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New Berne Weekly Journal from New Bern, North Carolina • Page 3

New Bern, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ml ejdI Notices H- i i OJlL: STATEMENT (3 nIIKronEB CUDE.1 COLORED HOSPITAL roFOnDIIEiniOTlSII 0 AGED BY FI The condition and. cauc which prodnc RhcnmatisiB all aureest a healUal raasady aa the sorest and safest cure. The disease bror)rht about th asxomaiatiox ofric acid, as irritating, paiu -producing prceity ia tie Uood. Thia caoac and souring of the dreula-Uo wtuch then becomes nnMt ourkhig- the body, while the deposits of uric acid in tha nerves, anuacles, joints and bones produce the pain and atxtnTtf LheumgtiauL To treat the trouble with medicines containing potash or o(hci; strong atinerld, la simplv adding another poiaon to the already weak, diaaiaserj, blood, aappinf it of its remaining vitality, -and perhaps in the and snaking physical wreck the Suffcrer. A The one safe and only care Tor BJiennati.tnrls S.

5. It is nature's remedy Jor this dieaB, made entirely front healthful irttetabl ingredients extracted from the roots, herbs and baritsof tha forest and S. S. goes down into the blood and removes every trace of Uj us of Rheumatism, cleanses and purifies tic dronlaUon, and reatorea health sad contort to those are suffering from UNDERTAKING 1 D. Coppage i N.

C. I lh i that I have opened the undertaking business and am prepared to attend luucmw ruuh uuuuv uiu vu low sonable terms. I. have two hearses and keep con- stantly on hand trimmings and ornaments for burial -cases. Coffins and caskets of all sizes and vairous wo jwbw niam.

ug hi vai on way xo De sure you are not dosing rwr-ayacein with snineral tnedicinca, and that is to take S. S. Book on Rheumatism and any medtcal advke tree, sb. r. the swift specific atlauta, gjl.

jTiDuuni aucuuuu given hi iunrais and satisfaction guaranteed In all ceases. 1 BEPBESEXTATIOX STATE COLLEGES OF CAXDI- DIDATE8 FOB PRACTICE if.v i or iAw. NEW COMPANY 171 STATE GUARD Opinion Expressed That the Railway -Will Make n0 Farther Attempts Open Bate Fight, Not Much age te Track. Walter Clark, Son of Chief Justice In a' Western Rail- way Wreck. Desire for Biannual Teachers Institutes.

Special Correspondence. Raleigh, Feb. 8.30 o'clock this morning lire was discovered Id' the third story of St. Augustine bo pitai at St. Augustine colored normal school which is a large Institution here under the auspices of the Episcopal church.

There were 20 patients and these were quickly moved to Walker Hall and made comfortable ana everything was carried out of th burning building. Tlhe fire was at the north-east corner and abou a fourth of the roof was burned, some damage being done to the third floor. The weather was bitter cold, the tern perature being a little above 20 de- -greea, but the firemen stuck to their work. The water came from the school plug, the supply being furnished from a tank nearby, and the pressure was so small as to hardly amount to anything so that it required hour to put out the fire which luckily burned very slowly being on side of the building away front wind. None ot the cases in the hospital were dangerous and none hed been operated on In ten day.

There were two city patients and some sent by the railways. The damage Is perhaps $1,000 covered by Insurance. The new hospital Is nearby but the interior Is incompete and funds come In so slowly It will he months before It Is furnished. The buildings which were damaged will ready for use soon. The Supreme court devoted today an examination of applicants tor attorneys licenses ot whom there ar The questions were' on North Carolina and constitutional law ana -were prepared by Justice Connor.

