHORCI VA May 11-- James Mullen 25 was drovmed late today while booting in a pond in the esetern part of Harrisonburg He teas alone at the time but a cousin saw reauselcat 1thi 1 la body lips vLible on the buttons of the pond which has been tormeil lu a honow by the heavy rains of tus past two mouths Miss Mary Chlrey the cousin Said Mullen anpeared Imder thp Influence of liquor when he entered the host bhp believes ha just fell over the We ths bola 1 Mullen a son or Mr and Mullen is survived by a number of brothers and sisters ANSWER Tilt mil of the open Toed this spring in i good used earl A wide selection is onered in the "Autos for Sale" column at prices Liclmond TimcsDispateht ft-iday Nay 12 1933 1111 9) 9 and Cote a Lieutenant watar Ilescutra 'were unable to waif a 1 Ask To liznee in (tRaistn Cain Tonight 4 Reich Decision Tells "4-4 Ladhed t-1 ei ut to bang Ln to the dist thetktrie facie in the case moattate him Lie burly woi Viiblt et r's Control Bonus Army" Delays World Bonus CA Arm LI ta anal trinewalut atm will be craaed at on the bottom of the poud which Las 'al of the two van htld in tLe been tormail In a honor by the tzwavy kidnaping of Margaret thMath tor reins of pa oo st two oulla elm ransom ot $5050O wee Paid Ulm Mary Shircy the cousin Ill I itletOr 'ICS I ariif Accord Of Job 4 cheme but later rewvered Mallen aupeared ender tivt 'riddance et liquor when he entered the boat a i tine believes he just fell over 1 SoottAtlupt the I 3 111 Gives Authority to Enro ll 11t0W11 mulmluemilenb sisourtivordmbritisnarimrsumbe'Jr)h onr 1 Shallow ettio it the boat I ksis 25000 Veterans in lie Pond in Ilarrisonburg lo Lion Urging 'Square Deal' brothers and sisters a 1 ---0 i a in Traffic Regulation 4 i forebtation Corps Project IIMIRISONBZRCI VA May 11-- i 11 4 Jame' Mullen 25 'was drowned late ANSWER TUX call ot the open i Camps "of Harrung due' tea rlA tioth'selivriniectiognIP: oltIrdereredin "threl it Varity Is SougEt 1:1 -11 a Two Bonus: 1 adobe at the time but a coualn Saw "Autos tot Bale" column at neiewe of the open aU41 taincra i in Traffic Regulations i i 4 forebtatidn Corps Project HAIIRISONBZRCI VA May 11-- James Mullen 25 was drosmed late A NSWER TUX call i II 4 today while boating in a pond in the road this spring in a ood used earl Varity Is Souolit in Two Bonus- Camps 0 74 easte part of Harrisonburg He Was A wide selection is olffered in the globe at the time but a cousin saw "Autos for Sale" column at prices German Government Asks Time to Study Plan Before Acting on Truce NT vp 1-1 Italy Also Vellnfir8 Davis 'Mirk! Time Hope ful of 'Acceptances German Government Asks Time to Study Plan -Before Acting on Truce Italy Al so Demurs Ilefore Acting on Truce ItaltAlso Demurs Das to IDIarlit! Tame Hope ful of 4cceptances glimwomon1610 vention Points to Sub 'IMMftdMEMdMMEIMIMIIbi Douglas Discusses Possig bility of Vote on Cash him Struggling ba the lour feet of that could hardly be lower MO i f- him Struggling ba the lour feet of that could bazdly be lwer 1 1 3 bottglas- Discusses Possia 'IC nvention Points to Sub 10 0 i A -''-11 A lt bility of Vote on Caah "''''---4 1 1 al -Srvi DI I I I 1424 1 1 4 Third Floor GBACE at SILITIL Fo i Third Floor 1 1 'GRACE at SILITIL 0' 1 lf 4 le 2 --tog' '1''''''741k Photos Mimes Jean Beverly Toone Joyce Crepes Juanita Ciarke Doris Clarke L'Illabeth Tanner Jeannetts Stewart and Carolyn Lewis will be among the dancers in the revue of the Anna Maisel School of Dancing which will be sponsored Blip evening by the Berton Heights Woman's Clubiltthe North Side Junior High lkbool Photos 111- 1 IlLogeari Tglnillb Ilblisdk riP1101L Itianitk elarko noels Cleeke VIllabeth Tanner Jeannette 4k 1)4 Richmond Girl Among Nine Americans to Meet Royalty Means Claims To Have Seen Stolen Child LONDON May II--(JP)-kqhe tariff fruce which Norman Deets hoped to inaugurate today with the pole agreement of the eight nations 'tom poing the world economic conferee organising committee tonight appeared indefinitely delayed with even the bare chance that efforts to bring IS about may fan altogether Instead of the assent which 'had been: confidently expected from 'Oermany as early as yeaterday noon the 'Reich government advised Mr Davis the special American ambemador to Europe and the British government that it must study the armistice further before giving en answer