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Charlotte, North Carolina
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TflECHARCOTTEfcWS. UUTDBER 28, 113. JLt I If tt If TU (C i ffiss 3 vu ic i warn -V- A i -y 'Ax i '4i 3V 'ii th ACTIONS AT ACADEMY ft tiF MUSIC T.H!S WEEK. 1. F9f i Tennessee Wins BRIGHT.

PROSPECTS FOR TRACK TEAM AT A. M. Over Davidson cday- Matinee and night Prim-rc5c Uockstadsr's sf.rc!5- vmorrow, rnatincs and night Gir! of My n-ursday, matinee and night The Shepherd of the Hills." Friday, matinee and Viight Women." jr -i r' 'n'lTrr 'iv -A- Special to The Xews. Special (o The News. Der hViSS -f 2S'The lH'0S-1 KnoxviIIe- Oct.

pects aie very blight for a good track STORY OF EUGENE WALTERS DRAMATIZATION OF JOHN FOX JR3 BEAUTIFUL BOOX. j-a iuouu iieie lesieraay ai- 1 cJ ieam at a. ivi. this year. For the past month a large number of men ternoon on a muddy field in a down pour of rain, 'J to 0.

A forward pass CHAPTER IV. ALE was true iv bis word. Engrossing as was hi? -work ic-sc Dockstadcr's Minstrel's. minstrelsy tilll holds a warm hearts of theatregoers 13 made to Carroll in the second quarter for 30 yards was responsible for the first touchdown. In the fourth quarter, Carroll punted to Elliott who fumbled on his own 10-yard line.

Three line rushes failed for Tennessee and nae. Deen running in preparation for the annual cross-country run. which -will- be held this year on November 8, vv'lll be the date the football team will play V. M. I.

in Richmond. The men had a try-out at the Fair order to select the men to stay on the training table in the dining hall," the course being six laps on the race track, nr thrpp at The Gap, the thought of June was eTer -with him. He '(V quested to oy toe success mat Carroll dropped back and booted the oval over the goal bar. It was absolutely impossible for either team to play its best game; fumbling was frequent and costly lor both teams, and the latter part of the contest was given over to a nuntin duel miles. There were about 25 men entered, and the first twenty were given places at the table.

will be a ilarger number of entrants in the riwsj country this year than have entered in jthe past several years, and the race almost exclusively. Elliott played bril- promises to be hotly contested. L-ast iiantly for tne visitors, as did Keesler dt mil. v-anoi, inomason, namey and Lindsay payed best ball for Tennessee. Tennessee outweighed Davidson about eight pounds per man.

Davidson left year it was won by F. C. Smith, his time being 16 minutes and 45 seconds. Smith was graduated last spring which will leave the winning of first onen ai. tended the revival of old time -trcioy as presented by tlioae vct- of the burnt cork, Primrose i ivckstnder, and their all-promi- delegation, of singers, dancers, and instrumentalists.

This ctoti is scheduled to appear at Avademy of Music this afternoon tonight. After a separation which extended over a period of 1U these knights of the burnt 0 i-rcided to amalgamate their re-: i. companies and to present a of old time minstrelsy. This nn and revival took place last rractieally every city of in the United States and were visited, and everywhere aci ty audiences greeted them, lu revival of old time minstrelsy, -r! Primrose and Dockstader to all of the good old although the plain wooden and simple bones and tambos riven way to sumptuous cos- 'here at midnight for home. to some one else this fall.

There arel ia lot of freshmen out. Mnrl cromo the Pallns were spreading reaciiad tne ear of Dave ad his father. The ol feud we-UBd was reopened, ajkl became so alarming that Uccl Billy left, his mill ajid journeyed to The Gap to tell Hale ef the peril of aw outbreak of killing. Hale was absent, but he met Berkley amd told his new. This put gravity into the usually nonchalant face of the head of the polic force, and when June came runniEs: home from school, crying oat that ad bad eluded.

Cal and Loretty, ke looked at her with more care than -was hit wont. "Are you happy, June 2" he asked. "Am happy? Oh. AU'm just happy I kaia't believe true'" she said. "Coftie; here's a bx jst hrwtcht by express from Boston.

It's from Jack's sister, and think' it's for Berkley. opened it. and June's knevr bo bounds at the lacy, filni ments open to her gaze. A ehemi? and a nightgown were to her uneducated eyes dresses of most heavenly beauty, and Berkley was hard pat to it to explain that they were worn the inside instead of the she exclaimed "cover them up! shall not. shall wear them tv the ootside." She darted iuto the house with the box in her hand just as Hale came in.