Of Forest Law School 12; from that of -the University; 3 from the Brltt School at Ashevllle and 3 from the: Adams school at Charlotte. Most persons here express the belief that the railways will take nv further steps In the matter ot reopening passenger rates and enlarging the power of the corporation commission so as to put under Its direction the question of rates. Inquiries made at the Agricultural Department as to whether the col spell had done much damage. It was said that perhaps some lettuce) had been hurt but most of that now under way la covered with cloth and so 1 quite well An Interesting Letter. Mary Bagguley, ot 117 Peach St, Syracuse, N.

writes to 'tall of the terrible suffering of her' sister, who, for the past 24 yeara has been tormented with aide ache from female trouble, keeping her weak and ailing, "She took Wine ot Cardut and Is now well. Cardul has been a Godsend to us both," aha writes. For all won-' en's troubles, Cardul Is a safeefficient reliable remedy. At druggists; $1.00. Italians of the poorer class generally enjoy good health.

(This Is part- ly attributable to the factthat the' working classes of Italy eat less mear than those ot other European moticb tiimoii NORTH CAKOLINA, 5 Craven County. In tb Superior February Term, ISO. Levy W. Caaedy, Sophia Canady, Tha defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled aa -lorbove baa been commenced In the Superior court of Craves county to obtain a divorce from the bonda of matrimony between plaintiff and defendant, and the aald defendant will further take notloe that she la required to appear at the April term, 10 or the superior court vraven eeunty to be held ontbe BratUonday In April 10, (it being the 6th day of aald month) at the court house In aald county. In New Bern, N.

C. and anawer or demur to the complaint In aald act tion. or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In eaia complaint. -This the day of January. ItOt.

M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court ADMINISTRATORS SALR OF LAND Punuant to power contained In the order of sale granted by the Clerk or the Superior Court of Craven County, In the special proceedings entitled John A. administrator against Annie Walker and others the undersigned will, on the first day of Mareti 1H09, at 12 o'clock of said day, at' the court house door 'In Crave -eounty, sell to -the highest bidder to jcash. the following described land In the city of New Bern, N. Beginning at a point on Neuse road whlen Is 60 feet eaatwardly from the easier-moat corner of Carrol atreet and Neusa road and runs thence eastward ly, a-long Neuse road SO feet to.

the corner of lot No. Ill, thence northwardly, and parallel with Carroll atreet 140 feet to the southern line of let No. line of lot No. 117 11 thence westwarlyy along tne line of lot No. 117 1-3 about 150 feet to thai north east corner- of lot No.

119, thence southwardly and parallel with Carrol street 134 1-2 feet to Neuse For a fuller description see hook of deeds No. 107. page 14. and 141 office of tha register of dee OS of Craven county. This 2th day of January, 1MB.

JOHN A. BOOM, Administrator of Blchard Qarnea, deceased. i' R. W. mLLIAMSONj NOTICE OF RALB OV VAtTJABLBS TIMBERED LAND.

i NORTH CAROLINA Craven' County, Pursuant to the powers granted In certain mortgage deeds executed the tint day of December 1894 by Jaroea W. Pelletler to P. H. Pefletler duly recorded in office of the Register of Deed In. Carteret County, In book 8 8, pagn-210.

the Same being dulV transferred and assigned to Clara I. Pelletler and also a certain mortgage deed executed 'the 2th day of December 1890 by James W. Pelletler and B. Pelletler to Clara I. Pelletler, the same being recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds In Carteret county, In book TT, page 228, to which reference Is heresy naa, i will sell tor cash to -the highest bid der at the court house door In Carteret county, on the 17th day.

of February. 90S at TI tDe louowing described tract of 'valuable timbered land: Lying, situated and being In the County of Carteret and iState of North Carolina, and beglnlng at that point Hunter creek where tne puonc oad leading from Carteret to Jones ounty crosses the same, running down the various courses of said creek to Tan Tough Landing and to a marked tree, it being a corner tree on tne nnks of the thence running southwardly with 4ine of Clara 1. Pelletler to tne roao leading tnrougn the plantation known the "Huntet thence eastwardly with the said road to the road leading to Stella, thence with the said. Stella road eaatwardly to the road leading from Carteret lo Jones county, thence northwardly with said road to the beginning on Hunter's Creek, said tract containing by estimation about Three Hundred acres, it oeing apart es the farm known as the Hunter rian- U'ton. For further Information, apply to- J.