Officially it was said that thls course wu perfectly proper and that the Berlin government has every right to study the proposals as long as It Privately however some annoyance was expressed because a meeting of the organizing committee scheduled for this afternoon in order to receive the acceptances and pass the truce along to other governments of the world had to be postponed indefinitely It was understood here that preeKure will be brought to bear in Washington urging upon the German representatives in the tinned States the necessity for speedy action one way or the other At the British foreign office the hope was expressed that the Agenda Committee could Meet Friday morning to approve the truce but it was later realised that this would be impossible Mr Davis although he Is impatient to zdturn to Geneva to attend the World Disarmament Conference neverthelem made plans to mark time in London for several days if necessary In American quarters it was understood that acceptances had been re calved from every one of the eight governments' except Germany and LONDON MaY tariff truce wdch Norman Datil 'hoped to inaugurate today with the solemn agreement or ine eigrit nations isom- poen the world economic conference organising committee tonight appeared the about beturet may fan altogether Instead of the assent which hid been confidently expected from tier Miss Betty Golsan and Some 400 Others Are Presented at Court of St James's London Robbed of Its Annual Show i 1 AL A A 111iiredkt that this Dotted Sheer will be your "best friend" from now until you put on autumn clothes Along Other Sheer Suits I 7-- '111 i Et'llse't 1- --Pr-q- 4 )1- "ak--1 ''10 to 7 ti 1 1 1 go iv A 1 0 0 sit i 1 '-N 10 I 6 1 i 't ''l 7 l' NN tv 0 1 0 '4A s'NN 4- -i----- fili' redict that thLs )-- ts -c'' Dotted Sheer- Ai I 4)- will bP your "best friend" I' 'N'' froinnow until you put on autumn clothes -t) CA IN 0 1 4v i i I Many Other Sheer Suits WASHINGTON May President Rooseyelt held out'tonisht at offer 'Of a job to unemployed er service men and had one of his chief lieutenants discuss with Dethoestio leaders the possibility of action on the cash bonus Issue at the present aesaim ofCongress PermisitIon to enroll 28000 unem 010Yed veterans in the Forest Conservation Caine -wat granted by the Chief Executive scin an order which will permit enlistMent of the former soldiers t'u rapidly Se possibler The President's move came while groups were eonverging on the City to demand cash payment of the Adjusted Service Certificates- One of the principal arguments of bonus proponents has- been that veterans cannot obtain Doughte Confers Selma '1' Just as a right wing group of vet-eau marched down into the City from an overnight stay on Capitol IIM Lewis Douglas director of the budget began a conference with Democratic members of the House Ways and Means Committee over the question of borms payment The budget chief who was instrumental in drafting regulations to slash some 11400- 000000 from cveterans' benefits sought to guagei sentiment in the House WI ward payment of bonus certificates to all veterans and to those who are unemPla3led- It also developed that President Roosevelt himself has discussed the question with -Democratic leaders in Congress but no conclusion was teethed One argument which has been advanced by bonus payment advocates in Congress has been that this method should be one used in spreading new currency which might be issued under the inflation bilL Administratiem Unchanged Thee was no Indication however that the administration has changed it' opposition to payment of the bonus at this time One part of the bonus army settled comfortably into a routine of food and shelter provided by the Government while the opposing group for control of this year's movement wandered through the city At Fort Hunt across the Potomac 'River in Virginia about 550 adherente to the leadership of the DItional liaison committee were housed In army tents in waiting for the opentng of their convention on Saturday A group of 200 led by Harold Foulkrod -already had announced its Intention of remaining separate from the liaison committee's encampment On the grounds that the committee was Communist connected Arrange- nients for the encampment were made by the Whits House A pelting rain which drenched the group throughout the