The expression of his face told Berkley that trouble was impending. "What's the matter, old man," asked "things bad in Wall street''" Hale nodded. "Ob. cheer said Berkley, glap- Basketball to Jhe Fore At Irmity College these seem to be very good, which promises well for the long distances i in the spring. I There are reported to be some fast i men in college to take care of the mat- ueorge Primrose, who will be seen at the Academy of Music today, mee and night with the Primrose and Dockstader Minstrels.

Special to The News. Trinity College, October 2S. With the game between the seniors and freshmen next Friday night in the An- sprints, hurdles, etc. McDougal, who is now out on the football squad is reported to be able to clear six feet In the high jump, and to cover 23 feet in the broad jump, besides being good'n nLei at noon headed by the veteran stars, Primrose and Dockistader. and a large orchestra.

Scenic games between the various classes nave produced settings that ViOv musical comedy might envy lie spirit of the old time min- sas. If you go there you will easily in the hurdles and sprints. The two find a Mutton Hollow, a hill like Youngs from Asheville both appear to Dewey Bald and people like Sammy be exceptionally fast on the football Lane, Young Matt, Mad Howard and squad and will no doubt prove point Father Howitt. Clinging to the beau- winners for the Red and White on the tiful ctory simply told, is the very cinder path next spring, atmosphere of the life of the pic-j There are no doubt other good men turesque region which is so sadly un- who will come out in the spring, who familiar to the travelers in search of have not been heard from yet. The new scenes.

It is a clean and strong Techs were weak in the pole vault last play, well worth seeing many times. year, and with a good man for that event this year, the prospects would "Little Women." be very bright for one of the fastest "The Girl of My Dreams." "The Girl of My Dreams' a delightful musical play relates to the adventures of Harry Swifton, bachelor motor enthusiasts, who has a mania for breaking village speed ordinances. Some time before the play opens he is injured in an automobile accident on a country road and visited the Tolhrer cabin wheserer opportunity offered, and by degrees Judd came to like ami trust him. He did not take kindly at first to thf Me of losing June. "Her sister dun went away for to git larnin'.

sb never did come back," he said. -June's all I got left." But June added her pleadings to Hale's, and, though Judd would fcave lost his trigger finger rather thaD show it. he was proud to think that a "furriiier" should show such interest in his daugfeter aud that should lift ve chance to larain'." But he would hare no charity. The money Hale had paid him to secure the option fn the coal beds was lo pay for her "sthoolin" aud lodgiti'." So one day. accompanied by Ole Hun.

who wa to care for her wants. June rooe to The Gap with Hale and! with Ole Hun. took up her abode in the cottage which housed Hale and Berkley. Dave Tolliver had become frenzied with rge when be learned that June was going to The Gap, and bis sister. 'Loretty.

manifested no little enty. She made it her business wi(h her beau: Cal Heatoa. to spy upon June and carry back to the mountains all the gossip she could gather, garnished with the fancy of her oid fervid imagination. June proved herself an apt pupil. Her companions teased her at first and made fun of her mountain manners, but one or two fiameups of the Tolli-ver temper saved her further persecution.

She wore shoes and stockings and did ber hair up in braids, but when she became excited she lapsed into the dialect of Lonesome Cove. She worshiped Hale. There had been no thought of lore in his heart when he decided to make her what Nature bad fitted her to be, but she had loved blm from the moment he put the luck stone iu her hand loved him with all the passion of her antect, animal body; loved him with tender, cradling mother love: adored him a gad. Jt was "to be good enough for that she pored over her books by csadlelight and suffered khame- when sfce failed in the classroom. It was be good enough for him" that she rcAeA her temper and bridled her tongue when provocation was great.

J'i did not occur to her that Hale might love her. She knew so little of the world that she did not dream that a man could do what Hale had done will follow in rapid succession till each class has played the other three, two games each. To the class winning the majority of these games is presented a beautiful championship banner. This was won last year by the present junior class. This class has been in the fore-front in basketball ever since it entered, and last year four men from it made places on the varsity team.

At a meeting yesterday morning in the Craven Memorial hall attended by the entire student body of Trinity College a movement was placed on foot for the organization of a college band. The services of a good bandmaster will be secured at once, so that training and practice may start at an early date. carried into the home of a where he is nursed back to health by! the daughter of the houtSehold, Lucy! and best balanced track teams that kittle the dramatization i1QC ipicg him on the back. "We've been Medders. All his bachelor iaeals are is sent across the footlights men who know how to play face same.