Walter pelletler, nteiia, n. u. Th Is January iu. CLARA I. PKLLETIEB, Assignee and Mortgagee.

E. HKHDERaON Attorney, MORTOAOB SALS OW LAND Wurauant to Dower cotitalned in that mortgage deed from Charles Pelham to John 8. Garrett, dated 22nd day February, 1102, and recorded la book of deed for Craven county number 140, page 841, office of the register of deeds of Craven county, tba under signed will at tha court nouaa ooor in Craven county at II o'clock on tne 16thday of February, tsus, sen tne highest bidder for cash tha following land In Craven, county and In number seven township: beginning at the cor ner of Oulon's line nnr tne neuse river, and buna with tha Oulon'a Una 8 40 degrees 117 nolo to tha corner Of lot No. 8, thence parallel te Cary's Una 8 20 degrees poiee i lot No. 4, thence with the line of lot No.

4. which bears at present (I 1-1 degrees to the river, thenoa up the river to the souwumn J. JJ. UAIUIU1T, Mortgagee. January 18th 1I0.

NOTICE OP SALE OF HOUSE AND Vnder- and by virtu of an order of tha Hunarlnr eourt of Craven oounvy. made In th spool prdoeedlng entitled Q. aButton, amlnlMratoT of E. Mltohell, deceased. Siosi Athre.

heirs at law Of Mitchell, the undersigned CommUie(uer will utn oay ui February, isvs, ai i ths court bQuse door In Craven county V. offer for sale to the higheat bid-der for ash that certain lot eel of land situate in townsmv 1, Craven eounty, geiwuwa mm -iiiinlnki tha lead of R. Mit chell, and other bounded aa follow: Beginning at B. Mitchell' northeast rarur and runs northwardly 48 yards.

thence weetwardly joe yaroa, tnenoe southwarl)y 41 yerrfs. thenoe eeet- wardly wlin said Wl'iitm t' une ItXI yard to the beainning, puntalu. lag ene aer, more or leea, and being the same property ceaveyed B. Mltohell by C. S.

Button and If by deed dated KIVUiMf im isn. eon registered In the offlo th Reg4Ur of Deed of Craven eounty, la seek 161. page lit. This 11th day ef Jaa- BTrrroN. Oommlealonsr.

R. A. NUMN. Attorney. 10-d.

NOTICE Or tCMWONS, AND rno(E. NOKTH CAMOLfltA I Bupertot Court Craven County 1 TEAM II0 CM. Ipook O. White Company. OsaghVers of CamfHeracy Tlrgte to CUlnt Thai Awarded Pdsa WtthleAaf AM Richmond Oht patch, i9th.

eharging wiih dlscourteey and lack of historical three dia tlngulshed edueatiors Who awarded the United Daughters '6! ths TJontedr eracy prise tor an essay on Robert B. Lee, Richmond chapter. United Daughters of tha Confederacy, at It annual meeting held yesterday mora-, lng In Lee Camp Hall, passed, reeola tlona of protest, which war ordered sent to all chapters throughout state. Tha meeting hriatled with Interest, and. sparkled with anlmAtloa.

Ingles presided during; Jfea. part, and later T. N. Randolph the chapter president, took tha chatr There was 4 large attendaaea. BeeolaUoa Alpte) "In the December Issue of the Co federate an article; Which see me te be the prise by the United Daughters of th Confederacy, to Mlss Christina' Boysen, of MlnheasoU, and of Columbia University, New York, whose subject was "The Present Estimate Robert E.

Lee. "While the United Daughters of the Confederacy oCered the. prise, the say was passed upon by three eminent' heads of educatlooal iBttttu-tlons, supposed (d hare been sufflereat ly posted In 1 American history to make a Just and correct answer; Pre Ident Edwin A Alderman, of tha University of Virginia; Presldeiit C. fAI-phQDeo Smith, ef the WUversKy. of North Carolina, anj Dr.