morning melted some of their avowed hatred of the group housed in Virginia in dry tents and as night came on there was a growing sentiment in Poulkrod's group that all should cross the Potomac As a precaution against any Clash between rival elements several deputy marshals were designated for the Virginia camp and the veterans named their Own police to assist A commodious registration station set up by the veterans administration on Pennsylvania Avenue near the bonus march when two marchers were killed by police did little business' during the day but toward nightfall registered 200 from New York wmmocyrom iday President Roosevelt held out' tonight MOM ITVOtt service teen and had er one of his cid lieutenants diScuss with 'Dethodratid leaders the possibility of action on the csah bonus issue at the present am- Bice 12erm160101 'to enroll 25 000 unem Mg The Associated Press LONDON May was robbed of its annual show tonight when Palace gates were opened early and automobiles of several hundred debuntantes to be presented at court were slowed to pass into an inner quadrangle out of sight of the large crowds Thus the four hours of waiting which hitherto have been spent on the Council Gioup rhaell thlissioeyear wdoervme sypeittiht thbeeneadthe butantes and their sponsors playing 4 Tables -Ward ltio while bridge and knitting away the time They were not even allowed the Plaii for Week privilege of a cigarette tonight be- cause a few days ago a request went around that those who were to be presented at the Royal Court at Suck4 and ViVard Advocates Ingham Palace should refrain from smoking during the waiting period 'fold Spirited Debate It was understood that the queen considered cigarettes unseemly In Before Ordinances Body previous years smoking and drinking cocktails from vacuum bottles have been some of the principal diversions Striking an Impasse after a more or less spirited discussion or the pro among the waiting debutantet posed ward line plan last bight the Nine American women were pre- sented Ordinance Comnlittee of City Council tonight at the first of the tabled the report of its sub-committee Year's RoYal Courts- They were recommending the four-ward plan to among 50MS 400 other persons pre-be taken up again at the regular sea- senteq to their majesties sion of the body next Thursday night The Americans included Miss Betty Golsen As upon previous occasions a dele- of Richmond Va gotten of representative citizens of At the last moment an attack of Highland Park appeared before the rheumatism in a shoulder prevented committee and urged adoption of a King George from attending the five-ward plan by which the entire court but Dli place at the side of the North Side would be designated as an queen was taken by the Prince of Independent ward while the remain- Wales It was announced that his ing sections of the City would be majesty's illness was not serious but divided into four verde merely prevents the wearing of a uni Striking an Impasse after a more or less spirited discussion or the propoeed ward line plan last bight the Ordinance Comthittee of City Council tabled the report of its sub-committee recommending the four-ward plan to be taken up again at the regular session of the body next Thursday night As upon previous occasions a deleItatign of representative citizens of Highland Park appeared before the committee and urged adoption of a five-ward plan by which the entire North Side would be designated as an Independent ward while the remaining sections of the City would be divided into tour varda 4 Schoolboys Covet 'Marble Cup Continued From Wind Page Cutieved Erma Find rage ton" whom be said be met in Atlanta penitentiary After preceding contacts andnegotiations for the baby's retail he said these two came to Ids home on the morning of Ilareh and they were "up In the air" "They wanted to know" he testified "why Mrs McLean WU not at Parview (Her country home In Maryland) They said they had understood ahe would be out there and that they had gone there with the Lindbergh baby ready to deliver it to her only to find that she wun't there Child Reported Refused "They said they then had driven the baby to Colonel Ouggenhehn's home (IL Hobert Guggenheim friend of Lindbergh) along with the nurse and that Guggenheim had refused to take the baby The nurse called to them to come on