There are none p. -vho can do this Prlm-. and Pocletader are among the remaining. The supporting com- is a large and distinguished aud numbers among its members who are known throughout length and breadth of the land; nho have won ihe'r spurs in particular branch of theatrical "'cession. among them being the s- Musical Brown Brothers, who conceded to be the premier mu--' yet on the American stage; iJj' Tnond Wyiie.

the phenomenal male ecrano. Mr. Wylie sings the sopra-: roles from all of the grand operas reaches the highest notes with greatest ease and facility. The shattered by Lucy, for she has cap tured his heart. She and her father make Harry a visit.

Just before their of Louisa M. Alcott's much-loved! story which held New York playgoers GEt MARRIED Hundreds wealthy its grasp all last season, will be members, tired livlag alone; anx-presented by William A. Brady at ious to marry. Descriptions free, the Academy of Music Friday, mati- Mission tJnity (D-17). San Francis-nee and night.

CO) Calif. 7-27-13t-sua Since the first announcement or arrival at his country home. "Dove Crest," he has had another accident with ins motor. On the way to the station to meet his sister. "Cuddle the coming of this play much interest has been shown and already many -mail orders have been received from' Si, Swifton, and her friends, home from boarding school for their vacation, he has bumped into another machine containing a lady and srentle- Mil IK demand and it is now an assured fact fA that crowded houses will be the rule flJM-M.

man. The lady's hat is blown off and lights the steering gear of Harry's machine and is destroyed. He re at all performances. I SSU 3Ir. Brady promises that the breez-l ine3s and charm of the familiar story; tjiijij have been faithfully maintained.

He' turns home to find "Cuddle" and her friends there. "Cuddle" is angry at Tim (lAMn i 'n I Mr him and her sweetheart, "Pixcon Viliiams, for their apparent neglect. While they are giving their excuses iias been most careful in his selection of to impersonate Meg, Beth, Jo, Amy, Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. March, the professor, "old Hannah.

CARTRIDGES in bad before and pulled out, and We'll pull out again. I tell you we're going to win this time, and win big." Hale shook bis head. "We can't get a cent just when we need it most, just when have come to the point whers it mean? win or lose." "Oh, we can pull through until the panic is over!" said Berkley. "Bead that," said Hale wearily. Berkley read the telegram.

syndicate Phew! are up against it!" "I'm going in to think it said Hale. Just then Berkley was aware ef a shadow that seemed to glide toward him. He faced about. There stood Dave Tolliver with burning eyes. "I want to see June," he said.

Berkley called her, and she cam down, laughing, bubbling over wiri joy, radiant. She had put a big blue sash around the nightgown and worn it outside. "How air you, DTe?" she said, eourtesying. Dare, awestruck, was barely able give a husky reply. "Do you want to see her alone?" aald Berkley.

"Well, I kaow they too your gun away, ro I guess can tras you." and he walked off. "June," said Dave, "do you kaow what the Balins is a-sayin They: a-aayin' Jack Hale ain't a-goin' to mir-ry (To be continued.) Meteors, is the rather luminous of an especially brilliant of vocalists who are creating -ri'rpsrbing of a furore. Foley (proteges of George Primrose) conceded to be the most graceful clancers on the American stage. An-r-rber name that Messrs. Primrose Dockstader have added to their r.

is that of the distinguished on-redian "Happy Jack" Lambers. Primrose and Dockstader ap-iar at every performance in the that they have made famous ocean to ocean. The tour is trie iersonal direction of Mr. Hull Burgess. A street parade will he on the day of the performance tiie lady, Mrs.

Bombastino, whose hat it was that had been destroyed Aunt March, and all the others over by the accident, and the gentleman her titled admirer. Count Schniggle- I I Ctz, arrive. They demand the restor ation of the hat, just as her husband, whose joys and struggles so many millions of readers have laughed and wept. Much attention has also been given to a faithful staging of scenes which are so well described in the book. Many of the identical costumes and properties used by the March, girls in their home plays will be used in this production.

As is well known the character of Jo is Miss Alcott herself, while Meg, Beth and Amy are her sisters, Anna, Elizabeth ami May. It was from John Alcott, Miss Alcott's favorite nephew, that Mr. for her without intending to marry her. Tiie tongues of Dave and Loretty were busy in the mountains, and booc word began to go aronnd that Hals was playing with June. He wouldn't marry her, the gossip ran, and she was Academy 1 The time of all others when reliable cartridges are invaluable is in big-game hunting.