S. H. Ftnley of the college of the City of New Tor. a 1 "Richmond Chapter, United Daugh ters' of the Cenfedarcy entered Its protest against the award as soon as the 'essay was published and a com raittee was appointed to draft resolu tions of dlsapproral, committee has carefully read the essay and has decided while it contains-much of what ht laudatory- and truthful, concerning the Hfe of General Robert Lee It so abounds' in misstatttments and vilification of the south, her cause and her people, that it would seem Impossible for any one to pronounce It historical Or a Just 'estimate of a great leader, hia cause of his followers, t. I We do not attempt to go back and refute charges, however venomous, that have often been made by northr ern historians during the.

last forty years, but wheni such charges are made at the present day, at a time when every true American la endear oring to reconcile differences, it ts lncomprehenslhle that a committee of such distinguished educators could hay given 1U appreval to a paper cpntalnltg them." Densad an Explanation As representing Richmond Chapter we, therefore, recommend io tha United Daughters of the Confederacy that some explanation Is due from the trio of learned historians who such a hlstorloal Tha same historians. In passing on last' year prise essay; oalled attention to the fact that, In W0. out of the six Amer ican universities, five were located to the-South," "Mies Boysen, in speaking of the period '81, thirty yeara, later, states that intellectually, tha south was dead and most of Us people were densely tgnoranL without schools or "Mra. Schuyler Jn defense of thta young 'essayist' aayi sha deserves credit for -expressing opinions she knew would be "Statements and evevnrthmsy often be distasteful, but embody correct hUtory, they are unas sailable. We therefor recommend that la essays shall passed poo by the history committee of the, United Daughters of the Confederacy General Lee needs oology, the South no vindication.

Verification of her rights will com as so beautifully foretold by James Barron nop of whet) he wrote-(he following lines: 1 "In tha future some htttorian shall eoma forth both dtrona wise, With a love of tha repuMte, and the truth factor hi He wHl show the ubtle cauawabt War between the Satis. He will go back 1 hi otudiea far be-' yond our modern dates; will trace out.boetlle Wans, as th miner doe th lodes. He will ahow the different habits horn of different social Codes, He will show It reunited, and nude stronger than Blow ana must th eomrng teacher be. To show how the kulf waa sharpeoed iv. Maa tMiisa ta nrnna tne He will hold ths scale of iu.tlc.

he m.n maaanra nralie Ind blame, An(r the south will stand tUs Tsrdlct. -llhnrll i and will stand I (Last day filing February" 1st) for it Tear lading Berember II, of the Cenditlen sad Affairs Kew Bern Bnlldlng A Less Asseelaflon, Ineernerated Octeber 1687. Commenced BbsIbcm October 1887, Heme Office Jiew Bern, K. Made to lasnranee CemmlaaloBer, I Bafjrlrh, H. Cn as Beenlred by Law.

MANAGEMENT i President C. B. Foy, Secretary J. R. B.

Carraway, Treasurer R. B. Carraway Attorney R-. Nunn, H. Roberts, C.

K. Foy, E. B. Hackburn, McCarthy, M. Howard, E.

Wadsworth, John DunnnE. K. Bishop, M. Diaosway. STOCK I authorized Amounj of shares $500,000.00 100.00 Par value of each share Number of shares in force I at beginning of year.

4,460 dumber shares subscrib ed during year. 91S Number shares cancelled and withdrawn during yTi---- 1,030 lumber; shares In force at end ot year 4,345 dumber shareholders white 334 Installment on shares due and unpaid $2,883.50 RECEIPTS: ash hand December 31, lp07 as per last $9847.57 54,430.00 25,250.00 5,000.00 10,080.25 46.00 60,300.00 631.00 Instalments paid Mortgages paid in whole or 'part, Loans af shares paid, interest received Fines received Money borrowed Deferred "installments paid DISBUBSEMENTS on mortgages Loans white $37,400.00 400.00 18,348.00 11,124.50 48,636.00 250.00 30.50 435.00 4.00 1,506.57 491.00 Loans an Paid on id shares withdrawals, dues i Psld on, withdrawals, as property Paid on matured shares Salaries. Advertising and -printing interest Rent, Taxes. Other disbursements In detail, Bills payable, borrowed money paid. 46,300.00 1.4S8.50 162.75 Deferred payments Balance, cash ASSEli mortgages.