back and they left Immediately 'Henderson and rentpn wanted to know to whom they wet to give the baby and whether they were going to get the $100000 I told them they were to deliver the baby to Mrs McLean and they would get the money" Then followed a story of more par ieying backing and filling ending with the final failure of the whole attempt which a pre vious jury already has found wu a hoax 'perpetzated by Means who got fifteen-year sentence The conspirl acy charge now pending Is over a sum of $35000 Means and Whitaker alleit4 edly schemed to Obtain but did not Means said he urged Mrs McLean to go out to Farview and the next day she did but "Henderson" and "Penton" said they had seen two chaufr feurs a nurse a ntaid Mrs McLesh and another man out there and would net go ahead "I went to Mrs McLean and told her she was violating her agreement by having so many people out there These men wanted forty-eight hours to get away My only object in the case was to insure safe return of the baby I told Mrs McLean that if she kept on putting obstacles in the way there was no telling what would happen to the baby" i es of Competition "'square deal" for railroads was tett here yesterday at the closina iedsion of the fifteenth annual con vention of the Railway 'De Assocle': Con when a resoluuon was adopted asking Cont and State legislaturn I te place rads on a parity with motor tacks and barge lines by Mural: the subsidies Dew enjoyed by these other forms of traneportation" I (Me resolution further urged that (menial motor vehkles and barge Irnes be subjected to "regulations Wee and labor requIrements corn- parable with them of the railroads Iaed alas that action be taken whkb 7411 place these other forms of trans partetion tmder the control of the idterstate Commerce Commission" It ass pointed out that the railroads It zdust own maintain and pay taxes 1 upon their places of doing business afid In addition are "regulated In practically all features of their bual: nem and under existing laws are put ter great disadvantage Containers Chum Zie two-day convention at the Jet: tenon Hotel wee brought to a close the election of the following of i lieu': Jotutson Richmond president: 8 Hicks Pittsi btrgh lint vice-president: Cocking St touts second vice-presi drat Roy Edmonds St Louis Frampton IL Condon Phibidel phia and Van Metre Chicago executive committee The 1934 convention sits will be selected later by executive committee The closing business session was featured by an address by Dr Julius Parmelee of Washington director of Railway Economics in which he reviewed a dimtnishing replacement demand for cross ties during the past ben years and predicted that replacements this year should be larger than in 1932 if freight reve- flues show an appreciable Increase He pointed out that tie purchases in 1923 amounting to $124743000 on 1 railroads fell to $27550000 In 1932 In the past ten years railroads paid $876330000 for tke Dr Parmelee stated Dr Parmelee said the percentage of raU abandonment for the next century should be compare their small He cited President 'Roosevelt the Interstate Commerce Commission and the National Trans portation Committee which was headed by former President Coolidge i as witnesses for his belief In the quture of the steam railway He was positive that the railroad te not doomed to meet the fate of the stage coach and the canal Stressing the economic transition America Is now undergoing Dr Parmelee declared any marked in crease in railroad revenues would find the carriers making large main' tentrice purchases A report of the association's comr mittee on transorntation urged with the 'railroads in rail shipments and stated that lower rail rates in some seecticms would probably eliminate most of the truck competition i More than 100 member of the association from all sections of the 'United States attended the two-day here Reeks turned la Berths 1 BERLIN May of Keller Frans Boas and Jack '1Ondon as well as hundreds of Ger man authors went up in smoke Germany tonight The was staged by 'university ydung men and women who judgment on world Uteri'Jure considered as contravening Ger -man spirit started huge bonfires of volumes shortly before midnight it 1 The Weather I I 4 4 --11011ECAST-- Titainia--Mostly cloudy probably 1p sot showers alltittly warmer In test 4 end north