A miss-fire, an inaccurate cartridge, or one having poor penetration may mean the loss of aobveted trophy or even injurythe hunter. Winchester the brand of big-game cartridges, either smokeless or black powder, can always be relied on to be sure fire, accurate and to have the proper speed and penetration. You can help MAKE YOUR HUNT A try'inS to get him to pop the question. fh The Fall ns heard the tale, and they VS. trimmed and festooned It until June Brady eeemed many of the articles it fil uen.

Lombastiuo, who happens to be Harry's lawyer, comes to the same place. Mrs. Bombastino, and the count are hidden in rooms. There is also a milliner, Daphne, who has been telephoned for the purpose of making a hat, and she turns out to be an old flame of Harry's. She also ia bidden.

At this inopportune time Lucy and her father arrive. There is much obvious comedy evoked with the aid of many doors. The general's wife is finally rescued from her embarrassing imprisonment. Three duplicate hats have been secured by as many different persons. One by Harry, and by Mrs.

Bombastino, and the last one by Lucy. Incidentally all is explained Mrs. Bombastino gets her hat and Harry wins his little Quaker sweetheart. "The Girl of My Dreams" will he seen here at the Academy ot Music tomorrow, matinee and night. used throughout the play.

Incidentally Mr. Alcott paid the was put in the light of begging for mercy at Iho hands of one wro had dishonored her. The report of what dramatist, Miss do Forest, a very pretty compliment. After reading the dramatization, he remarked: "If Aunt Louisa were alive today, I believe that is just the way she would have written it herself." West AshevilJe Woman Took Today Matinee at 3. Tonight at 3:30.

The World's Greatest Reunited Primrose and Docksfadefs 2Cth Century Minstrels, an All Promnent Company Burnt Cork Celebrities TKr Most Notable Revival and Reunion of a Decade. Seats Selling, at Hawley's. LJatinee .25 50 75 $1.00 Night, 25 50 75 $1.00 $1.50 1 Paris Green and Laudanum Asheville, Oct. 28. A note found in SUCCESS BY USING spy i the home of Mrs.

John McFarland, of THEM. West Asheville, who committed sui $3,500 BUNGALOW We have for sale a brand new bungalow with 3 rooms and. bath Kliaabeth section splendid neighborhood near Elizabeth College and Elizabeth Graded School block off car line. This house is built of No. 1 lumber with cedar shingles elegant bath fixtures beautiful elecfcricai fixtures and is on a lot with beautiful shade trees good big lot.

This house has large living room and large dining room connected with sliding doors two elegant bed rooms, with nice kitchen and butler's pantry arrangement. Its one- of the finest arranged houses we have ever built hard wood floors large brick mantle, tiles, grates, in rooms permanent street down and paid for. Largetrunk, and linen closets (closets alsc cide Saturday night, indicated that the cause of her action was domestic unhappiness. krer'Utm All -'The Shepherd of the Hills." i Harold Bell Wright, the author of "The Shepherd of the Hills," "The Winning of Barbara Worth," "The Calling of Dan Matthews," and "That Printer of Udells," has made, in collaboration with Elsbery W. Reynolds, a dramatization of his most popular story, "The Shepherd of the Hills." The play has received an excellent production from Ga5kill and MateVit-ty and Manager John L.

Crovo, ot the Academy of Music, has secured the original cast, and production which will be seen here Thursday, matinee. The Shepherd of the Hills" is a splendid story of real life among the Ozark hills of Missouri and Arkan- Mrs. McFarland, who was the wife of a team driver, took Paris green Saturday morning and later supplemented the dose with laudanum. It was not known for several hours that she had taken the poison, and then a physician was called, but she was in a dying state. in each bed room.) If you want something nice Ipet us show vou this.

Wednesday, October 29. Matinee and Night. of the Season's Best Musical Shows. Easy terms too. JONES The Real Estate Man MRS.

DR. MOORE, Painless" Tooth Extractor. Office 3 West Trade Phone 162. Office 224 North Tryon Street St. Orer picture ahavr.

jw.t. immmiii iu-Tiw unc' jmu -jkhxtbtj- rr- ifr-pniCT-. 'yyfl- tl ft rr: Sa'c Begins This Hawley's. Morning at -5075 $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 Matinee 25 Night. 25 50 75 Thursday, October 30.

Matinee and Night. Caskill and MagVjtty (Inc.) Present he Shepherd of the Hills f- .1 in, 11 i-r Sramatized From Harold Bell Wright's Novel StaU Wow en Sale at Hawkey's T'ccs: MarSnec, 25 50- 2550751.00. Scedb frrwn the dantitest an most turhef ril iif imusical jiajs jTh -Giri Of My Dreams'' at the Academy Weds esday Matinee and Night.

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