Loans on face value). $180,650.00 8,900.00 130.47 82.28 Loans on! shares Cash. In office, Gash bank Installments due and un paid 2,393.60 Tout. 187,106.25 LIABILITIES! Djue shareholders, In stalments paid $154,717.00 19,100.00 13,289.25 $187,106.25 Borrowed money Surplus i i i I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BS. I 'County of Craven.

C. E. Foy, President; J. R. B.

Car raway, Secretary, of the New Bern Building and Loan -Association of New Bern, State of North Carolina, being duly aworn, each for himself deposes and says' that they are the above-described officers of the said Associa tion, and that" on tha Slat day of December last all the above-described asset were the absolute property ot the said Association, free sad clear ffom any lns or claims thereon ex cept as a dot ana mat tae foregoing ftatement, with the scbe- dpls and explanations therein. on- a talned, aasmed or referred to, are a full and correct exhibit of all Che assets, llabfjltles, Inoom and dlaburse" nunta, ana oi tne condition ana affairs ot the said Association on the said 81st day of December last, and for ths year ending on that date, according to iha best of their Informa tion, knowledge and belief, respectful- ir. error. President B. CARRAWAr, Vi: -i' Secretary Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 16th ds ot January, A.

1909. T1I0MAJI J. MITCHELL, i 5 -4 Notary Public. My commission expires March 1, 1909. 8TAfTS OF NORTH CAROLINA, Insurance eparlment, i January II, 1907.

James R. Toung, Insrirance Com an the the be to 48. I W. Coppagc voncehoro, A SURPRISE mm. i.

if III 3 iMUI. 1.1 1- Not tn.v cheap bjt ho good a Bjggy yjj cm et ironi us ai factory price Our storm Buggy is a surprise to everybod both in price nnd bad wet weath er, for it is a storm by name and action. So if you pay h'gh prices for Rigs that root on wheels it is you? fault. JUST WRITE US. G.

S. WATERS SONS M.EXDEKSOH. FIRP INSIIRANf.F. LstaMlslifd 1S70. FIltK INSlltANCE AGENCY- Aepresruting Nortb Cirolica, United States and Foreign Fire Insurance, Compunies- wL are some of the large Jt In tin- worlu attention to ordes.

UrSLNESS SOLICITED Offlco-lOO Bnad SL Phoas'm Russell House BEAUFORT, K. A pleasant jplact Vo stop. Tnnslsnto or family parties rill find an Ideal horns. -Fins Sea Ireeze. Excellent ft.V.l Doll Iirauli Xm t7 ths day moderate.

Special rates tor week or month. CI. A. EU8SELL I TiM.fnr4 i STEP BY 8TEP haye gained our reputation for "giving oar "patrons tH fartlcn In both, suits andrOTtreoaia. Wa hare the neweot designs, In pat- tarns, and shades of the choicest weaves from the mills, and all oar garments are well and truly ot, and fits gnaranteed at prices lower than asked elsewhere.

M. Chadwick. TAILOR Irfl-Hr-il Ir 11 HH MHHHMMr-lr-lr-ll IB Ml 1 lilll U'. I '1 1 ItJs said that little Princess Mary the, only daughter of the Prince Of Wales, will be sent to the girl, 'i school a 'her mother believes that girls together are happier and their work better. DEEDS, NOT WORDS, Sew Bern People llai Absolute Proof of Deeds at Home.

Its not words but deeds, that prove true merit The deeds of Doan's Kidney Pills, For New Bern kidney sufferers, -'Have made their local reputation, Proof lies In the testimony of New Bern people who have been cured stay cured: Charles F. Harget, 47 Burn street, New Bern, N. says: "The staie-eut I gave several years ago told fully Of my experience with Doan's Kid ney pills and at the present time, can. conscientiously confirm it. I had considerable trouble from weak kidneys.