portion l'riday batttr -4 ash and thunderstorms 4 4 LeMell Temperature Testerday 3 temperature 78 tAmtperaturs to 8 MI 79 loinimum temperature to 8 60 Ian temperature yesterday 70 Nqrmal temperature for this date as teem yesterday 5 same since March1 1 ainos January 1 279 i 4 1 Rainfall 12 hour ending 8 0 )ivrttall 34 bows ending 11 0 tell'iciency since March 1 114 'Defir-tence January 1 106 Mies of Competition a dear for railroads was ett hem yesterday at Os clostm AAP 111 01 Pt mak 1k nnnal sIQUare deal- for raumacia was aplimmAl wi wou -m goao vstition of the Railway 'tie Associa- taxi when a resoluuon adopted sing Ogrem and Sat legtures ekonte isla I te place rails on a parity with motor 'tildes end belie lines by "Macon- talurng the subsidies now enjoyed by a ttese other licems tranncrtanall I Here Is Problem 5 In Marble Science School achieved the honor of representing Richmond in the National Championship play at Ocean City Intewe interest and keen sportsmanlike rivalry are centered in the 1933 tourney which gives every indication of surpassing even the highly successful event of last year The Richmond champion will visit Ocean City as the guest of The Times-Dispatch with all expenses paid not merely for the trip but for full program of incidental deep-sea llshing speed heat trips movies candy and swhnming in the surf and large salt water pool Additionally he will be awarded a handsome trophy cup as a permanent record of his achievement To each of the district champs The Times-Dispatch will award stunning diver medals in replica of those given last year and government bronze medals will be given the champion of every school Youngsters have been practicing this week in every section of the City with the determined intention of making the Ocean City trip with a stab at the national championship To assist their skill in shooting The Times-Dispatch is presenting a special series on the fintr points of "Ringer" official game of the tourney outlining the strategy of position the choice of shots and illustrating the draw follow roll and arch shots aiMEm wmo wwro mMM and Dresses $1650 Up I I 1" linlialonEnnme 1WOP i 4 nM 1 estless'' Season 1 CALLSF0 oR FINE SHIRTS! SALE! El Smart 117 $195 $250 for 2 3 4 This delegation was headed by A Pensorn Davis Bottom 7and Carpenter Others- who addressed the committee in favor of the proposed five-ward Plan were George Cease' Dr' Miller Henry Weinberg Glenn Jordan and John Taylor The advocates of the proposed new ward plan urged its adoption largely upon the grounds of Community interests and geographical convenience The report of the sub-committee embracing Councilmen James A Gregory Charles Maurice and Ralph Eaton recommended the tour-ward plan which provides for the transfer of several precincts in the various wards tp establish an equaliza- tion of the population as required by statute Discussion revealed thd fact the Mr Eaton did not approve the committee's report while Alderman James Britton favored the nve-ward plan and opposition to the plan was expressed by Aldermen Thomas A Williams and Charles Maurice Councilmen Lee Miller James Blunt Thomas McDowell and James A Gregory Alderman Gunst was absent because of illness in his family The committee voted down a motion of Mr Britton to recommend to Council the five-ward plan with Britton and Eaton the only supporters and the four-ward plan was defeated with but three supporting votes those of Maurice McDowell and Gregory The paper was then tabled to be further considered next Thursday night The four-ward plan trardders three precincts from Lee to Jefferson Ward one from Madison to Jeffereon two from Clay to Madison and one from Lee to Madison The eve-ward plan transfers one precinct from Clay to Madison one frora Lee to Madisort one from Madison Jefferson four from Clay to Lee and One from Lee to the proposed new Wilson Ward Under the low the ward lines must be changed this year to conform with the statute reouirins an equallmtion of population Police Plan No Further Arrest in Mel lath Case 01mmi HARWICHPORT MASK May (P)--There will be no other arrests In the Mck lath kidnaping cue for which Kenneth and Cyril Buck brothers are each held in t100000 bail This announcement was made to-night by Chief of Police Hail Charter Changes Body Meets The special Council Committee on Charter Changes will net tonight at 8 o'clock to further consider amendments to the charter Assistant City Attorney Lucius Cary will sit with the committee in an advisory capacity Irts al qb' 4 te)' ))) 11 35 6 Service Stations Authorized To Conduct Auto Inspection --Hosts of them of them! ----Hosts r1 John Jones is playing Pete Smith in the Richmond Marble Tourney by way of illustration It's John's turn to shoot There are six marbles in the ring as pictured above Pete is leading 5-2 John needs five of those Mx marbles Where around the ring is he going to knuckle down to shoot? And that is Problem No 5 in this series on "Ringer" You'll find the answer below National Marble Champion Harley Cosum of Loutsvile says he'd knuckle dcwn on the ring near marbles No 2 and 3 as shown in the picture below "I'll tell you why' says Harley At that particular place a fellow hu a chance at four different marbles He might hit No 2 or 3 or again be might get No 5 and 6 "of course he wants the ones closest the edge for then he can 'have his shooter stop over on the other side near the other two But the chances are one out of four at that point and I can't see any shot better than that" Harley undoubtedly is right He knows his that's why he's a national champion Study every shot carefully mib players and watch tor Problem No tomorrow Eight hundred service Stations and garages throughout Virginia' commissioned to co-operate in a save-a-life program will inaugurate this State's second motor vehicle inspection period next Monday The State Division of Motor Vehicles has bonded all offIcial adjusting stations and is keeping a record which will prevent any chance of racketeering at the expense of the public The inspection service will be free at the official stations and repairs and adjustments considered necessary by the inspecting agents will be listed in writing on a prepared form and handed to the owner of the car Should the owner have any doubt as to the necessity for the repairs or adjustments as recommended he may Scene Shifts to South: Then he said the kidnapers moved South "They wanted to knot'? if 'Mrs Me-Lean thought she was giving a tea apparently she didn't realize the seriousnem of this thing They said I would have to go South I told Mrs McLean I was going South "On March 10 I telephoned Colonel Guggenheim I was up against a bard proposition with Mrs McLean falling down On me like that and everything I asked Guggenheim if the baby had been delivered to his home He said yes 'Dkl you accept It? I asked him 'No' he replied I Asked him why and asked him didn't he know I was going to contact the kidnapers and return the baby" Guggenheim Means said replied he would get a car from the "Austrian cultagsV I think it was" in which the baby could be delivered with the protection of the diplomatic license tags Later he Bald he told Guggenheim to turn the car back and he himself went to Salisbury On March 22 he said "Henderson" showed him a baby at Aiken which either was the Lindbergh child or was represented ea such Claimed Knew Truth All this was prefaced by Means' statement that he knew who bad kidnsped the child how he was killed and where the ransom money was It was at the outset ot his testimony which began this morning with Means telling of his past career es German imeret service agent Federal Investigator and private detective "Do you know who kidnaped the Lindbergh baby?" asked Attorney William Tomlinson of the defense "Yes" replied Means in an even 1 voice "Do you know how the baby was killed?" 1 1 "Yes "Do you know who got the 250000 1 which Colonel Lindbergh paid the kidnapers through Dr Condon?" "Yes" 'Do you know where the 2100000' paid by Mrs McLean in?" "Yes" The stage thus set the lawyer dropped his questions snd Mean" launched into his own story NEW YORK May of the Communist party ridiculed tonight the testimony of Gaston Means in Washington who named as one of the Lindbergh baby kidnapers one "Wellington Sender appeal to the motor vehicle division or to a division inspector Whatever repairs or adjustments the car owner authorizes and the adjusting stations require in accordance with the law must be paid for by the owner But before an official station can make any repairs be must have a signed order from the car owner This order must list the items and cost of each service in advance Cars