My back ached constantly and there were dull paalns in my loins. After procuring Doan's Kidney Pilss Bradham's Pharmacy, I used them strictly according to directions and my1 trouble was soon relieved. I have recommended Doan's Kidney Pills on numerous occasions since and know of many cases In which they have been used with the most satisfactory results." Foster-Milburn Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. OA8TOHIA.

11 a gluiua agsBB -4 1 iThe confessional that a woman goes to the most falntfully Is her looking glass. V1U Interest Mas Every person should know that good teaith is Impossible if. the kidneys ar deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder disease. In every form, and will build up and rtreurthea these organs so they will uerfoVni their functions properly.

No danger of Brlght's disease or diabe tes it Foley's Kidney Cur Is taken in Davis Pharmacy, A young man In Louisiana, Mo hav ing been told by his girl that "Hp that touched wine could never touch I said to have taken to drink lng everything stronger than -cldei1 through a straw. Croup positively stopped In 20 minu tes with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. On test alon will surely prove this truth. No vomiting, no distress.

safe and pleasing syrup fiOc- Sold by F5B. Duffy, v' Kw Drag Store Opens Teday. The announcement last week that the New Bern Drug Incorporated would commence business -on Monday was an error; the store opens today with Mr. C. T.

Young In charge. The store Is the one formerly occu pied by. Toung In the hotel Castas block. A new. fresh "stock -of drug and drug store aoeeaaories will he foun- there and the public may aasured of getting the, best axog and medicines that can be procured.

Prempt and pollt attentioa. I J. Plerpont Morgan will sail on Feb, rnary 'to, i i i ILll. UggWrJBB 1 9 i er -Jt-LiLias 'bl'jliijLj il mm r- een given Miss Boysen by a commlt- who had not read her" paper them elves, but who had probably delega-. ted thelx task; to a person favoring liss-Boysen Thai by such tctloa the committee had rested to brighter and the educational work hey are trying to accomplish with rreat disrespect J.

j. in conclusion Mrs. Roplnaon moved hat. the newspapers berepieeted to ihbllsh the resolutions bt Richmond hapter. In full, and that the seere tary be instructed lo send a copy t0 jach State division of the; Unite daughters of the Confedracy'.

WrjlMSJ. Commissioner ef Internal Revenue John G. Capers, Who has been 111 at is home for' ten days has so much mpreved that ewas at his office to- lay In 2 i iii in ii I 11 i. If your stomach, heart of kidneys ire weak, try at least a few doses oaly of Dr. Shoop's Rf storstive.

in Ave or ten days only, tji result will urprlse you, A few cents will cover he cost. And her Is why help come quickly. 8hoop- doesn't drug Che Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart rj Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative directly to th weak and failing terves.

Each organ has Us own con trolling nerve. When these nerves (afl, "the depending organs must of jecesslty falter. ThlB plain, yet vital clearly tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative I so universally success ful. Its success Is leading druggists everywhere to give It universal prefer 4nee.

A test will surely tell. Sold PV; S. Duffy. rHsaghter ef Tirelas CaUte Special Correspondence. Raleig, Feb.

3. Since the first or last October the State Veterinarian his killed SI cattle which were ound to' have tuberculosis. One trouble ts that people Import cattle from tha north without havtog any Inspection mad and In this way It get among their herds, tor there Is a great deal of It north and west Charlotte an Ashevllle have had tests mad for ta- beucullo by the State expert pr. HArtmahn, but Raleigh has had notn- Ing or ths kind yet dons. This Is a very Important matter and certainty needs attention everywhere.

Inaratha -mlM1m fa Mynrt BOflgW Butv Having knocked out the auggested appropriation ot 113,000 for Whits House automobHes, the cruel senate probably believes that It ha a horse on Taft-at Loula Times, 1 i Herrlhl Befd-Un. "About ten years ago say brother was "seld-up" In his work, health and hap ptaess by what was believed to be booslaej writes W. R. Lipscomb, of Washington, C. He took all Wnds ef remedies and treat meat from several doctors, hut found no help till used Dr.