will be inspected for lights brakes steering gear windshield wiper horn and rear vision mirror Cars meeting the minimum require ments of the la will be marked with a sticker All motor vehicles operated in Virginia must be inspected before June 15 under the law TANDARD makes of line woven madras 0 and luserful broadcloths including our famous Lustergio Shirts Collar-at- tached and two separate-collars-to-match styles in smart British stripings neat figures and patterns Youll find them lined up in sizes on our counters ready for easy selections I 1 1 1 I Held Pknle RANSOMS VA May community League and fanners picnic of DiUwyn waa held Tuesday! night on the Dillwyn High School grounds with a large crowd In attendance After the plate lunch had been served Miss Sallie Guy Davis of the home economics department Blacksburg spoke In the school auditorium on the bve-at-home program sponsored by the sgricultural college Mr Peery candidate for the governorship followed Miss Davis with a short address on the agricultural situation but touched lightly on political problems II Broken Lots Pajamas $135 $195 and $250 Fine broadcloths and soisettes in white and fancy styles Buy for the whole summer from these! AV4 ana z5U g-11cuLLIaa kp14JJ Fine broadcloths and aolsetten in wh thn latlinlit emimmtto A vai otawsziva iLVAII tit tli5U I gl of 17) MR irN I 1 rvt 'Ark PA At nr1 tt 111 1 IN AM 110ca1 Obiterts Demi 6 1J Yesterday Wind direction south velocity 7 at 11 clou6I 01000 Special Data Temperature AM blood PM Dry bulb 82 75 71 Wet buil) 60 67 63 Pielative huMiditl 88 85 73 414un rise 1102 A Asa et a 711 CONDIT1011 OTHER Tempeestur SP Weather RICITMOND 71 70 00 Cloudy Ashevills 74 OS 56 Cloudy 'Atlanta 82 88 68 cloudy titeminghim 82 68 70 cloudy Item ton 56 68 46 Cloudy k4 I 58 60 50 Cloudy charleaton 8 Ill 74 Clear 'chicaso 110 60 44 Cloudy ienvor 38 38 32 Rain intrill1110 68 70 64 Cloudy siveston 78 82 78 Cloudy 'itattensa 74 80 88 CiPet Jacksonville 78 v0 4 Clear Kansas C114 66 78 50 Pain tattle Rork ee 80 64 Rain 1 yncliburd 4 84 60 cloudy 'Memphis OA 80 66 Pain 4 82 64 Pain Nee Oileansi 66 78 cloudy 4-ew York 54 64 48 Cloudy r-Jorfoik 68 82 02 Cloudy 0( 41ahoma City 80 34 70 Cloudy Piitsoursh 84 68 48 Cloudy plh 82 PI 4 Cloudy Louis 68 74 62 Pain MPG 04 100 72 cloudy VIIIJVhinrt012 60 tell 54 cloudy 72 78 52 Cloudy 12LE Or 11 I IIH 'NA II of 1 II1nm PI PI 1111 111111111 II UMW 617 TiliT Ital two uitiL211111 Wm WE 4 4 I Ell Allil 111 I 1 All-Wool Sleeveless Sweaters 81 95 New models vv wai or" New weav new models I eon head of the Communist Third Internationale in this country" "There is no such person as Wellington Benderson in the Communist party" said ono official In a statement given out for the party and added: "The Third Interriationa further has no organisation in the United States Its representative is the Communist party of the 8 A This le I illy attempt to shift blame that not even enemies of the Communist party tan soir 1 0 ti Special! Shirts-Shorts35c 2 Regular full-cut broadcloth Shorts in white and fancy Regular full-combed athletic mixtures Special! Shi rts-Sh orts35c tbd' 111 A 110 gar I by Regular full-cut broadcloth Shorts In white and fancy Regular full-combed athletic mixtures fiff i ITimesDispateh Index 1 MAY 19th (---) 19th 4 I 116' Always sold for what It Is-a regular psollne Not satisfied with ordinary standards ORANGE AMERICAN GAS rates In hotter than LCovs orntnent Specifications for Motor Gasoline AMERICAN CAS Is the finest Gasoline selling at regular gas price The AMERICAN OIL COMPANY tICAN ism ANY trular 4 4 ter I s)01 Ir 1 I i Brisbane 12 Cavalier 13' Cram Word rustle 14 Culbertson on Contract 13 Editorials 12 "Main Street" 13 Radio Society 15 Voice of the People 11 Waiter Winchell 14 Woman's Clubs 13 Woman 's rage of 14 crbiti index does not include yenetal nevi or ail individual A features SAAte AT MTN 7 iiit IP mo Mb 1 I4mo The15-le Center of the Soutl I r-'4) 1r 0 1 lo i I 0 ikt I I- 1 tii II I It A lk i AT 111)11 14 1 I' A ''t 1 Lt) m0 TheSOk Cetzter of the ti Ia mama arr i laaranaarrra ti lot Tourist era Itri noel frees Now reek to tr gland inot4 Fromm olok your Sorel trete' goose Aloof Ito do frepme 1ty 4 Champlain Juno IP tyo ditt9 PhIntVoln4 10 tr ln rill es es JCI Ito fly Ap11 Onion 415fr xtett.
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