King's New Discovery sod wis whelly cured by six bottle. He Is a well man It' n'ukk'to'retteve nd' the surest cure for weak or sore Ions, hentorr- eeugh, sad bronchitis, lagrtppe, asthma and all broathtal at TectmM. 6e and 11.00., vrlal. bottlf tree, ftuaraateed by all aVaggtsta. 'When a maas heart ts broken by a woman, he employes BomsJ other wo man mend ft, Fevr Seres fever sores and old chronle sores should net be healed entirely, but should, be kept 'a healthy condition.

eerior for tms purpoae. aiso mon sxcelient for ehappeo aanaa, sore ip nla. hOrn anddlaWnSB th Skln. For sai oy vjmj rnarmacy Duffy, 'A 1 i Congress is mav Deraua lost 1(S collar button corporation buresn and Teddy, found It Atlaata -J- A western A divorce nS vt aumt "itxi brrath.

tt. rrcv 1 "i i. tt 'l i It Ttcy cur i I'iislShS to at' I I AstBsma Safferers Hheuld Isew This 1 Foley's Honey' and Tar hae curea -many cases of asthma that were considered hopelee. Mrs. Adolph Bussing, 701 West Third St, Davenport, lwa, writes.

"A sever cold contra ago, was neglected nn- til Hnall arMM las A Baslfttttnai A IB BJ lB piVW Wa IV UUInV" mMW best medical skill available could not give me more than temporary relief, Foley's Honey end Tar was recommend ed and one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me ot asthma which had been growing on tne for twelve I had Uken it at the sUrt I would have been saved, years of suffering Davis Pharmacy. take notice that a ummon in Hi a- mi iDOW th Union riven, and the This can be' done If applying r.l.'H. "caTr bIU nlcturs' will deplore. terlaln't Salve, Thl. aalv has no su- Two 1 t.

i raven County. t. 'I as sit i i complaint. And said nilir1' rl I jfn i i I rrie, tali aotlc i 1 I I l. 4 appear PjlHJi III.

If term ot Hie -utt of said I 1 1 I II, TI to be 1- 1 i th Monrtay I Sill It after the let Itri'h, be Two 'I (raven Touniy. M. complalnt. Anesaie vriiir ourt of Creven county. IB an oioii to rnoer oamagee lor ono- Inir m.r cm clalntllts Isnd In wo.

lng ths Hh day or i. o. snd an aVid mV, to the eourt for th that w.m,..i ef a uarhment waa Issued t.v a.1 court a iha Brnoart? of-H'i Kill r.n,lnt. and nrrflre of was on the Norfolk I Rllwav Company and the aa garnllee. which warrant ml pro-a Is returnable before he court at the time and ilo lor r-inrn of the eummo' end the I -It K.m.hern l-allway Co.

i -he i enw-f 1C7 MIDDLE STRFET Full line of Med I- ai.d rre- Supply Flowt-r Soap. Seetla. PHYSICIANS nircrup- TIONS A ErrciALTY. 11 ji ii ii hi fi The thing mil likes about ttavtl lng with hi family la when Its a very short distance. I CASTOHIA lor lalaatl ani CULlrci of Bears the fiartment, showing the Colli' ii MS Assoolntli on the tri-inbor Wltnem mr tun 1 the 6nf ami i or snanie." Mrs.

Enders Robinson, historian- general -of tb United ot i.m CunfJoroy' waa 1 on ty';h for an cf opinion, tie -a few re-maiks, t-- nl ta O.e point eO'sli We I I cot slon tlit tl- I I'1 1 ilsloner, da hereby certify that tTi Bbov Is a tue and correct slulract of the ststvment of the New tern rulMing and Losn A i. o' i Nee Bra, N. C-, ti4 I e-.

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